Guide - Real Choices Australia


Guide - Real Choices Australia
New Zealand
Supporting women experiencing
unintended or challenging pregnancy
United Kingdom
United States
Contact us:
PO Box 157, Wodonga, Victoria, 3689, Australia
Phone: 61 2 60595550 (outside Australia)
0260 595550 (inside Australia)
Email: [email protected]
This document contains information about the course, “Supporting women with unintended or
challenging pregnancy” which has been written by Debbie Garratt.
This publication in its entirety may be shared for the purpose of information; however no part of this
publication may be reproduced without written permission of the author.
©Debbie Garratt, Real Choices Australia 2014
Why study with
Real Choices Australia?
Here’s what just a few of our students say….
“I’ve done my share of university education… mostly face to face, but some
online too.. this is by far the best.. I didn’t expect it to be so good.”
Susanna, Mental Health Nurse
“My expectations weren’t high. The course seemed reasonably priced but being
all online, I wasn’t sure I’d get much out of it. I was pleasantly surprised. I
learned more about the issues women face during a difficult pregnancy in this
Mel, Social Worker
course than I did in 3 years of social work study!”
“Congratulations on producing a very satisfying and foundational course to equip
those who desire to meet a very great need in the community.” Roslyn, GP
The education team at Real Choices Australia are highly qualified in education
development and delivery and have delivered training in the reproductive health,
counselling and support sectors for more than two decades.
Almost 200 hundred people have undertaken our online training and 100% of them
agree or strongly agree that the course met all their expectations and was great value
for money!
Advantages of online training
As education specialists we recognise the value of face to face training as ideal. However we also
recognise the need to make quality education accessible to all, and to ensure education is as flexible
as the lives that people lead.
“I loved that I could do my reading after I finished evening shift at the hospital… not a luxury
afforded in face to face training.”
Kym, midwife
You can study when you want, where you want and for as long or short a time as you want!
study in around your other commitments and over the length of time that suits your lifestyle.
We provide you with an initial enrolment period of 6 months, however if need more time we can
extend this period up to a year for you.
How we support you
You have access to our team via email and phone during business hours and we encourage you to
post your questions and comments to the student forum so that other students can benefit from
We endeavour to always get back to you within 48 hours!
“The student forum was a great way to interact with others doing my course. It helped to see
that others had similar questions and it was great to be able to offer help when I could too.”
Who is this training for?
Our students come from a broad range of backgrounds with doctors, psychologists, mental health
professionals, midwives, church leaders and non-professional volunteers having undertaken the
course. Without exception, they have all valued the high quality of the information and the easy to
understand and navigate format of the training.
If you ever work with or would like to work with, women who may be expeirencing an unintended
pregnancy and you need to know what to say, how to say it, and how to best support them this
course is essential.
Our “Supporting women with unintended or challenging pregnancy” online professional
development course provides a framework for dealing with ethical issues, personal values and the
need to provide accurate and comprehensive information to women during this vulnerable time.
Based on a professional counselling skills model, this framework reinforces the strengths and
autonomy of women to make their own decisions, and encourages respect for a woman’s right to
comprehensive evidence based information and time to fully consider her options.
It also encourages the offering of, or referral to, services and supports that meet the needs of
women (and their families), who may otherwise feel pressured into seeking abortion due to their
social, family or economic circumstances.
The course is designed to encourage your reflection on many personal values and beliefs and to
that end provides an opportunity for your individual growth and development in other areas of life
as well. The communication skills you will learn will be a valuable resource in your daily life.
Whilst this course is not faith based, faith based groups have found it be a useful education
program that complements other faith specific training they may undertake.
The course is divided into four modules.
Interpersonal Skills
Roles and Values in Pregnancy Support
Sexual Health and Reproduction
Pregnancy Support in action
All of the modules contain lessons within which you are directed to different readings, literature or
websites, followed by reflective activities which encourage you to think deeply and critically about
the topics raised.
Whilst we provide a variety of readings and resources, we encourage you to read widely on issues
pertaining to unintended pregnancy and reproductive health, so that you have a comprehensive
understanding of the evidence, the debates, and women’s experiences.
This module provides an overview of effective communication and introductory counselling skills as
a foundation for more advanced consultancy skills and knowledge addressed in other modules.
Topics include:
Personal communication style and the varied
communication styles of others
Values and experiences in relation to effective
The relationship between personal values and
Barriers and obstacles to effective communication
and strategies for reducing these
Active listening and reflection skills
Appropriate empathy
When a woman reaches out for pregnancy support, it is
likely that her situation is complex and will involve many issues in addition to, and which impact on,
her experience of pregnancy. There are examples of interactions throughout this module that deal
with a variety of life issues, along with examples of pregnancy counselling specific scenarios.
“I was hopeful this course would help me in learning to better understand my women patients. I
was pleasantly surprised when I found it helped me communicate better at home too.”
Don, GP
Issues surrounding unintended and challenging pregnancy can be quite polarising in our
communities, engendering a wide range of opinions and often heated debate. Strongly held
ideology can be a significant barrier to hearing, or understanding the opinions and stories of people
who think or believe differently to ourselves. It can also be a barrier to hearing the real experience
of a client, particularly in the areas of discussion around abortion for example.
This module is designed to encourage you to explore your own
beliefs and values on many life issues in some depth.
You may find as you learn more information throughout the
course that some of your views or beliefs are either challenged
or reinforced. The important thing about your values and
beliefs in this context is not whether they are intrinsically
‘right’ or ‘wrong’ but that you are AWARE of them to the
extent that you are able to fully hear, understand and accept
your client’s experience of the world.
Topics include:
Define the different roles of a Pregnancy Support Consultant, including the limits of the role
and the skills necessary to undertake the role.
Explore personal and professional values and beliefs, specifically around sexuality,
unintended pregnancy, reproduction and abortion
Identify the adverse impacts of abortion on women, families and society
Reflect on the identified needs of women who seek abortion
Reflect on your own values on a wide range of life issues and the ways in which these may
impact on your practise
“I’ve done values work before, but not like this. I had to reflect deeply on things I’d
always believed. I felt challenged in a great way.”
Susie, Social Worker
The core work of your role as a Pregnancy Support Consultant or as an educator will deal with many
issues of sexuality, sexual health and reproduction. It is therefore necessary to be able to
demonstrate competency in assessing a client’s needs and delivering the most appropriate
information to him or her across a broad range of topics within this area.
This module is made up of a series of readings each related to the subsequent lesson, divided into 5
main sections.
Sexuality and values
Reproductive anatomy and physiology
Fertility, pregnancy, foetal development
Sexuality and sexual health
Topics include:
Identify their own personal and social values and attitudes towards sexual and reproductive
topics, and their potential impact on information provision
Display a beginning knowledge and understanding of sexuality development across the
lifespan, including:
o - anatomy and physiology of human sexuality
o - sexual function and dysfunction
o - pregnancy, birth and contraception
o - reproductive and sub-fertility issues
o - STIs, HIV and safer sex issues
Have the information necessary to communicate about sexuality effectively and comfortably
“I found some of the readings on sexual practises a bit confronting, but I was so glad I’d
read them when a client started talking to me about something she and her boyfriend
were experimenting with! Not sure how I would have known what she was talking
Mandy, Nurse
The aim of this module is to provide you with an overview of some of the reasons why women may
approach your service, as well as strategies for most effectively assisting them. The information and
case studies presented within this module are to be read in conjunction with all the information
you have gathered through your studies in the previous modules.
This module also contains information and resources on abortion, links to abortion research and
the adverse impact of abortion. It also provides a comprehensive assessment framework that
incorporates the emotional/mental, social/cultural, family/relationships, physical and spiritual
contexts of women’s lives.
Every woman’s experience of pregnancy,
sexuality, and her own challenges is unique.
It is most important that you are always
mindful of responding to your client’s world
view, rather than follow a formula.
Remember that you are NOT responsible for
her decision making. You are NOT in a
position to coerce or persuade a woman
towards a particular path of action, but
rather to listen with compassion, give her
comprehensive information
requires, and do what you can to ensure her
unmet needs are met.
Topics include:
mental health issues related to pregnancy and abortion
adverse effects of abortion
effectively carrying out a comprehensive needs assessment
identifying appropriate referrals
accurately educating and informing clients
‘Having a framework for assessment and use of my skills has been very helpful. Now I
can make sure I don’t miss anything important while I’m focussing on the unique needs
of my client.’
Vicki, volunteer
Assessment in this course is primarily designed as a tool for you to monitor your own learning.
Reflective Activities
There are a number of Reflective Activities throughout the course. These are designed to
encourage you to personally and professionally reflect on the readings, on your own thoughts,
feelings, value and beliefs, and how you might apply this knowledge to your practise.
You are required to complete each Reflective Activity in order to move forward, but they are not
assessed as 'right' or 'wrong'. There is no minimum or maximum word requirement. As Reflective
Activities are primarily a learning tool for you, there is usually no feedback given on these.* If you
have further questions, a student forum is available and we encourage to use this as it assists other
students to engage in discussion.
Skills Assessment Activities:
Some modules contain Skills Assessment activities, which are essentially short quizzes. These are
marked automatically once you submit your answers. All skills assessment questions within the
short course are True/False, Multiple Choice, or some combination. Once you have submitted the
activity, you will be given your score and shown the correct answer to any questions that were
marked incorrect. You can attempt the skills assessments more than once.
* Additional Assessment (Optional):
Additional assessment processes may be available or required if you are enrolled under an
agreement with your organisation, which enables them to purchase assessment tools from us. This
requirement will be communicated to you and the specific assessment tasks, including a Case
Study, will be explained. You will need to confirm your acceptance of this extra assessment phase
prior to your enrolment.
Enrolment can occur in 2 ways, either as an individual, or through your organisation which may
arrange bulk student discounts, or additional assessment processes. Enrolment as an individual is
as easy as sending us an email and we will send you payment details. Once your payment is
received, Course Access will be arranged within a few days.
Australia: $295 per student (online assessment only, no case study assessment).
fees, please contact us via [email protected]
For overseas