Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15
Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15
Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 Meeting 3 minutes Date: Thursday 23rd April 2015 Location: 212 3.1 Opening remarks by the Chair (including apologies) Hassan Haji welcomed everyone to the third and final Student Parliament meeting of this academic year. He mentioned that Kyron Goode has resigned as the SU President recently for personal reasons. More details will be provided during the ‘briefing by the Students’ Union Team’ section. Hassan Haji invited everyone to the Volunteering Social on Friday 24th April on Level 4. The Chair also presented a list of apologies. Present: Hassan Haji Chair Student Rep BA (Hons) Interior Design Environment Architectures (Level 1) Paul Sternberg Jill Leigh Jennifer Grant Management Team and Members of Staff Director and Chief Executive Deputy Director, Strategic and Academic Development and Postgraduate Studies Director of Academic Services Associate Dean – Fashion, Partnerships and Business Development Associate Dean – Content and Learning Innovations Associate Dean – Production Associate Dean – Architecture and IDEAS, International Liaison/Projects, Student Engagement and Experience Associate Dean – Design, Quality and Student Experience Associate Dean and Head of Design Innovation Head of Quality Head of Technical Services Elli Weir Honey Yeo Robert Taylor Sarah Amdanee Students’ Union Executive VP Activities, Participation and Fashion Cluster VP Welfare and Production Cluster VP Education and Content Cluster VP Campaigns and Further Education Bolanle Adeoshun Jack Williams Vlado Panov Charlotte Kerens Fionn Lucas Jonny Gwillim Tomas Sharman Matt Starr Tor-Arne Njamo Vanessa de la Cruz Sibrinna Kinnunen Student Reps Foundation Diploma in Art and Design BA (Hons) Digital Photography (L2) BA (Hons) Music Production for Media (L2) BA (Hons) Sound Design (L2) BA (Hons) Sound Design (L3) BA (Hons) Web Media (L1) BA (Hons) Web Media (L1) BA (Hons) Web Media (L2) BA (Hons) Web Media (L3) and Vice Chair BA (Hons) Web Media (L3) BA (Hons) Architecture (L2) Professor Linda Drew Dr Janthia Taylor John O’Boyle Caroline Gilbey Dr Rosemary Stott Jeremy Barr Layton Reid Louise Prideaux Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 1 Apology: Andrew Seeds Darpan Patel Daniel Falcone Stefan Ferrol BSc (Hons) Broadcast Technology (L1) BSc (Hons) Broadcast Technology (L1) BA (Hons) Digital Film Production (L2) BA (Hons) Digital Film Production(L2 Fast track) Muhammad Sadi Secretary SU Coordinator Annlise Scholl James Ward Jennie Stewart VP Equality, Diversity and Postgraduate Studies Associate Dean – FE and Community Engagement Head of Marketing 3.2 Elections No elections took place. 3.3 Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2015 were approved by the Parliament. The minutes are available at www.ravesu.co.uk/studentparliament. 3.4 Matters arising from the minutes 3.4.1 To receive an update on bringing back the table tennis table and introducing other activities on Level 4 (mins 2.4.1 – 17.02.2015 refers) Robert Taylor: the purchase of a table tennis table has been approved by the Director of Physical Resources. The table will be placed on Level 4 at some point during this academic term. There will be a schedule in place for the use of the table. No other activities will be introduced in this academic term. The incoming SU team may, however, evaluate the possibility introducing other activities on Level 4 in the next academic year. 3.5 Briefing by the Senior Management Team 3.5.1 Welcome by the Director and CEO Prof. Linda Drew welcomed everyone to the briefing by the Senior Management Team session. She expressed satisfaction with seeing a lot of students taking part both in student democracy and decision making process through the Parliament. She hoped that this will continue in the coming academic year. 3.5.2 Strategy Development Session – Prof. Linda Drew The Director and CEO informed the Parliament that the feedback received through the ‘traffic light’ process (stop, continue and start) session at the last meeting are currently being printed on fabrics. They will be on display around the building soon and students will be able to vote for top three priorities for action. Prof. Linda Drew also mentioned that a ‘Goto team’ has been formed recently as part of the strategic development process. The team are currently working on further refining values, mission and strategic priorities for Ravensbourne as well as developing a project plan, holding an integrated stakeholder consultation and establishing a design thinking approach. She further stated that at the staff conference on 31st March members of staff explored and redefined the values of the institution and contributed to the drafting of a manifesto. The Director and CEO requested Parliament members to do the same. All feedback received will form the basis of the development of the new strategy. Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 2 3.6 Questions and answers Student Reps raised questions on matters relevant to the overall student experience in Ravensbourne. Pre-submitted questions and answers 3.6.1 Andrew Seeds: “It has come to my attention that over the last term there has been significant disruption to Ravensbourne's lift system, with in term 2 alone, 3 separate emails saying that both lifts on the east side are out of action; often for days / weeks on each occasion with one in particular being out of action nearly continually during this time. I would like to know what is being done to improve the reliability of the lifts within the building longer term rather than what appears to be ‘quick patches’ of faults which are not lasting any length of time.” Management response: “we appreciate it can be frustrating when any of the lifts are out of order, particularly with the prolonged fault on Lift 3 (the large lift on the east side of the building). In order to maintain the lifts they are serviced every three months by our contractor Schindler and being mechanical they inevitably break down at times. We share your frustration with the continued issues with Lift 3 and apologise for any inconvenience this is causing. The lift originally failed on 13 February due to a faulty drive (the component that moves the lift) and, as is often the case, the replacement parts had a lead time of several weeks, which naturally impacts our ability to bring a lift back on line. In this instance once the part was replaced and the lift inspected again a further fault was identified requiring a further part, which has obviously further delayed bringing the lift back into service. At this moment in time we anticipate it will be fully repaired within the next two weeks. We have investigated the option of sourcing parts elsewhere however the lifts are closed protocol and therefore parts would still need to be sourced from Schindler so we have requested Schindler to send us a list of critical parts, which we will keep on site in the hope that this enables us to reduce the period of time a lift is out of service.” 3.6.2 Honey Yeo: “Can the timetable room finder have a search engine and pictures of each room for students to find the rooms easier when booking?” Management response: “timetable finder does not have this level of functionality however we have a module in Celcat that we recently procured that would make it possible to provide more direct information and to make booking a room more straightforward. We're not in a position to implement this at this moment in time however it is something we intend to do in the future.” Matters arose during the meeting 3.6.3 Comment: the problem with room 304 has been ongoing for more than six months now and a lot of students are disappointed about it (mins 1.6.2 – 13.11.2014 and mins 2.4.1 – 17.02.2015 refer). Management response: the institution has every intention of resolving this matter. However, we believe that the best solution can be achieved in consultation with students. 3.6.4 Question: is it true that the tuition fees for second year students going to third year is increasing by £250 in the next year and why? Management response: this decision was made two years ago due a reduction in government funding. Moreover, the revised fees are in line with the fees charged by institutions of the same size. Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 3 3.6.5 Question: since the SU President has now resigned from his position, could you please inform us where the unpaid salary is going to be invested? Management response: the former SU President will be paid out for the notice period. The institution is unable to provide any further information due to employment legislation. All members of staff shall take their leave at the conclusion of this point. 3.7 Briefing by the Students’ Union Team 3.7.1 Resignation of the RSU President and filling the vacancy – Robert Taylor The Vice President for Education and School of Content informed the Parliament that the Union President has resigned from his position recently for personal reasons. According to the SU Constitution, the Executive Committee may co-opt Officers if a position becomes vacant during the summer term, subject to ratification by the Student Parliament. The Executive Committee elected Robert Taylor as the Acting President of the Union who will be performing this duty in addition to his Vice Presidential responsibilities until the end of June 2015. The Parliament approved the decision made by the Executive Committee. It was noted that Robert will not serve as a sabbatical officer and will continue to be a full-time student and part-time officer of the Union. 3.7.2 Results of the Students’ Union Elections 2015 – Robert Taylor The Acting President of the Union presented the result of the Students’ Union Elections 2015 to the Parliament. President: Tor-Arne Njamo NUS National Conference Delegate: Bemi Onadeko Vice President for Education and Schools of Architecture & Design: Hassan Haji Vice President for Campaigns and School of Content: Jack Williams Vice President for Activities, Participation and School of Fashion: Amile Ali Vice President for Welfare and School of Production: Stefan Ferrol He also mentioned that 254 students logged in and cast 1223 votes across 6 elections. This means that more than 10 percent of students made the effort to get involved with the Students' Union by casting their votes. 3.7.3 Summer Ball 2015 – Elli Weir and Robert Taylor Elli Weir stated that this year’s Summer Ball is most likely to be held during the second week of June. The Union is currently on the process of selecting a date and venue. The event will be announced soon and the tickets will be on sale shortly after the announcement. There will be many different categories for students and staff to nominate themselves for an award. 3.8 Executive reports Received from: Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 4 Vice President of Activities, Participation and School of Fashion: Elli Weir Vice President of Education and School of Content: Robert Taylor Vice President of Equality, Diversity and Postgraduate Studies: Annelise Scholl Vice President of Welfare and School of Production: Honey Yeo Not received from: President: position vacant Vice President of Campaign and Further Education: Sarah Amdanee Vice President of Sustainability and School of Design: position vacant Sarah Amdanee apologised for not submitting her report and explained that she was unable to do so due to inefficient time keeping. The Student Parliament adopted all Executive Reports unanimously. Executive Reports (February – April 2015) Vice President of Activities, Participation and School of Fashion’s report Position type: part-time, paid Author: Elli Weir Since the last Student Parliament I have been active in creating more in house events and celebrations for students. This started by supporting the Chinese New Year Celebration by working with the leader of the society, giving advice and support and completing their Risk Assessment for the event. We have continued with the Student Socials to great success recently, with the Valentines Day Social and St. Patricks Day social. For the St. Patricks day social, I attended, facilitated and supported all aspects of the event; such as promotion on social media, creating free drinks tokens, booking the space and risk assessment, etc. As our Student Socials are becoming more commonplace and popular, I have been contacted about partnering up with the Degree Show and Futuresfest for a Networking Social 13th May. For this, I submitted a Risk Assessment, booked the space, the bar. I have also been working with the Brooklyn Bowl this term for an event on April 1st. For this event, we worked out exclusive deals for Ravensbourne Students. I promoted via social media, emails to students and printing of posters I also planned a Society Fair 16th April. The Society Fair is an all day event with the intention of encouraging more students to engage with what our societies have to offer – and also help the societies pick their leaders for next year. I requested Level 4 Booking, invited all society leaders. Created a schedule of events – some of the activity societies to provide entertainment and show off what they can do! I created Suggestion Box for online suggestions via Google Docs that is a part of our paperless ethos and give a place for students to get involved with their RSU. Towards the end of last term we have begun to plan the summer ball. We have generated a theme and I have contacted an outside events planner about the opportunity of a partnership. Created Summer Ball Google Drive folder. Started creating Google Forms for Summer Ball Crew recruitment. Contributed to create Rob’s Summer Ball Survey. Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 5 Continue to support and facilitate the Societies. Approved the constitution of a new Game of Thrones Society and met with the new Football Society Leader about funding. I also reopened the Society Reward Scheme form and sent it to society leaders to enter with the chance of winning £250 towards their society. Promoted the Scheme on Facebook to encourage members to get their society involved. Attended meeting with Joy from NUS. Further promotion of the Brooklyn Bowl event. Meeting with John O'Boyle and Jill about Student Parliment motion. End of report Vice President of Education and School of Content’s report Position type: part-time, paid Author: Robert Taylor The time since the last student parliament has been a very dynamic and interesting. We have had lots of events and activities happening within the union and have started planning the major events for the final term. I have continued to make a concerted effort to understand the tasks that are going on amongst the student body and within the SU team and have been working to maintain a constant presence within the union. One of the big things that the Students Union lead last term was the Student Union Elections. Throughout the election period I helped with promotion of the elections and helped to set up election events such as the Elections Hustings. Once voting opened I promoted and encouraged students to vote and participate in SU elections on level 4 and around the building and attended the announcement of SU Election results. As the new SU team have been elected now I am working on creating a handover pack for the Next Vice President of Education, an overall Handover for the executive team and I have also been putting together a handover to the incoming President to ensure that they have adequate information and guidance to work from. Within the School of Content there have been quite a few pressing issues that students have been wanting to raise and I went to all of my school SLC meetings to hear students feedback and concerns and took them on to the Content Board of Study to discuss them with the relevant senior management departments. We continued our Student Socials and started looking forward and planning further socials. I took a lead on the St Patricks Day social. I created the promotional material for the event, I bought and made decorations and supplies for the Social and the SU office. I booked out and set up sound equipment for Social. , sorted out and distributed drinks tokens and posted promo video about event on Facebook. I spoke with Dean Spratt regarding an issue we had with the Risk Assessment for the St patricks Socia but we managed to agree on a situation that we were all happy with so that the event could go ahead. Liased with UK Mobile Bar before and during the event regarding issues with the lifts and our use of tokens. For the first time we set up a Rave SU Spotify account and curated the first playlist. This is something I hope we can continue to use this term and something that future teams can make use of. After the I wrote a piece about the St Patricks Day Social for the RSU website and Staff newsletter. I took part in a meeting with Simon Allinson about putting on a social to coincide with his Futures Fest event. This will hopefully encourage students to further discuss their work and portfolios with eh members of industry in a more relaxed and informal setting. Our major effort at the moment is planning and setting up the 2015 Summer Ball. I started discussing ideas in a planning meeting with Elli and Honey. We have and will Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 6 continue to work on the Summer Ball planning into the final term. To gauge what students would want for Summer Ball I created a Google Form for Summer Ball suggestions. I was then able to analyse the responses and put together a solid idea of the type of event that would suit and engage the majority of students. I met with Eno from room bookings regarding availability of in house spaces for Summer Ball and started to work out a budget plan for the event. i communicated with Jill Leigh, Head of Quality about the Summer Ball budget. We are possibly looking to work with events company Original Sin who specialise in Summer Balls. I had meetings and phone calls with Nick Jackson to discuss what we are thinking of doing and what he suggests might be possible. I had a brief chat with Dean Spratt about using the building for Summer Ball but he felt that due to size and health and safety we would need to seriously consider the type of event we want to hold and the amount of students that would be attending. I have met with events company Original Sin to discuss having them work for us on the Summer Ball so that the event will be of a high quality and be able to go ahead as planned. Myself and two members of the executive team decided to put forward a Motion of No Confidence in the SU President however Kyron decided to resign from the position for his own reasons before the motion was formally put forward to students at the parliament. Due to the President's resignation, I worked full time before and during the break between term 2 and term 3 to be certain that there was a constant presence in the SU office which I will continue to do so until the end of term 3. During this time I was able to collate a folder with maps and directions for the sustainable travel plan around cycling to Rave from the local area. I used these to set up the Cycling hub wall in the office and add the cycling page and travel plan page to the SU website. As part of the effort to understand communication within Ravensbourne I had a meeting with Simon Crouch from BItelligence and discussed how the SU works with students and the institution and the sort of information we require and use. Once again as part of my role as Education Officer I launched the Term 2 Student Rep Awards and sent out promotion for it on Internal Comms and the RSU Facebook page. After further promotion and the announced deadline for nominations, I collected the results and determined who the winners of the Term 2 awards were announcing them via our various social media and internal comms emails. I received a suggestion from a student for a Game of Thrones themed night to encourage fans of the show to watch together rather than alone at home on their laptop. I encouraged them to take the idea further and helped them to startup the new Game of Thrones Society. I helped them set up a weekly student night by booking a room for the Game of Thrones event and made a promotional poster for them. Continuing from Term 1 and 2, I once again attended the Teaching & Learning Strategy Steering Group to discuss where the strategy is at, to articulate Graduate Attributes and to formulate a plan as to how we could get the input of the whole institution. This was then presented to Academic Board which I attended. During the meeting I discussed agenda items and contributed to discussion to ensure that the views and opinions of students were consistently at the forefront of why things were being done. During the break between Term 2 and 3, myself and Sadi met with Colin McDonagh about setting up a new and more comprehensive RSU Shop. We discussed potential products we could sell and what the costs for us to purchase would be. We then worked Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 7 out whether or not the prices would be beneficial to Students and the SU both practically and financially. As a last effort to push forward the registration for the national election I launched the ‘Use Your X’ campaign to encourage people to register and use their right to vote in the upcoming national election. Although this is the last Student Parliament of my term in office I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that students have the experience they want and deserve. I am available most days for students to discuss things with me and I will do my best to help and represent you where I can. Thank you for making this year in the SU so enjoyable by giving me interesting tasks and projects to work on and for putting your vote and faith in me. End of report Vice President of Equality, Diversity and Postgraduate Studies’ report Position type: part-time, paid Author: Annelise Scholl As VP in representation of the Post Graduate students and also official in charge of Diversity and Inclusivity at Ravensbourne, I had been wondering how we can encourage the Post Graduate students to engage with undergraduate students and staff. For a variety of reasons, including age, schedule and possible differences in interests, these two populations of students don’t really get to interact much with each other. This is why I have suggested that one of the Rave Socials be organized by the Post Graduates, in an effort to network, wind down, relax and party at Uni. This could also be a great opportunity to promote the Masters courses, where undergraduates could approach the Post Graduates in a relaxed environment and ask them questions about their respective programs. I have enrolled a group of students interested in lending a hand in organizing it and come up with creative ideas to make the event a success. I will be meeting with them after Easter to start planning accordingly. The event will tentatively take place in June. As part of the initiatives for the Green Impact award, I committed to recruit students interested in taking part of the bike club. Once the bike club is formed, we will have a meeting with all members to welcome them and start planning future bike club events. End of report Vice President of Welfare and School of Production’s report Position type: part time, paid Author: Honey Yeo This term has been another exciting term for the RSU with more exciting events, social and indoor activities based on our campaigns. I would like to highlight the fact that each vice president has performed their roles and duties efficiently for the students. As a welfare officer, I was receiving more serious concerns from our students based on their health concerns, sexual health concerns and their social lives. Extra research and off office hours meetings were absolutely necessary to support our students who have been dealing with difficulties. Throughout my times as a welfare officer, I have learnt that the mental health campaigns or health-based campaigns must be done in a non-aggressive way especially when it comes to reaching towards our students. I would like to mention that the Valentine's Day social was particularly successful. RSU team has organised indoor activities for both Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 8 during the day and the evening. We have organised the bar to come in to the building like the previous social, I was in charge of the day time activity which was called, 'Find the welfairy for a rose' It was a small activity involving students in the building to send out a small message that everyone deserves to be loved. Additionally, the scent of roses is proven for spreading positive energy, which calms people down that also decreases the stress levels. I have also written 150 notes to give out to our students with roses to make the event more entertaining. The event was a huge success, the feedbacks that the team received was extremely positive. Ravensbourne team has security regulations that the students were not too familiar with. The front of the house team has been stopping students from bringing the visitors in the building after 6pm. This caused many inconvenience situations towards students especially the students who were bringing the guests in for production and work purposes. The main issue was the communication; no students have received the e mails about the changed policy since the start of this term. A few students have found me to address the issue and the result of having a meeting with Dean S was efficient. Students may bring the guest or visitors in after 6pm, however a student will have to get an approval from Dean himself on the risk assessment. Once the student's risk assessment is approved, you will be able to bring the guests in. My only concern is that students are still not aware of this policy and the process if they do wish to bring someone in during the evening. I am planning on holding another meeting with Dean to further promote this new regulations and also to help students with their production work which involves bringing in the guests. This term, a number of students have come to me with serious issues especially based on mental health and sexual health. Like I have mentioned earlier, I had to extend my area of research to point out students to the right direction. A lot of information discussed during the welfare meeting must stay confidential, it can seem positive that the students do know where to ask for support and help when they need it. I strongly believe that the mental health campaigns that the RSU team has been working on are making changes. A number of students requesting for welfare meetings are continuously increasing and this can be seen as less students struggling alone. The LGBT group is very active, the regular meetings and activities that the group organise are very popular. They have been organising a few more events, which sound very exciting, we have been having discussions on how we should organise the different types of events. As a welfare officer, I was supporting their ideas by attending the meetings to make key decisions. I will be mainly promoting their events on the RSU social media pages in the future. On the other hand, I would like to focus the next term on the international event in particular. As a welfare officer I still believe that there should be an event or campaign done involving many different cultures and backgrounds. End of all reports 3.9 Motions No motions were submitted by the Student Parliament members. 3.10 Emergency motions No emergency motions were submitted by the Student Parliament members. 3.11 Guest speakers There was no guest speaker present at the meeting. 3.12 Any other business There was no other business. Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 9 3.13 Next meeting The next meeting of the Parliament will be held on Thursday 12th November 2015 at 4:00 pm. Ravensbourne Student Parliament 2014/15 - Meeting 3 minutes Page | 10