Stars Over Athens Festival
Stars Over Athens Festival
54th Annual Stars Over Athens Festival One Location! Greek Orthodox Church 570 N. Union St. Decatur, IL Bake Sale 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. While Supplies Last! A la carte Greek Pastries Dinner & live entertainment Gus Kastanis, the Holiday In Greece Band & Our own Athenian Dancers 5:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. seatings Carry-outs Available One Day Only! Thursday, May 7, 2015 Dinner Menu: Grilled pork souvlaki (kebab) Greek-style roasted potatoes Greek green beans with tomato and onion Greek Salad & Bread Baklava Tickets: Early Bird Pricing through 4/1o/15: $22.50 adults $12.50 children (12 & under) After 4/10: $25 adults $15 children (12 & under) To purchase: Judy Bartges (217) 428-9030 or Amy chiligiris (217) 685-0094 Did You Know? Christmas is celebrated exactly nine months after the Annunciation (when Gabriel announces that the Virgin Mary will bear the Christ child) which is celebrated on March 25th?