Curriculum Vitae - Peabody College
Curriculum Vitae - Peabody College
Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 1 VICTORIA FLOYD KNIGHT Department of Special Education Vanderbilt University PMB 228 Peabody College One Magnolia Circle Nashville, Tennessee 37203 615.343.9664 (office) [email protected] CURRENT APPOINTMENT 2013- present Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education Member, Kennedy Center AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Access to the general education curriculum in grades K-12 for students with significant disabilities (students with intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and autism spectrum disorder); innovative instructional technologies; and evaluation of evidence-based practices in the field EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS Ph.D. 2010 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Special Education M.A. 2005 University of Northern Colorado at Greeley, Special Education B.A. 1997 University of California at Santa Cruz, Biology Florida Licenses Special Education, Multi-categorical PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2013- present Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor 2010-2013 University of Kentucky Assistant Professor Moderate/Severe Disabilities Graduate Student Advisor Co-developer, Autism Graduate Certificate 2009-2010 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Research Scientist for Project MASTERY Doctoral Student in Special Education Co-developer, Autism Graduate Certificate 2006-2009 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Snyder Distinguished Graduate Fellow Graduate Assistant for Project MASTERY UNC Charlotte Doctoral Committee Member, Student Representative Co-developer, doctoral web based course in severe disabilities 2003-2006 Pinellas County Schools, Largo, Florida Autism Behavior Specialist/Classroom teacher for students with autism 2000-2003 Mountain Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Basalt, Colorado Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 2 Program Director/Inclusion teacher for students with moderate and severe disabilities PUBLICATIONS Book Chapters Spooner, F., McKissick, B. R., Knight, V., & Walker, R. (2014). Teaching science concepts. In D. M. Browder & F. Spooner (Eds.), MORE language arts, math, and science. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes. Westling, D., Salzberg, C., Collins, B., Morgan, R., & Knight, V. (2014). Research in the preparation of teachers of students with severe disabilities. In Sindlear, McCray, Brownell, & Lingnugaris/Kraft (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Special Education Teacher Preparation. O’Brien, C., Aguinaga, N., & Knight, V. (2013). Universal Design for Learning: Accessing the general curriculum with effective teaching and digital technologies. In G. Campbell-Whatley, & J. Lyons (Eds.), Leadership Practices for Special and General Educators. Knight, V., & Ball, V. (2012). Chapter 10: Teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In J. Beattie & C. O’Brien (Eds.), Teaching Children with Special Needs. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co. Spooner, F., Browder, D., & Knight, V. (2011). Chapter twelve: Social skills and Positive Behavior Support. In D. Browder & Spooner, F. (Eds.), Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. NY: Guilford Press. Articles in Referred Journals Sherrow, L., Spriggs, A., & Knight, V. (in press). Teaching students with moderate disabilities and autism spectrum disorder to play the Wii using a video model. Manuscript accepted to Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. Knight, V., & Sartini, E. (2014). A comprehensive literature review of comprehension strategies in core content areas for students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi 10.1007/s10803-014-2280-x Knight, V., Sartini, E., & Spriggs, A. (2014). Evaluating visual activity schedules as evidence-based practice for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(1), 157-178. doi 10.1007/s10803-014-2201-z Knight, V., Wood, C., Spooner, F., Browder, D., & O’Brien, C. (2014). An exploratory study using science eTexts with students with autism spectrum disorder. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. doi: 10.1177/1088357614559214 Spriggs, A., Knight, V., & Sherrow, L. (2014). Talking picture schedules: Embedding video models into visual activity schedules to increase independence for students with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Special Issue: Robotics, Technology, and Computer Assistance. doi 10.1007/s10803-014-2315-3 Boswell, M. A., & Knight, V., & Spriggs, A. (2013). Self-monitoring of on-task behaviors using the MotivAider by a middle school student with a moderate intellectual disability. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 32(2), 23-30. Creech-Galloway, C., Collins, B., Knight, V., & Bausch, B. (2013). Using simultaneous prompting with an iPad ™ to teach Pythagorean theorem to adolescents with moderate and severe disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 38(4), 1-11. Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 3 Knight, V., McKissick, B., & Saunders, A. (2013). A review of technology-based interventions to teach academic skills to students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 43(11), 2628-2648. doi: 10.1007/s10803-013-1814-y Knight, V., Spooner, F., Browder, D., Smith, B., & Wood, C. (2013). Using systematic instruction and graphic organizers to teach science concepts to students with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 28, 115-126. doi: 10.1177/1088357612475301 Riggs, L., Collins, B. C., Kleinert, H., & Knight, V. (2013). Teaching principles of heredity to high school students with moderate and severe disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 38(1), 30-43. Sartini, E., Knight, V., & Collins, B. (2013). Ten guidelines to facilitate social groups for young students with complex needs. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 45(3), 54-62. Schenning, H., Knight, V., & Spooner, F. (2013). Effects of structured inquiry in social studies on comprehension by students with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2012.12.007 Scott, R., Collins, B., Knight, V., & Kleinert, H. (2013). Teaching adults with moderate intellectual disabilities ATM use via the iPod. Education and Training in Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 48, 190-199. Browder, D., Jimenez, B., Mims, P., Knight, V., Spooner, F., Lee, A., & Flowers, C. (2012). The effect of a “Tell-Show-Try-Apply” method of professional development on teachers’ instructional alignment. Teacher Education and Special Education. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0888406411432650 Browder, D. M., Trela, K., Courtade, G., Jimenez, B., Knight, V., & Flowers, C. (2012). Teaching mathematics and science standards to students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 46(1), 26-35. doi: 10.1177/0022466910369942 Hudson, T., Knight, V., & Collins, B. (2012). Perceived effectiveness of web conferencing software to deliver a graduate course in Applied Behavior Analysis. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 31, 27-39. Knight, V. F., Smith, B. R, Spooner, F., & Browder, D. M. (2011). Using explicit instruction to teach science descriptors to students with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10803-011-1258-1 Spooner, F., Knight, V., Browder, D., Jimenez, B., & Dibiase, W. (2011). Evaluating evidence-based practice in teaching science content to students with severe developmental disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 36(1-2), 62-75. Spooner, F., Knight, V., Browder, D., & Smith, B. (2011). Evidence-based practices for teaching academic skills to students with severe developmental disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 33, 374-387. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0741932511421634 . Test, D. W., Richter, S., Knight, V., & Spooner, F. (2011). A comprehensive review and meta-analysis of the social stories literature. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 26, 49-62. doi: 10.1177/1088357609351573 Knight, V., Browder, D., Agnello, B. & Lee, A. (2010). Academic Instruction in ELA, math, and science for students with severe disabilities [Invited manuscript]. Focus on Exceptional Children, 42(7), 114. Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 4 Spooner, F., Knight, V., Wood, W. & Lo, Y. (2007). Preparing teachers across wide geographical areas using video conferencing. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 26(2), 16-25. Book Chapters and Articles in Submission Knight, V. (2014). Rewards and punishments. In G. Scarlett (Ed.), Classroom management: An A-to-Z guide. SAGE Publications, Inc. Chapter submitted for publication. Knight, V. (2014). Severe disabilities and classroom management. G. Scarlett (Ed.), Classroom management: An A-to-Z guide. SAGE Publications, Inc. Chapter submitted for publication. Knight, V., Collins, B., Spriggs, A., & Despain, T. (2014). Scripted versus unscripted task analyzed science lessons for children with moderate intellectual Disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. Manuscript submitted for publication. Heinrich, S., Collins, B., Knight, V., & Spriggs, A. (2014). Embedding simultaneous prompting to teach STEM content to high school students with disabilities in an inclusive setting. Manuscript submitted for publication. Book Reviews Knight, V., & Spriggs, A. (2012). [Review of the book Choosing Outcomes and Accommodations for Children (COACH), A guide to Educational Planning for Students with Disabilities, Third Edition by M.F. Giangreco, C.J. Cloninger, and V.S. Iverson]. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 37, 130-132. Knight, V. (2011). [Review of the book Leadership strategies for successful schoolwide inclusion: The STAR approach, by D. D. Munk & T. L. Dempsey]. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 36(3-4), 164-165. Curricula Jimenez, B., Knight, V., & Browder, D. (2012). Early Science Curriculum. Curriculum published through the Attainment Company. Other Publications Knight, V. (2010). Effects of supported electronic text and explicit instruction on science comprehension by students with autism spectrum disorders. Doctoral dissertation. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Jimenez, B., Knight, V., & Spooner, F. (2010). Applications of evidence-based practices and addressing research gaps in teaching science to students with severe disabilities. Savage Controversies 3(3), 5-8. Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., Knight, V., Jimenez, B. & Agnello, B. (2009). Research based practices for creating access to the general curriculum in mathematics for students with significant intellectual disabilities [Monograph]. Assessing Special Education Students, State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards, 1-38. Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., Knight, V., Jimenez, B., & Agnello, B. (2009). Research based practices for creating access to the general curriculum in science for students with significant intellectual disabilities [Monograph]. Assessing Special Education Students, State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards, 1-41. Knight, V. (2008). Ask a professional: Evidence-based practices in Autism. Autism Matters in Charlotte: Autism Society of North Carolina: Mecklenburg County Chapter, October 2008- July 2009. Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 5 Jimenez, B., Spooner, F., Browder, D., DiBiase, W., & Knight, V. (2008). A conceptual model for science for students with significant cognitive disabilities. [Brochure]. Trela, K., Browder, D., Pugalee, D., Spooner, F., & Knight, V. (2008). A conceptual model for math for students with significant cognitive disabilities. [Brochure]. Wakeman, S., Mraz, M., Rickelman, R., Browder, D., Mims, P., & Knight, V. (2008). A conceptual model for English language arts for students with significant cognitive disabilities. [Brochure]. Wakeman, S. Y., Spooner, F., & Knight, V. (2007). Evidence-based practices for teaching literacy to students with significant cognitive disabilities. TASH Connections, 33(3/4), 16-19. INVITED PRESENTATIONS Anderson, J, & Knight, V. (2014, December). Establishing a Professional Identity [Invited presentation], Doctoral Students and Beginning Special Education Faculty Networking Workshop. Annual Conference of TASH, Washington DC. Spooner, F., & Knight, V. (2014, December). Developing a Research Agenda [Invited presentation], Doctoral Students and Beginning Special Education Faculty Networking Workshop. Annual Conference of TASH, Washington DC. Agran, M. et al. (2013, December). Doctoral Students and Beginning Special Education Faculty Networking Workshop [Invited presentation]. Annual Conference of TASH, Chicago, IL. Agran, M. et al. (2012, November). Doctoral Students and Beginning Special Education Faculty Networking Workshop [Invited presentation]. Annual Conference of TASH, Long Beach, CA. Brown, F., Agran, M., Hughes, C., Knight, V. & Spooner, F. (2011, December). Promotion and Tenure Issues [Invited presentation]. Annual Conference of TASH, Atlanta, GA. Brown, F., Agran, M., Hughes, C., Knight, V. & Spooner, F. (2011, December). Publishing articles [Invited presentation]. Annual Conference of TASH, Atlanta, GA. Knight, V., Anderson, J., & Brown, F. (2011, November). Getting through a doctoral program [Invited presentation]. Annual Conference of TASH, Atlanta, GA. Brown, F., Agran, M., Hughes, C., Knight, V., & Spooner, F. (2010 December). Publishing articles [Invited presentation]. Annual Conference of TASH, Denver, CO. Garrison, R., Anderson, J., Denney, M., Dukes, C., & Knight, V. (2010 December). Getting through a doctoral program [Invited presentation]. Annual Conference of TASH, Denver, CO. Browder, D. M., & Knight, V. (2007, August). Teaching to the standards in language arts, mathematics, and science: How to make general curriculum meaningful for students with moderate and severe disabilities [Invited presentation]. Pennsylvania Low Incidence Institute, Penn State, PA. GRANTS Carter, E., & Knight, V. (2014- 2019). Preparing the Next Generation of Scholars in Severe Disabilities/Autism; approximately $250,000 per year through the Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education. Role: Co-PI Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 6 Lombana, J. (submitted). Creating the Next Generation of Inclusive, Informal Learning Environments: Developing a Model Approach for Engaging Youth with ASD and Their Peers in STEM; National Science Foundation: Advancing Informal STEM Learning. Role: Leadership Team member. Lemons, C., Powell, S. & Knight, V. (submitted). An Efficacy Trail Comparing Two Theoretically Different Early Mathematics Interventions for Students with Intellectual Disability; Institute of Educational Sciences. Role: Co-PI Knight, V. (2013). Evaluating science inquiry and content skills of students with ASD through peer modeling and model-lead-test. Peabody Small Research Grants: approximately $9,000 per year. Role: Principal Investigator. Spriggs, A., & Knight, V. (2012-2013). Teaching Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities to Transition Using Picture Activity Schedules with Embedded Video Models. Research Support Grant program sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research: $13,096 total grant funds through the University of Kentucky. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Collins, B. C., & Knight, V. (2008-2012), Special Education Leadership in ABA and Distance Education; approximately $250,000 per year through the Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Knight, V. (2009-2010). Effects of Supported Electronic Text on Science Comprehension. Dissertation Grant: approximately $10,000 per year through the National Center on Supported Electronic Text, University of Oregon. Role: Principal Investigator. Browder, D.M., & Test, D. (2005-2010). Doctoral Program at UNC Charlotte. Leadership Grant; approximately $200,000 per year through the Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education. Role: Assisted in writing of the grant. TEACHING Courses Taught Spring 2015 Fall 2014 Spring 2014 Fall 2013 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Spring 2011 Fall 2010 Summer 2008 Vanderbilt University SPED 2300/3300: Methods of Instruction for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities SPED 2350/3350: Access to the General Education and Teaching Functional Academics SPED 2300/3300: Methods of Instruction for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities SPED 2350/3350: Access to the General Education and Teaching Functional Academics University of Kentucky EDS 516: Principles of Behavior Management and Instruction EDS 632: Leadership Practicum EDS 720: Seminar in Special Education Teacher Preparation EDS 601: Applied Behavior Analysis EDS 633: Single Subject Research Design EDS 632: Leadership Practicum EDS 516: Principles of Behavior Management and Instruction EDS 603: Behavior Consultation in the Schools EDS 601: Applied Behavior Analysis EDS 633: Single Subject Research Design EDS 603: Behavior Consultation in the Schools EDS 720: Seminar in Special Education Teacher Preparation EDS 701: Proseminar in EDS EDS 601: Applied Behavior Analysis University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 7 Independent College Teaching SPED 5274: General Curriculum Access and Adaptations SPED 8670: Topical Seminar: Research in Severe Disabilities Fall 2006- 2010 Guest Lectures Summer 2012 Spring 2011 Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Fall 2008 Supervision Spring 2008 Course Development Fall 2011 Fall 2009 Summer 2007 University of North Carolina at Charlotte Co-Teaching SPED 8671: Doctoral Seminar: Special Education Research EDUC 4291: Modifying Instruction for Learners with Diverse Needs SPED 8670: Topical Seminar: Research in Severe Disabilities SPED 4274/5274: General Curriculum Access and Adaptations SPED 5271: Systematic Instruction in the Adapted Curriculum SPED 5100: Introduction to Special Education EDS 558: Advanced Instructional Strategies for Individuals with ASD, Sensory Integration: Science or Science Fiction? SPED 4170: Consultation and Collaboration, Co-teaching: Where do I go from here? SPED 2100: Introduction to Students with Special Needs, Learning Strategies for Students with ASD SPED 2100: Introduction to Students with Special Needs, Autism: From Myth to Practice SPED 2100: Introduction to Students with Special Needs, Researchbased practices for students with ASD SPED 8671: Doctoral Seminar: Special Education Research, Introduction to Single Subject Methodology SPED 3100: Introduction to Special Education, Academic and Structural Supports for Students with Autism University of North Carolina at Charlotte Supervision of Student Teachers in Special Education University of Kentucky Co-Developed Autism Graduate Certificate Program University of North Carolina at Charlotte Co-Developed Autism Graduate Certificate Program, including the following SPED 6000/5000 level courses: Nature and Needs of Individuals with ASD Communication, Daily Living, and Social Skills of Individuals with ASD Program Design and Development for Individuals with ASD Program Assessment for Individuals with ASD Co-Developed Doctoral Seminar Course for UNC Charlotte SPED 8670: Topical Seminar: Research in Severe Disabilities Advising Undergraduate and Master’s committees 2010 (6 undergraduate, 6 Master’s) 2011 (5 undergraduate, 3 Master’s) 2012 (3 undergraduate, 3 Master’s) 2014 (1 Master’s) Doctoral Committees 2011 2011 Brittany Waletich (committee member) Mark Butler (co-chair) Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 Sam Choo (committee member) Emily Sartini (co-chair) Tina Hudson (committee member) Jill Rogers (committee member) April Sigler (committee member) SERVICE Editorial Work: Editorial Board Member, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 2013- present Editorial Board Member, Rural Special Education Quarterly, 2013-present Editorial Board Member, Research and Practices for Persons with Severe Disabilities (formerly JASH), 2012-present Assistant Associate Editor, Research and Practices for Persons with Severe Disabilities (formerly JASH), 2008-2010. Copy Editor, Teacher Education and Special Education, 2008-2009. Conference and Grant Reviews: Reviewer, Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division, 2008 conference proposals (2007). Grant Reviewer, Bubel Akin Foundation, 2008 grant proposals (2008). Reviewer, Council for Exceptional Children, 2012 conference proposals (2011). Reviewer, Council for Exceptional Children, 2013 conference proposals (2012). Journal Reviews: Guest Reviewer, The Journal of Special Education (2009). Guest Reviewer, The Journal of Special Education (2010). Guest Reviewer, The Journal of Special Education (2011). Guest Reviewer, Rural Special Education Quarterly (2011). Guest Reviewer, The Journal of Special Education (2012). Guest Reviewer, SAGE Open (2012). Guest Reviewer, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (2013). Guest Reviewer, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2013). Guest Reviewer, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders (2013). Guest Reviewer, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2013). 8 Curriculum Vitae of Victoria F. Knight 1/12/15 COMMITTES 11/10 to 1/11 11/10 to 1/11 11/10 to 5/13 11/10 to 8/12 8/11 to 5/13 8/11 to 5/13 4/12 to 5/13 9 Member of committee to select EDSRC department chair Member of committee to select MSD position Member of the social welfare committee Member of the Master’s redesign committee Member of the Undergraduate LBD re-design committee Member of the Undergraduate MSD re-design committee Member of the College of Education Research Advisory Committee MEMBERSHIPS, PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP POSITIONS, AND AWARDS 2008-2010 UNC Charlotte Special Education Doctoral Committee Student Representative HECSE Student Member Autism Graduate Certificate Curriculum Advisory Committee Member 2007-2009 Snyder Distinguished Fellow Award 2006-2009 North Carolina American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Student Representative Rising Star Student Award (2007) National Alternate Assessment Center, UNC Charlotte Alignment Panel Member Autism Society of North Carolina: Mecklenburg County Chapter 2006-present Council for Exceptional Children Faculty advisor for the University of Kentucky’s SCEC Editorial board member for Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities TASH Editorial board member for RPSD Association for Behavior Analysis International 2000-2010 Pi Lambda Theta: International Honor Society 2012-present Rural Special Education Quarterly, Editorial board member Consultant to SRI on mathematics content for students with significant cognitive disabilities. Reviewing all math tasks 2014- present Consulted with the Tennessee Department of Education for students with severe disabilities and the Science Alternate Assessment. Autism Tennessee, Advisory Board Member