Curriculum Vitae - Pubpages - University of New Hampshire
Curriculum Vitae - Pubpages - University of New Hampshire
4/20/15 Curriculum Vitae KAREN T. VAN GUNDY Sociology Department, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 Phone: (603) 862-2500; E-mail: [email protected] Professional Positions Current ! 2014 – present: Faculty Fellow, Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire ! 2007 – present: Associate Professor, Sociology, University of New Hampshire ! 2004 – present: Core Faculty, Justice Studies, University of New Hampshire Previous ! 2007 – 2014: Faculty Fellow, Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire ! 2001 – 2007: Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of New Hampshire ! 2001: Sr. Research Associate, Life Course & Health Research Ctr., Florida International University ! 2000: Research Assistant, Life Course & Health Research Ctr., Florida International University ! 1997 – 2000: Research/Teaching Assistant, University of Miami ! 1996 – 1997: Research Assistant, University of Cincinnati ! 1995: Interviewer, Institute for Policy Research, University of Cincinnati ! 1994 – 1995: Service Provider, Fairlawn House (Group Home), Fairlawn, VA ! 1994: Medication Aide, Richfield Retirement Community, Salem, VA ! 1994: Mental Health Counselor, Lewis-Gale Medical Center for Behavioral Health, Salem, VA ! 1992 – 1993: Psychiatric Technician, Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute, Falls Church, VA Education ! ! ! 2001 (May): Ph.D., Sociology, University of Miami 1998 (December): MA, Sociology, University of Cincinnati 1994 (May): BS, Psychology (2nd major: Sociology), Virginia Tech Specialty Areas ! Sociology of mental health; substance abuse; the stress process; youth and the life course; place Courses ! Undergraduate-level: Introductory Statistics; Sociological Analysis; Drugs and Society; Drugs, Health, and Culture; Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Drug Use and Policy ! Graduate-level: Sociology of Mental Health; Sociology of Drug Use; Sociological Methods I; Quantitative Research Methods (Justice Studies) External Funding ! 2013 – 2015: Principal Investigator, “Social Integration, Stress, and Ambition in Transitions to Adulthood” (REU Supplement), National Science Foundation grant #1322189 ($11,998) Van Gundy 2 ! 2012 – 2015: Principal Investigator, “Social Integration, Stress, and Ambition in Transitions to Adulthood,” National Science Foundation grant #1155797 ($200,000) ! 2010 – 2015: Co-Principal Investigator, “Legal Socialization and Rule-Violating Behavior,” National Science Foundation grant #1026803 ($250,000) ! 2015: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($127,652) ! 2014: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($107,869) ! 2014: Consultant, “Prescription Drug Abuse Education for High School Students,” PeopleCare: Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse ! 2013: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($183,046) ! 2012: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($116,397) ! 2011: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($160,055) ! 2010: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($105,882) ! 2009: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($154,780) ! 2008 – 2009: Co-Principal Investigator, “Cognitive Developmental Factors and Rule-violating Behavior: The Role of Personal Attributes, Attitudes, and Peers” (REU Supplement), National Science Foundation grant #0833271 ($11,575) ! 2008: Co-Principal Investigator, “Panel Study of Coös County Youth,” Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation grant ($145,441) ! 2007: Consultant, “Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Education and Prevention,” Ruddie Memorial Youth Foundation grant, Children’s Health Education Center, Milwaukee, WI ! 2006 – 2010: Co-Principal Investigator, “Cognitive Developmental Factors and Rule-violating Behavior: The Role of Personal Attributes, Attitudes, and Peers,” National Science Foundation grant #0550145 ($254,918) ! 2002 – 2003: Principal Investigator, “Student Perceptions of Technology-based Teaching Methods,” American Sociological Association’s Teaching Endowment Fund ($1,000) Van Gundy 3 Works In Progress (student collaborators marked with an asterisk) ! Van Gundy, Karen T., *Michael S. Staunton, *Meghan L. Mills, Cesar J. Rebellon, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Corinna Jenkins Tucker. “Social Connectedness, Personal Resources, and Adolescent Health in a Rural Population.” To be submitted to Journal of Health and Social Behavior. ! *Mills, Meghan L., and Karen T. Van Gundy. “Residential Goal-Striving Stress in a Population of Rural Youth and Emerging Adults: Implications for Depression and Crime.” To be submitted to Society and Mental Health. ! *Maliakkal, Nadine N., Stacy A. Jeleniewski, Ellen S. Cohn, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Karen T. Van Gundy. “Adolescent-tested, Authoritative Parent-approved: The Differential Effects of Parenting Factors on Adolescent Rule-violating Behaviors.” To be submitted to Journal of Research in Adolescence. Works Under Contract or Review ! Van Gundy, Karen T., and *Michael S. Staunton. 2016 (under contract). Marijuana Misuse: Examining the Facts. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood. ! Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, Karen T. Van Gundy, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Adolescent Health Brief: Physical Health of Adolescent Perpetrators of Sibling Aggression.” Under review at Journal of Adolescent Health. ! Rebellon, Cesar J., Rick Trinkner, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Ellen S. Cohn. “Does Adolescent Risk Seeking Promote Popularity? A Longitudinal Test of the Status Acquisition Hypothesis.” Under review at Journal of Research on Adolescence. ! Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, Erin Hiley Sharp, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Household Chaos and Adolescents’ Sense of Mastery and Future Beliefs.” Revise and resubmit at Journal of Family Studies. ! Rebellon, Cesar J., Michelle E. Manasse, Robert Agnew, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Ellen S. Cohn. “The Relationship between Gender and Delinquency: Assessing the Mediating Role of Anticipated Guilt.” Revise and resubmit at Journal of Criminal Justice. Book Chapters ! Van Gundy, Karen T., Corinna J. Tucker, Nena F. Stracuzzi, Erin H. Sharp, and Cesar J. Rebellon. (In press). “The Rural Context of Substance Misuse in the United States: Emerging Adult Patterns and Local Perceptions following the Great Recession.” International Handbook of Rural Criminology, edited by Joseph F. Donnermeyer. New York/London: Routledge. ! Van Gundy, Karen T., and *Meghan L. Mills. 2013. “Health and the Stress Process in Rural America.” Pp. 207-233 in Poverty and Health: A Crisis among America’s Most Vulnerable, Volume 2, edited by Kevin M. Fitzpatrick. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. ! Schieman, Scott, Karen Van Gundy, and John Taylor. 2010 [2001]. “Status, Role, and Resource Explanations for Age Differences in Psychological Distress.” Reprinted in The Sociology of Mental Illness, A Comprehensive Reader, edited by Jane D. McLeod and Eric C. Wright. New York: Oxford University Press. (Originally published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior 2001) Van Gundy 4 Articles Published or in Press (Peer-Reviewed) ! Van Gundy, Karen T., Cesar J. Rebellon, Eleanor M. Jaffee, Nena F. Stracuzzi, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Corinna Jenkins Tucker. In press. “Perceived Local Job Prospects and School Connectedness in a Struggling Rural Economy: A Life-Course Perspective.” Peabody Journal of Education. ! Van Gundy, Karen T., Amanda Howerton-Orcutt, and *Meghan L. Mills. In press. “Race, Coping Style, and Substance Use Disorder among Non-Hispanic African American and White Young Adults in South Florida.” Substance Use & Misuse. ! Van Gundy, Karen T., *Meghan L. Mills, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Cesar J. Rebellon, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Nena F. Stracuzzi. 2015. “Socioeconomic Strain, Family Ties, and Adolescent Health in a Rural Northeastern County.” Rural Sociology 80(1):60-85. ! Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, Karen T. Van Gundy, *Desireé Wiesen-Martin, Erin Hiley Sharp, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Nena F. Stracuzzi. 2015. “Proactive and Reactive Sibling Aggression and Adjustment in Adolescence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 30:965-987. ! Sharp, Erin Hiley, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Megan Baril, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. 2015. “Breadth of Participation in Organized and Unstructured Leisure Activities Over Time and Rural Adolescents’ Functioning.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 44(1):62-76. ! Rebellon, Cesar J., Michelle E. Manasse, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Ellen S. Cohn. 2014. “Rationalizing Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of the Reciprocal Relationship between Delinquent Behavior and Delinquent Attitudes.” Social Psychology Quarterly 77:361-386. ! *Cole, Lindsey M., Ellen S. Cohn, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Karen T. Van Gundy. 2014. “Feeling Guilty to Remain Innocent: The Moderating Effect of Sex on Guilt Responses to Rule-Violating Behavior in Adolescent Legal Socialization.” Psychology, Crime & Law 20(8):722-40. ! *Cox, Genevieve R., Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Erin Hiley Sharp, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. 2014. “Practical Considerations: Community Context in a Declining Rural Economy and Emerging Adults’ Educational and Occupational Aspirations.” Emerging Adulthood 2:173-183. ! Seaman, Jayson, Erin Hiley Sharp, Sean McLaughlin, Corinna Tucker, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. 2014. “A Longitudinal Study of Rural Youth Involvement in Outdoor Activities throughout Adolescence: Exploring Social Capital as a Factor in Community-Level Outcomes.” Research in Outdoor Education 12:36-57. ! Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, Erin Hiley Sharp, Nena F. Stracuzzi, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. 2013. “Rural Parents’ Messages to their Adolescent Sons and Daughters to Leave Their Home Communities.” Journal of Adolescence 36: 963-70. ! Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, *Genevieve R. Cox, Erin Hiley Sharp, Karen T. Van Gundy, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Nena F. Stracuzzi. 2013. “Sibling Proactive and Reactive Aggression in Adolescence.” Journal of Family Violence 28(3):299-310. Van Gundy 5 ! Rebellon, Cesar J., Michelle E. Manasse, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Ellen S. Cohn. 2012. “Perceived Injustice and Delinquency: A Test of General Strain Theory.” Journal of Criminal Justice 40:230-37. ! Cohn, Ellen S., *Rick Trinkner, Cesar J. Rebellon, Karen T. Van Gundy, and *Lindsey M. Cole. 2012. “Legal Attitudes and Legitimacy: Extending the Integrated Legal Socialization Model.” Victims & Offenders 7:385-406. ! *Trinkner, Rick, Ellen S. Cohn, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Karen T. Van Gundy. 2012. “Don’t Trust Anyone over 30: Parental Legitimacy as a Mediator between Parenting Style and Changes in Delinquent Behavior over Time.” Journal of Adolescence 35:119-32. ! Van Gundy, Karen T., Nena F. Stracuzzi, Cesar J. Rebellon, Corinna J. Tucker, and Ellen S. Cohn. 2011. “Perceived Community Cohesion and the Stress Process in Youth.” Rural Sociology 76: 293-318. ! Van Gundy, Karen, and Cesar J. Rebellon. 2010. “A Life-course Perspective on the ‘Gateway Hypothesis.’” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51(3):244-59. ! Cohn, Ellen S., *Donald Bucolo, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Karen Van Gundy. 2010. “An Integrated Model of Legal and Moral Reasoning and Rule-Violating Behavior: The Role of Legal Attitudes.” Law and Human Behavior 34:295-309. ! *Howerton, Amanda, and Karen Van Gundy. 2009. “Sex Differences in Coping Styles and Implications for Depressed Mood.” International Journal of Stress Management 16(4):333-350. ! Van Gundy, Karen, *Beth A. Morton, Hope Q. Liu, and *Jennifer Kline. 2006. “Effects of WebBased Instruction on Math Anxiety, the Sense of Mastery, and Global Self-Esteem: A QuasiExperimental Study of Undergraduate Statistics Students.” Teaching Sociology 34:370-88. ! Rebellon, Cesar J. and Karen Van Gundy. 2006. “Can Social Psychological Delinquency Theories Explain the Link between Marijuana Use and Other Illicit Drug Use? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Gateway Hypothesis.” Journal of Drug Issues 36:515-40. ! Schieman, Scott, *Yuko Kurashina Whitestone, and Karen Van Gundy. 2006. “Gender, the Nature of Work, and the Stress of Higher Status.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 47:242-57. ! Van Gundy, Karen, Scott Schieman, Margaret S. Kelley, and Cesar J. Rebellon. 2005. “Gender Role Orientations and Alcohol Use among Moscow and Toronto Adults.” Social Science & Medicine 61(11):2317-30. ! Rebellon, Cesar J., and Karen Van Gundy. 2005. “Can Control Theory Explain the Link between Parental Physical Abuse and Delinquency? A Longitudinal Analysis.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 42(3):247-274. ! Turner, R. Jay, John Taylor, and Karen Van Gundy. 2004. “Personal Resources and Depression in the Transition to Adulthood: Ethnic Comparisons.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 45(1):34-52. ! Eitle, David, Steven Gunkel, and Karen Van Gundy. 2004. “Cumulative Exposure to Stressful Life Events and Male Gang Membership.” Journal of Criminal Justice 32:95-111. Van Gundy ! Schieman, Scott, Debra Branch McBrier, and Karen Van Gundy. 2003. “Home-to-Work Conflict, Work Qualities, and Emotional Well-Being.” Sociological Forum 18(1):137-164. ! Van Gundy, Karen. 2002. “Gender, the Assertion of Autonomy, and the Stress Process in Young Adulthood.” Social Psychology Quarterly 65(4):346-363. ! Van Gundy, Karen. 2002. “Gender and Intergenerational Transmission of Alcohol Use Patterns: An Analysis of Adult Children in Moscow.” Substance Use & Misuse 37(1):65-87. ! Schieman, Scott, Karen Van Gundy, and John Taylor. 2002. “The Relationship between Age and Depressive Symptoms: A Test of Competing Explanatory and Suppression Influences.” Journal of Aging and Health 14(2):260-285. ! Van Gundy, Karen, and Scott Schieman. 2001. “Looking Inward: Introspectiveness, Physical Disability, and Depression across the Life Course.” The International Journal of Aging & Human Development 53(4):293-310. ! Schieman, Scott, Karen Van Gundy, and John Taylor. 2001. “Status, Role, and Resource Explanations for Age Differences in Psychological Distress.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42(1):80-96. 6 Reprinted in Jane D. McLeod and Eric C. Wright (Eds.). 2010. The Sociology of Mental Illness, A Comprehensive Reader. New York: Oxford University Press. ! Schieman, Scott, and Karen Van Gundy. 2001. “Introspectiveness, Psychosocial Resources, and Depression.” Social Behavior and Personality 29(2):105-112. ! Schieman, Scott, and Karen Van Gundy. 2000. “The Personal and Social Links between Age and Self-Reported Empathy.” Social Psychology Quarterly 63(2):152-174. Research Reports ! Van Gundy, Karen T. 2013. “Mental Health among Northern New Hampshire Young Adults: Depression and Substance Problems Higher than Nationwide.” The Carsey School of Public Policy at the Scholars’ Repository. Paper 204. ! Van Gundy, Karen T. 2013. “Comparing Teen Substance Use in Northern New Hampshire to Rural Use Nationwide.” The Carsey School of Public Policy at the Scholars’ Repository. Paper 200. ! Van Gundy, Karen T., and *Meghan L. Mills. 2011. “Teen Stress and Substance Use Problems in Coös: Survey Shows Strong Community Attachment Can Offset Risk.” The Carsey School of Public Policy at the Scholars’ Repository. Paper 153. ! Van Gundy, Karen. 2006. “Substance Abuse in Rural and Small Town America.” The Carsey School of Public Policy at the Scholars’ Repository. Paper 7. Van Gundy 7 Book Reviews • Van Gundy, Karen T. 2002. “Criminological Theories: Nontraditional Voices and Themes.” Criminal Justice Review 27(2):375-77. Presentations at Professional Meetings ! 2015: Van Gundy, Karen T., Cesar J. Rebellon, Eleanor M. Jaffee, Nena F. Stracuzzi, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Corinna Jenkins Tucker. “Perceived Local Job Prospects and School Connectedness in a Struggling Rural Economy: A Life-Course Perspective.” Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 22-25, Chicago, IL. ! 2015: Mills, Meghan L., and Karen T. Van Gundy. “Residential Goal-Striving Stress and Depressive Symptoms among Rural Youth.” Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 22-25, Chicago, IL. ! 2015: Van Gundy, Karen T., Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Cesar J. Rebellon, Nena F. Stracuzzi, and Erin Hiley Sharp. “Substance Use Patterns among Rural Emerging Adults: A Mixed-Method Approach.” Paper to be presented at the Rural Sociological Society meeting, August 6-9, Madison, WI. ! 2015: *Panait, Alex, Cesar J. Rebellon, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Ellen S. Cohn. “Digital Piracy among New Hampshire Youth: Crime, Criminal Approval, Guilt, and Justice Measures.” Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Society, February 26-March 1, New York, NY. ! 2014: Howerton-Orcutt, Amanda, Karen T. Van Gundy, and *Meghan L. Mills. “Race, Coping Style, and Substance Use Disorder among South Florida Young Adults.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 19-22, San Francisco, CA. ! 2014: Rebellon, Cesar J., Rick Trinkner, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Ellen S. Cohn. “Does RiskTaking Yield Social Reward among Adolescents? A Longitudinal Analysis.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 19-22, San Francisco, CA. ! 2014: Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, Karen T. Van Gundy, *Desireé Wiesen-Martin, Erin Hiley Sharp, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Nena F. Stracuzzi. “Proactive and Reactive Aggression and Adolescent Adjustment.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 7-10, Washington, DC. ! 2014: Seaman, Jayson, Erin Hiley Sharp, S. McLaughlin, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Rural Youth Involvement in Outdoor Activities throughout Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study.” Paper presented at the Biennial Research Symposium of the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors, Indiana University. ! 2013: Manasse, Michelle, E., Cesar J. Rebellon, Karen T. Van Gundy, Ellen S. Cohn, and Robert Agnew. “Perceived Injustice and Delinquency: The Role of Gender in Criminal Responses to Unjust Strain.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 20-23, Atlanta, GA. ! 2013: *Staunton, Michael S., Karen T. Van Gundy, *Meghan L. Mills, Cesar J. Rebellon, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Corinna Jenkins Tucker. “Social Attachment, Health, and Well-Being in a Sample of Van Gundy 8 Rural Youth: The Role of Personal Mastery.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 10-13, New York, NY. ! 2013: Van Gundy, Karen T., *Meghan L. Mills, *Michael S. Staunton, Cesar J. Rebellon, Erin Hiley Sharp, and Corinna Jenkins Tucker. “Social Attachments, Personal Resources, and Well-Being in a Sample of Rural Youth.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, March 21-24, Boston, MA. ! 2013: Sharp, Erin Hiley, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Megan Baril, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Karen T. Van Gundy. “Participation in Structured and Unstructured Activities and Adolescent Outcomes: Shifting the Dialogue to the Under-Scheduled Child.” Paper presentation at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, WA. ! 2012: *Cox, Genevieve, Corinna J. Tucker, Erin H. Sharp, Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Emerging Adults’ Educational and Occupational Aspirations in a Declining Rural Economy.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development: Transitions from Adolescence to Adulthood, October 18, Tampa, FL. ! 2012: Sharp, Erin H., Corinna J. Tucker, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Karen T. Van Gundy. “Do Education and Work Status Make a Difference to Rural Early Adults’ Experiences of Characteristics of Emerging Adulthood?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development: Transitions from Adolescence to Adulthood, October 18, Tampa, FL. ! 2012: *Mills, Meghan L., and Karen T. Van Gundy. “Socioeconomic Status and the Stress Process in Rural Youth: The Role of Social Attachments.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver, CO. ! 2012: *Dillon, Leslie N., Karen T. Van Gundy, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Through the Lens of Community Attachment: Adolescent Views of Environmental Issues in Rural Northern New England.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. ! 2010: Manasse, Michelle, Cesar J. Rebellon, Karen Van Gundy, and Ellen S. Cohn. “The Relationship between Delinquent Attitudes and Delinquent Behavior: A Panel Analysis.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 17-20, San Francisco, CA. ! 2010: Van Gundy, Karen, Nena F. Stracuzzi, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Youth Aspirations and the Stress Process.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 13-15, Atlanta, GA. ! 2009: Van Gundy, Karen, Nena Stracuzzi, Cesar Rebellon, and Ellen Cohn. “Community Cohesion and the Stress Process in Youth.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 4-7, Philadelphia, PA. ! 2007: Van Gundy, Karen, Cesar J. Rebellon, and *Kristi L. Gozjolko. “Crystal Clear? An Analysis of Rural Methamphetamine Use and Abuse.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 10-12, New York, NY. ! 2007: Van Gundy, Karen, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Ellen Cohn. “Everyday Morality and the Stress Process: A Study of Adolescent Rule Violation.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association, July 25-28, Berlin, Germany. Van Gundy 9 ! 2007: Rebellon, Cesar J., Karen Van Gundy, and Ellen Cohn. “Differential Association and Delinquency: Examining the Role of Cognitive Development.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association, July 25-28, Berlin, Germany. ! 2007: Cohn, Ellen, *Donald Bucolo, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Karen Van Gundy. “Longitudinal Model to Test Legal Attitudes as Mediators between Legal Reasoning and Rule-Violating Behavior.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association, July 25-28, Berlin, Germany. ! 2006: *Burbank, Melissa, and Karen Van Gundy. “Gender, Crime, and the Stress Process.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Stress Research, October 28-30, Portsmouth, NH. ! 2006: Van Gundy, Karen and Catherine L. Moran. “Teaching Social Statistics,” Workshop held at the American Sociological Association, August 11-14, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ! 2006: Moran, Catherine L., and Karen Van Gundy. “The Effect of Chronic Pain on Social Support Maintenance and Deterioration.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, February 23-26, Boston, MA. ! 2006: *Dawson, Jean, and Karen Van Gundy. “Neighborhood, Race, and Gender Effects on Multiple Individual Outcomes in Rural and Non-Rural Settings.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, February 23-26, Boston, MA. ! 2005: Van Gundy, Karen, and *Amanda Howerton. “Race, Coping Style, and Substance Dependence in Young Adulthood: Results from a South Florida Cohort.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 12-14, Philadelphia, PA. ! 2005: Van Gundy, Karen, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “A Life Course Perspective.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association June 2-5, Las Vegas, NV. ! 2005: *Morton, Beth, and Karen Van Gundy. “Social Capital, Social Bonding, and High School Dropout: Racial Comparisons.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, March 17-20, Washington, D.C. ! 2004: *Howerton, Amanda, and Karen Van Gundy. “Coping Responses and Marijuana Dependence: Gender and Race Effects.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 17-20, Nashville, TN. ! 2004: Van Gundy, Karen, Scott Schieman, Margaret S. Kelley, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Gender Role Orientations and Alcohol Use among Moscow and Toronto Adults.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, August 14-17, San Francisco, CA. ! 2004: Schieman, Scott, *Yuko Kurashina, and Karen Van Gundy. “The Nature of Work and the Stress of Higher Status.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Stress Research, May 2931, Montreal, Canada. ! 2004: Van Gundy, Karen, Scott Schieman, Margaret S. Kelley, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Masculinity, Femininity, and Alcohol Use: A Study of Moscow and Toronto Adults.” Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Society, February 19-22, New York, NY. Van Gundy 10 ! 2003: Van Gundy, Karen, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Is Marijuana a ‘Gateway’ Drug? A Preliminary Empirical Analysis.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 19-22, Denver, CO. ! 2003: Van Gundy, Karen, *Jennifer Kline, and Hope Liu. “Student Perceptions of Technologybased Teaching Methods.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 16-19, Atlanta, GA. ! 2002: Van Gundy, Karen and Heather A. Turner. “Gender, Emotional Reliance, and Psychological Well-Being in Young Adulthood.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 16-19, Chicago IL. ! 2002: Turner, R. Jay, and Karen Van Gundy. “The Co-Occurrence of Psychiatric and Substance Disorders: Is There a Causal Connection?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 15-17, Chicago IL. ! 2002: *Engel, Susan M. and Karen Van Gundy. “Parenting Style and Young Adult Risk for Unsafe Sexual Behavior: Results from a South Florida Cohort.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, March 7-10, Boston, MA. ! 2001: Schieman, Scott, Karen Van Gundy, and John Taylor. “Examining the Explanatory and Suppression Influences on Age Differences in Depressive Symptomology.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 15-18, Chicago, IL. ! 2001: Van Gundy, Karen. “Gender and the Stress Process: The Significance of Interpersonal Autonomy for Depression and Criminal Behavior.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 7-10, Atlanta, GA. ! 2001: Van Gundy, Karen. “Gender, the Assertion of Autonomy, and the Stress Process in Young Adulthood.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1821, Anaheim, CA. ! 2001: Taylor, John, R. Jay Turner, and Karen Van Gundy. “Personal Resources and Depression in the Transition to Adulthood: Ethnic Comparisons.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 18-21, Anaheim, CA. ! 2000: Van Gundy, Karen, and Scott Schieman. “Looking Inward: Introspectiveness, Physical Disability, and Depression Across the Life Course.” Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 17-21, Washington, D.C. ! 2000: Schieman, Scott, Karen Van Gundy, and John Taylor. “Re-Examining Age Patterns in Depressive Symptoms in Two Representative U.S. Surveys.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 13, Washington D.C. ! 1999: Taylor, John, Karen Van Gundy, and R. Jay Turner. “Social Stress, Personal Attributes and Psychological Distress in the Transition to Adulthood: Racial/Ethnic Comparisons.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 7, Chicago, IL. Van Gundy 11 ! 1999: Van Gundy, Karen. “Age, Personality, and Mental Health: The Significance of Introspectiveness for Depression and Anxiety.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 6-10, Chicago, IL. ! 1998: Van Gundy, Karen, and Scott Schieman. “Work/Home Spillover, Gender and Depression: A Study of Status, Work, Home, and Psychosocial Moderating Factors.” Paper presented the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 21-25, San Francisco, CA. Professional Service ! 2014 – 2016: Associate Editor, Society & Mental Health ! 2014 – 2016: Treasurer, Board of Directors, PeopleCare: Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse ! 2013 – 2015: Nominations Committee Chair, American Sociological Association (Mental Health Section) ! 2014: Co-Director, International Conference on Social Stress Research, Vancouver, Canada ! 2013 – 2014: Panelist, Graduate Research Fellowship Program, National Science Foundation ! 2012: Co-Director, International Conference on Social Stress Research, Dublin, Ireland ! 2011: Member, Awards Committee, Graduate Student Paper Competition, American Sociological Association (Crime, Law, and Deviance Section) ! 2010: Presider, Medical Sociology Section Roundtables, ASA annual conference ! 2010: Co-Director, International Conference on Social Stress Research, Portsmouth, NH ! 2009: Organizer, Mental Health Section Roundtables, ASA annual conference ! 2008: Co-Director, International Conference on Social Stress Research, Santa Fe, NM ! 2003 – 2008: Website Administrator, International Conference on Social Stress Research ! 2004 – 2006: Associate Editor, Journal of Health and Social Behavior ! 2004: Member, Awards Committee, Graduate Student Paper Competition, Society for the Study of Social Problems (Crime & Delinquency Section) ! 2003: Member, Awards Committee, Graduate Student Paper Competition, Society for the Study of Social Problems (Crime & Delinquency Section) ! Reviewer (articles): Addiction, Alcohol and Alcoholism, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Feminist Criminology, Journal of Aging and Health, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Journal of Drug Issues, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Rural Health, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Research on Aging, Rural Realities, Rural Sociology, Teaching Sociology, Social Psychology Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Society and Mental Health, Sociological Spectrum, Victims & Offenders, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice Van Gundy 12 ! Reviewer (books): New York University Press, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Worth Publishers ! Reviewer (grant proposals): City University of New York’s Internal Research Award Program, Icelandic Research Fund, National Science Foundation Department Service ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2002 – present: Member, Health and Illness Ph.D. Exam Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2001 – present: Member, Crime and Conflict Ph.D. Exam Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2015 – 2016: Chair, Graduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2012 – 2014: Member, Research Methods Ph.D. Exam Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2009 – 2014: Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2012 – 2013: Member, Graduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2010 (spring) – 2012 (spring): Chair, Graduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2009 (fall): Member, Graduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2008 (spring) – 2009 (spring): Chair, Undergraduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2006 – 2008: Member, Research Methods Ph.D. Exam Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2006 (fall) – 2007 (fall): Member, Undergraduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2005 (fall) – 2006 (spring): Member, Graduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2005 – 2006: Member, Faculty Recruitment Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2003 – 2005: Coordinator, Sociological Analysis Course Evaluation, Sociology Department, UNH 2003 – 2005: Member, Departmental Review Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2003 – 2004: Member, Faculty Recruitment Committee, Sociology Department, UNH 2002 – 2005 (spring): Member, Undergraduate Committee, Sociology Department, UNH University Service ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2014 (fall): Faculty in Residence, Justice Studies Budapest Program, UNH 2013 (fall): Member, Panel on Analytics/Informatics/Big Data, UNH 2012 – 2014: Chair, Undergraduate Committee, Justice Studies Program, UNH 2012 – 2013: Member, NEASC Standard 4 (Academic Program) Committee, UNH 2009 – 2012: Member, Undergraduate Committee, Justice Studies Program, UNH 2009 (spring): Member, Graduate Committee, Justice Studies Program, UNH 2008 (fall): Faculty in Residence, Justice Studies Budapest Program, UNH 2008 (spring): Member, Undergraduate Committee, Justice Studies Program, UNH 2005 – 2007: Member, President’s Commission on the Status of Women, UNH 2004 – 2007: Chair, Undergraduate Committee, Justice Studies Program, UNH 2004 – 2006: Member, Faculty Senate, UNH 2004 (summer): Faculty Mentor, McNair Graduate Opportunity Program, UNH 2002 – 2003: Member, Justice Studies Committee, UNH 2002 (summer): Faculty Mentor, McNair Graduate Opportunity Program, UNH Academic and Community Engagement (Presentations and Lectures) ! 2014: Van Gundy, Karen T., *Meghan L. Mills, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Erin Hiley Sharp, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Ellen S. Cohn. “Substance Use and Depression in Coös: Making Sense of National and Local Trends.” Young People in Coös: The Latest Research from UNH that Health and Human Service Providers Need to Know, conference presentation sponsored by the Carsey School of Public Policy at White Mountains Community College, July 10, Berlin, NH. Van Gundy 13 ! 2014: Van Gundy, Karen T., and John J. Schermerhorn. “Prescription Drug Use and Addiction.” Invited presentation at Exeter High School. May 27, Exeter, NH. ! 2013: Van Gundy, Karen T., *Meghan L. Mills, Corinna Jenkins Tucker, Erin Hiley Sharp, Cesar J. Rebellon, and Ellen S. Cohn. “Health and Well-Being among New Hampshire Youth and Young Adults: Evidence from Local and National Surveys.” Invited presentation at the New Hampshire Alcohol and Other Drug Service Providers Association’s first annual conference. October 17, Concord, NH. ! 2012: Van Gundy, Karen T. “Applying the ‘Stress Process’ in Justice Studies.” Invited guest lecture, Justice Studies Proseminar (JUST 901), University of New Hampshire, November 30, Durham, NH. ! 2012: Sharp, Erin Hiley et al. “Research to Practice to Research.” Pittsburg School Workshop. March 30, Pittsburg, NH. ! 2011: Rebellon, Cesar J. et al. “Research to Practice to Research: Making the Most of the Coös Youth Study.” Presented at North Country Professional Development Day. October 7, Berlin, NH & Whitefield, NH. ! 2010: Rebellon, Cesar J. et al. “Lessons from the Coös County Youth Study: Positive Youth Development and the Impact of Caring and Connectedness on Adolescent Health and Well-being.” Presented at North Country Professional Development Day. October 8, Whitefield, NH. ! 2009: Van Gundy, Karen, et al. “Community Cohesion and the Stress Process in Youth: Implications for Depressed Mood, Substance Use Problems, and Delinquency.” Justice Studies Department Colloquium, University of New Hampshire, March 6, Durham, NH. ! 2006: Van Gundy, Karen. “Effects of Stress and Autonomy on Depression and Delinquency: The Role of Gender.” Juvenile Delinquency Conference: Current Research, Issues, and Strategies. April 7, Manchester, NH. ! 2004, 2005, 2006: Van Gundy, Karen. “Drugs, Crime, and Legal Responses: A Sociological Approach.” Invited guest lectures, Introduction to Justice Studies (JUST 401), University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. ! 2004: Van Gundy, Karen, and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Early Teen Marijuana Use and Subsequent (Ab)use of Other Illicit Drugs: The ‘Gateway Hypothesis’ in Life Course Context.” Guest lecture, Justice Studies Proseminar (JUST 901), University of New Hampshire, October 26, Durham, NH. ! 2003: Van Gundy, Karen et al. “Masculinity, Femininity, and Alcohol Use: A Study of Moscow and Toronto Adults.” Sociology Department Colloquium, University of New Hampshire, November 12, Durham, NH. ! 2003: Van Gundy, Karen and Cesar J. Rebellon. “Is Marijuana a ‘Gateway’ Drug? A Preliminary Empirical Analysis.” Justice Studies Department Colloquium, University of New Hampshire, November 7, Durham, NH. Media Interviews/Coverage ! 2014, Quote: “Marijuana: The Gateway Myth,” Psychology Today, August 26. Van Gundy 14 ! 2014, Quote: “Survey: Most N.H. Residents Favor Marijuana Decriminalization: But Senate won’t Grant Hearing on House Bill,” Foster’s Daily Democrat, May 17. ! 2014, Interview: “The Complicated Marijuana Debate,” Foster’s Daily Democrat, April 6 ! 2014, Interview, Foster’s Daily Democrat, February 25 ! 2014, Interview, Hippo Press, February 24 ! 2014, Interview, Keene Sentinel, January 28 ! 2013, Interview: “Youth Survey Presents Positive Changes,” Portsmouth Herald, November 17 ! 2013, Interview: “Coös Youth More Prone to Depression and Substance Abuse than Rural Counterparts Nationwide,” New Hampshire Public Radio, November 13. ! 2013, Press Release: “Depression, Substance Abuse Problems in NH Rural Adults Above National Average,” University of New Hampshire, November 13. ! 2013, Interview: “Elko Struggles with Methamphetamine Use.” KNPR Nevada Public Radio, Sept. 30. ! 2013, Quote: “Drug Testing Should be Applied to All ‘Welfare’ Recipients—Rep. Fincher Should be First in Line.” Huffington Post, March 5. ! 2013, Interview: “Agencies Targeting Drug, Alcohol Abuse.” Foster’s Daily Democrat, March 4. ! 2013, Quote: “Substance Abuse Issues in Small Rural Towns.” Graham Meditorial, March 1. ! 2013, Interview: “Spiral of Addiction Even More Dangerous.” Portsmouth Herald, February 17. ! 2012, Interview: “Pot Legal? It Could Happen...” Self Magazine, November 7. ! 2011, Quote: “Romney Incorrectly Insists Marijuana is a ‘Gateway Drug.’” The Raw Story, May 10. ! 2011, Quote: “Research Casts Doubt on Pot as a Gateway Drug.” My Northwest, March 28. ! 2010, Interview: “Teen Pot Smoking Won’t Lead to Other Drugs as Adults.” WebMD, Sept. 2. ! 2010, Press Release: “Risk of Marijuana’s ‘Gateway Effect’ Overblown, New UNH Research Shows.” American Sociological Association and the University of New Hampshire, September 2. Quoted by many news media outlets, such as: CBC News, CBS News, Democratic Underground, E! Science News, EMax Health, LA Times, Live Science, Newswise, Science Daily, and U.S. News & World Report. ! 2006, Quote: “Alcohol Still the Drug of Choice in Rural Areas.” Partnership for a Drug Free America, August 17. ! 2006, Press Release: “Substance Abuse in Rural and Small Town America.” The Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, June 15. Led to several interviews and quotes by news media outlets. Van Gundy 15 Dissertation/Thesis Advising Current ! Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Anne Shattuck, Sociology Department, UNH Completed ! 2105: Tracy Keirns (Sociology, Ph.D.) ! 2014: Meghan Mills (Sociology Ph.D., chair); Jessica Carson (Sociology Ph.D.); Amber Swindell (Sociology MA) ! 2013: Michael Staunton (Sociology MA, chair), Susannah Perron (Justice Studies MA, chair), Heather Feldstein (Justice Studies MA), Kei Saito (Justice Studies MA) ! 2012: Rebecca Benson (Sociology MA, chair), Chris Janczyk (Justice Studies MA, chair), Rick Trinkner (Psychology Ph.D.) ! 2011: Michelle Stransky (Sociology Ph.D.), David Golia, (Justice Studies MA), William Meub (Family Studies MA) ! 2010: Stephanie Bramlett (Sociology Ph.D.), Jean Dawson (Sociology Ph.D.), Donald Bucolo (Psychology Ph.D.), Meghan L. Mills (Sociology MA), Jessie French (Justice Studies MA), Feoder Gostjev (Justice Studies MA), Mary Pitula (Justice Studies MA) ! 2009: Jessica Bean (Sociology MA, chair), Brien Leary (Justice Studies MA, chair), Scott Brokaw (Justice Studies MA, chair) ! 2008: Jeffrey Eaton (Sociology Ph.D.), Leslie Dillon (Sociology MA, chair), Alex Keller (Sociology MA), Jillian Kalosky (Sociology MA) ! 2007: Lauren Rinaldi Magrath (Liberal Studies MA, chair), Michelle Stransky (Sociology MA), Anne Shattuck (Sociology MA), Sarah Gibb (Sociology MA), Andrea Chrisstoffels (Justice Studies MA, chair), Codruta A. Ruset (Family Studies MA) ! 2006: Susan Fox (Sociology MA), Brynn Dunne (Justice Studies MA, chair), Amanda Medlyn (Justice Studies MA) ! 2005: Amanda Howerton (Sociology Ph.D., chair), Jill Harrison (Sociology Ph.D.), Tracy Fowler (Sociology MA), Melissa Burbank (Justice Studies MA, chair), Theresa Ridgeway (Sociology MA) ! 2004: Paul Muller (Sociology Ph.D.), Beth Morton (Sociology MA), Jesse Helton (Sociology MA) Awards and Honors ! 2012 – 2015: Award Recipient, Class of 1940 Professorship, a University Wide Award for Outstanding Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research, University of New Hampshire ! 2014 (spring): Faculty Scholars Program Award, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of New Hampshire Van Gundy 16 ! 2011: Participant Award, ADVANCEing your Career at UNH and Beyond ! 2005 (summer): Award Recipient (with Ellen S. Cohn and Cesar J. Rebellon), “Cognitive Development and Rule Violating Behaviors: The Role of Personality and Attitudinal Factors,” Faculty Research Fund, the Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire ! 2003 (summer): Award Recipient, “Student Perceptions of Technology-based Teaching Methods,” Liberal Arts Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, UNH ! 2002 (June): Participant Award, Faculty Instructional Technology Summer Institute, Academic Technology, University of New Hampshire ! 2002: Best Dissertation Award, Mental Health Section of the American Sociological Association ! 2000: Graduate Student of the Year, Department of Sociology, University of Miami