Scholarships 2014-2015 - Peabody Public Schools
Scholarships 2014-2015 - Peabody Public Schools
To the Parents and Students of PVMHS: This booklet has been prepared to assist you in researching the scholarship opportunities available to graduates of Peabody Veterans Memorial High School. No listing of scholarships can be all inclusive, but we have tried to include those for which Peabody residents are eligible. Included are scholarships to which our students have traditionally applied. Check frequently in PVMHS guidance offices, the Guidance Center and on the website for any changes and/or new scholarships. ( and go to “Quick Links” on the right side of the PVMHS web page. This will bring you to the site where you can access this booklet, and all of the applications.) Check this scholarship booklet weekly for updates. All updates will be highlighted in yellow. TBA = “To Be Announced”. There are numerous scholarships available at the state and national level as well. Some of this information can be obtained on-line and from the financial aid offices of the colleges and universities to which our students apply. To make things easier this year, we have created three types of scholarship applications, all which can be found in the Guidance Center and on the PVMHS website. The In-House Application is to be filled out only once. The applicant checks off the scholarships they would like to be considered for on the back page. These scholarship recipients are to be determined by an “In-House Scholarship Committee”. Please hand the completed In-House Application to your Guidance Counselor so they can make sure it is complete. Scholarships 2014-2015 The Universal Application is used by donors who have agreed to use our application, but they will decide the recipients themselves. Students must make copies of this application package for all scholarships they are applying to that use the Universal Application. Write the name of the scholarship on the top of each Universal Application. The completed Universal Applications need to be handed in to your Guidance Counselor so they can make sure it is complete. Peabody Veterans Memorial High School The third type of application is the Donor Application. With the Donor Application, the donors have their own application and make the decision on their own. It is VERY IMPORTANT FOR STUDENTS TO READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY, as some need to be sent in directly to the donors (requiring stamps and an envelope) and others need to be handed into their Guidance Counselor. **All scholarships needing transcripts must be handed into their Guidance Counselor at least two working days before the scholarship is due for processing. **Printed copies of this booklet are available in the Guidance Center** Date last updated: 4/17/15 1 LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIVATELY SPONSORED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS ANDREW METROPOLIS HISTORY SCHOLARHIP Donor: Peabody Historical Society Amount of Award: $2,500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating member of the 2015 senior class of PVMHS who resides in Peabody and is committed to pursuing a degree in History, Museum Studies, Historic Preservation or Political Science. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/11/15 ADAM L. SLAVEN SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family of Adam L.Slaven Amount of Award: $1,000.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Awarded to a student pursuing a degree at a two or four year college or vocational program. To qualify student must fall into one of the following categories: Member of PVMHS Hockey team, continuing in Education, continuing in Music Technology/Music Media Communication/Art Graphic Related Media Education, or continuing in Automotive Repair & Mechanics Vocation. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/15/15 ANNA NICONCHUK SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Anna Niconchuk Scholarship Trust Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Top five graduating seniors who are pursuing a 4 year degree. Application: NO APPLICATION AGGANIS FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Agganis Foundation Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: Student/Athlete must reside or attend a school in Lynn, Lynnfield, Marblehead, Nahant, Peabody, Salem, Saugus and/or Swampscott; or reside and attend school in Boston; participate in a minimum of one varsity sport; attend an MIAA member school at the time of application; and is accepted at a four-year accredited college. Application: Use Donor Application Deadline: 4/27/15 ANTHONY KOUTSOUKAS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTED BY THE PEABODY VETERANS COUNCIL Donor: Peabody Veterans Council Amount of Award: $600 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A Resident of Peabody. A student at a high school in Peabody, a direct descendant of a veteran of any Armed Service, who entered the service from the city of Peabody; who shows community service and leadership. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/27/15 ALLERGY & ASTHMA AWARENESS INITIATIVE OF PEABODY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: AAAI of Peabody Amount of Award: $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior that has allergies and or asthma and who is furthering their education at an accredited institution of higher education. This student must be a Peabody resident that is attending a high school in Peabody. This student must be a credit to the community and have good academic standing. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 ANTHONY “TONY” P. LEITAO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donor: Family of Tony Leitao Amount of Award: to be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class of 2015 who has taken at least one Accounting course in the Business Technology Department, has played a sport at PVMHS, and will be majoring in the Business Field. Application: Use Donor’s Application – Printed version is available next to the Business Department Head’s office. Electronic version is available on the school’s website. Deadline: 4/2/15 2 THE BOSTON FOUNDATION – HARRY ANKELES SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donor: The Boston Foundation Scholarship Committee Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: The scholarship will be limited to residents of the city of Peabody who graduated in 2015 from a high school in the city of Peabody. Application: Use Donor’s Application – Use one application for The Boston Foundation-Francis Bresnahan Scholarship, The Boston Foundation–Harry Ankeles Scholarship and Salem Country Club Scholarship. Deadline: 3/27/15 ARNOLD DOLLIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Mrs. Paula Dollin Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Family must be members of Temple Ner Tamid and/or Women’s League/Men’s Club. Applicant must be involved in school, community and synagogue, who is a dedicated student, and will put their talents to the good of society. (Student may be a notch or two below the top of the class.) Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/27/15 ARTHUR J. BARRY AND MARIE CURTIS BARRY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: G. Curtis Barry, MD Amount of Award: Varies – 1 boy/1 girl Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class who has demonstrated excellence in scholastics, athletics, & character. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 THE BOSTON FOUNDATION – FRANCIS J. BRESNAHAN EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donor: The Boston Foundation Scholarship Committee Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: The scholarship will be limited to residents of the city of Peabody who graduated in 2015 from a high school in the city of Peabody. Application: Use Donor’s Application – Use one application for The Boston Foundation-Francis Bresnahan Scholarship, The Boston Foundation–Harry Ankeles Scholarship and Salem Country Club Scholarship Deadline: 3/27/15 ARTHUR V. JOHNSON SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Donor: PVMHS Amount of Award: $250 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 BROOKSBY VILLAGE SCHOLARS AWARD Donor: Brooksby Village Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who is currently employed by Brooksby Village and meets all of the eligibility requirements. Application: Use Donor’s Application – See Mr. Daly at Brooksby Village for application. Deadline: SEE APPLICATION BARBARA RICH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and Friends of Barbara Rich Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: PVMHS Student who has attended the McCarthy Elementary School, excels in academics and is planning on attending a four-year college. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 BROWN SCHOOL – JAMES RICE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The Brown School – James Rice Memorial Scholarship Committee Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class from PVMHS, Bishop Fenwick or St. John’s Prep, who is a child or grandchild of a fire fighter, police officer, or ambulance worker. Applicant must reside in Peabody. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/1/15 3 BRUNO V. PIEROTTI SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Donor: PVMHS Amount of Award: $100 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class receiving a Vocational Certificate Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 CATHERINE ELLEN DECOULOS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Decoulos Family Amount of Award: $1500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who has been accepted to a two or four-year degree program in the Medical or Health Care field who has scholastic ability and financial need.. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 CAPTAIN JOSEPH W. O’KEEFE MEMORIAL SCHOL. FUND Donor: Family of Captain Joseph O’Keefe Amount of Award: $250 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class who is in financial need and is continuing his/her education in the area of Law, Law Enforcement, or Criminal Justice. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 CATHERINE L. BLODGETT NURSING SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Peabody Visiting Nurses Association Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who has been accepted to a four-year degree program in Nursing. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 CAPTAIN SAMUEL BROWN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPGEORGE E. OSBORNE Donor: Brown School P.T.O. Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Students who have attended the Captain Samuel Brown School through Grade 5 and are planning on furthering their education. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/1/15 CENTER SCHOOL P.T.O./TIMOTHY ROCHE SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Center School P.T.O. Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Former Center School student who is a member of the graduating class and is planning to pursue further education. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 THE CHARLOTTE ROSE BRAND ART SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The Brand Family Amount of Award: $1,000.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class of PVMHS who is pursuing a career in the “Arts”. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 CAPTAIN SAMUEL BROWN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPLOUIS J. SURMAN Donor: Brown School P.T.O. Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Students who have attended the Captain Samuel Brown School through Grade 5 and are planning on furthering their education. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/1/15 CHORUS NORTH SHORE CHORAL ARTS AWARD Donor: Chorus North Shore Amount of Award: $1,000 Condition(s) of Eligibility: North Shore Massachusetts senior who will graduate with satisfactory grades and who demonstrates a dedication and a contribution to Choral Arts. Candidates must be planning to pursue a major in Music with a concentration of study in the area of Choral Conducting, Sacred Music, or Vocal Music Education and must be accepted at a school of higher learning that has a course of study in those areas. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: TBA CARROLL SCHOOL P.T.O. SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Carroll School P.T.O. Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Any member of the graduating class who graduated from the Carroll School and had definite plans to further his/her education at a recognized post secondary school. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/24/15 4 CHRISTINE BARBUTO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and Friends Amount of Award: $2,500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who plans to major in Fashion Marketing, Nursing or Social Work. Additional essay required: “Tell us why you deserve this scholarship, what your plans for college are, and why you are interested in Fashion Marketing, Nursing, or Social Work.” Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application -Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 DANIEL HARRIGAN JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and Friends Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who is planning to major in Education at a Massachusetts State College, University or Community College. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 DANIEL W. SCRIBNER LIVING TRUST Donor: Family of Daniel W. Scribner Amount of Award: 1 male/1 female @ $5,000 each Condition(s) of Eligibility: Academic Scholarship - Two members of graduating class of 2014 with highest GPA. (Recipients are one male student and one female student). Application: No Application CLASS OF 1977 – WILLIAM A. WELCH, JR. SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Class of 1977 Amount of Award: $100.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE - ZELIA CHAPTER NO. 120 Donor: Zelia Chapter No. 120, Daughters of Penelope Amount of Award: $200 Conditions of Eligibility: A female graduate of 2015, primarily of Greek descent,, who exemplifies the characteristics of integrity, scholarship and leadership. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 3/13/15 – to your Guidance Counselor CORNELIA ELEANOR SHEEHAN SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Cornelia Eleanor Sheehan Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who is going on to college to major in English. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 COUGHLIN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF MELISSA BICK Donor: Coughlin Family Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who is planning to further their education in the field of English or Education, has demonstrated the ability to overcome difficulties in his/her life, has a positive attitude, and is involved in helping others. Additional essay required: "What obstacles have you overcome in your life?" Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application – Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 DEBORAH N. FREEDMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and friends Amount of Award: $400.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class of PVMHS who is planning to further their education in Art (i.e., Art Design, Fashion Design, Graphic Art, Art History, Medical Illustration, Photography, ect.). The applicant’s academic achievement and contribution to the high school will also be considered. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/17/15 DOROTHY FRANCES ROOME SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Amount of Award: $100 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who demonstrates excellence in the piano. Application: NO APPLICATION – See Mr. Simmons Deadline: TBA THE COURTNEY CORNING MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The Corning Family Amount of Award: $1,000.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating who will be continuing their education in Nursing. Scholarship is based on personality, grades and community service involvement. Application: Use PVMHS Universal application Deadline: 4/30/15 5 EDWARD C. BACHERMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and Friends Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who is planning to further their education in the field of Education or Political Science. Additional essay required: “Why I chose to major in Education or Political Science in college.” Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application-Attach above essay Deadline: 4/30/15 GRACE FITZPATRICK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and Friends of Grace Fitzpatrick Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the class who has successfully completed three Family Consumer Science courses. Students who plan to study Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Fashion Design and Marketing, or Food and Nutrition are eligible to apply. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 EDWARD GARABEDIAN SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Marian and Michael Garabedian Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who will be attending a college or university. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 GREEN PEABODY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Green Peabody Committee Amount of Award: $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating high school senior who is a permanent Peabody resident. Selection will be based on the student’s specific performance academically and in his/her community that is related to environmental initiatives. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/15/15 ELAINE A. ESPINDLE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family of Elaine Espindle Amount of Award: $125.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior of PVMHS who is planning to further their education and has shown interest and excellence in English. Application: Use Donor Application Deadline: 4/30/15 GREG & CHARLOTTE SOWYRDA SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donor: Greg and Charlotte Sowyrda Amount of Award: $2,000 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class planning to further their education. Must be in the top 40% of their class and have participated in a varsity or club sport. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/15/15 FRANK AND PATRICIA O’KEEFE ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donor: Frank & Patricia O’Keefe Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class who has been accepted to UMass Amherst and has financial need. This scholarship is based on FASFA results. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 HIGGINS MIDDLE SCHOOL P.T.O. SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Higgins P.T.O. Amount of Award: 3 @ $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Graduate of Higgins Middle School. Essay & Transcript required. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 GAINSBORO STUDIO SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: A student on the yearbook staff who has contributed the most to the success of the yearbook. Must be attending a two or four-year college. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 ITALIAN AMERICAN CITIZENS CLUB Donor: Italian American Club Amount of Award: $1,000. Condition(s) of Eligibility: Son/Daughter or relative of a member of the Italian American Citizen Club or resident of Peabody. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/1/15 6 J. HENRY HIGGINS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS of Award: $300 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who has financial need and aspiring to a career in Law or Education. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 JOHN E. BURKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Burke School P.T.O. Amount of Award: $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Former graduate of the John E. Burke School who is currently graduating from high school and planning further education. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 JACK WILSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHP Donor: The Wilson Family Amount of Award: 1 @ $1,000. Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class of PVMHS who is furthering their education at a post secondary institution. A student who shows good academics, character, and must be part of Student Government at PVMHS. Additional essay required: “Explain the importance of Student Government.” Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application-Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 JOHN E. MCCARTHY MEMORIAL SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: McCarthy School PTO Amount of Award: 2 @ $500.00 each Condition(s) of Eligibility: Graduating high school seniors who have moved on from 5th grade at the McCarthy School. The applicant must plan to further their education. Application: Use Donor Application Deadline: 4/29/15 JOHN J. O’CONNOR, JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Janet O’Connor Amount of Award: $250.00 – 1 boy/1 girl Condition(s) of Eligibility: A well rounded individual who lives in the city of Peabody, who is a good citizen in school affairs and/or community, who is planning on furthering their education and has financial need. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 JAMES GEANOULIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Geanoulis Family Amount of Award: $500. Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class of PVMHS who has been accepted to and plans to attend a 4 year college. Candidate must be active in school activities and sports. Additional essay required: “Explain the effect James Geanoulis had on your life. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 JUDITH ANNE RAPONI CHILD/PARENT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Marian Garabedian and Family Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: PVMHS student who has lost his/her parent while attending school. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 JEANETTE AND SUSAN GAIL FEINSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP Donor: George Feinstein Amount of Award: $200. Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who has been accepted to and plans to attend college. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 KATHERINE GRANT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Class of 2010 Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: A PVMHS graduate who will be going to college in the fall, who has maintained a “B” average during their high school career and is involved in at least one school activity. Additional essay required: Describe a difficult event in your life and explain how a positive attitude helped you get through it. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application – Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 JENNA ANGELA BUCKLEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Mr. Eric Buckley and Family Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Students enrolled in a two or four-year college program. This scholarship will be based on financial need, academics, extracurricular activities and character. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 7 KENNETH S. LIPMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Mrs. Kenneth Lipman Amount of Award: $200 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class planning to attend a post-secondary institution. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 MASSACHUSETTS RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION Donor: MRA and the NRA Education Foundation Amount of Award: Up to $2,000.00. Conditions of Eligibility: A high school senior who has a minimum grade point average of 2.65; who has performed a minimum of 250 hours of a Culinary Arts/Restaurant/Food-Service related work experience; and has been accepted to a Culinary Arts/Restaurant/Food-Service related post-secondary program full or part-time and plans to enroll in at least 2 terms. Website: Application: Use Donor’s Application @ Deadline: TBA LENNY DEROSA CULINARY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Mrs. Joann DeRosa Amount of Award: $1,000 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior of PVMHS who is continuing their education in Culinary Arts. A student who loves the Culinary Arts and is ready to give what it takes to be successful in it. Must have a good attitude, is a hard worker, and has that special “spark” to be a good chef. Additional essay required: “Explain why you want a career in Culinary Arts.” Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application-Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 McCARTHY FAMILY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The McCarthy Family Foundation Amount of Award: Two Scholarships at $10,000. each Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class of PVMHS who is enrolled in a four year program. Student must be in the top 25% of their class, shown great character and have a financial need. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/15/15 MARK J. EUGENIO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The Eugenio Family Amount of Award: $1,000 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior who is enrolled in CP1 or CP2 classes, who is attending a state school, and majoring in Criminal Justice. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 MENS CLUB TEMPLE NER TAMID Donor: Temple Ner Tamid Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: Students entering their first year of college, or equivalent institution of higher learning. Scholarship eligibility is limited to children whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are members of the Temple. Eligible students must meet a minimum set of Judaic and academic requirements. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: TBA MARY UPTON FERRIN ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Donor: The Ferrin Group Amount of Award: $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A female who resides, works or attends school in Peabody for at least three years. This individual must participate in a community based civic, economic, or cultural initiative, serves as an outstanding role model for others and has been faced with unique challenges. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/1/15 METRO CREDIT UNION FINANCIAL LITERACY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Metro Credit Union Amount of Award: $1,000. Condition(s) of Eligibility: Offered to a graduate enrolled or has been enrolled in the Banking & Finance Practicum class at PVMHS (Teller Intern at the Metro Credit Union at PVMHS). Must be a well rounded individual who is involved in the community and has a strong academic resume. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 MASSACHUSETTS ELKS SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The Massachusetts Elks Association Amount of Award: Determined by the organization Condition(s) of Eligibility: Graduating senior who will be attending a fouryear college, who demonstrates financial need, good grades and citizenship. Application: Use Donor’s Application – Use Original Application in Guidance Office only. No copies accepted. Deadline: TBA 8 MICHAEL CASSIDY-WELCH SCHOOL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and Friends Amount of Award: $1,000 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who attended the Welch School. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA Donor: Grand Lodge of Massachusetts Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: Graduating senior who will be attending a four year college, including vocational and/or technical school approved by the scholarship commission. The commission will base their decision on scholastics, citizenship and activities. Application: Use Donor’s Application - Deadline: 2/2/15 MNLA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Mass. Nursery and Landscape Assoc. Amount of Award: $500 per college semester Condition(s) of Eligibility: Applicant must be majoring in Horticulture or related sciences. Application: Use Donor’s Application – Deadline: TBA PAULA AND EVELYN DOLAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Thomas Dolan Amount of Award: $250 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A hard working, dedicated student who attended the Captain Samuel Brown Elementary School, who is interested in teaching kids with learning disabilities, and needs financial assistance for college or special training. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 MORRIS AND FRANCES ANKELES SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Ms. Debra Ankeles & Mrs. Susan Ankleles Wilchins Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who will be attending the University of Massachusetts - Amherst and has financial need. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 PEABODY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Peabody Chamber of Commerce Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Resident of the City of Peabody or parent/guardian who is the owner or employee of a Peabody Chamber of Commerce Member Business or applicant must be employed by a Peabody Chamber of Commerce Member Business. Applicant must be planning to attend a post-secondary institution. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/10/15 NORTHEAST HOSPITAL CORP. MEDICAL STAFF SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Northeast Hospital Corp. Amount of Award: $2500. Conditions: A graduating high school senior, pursuing a college education in a program related to medical or dental field, i.e. pre-med, pre-dental, physician assistant, nursing therapy, laboratory or radiologic technology, dental hygiene, etc. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/17/15 PEABODY CITY COUNCIL STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY Donor: Peabody School Committee Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who has participated in the Student Government Day. Application: NO APPLICATION – Recipient(s) selected at Student Government Day. NORTH SHORE WOMEN IN BUSINESS (NSWIB) - LESLEY FOX DENNY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: North Shore Women in Business Amount of Award: $1,000.00 Conditions: A graduating high school female senior, pursuing a college education in the field of Business or related studies. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 2/28/15 9 PEABODY GARDEN CLUB SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Peabody Garden Club Amount of Award: $300.00 Condition(s) of eligibility: Graduating senior of an accredited public, vocational or charter high school who is furthering his/her education in Horticulture, growing all types of plants, including flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees and shrubs or Environmental Science affecting wildlife and plant conservation, also, any student pursuing an education in Landscape Architecture. The candidate must be able to demonstrate that you have contributed to a community service project(s), either on the local or regional level, within the last two years. Application: Use Donor Application Deadline: 4/1/15 PEABODY ROTARY CLUB OF PEABODY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The Rotary Club Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: Applicant must be a Peabody resident, graduating senior of an accredited public, private, parochial, vocational, or charter high school. They must be accepted to an accredited institution of higher education or vocational training program. They must be able to demonstrate that they reached out to others through community service either locally, regionally or internationally. Application: Use Donor’s Application -, Website:,PVMHS Guidance Center, or School website Deadline: 4/15/15 PEABODY INSTRUMENTAL PARENTS SENIOR OUTSTANDING COMMITMENT AWARD (PIP) Donor: Parents of the Committee Amount of Award: $300.00 Condition(s) of eligibility: Member of the graduating class at PVMHS involved with the PVMHS Band. Application: Use Donor’s Application distributed by “PIP” Deadline: TBA PEABODY WOMENS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Peabody Women’s Club Amount of Award: $500. Condition(s) of Eligibility: A student who has attended PVMHS for four years with an 82% or higher. This scholarship is based on financial need. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 PEABODY LADIES LODGE #1964 – ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA Donor: Peabody Ladies Lodge Amount of Award: $300.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Awarded to two high school students of the 2015 graduating class based on the following: Italian descent, scholastic achievement, extra curricular and community activities as well as employment, and resident of Peabody. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/26/15 PETER T. ANGELAKIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family of Peter Angelakis Amount of Award: $750.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the 2015 graduating class of PVMHS who is a resident of Peabody and is enrolled in a 2 or 4 year accredited college or program with the intention of starting his/her own business. Additional essay required: Please write an essay describing the business you would like to create or develop and how it would benefit your community. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application – Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 PEABODY/LYNN EMBLEM CLUB #2 Donor: Peabody/Lynn Emblem Club #2 Amount of Award: $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A resident of Peabody or the son or daughter of a member of the Peabody/Lynn Emblem Club #2 who is graduating from Peabody High School and has been accepted to a college or higher institution of learning which gives a recognized degree. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: TBA PETER A. TORIGIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donor: Family of Peter Torigian Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior who is furthering their education at a post secondary institution. This student must be a Peabody resident who has participated in community service in the City of Peabody during high school, and must have leadership qualities through their academic, athletic or social activities. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/10/15 10 PHILLIP A. WOOD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Donor: Phillip A. Wood Scholarship Committee Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who will major in Forestry, Botany, Conservation, Horticulture, Soil Service, Plant Biology, Watershed Management, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Biology, Animal and Veterinary Services, Park & Recreation Management, Fire Suppression and Prevention or related field. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/4/15 PVMHS BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Business Department Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who has taken a minimum of 15 credits in the Business Technology. Department., and will be majoring in the Business or Tech Field. Application: Use Donor’s Application – Printed version is available next to the Business Department Head’s office. Electronic version is available on the school’s website. Deadline: 4/2/15 PORTUGUESE AMERICANS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP. Donor: Portuguese Americans for Higher Education. Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class of Portuguese descent, planning to attend a post-secondary institution. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: TBA PVMHS DECA SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Business Department Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who is an active member of DECA. Application: Use Donor’s Application See Mr. Brand in the Business Department for an application. Deadline: 4/10/15 PURITAN LAWN MEMORIAL PARK EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Donor: Puritan Lawn Memorial Park Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: Graduating High School Senior who resides within Essex, Middlesex or Suffolk counties, who will be pursuing a full-time education beyond the twelfth grade, and needs financial assistance to continue their education. An individual who puts family first because of hardship. (Refer to application package.) Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/15/15 PVMHS GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Guidance Department Amount of Award: $200 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class continuing his/her education. Application: NO APPLICATION – Guidance Department picks recipient(s). PVMHS P.T.S.O. SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS P.T.S.O. Amount of Award: $250. Condition(s) of Eligibility: Graduate of PVMHS who is furthering their education . Essay required: See Donor Application. Application: Use Donor Application - Email Mrs. Maniatis, Assistant Principal at at - [email protected] Deadline: 4/3/15 PVMHS AP STATISTICS SCHOLARSHIP Donor: The family of Mr. Richard Gill Amount of Award: $1,000.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior who has successfully completed PVMHS’s AP Statistics course or a senior who is currently enrolled in PVMHS’s AP Statistics course. Must have a “B” average or better. Additional essay required: “Tell us how you have or will use statistics in my life. (One page maximum.) Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application -Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 PVMHS SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF WILLARD W. WOODMAN Donor: Family Amount of Award: $250.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior of the class of 2015. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 11 SALEM COUNTRY CLUB/JOSEPH O’BOYLE SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Salem Country Club Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: The scholarship will be limited to residents of the city of Peabody who graduated in 2015 from a high school in the city of Peabody. Application: Use Donor’s Application – Use one application for The Boston Foundation-Francis Bresnahan Scholarship, The Boston Foundation–Harry Ankeles Scholarship and Salem Country Club Scholarship. Deadline: 3/27/15 PVMHS STUDENT COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Student Council Amount of Award: To be determined Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the Class of 2015, who is on the student council, has demonstrated involvement in extra-curricular activities, student government, clubs, and/or sports. The student must have a grade average of 80% or higher and be accepted to a post-secondary institution by graduation. Application: NO APPLICATION – The Student Council advisor will pick recipient(s). REBEKAH ASSEMBLY OF MASSACHUSETTS INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Rebekah Assembly Scholarship Committee Amount of Award: $500 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Graduating seniors who plans to attend a two or four-year college program. This scholarship is based on financial need. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 3/15/15 SOUTH MEMORIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL P.T.O. SCHOL. Donor: South School P.T.O. Amount of Award: $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class planning to further their education. Applicant must be a graduate of South Memorial School. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 REGINA FALKOWSKI SCHOLARSHIP/UNITED POLISH ORG. Donor: United Polish Organizations of Peabody Amount of Award: $1,000.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: High school senior who is of Polish descent and a resident of Peabody. The applicant, parent, or grandparent must be a member of one of the member organizations of the United Polish Organizations. The applicant must be in need of financial assistance and be in good scholastic standing maintaining at least a “B” average. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 STEPHEN PHILLIPS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Donor: Stephen Phillips Foundation Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of eligibility: U.S. citizen and a permanent resident of New England. Student must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, demonstrates strong writing skills, citizenship, character and leadership. Student must have financial need. (Low EFC from FASFA’s Student Aid) Application: Use Donor’s Application - @ Deadline: 5/1/15 ST. MICHAEL’S SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: St. Michael’s Society Amount of Award: $500.00 for 4 years of college career Condition(s) of Eligibility: High school senior who plans to further their education in an institution of higher learning. Student, parent, or grandparent must be an active member or associate member of St. Michael’s Society and has been for at least 1 year prior to application. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 RUTH M. CONLEY SCHOLARSHIP Donor: PVMHS Amount of Award: $100 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 12 ST. VASILIOS P.T.A. SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS and ST. VASILIOS MEN’S CLUB ASSOCIATE/TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: St.Vasilios Church Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class in good standing with St. Vasilios Greek Church. Application: Use Donor’s Application @ Deadline: TBA WARD 6 SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Ward 6 Amount of Award: Determined by Ward 6 Committee Condition(s) of Eligibility: Resident of Ward 6 in the City of Peabody and a current graduating senior. Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application Deadline: 4/30/15 WEST MEMORIAL SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: West School P.T.O. Amount of Award: $500.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class who is a graduate of West Memorial School and plans further education. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/27/15 TIMOTHY A. MICHALAK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Family and Friends Amount of Award: $1,000 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class having community service or a scouting background planning to study the field of Engineering. Additional essay required: “Why do you have the need for this scholarship and what are your hopes and dreams for the future?” Application: Use PVMHS Universal Application – Attach above essay. Deadline: 4/30/15 WILLIAM SHOER AND JENNIE SMIDT SHOER EDUCATION TRUST Donor: William and Jennie Shoer Amount of Award: $1,500. Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of graduating class who is pursuing a post-secondary education. This scholarship is based on financial need, a student who is a credit to the community and school, and has good academic standing. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 VOCAL MUSIC PARENTS GROUP OF PEABODY HIGH SCHOOL Donor: VMP Amount of Award: $100.00 Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class who has shown extraordinary commitment and leadership to the vocal music program throughout their high school years. Application: NO APPLICATION WILLIAM A. WELCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTO SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Welch School PTO Amount of Award: Varies Condition(s) of Eligibility: A member of the graduating class who plans on attending a certified educational program beyond high school, and who graduated from the Welch School. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 5/2/15 WARD 2 SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Ward 2 Children’s Association Amount of Award: $300 Condition(s) of Eligibility: A graduating senior who plans on attending a certified educational program beyond high school who presently resides in Ward 2 (parents/guardians vote at either the Welch School, or South Memorial School). Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/30/15 WILLIAM A. WELCH, SR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Donor: PVMHS Amount of Award: $250. Condition(s) of Eligibility: Member of the graduating class. Application: Use PVMHS In-House Application Deadline: 4/30/15 WARD 4 SCHOLARSHIP Donor: Ward 4 Amount of Award: Determined by Ward 4 Committee Condition(s) of Eligibility: Resident of Ward 4 in the City of Peabody and a current graduating senior. Application: Use Donor’s Application Deadline: 4/15/15 13