

March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
11 a.m.
Prelude to Te Deum
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1644-1704)
Leader: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
People: And also with you.
Rise Up Singing!
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
arr. P. Liebergen
from Psalm 118:26 and Zechariah 9:9
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!
Lo, your king comes to you;
triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding
on a donkey.
Leader: Let us worship God.
HYMN 196
All Glory, Laud and Honor
Valet will ich dir geben
Palm Processional. Children are invited to remain in front row through the baptisms.
Please stand or sit.
As a courtesy to others, please turn off your cell phone and no flash photography during the service.
I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.
And you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
Let us pray:
Lord, we do cry out to you “Hosanna.” Save us, Lord, even
when we pretend to not need salvation. Heal us, Lord, for
our sins are too great to bear. Though we confess you as
Lord with our lips, we deny it with our actions. In your
mercy, forgive our sins, amend our ways, and lead us into
everlasting life.
(Silent prayer)
Friends, believe the Good News.
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.
(Glory to God, #581)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.
HYMN 197
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
The Triumphal Entry
Mark 11:1-3, 7-10 (pg. 48)
Elder Bud McFarlane
Jesus Prays in Gethsemane
Mark 14:32, 36-41 (pg. 53)
Elder Vicki Pedrick
The Betrayal and Arrest
Mark 14:43-46, 50 (pg. 53)
Elder Bob Sole
Jesus Before the Council
Mark 14:60-65 (pg. 53)
Elder Jay Grauberger
Handed Over to Be Crucified
Mark 15:6-15 (pg. 54)
Elder Matthew Taylor
He Was Despised, from Messiah George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Marta Kirilloff Barber, mezzo-soprano
HYMN 198
A Man of Sorrows
Rev. Camille Cook Murray
Ride On! Ride On in Majesty!
St. Drostane
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the
Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell; the third day
He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and sitteth on
the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall
come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion
of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and
the life everlasting. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy
kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
glory, forever. Amen.
(Passing of the Fellowship Books)
None Other Lamb
(Glory to God, #607)
Craig Courtney (b.1965)
Old Hundredth
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God all creatures
here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son,
and Holy Ghost. Amen.
HYMN 224
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
(Please be seated after the benediction)
Lord, Why Have You Forsaken Me
Walker’s Southern Harmony, 1835
O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß
J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
One Great Hour of Sharing
Today you may designate your offering for “One Great Hour of Sharing,”
a ministry of the PC(USA) that helps with disaster assistance, hunger, and
development around the world. Please join us in supporting our sisters and
brothers throughout the world by placing your donation in the pew envelope
or writing “OGHS” on the memo line of your check.
The sopranos and altos of the GPC choir are in the loft this morning.
Marta Kirilloff Barber sings the moving meditation from Handel's Messiah,
“He Was Despised.” During the offering, the choir presents a setting by
American composer Craig Courtney of a poem titled “None Other Lamb”
by Christina Rossetti (1830-1894).
The floral arrangements in the Chancel today are given to the Glory of God
by Barbara Bowie-Whitman, celebrating the life of her father, Robert Gerald
Bowie (March 29, 1916 – April 2, 1981).
The wreath on the baptismal font is given today by Lauren and Brian
Stocker in honor of the baptism of their daughters, Anne Martha and
Katherine Rose Stocker.
The ushers for March are Russell Porter, Captain; Elizabeth Avery,
Alex Bullock, Phil Fleming, Karl Mattison, Lewis Mattison, David Roll and
Nancy Roll.
Today after the service, visitors and members are cordially invited to join us
in the Georgetown Room for Lunch Bunch.
Assisted listening devices may be found at the back of the sanctuary. Each
device comes with a headset, but you may bring your own from home to plug
in. Please let the ushers or Alex Ray know if you have any problems.
Readings are from the New Revised Standard Version translation of the Bible
unless otherwise indicated. Blue Bibles are located at the end of each pew.
Children’s Ministries
During the service, Children’s Worship continues after the baptisms:
• 2s-1st grade, escorted by leader upstairs to the West Worship Room for
Young Children & Worship
• 2nd-4th grade, to Chapel for Children’s Church
YCW children should be collected upstairs by their parents immediately
after the service. All children are welcome to remain with their families in the
service and age-appropriate worship bags are available in the narthex.
Our congregation has been welcoming members and visitors to worship on
the Lord’s Day since March 16, 1780.
If you are visiting today, we extend a special welcome and invite you to
introduce yourself to a pastor or speak with an usher if you have any questions.
If you are looking for a church home and would like to talk with a pastor,
please fill out the fellowship book in the pew today or call the church office.
To learn more about our history and who we are, we invite you to explore our
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday Service
March 29 11 a.m.
Maundy Thursday
Communion Service
April 2 6:30 p.m.
Good Friday
Georgetown Ecumenical Service
at GPC (description at right)
April 3 12 p.m.
Easter Services
April 5 9:30 a.m. communion
April 5 11:15 a.m.
Good Friday Ecumenical Service
Join the Georgetown community at
GPC on April 3 as we host the
Georgetown Clergy Association’s
Annual Ecumenical Service marking
the Seven Last Words of Christ.
Music of François Couperin with
soloist, cello and organ. Service lasts
90 minutes, but you may come and
leave at any point. An offering
benefits the Georgetown Ministry
Center. Please help us welcome our
fellow Georgetowners on this
important day in our church year.
Note: Because we are hosting this
service, there will be no evening
Good Friday GPC service this year.
Lenten Reading Group
Wednesday, April 1
10 a.m. to noon
Washington Room
“The Criminals With Him” is a Good
Friday sermon preached by theologian
Karl Barth. He proclaims that the first
Christian fellowship was between Jesus
and the two criminals hanging on the
cross. Yes, even the unrepentant one!
Come for deep and hearty discussion,
Wednesday, April 1, 10 am to noon.
Email [email protected], or pick up
a copy outside the sanctuary today.
“Faith Stories” Presents:
Robert “Bud” McFarlane
Tonight at 5 p.m.
Youth Room
Mr. McFarlane is a GPC elder and
life-long Presbyterian whose faith
has served him through many
decades of work here in DC and
abroad. All youth are welcome and
dinner will be served afterwards so
please email [email protected] or
talk to a pastor after church.
Season of Service during Lent
During our Season of Service,
members of GPC contributed
hundreds of hours of service and
raised thousands of dollars for
mission here and around the world.
Thank you! To celebrate what we’ve
done together, and look forward to
where God is leading us next, please
join us for worship and a special
Punch Bunch on Sunday, April 12.
You’ll see pictures, hear testimony,
and see the impact GPC is having on
our community.
Children’s Easter Programs
Please note: There is no Sunday School or
Children’s Church on Easter.
• Young Children in Worship meets
upstairs during both services for
ages 3 through 1st grade.
• The Annual Easter Egg Hunt for
children up through 5th grade will
be held between the two services
from 10:40 until 11:10 a.m. in the
downstairs Colonial Room.
• Nursery care during both services
from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Easter Flower Dedications
Today—Bulletin Deadline
To contribute to our Easter Flowers,
please complete a donation sheet (in
the narthex) and place it in the offering
plate or return it to the church office.
Today is the deadline for flower
dedications in the Easter bulletin.
Easter Flower Enthusiasts
Saturday April 4, 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Join Flower Committee members in
the Colonial Room to arrange the
hundreds of flowers for our Easter
sanctuary displays. No experience is
necessary, however space is limited
to 15. To reserve your spot, please
email [email protected] or
call 202-306-1521.
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
Young Children & Worship
Lunch Bunch
12:15pm Confirmation Class
Georgetown Sunday Dinner
Youth Group
Tuesday, March 31
Staff meeting
Knitting Group
Wednesday, April 1
Lenten Reading Group
Midweek Bible Study
Thursday, April 2
Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, April 3
G’town Ecumenical Good
Friday Service
Sunday, April 5
Choir Rehearsal
Nursery opens
Worship – Easter (communion)
Young Children & Worship
(2s thru 2nd grade)
Punch on the Porch
Easter Egg Hunt for children
(2s thru 4th grade)
Worship - Easter
Young Children & Worship
(2s-2nd gr.)
Punch on the Porch
Georgetown Sunday Dinner
Daily Readings
Mark 15:1-47
John 12:1-11
John 12:20-36
Wednesday John 13:21-30
Thursday John 13:1-17; 31b-35
John 18:1-19:42
Matthew 27:57-66
John 20:1-18
Church Staff
Senior Pastor
Rev. Camille Cook Murray
[email protected]
Associate Pastor/Christian Education
Rev. Rachel Landers Vaagenes
[email protected]
Associate Pastor/Mission
Rev. Christopher Chatelaine-Samsen
[email protected]
Director of Music
Mark Willey
[email protected]
Office Manager
Mary Ellen Cain
[email protected]
Interim Bookkeeper
Kathryn Parent
[email protected]
Contract Custodian
Clifford Ford
[email protected]
Happy Birthday
March 29
Doug Elliott
March 30
Karla Addess
David Bernabucci
March 31
Anabel Crane
Alexander Martens
April 1
Jayden Thomas
April 2
Katherine Buckley
Diane Whatley
April 3
Stuart Farrell
Tracey Price
April 4
Alan Dye
The Georgetown Presbyterian Church began in 1760 as a small group of
worshipers and organized into a church in 1780 under the eminent Stephen
Bloomer Balch, Revolutionary War soldier and pupil of religious leader John
Witherspoon. It was the first Presbyterian Church in what was to become modernday Washington, DC, and is the oldest DC church of any denomination with an
unbroken ministry. Until long after the national capital was established, many of
Washington’s baptisms, weddings and funerals were solemnized in our church.
People of all denominations worshiped with us, including many leaders of the
young republic.
In 1782 our congregation erected the first – and for many years the only –
Protestant church building in Georgetown. Additions were made in 1794 with
Thomas Jefferson among the contributors. A rare charter, still in effect, was granted
in 1806 to “the Presbyterian Congregation in George Town” by an act of
Congress signed by President Jefferson. In 1810 our seal, with its seven stars and
Bible, was given to the church by the superintendent of the Mint. In 1821,
President Monroe laid the cornerstone for the beautiful Bridge Street building
which was moved fifty years later to our present site, where President Grant laid
the cornerstone. This is the building which we have since restored and in which we
now worship.
Our church pioneered in both the religious and cultural life of this community. In
1781, Dr. Balch became headmaster of the Columbian Academy to which George
Washington sent his nephews and wards, and later a school for girls was founded. Dr.
Balch wrote the first book published in the District of Columbia and he helped
found the first public library. Out of our church and under Dr. Balch’s broad-minded
leadership, Episcopal, Methodist and Presbyterian churches were established in
Washington and Maryland.
Our church bell tolled all day when President Washington died. In our church
George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of Martha Washington and father-inlaw of Robert E. Lee, delivered a speech on Napoleon’s defeat. Memorial services
for President William Henry Harrison were conducted here in 1841. During the Civil
War, our building became a hospital for both Union and Confederate soldiers,
including casualties from the Second Battle of Manassas and the Battle of
Fredericksburg. In these and in other ways, this church identifies with the history of
the nation it continues to serve.
Rev. Camille Cook Murray, Senior Pastor
Rev. Rachel Landers Vaagenes, Associate Pastor for Christian Education
Rev. Christopher Chatelaine-Samsen, Associate Pastor for Mission
Mark Willey, Director of Music
John Lintner, Director of Music Emeritus
3115 P Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007   202.338.1644