Lecture 12 - Dr. Pawel Pomorski


Lecture 12 - Dr. Pawel Pomorski
CSE 746 - Parallel and High
Performance Computing
Lecture 12 - Intel Phi continued
Pawel Pomorski, HPC Software Analyst
SHARCNET, University of Waterloo
[email protected]
SSH key setup
• need SSH key with forwarding enabled to access Intel Phi cards
• SSH key will allow you to log in without password
• ssh-keygen -t dsa
• save output to default file if one does not already exist
• pick password (possible to leave blank)
• log in to SHARCNET using your password and add the contents
of the public key file (.pub) to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
• change permissions with
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
SSH key forwarding
• want to be able to go from login node to one of the compute nodes
without password
• SSH key forwarding permits this
• ssh -A
• Forwarding needs some setup
• on Mac:
edit /etc/ssh_config and add
Host *
ForwardAgent yes
• on Linux, add this to $HOME/.ssh/config
• run ssh-agent, ssh-add ?
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Intel Phi on SHARCNET
just one node of goblin, node 49 (gb49)
that node has 2 Intel Phi 5100 series, each 8 GB RAM
Intel Phi programs can be compiled only on that node
gb49 does not have standard modules, so before compiling do:
source /opt/sharcnet/intel/15.0.1/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
source /opt/sharcnet/intel/15.0.1/mkl/bin/mklvars.sh intel64
export INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/sharcnet/intel/15.0.1/license/intel.lic
• need to log into goblin cluster with key forwarding enabled ssh -A [email protected]
• from goblin, can log into the Intel Phi card with
ssh gb49-mic0.goblin.sharcnet
ssh gb49-mic1.goblin.sharcnet
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
MYO (Virtual-Shared) Memory Model
alternative to #pragma offload
similar UVA (Unified Virtual Addressing) in CUDA
only available in C++, not in Fortran
MYO means “Mine Yours Ours”
does not copy all shared variable upon synchronization, only the
values that changed between two synchronization points
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
MYO (Virtual-Shared) Memory Model
• programmer marks variables which need to be shared with
_Cilk_shared keyword
• those variables can then be used in host and coprocessor code
• function to be offloaded has to be declared with Cilk_shared
keyword, and is offloaded with _Cilk_offload keyword
_Cilk_shared int A[N];
_Cilk_shared void some_function(){
… // uses array A
_Cilk_offload some_function() // uses array A
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Exercise 1
write a program to add integer vectors A and B, store result in C
define A,B,C so that both host and coprocessor can access them
write function to initialize A and B on host
write function to do the addition A+B=C on coprocessor
write function to verify the result on the host
add syntax to check if the addition is actually running on the
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Using Multiple Phis
• use OpenMP, have one thread per coprocessor
see: multicard_multithreaded.c
int n_d
// body
= _Offload_number_of_devices();
omp parallel for
(int i = 0; i < n_d; i++) {
of loop is executed by n_d host threads
offload target(mic:i) inout(response[i:1])
response[i] = 1;
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Multiple Phis with one thread
• use OpenMP, have one thread per coprocessor
see: multicard_onethread.c
int n_d = _Offload_number_of_devices();
for (int i = 0; i < n_d; i++) {
#pragma offload target(mic:i) inout(response[i:1])
response[i] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n_d; i++) {
// loop waits for all asynchronous offloads to finish
#pragma offload_wait target(mic:i) wait(&response[i])
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Parallel programming on the Intel Phi
must have some kind of parallelism to take advantage of the Phi
there is no automatic parallelization
serial programs will run slower on the Phi
the goal is always to do as little programming as possible, and
ideally use a library
• the Intel MKL library is a powerful computational tool and it is
parallelized for the Intel Phi
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Intel MKL
Math Kernel Library
highly efficient set of mathematical libraries from Intel
made to be very easy to use on the Phi
compiling used to require a complicated set of flags, but with latest
version of the compiler 15 it has been simplified
icc -mkl
icc -mmic -mkl
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Exercise 2a
• look around /opt/sharcnet/mkl and /opt/sharcnet/intel for tutorials,
examples, samples
• try for example
find . -iname “*tutorials*”
• the file you need for this exercise is:
• find the documentation for the tutorial, download it to your
• try the tutorial
• don’t use the phi yet, run programs on gb49
• get some timings, experiment with matrix sizes, run “top”
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Exercise 2b
• try previous exercises in native mode on the Intel Phi
• compare performance, vary problem size and number of threads
• compile on gb49 with
icc -mmic -mkl
• need to set:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/global/c/work/feimao/intel15/mkl/
these are just libraries copied from:
• run on the MIC with
OMP_NUM_THREADS=60 ./a.out
• run “top” in another window to observe performance
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
MKL Automatic Offload
• certain MKL routines can be offloaded to the Intel Phis
automatically with no change to the program
• that feature is only enabled for a subset of routines and for
problems which are large enough
• need matrix to be big enough for offload to actually happen, see:
• enable offload with:
• monitor offload with:
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Exercise 2c
• now try automatic offload mode on gb49
• compare performance, vary OMP_NUM_THREADS and
• need matrix to be big enough for offload to actually happen
• run “top” on the MIC in another window to monitor what is
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski
Exercise 2d
• starting with timed code from previous exercise, add offload
pragmas and offload , see if speed improves over automatic case
CSE746 2015 Lecture 12
Pawel Pomorski