Radio Vision Technology - RoboIndia Technologies
Radio Vision Technology - RoboIndia Technologies
RoboIndia Technologies Radio Vision Technology Mobile robots could be much more useful in homes, if they could locate people, places and objects. Today’s robots usually see the world with cameras and lasers, which have difficulty reliably recognizing things and can miss objects that are hidden in clutter. A complementary way robots can “sense” what is around them is through the use of small Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. Inexpensive self-adhesive tags can be stuck on objects, allowing an RFID-equipped robot to search a room for the correct tag’s signal, even when the object is hidden out of sight. Once the tag is detected, the robot knows the object it’s trying to find isn’t far away. This two day workshop will give students a hands on working experience on working with real time radio frequency based vision of robots. Rather than traditional and limited camera based vision, working on RFID based vision will give them a new scope to work on and do research in that field. Topics to be covered during the workshop Day 1 Session1 o o o o o o o o Introduction to Advance Vision Technology Introduction to advancements in vision based robots Introduction to advancements in Servant Robotics Introduction to RFID Technology & its application in real life Concept of Radio Vision Technology Working of RFID System Introduction to basic electronics Getting started with microcontrollers Session 2 o Introduction to AVR Microcontroller board o Working on microcontroller o Working with ADC and sensors o Introduction to BASCOM AVR Programming Language o Programming in microcontrollers RoboIndia Technologies Contact us [email protected] ;,+91-7503727207, ,9540897983 RoboIndia Technologies Day2 Session 3 o o o o o o Compilation and debugging Loading compiled BASCOM program using AVR dude.gui Working with IR proximity Sensors Designing IR Vision System Introduction to RFID module Working with RFID Modules Session 4 o Interfacing RFID module with Microcontroller o Identifying objects using RFID module o Designing RFID based radio vision based Robots which avoids obstacles coming on its way and detects objects with specific chips Duration: 16 Hours (2 Days) A tam will be formed of at most 4 students only. Students are required to bring at least 1 Laptop per Team. All the topic will be covered in the lecture sessions as well as the teams will be performing practically on the kits given to them. Main Features: ‘Certificate of Participation’ to every participant for the Workshop Specially designed Study Material and Kits for experimenting A discount Voucher for attending Internship and Training at RIT India Assistance to students by Industry Experts Certification A ‘Certificate of Participation’ by RoboIndia Technologies will be given to all the participants of the workshop. Fee- the Fee for the workshop is INR 1500/- per participant with a kit in a team of four students. RoboIndia Technologies Contact us [email protected] ;,+91-7503727207, ,9540897983
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