English - Accredited Laboratories
English - Accredited Laboratories
SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Intertek Testing Services (ITS) Canada LTD. 201-111 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 3R2 Accredited Laboratory No. 397 (Conforms with requirements of CAN-P-1587 , CAN-P-4E (ISO/IEC 17025:2005)) CONTACT: TEL: FAX: EMAIL: URL: Ms. Bonnie Larson +1 306 934 3600 +1 306 934 3636 [email protected] www.intertek.com CLIENTS SERVED: All interested parties FIELDS OF TESTING: Biological, Chemical/Physical PROGRAM SPECIALTY Agriculture Inputs, Food, Animal Health and Plant Protection AREA: (PSA-AFAP) ISSUED ON: 2015-05-19 VALID TO: 2017-06-20 ANIMAL AND PLANTS (AGRICULTURE) Foods and Edible Products: (Human and Animal Consumption) (Biological) ISO 10272-1 ISO 21528-1 MFHPB-10 MFHPB-18 MFHPB-19 MFHPB-20 MFHPB-21 Detection and Enumeration of Campylobacter spp Detection Method Detection and Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae - MPN Isolation of Escherichia coli O157:H7/NM from Foods and Environmental Surface Samples Determination of the Aerobic Colony Count in Foods Enumeration of Coliforms, Faecal Coliforms and of E. coli in Foods Using the MPN Method Isolation and Identification of Salmonella From Foods and Environmental Samples Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in Foods The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do Page 1 of 3 Standards Council of Canada Accredited Laboratory No. 397 MFHPB-22 MFHPB-23 MFHPB-30 MFHPB-33 MFHPB-34 MFLP-21 MFLP-25 MFLP-38 MFLP-39 MFLP-42 MFLP-71 MFLP-74 MFLP-83 USP 2021 USP 2022 USP 61 USP 62 Enumeration of Yeasts and Moulds in Foods Enumeration of Clostridium Perfringens in Foods Isolation of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria spp. from Foods and Environmental Samples Enumeration of Total Aerobic Bacteria in Food Products and Food Ingredients Using 3MTM PetrifilmTM Aerobic Count Plates Enumeration of Escherichia coli and Coliforms in Food Products and Food Ingredients Using 3MTM PetrifilmTM E. coli Count Plates Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in Foods and Environmental Samples using 3MTM PetrifilmTM Staph Express Count (STX) Plates Isolation and Identification of Shigella spp. from Foods Detection of Salmonella spp. from all foods and selected environmental surfaces using iQ-CheckTM Salmonella Real-Time PCR Test Kit Detection of Listeria spp. from Environmental Surfaces and Heat Processed Ready to Eat Meat and Poultry Using iQ-CheckTM Listeria spp. Real-Time PCR Test Kit Isolation and Enumeration of the Bacillus Cereus Group in Foods Detection of Listeria spp. in Foods and Environmental Samples Using the Oxoid Listeria Rapid Test Enumeration of Listeria monocyogenes in Foods Detection of Verotoxins VT1 and VT2 from Esherichia Coli O157:H7/NM by the Merk Duopath Verotoxin Kit Microbial Enumeration Tests - Nutritional and Dietary Supplements Microbiological Procedures for Absence of Specified Microorganisms - Nutritional and Dietary Supplements. Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Microbial Enumeration Tests Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products: Tests for Specified Microrganisms (Chemical and Physical) AFLA-01 AFLA-02 ASH-02 CHOLES-01 FTDF-02 GLUT-02 MOIS-02 MOIS-07 Aflatoxin Levels in Food and Feed using ELISA Aflatoxins by HPLC Ash Content of Food, Flour, Meat and Feedstuffs Cholesterol in Foods Total, Soluble and Insoluble Dietary Fiber In Foods Gluten Allergen in Foods & Environmental Samples (Quantitative Test) Moisture - Air Oven Method Moisture and Volatile Matter in Oilseeds The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do Page 2 of 3 Standards Council of Canada Accredited Laboratory No. 397 OCH-01 OCH-02 OIL-01 pH-01 PROT-01 PROT-02 SUG-02 TFAT-01 VITA-02 VITC-02 VOM-01 WA-01 Ochratoxin Levels in Food and Feed - using ELISA Ochratoxin A by HPLC Oil Content of Oilseeds (Two Step Method) pH of Foods including Foods in Hermetically Sealed Containers Crude Protein by Kjeldahl Crude Protein by Combustion Total Sugars in Food Products by HPLC Total Fat and Fatty Acids in Foods, Fats and Oils Vitamin A (Retinol and β-carotene) in Foods by HPLC Vitamin C in Foods by HPLC Vomitoxin Levels in Food and Feed - using ELISA Water Activity in Food Products Notes: CAN-P-4E (ISO/CEI 17025:2005): General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories (ISO/CEI 17025-2005) CAN-P-1587: Requirements for the Accreditation of Agriculture Inputs, Food, Animal Health and Plant Protection Testing Laboratories. ISO/TS: International Organization for Standardization - Technical Specification MFLP: Health Canada, The Compendium of Analytical Methods, Procedures for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods MFHPB: Health Canada, The Compendium of Analytical Methods, HPB Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods USP: United States Pharmacopeia Chantal Guay, ing., P. Eng. Vice President, Accreditation Services Date: 2015-05-19 Number of Scope Listings: 45 SCC 1003-15/437 Partner File #0 Partner: None The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do Page 3 of 3