PSD eNews – June 11, 2015


PSD eNews – June 11, 2015
As the Pacific Southwest District our mission is to
“Effectively resource congregations and schools to fulfill the Great Commission”
PSD eNews – July 2, 2015
Serving the congregations and schools in Arizona, California, and Nevada
New items highlighted in blue.
Weekly Word
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake
you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Please send updated condition information to [email protected]
Family of Dr. Micheal Doyle, who passed away Wednesday, July 1. Viewing will be held on Thursday,
July 9 at Stern Mortuary located at 355 E. 9th Street, Upland from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Service will be
held on Saturday, July 11 at 11:00 am at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ontario located at 920 W. 6 th
Street, Ontario. Mike served the PSD as District Archivist and was the author of “Feed My Sheep.” In lieu
of flowers, memorial gifts may be given to the Organ Fund at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 555 N.
Gartel Drive, Walnut, California 91789.
Family of Rev. Jim Hallerberg, who passed away Friday, June 19. The memorial service will be held
Saturday, July 18, at 3:30 pm, at First Lutheran Church, 1420 Third Avenue, San Diego.
We pray for all congregations currently in the calling process.
Rev. Dr. Edward Ambrose – has chronic vascular disease and serious orthopedic problems
Jo Ambrose, wife of Rev. Dr. Edward Ambrose – fighting bone cancer
Barbara Andrews, wife of Rev. Arthur Andrews – fighting cancer
Rev. Bill Bartlett – for successful treatment in a clinical trial
Linda DeVore, wife of Rev. Greg DeVore – fighting cancer
Rev. Emil Dinkel – recovering from fall and broken arm
Rev. Scott Ganas – hospitalized following complications from surgery
Rev. Gerald Gettis - myeloma has returned, please pray for me and my wife, Shirley
Sharon Giese, wife of Rev. Burton Giese, undergoing cancer treatments
Rev. Loel Haak - sight and hearing difficulties, prostrate issues, Alzheimers
Debbie Heien, wife of Deacon Don Heien – fighting breast cancer
Hoyle Hoover, former PSD DCE – fighting liver cancer
Rev. Ron Howard – fighting cancer
Deacon Al Jesse – recovering from a stroke
Rev. Ray Kibler - cancer continues to multiply and treatments have become more intense
Ruth Koenig, widow of Rev. Wayne Koenig – battling liver cancer and heart issues
Rachel Klitzing, Director of School Ministries – on medical leave of absence for dystonia
Cookie Krueger – battling breast cancer
Ruth Ann Krueger, wife of Rev. Dennis Krueger, Sr. – battling liver and lymph system cancer
Rev. Jerald Lindemann – recovering from back surgery and memory loss
Rev. Dr. Charles Manske – fighting cancer
Deacon Dennis Nash – fighting stage 4 chest, lung, neck, and pancreas cancer
Rev. Gregory Otte – recovering from prostate surgery
Rev. R.J. (John) Perling - undergoing treatment for his heart and kidney
Rev. Ted Richter – brain tumor
Rev. Daryl Robarge – recovering from a stroke
Debbie Robarge, wife of Rev. Daryl Robarge – recovering from a heart attack
Deacon Larry Sanders – fighting cancer
Jonathan Schilling, son of Rev. David Schilling – fighting cancer
Rev. Vernon Trahms – recovering from a stroke
Rev. Eric Trickey – fighting cancer
Rev. Kevin Wenker – diagnosed with Type II Diabetes
Important information from the President’s Office.
2015 DISTRICT CONVENTION – Convention newsletters, including voting results can be found on the
District website at as well as Part 2 of President Stoterau’s report. Convention videos
can be found on our Vimeo site. Convention proceedings will be posted later this summer.
Pastor’s Conference will be held at the Embassy Suite in La Quinta, CA. Enjoy a
marvelous time of rest, relaxation, refreshment, encouragement and enrichment.
Sunday, September 27 there will be an Evening Reception. The Presentations will
begin on Monday morning, running through noon on Wednesday, September 30.
Worship will be on Tuesday evening. The format of this Conference will be distinctive
with great speakers. Each keynote speaker will be followed by two speakers with
supplementary comments on the same topic. The four topics are: Preaching; Discipleship; Community;
and Leadership. Watch for online registration coming soon.
Deacons and Parish Ministry Assistants is being held Wednesday, September 30 at the Embassy Suite
in La Quinta, CA from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. This year’s topic is Servant Leadership. Our facilitator will be
President Larry Stoterau. Watch for online registration in conjunction with Pastors’ Conference.
PSD JOB SITE – The PSD Job Site lists job opportunities at PSD churches and schools. The Job Site is
published every other Thursday. Each new job posting will be listed for four weeks. To submit available
job positions or to be added to the subscription list, please email [email protected].
IT’S A NEW DAY DEVOTIONAL BROADCAST – “It’s a New Day” is a brief broadcasted devotional that
can be heard every day of the year. Our speaker is Reverend Richard Schumm, Emeritus. We invite you to
join us each day, click here to access the “It’s A New Day” broadcast.
JULY HEALTH NOTES: FIREWORKS SAFETY – Summer means picnics, barbecues, parades and
fireworks displays, especially around the Fourth of July. With the fun comes risk of injuries... here are
some facts about fireworks-related injuries, and tips for avoiding them! Your topic suggestions for future
issues of HealthNotes are welcome please email Marla M. Lichtsinn, RN, MPA, FCN.
Sharing what the Lord is doing within our Pacific Southwest District family.
NYG “ORANGE NATION” VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – The National LCMS Youth Gathering is not only the
largest gathering of LCMS high school youth, it is also the largest gathering of young adults between the
ages of 19-25. Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) can be identified by their orange shirts and extreme
enthusiasm at the Gathering. These 19–25 year olds, also known as “Orange Nation”, play a huge role in
making the Gathering a successful and memorable experience. They serve as role models and servant
leaders while working in specific areas of the Gathering in the Convention Center, Superdome, Gathering
hotels and off-site servant events. Think you have what it takes to be a part of Orange Nation? Email
[email protected], join the Orange Nation Facebook group and stay tuned. The YAV application
process opens on July 15, 2015!
FAMILY FRIENDLY PARTNERS NETWORK (FFPN) - In partnership with Concordia University Irvine,
we are pleased to announce the future launch of Family Friendly Partners Networks (FFPN) in the Pacific
Southwest District. FFPN trainer, Prof. Rebecca Duport, will continue to meet with church leaders to
communicate the vision of FFPN and work towards that launch of our first network of 6-10 churches in the
coming year. If your church or circuit would like to be considered to be part of the formation of a network
please contact Rebecca ([email protected]) or go online.
PLANNING FOR FUTURE NEEDS – Vacations reinvigorate family ties with people you love. Peace of
mind comes when you manage the risks associated with life as your protect your family. If you need help
planning for your family’s future needs, including estate planning, contact Dennis Cox, Director of Planned
Giving at Concordia University, at [email protected] or 949-214-3182.
RETIREMENT CELEBRATION - On Sunday, July 12 Trinity Cristo Rey, Santa Ana invites you to the
Retirement Celebration of Rev. Johnny Lopez at 3:30 pm. Pastor Lopez has served Iglesia Cristo Rey,
Trinity Lutheran, and presently Trinity Cristo Rey over the last 28 years. Upon retirement, he will be
moving to Prescott, AZ. Please join us for a celebration and meal as we give glory to God for Pastor
Johnny’s ministry. Please be sure to RSVP before Friday, July 3 by evite or
by calling or e-mailing Mary Gates at 714-542-0784 x202, [email protected].
SUMMER SEMINAR SERIES – Hephatha Lutheran Church, Anaheim is sponsoring a summer seminar
series. Each seminar is from 5:00 – 6:00 pm. For more information or to RSP, contact the church office at
[email protected]. Suggested donates is $5 per seminar. Seminars include:
 Sunday, July 25 - World Religions: Andy Wrasman is a theology teach at Cream Lutheran High
School. He holds both a B.A. and M.A. from Concordia University, Irvine. Andy will present an
enlightening, engaging, and energizing Biblical presentation on the subject of different World
Religions based on his book Contradict.
 Sunday, August 16 - Theology & Technology: “Theology, Ecclesiology & Technology: Is it a Big
Deal?” Our special guest speak is Joel Oesch, professor at Concordia University, Irvine. He is a
Yale Graduate, and he holds a Ph.D. from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
WOMEN’S CONFERENCE - Resurrection Lutheran Church, Quartz Hill will host its Second Annual
Women's Conference on Saturday, August 22. Our speaker is Dcs. Pamela Boehle-Silva, parish nurse
and deaconess at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Rocklin, CA. Pamela has extensive missionary experience,
serving in Kenya, Sudan, South Africa and India, working alongside deaconesses and pastors in mercy
ministry. Registration for the conference will open soon. The cost for the day, which includes a continental
breakfast and a lunch is $15 for adults and $5 for junior and senior high school students. As an added
bonus, each women is encouraged to bring along an unchurched friend at no additional cost. For more
information call: 661-943-8433 Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.
WALK TO FIGHT POVERTY – Save the date to participate in Lutheran Social Services Community Care
“Walk to Fight Poverty” on Saturday, October 3. Use our “Friends Asking Friends” website to register to
walk and/or volunteer for this fun event. Ask you friends, family and co-workers to help you raise money
for this great cause. Walk locations throughout Southern California:
 San Diego County – Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Chula Vista
 Ventura County – California Lutheran University’s Kingsmen Park, Thousand Oaks
 San Fernando Valley/Canoga Park – LCC Community Care Center, Canoga Park
 Riverside County – Hope Lutheran Church, Riverside
 South Bay/Long Beach – St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Lakewood
 Orange County – Saint Olaf Lutheran Church, Garden Grove
50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION – Save the date for University Lutheran Chapel’s 50th Anniversary
Celebration (UCLA). On Saturday, October 17 there will be an Organ Concert featuring Christoph Bull.
On Sunday, October 18 at 3:00 pm the 50th Anniversary Service will be held with Rev. Ken Frese
Presiding. For more information or to RSVP visit
HIGH SCHOOL FALL REGIONAL EVENTS – Planning is underway for a pair of high school events. Here
is the early run down:
FOCUS 15 - Scottsdale, AZ
• November 13-15, 2015 – Theme: Truth
• Early Registration - September 16, 2015 - $75 + hotel
• Regular Registration - October 7, 2015 - $100 + hotel
• Late Registration - October 28, 2015 - $125 + hotel
• Link:
Journey – Pine Valley, CA
• November 20-22, 2015 – Theme: Journey
• Pine Valley Bible Conference Center
• Link:
News and events from our LCMS partners in ministry
LITTLE LUTHER PLAYMOBIL FIGURE - “Little Luther,” the fastest-selling Playmobil toy of all time, is
coming to the United States. The popular Playmobil figure will be available from Concordia Publishing
House beginning July 1. What: Playmobil Martin Luther; Where:; Price: $9.99.
For more information, please contact Lindsey Martie, Public Relations, by phone at 314-268-1303 or by
email: [email protected].
THE DEFENSE NEVER RESTS - The Defense Never Rests—Second Edition is a powerful critique of
American Christianity viewed through the lens of the author’s faith journey. Available now from Concordia
Publishing House, The Defense Never Rests brings an honest approach to apologetics that tackles the
tough questions of faith while providing a no-holds-barred critique of shallow, pop-culture worship trends.
The Defense Never Rests—Second Edition includes new material addressing the challenges of New
Atheism, Bart Ehrman, and the new wave of biblical criticism. It is available now for purchase at
For more information or to schedule an interview with the author, please contact Lindsey Martie, Public
Relations, 314-268-1303, or by email to [email protected].
EBOOK OF THE LUTHERAN SERVICE BOOK - From Sunday worship to the office or during travels
around the world, it is easier than ever to take the hymnal with you wherever you go. Concordia
Publishing House is pleased to announce that Lutheran Service Book is now available for Kindle and Apple
ereaders. The Lutheran Service Book, Ebook Edition contains all of the contents of the printed Pew Edition
with the convenience of your tablet or ebook reader. Order Lutheran Service Book, Ebook Edition now at or iTunes. To learn more, visit or contact Lindsey Martie, CPH Public
Relations, by phone at 314-268-1303, or by email at [email protected].
INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS GIFT REGISTRY - Men and women called to serve in the mission field are
in constant need of printed resources to support their ministry. Individuals and congregations who wish to
provide LCMS missionaries with books can do so by visiting Simply select
the items and quantity you would like to help send to the mission field, click “Add to cart,” and proceed to
Checkout to complete the purchase. The registry feature is also available to all customers, individuals and
congregations. Visit to start your own wish list. For more information, contact
Elizabeth Pittman at 314-268-1291 or [email protected].
FAITH & WRITING WORKSHOP - Concordia Seminary will host a Faith and Writing workshop on
campus July 28-30 to explore various forms of creative writing—starting a blog, creating a sermon or
devotion, “traditional” forms of creative writing (story, nonfiction, drama, poetry)—and how Christian faith
influences written work. Attention will be given to social media and new forms of expression, with ample
time provided for creative exercises. Rev. Travis Scholl, managing editor of Concordia Journal, and author
of Walking the Labyrinth: A Place to Pray and Seek God, and Peter Mead, Christian editor, publisher, and
writer, will lead the workshop. It begins Tuesday, July 28, at 9 a.m., and ends Thursday, July 30, at 3
p.m. The cost is $175 per person with a maximum of 15 participants. On campus housing is available ($30
per person shared room; $45 per married couple or non-shared room). Meals are not included.
Registration is now open online and the deadline is July 17. The workshop will focus on what it means to
create and communicate as a person of faith. What makes for effective communication? How do we
cultivate creativity in our lives? What role does faith play in the creative process? Participants are
encouraged (but not required) to bring their own work, as well as favorite works by others. For more
information, contact the office of Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or [email protected].
SUMMER WORKSHOPS ACROSS THE COUNTRY - All pastors, church workers, and church members are
invited to come explore timely, contemporary topics this summer that influence Christian ministry in
practice. Hosted by congregations across the country, and led by Concordia Seminary faculty and staff,
the workshops are an opportunity to dig deeper so that the hands of Jesus might reach farther through
His people. The cost for each summer workshop is $140 and includes CEU credits. Payment is due 21
days before the beginning of each workshop, and workshops have a minimum required enrollment.
Housing and meal information may be obtained from the host pastor or contact at each location. Unless
otherwise noted, all workshops begin at 1:00 pm Monday and conclude Wednesday at noon. For more
information on the 2015 Summer Workshop Series and individual workshops, view the workshop
brochure, visit our website, or contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or [email protected].
PHOEBE ACADEMY - Phoebe Academy–High School, July 9-12, provides an opportunity for high school
women to learn about the vocation of deaconess in the church from a theological perspective. Attendees
will explore God's Word on Mercy and what it means for us today while developing friendships with likeminded women that can last a lifetime. They will also meet deaconesses who are serving in the church,
learn what they do and how they are trained to serve. The schedule for the event and the registration
form can be found here. You can also email [email protected] or phone 800-481-2155 for
additional information.
CONTINUING EDUCATION - Pastors, deaconesses and all church workers serve their congregations
year-round and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, offers continuing education opportunities to
support them as they serve. The list of continuing education sites can be found at Be
sure to check the site often as specific information for each site will be posted as it becomes available.
You may also email [email protected] or phone 260-452-2103 for additional information.
ONLINE ACTIVITY CENTER - Now Presenting: A New Address for Fun and Stewardship
Check out the NEW Young Investors (Y.I.) Club Online Activity Center at for: games; Bible
stories; devotions; videos; service project ideas; crafts and recipes! Each group—Little Lambs, Mission
Builders and World Changers—has its own area on the site with age-appropriate activities. There are
interactive games, coloring pages, Bible stories and devotions, videos, and, for older members, news
stories and links to servant events and projects. New items will be added regularly to keep young ones
engaged and entertained! This website will reinforce Bible lessons, enhance understanding of stewardship
concepts and supplement studies in math, English, history and personal finance in a fun and meaningful
manner. We want each Y.I. Club member to know and understand Jesus’ love and the fact that their
investment is helping others learn about Jesus as well. Explore the site and have some Y.I. Club fun!
Designed to work well on mobile devices and tablets, it’s perfect for families on the go!
As an LCEF investor, you help make funds available for loans and support services that empower
ministries and rostered church workers to carry out their call. Visit or call 800-843-5233.
● ConnectPLUS - An investment for new LCEF investors. Features: 3% fixed rate on the first $5,000;
Second-tier rate on balance over $5,000; $500 minimum to open; Two-year term; Additional investments
of at least $25 allowed; for new investors 18 and older. Offer subject to change.
● PartnerPLUS – An investment for current LCEF investors. Benefits and features: Low minimum $500
to start; competitive fixed rate of 2% on two-year notes or 2.5% on four-year notes; balance over
$25,000 earns second-tier fixed rate of 1%; additional funds can be added at any time ($25 minimum);
IRA investments allowed; interest compounded and paid quarterly; offer available for a limited time only.
● Young Investors (Y.I.) Club – An investment for young LCEF investors. Features: available to
children 0-18 years old; minimum of $25 to open account; 3.5% interest rate on balances up to $1,000;
savings grow with the child, but are accessible; checks and debit card available to custodian; debit card
available at age 16; interest compounded and paid monthly.
● Family Emergency StewardAccount – An investment for adult LCEF investors. Features:
minimum $25 investment to open account; minimum $25 monthly electronic investment required until
account reaches and maintains a balance of $10,000 or more; limit 12 checks per calendar year, with
per-check minimum of $250; initial quantity of checks FREE; interest compounded and paid monthly;
no monthly maintenance or membership fees; free MyAccount online services, including e-statements.
JULY NEWSLETTER – Keep up-to-date on all the LCEF news from the Pacific Southwest District. Click
here to read the July issue. Click here to get the newsletter sent directly to you each month.
OPERATION BARNABAS - The Vision of Operation Barnabas is that every military-connected person
lives on the hope and peace of God's love and mercy as revealed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Its mission is to engage, empower, and equip LCMS faith communities to provide hope, healing, and
support to military-connected persons living in their community. If you are interested in more information
on how to become involved, contact Pastor William Brunold, 818-620-8008 or [email protected].
LCMS CHURCH INFORMATION CENTER - Have a question about The Lutheran Church—Missouri
Synod? Do you need help navigating the LCMS website or finding resources for your church? The LCMS
Church Information Center is here to help. The Church Information Center is open Monday through Friday
from 7:45 am to 4:15 pm CT with trained staff who can answer your questions or put you in touch with
the person who can. Next time you need an answer or resources, call the LCMS Church Information Center
at 888-843-5267 or send an email to [email protected].
PROVIDE THEOLOGICAL BOOKS - You can help pastors become better teachers of their people by
providing good theological books in a language they can read and understand. Please give today to help
support this important mission. And don't forget: Any individual, congregation, Bible study group, etc. that
hasn't already given a gift to the LHF mission in the past 12 months is eligible for a $2-to-$1 match! Click
here to learn more.
DO YOU HAVE EXTRA CATECHISMS? - LHF translators, editors and reviewers around the world are in
need of new or gently used English language copies of Luther's Small Catechism. The 1991 or the more
recent maroon covered editions from Concordia Publishing House are preferred. If you have an extra copy
you'd like to donate, please send to the LHF office at 51474 Romeo Plank Rd., Macomb, MI 48042.
PROJECT CONNECT - How can you offer help to those in your church who are struggling, but who may
not be ready to discuss the issue with others? The answer: Project Connect. Project Connect is a booklet
ministry of Lutheran Hour Ministries. It gives congregations a tangible, take-home resource of Christcentered value they can offer to visitors, members, or others in their community. Project Connect
addresses a wide variety of topics, offering booklets that connect God's Word to real-life issues. Project
Connect is effective, affordable, and easy to get started in your congregation. It's also a breeze to
maintain. In fact, with the contribution envelopes provided, display racks help fund themselves. The
Project Connect Full-Sized Start-Up Kit is a large display rack filled with an assortment of pre-selected
booklets of our 23 most popular ones (read more to see complete list). With this full-sized start-up kit,
you can put your outreach booklet ministry into action. For more information, click here. Put Project
Connect to work in your congregation today!
INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER TRIPS - Is it time for something way beyond the ordinary? Electronically
the world is at our fingertips via television or the Internet, but that's not the same as being there, is it?
That's where Lutheran Hour Ministries International Volunteer Trips come in. Teams work alongside
indigenous LHM staff and local volunteers in projects such as outreach events, ministry to children,
construction, healthcare training, skills transfer, etc. LHM oversees all logistical details and manages the
project in the host country. Current LHM's short-term mission trip opportunities can be found here.
DAILY DEVOTIONS –Get devotions sent to your inbox by clicking here.
MOBILE APP - To download the free Lutheran Hour app, click here.
OUTREACH PLANNING REPORT - To receive your complimentary report, click here.
BIBLE STUDIES W/SUBTITLES – Get video Bible studies with subtitles, click here.
PSD eNews is not responsible for the contents, opinions or accuracy of the following items.
14-DAY HOLY LAND CRUISE - October 20 - November 3, 2016 - Over a year away, but now is the
time to reserve a cabin for two for $1,200. Total price is $2,999/person and up. Sites include Athens,
Israel, Ephesus, Malta, Cyprus, Rome and more! We'll also have at sea Bible studies. Book with Educon
Travel, a Lutheran Christian travel service. 714-334-1252 or
INTERESTED IN SUBSCRIBING? Send an email to [email protected] with the words “subscribe”
in the subject line. Please indicate whether you would like to subscribe to PSD eNews, PSD Job Site, or
both. To unsubscribe, reply back to this email and put the words “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.
Prayer requests will be posted for 6 weeks, subject to updates.
TO SUBMIT NEWS AND INFORMATION Email [email protected] (or simply reply back to this
email) with the ‘who, what, when, where, and why’ of the news item. Items must be received by 2:00
PM Wednesday in order to be included in the next issue. The Pacific Southwest District will NOT
sell, give or otherwise transmit your email address for any reason other than its intended purpose.
God’s blessings to you, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
[email protected]
Pacific Southwest District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
1540 Concordia Drive East, Irvine, CA 92612, 888-773-5267