- Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya
- Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya
LAMPIRAN FOTO ALAT KESELURUHAN r1 I E d? i: "c q : 8 8 z F] D (n rrl Z z rr) rrl J rrl F z M z (_) ( F i"Yn i. ill a_: E o z F F,. LN F< F< :ra\ 6v a qn &> z7 <i laE ()ca QF4 <l! 7> '2 (:r-t\ Y lft <,' X? YU a< sz r- z rrl MAINPROGRAM MULAI ULANG KANAN JALAN ADC2) MOV SP,#3OH MOV R2,#W (Inputdri ADC I kePort0) MOV A,#PI STJBBA,R2 (InputdariADC 2 ke Port 1) (ADCI Dlurmgi ADC2) JNC KANAN MOV R2,A MOV 4#255 SUBBA,R2 SETB P3.O AJMP JALAN (pembanding putarkiri ataukanan) (Motor putarkiri) CLR P3.O (motorprfrarkanao) CJNE A,#2O,CEKCARRY (HisterisisantaaADCI dan AJMP STOP CEK-CARRYJC STOP JALAN1 SETB P3.I AJMP TILANG (motorON) STOP (motorOFF) WAIT CLR P3.I MOV R6,#1 MOV R7,#200 DJNZ R7,$ DJNZ R6,WAIT AJMP ULANG . SinyalAudio( InputTape) I Stop MPos: 0,0001|h|IASURT Source nm IHl W 1,08t/ cH2 W 1,52l/ cH1 EE 1,3H1 IH2 @ 1,[|01/ ll,|5,00m1 [H11,00t/C}|2 l05,5Hr [Hl/ -81,lmV PhilipsSemicordrctors 80e51 familyprogmmmer'sguide 80C51Family andinstruction set INSTRUCTION I}EFINMONS ACALL ad&'1 Func.tbn: tlescriptbn: Exrnple: 8yltes: Cytilas: Encoding: Operation: AbeoluteCall ACALLurrconditionallv calb a suFqrtine bcabd at th€ indicabd drlss. The insfrr.rlkmirE'sner|ts the PC twkr b ouin tre acares orat" ttru'"i"g-irdi&, fier pustlesrre l&!ft r€sut ofib poin twba The d'dinatbn ad*sss b the bytefrsi) and incranentsrresi* :|11!fuedl obEjrcd by succ€sshrolyconcatanatinglfre frve hhh{fits bils of the incr€rnefibdpc, opcoe uiu z-s, *o n" secondfte ol the irstuc{bn. The suhoitine catledmu* trir*im-J-t ,i*ii" ffiJiiJ2k bbck of the plognaDrn'm.'y as the frst byte d tfie instuc{ir'' fortuirq AcAtL. N" n"gc .rB frd;l InitiallysP equab ozH.ThB rabet:suBRrM b at Fogrtn rsnry rocaton0345 H, Aftc reortirg the insifuc{bn, ACALL SUBRTN at bcatbn 0123H,SP willconbin 09H, int€rnalRAMlrca{ionsOSttantt ogt't wiHcfilain 2Slt ard 01ft, resF{irroly, ard the PCwi[ wrtain 03+St{. 2 2 aloagagl l0 0 o 1 ACALL (Pc)<- (PC)+t (sP) <- (SP) + I (sP) <- {pcz.o) (SP)e(sP)+1 (sP) <- (Pq5-g) (PCroo) * pageddess a7 a6 a5 a4 la3 a2 a1 aO PhifipsSemicddrtors 80C51familyprogrammer'sguide and instructionset 80C51Famity Table 7. 80G51Instnrtion Set Surnrnary{Continued) MIIEfiOTUC EOOLEANVAR|^H.E X^ilpl,n-Ano|t DESCEPNO JB rel Jt'np if drect bit b sei rd Junp if dred Ht b fiot set J|''np if (trect tit b set and de8. bt bilrd PROGRAT ARA'ICHIf,G ACALL addrlt osourToR 3 24 J 24 3 24 PEE(D (Cd,Brued) JNIB JBC AYTE Absotrte slxor.diE.€X 2 LCAI-L 21 l-o.!g sr&odine cdt 3 RET ?A Relrn trorn submnine RETI Rehrn from inEm-|pt 24 21 AJMP addtl Absdhrte irfip 2 LJMP a&nG 24 LorE jt'np 3 SJMP rd 24 StDd junp (rebttve e(tri JMP Jiinp i.rtu JZ @A+DFrR rd Jl\|z rel Jrfip if Acafidator C,NE AdF€crJd C;ofirpae &e CJNE A,ffirel CJNE RN,#dafe,rd CJNE @Ri,ffieJEl Cofipd€ imfidate e(flsl D.INZ Rn,rd DJNZ di.ecttd OecrerDdt regasierd irnp if 'Et zF.ro Decrer ertt drect byb rd i|.'rp if not zero l,lc operatidl r,roP rgive Jttrap if ,f'rfi:Iy'9,tfiis 21 b lhe DPTR u Bo is noi zaro Me io ACC and jump if not eq.d compar€ imm€(f8te to Acc md irmp if r$t eqlal Comptre inmedEtte io re{ist6 a.d irfip if not equd 2 21 2 21 3 24 3 z4 3 24 to irdi€ct -|d jrrrp if ,Ft 24 2 21 3 a 1 12 At mnemmicscopyr'€hedo tntetcorpor*ionlffi PhiliDsSemicond$tors 80C51familyprogrammer'sguide and instructionset 80C51Family Table7. 8OG5tInstruc{ionSet Summary{Continued) oscru.rToR PER(I' DATATRAIISFER(Contlnued) MOV A,#data Move immediaE data to AcainLdator 2 12 MOV Rn,A Mdve Acd.fidator 1 12 MoV Rn,drect Move (fred byE b register MOV RN,#deta Move inrnediste &fts to register 2 MoV directA MoYeAcafirJator 2 MOV di(ect,Rn MOV direcidH€ct Move re{isE to (treri @ Move dired byte to drect 3 24 MOV dilect,@Ri Move indirect RAM b drect byte 2 24 MOV direct#datB Move inrm€(fate diaiato dired byte 3 24 MoV @Ri,A Move Acarr Jator to indirEct RAM MOV @Ri,dred MoYeflired byte to irdirect RAM 2 ?4 MOV @Ri,#data 2 12 MOV OPTR,#data'l6 MoYeintmedab data to idirect RAM Load Dala PointeJ wifi a 't6{it constant 3 24 t\tovc A,@A+DPTR Mova Co(b byte .elativ€ ro DPTR to Acc MOVC A,@n+PC Move Cotb byE .€latiye b PC b Acc MOVX A,@Ri Move externd FIAM (&ttt ed(k) to Acc MOVX A,@DPTR MoYe e)demd RAM (16-bit d(t) MOVX A,@Ri.A Move Acc to enernd RAM {8{it addr) 1 24 MOVX @DPTRA Move Acc to extemd RAM (16{it addr) 1 24 PUSH drect Pusfr direct bt|te or o stad( POP direct Ffopdrect byte frorfl stad( xcH xcH xcH xcHo A,Rn ExcrEnge rqister with Acdfidator A,direct Exchange rjiret* byte with Acc'ndatot A,@Ri ExctEqge ifiSrect FIAMsitr Aernuhd A,@Ri Excftsnge lm-dder b regisier 24 to drect byte 12 12 24 24 21 1 b Acc dbit indireti RAM with A69 24 24 21 24 I 12 12 12 1 12 BCtOt.E AN vaRt Ag_E nAt{P('-Artot{ cl-R c Clear carry 1 12 CLR bit Clesr drect Ht 2 12 Set cdry 1 12 Set dired ttt 2 12 Comdernent carry 1 12 bit Comdernent dlect bit 2 12 c,bit AND (ffi 2 24 ANL c,rbir ANO cfirpleinent of dirEr* bit b cary 2 24 ORL c,bit OR direct hl to cary 2 24 ORL c,lbir OR conplernent of &eat bt to cdry 2 24 t\,lov MOV c,bir Move dired bit to cany 2 12 bit,c Move carry to dired bit JU rel Jump if caary b set 2 JNIC rel Jqnp if cany not set 2 SETB SETB bir CPL CPL bitto cany u Al mnemqracs cqyrigiEd 24 21 C InEl Co|ptratbn 19E0 PhiliosSemicoddrtors 80C51familyprogmmmer'sguide 80C51Family andinstruction set 8{IC5,IFAI$ILYINSTRUGTIOI{SET Table 7. 80G5t Instruction Set Summary Intstupt ResponseTfie: RefiertoHa.dwe Dessiptim Chagt€r. ln rftdio.! trrtltter Fhg $thgdll IrEtn .didr Fteg Inttru€rioo Flte ADD ADT}C suB MUL gtv oA RRC RLC SETEC cov Ac XX XX xx O X 0x x x X 1 X X x (1)t"tote trst operstiorFm sFR h/te addess a)8 of bit dressG c ovAc CLRC CPLC A N Lc" bi t ANLC./t*t o R _c " b i r oRL c,/tIt Mcn/c.bl CJNE O X x X x X X X 2t}$'215t3-, the psw or ti,ls in rhe psvrr)will ab efied fl4 settings. |:sbr qr tElructbn |i||t ltrd aatatsaslngmoaht: RegisterR7-m of the s.rrer y setecGdRegis.ter Bad(. Rt diGct 8-Et intemd d8!alocetion'sddess. Ttis cuj<l be en lnErnd Dsta RAMlocatim (0-127) or a sFR 9.e.,uo port, cofit'ot rc{isterrsbljs reghfrer,eb. (t?€'-ffin. E-tritin€md (iata RAMklcalion(0-255)ffi hdrecdy lhru€h fegistg Rl or R0. @Ri ttdata 8-bitconsla.t incfrxhd in fie iElrudiofi. 16-bitaonstantirrctded in ihe irtsBuction #data 16 addr 16 lGbit destindim ddess. Usd by LCALLend LIMP.A bsrdt c*t tte *|yifi€fe w hh fre 64k{Ide prBrsfii Memoryffissp€ce. 11-llt deslhationad(f6s. used by AcAfL andAJMP.The br dt wit be wfthh rtte ssn€ a(+yG pageof prqr''"t nenwy I dre fr$ byE of lre trlo*i're iBtrucitm. Signed(tno's cornCe.nent)&batofisetbyE. Usedby gtMP fld dl omebnd irnps. Rangeis -128 to +127 hdes rdative b frst brt€ of tp trloBilg instrudict. tlfect A(ftessed bit h |nbrnsl t ets RAM6 speciel Fuffiion Register. addr 11 rel bit MTGUOTTC . tEgcRFI|ol{ EyrE t?;T A,Rtt Ad r€aster b Acamdator 1 12 2 12 ADO 4(k A,@Ri Add dect byte to AcdrfR*atff Add hrli€(t 1 12 AOB t\fuld Aftl immedate data to AcqJrl.{etor 2 12 ADDC ARn A,direct Add register to Aaamldalor yrith ceiry Add h&ed ADD,C A@Ri A,#deta SUBB SUBB AOD ADD ADDC RAM to Acdrndator 12 2 12 't2 Add inmedate daEl b Acc wif| cany 2 12 AR'I sL6rd Rqis.terftofi rl 12 di€ct btrte frDm Acc yrith bonol|l 2 12 SUBB Adrect A,@Ri Subffi Subrad irdiec{ RAM frorn Acc with borow 1 12 SUBB A,ffia Stiblract imn€diate (hr from Acc with borrd 2 12 rNc tNc A Incrgnent Acqnnulobr 1 12 Rn lndEment rqister ADT]C Add dr€ct byte to Acdml{aff RAM b Acdrnr&or sith cary with sry Acc with bonor 'tz Al mtE nmics copyrbti€d G |nEl Corpordtbn1!|l8O BIODATA NamaLengkap FX. TONY. SETIAWAN NRP 5103095030 NIRM .06029 Tempat,Tanggallahir Lasem,November1975 Agama Katolik AlamatRumah Jl RayaTimw 162 Jatirogo-Tuban Riwayat Pendidikan: > SDN WotsogoI Jatirogo.Tuban,lulus tahun 1988 > SMPK SantoYusup2,Malang lulustahun1991 > SMAK SantaAgnes,Surabaya, lulus tahtrn 1995 ) UniversitasKatolik Widya MandalaFakultasTeknik JurusanTeknik Elektro,Surabaya,angkatan !995 PBRPUSTAI' AAN Enhcrlrer t(rroiil Wldvr Mrndrlr DURABAY A