Promising Pathways
Promising Pathways
Limited Space - Registration is required by March 31st Promising Pathways: Phone - 239-745-3400 • Email - [email protected] SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS: NATIONAL COMPLIMENTARY EVENT - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! CONFERENCE ON AUTISM Saturday, April 11th, 2015 8:00 AM 3:1 PM Florida Gulf Coast University Cohen Center, Estero, FL AGENDA 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. On-site Registration & endor E hibits Cohen Center 9:00 a.m. Welcome Flow of the Day -Amanda Hall, WINK News 9:1 a.m. - 10:4 a.m. eynote: Chantal Sicile-Kira A Full Life with Autism 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 12:00 1:00 p.m. Lunch and endor Tables 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Concurrent Sessions 2:1 3:1 p.m. Concurrent Sessions A conference for families, educators, and health care professionals addressing autism spectrum disorders. E NOTE Chantal Sicile-Kira Chantal Sicile-Kira’s passion for empowering others, her love of writing, and her personal interest in autism has led her to become a leader in the field of adolescence and transition to adulthood, and an international speaker and award-winning author of five books. “If you are accepting of the belief that life can be good even with autism, then your child will think so, too. You are the most important person in your child’s life, and you can make them believe that anything is possible.” ― Chantal Sicile-Kira, A Full Life with Autism Sicile-Kira first worked with individuals with autism in California and then raised her son Jeremy, who has autism, in three different countries. These experiences give her a perspective few in the field have. Chantal recently founded which provides practical information and training on-line for parents and educators. Florida Gulf Coast University College of Education 10501 FGCU Blvd. Ft Myers, FL 33965-6565 PROMISING PATHWAYS: Phone: 239-745-3400 Email: [email protected] autism spectrum disorders. DETAILS ABOUT CEUs All participants seeking CEUs must attend the full day, partial c KEYNOTSPEAKERS All participants seeking CEUs must attend the full day, partial credit will not be awarded. Participants seeking CEUs must successfully pass an online posttest and attend the full day; partial credit All participants seeking CEUs must attend the full day, partial credit will n will not be awarded. DETAILS ABOUT CEUS The David Lawrence Center * is a co-sponsor of this event and four (4 The David Lawrence Center * is a co-sponsor offor this event and four (4) CEUs willabe the following professions cost atavailable of $20.00; for the following professions a cost at of $20.00; The David Lawrence Center is a co-sponsor of this event and .5 CEUs (5 contact hours) will be available for the following professions at a cost of . : Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Hea sponsor of this event and four (4)CEUs will Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental#Health Counseling and Nursing *CE Provider 50 489 for the following professions a cost at of $20.00; *CE Provider # 50 -489 Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counseling Nursing Florida Board of Clinical Socialand Work, Marriage and Family Ther Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, CE Florida ProviderBoard- of Clinical Social Work, Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Counse Florida Board of Nursing Florida Board of Nursing Florida oard of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, *CE Provider # 50 -489 Florida Board of Clinical & Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and M Psychologists School Psychologists:Four (4) CEUs are provide Psychologists & School Psychologists:Four (4) CEUs are provided by the Florida Psychological Association a Florida Board of be Nursing co-will sponsor of this free event. CEUs for FPA members will willbe be provided co- sponsor of this event. CEUs for FPA members provided of charge, nonmembers charged $25.00. charged $25.00. Psychologists & School Psychologists:Four (4) CEUs are provided by Amer the The Florida Association is approved by the The Florida Psychological Association is approved by thePsychological American Psychological Association to sponsor contF co- sponsor ofeducation this event. CEUs for FPA maintains members will be provided freeprogram ofAsso cha for psychologists. Theresponsibility Florida Psychological ing education for psychologists. The Floridaing Psychological Association for the charged $25.00. Working with theThe Experts is aPsychological co-sponsor of Association this event and CEUs at Florida noby cost be available for its content. The Psychological Association is approved its content. Florida is approved thewill Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage an The Florida Psychological Association is approved by the American Psych the following professionals. Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counselors as aTherapy, provider of continuing education. Family and Mental Health Counselors as a provider of .55 CEUs(5.5 contact hours)- Physical Therapists Florida Gulf Coast University, Department of ing education for psychologists. The Florida Psychological Association ma Physical Therapy & Human Performanceits has been approved by thePsychological Florida Board of Physical is approved by the Boa content. The Florida Association Therapy to offer continuing education activities and is a co-sponsor of this event. Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counselors as a provider of continuin Florida oard of ursing .55 CEUs(5.5 contact hours)- Occupational Therapists Pinellas County Public Schools has been approved by the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA) to offer continuing eduation acivities and is a co-sponsor of this event. Working with the Expertsis a co-sponsor of this event and CEUs at no cost will be available for Working with the Expertsis a co-sponsor of this eve the following professionals. Please note; In an effort to provide high quality professional development in alignment with Florida's Professional ing professionals. Development System Staff Development Protocol all WWE sponsored CEU participants attending will be& required to .4 CEUs– Physical Therapists Florida Gulf Coast University, Department of Physical Therapy Human Perfor.4 Physical CEUs– Physical Therapists Gulf Coast University, complete an on line post testapproved and eventby evaluation. Certificates of with attendance notingisFlorida the required CEUs and/or Working the Experts a(FPTA) co-sponsor ofcontinuing this event educatio andDep CEU mance has been the Florida Therapy Association to offer service points will not be issued until these arethe completed. For more information on Florida’s Professional Development mance has been approved by the Florida Physical Therapy following professionals. activities and is a co -sponsor of this event. System Staff Development Protocol visit; http://www,fldoe/profdev/pdstandards.asp activities and is a co -sponsor of this event. CEUs–County Physical Therapists Gulf Coast University, Department .4 CEUs– Occupational Therapists.4 Pinellas Public SchoolsFlorida has been approved by the Florida Occupa- of Speech, Language Pathologists: An agenda andoffer certificate ofOccupational attendance will be provided which should SLPs .4has CEUs– Pinellas County Public Schoo been approved byTherapists the Florida Physical Associatio tional Therapy Association (FOTA)mance to continuing education activities and -sponsor is a co of Therapy thisenable event. to self-submit for continuing education units. tional Association (FOTA) to offer continuing educ activities and is aTherapy co -sponsor of this event. .4 CEUs– Speech, Language Pathologists , This course is offered for .4 ASHA CEUs. .4 CEUs– Occupational Therapists Pinellas County ,Public Schools has beenf .4 CEUs– Speech, Language Pathologists This course is offered Psychologists & School Psychologists: An agenda and certificate of attendance will be provided which should tional Therapy Association (FOTA) to offer continuing education activ enable psychologists to self-submit for continuing education units. .4 CEUs– Speech, Language Pathologists , This course is offered for .4 ASHA Teachers: Only district staff development offices are authorized to award in-service points. Certificates of attendance noting the number of contact hours will be provided and participants should work with their district staff development office in advance of attending this event to determine requirements for award of MIPs. This course is offered for .4 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional Area) Please note; In an effort to provide high quality professional development and in alignment with Florida’s Prof This course is offered for .4 ASHA CEUs (Interm sional Development System Staff Development Protocol all WWE sponsored CEU participants attending will b Please note ; In an effort to provide high quality professional de required to complete an on line post test and event evaluation. Certificates of attendance noting the required sional Development System Staff Development Protocol all WW and/or in -service points will not be issued until these arecourse completed. For more Florida’s Professi This is offered for .4information ASHA CEUson (Intermediate leve PROMISING PATHWAYS: Phone: 239-745-3400 Email: [email protected] required to complete an on line post test and event evaluation Please note; In an effort to provide high quality professional development and/or in -service points will not be issued until these are comple sional Development System Staff Development Protocol all WWE sponso required to complete an on line post test and event evaluation. Certificat and/or239-745-3400 in -service pointsEmail: will not be issued until these are completed. For m PROMISING PATHWAYS: Phone: [email protected]