Drug Use 17+ - Ruby Translator
Drug Use 17+ - Ruby Translator
TXT WORD [MEANING OF TXT] 2C-B-or-bdmpea-or-bromo-or-mft-or-spectrum-or-toonies-or-venus nexus a-or-acid-or-aeon flux-or-animal-or-barrels-or-battery acid-or-beavis & butthead-or-big d-or-bird head-or-black star-or-black sunshine-orblack tabs-or-blotter cube-or-blue acid-or-blue barrels-or-blue chairsor-blue cheers-or-blue microdot-or-blue moons-or-blue must-or-blue vials-or-brown bombers-or-brown dots-or-California sunshine-orchocolate chips-or-cid-or-coffee-or-comic book-or-conductor-orcontact lens-or-cupcakes-or-deeda-or-doees-or-domes-or-dose-ordosure-or-dots-or-double dome-or-electric kool aid-or-elvis-or-felix the cat-or-fields-or-fl-or-golden dragon-or-goofy's-or-grape parfait-orgreen double domes-or-green single dome-or-green wedge-or-grey shields-or-hats-or-hawaiian sunshine-or-hawk-or-haze-or-head lightor-heavenly blue-or-instant zen-or-lason sa daga-or-lens-or-lime acidor-logor-or-loony toons-or-lucy-or-lucy in the sky with diamonds-ormellow yellow-or-microdot-or-mighty quinn-ormind detergent-or- LSD optical illusions-or-orange barrels-or-orange cubesor-orange haze-or-orange micro-or-orange wedges-or-owsley-orowsley's acid-or-pane-or-paper acid-or-peace tablets-or-pearly gatesor-pellets-or-pink blotters-or-pink panther-or-pink robots-or-pink wedges-or-pink witches-or-potato-or-pure love-or-purple barrels-orpurple flats-or-purple gel tabs-or-purple ozoline-or-rainbow-orrecycle-or-red lips-or-royal blues-or-russian sickles-or-sacrament-orsandoz-or-sheet-or-smears-or-snow men-or-south parks-or-stampor-strawberry fields-or-sugar cube-or-sugar cubes-or-sugar lumps-orsunshine-or-superman-or-tail lights-or-the ghost-or-the hawk-orticket-or-timothy leary-or-twenty-five-or-vodka acid-or-water colors-orwedding bells-or-wedge-or-white dust-or-white lightning-or-white owsley's-or-window glass-or-yellow dimples-or-ze abandominiums abandoned row houses where drugs are used abe-or-five cent bag $5 worth of drugs abe's cabe-or-nickel note $5 bill abolic-or-equipose-or-finaject-or-finajet-or-winstrol v veterinary steroids a-bomb marijuana cigarette with heroin-or-marijuana cigarette with opium a-boot-or-all lit up-or-banging-or-blasted-or-booted-or-buzz-orcharged up-or-coasting-or-flying-or-get lifted-or-hopped up-orunder the influence of drugs leaping-or-lit up-or-on a trip-or-razed-or-riding the wave-or-shot downor-skied-or-smoke-out-or-stoned ac/dc-or-barr-or-down-or-karo-or-lean-or-nods codeine cough syrup acapulco gold marijuana from South West Mexico acapulco red-or-afgani indica-or-african-or-african black-or-african bush-or-airplane-or-angola-or-ashes-or-assassin of youth-or-astro turf-or-atshitshi-or-aunt mary-or-baby bhang-or-babysitter-or-balck bart-or-balck gunion-or-bale-or-balyando spruce-or-bamba-orbambalacha-or-bammy-or-bar-or-bash-or-bhang-or-block-or-blondeor-blowing smoke-or-blue sage -o- bo-or-bo-bo-or-bobo bush-orboo boo bama-or-broccoli-or-bullyon-or-burnie-or-butter flower-orcanadian blackjuana-or-canamo-or-canappa-or-cannabis tea-orcarmabis-or-cavite all star-or-cest-or-charge-or-cheeba-or-cheeo-orchemo-or-chicago black-or-chicago green-or-chillums-or-chira-orchocolate thai-or-choof-or-christmas loud-or-chron-or-chunky-orchurus-or-cochornis-or-coli-or-coliflor tostao-or-colombian-or- marijuana colorado cocktail-or-columbus black-or-corn-or-cosa-or-crazy weedor-cron-or-cronic-or-crying weed-or-cryppie-or-cryptonie-or-cs-ordawamesk-or-devil's bush-or-dew-or-diambista-or-ding-or-dinkie dow-or-ditch-or-djamba-or-dodo-or-dody-or-don jem-or-don juan-ordona juan-or-dona juanita-or-doob-or-doradilla-or-draf weed-or-drag weed-or-dry high-or-dubbe-or-dube-or-duby-or-durong-or-duros-or-el gallo-or-endo-or-esra-or-feeling-or-fern-or-fine stuff-or-finger idor-firor-firewood-or-flower-or-flower tops-or-flowers-or-fraho-or-frajo-or-fuor-fuma d'angola-or-funk-or-funny stuff-or-gage-or-gange-or-ganjaor-gash-or-gauge-or-gauge butt-or-giggle smoke-or-giggle weed-orgoblet of jam-or-gold star-or-golden-or-gonj-or-good giggles-or-goody-goody-or-gorge-or-grass or-grass brownies-or-grasshopper-or-grata-or-green buds-or-green goddess-or-greeter-or- greta-or-griefo-or-griefs-or-grifa-or-griff-or-griffa-or-griffo-or-grizzy-orgunga-or-gungun-or-gunney-or-haircut-or-hanhich-or-harsh-or-hasor-hawaiian black-or-hawaiian home grown-or-hay-or-herb-or-herbaor-homegrown-or-hooch-or-indian boy-or-indian hemp-or-indiana hayor-indo-or-instaga-or-instagu-or-jamican gold-or-jamican red hair-orjane-or-jay smoke-or-jive stick-or-jolly green-or-joy smoke-or-juan valdez-or-juanita-or-juja-or-kalakit-or-kali-or-kansas grass-or-kate bush-or-kawaii electric-or-kaya-or-kb-or-kee-or-kentucky blue-or-keyor-kgb-or-ki-or-killer green bud-or-kilter-or-kind-or-king bud-or-kona gold-or-krippy-or-kumba-or-kush-or-lakbay diva-or-lamb's bread-orlaughing grass-or-laughing weed-or-left handed cigarette-or-leno-orlg-or-light stuff-or-lima-or-limbo-or-ll-or-llesca-or-loaf-or-lobo-or-locoor-loco weed-or-locoweed-or-loose shank-or-love weed-or-lubage-orlucas-or-macaroni-or-machinery-or-macon-or-maconha-or-mafu-ormagic smoke-or-manhattan silver-or-marimba-or-mary-or-mary and johnny-or-mary ann-or-mary jane-or-mary jonas-or-mary warner-ormary weaver-or-maryjane-or-meg-or-meggie-ormessorole-or-mexican green-or-mexican locoweed-or-mexican redor-mint-or-mj-or-mocca-or-modmas-or-mohasky-or-mohasty-ormoocah-or-mooster-or-moota-or-mootie-or-mootos-or-mor a grifa-ormota-or-mother-or-moto-or-mu-or-muggie-or-muggle-or-muggles-ormuta-or-mutha-or-nigra-or-oj or oatmeal-or-paca lolo-or-pack a bowlor-pakalolo-or-pakistani black-or-panama cut-or-panama gold-orpanama red-or-pasto-or-pat-or-piff-or-pod-or-por-or-potten bush-orpretendica-or-pretendo-or-queen ann's ce -or-raasta weed-or-railroad weed-or-rainy day woman-or-red but-orred cross-or-red dirt-or-reef-or-reefer-or-righteous bush-or-roacha-orroot-or-rose marie-or-rough stuff-or-rubia-or-rugs-or-salad-or-salt and pepper-or-santa marta-or-sasfras-or-schwagg-or-scissors-orscrub-or-seeds-or-sen-or-sess-or-sezz-or-shnizzlefritz-or-shrubs-orsiddi-or-sinse-or-skunkweed-or-smoke a bowl-or-smoke canada-orsnop-or-splim-or-square mackerel-or-stack-or-stems-or-stink weedmarijuana or-stoney weed-or-sugar weed-or-super pot-or-swag-or-sweet lucyor-taima-or-takkouri-or-texas pot-or-texas te-or-tex-mes-or-thirteenor-thumb-or-tijuana-or-torch-or-trauma-or-trees-or-trupence bag-ortustin-or-unotque-or-vipe-or-viper's weed-or-wacky terbacky-orwacky weed-or-wake and bake-or-weed tea-or-whackatabacky-orwheat-or-white haired lady-or-white russian-or-white-haired lady-oryeh-or-yellow submarine or- yen pop-or-yerba-or-yesca-or-yesco-or-zamb marijuana ace-or-bohd-or-elephant-or-killer-or-tea-or-weed marijuana-or-PCP acid cube sugar cube containing LSD acid freak heavy user of LSD acid head user of LSD acido hallucinogens-or-LSD ad drug addict adam-or-batmans-or-bermuda triangle-or-bibs-or-blue kisses-or-blue lips-or-blue nile-or-care bears-or-cat in the hats-or-charity-or-clarityor-cristal-or-dead road-or-decadence-or-doctor-or-elephants-oreqyptians-or-essence-or-eve-or-exiticity-or-flipping-or-four leaf cloveror-green triangles-or-gwm-or-happy drug-or-happy pill-or-herbal blissor-hug drug-or-igloo-or-jerry garcias-or-kleenex-or-letter biscuits-orlove pill-or-lover's special-or-lover's speed-or-mdm-or-mercedes-orMDMA mitsubishi-or-molly-or-orange bandits-or-pink panthers-or-playboysor-plyboy bunnies-or-rave energy-or-red devils-or-ritual spirit-orrolling-or-rolls royce-or-running-or-scooby snacks-or-smurfs-orspeed for lovers-or-speedies-or-stars-or-supermans-or-swans-ortachas-or-tom and jerries-or-triple crowns-or-triple rolexes-or-triple stacks-or-tutus-or-tweety birds-or-ultimate xphoria-or-wafers-orwheels-orwhite diamonds-or-white dove-or-wigits-or-x-ing-or-x-pills-or-xt MDMA african woodbine-or-blanket-or-bomber-or-cancelled stick-or-catnipor-climb-or-cripple-or-earth-or-fattie-or-fatty-or-finger-or-gasper-orgasper stick-or-good butt-or-goof butt-or-gyve-or-happy cigarette-orhay butt-or-hoodie-or-hot stick-or-joint-or-ju-ju-or-kick stick-or-mari- marijuana cigarette or-megg-or-mighty mezz-or-mooters-or-nail-or-number-or-pack of rocks-or-prescription-or-reefers-or-rockets-or-straw-or-twist-ortwistum-or-zol agonies withdrawal symptoms ah-pen-yen-or-aunti emma-or-auntie-or-big o-or-chandoo-or-chanduor-chinese molasses-or-chinese tobacco-or-dopium-or-dover's deck- opium or-dover's power-or-dream gun-or-dream stick-orreams-or-easing powder-or-fi-do-nie-or-fireflower-or-gee-or-god's medicine-or-gondola-or-gop-or-goric-or-great tobacco-or-guma-orhops-or-joy plant-or-midnight oil-or-mira-or-o-or-op-or-opr-or-pen yan-opium or-pin gon-or-pin yen-or-pox-or-red rocks-or-skee-or-toxy-or-toys-orwhen-shee-or-ze-or-zero aimes-or-ames-or-amys-or-boppers-or-pearls amyl nitrite aimies amphetamine-or-amyl nitrite aip heroin from Afghanistan-or-heroin from Iran-or-heroin from Pakistan air blast-or-bllet bolt-or-discorrama-or-heart-on-or-hiagra in a bottleor-highball-or-hippie crack-or-huff-or-medusa-or-moon gas-or-poor inhalants man's pot-or-satan's secret-or-spray-or-texas shoe shine-or-toilet water airhead marijuana user al capone-or-antifreeze-or-aries-or-aunt hazel-or-ballot-or-bart simpson-or-big bang-or-big doodig-or-big h-or-big harry-or-bin ladenor-black eagle-or-black pearl-or-black tar-or-blows-or-blue bag-orblue magic-or-blue star-or-bobby brown-or-bombs away-or-bonita-orbozo-or-brain damage-or-brea-or-brick gum-or-broja-or-brown crystal-or-brown rhine-or-brown sugar-or-brown tape-or-bull dog-orbundle-or-butu-or-caballo-or-caca-or-calbo-or-capital h-or-carga-orcarne-or-chapopote-or-charley-or-chatarra-or-chiba-or-chicle-orchieva-or-chineses red-or-chip-or-chiva-or-choco-fan-or-cotics-orcrown crap-or-cura-or-de feelgood-or-dead on arrival-or-dead president-or-diesel-or-dirt-or-dirty dirt-or-dog food-or-dogie-or-doogieor-doojoe-or-dooley-or-doosey-or-dreck-or-dugie-or-duji-or-dujra-ordujre-or-dyno-or-eighth-or-estuffa-or-ferry dust-or-furra-or-galloping horse-orgallup-or-gamot-or-gato-or-george-or-george smack-or-glacines-orgoar-or-golden girl-or-golpe-or-good and plenty-or-good h-or-good horse-or-h-or-h caps-or-hache-or-hairy-or-hard candy-or-harry-orhayron-or-hazel-or-helen-or-hell dust-or-hera-or-heri-or-hero-or-hero heroin of the underworld-or-heroina-or-herone-or-hessle-or-him-or-holy terror-or-hombre-or-horse-or-horsebite-or-hot dope-or-hrn-or-isda-orjee gee-or-jenny-or-jerry springer-or-jive doo jee-or-joharito-or-jojeeor-jones-or-joy-or-joy flakes-or-junco-or-ka bayo-or-la bueno-or-la chiva-or-little boy-or-mac-or-manteca-or-matsakow-or-mexican horse-or-mexican mud-or-money talks-or-morotgara-or-Mr. Brownstone-or-murotugora-or-mustard-or-muzzle-or-nanoo-or-nice and easy-ornickel deck-or-nickely deck-or-noise-or-number 4-or-number 8-ornurse-or-ogoy-or-old garbage-or-old navy-or-old steve-or-orange lineor-pangonadalot-or-peg-or-perfect high-or-pluto-or-poppy-orpredatory-or-pulborn-or-pure-or-raindeer dust-or-rambo-or-raw fusion-or-raw hide-or-red chicken-or-red eagle-or-red rock-or-rhineor-ron-or-rush hour-or-sack-or-salt-or-scag-or-scat-or-scate-orschmeek-or-scott-or-second to none-or-sh*t-or-shmeck-or-silk-orskaq-or-skid-or-slime-or-smack-or-snotty-or-spider-or-spider blue-orstuff-or-sweet dreams-or-sweet jes -or-tecata-or-thanie-or-the beast-or-the bomb-or-the nasty-or-the witch-or-thunder-or-tiger-or-tigre blanco-or-tigre del norte-or-tongs-orheroin tootsie roll-or-top drool-or-train-or-twin towers-or-vidrio-or-white junkor-white nurse-or-white stuff-or-witch hazel-or-wtc-or-yank alice b tokla marijuana brownie all american drug-or-angel powder-or-angie-or-aunt nora-or-ba zulcoor-barbs-or-beam-or-bernice-or-bernie-or-bernie's flake-or-bernie's gold duct-or-big bloke-or-big c-or-big flake-or-big rush-or-billie hokeor-blanca-or-bolivian marching powder-or-bouncing powder-or-bugleor-burese-or-burnese-or-c-or-california cornglakes-or-cameine-orcandy cine-or-carnie-or-carrie nation-or-ccane-or-cecil-or-c-gameoro-cabello-or-chang-or-charlie-or-ching-or-chippy-or-choe-or-chollycocaine or-chowder-or-coca-or-coconut-or-cola-or-combol-or-corrine-orcorrinne-or-cory-or-dama bbanca-or-double bubble-or-dream-or-ductor-el perico-or-esnortiar-or-flake-or-florida snow-or-foo foo-or-foo-foo dust-or-friskie powder-or-gift-of-the-sun-or-gift-of-the-sun-god-or-ginor-girl friend-or-glad stuff-or-gold dust-or-happy dust-or-happy powder-or-happy trials-or-have a dust-or-haven dust-or-henry viii-orher -or - hunter-or-icing-or-inca message-or-jejo-or-jelly-or-king-or-king's best-or-lady caine-or-lady snow-or-late night-or-line-or-love affair-orcocaine mama coca-or-marching dust-or-marching powder-or-merck-or-merkor-monster-or-mosquitos-or-movie star drug-or-mujer all star user of multiple drugs alpha-et-or-et-or-love pearls-or-love pills alpha-ethyltryptamine amidone-or-done-or-fizzies methadone amoeba-or-angel-or-angel dust-or-angel hair-or-angel mist-or-angel poke-or-animal trank-or-animal tranq-or-animal tranquilizer-or-aurora borealis-or-belladonna-or-black dust-or-black whack-or-blue madman-or-busy bee-or-butt naked-or-cannabinol-or-cigarrode cristal-or-cj-or-cliffhanger-or-columbo-or-cozmo's-or-crazy coke-orcrazy eddie-or-crystal joint-or-crystal t-or-cycline-or-cyclones-ordetroit pink-or-devil's dust-or-dipper-or-do it jack-or-drink-or-dummy dust-or-dust angels-or-dust joint-or-dusted parsley-or-elephant tranquilizer-or-elephant trunk-or-embalming fluid-or-energizer-or-erthor-fake stp-or-flakes-or-fresh-or-goon-or-gooon dust-or-gorilla biscuits-or-gorilla tab-or-green leaves-or-green tea-or-happy sticksor-heaven and hell-or-hep-or-herms-or-hinkley-or-hog-or-horse trcks -or-horse tranquilizer-or-ill-or-illy momo-or-k-or-kaps-or-k-blast-orkiller joints-or-kj-or-kools-or-krystal-or-krystal joint-or-kw-or-leaky PCP bolla-or-leaky leak-or-lemon 714-or-lenos-or-lethal weapon-or-little ones-or-live ones-or-lovely-or-mad dog-or-mad man-or-magic-ormagic dust-or-mean green-or-mint leaf-or-mint weed-or-monkey dustor-monkey tranquilizer-or-more-or-new acid-or-new magic-or-nieblaor-opp-or-orange crystal-or-paz-or-pcpa-or-peace pill-or-peeporpeter pan-or-pig killer-or-pit-or-pits-or-polvo de angel-or-polvo de estrellas-or-puffy-or-purple rain-or-rocket fuel-or-scaffle-or-scuffle-orsernyl-or-sheets-or-sherm sticks-or-shermans-or-skuffle-or-slum-orsmoking-or-snorts-or-soma-or-spores-or-star dust-or-stp-or-super-orsuper joint-or-super kiils-or-surfer-or-synthetic cocaine-or-synthetic tht-or-tac-or-taking a cruise-or-tic tac-or-tish-or-titch or- trank-or-wack-or-white horizon-or-wobble weed-or-wolf-or-wor amp head amp joint LSD user marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic amp-or-amphets-or-bennie-or-benz-or-benzidrine-or-black and whiteor-black birds-or-black bombers-or-black cadilacs-or-black dex-orblack mollies-or-blacks-or-blue boy-or-blue mollies-or-brain pills-orbrain ticklers-or-brownies-or-browns-or-bumblebees-or-cartwheelsor-chicken powder-or-christina-or-coasts to coasts-or-co-pilor-orcrisscross-or-cross tops-or-crossroads-or-dexies-or-diet pills-ordominoes-or-double cross-or-eye openers-or-fives-or-footballs-oramphetamine forwards-or-french blue-or-head drugs-or-hearts-or-horse heads-orjackson-or-jam cecil-or-jelly baby-or-jolly bean-or-jugs-or-leapers-orlightning-or-marathons-or-minibennie-or-nugget-or-oranges-or-pep pills-or-phet-or-pixies-or-rhythm-or-rippers-or-road dope-or-rosa-orroses-or-snap-or-snow pallets-or-sparkle plenty-or-sparklers-orsplash-or-splivins-or-sweets-or-thrusters-or-tr-6s-or-truck drivers-orturnabout-or-upp ers-or-uppies-or-wake ups-or-zest amphetamine amped high on amphetamines amped-out fatigue after using amphetamine amphetamine amphetamine amping amt-or-businessman's LSD-or-businessman's special-or-busines man's trip-or-det-or-fantasia anadrol-or-anavar-or-maxibolin-or-methyltestosterone-or-proviron-orwinstrol amp-or-amphets-or-bennie-or-benz-or-benzidrine-or-black and white-or-black birds-or-black bombers-or-black cadilacs-or-black dex-or-black mollies-or-blacksor-blue boy-or-blue mollies-or-brain pills-or-brain ticklers-or-brownies-or-browns-orbumblebees-or-cartwheels-or-chicken powder-or-christina-or-coasts to coasts-orco-pilor-or-crisscross-or-cross tops-or-crossroads-or-crystal methadrine-or-dex-ordexies-or-diet pills-or-dominoes-or-double cross-or-eye openers-or-fives-orfootballs-or-forwards-or-french blue-or-head drugs-or-hearts-or-horse heads-orjackson-or-jam cecil-or-jelly baby-or-jolly bean-or-jugs-or-leapers-or-lightning-ormarathons-or-minibennie-or-nugget-or-oranges-or-peaches-or-pep pills-or-phet-orpixies-or-rhythm-or-rippers-or-road dope-or-rosa-or-roses-or-snap-or-snow palletsor-sparkle plenty-or-sparklers-or-splash-or-splivins-or-sweets-or-thrusters-or-tr -6s-or-truck drivers-or-turnabout-or-uppers-or-uppies-or-wake ups-or-zest accelerated heartbeat dimethyltryptamine dimethyltryptamine oral steroids anatrofin-or-bolasterone-or-deca-duabolin-or-delatestryl-or-dep-ordihydrolone-or-durabolin-or-dymethzine-or-enoltestovis-or-methatriol- injectable steroids or-quinolone-or-sustanon 250-or-therobolin anny anhydrous based meth apache-or-china girl-or-china town-or-dance fever-or-friend-orgoodfellas-or-great bear-or-he-man-or-jackpot-or-king ivory-or- fentanyl murder 8-or-tango & cash apple jacks-or-baby t-or-bad-or-badrock-or-basa-or-baseball-orbasing-or-beamers-or-beat-or-beautiful boulders-or-bebe-orbeemers-or-bill bass-or-bings-or-bjs-or-bj's-or-black rock-or-blowoutor-bobo-or-bollo-or-bolo-or-bonecrusher-or-bones-or-bopper-orbotray-or-boubou-boulya-or-bullion-or-bumer-or-butler-or-capsula-orcaspercasper the ghost-or-cds-or-cheap basing-or-chemical-orchewies-or-cookies-or-crck-or-crib-or-crunch and munch-ordemolish-or-devil drug-or-devilsmoke-or-dice-or-dime special-or-dipor-dirth basing-or-double yoke-or-eastside player-or-eff-or-electric kiilaid-or-famoous dimes-or-fat bags-or-fish scales-or-french fries-orfries-or-fugi-or-garbage rock-or-glo-or-golf ball-or-gravel-or-grit-or- crack grocieries-or-hail-or-half track-or-hamburger helper-or-hard ball-hard line-or-hard rock-or-hell-or-hotcakes-or-how do you like me now-orhubba-or-hubba, I am backor-hubbas-or-I am back-or-ice cube-orissues-or-jelly beans-or-johnson-or-kangaroo-or-kokomo-or-love-orma'a-or-mixed jive-or-new adition-or-nuggets-or-parlay-or-paste-orpatico-or-pebbles-or-piedra-or-piles-or-pony-or-prime time-orproduct-or-purple caps-or-real tops-or-red caps-or-regular p-or-rest in peace-or-rock attack-or-rocks of hell-or-rocky III-or-rooster-or-roxor-roz-or-schoolcraft-or-scrabble-or-scruples-or-seven-up-orsightball-or-sleet-or-smooch-orsnow coke-or-soup-or-space-or-square time bob-or-stones-or-sugar block-or-swell up-or-tension-or-the devil-or-tissue-or-top gun-or-topoor-tornado-or-toss-ups-or-troop-or-tweaks-or-twenty rock-or-twinkiecrack or-ultimate-or-wave-or-white ball-or-white ghost-or-white sugar-orwhite tornado-or-wrecking crew-or-yahoo-or-yale-or-yam-or-yayoo-oryeaho-or-yeahare you anywhere do you use marijuana arnolds-or-gym candy-or-pumpers-or-stackers-or-weight trainers steroids aroma of men-or-rush snappers-or-snappers isobutyl nitrite around the turn having gone through a withdrawal period artillery-or-works equipment for injecting drugs aspirin-or-aunt-or-candy sugar-or-connie-or-fat white lady-or-flave-orpariba-or-shrile-or-soft-or-softball-or-sugar boogers-or-uptown-or- powder cocaine yao atom bomb marijuana and heroin author doctor who writes illegal prescriptions b amount of marijuana to fill a matchbox b-40 cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor babe drug used for detoxification baby habit-or-ice cream habit-or-joy popping occasional use of drugs baby-or-hooter-or-leaf cocaine-or-marijuana babysit guide someone through first drug experience back breakers LSD and strychnine back door residue left in a pipe back jack injecting opium-or-to inject a drug back to back heroin used after smoking crack-or-smoking crack after injecting heroin backtrack allow blood to flow back into a needle during injection backup to prepare a vein for injection backwards-or-bank bandit pills-or-barb-or-barbies-or-block bustersor-blue angels-or-blue birds-or-blue bullets-or-blue devil-or-blue dollsor-blue tips-or-busters-or-chorals-or-christmas rolls-or-double troubleor-downer-or-downie-or-drowsy high-or-gangster pills-or-gb-or-golf balls-or-goofers-or-gorilla pills-or-green dragons-or-green frog-oridiot pills-or-joy juice-or-king kong pills-or-lay black-or-lib-or-lubing out-or-luds-or-m&m-or-marchmallow reds-or-mexican reds-or- depressants mickey finn-or-mighty joe young-or-mother's little helper-or-nebbiesor-nemmies-or-nimbies-or-peanut-or-phennies-or-phenos-or-piink ladies-or-q-or-quads-or-quas-or-rainbows-or-red and blue-or-red bullets-or-reds-or-seccy-or-seggy-or-softballs-or-sopers-or-stoppersor-strawberries-or-stumbler-or-tooles-or-tooties-or-tranq-or-tuie-oruncle milty-or-ups and downs-or-yellow bullets bad bundle bad go bad seed damaged heroin-or-inferior quality heroin bad reaction to a drug heroin-or-marijuana-or-peyote bagging baked baker ball balling balloon bam-or-black beauties-or-inbetweens-or-jelly bean bambita bambs bammies banana split a package of heroin-or-a package of marijuana-or-a person's favorite drug-orcontainer for drugs crack smoking prostitute a person who supplies narcotics or other drugs, a pusher-or-person who transports money using inhalants high on marijuana person who smokes marijuana crack-or-mexican black tar heroin vaginally implanted cocaine a penny balloon that contains narcotics-or-heroin supplier amphetamine-or-depressants amphetamine derivative-or-desoxyn depresants poor quality of marijuana combo of 2C-B with other illicit substances, particularly LSD banano marijuana cigarettes laced with cocaine-or-tobacco cigarettes laced with cocaine bang barnyard hay bars base crazies-or-picking base head base-or-caine-or-coke-or-press-or-rockette-or-roxanne-or-sevenupor-teeth based out inhalants-or-to inject a drug poor quality weed heroin mixed with alprazolam searching on hands and knees for cocaine or crack person who bases bag bag bride-or-skeegers-or-skeezers bag man basuco bathtub crank bathtub speed-or-cadillac express-or-cat-or-ephedrone-or-gagers-orgaggers-or-goob-or-qat-or-slick superspeed-or-stat-or-tweeker-orwonder star batman batt batted out batu-or-cristy-or-hanyak-or-hironpon-or-hiropon-or-hot ice-orkaksonjae-or-la glass-or-la ice-or-quartz-or-super ice cocaine-or-crack having lost control over basing coca paste residue sprinkled on regular a cigarette-or-coca paste residue sprinkled ona marijuna cigarette-or-cocaine methamphetamine produced in bathtubs-or-poor quality methamphetamine methcathinone cocaine-or-heroin-or-mixing cocaine and heroin hypodermic needle-or-iv needle apprehended by law smokable methamphetamine bazooka b-bombs-or-go-or-greenies-or-mao-or-methedrine-or-pollutants bc bud coca paste and marijuana-or-cocaine-or-combo of crack and marijuana-or-crack and tobacco combined in a joint amphetamines-or-MDMA marijuana from British Columbia-or-synonymous with any high-grade marijuana from Canada cocaine powder combined with PCP-or-crack combined with PCP PCP and crack beam me up scottie beam me up scotty beamer-or-cluck-or-cracker jack-or-gick monster-or-puffer-or-thirst crack smoker monster bean capsule containing drugs-or-MDMA beannies-or-black beauty-or-bling bling-or-blue devils-or-blue ice-orblue meth-or-chicken feed-or-cinnamon-or-clear-or-cr-or-cringle-orcrink-or-cris-or-cristina-or-crossles-or-crypto-or-crystal meth-ordesocsins-or-desogtion-or-geep-or-getgo-or-granulated orange-orload of laundry-or-methlies quik-or-motorcycle crack-or-nazimeth-or- methamphetamine ozs-or-pink-or-pink elephants-or-po coke-or-poor man's coke-orredneck cocaine-or-schmiz-or-scootie-or-sketch-or-spackle-orspeckled birds-or-spoosh-or-tick tick-or-trash-or-tweak-or-wash-orwork-or-working man's cocaine-or-yellow bam beans amphetamine-or-crack-or-depressants-or-mescaline beast heroin plus LSD beat artist person selling bogus drugs beat vials viles containing sham crack to cheat buyers bed bugs fellow addicts beedies cigarettes from India resembling marijuana joints-or-vehicle for other drugs behind the scale to weigh and sell cocaine chemically altering cocaine to make it look brown-or-chemicals altering cocaine to beiging make it appear a higher purity belt effects of drugs belted under the influence of a drug belushi cocaine and heroin combo bender drug party bens-or-benzedrine-or-biphetamine-or-crystal methadrine-or-d amphetamine-or-MDMA bs-or-dex-or-drivers-or-fastin-or-gaggler-or-iboga-or-mini beans-ormonoamine oxidase-or-morning shot-or-nineteen-or-slammin'-oramphetamine-or-MDMA slamming-or-spivias-or-strawberry shortcake-or-sweeties-or-tens-orusp-or-west coast turnarounds-or-whiffledust bickie ecstacy big 8 1/8 kilogram crack big man-or-candyman-or-peddlar drug supplier bikers coffee methamphetamine and coffee bindle heroin-or-small packet of drug powder bing enough drug for one injection bingers-or-klingons-or-nickelonians crack addicts bingo-or-blow the vein-or-boot-or-burn the main line-or-cranking upor-draw up-or-dropper-or-fix-or-geezer-or-geezin a bit of dee gee-orget down-or-hit the main line-or-hit the needle-or-hit the pit-or-hitting to inject a drug up-or-jab-or-jack-up-or-job-or-joy pop-or-laugh and scratch-ormainline-or-miss-or-ping-in-wing-or-roller-or-shoot up-or-slam-or-tieor-track bipping snorting heroin and cocaine separately-or-snorting heroin and cocaine together birdie powder-or-boy-or-foo foo stuff-or-foolish powder-or-heaven-orheaven dust-or-joy powder-or-junk-or-lady-or-mayo-or-mojo-or-nosecocaine-or-heroin or-number 3-or-racehorse charlie-or-rane-or-white girl-or-white horseor-white lady-or-wings-or-witch biscuit-or-half a football field 50 rocks of crack bite one's lips-or-blast a joint-or-blast a roach-or-blast a stick-orblaze-or-blow a stick-or-blow one's roof-or-boot the bong-or-burn one-or-chiefing-or-do a joint-or-dope smoke-or-fire it up-or-fly to smoke marijuana mexican airlines-or-get a gage up-or-get high-or-get on-or-get the wind-or-go loco-or-hit the hay-or-light up-or-mow the grass-or-puff the dragon-or-spark it up-or-tea party-or-torch up biz bag of drugs-or-portion of drugs black marijuana-or-methamphetamine-or-opium black acid LSD-or-LSD and PCP black ganga marijuana resin black gold-or-cam trip high potency marijuana black grandma back tar heroin black gungi-or-charas-or-indian hay marijuana from India black hash-or-black russian opium mixed with hashish black hole depressant high associated with ketamine black mo-or-black moat highly potent marijuana black mote marijuana mixed with honey black pill black stuff-or-hard stuff blade-or-chrome blanco blank blanks blast blaxing-or-blazing-or-roasting-or-taking on a number blizzard blotter acid-or-d blotter-or-window pane blow blow a fix-or-blow a shot blow blue-or-blow coke-or-booster-or-cork the air-or-do a line-orgeeze-or-hitch up the reindeers-or-one and one-or-sporting blow smoke blow up blow your mind blowcaine blue blue caps-or-buttons-or-cactus-or-cactus buttons-or-cactus head-ormesc-or-mescal-or-mese-or-mezc-or-moon-or-perp-or-topi blue clouds blue de hue blue heaven blue nitro vitality-or-firewater-or-renewtrient-or-revivarant-orrevivarant g blue sky blond blunt opium pill heroin-or-opium crystal methamphetamine heroin plus cocaine container of nonnarcotic powder that is sold as heroin low quality drugs to smoke crack-or-to smoke marijuana smoking marijuana white cloud in a pipe used to smoke cocaine LSD-or-PCP crack-or-LSD cocaine-or-to inhale cocaine-or-to inject heroin-or-to smoke marijuana injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin to inhale cocaine marijuana-or-to inhale cocaine crack cut with lidocaine to increase size, weight, and street value get high on hallucinogens crack diluted with procaine crack-or-depressants-or-oxycontin-or-xanax mescaline amytal capsules marijuana from Vietnam depressants-or-LSD GBL containing product high potency marijuna from Colombia cocaine and marijuana inside a cigar-or-marijuana inside a cigar boat 1,000 pills of ecstasy-or-crystal meth smoking device made from tin foil-or-PCP bob hope-or-herbs-or-indica-or-ruderalis-or-sativa cannabis individual who ingests wrapped packets of cocaine to transport-or-individual who ingests wrapped packets of crack to transport individual who ingests crack vials to avoid prosecution refuse to share-or-salivate on a marijuana cigarette amphetamine-or-isobutyl nitrite body-packer body-stuffer bogart a joint bolt bomb bomb squad bombido bombita bone bong boo-or-maui-wowie book boom boomers boost boost and shoot booze bottles boulder box labs boxed-or-on ice boy-girl-or-he-she bread-or-lettuce-or-scratch break night breakdown brewery brick bridge or bring up britton-or-fake crack made of candle wax and baking soda-or-half moon-or-hikori-or-hikuli-or-hyatari-or-nubs-or-seni-or-tops broker brown bubble gum bubbler buck bud-or-sticky icky buda budda or buddha buffer bugged crack-or-heroin-or-high potency heroin-or-large marijuana cigarette name of crack-selling crew depressants-or-heroin-or-injectable amphetamine depressants-or-heroin plus amphetamine $50 piece of crack-or-high purity heroin-or-marijuana pipe used to smoke marijuana marijuana-or-methamphetamine 100 dosage units of LSD marijuana-or-mushrooms LSD-or-mushrooms-or-psilocin-or-psilocybin crack-or-to inject a drug-or-to steal steal to support a habit alcohol amphetamine-or-crack vials $20 worth of crack-or-crack small, mobile, clandestine labs used to produce methamphetamine in jail heroin mixed with cocaine money staying up all night on a cocaine binge until daybreak $40 of crack that can be broken down into $20 packages place where drugs are made 1 kilo of crack-or-1 kilo of marijuana ready a vein for injection peyote go between in a drug deal-or-heavy drug user heroin-or-marijuana-or-methamphetamine cocaine-or-crack-or-marijuana from Tennessee bong shoot someone in the head marijuana-or-weed a high grade marijuana joint filled with crack potent marijuana spiked with opium crack smoker-or-woman who performs oral sex in exchange for crack irritated-or-to be covered with sores and abscesses from repeated use of unsterile needles bull bulladine bullet-or-hardware-or-locker whiteout bullia capital bummer trip bump bump up bumping up bunk bur-or-burs-or-zans burn transaction burned narcotics agent-or-police officer marajuana room-or-quicksilver-or-thrust-or- burned out burnout bush busted-or-fall-or-nailed butter-or-kryptonite-or-turbo buzz bomb-or-laughing gas-or-shoot the breeze-or-whippets c&m c joint cabbage head cad cadillac-or-stardust-or-white powder cafeteria use cafeteria-style use cakes cambodian red can-or-canjuana canadein candy candy blunt candy flipping on a string inhalants-or-isobutyl nitrite crack-or-fake crack unsettling and threatening experience from PCP intoxication boost a high-or-cocaine-or-crack-or-fake crack-or-hit of $20 of ketamine use of cocaine to bolster MDMA MDMA combined with powder cocaine crack-or-fake cocaine xanax selling a substance as a certain drug purchase fake drugs collapse of veins from repeated injections-or-permanent impairment from drug abuse heavy abuser of drugs cocaine-or-marijuana-or-PCP arrested crack-or-marijuana nitrous oxide cocaine and morphine place where cocaine is sold an individual who will experiment with any kind of drug-or-an individual who will use any kind of drug 1 ounce cocaine-or-PCP use of various drugs simultaneously, particularly hypnotics-or-use of various drugs simultaneously, particularly sedatives using a combo of different club drugs round discs of crack marijuana from Cambodia 1 ounce-or-marijuana heroin and marijuana combo amphetamine-or-cocaine-or-crack-or-depressants blunts dipped in cough syrup combining LSD with MDMA-or-mixing LSD, MDMA, and cocaine-or-sequencing LSD with MDMA candy raver candy sticks candy-flipping cap cap up caps captain cody-or-coties carburetor carpet patrol carry cartucho cat killer-or-cat valium-or-donkey-or-jet-or-ket-or-kit kat-or-kitkat-orpurple-or-special k-or-special la coke-or-super acid-or-super c-orvitamin k caviar ccc's cets chalk-or-speed chalked up chalking champagne-or-p-dogs channel-or-cushion-or-gutter-or-sewer channel swimmer charlie brown chase chaser chasing the dragon-or-eightball-or-moonrock chasing the tiger check cheese cheeseburger-or-cutie pie-or-qp cheroot rave attendees who wear candy jewelry-or-young people who attend raves marijuana cigarettes laced with powdered cocaine LSD mixed with ecstasy a capsule of a drug-or-crack-or-LSD transfer bulk form drugs to capsules crack-or-Gamma Hydroxybutyrate-or-heroin-or-psilocybin and psilocin codeine crack stem attachment crack smokers searching the floor for crack to be in posession of drugs package of marijuana cigarettes ketamine combo of cocaine and marijuana-or-crack cortison cough and cold percasets amphetamine-or-crack-or-methamphetamine under the influence of cocaine chemically altering the color of cocaine so it looks white combo of cocaine and marijuana vein into which a drug is injected one who injects heroin brown heroin to smoke cocaine-or-to smoke marijuana compulsive crack user crack mixed with heroin to smoke heroin personal supply of drugs crystal meth-or-herion and tylenol quarter pound of marijuana smoking a cigar shaped object containing a mixture of tobacco and marijuana-orsmoking a cigar shaped object containing marijuana-or-smoking a cigar shaped object containing tobacco cherry meth-or-easy lay-or-fantasy-or-gamma oh-or-gbh-or-great hormones at bedtime-or-grevious bodily harm-or-g-riffie-or-jib-orGHB liquid e-or-liquid ecstasy-or-liquid g-or-liquid x-or-organic guanlude-orsalty water-or-scoop-or-sleep-or-sleep 500-or-somatomax-or-vitang chiba chiba chicken scratch chief high potency marijuana from Colombia searching on hands and knees for crack or cocaine LSD-or-mescaline object used to smoke hashish-or-object used to smoke marijuana-or-object used chillum to smoke opium china cat-or-mortal combat high potency heroin china white heroin plus fentanyl-or-synthetic heroin chipper occasional heroin user-or-occasional Hispanic user-or-occasional user chipping using drugs occasionally chips marijuana cigarettes laced with PCP-or-tobacco cigarettes laced with PCP chocolate amphetamine-or-marijuana-or-opium chocolate chip cookies MDMA combined with heroin-or-MDMA combined with methadone chocolate ecstasy crack made brown by adding chocolate milk during production chocolate rock crack smoked together with heroin christmas tree amphetamine-or-depressant-or-marijuana-or-methamphetamine christmas tree meth green methamphetamine produced using Drano crystals chronic marijuana-or-marijuana mixed with crack chucks hunger following withdrawal from heroin cigamos combo of crack and tobacco cigarette paper packet of heroin circles-or-forget me drug-or-forget me pill-or-forget pill-or-la rocha-orlunch money drug-or-mexican valium-or-pingus-or-r-2-or-reynolds-orroach 2-or-roaches-or-roachies-or-roapies-or-robutal-or-rochas dos- rohypnol or-roche-or-roofies-or-rophies-or-rophy-or-ropies-or-roples-or-rowshay-or-ruffies-or-ruffles-or-wolfies citrol high potency marijuana from Nepal clam bake sitting inside a car or other small enclosed space and smoking marijuana clear up stop drug use clicker crack mixed with PCP-or-marijuana dipped in formaldehyde and smoked clickums a marijuana cigarette laced with PCP climax crack-or-heroin-or-inhalants-or-isobutyl nitrite clips rows of vials heat-sealed together clocker clocking paper closet baser cloud cloud nine-or-roca cluckers cocaine cocaine blues cocktail coco rocks coco snow cocoa puff cocofan cod coke bar cokehead entry level crack dealer who sells drugs 24 hours a day profits from selling drugs user of crack who prefers anonymity crack cocaine crack-or-MDMA middlemen who facilitate the connection between buyers and sellers all-american drug-or-angel powder-or-angie-or-aunt nora-or-ba zulco-or-baby-orbarbs-or-beam-or-bernice-or-bernie-or-bernie's flake-or-bernie's gold duct-or-big bloke-or-big c-or-big flake-or-big rush-or-billie hoke-or-blanca-or-bolivian marching powder-or-bouncing powder-or-bugle-or-burese-or-burnese-or-c-or-california cornglakes-or-cameine-or-candy cine-or-carnie-or-carrie nation-or-ccane-or-cecilor-c-game-oro-cabello-or-chang-or-charlie-or-ching-or-chippy-or-choe-or-cholly-orchowder-or-coca-or-coconut-or-cola-or-combol-or-corrine-or-corrinne-or-cory-orcrack-or-dama bbanca-or-double bubble-or-dream-or-duct-or-dust-or-el perico-oresnortiar-or-flake-or-florida snow-or-foo foo-or-foo-foo dust-or-friskie powder-orgift-of-the-sun-or-gift-of-the-sun-god-or-gin-or-girl friend-or-glad stuff-or-gold dustor-happy dust-or-happy powder-or-happy trials-or-have a dust-or-haven dust -or-henry viii-or-her-or-hunter-or-icing-or-inca message-or-jejo-or-jelly-or-junk-orking-or-king's best-or-lady-or-lady caine-or-lady snow-or-late night-or-line-or-love affair-or-mama coca-or-marching dust-or-marching powder-or-merck-or-merk-ormonster-or-mosquitos-or-movie star drug-or-mujer-or-nieve-or-noise stuff-or-nose powder-or-oyster stew-or-paradise-or-paradise white-or-pearl-or-pedico-or-perciaor-percio-or-perico-or-peruvian-or-peruvian flake-or-peruvian lady-or-pimp-orpolvo blanco-or-powder diamonds-or-rails-or-richard-or-sauce-or-schmeck-orscorpion-or-scottie-or-serpico 21-or-she-or-sleigh ride-or-sniff-or-snow-or-snow cones-or-snow white-or-society high-or-studio fuel-or-talco-or-tardust-or-teenageror-white mosquito-or-yay depression after extended cocaine use cigarette laced with cocaine-or-cigarette laced with crack-or-partially smoked marijuana cigarette inserted in regular cigarette dark brown crack made by adding chocolate pudding during production benzocaine used as cutting agent for crack to smoke cocaine and marijuana brown tar heroin large amount of money a bar where cocaine is openly used cocaine user colas cold stuff cold turkey come home come up comeback connect cook cook down cooker cooking up cooler coolie cop-or-get a gift copping zones coral-or-no worries coriander seeds cotton cotton brothers cotton fever courage pills-or-sleeper course note cousin tina-or-redneck crack-or-shit-or-Tina crack marijuana flowing tops crystal meth-or-ice sudden withdrawal from drugs end a trip from LSD a person who sells drugs for money-or-to take a small amount of money and increase to a large amount benzocaine and mannitol used to adulterate cocaine for conversion to crack purchase drugs-or-supplier of illegal drugs drug manufacturer-or-heating heroin to prepare it for injection-or-mix heroin with water process in which users liquify heroin to inhale it person who manufactures methamphetamine-or-to inject a drug to process powdered cocaine into crack cigarette laced with a drug cigarette laced with cocaine obtain drugs specific areas where buyers can purchase drugs depressant cash currency-or-oxycontin cocaine, heroin and morphine critically high temperature associated with accidentally injecting cotton fibers into blood stream depressants-or-heroin bill larger than $2 crystal meth apple jacks-or-baby t-or-bad-or-badrock-or-basa-or-baseball-or-basing-orbeamers-or-beat-or-beautiful boulders-or-bebe-or-beemers-or-bill bass-or-bingsor-bjs-or-bj's-or-black rock-or-blowout-or-bobo-or-bollo-or-bolo-or-bonecrusher-orbones-or-bopper-or-botray-or-boubou-boulya-or-bullion-or-bumer-or-butler-orcapsula-or-caspercasper the ghost-or-cds-or-cheap basing-or-chemical-orchewies-or-cocaine-or-cookies-or-crck-or-crib-or-crunch and munch-or-demolishor-devil drug-or-devilsmoke-or-dice-or-dime special-or-dip-or-dirth basing-ordouble yoke-or-eastside player-or-eff-or-electric kiil-aid-or-famoous dimes-or-fat bags-or-fish scales-or-french fries-or-fries-or-fugi-or-garbage rock-or-glo-or-golf ball-or-gravel-or-grit-or-grocieries-or-hail-or-half track-or-hamburger helper-orhard ball-hard line-or-hard rock-or-hell-or-hotcakes-or-how do you like me now-orhubba-or-hubba, i'm back crack crack attack crack back crack bash-or-primo turbo-or-woolie blunt crack gallery crack house crack kits-or-junkie kits crack soaked in wine cooler -or-hubbas-or-I am back-or-ice cube-or-issues-or-jelly beans-or-johnson-orkangaroo-or-kokomo-or-love-or-ma'a-or-mixed jive-or-new adition-or-nuggets-orparlay-or-paste-or-patico-or-pebbles-or-piedra-or-piles-or-pony-or-prime time-orproduct-or-purple caps-or-real tops-or-red caps-or-regular p-or-rest in peace-orrock attack-or-rocks of hell-or-rocky III-or-rooster-or-rox-or-roz-or-schoolcraft-orscrabble-or-scruples-or-seven-up-or-sightball-or-sleet-or-smooch-or-snow coke-orsoup-or-space-or-square time bob-or-stones-or-sugar block-or-swell up-or-tensionor-the devil-or-tissue-or-top gun-or-topo-or-tornado-or-toss-ups-or-troop-or-tweaksor-twenty rock-or-twinkie-or-ultimate-or-wave-or-white ball-or-white ghost-or-white sugar-or-white tornado-or-wrecking crew-or-yahoo-or-yale-or-yam-or-yayoo-oryeaho-or-yeahcraving for crack crack and marijuana-or-crystal meth combo of crack and marijuana place where crack is bought and sold place where crack is used glass pipe and copper mesh crack soaked in wine cooler crack spot area where people can purchase crack-or-place where crack is sold, but not used cracker jacks crack smokers LSD-or-talwin and ritalin combo is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine busy gas station where drug transaction traffic is not unusual chewing tobacco with heroin amphetamine-or-crack-or-heroin-or-methamphetamine-or-methcathinone someone who uses or manufatures methamphetamine low quality heroin sleep off effects of drugs crack stem marijuana laced with cocaine cigarette laced with crack a line of cocaine is setup next to a line of heroin and user first places a straw in each nostril and snorts about half of each line followed by crossing the straws and snortin the remaining lines cocaine mixed with methamphetamine-or-methamphetamine tiny pieces of crack crackers crack-in-the-box crangbustin crank crankster crap-or-crop crash credit card cresant roll crimmie crisscrossing croak crumbs crush and rush cruz crystal crystal glass cube cubes culican custo cut cut-deck dabble dagga dank dart-or-outfit-or-sharpee darts deck demo depressants depressants deuce devil's dandruff devil's dick dews-or-dime bag dexedrine-or-diablito diamond folds-or-papers-or-pony packs-or-triple folds diamonds method of methamphetamine production in which starch is not filtered out of the ephedrine-or-pseudoephedrine tablets opium from Veracruz, Mexico amphetamine-or-cocaine-or-methamphetamine-or-PCP crystal shards of methamphetamine 1 ounce-or-LSD crack-or-marijuana tablets high potency marijuana from Mexico customer adulterate drugs heroin mixed with powdered milk use drugs occasionally marijuana from South Africa marijuana-or-the practice of lacing cigarettes with formaldehyde syringe needles 1 to 15 grams of heroin, also known as a bag-or-packet of drugs crack stem-or-sample-size quantity of crack backwards-or-bank bandit pills-or-barb-or-barbies-or-block busters-or-blue angelsor-blue birds-or-blue bullets-or-blue devil-or-blue dolls-or-blue heaven-or-blue tipsor-busters-or-chorals-or-christmas rolls-or-double trouble-or-downer-or-downie-ordrowsy high-or-gangster pills-or-gb-or-golf balls-or-goofers-or-gorilla pills-or-green dragons-or-green frog-or-idiot pills-or-joy juice-or-king kong pills-or-lay black-or-libor-lubing out-or-luds-or-m&m-or-marchmallow reds-or-mexican reds-or-mickey finn-or-mighty joe young-or-mother's little helper-or-nebbies-or-nemmies-ornimbies-or-peanut-or-phennies-or-phenos-or-piink ladies-or-q-or-quads-or-quas-orrainbows -or red and blue-or-red bullets-or-reds-or-seccy-or-seggy-or-softballs-or-sopers-orstoppers-or-strawberries-or-stumbler-or-tooles-or-tooties-or-tranq-or-tuie-or-uncle milty-or-ups and downs-or-yellow bullets $2 worth of drugs-or-heroin crack-or-powder cocaine crack pipe $10 worth of drugs combo of crack and marijuana in a joint folded paper used to package drugs veterinary and oral-or-veterinary steroids digis dimba dime dimebag dime's worth dinosaurs dipped joints-or-wet sticks dipping out dips dirt grass dirties dirty joints dirty thirty disco biscuit-or-love drug disco biscuits-or-disco pellets-or-robin's egg disease ditch weed dmt doa doctor shopping dog dolla boy dollar dolls domestic domex dominican knot donk-or-dust blunt-or-leak-or-love leaf donnie brasco doobie-or-pocket rocket dope dope fiend dors and 4's doub-or-twenty double breasted dealing double rock digital scales marijuana from West Africa $10 worth of crack-or-$10 worth of marijuana-or-crack $10 worth of marijuana amount of heroin to cause death populations of heroin users in their forties and fifties marijuana combined with PCP and formaldehyde crack runners taking a portion of crack from vials marijuana joints dipped in PCP inferior quality marijuana marijuana cigarettes with powder cocaine added crack and marijuana combo thirty unit shot of drugs depressants-or-MDMA stimulant dro low quality marijuana that grows wild dimethyltryptamine-or-PCP crack-or-heroin-or-PCP the practice of going from doctor to doctor to obtain prescriptions for pharmaceuticals good friend crack dealer-or-weed dealer $100 worth of drugs amphetamines-or-depressant-or-MDMA locally grown marijuana PCP and MDMA the torn and knotted corner of a baggie containing drugs marijuana and PCP combo undercover officer marijuana-or-marijuana cigarette any drug-or-heroin-or-marijuana crack adict-or-person who is drug dependent doriden and tylenol 4 combo $20 rock of crack dealing cocaine and heroin together crack diluted in procaine double up when a crack dealer delivers an extra rock as a marketing ploy to attract customers $20 rock that can be broken into two $20 rocks $35 piece of crack ecstasy, with cocaine-or-marijuana mixture of heroin and crack double ups dove draf dragon rock dreamer-or-emsel-or-first line-or-god's drug-or-hows-or-miss emmamorphine or-mister blue-or-morf-or-ms-or-unkie drop to swallow drugs dropping wrapping methamphetamine in bread and then consuming it drought decrease in drug availability typically related to large law enforcement busts dry up to inject drugs $20 of drugs-or-$20 worth of marijuana-or-when a crack dealer delivers an extra dub rock as a marketing ploy to attract customers due residue of oils trapped in a pipe after smoking base dump to vomit after taking drugs cocaine-or-marijuana mixed with cocaine-or-marijuana mixed with heroin-ordust marijuana mixed with various chemicals-or-PCP duster air dust [inhalent] dusting adding PCP, heroin, or another drug to marijuana dxm dextromethorphan dynamite cocaine mixed with heroin e-or-thizz ecstasy-or-MDMA easy score obtaining drugs without difficulties eating taking a drug orally eccy-or-es-or-ex-or-pac man-or-purple pills-or-rolls ecstasy eggs heroin in rock form eight ball 1/8 ounce of drugs eight-ball 1/8 ounce of cocaine el diablito cocaine-or-heroin-or-marijuana-or-PCP el diablo cocaine-or-heroin-or-marijuana elbows one pound of methamphetamine elephant flipping use of PCP and MDMA emergency gun instrument used to inject other than a syringe e-puddle sleeping due to MDMA exhaustion-or-sleeping due to MDMA use e-tard under the influence of MDMA ethan acid mixed with cocaine everclear explorers club factory fags-or-squares fallbrook redhair fast feed bag feenin fiend fifteen cents fifth-or-fifth wheel-or-fifty fifty-one-or-one-fifty-one fingers fire fire up five c note five dollar bag five-way flag flame cooking flamethrowers flash flat chunks-or-potato chips flatliners flea powder fleece flex flower flipping foil following that cloud freebase freebasing freeze cocaine-or-GHB group of LSD users place where drugs are diluted-or-place where drugs are manufactured-or-place where drugs are packaged cigarettes marijuana, term from Fallbrook, CA methamphetamine-or-speed container for marijuana behavior associated with a person craving an addictive substance when they are not available-or-behavior associated with a person craving cocaine when they are not available someone who smokes marijuana alone $15 worth of drugs mid-grade marijuana crack-or-crack sprinkled on tobacco the cut off fingers of surgical gloves used to package drugs crack and methamphetamine-or-high-quality drugs-or-to inject a drug smoke marijuana $500 bill $50 worth of drugs combines snorting of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, ground up flunitrazepam pills, and drinking alcohol appearance of blood in the vein smoking cocaine base by putting the pipe over a stove flame cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin-or-heroin, cocaine and tobacco LSD-or-the rush of cocaine injection crack cut with benzocaine methylthioamphetamine low purity heroin counterfeit crack fake crack-or-fake rock cocaine ecstasy mixed with mushrooms heroin-or-tin foil used for smoking crystal meth searching for drugs to smoke cocaine-or-to smoke cocaine crack smoking crack cocaine-or-renege on a drug deal frios frisco special frisco speedball frontloading marijuana laced with PCP cocaine, heroin, and LSD cocaine, heroin, and a dash of LSD the process of tranferring a drug solution from one syringe to another fry fluid, marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid and also laced with crack-ormarijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid-or-marijuana laced with PCP fry daddy fry sticks fuel fuete-or-gaffus-or-glass gun-or-hype stick g gaffel gaffle gallo gamma hydroxybutyrate gangster gank ganoobies garbage garbage heads gbl gear-or-merchandise geek geek joints geeker get off get off houses get through getting glassed getting roached cigarette laced with crack-or-crack and marijuana-or-marijuana joint laced with crack marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid-or-marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid and also laced with PCP marijuana mixed with insecticides-or-marijuana mixed with PCP hypodermic needle $1000-or-1 gram of drugs-or-GHB-or-term for an unfamiliar male fake cocaine candy sold as crack-or-fake crack sold as crack-or-lawn fertilizer sold as crack-orsoap sold as crack marijuana cigarrette gbh-or-GHB marijuana-or-person who manufactures methamphetamine-or-person who uses methamphetamine fake crack state of being stoned and laughing uncontrollably inferior quality marijuana-or-low quality heroin users who buy crack from street dealers instead of cooking it themselves gamma butyrolactone used in making GHB drugs crack mixed with marijuana a marijuana cigarette laced with crack-or-a marijuana cigarette laced with powdered cocaine-or-cigarettes filled with tobacco and crack-or-cigars filled with tobacco and crack crack users get high-or-to inject a drug private places heroin users can purchase and use heroin for a fee to obtain drugs to snort methamphetamine using rohypnol getting snotty ghana using heroin gamma hydroxybutyrate GHB cherry meth-or-easy lay-or-fantasy-or-gamma hydroxybutyrate-or-gamma oh-orgbh-or-goop-or-great hormones at bedtime-or-grevious bodily harm-or-g-riffie-orjib-or-liquid e-or-liquid ecstasy-or-liquid g-or-liquid x-or-organic guanlude-or-salty water-or-scoop-or-sleep-or-sleep 500-or-somatomax-or-vitang ghostbusting searching for white particles in the belief that they are crack-or-smoking cocaine gimmick gimmie girl-or-ready rock drug injection equipment crack and marijuana-or-juana joint laced with crack cocaine-or-crack-or-heroin non-financial institutions frequently used by drug traffickers to launder drug proceeds inject someone with heroin-or-teach someone to inject heroin using inhalant amphetamine-or-heroin-or-hypodermic needle-or-methamphetamine one who inhales glue-or-one who sniffs methamphetimine inject a drug-or-inject in the vein inhale cocaine intermediary between dealer and buyer LSD-or-psilocin-or-psilocybin crank-or-methamphetamine-or-methcathinone crack-or-heroin-or-marijuana 4-methylthioamphetamine very high quality marijuana black tar heroin plus opium lost everything to crack marijuana-or-opium heroin-or-high-quality drugs-or-PCP proper amount of drugs for the money paid gg high potency drug, especially marijuana cocaine mixed with heroin-or-depressants GHB-or-PCP person paid to pickup drugs giro house give wings glading-or-snorting glass gluey go fast go into a sewer go on a sleigh ride go-between God's flesh go-fast gold golden eagle golden leaf goma gone shot to the curb gong-or-hocus-or-indonesian bud good good go good lick good stuff goofball goop gopher got it going on graduate gram-or-quarter moon-or-soles gravy-or-shoot grease-or-honey greek green green goods-or-green stuff greens gremmies g-rock ground control grow-or-grows g-shot gum gun gungeon gunney sack gutter junkie h & c-or-murder one-or-smoking gun h bomb half half elbows half g half load half piece half-a-c ham-or-sid hammerheading handlebars hand-to-hand hand-to-hand man happy stick hash hawaiian fast sale of drugs completely stoped using drugs-or-progress to stronger drugs hashish heroin-or-to inject a drug currency combo of marijuana and powder cocaine inferior quality marijuana-or-ketamine-or-PCP paper currency-or-rag money marijuana-or-paper currency-or-rag money combo of cocaine and marijuana-or-marijuana one gram rock cocaine the caretaker during a hallucinogenic experience-or-the guide during a hallucinogenic experience marijuana growing operation outdoor-or-marijuana growing operations indoor small dose of drugs used to hold off withdrawal symptoms until full dose can be taken MDMA-or-opium hypodermic needle-or-needle-or-to inject a drug potent Jamican marijuana marijuana made with hemp fiber addict who relies on others to obtain drugs heroin and cocaine ecstasy-or-MDMA mixed with heroin 1/2 ounce 1/2 pound of methamphetamine 500 15 bags of heroin-or-15 decks of heroin 1/2 ounce of cocaine-or-1/2 ounce of heroin $50 bill acid MDMA used in combo with Viagra combo of crack and alprazolam direct delivery and payment transient dealers who carry small amounts of crack combo of marijuana and PCP hasish very high potency marijuana hawkers head shop headies-or-kind bud heat heeled henpecking henry herb and al heroin individuals who walk through a setting announcing the availability MDMA-orindividuals who walk through a setting announcing the availability of GHB-orindividuals who walk through a setting announcing the availability of LSD store specializing in the sale of drug paraphernalia high quality marijuana narcotics officers-or-police officer having plenty of money searching on hands and knees for crack 1/8 ounce of marijuana-or-heroin marijuana and alcohol al capone-or-antifreeze-or-aries-or-aunt hazel-or-ballot-or-bart simpson-or-big bang-or-big doodig-or-big h-or-big harry-or-bin laden-or-black eagle-or-black pearlor-black tar-or-blows-or-blue bag-or-blue magic-or-blue star-or-bobby brown-orbombs away-or-bonita-or-bozo-or-brain damage-or-brea-or-brick gum-or-broja-orbrown crystal-or-brown rhine-or-brown sugar-or-brown tape-or-bull dog-or-bundleor-butu-or-caballo-or-caca-or-calbo-or-capital h-or-carga-or-carne-or-chapopote-orcharley-or-chatarra-or-chiba-or-chicle-or-chieva-or-chineses red-or-chip-or-chivaor-choco-fan-or-cotics-or-crown crap-or-cura-or-de feelgood-or-dead on arrival-ordead president-or-diesel-or-dirt-or-dirty dirt-or-dog food-or-dogie-or-doogie-ordoojoe-or-dooley-or-doosey-or-dreck-or-dugie-or-duji-or-dujra-or-dujre-or-dyno-oreighth-or-estuffa-or-ferry dust-or-foil-or-furra-or-galloping horse -or-gallup-or-gamot-or-gato-or-george-or-george smack-or-glacines-or-goar-orgolden girl-or-golpe-or-good and plenty-or-good h-or-good horse-or-h-or-h caps-orhache-or-hairy-or-hard candy-or-harry-or-hayron-or-hazel-or-helen-or-hell dust-orhenry-or-hera-or-heri-or-hero-or-hero of the underworld-or-heroina-or-herone-orhessle-or-him-or-holy terror-or-hombre-or-horse-or-horsebite-or-hot dope-or-hrnor-isda-or-jee gee-or-jenny-or-jerry springer-or-jive doo jee-or-joharito-or-jojee-orjones-or-joy-or-joy flakes-or-junco-or-ka bayo-or-la bueno-or-la chiva-or-little boyor-mac-or-manteca-or-matsakow-or-mexican horse-or-mexican ud heroin highbeams hippieflip hit hit house hitter hitters hitting the slopes holding holiday meth hombrecitos-or-las mujercitas-or-sacred mushroom homicide honey blunts honey oil honeymoon hong-yen hookah hooked horn horning hospital heroin hot box hot heroin hot load-or-hot shot -or-money talks-or-morotgara-or-murotugora-or-mustard-or-muzzle-or-nanoo-ornice and easy-or-nickel deck-or-nickely deck-or-noise-or-number 4-or-number 8or-nurse-or-ogoy-or-old garbage-or-old navy-or-old steve-or-orange line-orpangonadalot-or-peg-or-perfect high-or-pluto-or-poppy-or-predatory-or-pulborn-orpure-or-raindeer dust-or-rambo-or-raw fusion-or-raw hide-or-red chicken-or-red eagle-or-red rock-or-rhine-or-ron-or-rush hour-or-sack-or-salt-or-scag-or-scat-orscate-or-schmeek-or-scott-or-second to none-or-sh*t-or-shmeck-or-shoot-or-silkor-skaq-or-skid-or-slime-or-smack-or-snotty-or-spider-or-spider blue-or-stuff-orsweet dreams-or-sweet jesus-or-tecata-or-thanie-or-the beast-or-the bomb-or-the nasty-or-the witch-or-thunder-or-tiger-or-tigre blanco-or-tigre del norte-or-tongs-ortootsie roll-or-top drool-or-train-or-twin towers-or-vidrio-or-white junk or- white nurse-or-white stuff-or-witch hazel-or-wtc-or-yan the wide eyes of a person on crack use of mushrooms and MDMA a single puff on a marijuana cigarette-or-a single puff on a pipe of any drug house where users go to shoot up and leave the owner drugs as payment little pipe designed for only one hit people who inject others who have hard to find veins in exchange for drugs snorting coke possessing drugs green methamphetamine produced using drano crystals psilocybin heroin cut with scopolamine-or-heroin cut with strychnine marijuana cigars sealed with honey inhalants-or-ketamine early stages of drug use before addiction-or-early stages of drug use before dependency develops heroin in pill form Middle Eastern water pipe used for smoking marijuana-or-Middle Eastern water pipe used for smoking tobacco addicted crack pipe-orto inhale a drug-or-to inhale cocaine to inhale cocaine-or-to inhale heroin diluadid smoking in a car with the windows up heroin poisoned to give to a police informant lethal injection of a narcotic hot rail hot rolling snorting liquified meth liquefying methamphetamine in an eye dropper and then inhaling it hotrailing to heat methamphetamine and inhale the vapor through nose using a plastic tube house fee money paid to enter a crackhouse crack given to the owner of a crackhouse where crack users congregate-or-crack given to the owner of an apartment where crack users congregate crack users looking for rocks on the floor after a police raid Middle Eastern water piple used for smoking any drug-or-Middle Eastern water piple used for smoking tobacco inhalant abuser to sniff an inhalant combo of methamphetamine and MDMA using others to get drugs attempt to obtain drug customers amphetamine-or-high quality methamphetamine-or-marijuana-or-marijuana grown in water-or-MDMA indoor marijuana growing operations an addict-or-heroin addict-or-MDMA cocaine-or-crack-or-MDMA-or-methamphetamine-or-PCP-or-smokable methamphetamine marijuana dipped in PCP marijuana cigarettes soaked in embalming fluid and dried connected with drug suppliers low potency wild marijuana-or-marijuana grown wild from seed originally bred for hemp rope air blast-or-bllet bolt-or-discorrama-or-heart-on-or-hiagra in a bottle-or-highball-orhippie crack-or-huff-or-medusa-or-moon gas-or-ounce-or-poor man's pot-orsatan's secret-or-spray-or-texas shoe shine-or-toilet water in need of drugs travel from one crackhouse to another in search of crack prescription opiates joint-or-marijuana cigarette steal someone else's drugs keep a high going amphetamine-or-cocaine used match cut in half to hold a partially smoked marijuana cigarette house piece hubba pigeon hubby bubbly huffer huffing hugs and kisses hulling hustle hydro hydrogrows hype ice illies-or-illing illy in Indiana ditchweed inhalants inod interplanetary mission itchies j-or-jay jack jag jam-or-turkey jefferson airplane jellies jet fuel Jim Jones jive johnson grass jolly pop jolt jonesing joy stick juggle juggler juice juice joint jum jumbos junkie kabak kabuki kaff-or-khayf-or-kief karachi kester plant khat k-hole kibbles & bits kick kiddie dope kif kiff killer weed kilo kissing combo of depressants and MDMA in gel form methamphetamine-or-methamphetamine combined with PCP-or-PCP marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP drugs-or-heroin-or-marijuana low potency Texas marijuana casual user of heroin strong reaction to drugs-or-to inject a drug need for drugs marijuana and PCP combo-or-marijuana cigarette sell drugs to another addict to support a habit teen-aged street dealer PCP-or-steroids marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack sealed plastic bag containing crack large vials of crack sold on the streets-or-marijuana mixed with crack addict marijuana-or-Turkish marijuana crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and a rubber sparkplug cover very potent marijuana from Arab countries-or-very potent marijuana from Lebanonor-very potent marijuana from Middle Eastern countries-or-very potent marijuana from Morocco heroin, phenobarbital, and methaqualone drugs hidden in the rectum amphetamine-or-MDMA-or-methcathinone periods of ketamine induced confusion-or-the depressant high associated with ketamine small crumbs of crack getting off a drug habit-or-inhalants prescription drugs hashish, potent Moroccan marijuana marijuana cigarette-or-very potent marijuana from Arab countries-or-Very potent marijuana from Lebanon-or-very potent marijuana from Middle Eastern countriesor-very potent marijuana from Morocco marijuana-or-marijuana and PCP 2.2 pounds the exchange of plastic wrapped rocks (crack) by kissing-or-the exchange of plastic wrapped rocks (crack) through mouth to mouth transfer kit-or-rig kitty flipping k-lots kpin la lace lactone lamborghini-or-maserati lay-out lazy bitch lbj legal speed lemon drop lemonade leo lid liprimo lipton tea liquid lady lit-or-loaded lithium lithium scabs little bomb little smoke load log lori lou reed loused love boat love flipping love trip loveboat lovelies equipment used to inject drugs use of ketamine and MDMA bags of 1,000 MDMA pills klonopin long-acting amphetamine cocaine and marijuana GBL crack pipe made from a plastic rum bottle and a rubber spark plug cover equipment for taking drugs one pound of weed heroin plus LSD plus PCP minithin-or-over the counter asthma drug methamphetamine with a dull yellow tint heroin-or-poor quality drugs law enforcement officer 1 ounce of marijuana marijuana and crack rolled in a joint poor quality drugs cocaine that is dissolved in water and ingested as a nasal spray high better grade methamphetamine open scabs and skin lesions do to methamphetamine abuse amphetamine-or-depressants-or-heroin LSD-or-marijuana-or-psilocybin and psilocin 25 bags of heroin marijuana cigarette-or-PCP loratab speed-amphetamine covered by sores and abscesses from repeated use of unsterile needles blunts mixed with marijuana and heroin-or-blunts mixed with marijuana and PCPor-marijuana dipped in formaldehyde-or-PCP use of mescaline and MDMA mescaline and MDMA combo of PCP and marijuana-or-PCP lysergic acid diethylamide LSD a-or-acid-or-aeon flux-or-animal-or-barrels-or-battery acid-or-beavis & butthead-orbig d-or-bird head-or-black acid-or-black star-or-black sunshine-or-black tabs-orblotter cube-or-blue acid-or-blue barrels-or-blue chairs-or-blue cheers-or-blue heaven-or-blue microdot-or-blue moons-or-blue must-or-blue vials-or-brown bombers-or-brown dots-or-California sunshine-or-chocolate chips-or-cid-or-coffeeor-comic book-or-conductor-or-contact lens-or-cupcakes-or-deeda-or-doees-ordomes-or-dose-or-dosure-or-dots-or-double dome-or-electric kool aid-or-elvis-orfelix the cat-or-fields-or-fl-or-golden dragon-or-goofy's-or-grape parfait-or-green double domes-or-green single dome-or-green wedge-or-grey shields-or-hats-orhawaiian sunshine-or-hawk-or-haze-or-head light-or-heavenly blue-or-instant zenor-lason sa daga-or-lens-or-lime acid-or-logor-or-loony toons-or-lucy-or-lucy in the sky with diamonds-or-mellow yellow-or-microdot-or-mighty quinn-ormindetergent -or-optical illusions-or-orange barrels-or-orange cubes-or-orange haze-or-orange micro-or-orange wedges-or-owsley-or-owsley's acid-or-pane-or-paper acid-orpeace tablets-or-pearly gates-or-pellets-or-pink blotters-or-pink panther-or-pink robots-or-pink wedges-or-pink witches-or-potato-or-pure love-or-purple barrels-orpurple flats-or-purple gel tabs-or-purple ozoline-or-rainbow-or-recycle-or-red lipsor-royal blues-or-russian sickles-or-sacrament-or-sandoz-or-smears-or-snow menor-south parks-or-stamp-or-strawberry fields-or-sugar cubes-or-sugar lumps-orsunshine-or-superman-or-tail lights-or-the ghost-or-the hawk-or-ticket-or-timothy leary-or-twenty-five-or-vodka acid-or-water colors-or-wedding bells-or-wedge-orwhite dust-or-white lightning-or-white owsley's-or-window glass-or-yellow dimplesor-zen depressants-or-methaqualone marijuana stems and wastes marijuana-or-morphine $5 pack of marijuana and a dime bag of cocaine Salvia Divinorum ludes lumber m macaroni and cheese magic mint-or-maria pastora magic mushroom-or-mexican mushrooms-or-mushrooms-or-muskpsilocin-or-psilocybin or-shrooms-or-silly putty-or-simple simon mainliner person who injects into the vein make up need to find more drugs marijuana acapulco red-or-afgani indica-or-african-or-african black-or-african bush-orairplane-or-angola-or-ashes-or-assassin of youth-or-astro turf-or-atshitshi-or-aunt mary-or-baby bhang-or-babysitter-or-balck bart-or-balck gunion-or-bale-orbalyando spruce-or-bamba-or-bambalacha-or-bammy-or-bar-or-bash-or-bhang-orblock-or-blonde-or-blowing smoke-or-blue sage-or-bo-or-bo-bo-or-bobo bush-orboo boo bama-or-broccoli-or-bullyon-or-burnie-or-butter flower-or-canadian blackjuana-or-canamo-or-canappa-or-cannabis tea-or-carmabis-or-cavite all staror-cest-or-charge-or-cheeba-or-cheeo-or-chemo-or-chicago black-or-chicago green-or-chillums-or-chira-or-chocolate thai-or-choof-or-christmas loud-or-chronor-chunky-or-churus-or-cochornis-or-coli-or-coliflor tostao-or-colombian-orcolorado cocktail-or-columbus black-or-corn-or-cosa-or-crazy weed-or-cron-orcronic-or-crying weed-or-cryppie -orcryptonie-or-cs-or-dawamesk-or-devil's bush-or-dew-or-diambista-or-ding-ordinkie dow-or-ditch-or-djamba-or-dodo-or-dody-or-don jem-or-don juan-or-dona juan-or-dona juanita-or-doob-or-doobie-or-doradilla-or-draf weed-or-drag weed-ordry high-or-dubbe-or-dube-or-duby-or-durong-or-duros-or-el gallo-or-endo-or-esraor-feeling-or-fern-or-fine stuff-or-finger lid-or-fir-or-firewood-or-flower-or-flower tops-or-flowers-or-fraho-or-frajo-or-fu-or-fuma d'angola-or-funk-or-funny stuff-orgage-or-gange-or-ganja-or-gash-or-gauge-or-gauge butt-or-giggle smoke-orgiggle weed-or-goblet of jam-or-gold star-or-golden-or-gonj-or-good giggles-orgoody-goody-or-gorge-or-grass-or-grass brownies-or-grasshopper-or-grata-orgreen buds-or-green goddess-or-greens-or-greeter-or-gremmies-or-greta-orgriefo-or-griefs-or-grifa-or-griff-or-griffa-or-griffo-or-grizzy-or-gunga-or-gungun-orgunney-or-haircut-or-hanhich-or-harsh-or-has-or-hawaiian black-or-hawaiian home grown-or-hay-or-herb-or-herba-or-homegrown-or-hooch-or-indian boy-orindian hemp-or-indiana hay-or-indo-or-instaga-or-instagu-or-jamican gold-or-or-jay smoke-or-jive stick-or-jolly green-or-joy smoke-or-juan valdez-or-juanita-orjuja-or-kalakit-or-kali-or-kansas grass-or-kate bush-or-kawaii electric-or-kaya-orkb-or-kee-or-kentucky blue-or-key-or-kgb-or-ki-or-killer green bud-or-killer weedor-kias marijuana matchbox maui wauie max MDMA MDMA meth head meth monster -or-mohasky-or-mohasty-or-moocah-or-mooster-or-moota-or-mootie-or-mootosor-mor a grifa-or-mota-or-mother-or-moto-or-mu-or-muggie-or-muggle-or-mugglesor-muta-or-mutha-or-nigra-or-northern lights-or-oj or oatmeal-or-paca lolo-or-pack a bowl-or-pakalolo-or-pakistani black-or-panama cut-or-panama gold-or-panama red-or-pasto-or-pat-or-piff-or-pod-or-por-or-potlikker-or-potten bush-or-pretendicaor-pretendo-or-queen ann's lace-or-raasta weed-or-railroad weed-or-rainy day woman-or-red but-or-red cross-or-red dirt-or-reef-or-reefer-or-righteous bush-orrip-or-roacha-or-root-or-rose marie-or-rough stuff-or-rubia-or-rugs-or-salad-or-salt and pepper-or-santa marta-or-sasfras-or-schwagg-or-scissors-or-scrub-or-seedsor-sen-or-sess-or-sezz-or-shnizzlefritz-or-shrubs-or-siddi-or-sinse-or-skunkweedor-smoke a bowl-or-smoke canada-or-snop-or-splim-or-square mackerel-or-stack -or-stems-or-sticky icky-or-stink weed-or-stoney weed-or-sugar weed-or-super pot-or-swag-or-sweet lucy-or-taima-or-takkouri-or-texas pot-or-texas te-or-texmes-or-thirteen-or-thumb-or-tijuana-or-torch-or-trauma-or-trees-or-trupence bagor-tustin-or-unotque-or-vipe-or-viper's weed-or-wacky terbacky-or-wacky weed-orwake and bake-or-weed-or-weed tea-or-whackatabacky-or-wheat-or-white haired lady-or-white russian-or-white-haired lady-or-yeh-or-yellow submarine-or-yen popor-yerba-or-yesca-or-yesco-or-zamb 1/4 ounce of marijuana-or-6 marijuana cigarettes marijuana from Hawaii GHB dissolved in water and mixed with amphetamines adam-or-batmans-or-bermuda triangle-or-bibs-or-blue kisses-or-blue lips-or-blue nile-or-care bears-or-cat in the hats-or-charity-or-clarity-or-cristal-or-crystal methadrine-or-dead road-or-decadence-or-doctor-or-elephants-or-eqyptians-oressence-or-eve-or-exiticity-or-flipping-or-four leaf clover-or-green triangles-or-gwmor-happy drug-or-happy pill-or-herbal bliss-or-hug drug-or-igloo-or-jerry garcias-orkleenex-or-letter biscuits-or-love pill-or-lover's special-or-lover's speed-or-mdm-ormercedes-or-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-or-mitsubishi-or-molly-or-orange bandits-or-pink panthers-or-playboys-or-plyboy bunnies-or-rave energy-or-red devils-or-ritual spirit-or-rolling-or-rolls royce-or-running-or-scooby snacks-orsmurfs-or-speed for lovers-or-speedies-or-stars-or-supermans-or-swans-ortachas-or-tom and jerries-or-triple crowns-or-triple rolexes-or-triple stacks-or-tutusor-tweet y birds-or-ultimate xphoria-or-wafers-or-wheels-or-white diamonds-or-white doveor-wigits-or-x-ing-or-x-pills-or-xt methamphetamine regular user one who has a violent reaction to methamphetamine meth speed ball methnecks mexican brown-or-pack-or-skunk mexican crack mexican speedballs-or-twisters mickey's mighty white missile basing mission mist mix mo-or-shake methamphetamine combined with heroin beannies-or-black beauty-or-bling bling-or-blue devils-or-blue ice-or-blue meth-orchicken feed-or-cinnamon-or-clear-or-cr-or-cringle-or-crink-or-cris-or-cristina-orcrossles-or-crypto-or-crystal meth-or-desocsins-or-desogtion-or-fast-or-geep-orgetgo-or-granulated orange-or-load of laundry-or-methlies quik-or-motorcycle crack-or-nazimeth-or-ozs-or-pink-or-pink elephants-or-po coke-or-poor man's coke-or-redneck cocaine-or-rock-or-schmiz-or-scootie-or-sketch-or-spackle-orspeckled birds-or-spoosh-or-tick tick-or-trash-or-tweak-or-wash-or-work-orworking man's cocaine-or-yellow bam methamphetamine addicts heroin-or-marijuana methamphetamine-or-methamphetamine with the appearance of crack crack and methamphetamine depressant-or-LSD a form of crack that is hard, white, and pure crack liquid and PCP trip out of the crackhouse to obtain crack crack smoke in the bottom of a glass pipe-or-PCP a cocaine or a drug environment marijuana-or-powder cocaine monkey cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco-or-drug dependency-or-heroin monkey-dribble monos monte moonstone-or-on the ball morning wake-up morpho mouth worker mud mule munchies new jack swing new one nexus nexus flipping nick 2 ounces of cocaine cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco marijuana from South America when a dealer shaves a slice of MDMA into a bag of heroin first blast of crack from the pipe morophine one who takes drugs orally heroin plus opium carrier of drugs symptons of intense hunger after marijuana use heroin and morphine unused syringe 2C-B 2C-B and MDMA five dollars methamphetamine nickel nickel bag nine ball nipsy nix nod nontoucher northern lights nose drops nox nug ocean cities-or-ocs octane oil-or-polvo old school on a mission on the bricks on the nod one and ones-or-poor man's heroin one bomb one on one house one plus one sales one tissue box one way one-stop shop onion oolies opium opium orange county ounce 1/4 ounce bag of marijuana $5 worth of drugs-or-$5 worth of heroin 9 ounces of crack less than an ounce of drugs stranger among the group effects of heroin crack user who doesn't want affection during or after smoking crack marijuana-or-marijuana from Canada liquified heroin use of nitrous oxide and MDMA cannibus oxycotin PCP laced with gasoline heroin-or-PCP anhydrous based crystal meth high on crack-or-searching for crack walking the streets under the influence of a depressant-or-under the influence of narcotics talwin and ritalin combo is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine 100 rocks of crack where cocaine and heroin can be purchased selling combos of cocaine and heroin 1 ounce of crack heroin-or-LSD place where more than one drug is sold 1 ounce of crack-or-ounce marijuana cigarettes laced with crack ah-pen-yen-or-aunti emma-or-auntie-or-big o-or-chandoo-or-chandu-or-chinese molasses-or-chinese tobacco-or-dopium-or-dover's deck-or-dover's power-ordream gun-or-dream stick-or-dreams-or-easing powder-or-fi-do-nie-or-firefloweror-gee-or-god's medicine-or-gondola-or-gop-or-goric-or-great tobacco-or-guma-orhops-or-joy plant-or-midnight oil-or-mira-or-o-or-op-or-o r-or-pen yan-or-pin gon-or-pin yen-or-pox-or-red rocks-or-skee-or-toxy-or-toys-orwhen-shee-or-ze-or-zero oxicontin inhalants-or-one ounce of a drug substance outerlimits-or-sheet rocking oxicotten-or-oxy 80's-or-oxycet ozone p and p-or-party and play pakaloco panatella pancakes and syrup panic paper paper bag paper blunts paper boy paper chaser parabolin parachute parachute down parsley party pack PCP crack and LSD a semi-synthetic opiate marijuana cigarette-or-marijuana, PCP and crack cigarette-or-PCP methamphetamine used in combo with MDMA and Viagra crazy tobacco-or-marijuana large marijuana cigarette combo of glutethimide and codeine cough syrup drugs not available 1/4 gram-or-a dosage unit of heroin-or-one-tenth of a gram or less of the drug iceor-one-tenth of a gram or less of the drug methamphetamine container for drugs marijuana within a paper casing rather than a tobacco leaf casing heroin peddler drug dealer trying to come up oral steroids-or-veterinary steroid crack and PCP smoked-or-heroin-or-smokable crack and heroin mixture use of MDMA after heroin marijuana combined with PCP combo of 2C-B with other illicit drugs, particulary MDMA and ecstasy amoeba-or-angel-or-angel dust-or-angel hair-or-angel mist-or-angel poke-oranimal trank-or-animal tranq-or-animal tranquilizer-or-aurora borealis-orbelladonna-or-black dust-or-black whack-or-blue madman-or-boat-or-busy bee-orbutt naked-or-cannabinol-or-cigarrode cristal-or-cj-or-cliffhanger-or-columbo-orcozmo's-or-crazy coke-or-crazy eddie-or-crystal joint-or-crystal t-or-cycline-orcyclones-or-detroit pink-or-devil's dust-or-dipper-or-do it jack-or-drink-or-dummy dust-or-dust angels-or-dust joint-or-dusted parsley-or-elephant tranquilizer-orelephant trunk-or-embalming fluid-or-energizer-or-erth-or-fake stp-or-flakes-orfresh-or-goon-or-gooon dust-or-goop-or-gorilla biscuits-or-gorilla tab-or-green leaves-or-green tea-or-happy sticks-or-heaven and hell-or-hep-or-herms-orhinkley-or-hog-or-horse tracks-or-horse tranquilizer-or-ill-or-illy momo-or-k-or-kapsor-k-blast-or-killer joints PCP p-dope peace peace weed-or-super grass-or-super weed-or-zombie weed peaches peanut butter pee wee peeper-or-peepers pepsi habit perc-a-pop perlas p-funk pharming phillies blunt-or-philly blunts pianoing picked up piece piggybacking pikachu pill houses pill ladies pimp your pipe pin-or-pinhead pink hearts-or-white cross -or-kj-or-kools-or-krystal-or-krystal joint-or-kw-or-leaky bolla-or-leaky leak-orlemon 714-or-lenos-or-lethal weapon-or-little ones-or-live ones-or-lovely-or-mad dog-or-mad man-or-magic-or-magic dust-or-mean green-or-mint leaf-or-mint weed-or-monkey dust-or-monkey tranquilizer-or-more-or-new acid-or-new magicor-niebla-or-opp-or-orange crystal-or-paz-or-pcpa-or-peace pill-or-peep-orpeter pan-or-phencyclidine-or-pig killer-or-pit-or-pits-or-polvo de angel-or-polvo de estrellas-or-puffy-or-purple rain-or-rocket fuel-or-scaffle-or-scuffle-or-sernyl-orsheets-or-sherm sticks-or-shermans-or-skuffle-or-slum-or-smoking-or-snorts-orsoma-or-spores-or-star dust-or-stp-or-super-or-super joint-or-super kiils-or-surferor-synthetic cocaine-or-synthetic tht-or-tac-or-taking a cruise-or-tic tac-or-tish-ortitch-or-trank-or-wack-or-white horizon-or-wobble weed-or-wolf-or-wor 20-30% pure heroin LSD-or-MDMA-or-PCP marijuana with PCP amphetamine-or-xanax methamphetamine-or-PCP mixed with peanut butter $5 worth of crack-or-crack MDMA user occasional drug user flavored lozenge containing fentanyl on a stick designed to give relief to a cancer patient that is being illegally diverted street dealer of heroin crack mixed with PCP-or-heroin consuming a mixture of prescription substances cigar hollowed out and filled with marijuana using the fingers to find lost crack to smoked marijuana 1 ounce-or-cocaine-or-crack sequential use of more than one MDMA tablet-or-simultaneous injection of 2 drugs pills containing PCP and ecstasy residences where pills are illicitly sold female senior citizens who sell oxycontin lending a crack pipe-or-lending a stem-or-renting a crack pipe thinly rolled marijuana cigarettes amphetamine-or-methamphetamine pipe pipero planks plant pnp po-fiend point poison poke polo pop poppers poro pot liquor potent marijuana potlikker powder cocaine powder-or-snow power puller power rangers pr premos primbolin-or-primobolan primo primo square primos pseudocaine pullers pumping-or-working purp-or-sour diesal purple haze purple hearts push push shorts crack pipe-or-marijuana pipe-or-mix drugs with other substances-or-vein into which a drug is injected crack user alprazolam hiding place for drugs party and play one addicted to smoking marijuana a needle fentanyl-or-heroin marijuana-or-to smoke a marijuana cigarette-or-to smoke marijuana mixture of heroin and motion sickness drug crack-or-to inhale cocaine amyl nitrite-or-assorted pills-or-isobutyl nitrite-or-methamphetamine heroin plus PCP tea brewed from marijuana waste drug of choice marijuana-or-tea brewed from marijuana waste aspirin-or-aunt-or-candy sugar-or-connie-or-fat white lady-or-flave-or-pariba-orshrile-or-soft-or-sugar boogers-or-uptown-or-yao amphetamine-or-cocaine-or-heroin rubber piece attached to crack stem morphine tablets panama red-or-panama red marijuana marijuana joints laced with crack injectable steroids-or-oral steroids crack-or-crack and heroin-or-heroin, cocaine and tobacco-or-marijuana mixed with cocaine marijuana joint laced with crack cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin crack cut with phenylpropanolamine crack users who pull at parts of their bodies excessively selling crack potent marijuana crack-or-LSD-or-marijuana amphetamine-or-depressants-or-LSD sell drugs sell short amounts-or-to cheat quarter quarter bag quarter piece quill ragweed rangood rap metal hanger used to scrape residue out of crack stems-or-one who sells drugs-orumbrella rod used to scrape residue out of crack stems $25 worth of drugs-or-1/4 ounce of drugs $25 worth of drugs 1/4 ounce cocaine-or-heroin-or-methamphetamine heroin-or-inferior quality marijuana marijuana grown wild criminally charged-or-to talk with someone raspberry female who trades sex for crack-or-female who trades sex for money to buy crack pusher raw r-ball-or-silver bullet-or-vitamin r-or-west coast recompress red red devil red phosphorus red rock opium-or-red run-or-red stuff reggie all night dance parties frequently designed to enhance a hallucinogenic experience through music and lights crack-or-high purity heroin ritalin change the shape of cocaine flakes to resemble a rock methamphetamine-or-under the influence of drugs depressants-or-heroin-or-PCP smokable speed heroin, barbital, strychnine, and caffeine low-grade marijuana res potent residue left as a result of smoking crack which is scraped and smoked reupped rib acquired fresh supply MDMA-or-rohypnol 5 kilograms of heroin sometimes provided at no cost per 100 kilograms of cocaine imported from Colombia good hit of crack-or-hearing bells line of crystal meth-or-marijuana acombo of ritalin and talwin injected butt of marijuana cigarette holds partially smoked marijuana cigarette cocaine-or-crack-or-methamphetamine smoking rock cocaine place where crack is sold and smoked a person who uses rock cocaine-or-female who trades sex for crack-or-female who trades sex for money to buy crack rave rider ringer rip ritz and ts roach roach clip rock rock climbing rock house rock star rocket caps rocks rohypnol roid rage rollers rollin' rompums roofie rope roxies runners rush sam sancocho sandwich sandwich bag satch satch cotton scarecrow schoolboy score scotty scramble scrape and snort seconds serial speedballing server set sextasy dome shaped caps on crack vials female who uses crack circles-or-forget me drug-or-forget me pill-or-forget pill-or-la rocha-or-lunch money drug-or-mexican valium-or-pingus-or-r-2-or-reynolds-or-roach 2-or-roaches-orroachies-or-roapies-or-robutal-or-rochas dos-or-roche-or-roofies-or-rophies-orrophy-or-ropies-or-roples-or-row-shay-or-ruffies-or-ruffles-or-wolfies aggressive behavior caused by excessive steroid use police high on ecstasy marijuana with horse tranquilizers date rape drug marijuana-or-rohypnol oxycontin pills adolescents who act as liaisons between seller and buyer-or-people who sell drugs for others cocaine-or-inhalants-or-isobutyl nitrite federal narcotics agent to steal two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle $40 bag of marijuana papers, letter, cards, clothing, or other objects, saturated with drug solution for the purpose of smuggling drugs into a hospital-or-papers, letter, cards, clothing, or other objects, saturated with drug solution for the purpose of smuggling drugs into a prison fabric used to filter a solution of narcotics before injection lortab-or-oxycotton cocaine-or-codeine purchase drugs-or-to get hold of drugs cocaine-or-crack-or-the high from crack crack-or-low purity, adulterated heroin plus crack to share crack by scraping off small pieces to snort second inhalation of crack from a pipe sequencing cocaine, cough syrup, and heroin over a 1-2 day period crack dealer place where drugs are sold-or-talwin and ritalin combo injected to produce an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine ecstasy used with viagra shake and bake combo of powder cocaine methamphetamine system for making crystal meth shaker materials needed to freebase cocaine -- shaker bottle, baking soda and water shard sharps shebanging sherm sherman stick shermhead sherms shlook shooter shooting gallery crystal rock of meth hypodermic needles mixing cocaine with water and squirting it up nose PCP-or-psychedelic mushrooms-or-tobacco laced with PCP crack combined with marijuana in a blunt a crackhead cigars dipped in or laced with PCP-or-crack-or-PCP a puff of a marijuana cigarette I.V. drug user place where drugs are used individuals who buy drugs for others, sometimes keeping some of the drug for themselves 10 shot or 20 shot of cocaine-or-an amount of cocaine-or-to inject a drug a person who has lost it all to crack inhaling marijuana smoke forced into one's mouth by another's exhaling magic mushroom potent variety marijuana 2 1/2 ounces of poor quality crack coming down from a speed induced high marijuana rolling paper to inject drugs under the skin-or-to inject drugs without using a vein coricidin cough and cold tablets-or-ecstasy abuse of cold tablets containing dextromethorphan a large piece of crack the size of a stick of chewing gum selling drugs herion plus a depressant crack-or-heroin and crack-or-marijuana crack houses cigar dipped in embalming fluid MDMA adulterated with mescaline cocaine-or-inhalants-or-to inhale cocaine-or-to inhale methcathinone $5 bag of heroin intended for inhalation shabu shoppers shot shot to the curb shotgun shroom sinsemilla sixty-two sketching skin skin popping skittles skittling slab slanging sleeper and red devil smoke smoke houses smurf snackies sniff sniffer bag and methamphetamine-or-crack-or-MDMA-or- snort snot snotballs snow bird snow seals snowball snowman soap soap dope soda somali tea space base space cadet-or-space dust-or-tragic magic space ship spaceball sparkle spd-or-zest speed freak speedball speedballing speedballs nose style speedboat spike spirals spliff split splitting spoon sporos spring sprung squirrel inhalants-or-to inhale cocaine-or-to inhale methcathinone residue produced from smoking amphetamine rubber cement rolled into balls, burned and the fumes are inhaled cocaine-or-cocaine user cocaine and amphetamine cocaine and heroin drug dealer crack-or-GHB-or-methamphetamine methamphetamine with a pinkish tint acid-or-injectable cocaine khat-or-methcathinone crack dipped in PCP-or-hollowed out cigar refilled with PCP and crack crack dipped in PCP glass pipe used to smoke crack PCP used with crack-or-PCP used with powder cocaine methamphetamine that has a somewhat shiny appearance speed habitual user of methamphetamine amphetamine-or-cocaine mixed with heroin-or-crack and heroin smoked togetheror-ritalin mixed with heroin ecstasy mixed with ketamine-or-the simultaneous use of a stimulant with a depressant-or-to shoot up a mixture of cocaine and heroin-or-to smoke a mixture of cocaine and heroin the practice of snorting cocaine marijuana, PCP, and crack mixed together and smoked heroin cut with scopolamine-or-heroin cut with strychnine-or-hypodermic needle-orneedle-or-to inject a drug alpha-methyltryptamine large marijuana cigarette-or-tobacco mixed with marijuana adulterated drugs-or-half and half-or-to leave rolling marijuana and cocaine into a single joint 1/16 ounce of heroin-or-paraphernalia used to prepare heroin for injection methaqualone giving a marijuana cigarette to another person just starting to use drugs combo of marijuana, PCP, and crack smoked-or-combo of PCP and marijuana sprinkled with cocaine and smoked-or-LSD stacking stacks star stash stash areas steamboat steerer stem step on stick sticks stove top strawberry strung out suff sugar super x superlab swallower swedge swishers syrup t tabs tar taste taxing tea head teardrops tecatos taking steroids without a prescription-or-use of three or more MDMA tablets in combo MDMA adulterated with heroin or crack amphetamine-or-cocaine-or-methcathinone place to hide drugs drug storage and distribution areas inhaling marijuana smoke trapped in a toilet paper roll type device-or-inhaling marijuana smoke trapped in toilet paper roll-or-used to burn last embers of the butt person who directs customers to spots for buying crack-or-worker who directs buyers to where drugs are sold cylinder used to smoke crack dilute drugs marijuana stems and waste-or-syringe marijuana stems and waste crystal meth-or-methamphetamine female who trades sex for crack-or-female who trades sex money to buy crack-orLSD heavily addicted to drugs coccaine-or-meth cocaine-or-crack-or-heroin-or-LSD methamphetamine and MDMA combo clandestine laboratories capable of producing 10 pounds of methamphetamine in 24 hours an individual used as a drug courier cocaine-or-ecstasy-or-heroin cigars in which tobacco is replaced with marijuana combo of marijuana and cough syrup buzz-or-cocaine-or-marijuana-or-PCP cigarettes-or-LSD-or-MDMA crack and heroin smoked together-or-heroin-or-opium heroin-or-small sample of drugs charging more per vial depending on race of customer-or-charging more per vial if not a regular customer-or-price paid to enter a crackhouse habitual marijuana user dosage units of crack packaged in the cut-off corners of plastic bags hispanic heroin addict ten pack tester thai sticks thc the c the five way thing thirst monsters thirty-eight thoroughbred tic tighten someone's wig tin tio tits tj tnt to smoke marijuana to smoke marijuana toak toke toke pipes toke up tolly tomater toncho tools toot tooter 1,000 dosage units of LSD individual who is given a drug early in the day by a dealer and then spreads the word about the drug throughout the rest of the day bundles of marijuana soaked in hashish oil-or-marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo tetrahydrocannabinol amphetamine-or-methcathinone heroin plus cocaine, methamphetamine, rohypnol, and alcohol cocaine-or-crack-or-heroin-or-main drug interest at the momement heavy crack smokers crack sprinkled on marijuana drug dealer who sells pure narcotics methamphetamine-or-PCP in powder form provide marijuana container for marijuana-or-crystal methamphetamine-or-methamphetamine-ormethamphetamine used with viagra cocaine laced marijuana cigarette black tar heroin marijuana from tijuana fentanyl-or-heroin-or-heroin plus fentanyl bite one's lips-or-blast a joint-or-blast a roach-or-blast a stick-or-blaze-or-blow a stick-or-blow one' roof-or-boot the bong-or-burn one-or-chiefing-or-do a joint-or-dope smoke-or-fire it up-or-fly mexican airlines-or-get a gage up-or-get high-or-get on-or-get the windor-go loco-or-hit the hay-or-light up-or-mow the grass-or-puff the dragon-or-spark it up-or-tea party-or-torch up to inhale marijuana-or-to inhale smoke marijuana-or-to inhale cocaine-or-to smoke marijuana small pipes in which marijuana is smoked to light a marijuana cigarette-or-to smoke marijuana toluene is a chemical contained in many inhalants oxycontin 80mg pill octane booster which is inhaled equipment used for injecting drugs cocaine-or-to inhale cocaine object used to snort drugs torch cooking torpedo toss up totally spent toucher tout touter tracks trails trambo transformers trap trapped vehicles trapspot travel agent tray trays tree trey trip triple a trippin-or-tripping troll trophobolene ts and rits-or-ts and rs turf turned on tutti-frutti twakers twamp tweak mission tweaker smoking cocaine base by using a butaine torch as a source of flame-or-smoking cocaine base by using propane as a source of flame crack and marijuana crack-or-female who trades sex for crack-or-female who trades sex for money to buy crack hangover feeling that is an adverse effect of MDMA user of crack who wants affection before, during, or after smoking crack person who introduces buyers to sellers person who stands on the street and advertises a drug row of needle marks on a person cocaine-or-LSD induced perception that moving objects leave multiple images-orLSD induced perception that moving objects leave multiple trails behind them pending drug transaction transformer stumped ecstasy drug house-or-hiding place for drugs vehicles with secret compartments used to conceal drugs drug house LSD supplier $3 bag of marijuana bunches of vials weed small rock of crack alpha ethyltryptamine-or-LSD marijuana from British Columbia high on drugs use of LSD-or-use of MDMA injectable steroid talwin and ritalin combo injected to produce an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine place where drugs are sold introduced to drugs-or-under the influence flavored cocaine meth users $20 bag of marijuana person on a mission to find crack crack user looking for drugs on the floor after a police raid tweaking desperately searching for crack-or-drug induced paranoia-or-peaking on speed twenties twists two for nine tyler berry uncle up against the stem utopiates uzi v vega vike vikings viper vitamin a wac waffle dust wasted $20 bags of crack-or-$20 vials small plastic bags of heroin secured with a twist tie two $5 bags of crack for $9-or-two $5 vials of crack for $9 LSD combined with gasoline federal agents addicted to smoking marijuana hallucinogens crack-or-crack pipe valium cigar wrapping refilled with marijuana vicodin hydrocodone-or-vicodin marijuana smoker adderall-or-amphetamines PCP on marijuana MDMA and amphetamine combo murdered-or-under the influence of drugs a mixture of marijuana and other substances within a cigar-or-blunts-or-GHB-ormarijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid-or-marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid and laced with PCP-or-methamphetamine-or-PCP high on crack blunts mixed with marijuana and PCP-or-marijuana cigarettes soaked in PCP-ormethamphetamine crack-or-crack and PCP mixture laced with insecticides-or-heroin and PCP-ormarijuana laced with insecticides big shot in syringe amphetamine-or-coke-or-heroin heroin-or-powder cocaine crack smoke-or-smoke that collects in the bottom of crack pipe amphetamine-or-folded paper used to package drugs cocaine-or-heroin and cocaine potent brand of heroin combo of powder cocaine, PCP and marijuana PCP, marijuana, and crack odd behavior resulting from the use of mind altering drugs water weightless wet whack whammy white white boy-or-white dragon white cloud whites whiz bang wicked wicky wicky stick wigging wild cat wollie woo blunts woola blunt woolah woolas woolie woolies-or-wooly blunts wooties working bags working fifty-or-working half wounded x ya ba yay yellow yerba mala z zacatecas purple zannie zay zig zag man zip zooie z's methcathinone mixed with cocaine rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana cigar-or-rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana cigarette marijuana-or-marijuana combined with cocaine marijuana and heroin combo cigar refilled with marijuana and crack cigarettes laced with cocaine-or-crack sprinkled on marijuana cigarette marijuana and crack combinaton-or-marijuana and heroin combo marijuana and crack-or-marijuana and PCP crack smoked in marijuana joints bags containing several small rocks of crack crack rock weighing 1/2 gram or more hungover amphetamine-or-ecstacy-or-marijuana-or-MDMA crazy drug-or-pure and powerful form of methamphetamine from Thailand rock of crack crystal meth-or-depressants-or-LSD PCP and marijuana 1 ounce of heroin marijuana from Mexico xanax pill blunts-or-mixture of marijuana and other substances within a cigar LSD-or-marijuana-or-marijuana rolling papers an ounce of marijuana-or-cocaine-or-ounce holds butt of marijuana cigarette benzodiazipines
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