13 Newsletter 7th May 15
13 Newsletter 7th May 15
Date: Thursday 7th May 2015. Issue 13 Principal: Mr Stephen Crossley Ph 55232218 Fax 55217839 PO Box 317 Portland Vic 3305 [email protected] From the Principal’s desk Steve is back from his leave and returning to school next Monday. I’d like to thank everyone for all their support over the last 4 weeks while I’ve been in the Acting Principal role. I’d also especially like to thank Larni Butler who has been teaching Group 1 during this time. Jill Edwards was our visitor to our assembly yesterday to be presented with the money raised of $172 on Crazy Hair Day last term. The money goes towards the Lighthouse Foundation . May Ball Our May Ball was held on Saturday night and was a huge success. On behalf of our school community, I extend a huge thank you to the organisers, people and business who donated items and everyone who helped or supported us in any way. Thank you and we will keep you posted on funds raised and purchases for our students. Wellbeing Day Last Thursday I visited Hamilton SDS and met with the Principal, Cameron Peverett and two of the teachers, Sonya Holden and Julie Smith. The reason for the visit was to share how our schools’ have introduced School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support over the last year, and what some of our future plans are. For example: how we run assemblies, how we acknowledge and reward students for positive behaviour, how we teach students about our schools’ behaviour expectations on how to be a learner, a respectful, how to be responsible and how to be safe. I was very impressed with a special anti-bullying day they organised for the whole school last term. The students rotated around various activities learning about how to make and keep friends, how to get along with others at school and at work, and what students could if they thought they were bullying. We are organising a similar activity day in the last week of this term, called Wellbeing Day. Some students from Susan and Phil’s classes have already met with teachers to start the planning. If any parents would like to know more or be involved in some way please let us know. Sailing Thanks to everyone, students, parents and staff (both Portland and Warrnambool staff) for making last week’s sailing such a success. We thought we were especially lucky with the weather! Tomorrow Friday, 8th May, weather permitting, Brady, Ashley, Graydon, Isaac, Sean and Jenny will be competing in the Sailing Regatta in Warrnambool. Susan and Adam will be supervising the students and Darrell is driving the bus. Good luck! Grip Student Leadership Conference Last Tuesday Jamie Pumpa and Coster Saurbrey attended the GRIP Student Leadership Conference in Mount Gambier with Teacher, Kylie Ferguson. Reports are that the day was fun packed, they meet lots of new people and came home with some good ideas and best practises on what makes a good leader. Caught Being Good. Congratulations to all the students who were given raffle tickets for demonstrating behaviours for being respectful last week. This week’s raffle winners are: Peter Saunders, Akaysha Morrison and Graydon Rudd. Peter and Akaysha were recognised for making good choices and following directions; Graydon was recognised for playing safe games. Well done! This coming week, the students will be focussing on learning how to be safe. Happy mothers day to all the mums on Sunday and have a safe, relaxing weekend……..Gillian Caithness, Acting Principal. COMING EVENTS TERM 2 Friday 8th May - Sailing Regatta in Warrnambool for selected students Next Week Monday 11th May - Swimming - Finance meeting 1pm Tuesday 12th May - RDA - School Council Meeting 7pm Wednesday 13th May Thursday - 14th May Friday - 15th May Important Dates to Remember. Monday 18th May - School Photos Family Photo Order Envelopes are available from the office. Tuesday 26th May until Friday 29th May - Group 3 CAMP - Blackwood Friday 5th June Curriculum Day No students for report writing day Monday 8th June - Queens Birthday Public Holiday Swimming News Huge effort by all this week at swimming. Our swim teacher, Rose and I are seeing huge improvements in all the students. This week's You're a Star award goes to Lucy Jennings for trying new things in the water and the Top Effort award goes to Jenny Elliot for trying a new swim program that she can follow herself. She swam 700 metres - well done Jen. Cheers Emma MAY BALL 2015 Congratulations and thank you to the May Ball Committee, and everyone who contributed in some way on, another very successful event and fantastic night. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped in this very worthy event for our school. Stars of the Week “Caught Being Good” Well done, Peter Saunders, Akaysha Morrison and Graydon Rudd, Great Job in last weeks focus of : “Being Respectful” This week’s focus is: “Being Safe” Raffle winners : 1st Sue Cowie, 2nd Boppa, 3rd Judy Rodwell and 4th Bernie Stiles. Thank you to the following business on the raffle prize donations At our whole school assembly, we draw the “Caught Being Good” raffle. Throughout the week, staff give students a raffle ticket for displaying positive behaviour either in their classroom, on the playground or in any school events such as excursions, outings or community access. “Great Fun !! Want to do it again “ Jmara Sailing - last Friday 1st May 2015 “2 thumbs up”:) - Noah Fantastic day with great weather and smiles all around. “Really had fun” - Brodie Student Quotes: re a se ng, ee Th azi ev am t job e. a on e r g ry Wow !!! 5,4,3,2,1……...Awesome ! Amazing, it does something ! It actually worked ! Really ! I didn't think it would do anything, wow ! Words on Wellbeing Taking responsibility Last week, I wrote about the critical importance of the 3 R's for us. So this is a little like checking homework! The article was not about Reading, Writing & Arithmetic...it was about Remembrance, Respect and Reflection. And how we build on these values for our wellbeing. So when we add another R word, it can be a little daunting. Because the word I want to add is RESPONSIBILITY. A value we are thinking about this week. For it is sure hard these days to take responsibility for our actions. And it is really hard to simply have to BE responsible. There is the little sister or brother to care for; that funny shaggy-haired dog who needs to be fed and groomed; our personal hygiene and care; the daily chores that need to be shared around the family. So in our everyday life, we all have to act responsibly. Parents will often take responsibility for kids. But this sometimes means saying NO. It sometimes means teaching that critical lesson that for an action there is a consequence. For an inappropriate behaviour, there is someone who will need to take responsibility. And it can also mean having to make choices; making a strong good choice rather than a weak, bad one. These are life-skills and we need to sometimes explicitly teach and practise them. Building our children into responsible adults can be a daunting task but it has rewards. There are many individual needs here within our school community. And many caring, responsible parents and teachers who continue to build self-esteem in the children attending Portland Bay. This is what a holistic education is about. We learn that through partnerships we can share responsibilities and nurture the wellbeing of one another. So this week, think of all the times you have taken on being the responsible one. And be proud of what you have achieved. Some parents have asked if others may want to enjoy a regular morning tea (& yes, I am happy to take responsibility for this)! Where some general discussion questions on Wellbeing may be shared. Or even just for a getting-to-know-you chat. What do you think? Sue Cowie - Wellbeing coordinator L Akaysha doing some amazing magic show tricks Adam, Adam, Adam….It’s called a Washing Machine !! Wednesday School Lunch. ********************* Week 5’s meal is Pumpkin Soup & Bread The cost will be $4.00 Please Complete the below form and return to the office, with correct money, by Monday, Thank you. Name: ________________ Group: ____________ Total enclosed: $__________________ Community Announcements : Thank you to Subway Portland for supporting our Motor Heads program. Very much appreciated and we support our local business.