Zhen Shi - Robinson College of Business


Zhen Shi - Robinson College of Business
Zhen Shi
Department of Finance
Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/zhenshihome
Phone: 678-680-3567
Fax: 404-413-7312
Office: RCB 1239
Email: [email protected]
Academic Experience
Georgia State University, Robinson College of Business
Assistant Professor of Finance, August 2011 – present
Research Interests
Financial Institutions (Hedge Funds and Mutual Funds), Empirical Asset Pricing,
Behavioral Finance, and Corporate Finance
Why Do Hedge Funds Avoid Disclosure? Evidence from Confidential 13F Filings, (with
George Aragon and Michael Hertzel, AFA 2010), Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis, 48 (5), 1499-1518
Working Papers
The Impact of Portfolio Disclosure on Hedge Fund Performance, (WFA 2012, honorable
mention prize in the Networks Financial Institute competition for the best paper in
Financial Services Regulatory Reform for 2010-2011)
Style Investing, Mutual Fund Flows, and Return Comovement, (with Zhiyi Qian, AFA
Smart Money and Liquidity Provision: Hedge Fund Behavior Through Market Crises,
(with George Aragon and Spencer Martin, SFS Cavalcade 2014)
Funding Liquidity Risk of Funds of Hedge Funds: Evidence from Their Holdings, (with
Vikas Agarwal and George Aragon, 2014)
Don’t Confuse Brains with a Bull Market: Attribution Bias, Market Conditions, and
Trading Behavior of Individual Investors, (with Na Wang, EFA 2010)
Does Improved Disclosure Lead to Higher Executive Compensation?
-Evidence from the Convergence to IRFS and the Dual-Class Share System in China,
(with Jun Lu, CICF 2013)
The Effect of GSE Mortgage Purchases on Lender’s Screening Incentives, (with Jun Lu,
Teaching Experience
Georgia State University
M.S./MBA: Valuation of Financial Assets, Fall 2011 to Fall 2014
Undergraduate: Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, and Trading Strategies, Spring 2014 to
Arizona State University
Undergraduate: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Summer 2008
Invited Presentations (†indicates presentation by coauthor)
Why Do Hedge Funds Avoid Disclosure? Evidence from Confidential 13F Filings, with
George Aragon and Michael Hertzel.
§ American Finance Association Annual Meeting, Denver, January 2011
§ The All Oregon Conference†, Eugene, June 2011
§ Louisiana State Univesrity†, Baton Rouge, March 2011
§ Finance Management Association Annual Meeting, New York, October 2010
§ Arizona State University, October 2009
The Impact of Portfolio Disclosure on Hedge Fund Performance, Fees, and Flows
§ Western Finance Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, June 2012
§ Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 2012
§ Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October
§ 4th Annual Conference on Hedge Funds - Adverse Activity, Risk Profile,
Performance and Biases, Paris, France, January 2012
§ The Networks Financial Institute Financial Services Regulatory Reform
Conference, Terre Haute, 2011
§ FMA 2010 Doctoral Student Consortium, New York, October 2010
§ Hong Kong University, November 2010
§ Arizona State University, October 2010
Style Investing, Mutual Fund Flows, and Return Comovement, with Zhiyi Qian.
§ American Finance Association Annual Meeting†, Denver, January 2011
European Finance Association Annual Meeting†, Frankfurt, Germany, August
Smart Money and Liquidity Provision: Hedge Fund Behavior Through Market Crises,
with George Aragon and Spencer Martin
§ The SFS Finance Cavalcade†, Society for Financial Studies, Georgetown
University, May 2014
§ 7th Conference on Professional Asset Management†, Rotterdam School of
Management Erasmus University, Netherlands, May 2014
§ The University of New South Wales†, 2013
§ UNSW†, 2013
§ University of Melbourne†, 2013
§ Queen’s University†, 2013
§ University of Virginia†, 2013
§ University of Rutgers†, 2013
Funding Liquidity Risk of Funds of Hedge Funds: Evidence from Their Holdings, with
Vikas Agarwal and George Aragon
§ The University at Albany’s Inaugural Financial Market Symposium: Hedge
Funds and Regulation, The University at Albany, Albany, NY, September
§ The 4th MSUFCU Conference on Financial Institutions and Investments,
October 2014
§ Georgia State University, October 2014
§ Arizona State University, November 2014
§ University of Utah, November 2014
§ The 7th Hedge Fund Research Conference, Paris, January 2015
§ To be presented at 2015 China International Conference in Finance
Don’t Confuse Brains with a Bull Market: Attribution Bias, Market Conditions, and
Trading Behavior of Individual Investors, with Na Wang.
§ European Finance Association Annual Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, August
§ Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting†, Miami, April 2010
§ Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, February 2010
§ All Georgia Finance Conference, Atlanta, September 2011
Does Improved Disclosure Lead to Higher Executive Compensation?
-Evidence from the Convergence to IRFS and the Dual-Class Share System in China
§ China International Conference in Finance†, Shanghai, 2013
§ Tsinghua University†, Beijing, 2013
§ The 2014 China Finance and Accounting Conference†
The Effect of GSE Mortgage Purchases on Lender’s Screening Incentives, (with Jun Lu,
§ Chinese Academy of Finance and Development, Central University of
Finance and Economics†, Beijing, China, 2013
Ph.D. in Finance, Arizona State University, 2011
M.A. in Economics and M.S. in Applied Statistics, Bowling Green State University 2006
M.S. in Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University 2003
B.E. in Environmental Engineering, Tsinghua University, China 1999
Other Experiences
Environmental Engineer, Department of Environmental Protection, Meadville, PA, 2003
Environmental Engineer, Moody & Associates, Meadville, PA, 2004
Research Assistant, Department of Bioscience and biotechnology, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, 2000
Treatment and utilization of the waste liquid in the production of chitosan. Environmental
Chemistry (Chinese), 2002, 21(3): 288-291 with De-fang Zheng, Yu Gang, and Peng-yi
Awards and Honors
European Finance Association Conference Travel Grant, 2010
FMA 2010 Doctoral Student Consortium, 2010
Graduate and Professional Student Association Conference Travel Grant, ASU, 2010
Graduate Assistant Fellowship, Arizona State University, 2006-2011
Block Grant Fellow, Arizona State University, 2006
Book Scholarship for Top Performance, Bowling Green State University, 2006
Graduate Assistant Fellowship, Bowling Green State University, 2004-2006
National Science Foundation Fellow, Pennsylvania State University, 2001-2002
Excellent Student Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 1997, 1998
Professional Affiliations
American Finance Association
Western Finance Association
Financial Management Association
Michael Hertzel (Co-Chair)
Richard C. Kraemer Professor in Finance
W.P. Carey School of Business
Arizona State University
[email protected]
George Aragon (Co-Chair)
Assistant Professor in Finance
W.P. Carey School of Business
Arizona State University
[email protected]
Jeffrey Coles
Francis J. and Mary B. Labriola Endowed Chair in Competitive Business Finance
W.P. Carey School of Business
Arizona State University
[email protected]

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