PTS - Police Welfare - Cash reward for children scored High Marks
PTS - Police Welfare - Cash reward for children scored High Marks
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE PUDUCHERRY POLICE WELFARE SOCIETY PUDUCHERRY Dated:21.05.2015 No.73lDR/PPWs/201s CIRCULAR sub: Three cash Awardsto the wards of Police Personnelsec'rring highestmarks in SsLc/HSc and equivalentexaminations. In the 33d GeneralBody meetingof the PuducherryPoliceWelfare Societyheld on 19,12.2009,it was resolvedto give 3 cash awards in category each towards of serving PolicePersonnel,who secured hishest percentageof marks at two levels,i.e., one at SSLCand the other at Higher Secondarylevel PolicePersonnel,whose wards have secured50o/omarksand above,are eliqible to applyfor the Awards, sslc Rs.2000/ Rs.3000/- Rs.1s00/- Rs.2500/- Rs.1000/- Rs.2000/- 2. The unit Omcersare thefefore,requestedto inform about the cash Awards to the Officers and men of PuducherryPolice working under their control and instructthem to submit their appllcationsfor the Awardsalong with copjes of the mark lisl of the qualiiyingexaminationin respect of their wards dulv attesledbv a GazettedOfficerso as to receivethe applicaiionat this oiflce on or before 1o.o7.2o15.Application receiv€dafter 1o.O7.2O15 will not be (MANcHl S U PERINTEND TRAINING PUD Io! All sPs/InspectortsHos/hcharge of oPs ol Poduch€rry,Karaikal,l4ahe & Yanam/The Se.reatary, Legislative Assenbly, Pudlcherry,rThe Prrvdte Director,Dnedorateofstationarv & Printingi secreatary,ocl4, Plducherry/fThe Unit, Karakll of Polce,(Excse), Puducherry/Excise Puducherry/Inspector - for k nd lnrorm-t on IGP/olGP/ssP(HQRyssP(L&o)/SSP(C&I)/SSP(KKL)