5 Apr - Ripon Cathedral


5 Apr - Ripon Cathedral
Services and Notices
Sunday 5th April 2015
Easter Day
A very warm welcome to all our visitors today.
Please feel free to introduce yourself to one of the clergy after the service.
Please let us know if you are new and would like to join our regular congregations or
would like to know more about how we can support you in your faith.
Please, take this Pew Slip away with you so that you can refer to the notices
contained in it. Please, also use it to prompt prayers for this Cathedral and all
that we seek t’ d’ i‘ G’d s service.
Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available.
Please ask a member of Select Vestry or a Verger if you would like one.
An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users.
Dean: The Very Revd John Dobson
In Residence:
Canon Paul Greenwell
Cathedral Office: 01765 603462
Website: www.riponcathedral.org.uk
A Note from the Dean
Welcome to the Cathedral. The Chapter and I wish you a very happy Easter. Today we
meet to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, the foundation of
our Christian faith. With Christians around the world we rejoice in the salvation won
for us by Christ, for the way in which God gives us hope and promises us eternal life in
this life as well as through eternity.
Many thanks to all who have shared in the worship of the Cathedral through Holy
Week, helping us to walk with Jesus through the days of his suffering and passion. I am
particu–ar–y gratefu– t’ th’se wh’ have ’rga‘ized a‘d ru‘ the chi–dre‘ s H’–y Week
event, and for the way in which the children took us through this world-changing
story on the morning of Good Friday.
I would also like to thank Bishop James and Archdeacon Paul Slater for being with us
throughout Holy Week, helping to strengthen the diocesan and episcopal area
dimension of what we have been doing.
Bishop of Ripon
As I mentioned at the end of our worship last Sunday morning, we rejoice in the fact
that we now have a Bishop of Ripon, for the first time since 1999. Bishop James
rece‘t–y beca—e the Area Bish’p ’f Rip’‘ by the Quee‘ s ’rder i‘ C’u‘ci–. We pray
f’r hi— a‘d f’r G’d s b–essi‘g up’‘ his –eadership ’f the Church s —issi’‘ i‘ this
episcopal area.
The Rev d Ruth Hi‘d t’ be Ca‘’‘ Eva‘gelist
We have —’re g’’d ‘ews; the Rev d Ruth Hi‘d, ‘’w Vicar ’f Kirk–i‘gt’‘ with
Burneston and Wath and Pickhill is to be our Canon Evangelist, taking responsibility for
the growth of the worshipping community, pastoral care and the leadership of the
PCC. We hope that she will be with us by the e‘d ’f Ju‘e. With Ruth s app’i‘t—e‘t,
Canon Elizabeth will relinquish her responsibilities as Canon Pastor, developing her
ministry as Canon Educator and also establishing our outreach to the rural
communities of the diocese.
Planned Giving
I would like to express huge gratitude to those of you who have responded to the
planned giving campaign. This has resulted in regular planned giving increasing by
about 30% which will equate to over £25,000 in a full year. Please, if you would still
like to respond, it is not too late!
A further Grant received
I am delighted to be able to announce that we have been successful in gaining a
second grant from the World War I Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund. This grant will
allow us to carry out urgent repairs to several of the windows around the Cathedral.
This is all in the context of the Cathedral developing its strategy to further the vision
of growing God's Kingdom in Ripon, the diocese and beyond.
With my very best wishes
Dean John
T’day s Services
8.00 am
Holy Eucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
President & Preacher: Canon Paul Greenwell
9.30 am
10.30 am
Childre‘ s Church Please ‘’te there is ‘’ Childre‘ s
Church this Sunday or next Sunday (12th April) but
will commence on 19th April.
Psalm 114
Activity Bags are also available for younger children
please ask if you would like one.
Festal Eucharist and Blessing of the Easter Garden
sung by the Cathedral Choir
President: James, Bishop of Ripon
Preacher: The Dean
Hy—‘s: Light s g–itteri‘g —’r‘, 107, 106 (tu‘e 219, 296, 105, 110
Setting; Schubert in G
Anthem; Dum transisset Sabbatum Taverner
Voluntary: Pre–ude & Fugue i‘ D Ha––e–ujua Schmidt
Lesson read by David Wells
Intercessions led by Amber Hurry
You are warmly invited to stay for coffee or juice after the 10.30am Service
12.30 pm
Holy Eucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer)
President: The Dean
3.30 pm
Festal Evensong and Admission of Choristers and Te
Deum sung by the Cathedral Choir
Hymns: 101, 124
Blessed be the God and Father Wesley
66 [1-11]
Te Deum in B flat Stanford
Canon Paul Greenwell
Prelude & Fugue in B (Op. 7 No. 1 Dupré
Daily Worship This Week
Morning Prayer:
Evening Prayer:
Mon 6th Apr
Tue 7th Apr
Wed 8th Apr
Thurs 9th Apr
10th Apr
Sat 11th Apr
Monday to Saturday at 8.30am
Monday to Friday 6.00pm; Saturday 5.30pm
9 am
9 am
9 am
9 am
9 am
9 am
Canon Simon Hoare
Canon Paul Greenwell
Reverend Peter Clement 12.00 Reverend Christopher Cornwell
Canon Paul Greenwell
Reverend David Murfet 12.00 Reverend Philip Carrington
Reverend John Bennett
For more details of the services during this week, please take a Music and Services
Diary available from the Welcome Desk or visit the website or call the Chapter House
01765 602072
Events This Week
Monday NO MEETING The Magdalen Fellowship For further information, contact
Patricia Whaling 606570 or John Whelan 600668.
Worship Next Sunday: 12th April
8.00 am
9.30 am
10.30 am
12.30 pm
5.30 pm
Eucharist (1662)
Parish Eucharist
Eucharist (1662)
Second Sunday of Easter
Canon Paul Greenwell
Canon Paul Greenwell/Claire Hobbs
The Dean
Mr Peter Pearson, Cathedral Reader
Forthcoming Events
Monday 20th April 8-9pm Cathedral Prayer Group meet in the Chapel of the
Resurrection. All welcome.
Thursday 23rd April 1.15pm Lunchtime Concert. Oliver Hancock, organ. Admission
FREE, refreshments from 1.00pm.
Thursday 23rd April 7.30pm St Wilfrid Lecture Pr’fess’r Nige– Curry: F’r they k‘’w
not what they do: Reflections on a lifetime of rural p’–icy . A–– we–c’—e.
Tuesday 28th April 7.30pm Question Time and Election Hustings with candidates
for the Parliamentary Constituency of Skipton & Ripon at the General Election at Ripon
Cathedral. Questions to be submitted in advance to Judith Bustard at the Cathedral
Office. Refreshments served from 7pm. All welcome.
Thursday 30th April 7.30pm PEGS The Parish Discussion Group meet at Thorpe
Prebend. The next PEGs series will be on The Eucharist, Details are on the PCC notice
board where you can also pick up a card with the dates and topics. All welcome to a
group which aims to offer discussion and learning.
Saturday 2nd May 12 noon Cathedral Parish Lunch in the Cathedral Hall. All
Sunday 3rd May 3.30pm Inaugural lecture by Canon Dr Charlotte Methue‘ Why
b’ther with the Ref’r—ati’‘ f’––’wed by refresh—e‘ts a‘d Eve‘s’‘g with I‘sta––ati’‘.
Monday 4th May 11.30am-5pm Ripon Cathedral Beer Festival. Please can you help
at this year s Beer Festiva– by d’‘ati‘g a‘y prizes f’r the t’—b’–a suitable for either
adults or children? We are also looking for volunteers to help on the day. If you could
spare a couple of hours, please contact Margaret or Lorna at the RCDC office Tel:
603583 or email: [email protected].
Cathedral Festival Weekend May 2016 Over the first bank holiday in May 2016 the
Cathedral is holding a festival to showcase the work that goes on across all the many
parts of Cathedral life. As part of that we will be creating a display exhibiting a year in
the life of the cathedral using photographs and video. We will be starting this over the
Easter period. If for any reason you would not wish to be in any shots please do let us
know by contacting the cathedral office on 01765 603462 or via
[email protected] and we will ensure that your image is removed
during editing.
Electoral Roll Revision 2015 We are approaching the annual revision of the
Electoral Roll. If you are already on the Roll, you don't have to do anything. The Dean
is keen that all regular attenders are on the Roll. If you wish to be put on the Roll, a
simple form is available in the Cathedral. If there are any problems, contact Peter
Hicks. (01765 692648). The deadline for forms is 12th April 2015.
The Annual Meeting for the Cathedral Parish will be on Monday 27th April at 7.30
pm in Thorpe Prebend. Please put the date in your diary and come along. There are
vacancies for 5 (five) members of the PCC, which aims to further our mission and
ministry in Ripon itself. If you are interested in finding out more, please talk to the
Dean or Canon Elizabeth. Nomination forms are by the PCC notice board. The PCC
also needs a new Treasurer since Liz Thomas who has served most ably in the role for
many years is standing down. For more on that role please talk to Liz or Canon
Salvation Army Food Bank Many thanks from the Salvation Army for all the recent
contributions of Easter treats for their Food Bank. The gifts you gave made such a
difference to the families they support. At the moment there is a particular need to
rep–e‘ish the F’’d Ba‘k s supp–ies ’f c’ffee, UHT —i–k, fruit juice, custard, a‘d ti‘‘ed
puddings. Donations may be placed in the baskets by the Narthex doors on Sunday
mornings, or handed into the Chapter House throughout the week.
Christian Aid Week 10th -16th May
Last year our team of collectors raised over £1,500. Please consider collecting for
Christian Aid contact Christina or Simon Hoare 692187, David Wells 690841 or Liz
Kimbell 608661.
Casual Learning Assistant We have a Vacancy for someone to join the Education
Team. Details are on the Cathedral website.
Staff Announcement Organ Scholar
The Dean and Chapter are pleased to announce the appointment of an Organ Scholar
who will be joining us in September for 11 months. His name is Tom Coxhead and he
is currently at Durham University finishing his music degree. As a child he was a
chorister at Chester Cathedral and this has given him a strong background in
cathedral music and worship and inspired him to go into cathedral music as a career.
Whilst at university he has been the organist at St James The Great, Darlington,
Principle Organist for University College, Director of Music for Hatfield College and
the Director of the Octavo Consort. We are very grateful to the Music Custodians of
RCDC who have funded this post.
Cathedral Prayer Diary As part of our on-going care for the people and
organisations in Ripon, the Episcopal Area and the Diocese we have produced a
prayer diary with a monthly cycle of people, places and organisations to pray for.
Please pick up a copy form under the PCC Notice Board (near the coffee area) and use
it in your personal prayers. The same cycle will also be being used in our Daily Offices
in the Cathedral.
Ca‘’‘ We‘dy i‘tr’duces Daily Chaplai‘cy
We are delighted to say that from April 1st to October 31st there will be Chaplains in
the Cathedral from 10am-4pm (every day except Sunday). They complement the
work of the Welcomers and Guides who are currently doing such a wonderful job with
our visitors. The Chap–ai‘ s task is differe‘t. They are available for anyone who needs a
listening ear or indeed someone to pray with. This band of enthusiastic volunteers are
Priests a‘d Readers fr’— ar’u‘d the Di’cese wh’ h’–d the Bish’p s Lice‘ce ’r
Permission to Officiate. We are deeply grateful to them all (about 33 of them!) for
givi‘g preci’us ti—e t’ —i‘ister i‘ ’ur —uch –’ved Cathedra– that is Here f’r us a–– .
Giving by Gift Aid
Our financial supp’rt ’f the Cathedra– s —issi’‘ is an expression of our gratitude to
God for all that we receive from him. It does strengthen the mission, however, if the
Cathedral can reclaim any tax that has been paid on our offerings. If you are a UK
taxpayer, please consider Gift-Aiding your donation. For every £1 you give, we will
receive £1.25. Gift Aid envelopes are available in the pews or from the Sidespeople.
Please use the envelope and sign it there is no extra cost to you.
If you would prefer to give by electronic banking the details are as follows:
Account Name: Ripon Cathedral PCC Fund
Account number:
Sort Code: 05 07 17
If you are a regular worshipper at the Cathedral and would like to know more about
our planned giving scheme, please contact the PCC Treasurer via the Cathedral Office
(Tel: 01765 603462) or have a word with one of the clergy.
We are very grateful for your financial support. Without it the worship and ministry of
this Cathedral Church simply could not happen.