May newsletter - École Élémentaire Richardson Elementary


May newsletter - École Élémentaire Richardson Elementary
Principal/Directrice: Dr. J. Lauman
Vice Principal/Directrice Adjointe: Mme P. Wilson
Admin. Assistant: Mrs. T. Ahlgren
Phone: 604-596-7481
Web site: h7p://
École Élémentaire Richardson Elementary School
11339 – 83 Avenue, Delta BC V4C 7B9
Fax: 604-594-3164
School District:
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We would like to extend a very special thank you to our PAC and
Richardson Community for organizing and attending the Family Fun
Fair which was held on Friday, May 8th. It was a huge success with
hundreds of people in attendance. The food and activities were wonderful and we all enjoyed the entertainment. Special thanks to Mrs.
Nakatsu, our Parent Coordinator, and her organizing committee, and
the many who volunteered their time to make the event a big success.
Our parents put many hours into this event and our students and staff
are extremely thankful for your dedication and hard work. Congratulations to everyone for a great event.
We have also concluded another fantastic Track season, and are very
proud of the effort, performance and sportsmanship shown by all of
our students. On Thursday, May 7th, we took a team of 100 athletes to
participate at the Zone A Regional Meet at North Delta Secondary.
The Meet was a great success, and many personal bests were
achieved. As a result of the many finalists at this qualifying Meet, we
are able to send 46 athletes to the District Meet in Tsawwassen on
Thursday, May 14th. We are pleased to say that all of our students
have worked extremely hard throughout the season, competed very
well, and were wonderful ambassadors for Richardson Elementary
School. In addition to training many great athletes, we are also developing many wonderful citizens for the future!
A special thank you to our head coaches, Mme and
Mr. Wilson, as well as the staff members and volunteers who gave of their time, and helped with our
track program. We would also like to thank all of the
parents and family members for delivering your children to our early morning practices, and in particular, for the support
and words of encouragement you gave to them throughout the season. We hope to see you back on the track next Spring!
PRO-D DAY - Friday, May 15
Just a reminder that students will not be attending on Friday, May
15th, as staff will be involved in professional development.
Dates to Remember
13 PAC Meeting - 7:00 pm
14 District Track Meet
15 Non-Instructional Day
18 Victoria Day
19-22 Gr. 6 Evans Lake Trip
24 Ladner May Day
26 Recognition Assembly - 9:00 am
27 Gr. 7 NDSS Tour - 12:50 pm
28 Parent Appreciation - 8:20am
28 Parent/Teacher Interviews by
Teacher request
28 Early Dismissal - 2:00 pm
5 Sports Day
5 Hot Lunch Day - Subway
17 Band Concert - 11:00 am
18 Gr. 7 Deas Is. BBQ
21 Father’s Day
24 Gr. 7 Leaving Assembly - 9:00
25 Last Day for Students
25 Report Cards Sent Home
25 Early Dismissal - 10:30 am
26 Schools Close - Admin. Day
Thursday, May 28 - 8:20 - 9:00 a.m.
Thank you for your help in making our school such a wonderful place!
Richardson Staff would like to acknowledge the support from so many families and friends within our community. On Thursday, May 28, please stop by at one of the tables set up outside for chai tea and a treat
(between 8:20 and 9:00 a.m.). Watch for a notice coming home soon with more details.
Our Reading Link Challenge Team (Arjun, Fraser, Ethan, Sopia, Olivia and Thora) battled at McCloskey Elementary, through several rounds of questions posed by the librarians from George Mackie Library and the
other public Libraries in Delta. Our students competed against 20 other schools, had lots of fun and read
some very good books. Our congratulations to South Point Academy, who won in the third round of sudden
death questions. A heartfelt thank you goes to our sponsor teacher-librarian, Mrs. Ohl.
This week, your child will be bringing home an order form for planners for next year. Teachers believe it is
important for all students in English grades 1 to 7 and French grades 2 to 7 to use a planner. This is a form
of communication between parents and teachers as well as a way for students to make notes to remind themselves of homework, etc. There will not be an opportunity for your child to order a planner in September.
Please make sure your planner order is returned by Friday, May 22, 2015.
Student school supply orders from Pharmasave were sent home last week and are due back by May 28,
2015. Please note that this is an optional method of ordering your child’s school supplies for next year. Supply lists will be sent home with your child’s report card in June.
Thank you to everyone who purchased a Jeans Day Button. We were able to raise $226.25 for BC Children’s
For your information, we have attached the 2015-2016 school calendar to this newsletter.
Mark your calendars! This year Sports Day will be on Friday, June 5
Congratulations to Melissa Stevens who won the Ladner May Day draw. Melissa will be representing Richardson on Sunday, May 24 at the Ladner May Day Parade.
Once again, Richardson was honoured to host the North Delta Math Celebration this year, and we had two
fun-filled sessions in our gym on April 24th. This annual inter-school gathering is a chance for students who
enjoy math to show off their skills. The participating grade 4/5 and 6/7 students worked in teams and used
their mathematical thinking to work through challenging problems. Students then earned gold, silver, or
bronze ribbons for their solutions depending on the accuracy and the teamwork they displayed during the
Congratulations to the intermediate students who represented Richardson. All of our teams demonstrated
effective teamwork and strategies. It was wonderful to see how hard our students worked! Thank you to Mrs.
Hunter and Mme Cruz who gave up their lunch hours to work with our math teams leading up to the event.
"It's not that I'm so smart; It's just that I stay with problems longer." ~ Albert Einstein
In the month of May, we will be recognizing the students who gave of their time to help:
Assembly Set-Up Crew
David, Doron, Gabrielle, Sophie, Nayha, Kieren, Blain, Colwyn, Ryland
Slide Show / Media Crew
Kristina, Danny, Danielle, Blake, Lauren, Kayt, Abigail
With the summer temperatures looming, students are often tempted to wear beach-like clothing to school. Please help us to maintain an age-appropriate dress code for all grades at
Richardson by ensuring that strapless tops, spaghetti-strapped tee-shirts and tops that bare
the midriff are not worn to school. As well, “too-short” shorts and skirts are not appropriate for
the school work place (a simple rule of thumb is if they are shorter than the finger tips when
arms are held at the side, then they are likely too short). Please note that underwear should always be covered. Avoiding tee-shirts with inappropriate slogans is also helpful. We wish to work with the parent community in helping to ensure our students wear clothing that is respectful of and appropriate to the school learning
environment. These guidelines are intended to maintain a wholesome environment where children can be
children without the pressures to hurry up and be young adults.
We are also noticing that there have been many scrapes and injuries to feet when students are trying to run in flip-flops or sandals. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear. This
is especially important as they participate in physical activity everyday. Thank you for your support.
The Richardson PAC Family Fun Fair Organizing Committee gratefully acknowledges the support of the following donors and volunteers:
Westcor Group ● Jean’s Cakes and Pastries ● Academy of Martial Arts ● Discovery Toys by Nadene ● Tupperware by Alana ● Buttercream Dreams by Michelle ● S & R Professional Painting ● Krispy Kreme ● Toyo
Motors ● Hallway Hair Studio ● Westside Staging Solutions by Lena ● M & M Meat Shop ● North Delta Lions
● Hillside Boys and Girls Club Volunteers ● Students of North Delta Secondary School ● Students of
Burnsview Secondary School ● Students of Sands Secondary School ● Richardson Families ●
Thank you to all the staff, students, and parents who dedicated their time and energy to make this year’s
Family Fun Fair a success!
‘Strive ~ Express ~ Achieve’ with Delta Continuing Education’s “YOUTH ACTIVITY PROGRAMS” again
offering a wide variety of Summer 2015 programs for the children and youth of our communities. Activities,
directed by teachers and other professional people, will focus in the areas of Fine and Performing Arts,
Sports and Active Living, Academic Enrichment, and Personal Development. There will be many new programs available for students aged 5 – 13 in each of the communities of Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta. Brochures will be delivered in your local newspapers in May as well as available at the front office of
each school. As well, each elementary school’s youngest in family member will be given a brochure to take
home during the week of May 25-29. Early registration is strongly recommended as courses do fill up quickly.
Be sure to bookmark: for on-line information
and registration options or phone 604-940-5550.
Richardson 2015 Purpose and Mission
To nurture the Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit of each member of our School Family