here - Palisades Swim Club


here - Palisades Swim Club
PO Box 192, PALISADES, NY 10964
[email protected]
May 2015
Your Board of Directors is pleased to welcome you to another season of swimming,
tennis and fun for the whole family. We anticipate another enjoyable and safe season for
We are delighted to have Dennis Kiely returning again to the pool management team this
year as Head Manager. Working alongside him will be Jen Walpole, returning this year
as an Assistant Pool Manager and Kelsey Shea, new to an Assistant Pool Manager
position this year but a longtime veteran of the lifeguard staff. At least one pool manager
will be at the Club whenever it is open. If you encounter any issue during your visits,
please don’t hesitate to speak to one of them about it. We are confident that the swim
club will run smoothly in the hands of these experienced, enthusiastic managers. You can
also speak with a lifeguard or staff member, recognizable by their red or white shirts
We will continue to use the electronic Membership Management System to enforce the
Club Bylaws, which state that membership in the Club shall consist of family units
residing in the same household. All members, adults and children, must have an ID card,
and must bring their ID card with them to sign in at the front office at every visit the
Club. New members must provide proof-of-residency for the Primary Member (the
bondholder and typically the head-of-household), and the Associate Member (Spouse or
significant other). Examples of valid proof-of-residency include a tax bill and a utility bill
(electricity, water) with the name(s) of the Primary and/or Associate Member on them.
Driver’s licenses are NO LONGER acceptable as valid proof-of-residency. Existing
members that have misplaced their ID cards, or have cards that have become damaged
and are unusable, can also have new cards made on opening weekend. There is a $5
replacement fee for each lost or damaged ID card.
You can pay when the new card is issued or have the fee added to your guest fee bill.
While we are aware that these are difficult economic times for some, the Club is still an
organization that requires cash flow to operate and remain well-maintained. As such, all
membership dues are to be paid prior to the open of the 2015 season. We will
unfortunately not be able to issue or renewMembership ID cards unless/until dues are
paid in full. You can also pay your dues using a Paypal account. Information on how
to do this can be found on the club’s website,
Additionally, you can find the latest information on Club opening dates/times and special
events on the club website and our Facebook page. The Facebook page is a good place to
get up-to-the-minute information on storm closures or other urgent news. A request to
join is usually answered within 24-48 hours. Our website provides links to the club ByLaws and Rules of the Club. Please take the time to read the Rules of the Club carefully
before the season is underway. This will help ensure a safe and enjoyable season for all.
For those interested in holding an event at the pool, our policy requires Board permission
for any party having 20 or more invited guests. Please send an email to
[email protected] or call the Club front office at 845-848-2188 at least two
weeks prior to the planned event. A Board member will contact you for more details.
After several successful activities last year, such as our ice cream social and our tennis
day activities celebrating the court renovations, we are again planning for some fun club
activities this season, to encourage a sense of community and family fun. Some ideas
being discussed include Boot Camp classes for parents during kid swim lessons in July,
Friday night potluck and movies, and more. Look for information in your inbox or posted
at the Club once the season opens. If you have ideas for other activities you’d like to see
at the Club, please be sure to submit them in the Suggestion Box installed near the club
entrance or contact us via email.
1. Remember, anyone wishing to sell their bond MUST do so through the Club.
2. Both of our Tennis Pros, Karen Massaro and Mike Deming will be returning this
summer and will be offering private/group lessons. You can reach Karen at (551) 4272151 or by email [email protected] . You can reach Mike at 845-641-8595.
3. Early morning swimming (6:00am7:00am) will be available three mornings a week to
those interested, for a small additional fee to cover the costs of a lifeguard for the hour.
The start/end dates for this program will be determined shortly, along with the days of the
week it will run. Please contact Board Member Bonnie Ray ([email protected];
845-893-7922) for more information.
4. Thanks to all swimmers who have already sent in their tear-off forms. For the rest of
you who would like to swim for the Swim Team, please send in the form as soon as
possible. Go to swim team information link on our website
NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. Talk to your friends and recruit for
our team! We need as many swimmers as possible!!
5. SWIM INSTRUCTION – Once again, we will be offering children’s swim instruction
for 2 two-week sessions in July. This beginner instruction class is free to all member
children and we urge you to avail yourself of it. Sign up at the front desk is required.
The sessions will take place on weekdays, beginning Monday, July 6th and continuing
through Friday July 31st, as follows:
a. 10:00-10:30 Beginners
b. 10:30-11:00 Intermediate
6. The Guest Fees for 2015 continue to be: Weekdays: Adults $8.00, Children over 5
and under 16 $4.00 Weekends: Adults $10.00, Children over 5 and under 16 $5.00
Also, please be advised that any Nannies, Au Pairs or Babysitters will be considered
guests or Special Members, therefore members will be charged accordingly. As of 2014,
special memberships will only be offered to Nannies, Au Pairs, Babysitters or
Grandparents. Please be advised that Nannies, Au Pairs and Babysitters may only come
on to the property with their charges. Special Members fees are as follows: Adult (16
years and over) $15.00 per week; $50.00 per month; $100.00 per season. Included is a
special membership form that can be dropped off, with the appropriate check, at the front
desk or sent to the PO Box.
7. The 2015 pool hours shall be as follows: (weather permitting)
Saturday, May 23 - Noon to 7:00 P.M.
Sunday, May 24 - Noon to 7:00 P.M.
Monday, May 25 - Noon to 7:00 P.M.
May 26 – June 21
Weekends Noon to 7:00 P.M.
June 15– June 19
Weekdays 3:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. (subject to weather)
June 22– June 26
Weekdays Noon to 7:00 P.M.
June 27 – July 31
Daily 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
(including weekends)
August 1 – Labor Day
Daily 10:00 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. or Sunset, whichever comes earliest (including
8. It is expected that members should begin leaving the pool 15 minutes before
closing time, at which time the gates will be locked. This rule will be strictly
9. We are continuing a lap lane Monday-Friday from 10:00AM to 1:00PM and from
6:00PM to closing. During this time there will be no adult swim, however, at all other
points during the day, adult swim will continue. The lap lane schedule will be strictly
enforced. As needed, we will increase the lap swim area by one lane during the busiest
lap swim periods.