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Krot F14 Cover .indd - Krotona Institute of Theosophy
Wisdom’s Reach Krotona Institute School of Theosophy Fall 2014 46 Krotona St, Ojai CA 93023-3901 Hwy 33/150 at Krotona & Hermosa Rd 805 646-1139, fax 805 646-1144 [email protected] Wisdom's Reach September 19 – 21 Martin Leiderman The Evolution of Symbolism in Art, Religion and Occultism ......................................................1 September 23 – 26 Ed Abdill Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters and the Path............................................2 September 30 – October 3 Dorothy Bell Working with the Wisdom, a Living Power .....3 October 3 – 5 Robert Ellwood, Richard Ellwood Religion and Spirituality in the Internet Age ...4 October 7 – 10, 14 – 17 Fernando de Torrijos The Voice of the Silence: Seven Keys, Seven Portals ..................................................................5 October 18 Fernando de Torrijos Silent Mindfulness Meditation Retreat .............5 October 28 – 31 Cynthia Overweg Hearts of Fire: Women Who Blazed a Wisdom Path ......................................................6 November 1 – 2 Cynthia Overweg When Silence Speaks: Opening to Our Inner Wisdom Retreat...................................................7 November 4 – 7 Elena Dovalsantos The Secret Doctrine ............................................8 Noviembre 14 – 16 Rodolfo Garbalosa, Gaspar Torres Repercusión de las Ideas Teosóficas en las Grandes Religiones ............................................9 KROTONA INSTITUTE OF THEOSOPHY Linda Oliveira, President Guru Prasad, Executive Vice President Maria Parisen, Director, Krotona School of Theosophy Class Recordings Fall 2014 (Request Audio-Recording list for previous classes.) Evolution of Symbolism in Art, Religion and Occultism, 1415 ................................................................... $28 Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters and the Path, 1416........................................................................ $28 Working with the Wisdom, a Living Power, 1417 ................ $28 The Voice of the Silence: Seven Keys, Seven Portals, 1419 .............................................................. $50 Hearts of Fire: Women Who Blazed a Wisdom Path, 1421 .. $28 Repercusión de las Ideas Teosóficas en las Grandes Religiones, 1424 .................................................................. $28 Total CD cost $ -10% discount on orders over $100 $ Add shipping* $ CA residents add 7.5% tax $ Total due $ * Shipping charges: to US Outside US 1-4 sessions: $4 $7 5-10 sessions: $5 $9 11-20 sessions: $6 $11 More than 20: Call or email for cost Name Street City State Phone Zip E-mail Check Visa MC CC # Security code: Exp Send your prepaid order to: Krotona School of Theosophy 46 Krotona St, Ojai CA 93023-3901 Or email: [email protected] 1415 Martin Leiderman Weekend Seminar The Evolution of Symbolism in Art, Religion and Occultism September 19 – 21 Friday eve 7:30 – 9, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Sunday 10 – noon In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky traces the progression of symbols which describe the universe from its emergence to its present metaphysical and physical state. These symbols represent the Platonic Ideas, Archetypes or Forms necessary for the universe to manifest itself from its state of rest. They also represent the laws of nature, forces, divine beings, virtues and fields of consciousness. Throughout history, artists, seers and scientists have expressed their visions and insights through such symbols. This class will explore various aspects of symbol language and how theosophical ideas and principles influenced artists like Kandinsky, Mondrian, Delville, the architect-designer Bragdon and many others. Weekend $35, Single Session $10 Martin Leiderman, an industrial engineer by profession, is a founding member of the West Los Angeles Theosophical Study Center and serves on Krotona’s Board of Directors. He guides programs internationally for the Theosophical Society in the areas of theosophy, symbology, and philosophy. His classes combine beautiful illustrations and comparative study with lively discussion. About Krotona School of Theosophy Since 1967, the Krotona School has helped students deepen their understanding of the Ageless Wisdom. The School emphasizes education for spiritual renewal so students may orient themselves to eternal truths in a changing world. As an integral part of the Krotona Institute, the School supports the work of the Theosophical Society and its three objects that encourage: 1) the unity of all people; 2) studies in comparative religion, philosophy, and science; and 3) investigation of unexplained laws of nature and the spiritual powers latent in humanity. 1 Ed Abdill Four Mornings 1416 Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters and the Path September 23 – 26 Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon This course draws on the Mahatma Letters to bring the Masters to life, shattering the misconceptions about them by allowing them to speak from their letters to say who they are and what differentiates them from the average person. We will highlight some of their most important teachings, including their views on death and reincarnation, karma, science, the path to adeptship, and more. Most importantly, we will make it clear that the central purpose of their work is far more profound than most people can imagine. Series $35, Single Session $10 Ed Abdill is past director and vice president of the Theosophical Society in America. He has presented internationally for the Society, contributed to its journals, and has been featured in the Society’s coursework used by theosophical centers worldwide. He authored The Secret Gateway: Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition and Masters of Wisdom: The Mahatmas, Their Letters, and the Path to be released in 2015 by Tarcher-Penguin. 2 Dorothy Bell Four Mornings 1417 Working with the Wisdom, a Living Power September 30 – October 3 Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon In 1890, Helena Blavatsky ended her message to the Americans,“May Theosophy grow more and more a living power in the lives of each one of our members.” This class will explore how the daily operation of a Theosophical worldview – a new mind for a new world – may work in this sacred journey of spiritual empowerment. We will experiment with how theoretical knowledge may be transmuted into “real perception and direct experience” of the hidden, living Reality (Taimni); and look at how this new mind may relate to Annie Besant’s vision of a new civilization. Series $35, Single Session $10 Dorothy Bell, BA, MEd is a Fulbright Scholar in professional development of teachers and a trained counselor. A past member of the Australian TS national executive committee and education unit, she has presented theosophical programs and published articles internationally. Her special interest is spiritual psychology and experimenting with ways of building the bridge ‘from there to here’ in becoming who we already are. 3 Robert Ellwood, Richard Ellwood Weekend Seminar 1418 Infinite Information, Worlds Without End: Religion and Spirituality in the Internet Age October 3 – 5 Friday eve 7:30 – 9, Saturday 10 – noon, 2 – 4 pm Sunday 10 – noon This course will survey the great changes, and potentially even greater changes, the Internet is making in religious and spiritual practice and consciousness. We will observe the screen as a source of information about groups and their teachings, the home of religious blogs and chat rooms, online proselytizing, and a range of examples of actual religious practice online. Finally, we will consider what might be called cyber-apocalyptic, the idea that the Internet is profoundly changing our way of thinking about philosophy and spirituality, leading to world-changing future developments such as the technological linking of all minds into an almost infinite cosmic consciousness. Weekend $35, Single Session $10 Robert Ellwood, PhD, is emeritus professor of religion at the University of Southern California. He has served as vice president of the Theosophical Society in America and as director of the School of the Wisdom at the TS international headquarters in Chennai, India. Dr Ellwood has published widely both professionally and in the Society’s journals and has authored books on comparative religion and theosophy. His newly published textbook, Introducing Religion: Religious Studies for the Twenty-First Century, is in its fourth edition. Richard Ellwood, the son of Robert Ellwood, is a graduate of Happy Valley School (now Besant Hill) in Ojai and a former resident of Krotona. After working as a computer technician for the Theosophical Society at its Wheaton, Illinois headquarters, he returned to join the staff of Besant Hill School, where he is now director of technology. He also assists with a theosophical study group for Besant Hill students which meets at Krotona. 4 Fernando de Torrijos Eight Weekday Mornings 1419 The Voice of the Silence: Seven Keys, Seven Portals October 7 – 10, 14 – 17 Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon This year is the 125th anniversary of The Voice of the Silence. Helena Blavatsky compiled this poetic book of selected passages out of concern that many students were not ready to explore the mysteries of the esoteric traditions. “Each candidate needs to understand that to walk this path a purity of body, and a still greater purity of mind, heart, and spirit are needed.” We will gather to renew our commitment to awake, study and put into practice those instructions extracted by HPB from The Book of the Golden Precepts mastered by the Bodhisattvas of Compassion. Recommended reading: The Voice of the Silence (HP Blavatsky) and The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Shantideva). Series $60, Single Session $10 Fernando de Torrijos Saturday Retreat 1420 Silent Mindfulness Meditation Retreat October 18 Saturday, 9:30 am – 5 pm Today is going to be that perfect day in which you are inviting yourself to STOP, BREATHE AND RELAX, to explore the meaning of being human, the meaning of being alive, in silence, in the company of others. The structure of today’s retreat is similar to those Fernando has taught for over 20 years, for patients and health professionals interested in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program designed in 1979 by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn. We will practice traditional forms of mindfulness meditation with other meditations for cultivating forgiveness, equanimity, and loving-kindness. Offered only as a full day. A box lunch is provided, or participants may bring their own vegetarian lunch. Refreshments are offered mid-morning and afternoon. Bring comfortable clothing, a mat or blanket to lie on the floor, and a meditation cushion if you have one. Retreat $35 + $12 box lunch. Pre-registration required. Fernando A de Torrijos, See page 6 for biographical information. 5 Fernando A de Torrijos, former director and teacher of mindfulness-based programs at the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness and the Department of Psychiatry, continues to provide these teachings as a consultant to institutions, health professionals, and educators. He is a former director of the Theosophical Society in America, has worked at the international headquarters of the Society in Chennai, India, and presents workshops and seminars internationally. 1421 Four Mornings Cynthia Overweg Hearts of Fire: Women Who Blazed a Wisdom Path October 28 – 31 Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon The search for a deeper understanding of who we are, where we come from, and where we are going are perennial questions at the center of human existence. They activate our spiritual inquiry and help us realize how much we don’t know. Together, we’ll explore the longing for answers and how it captivated the hearts of three remarkable women: Mary Magdalene, wrongly cast as a repentant harlot, but also as “the Apostle to the Apostles”; Sufi mystic and former slave, Rabi’a al-Adawiyya, who wrote ecstatic poetry 500 years before Rumi; and Yeshe Tsogyal, a revered yogini who helped bring Buddhism to Tibet. They were trail blazers who overcame tremendous obstacles, and gave us a spiritual legacy which burns like a fire that never goes out. Series $35 Single Session $10 6 1422 Weekend Retreat Cynthia Overweg When Silence Speaks: Opening to Our Inner Wisdom November 1 – 2 Saturday 10 am – 5 pm, Sunday 10 – noon The stress, turbulence and violence of the world can be overwhelming. We long for a place to retreat and feel refreshed by a sense of beauty and quiet. But how do we find the peace we long for? Where is that quiet space we need? In our weekend retreat, we’ll explore quietude, gratitude, and inner harmony inspired by the wisdom of Teresa of Avila, Ramana Maharshi and The Voice of the Silence by HP Blavatsky. We’ll gather in a communion of Stillness, active listening, and exchange with ample time for solitude and reflection as we move deeper into the silent mystery within. Offered only as a weekend. A box lunch is provided for Saturday, or participants may bring their own vegetarian lunch. Refreshments are offered mid-morning and afternoon Retreat $35 + $12 box lunch. Pre-registration required. Cynthia Overweg is a spiritual storyteller, writer, educator and documentary filmmaker. For many years, she has studied the works of HP Blavatsky, the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Christian mystics. She leads contemplative retreats to bring a greater sense of Stillness to the stress of everyday life. Her documentary work has won awards from the National Endowment for the Arts and the American Film Institute. For more information: 7 Four Mornings Elena Dovalsantos 1423 Our Origins and Destiny: Reflections from The Secret Doctrine November 4 – 7 Tuesday – Friday 10 – noon The story of human evolution as told in The Secret Doctrine, Volume 2 (Anthropogenesis) is akin to the stuff of legends. Fascinating and intriguing, it challenges modern day beliefs and hypotheses while drawing clues from contemporary science, the major religions, and mythology to explain the age-old questions of where we come from and where we are going. Join us on the journey of the pilgrim soul through the ages as we explore what the archaic records say about the many unexplained curiosities concerning mankind’s past. This class presents a more rational, comprehensive, and philosophical explanation of evolution and the purpose of our existence than science or religion alone have been able to offer thus far. Series $35, Single Session $10 Elena Dovalsantos, PhD, MBA, has a doctorate in chemistry, taught at the university level, and worked as a research scientist for many years. Born to a theosophical family, she is a life-long student of the Ageless Wisdom, assisted in the publication of several theosophical books, and is past president of the Theosophical Society’s Beacon Study Group in San Diego. Elena and her husband are Krotona residents. 8 Rodolfo Garbalosa, Gaspar Torres Weekend Seminar in Spanish 1424 Repercusión de las Ideas Teosóficas en las Grandes Religiones 14-16 de Noviembre Viernes 7:30 – 9 pm, Sábado 10 – 12 y de 2 – 4 pm Domingo 10 – 12 Muchos de los seguidores y hasta clérigos de las grandes religiones en el momento actual han abierto sus mentes a ideas que el Movimiento Teosófico ha ido impregnando en estos últimos 130 años. Aunque, nuestro seminario enfocara esos efectos principalmente en el cristianismo, también considerara algunas de esas influencias en las otras religiones. Algunas de estas ideas teosóficas a desenvolver serán, la reencarnación para la concepción de una justicia divina, el concepto de la vida material como ilusión y la no interpretación literal o dogmática de las escrituras sagradas. Seminario completo $35, una sola sesión $10 Rodolfo Garbalosa se hizo miembro de la Sociedad Teosófica en Cuba en el año 1956 y continua siendo un miembro activo de la ST en América. Es el actual VicePresidente de la Logia España en Los Angeles y conduce un ciclo de estudios sobre “La Vida Interna” basado en escritos de CW Leadbeater. Gaspar Torres ha servido como Presidente de la Sección Cubana de la Sociedad Teosófica. En capacidad de conferencista ha llevado el mensaje de la Teosofía a eventos teosóficos en Adyar, la Sede Internacional de la ST, la Cuenca del Caribe y reuniones de la Federación Teosófica Inter-Americana así como que coopera con el trabajo de la ST internacionalmente. Actualmente reside y trabaja en Krotona. 9 Registration E-mail [email protected], write, phone, or fax, for reservations. Scholarships Scholarship assistance for accommodations and class tuition is available for some programs to qualified members of the Theosophical Society and other serious students. You may request an application at the time of registration. Course Tuition Patron tickets include all events of the Fall term: $276. Tuition fees help us to provide quality programs. For students who are able, donations above the suggested fees are greatly appreciated. Accommodations A limited number of comfortable apartments with kitchens are available for students. Most accommodations are shared. Krotona School provides accommodations at the lowest possible rates: $40 per person per night, and $230 per person per week. Priority is given to members of the Theosophical Society and to those registering for two or more weeks. Getting Here Students arriving by air may fly into LAX and take a shuttle to Ventura, or fly to Burbank (Bob Hope Airport) and take a train or shuttle to Ventura. We can arrange for a driver to meet you in Ventura and bring you to Krotona. Driving Directions to Krotona Institute From Ventura: Ojai/Hwy 33 exit from 101. Drive 12 miles. After passing Villanova School, take the next left (Krotona St on the left, Hermosa Rd on the right). Two stone pillars mark the entrance. From Ojai: Krotona is on Hwy 33/150 at Krotona and Hermosa Streets, .6 mile south of the “Y”. 10 Krotona School of Theosophy Maria Parisen, Director 46 Krotona St, Ojai CA 93023 805 646–1139, Fax: 805 646–1144 [email protected] Krotona Library and Research Center Lakshmi Narayan, Librarian 2 Krotona St, Ojai CA 93023 Tuesday – Friday 10 – 5, Saturday & Sunday 1 – 5 805 646–2653, [email protected] Krotona Quest Bookshop Carol Nicholson, Manager 47 Krotona St, Ojai CA 93023 Wednesday – Saturday 12 – 5, Sunday 1 – 5 805 646–0873, [email protected] To register for classes, please complete and mail to Krotona School, or register by phone or email. Name Phone Street City Zip State Country $40 deposit is required and is refundable until two weeks prior to the program. CC # Security code: Exp Deposit $ Check Persons registering Visa MC Program ID # 11 We Are Grateful Herbert A Kern, a theosophist and industrialist, generously supported the Krotona Institute of Theosophy from 1958 to 1967. Since 1966 the Kern Foundation, with Herbert’s son, John, and grand-daughter, Louise, as advising trustees, has supported the School with generous grants, enabling it to operate at its present level, bringing lecturers to Krotona, and offering scholarships. We are grateful for Herbert Kern’s vision and for John’s and Louise’s dedication to supporting the School over the years. Emily B Sellon, who shared her vast knowledge of theosophy with her students, and John A Sellon, an investor, were visionaries who devoted their lives to theosophy. It was their wish to support the Krotona School of Theosophy. We are grateful to their sons, Peter, Michael, and Jeffrey, for their generosity and dedication to the support of the School in their parents’ names. Friends of Krotona The Krotona Institute of Theosophy is a community of members of the Theosophical Society dedicated to the creation of a spiritual center where the Ageless Wisdom may be studied and lived. Krotona is a vibrant center that reaches out internationally to share the profound truths of Theosophy. These truths can change one’s direction of life and bring harmony and spiritual renewal. Krotona’s unique atmosphere lends itself to meditation, self-reflection, and deep study, offering a healthy balance between the meditative life and inspired action. Those who are in sympathy with the ideals of the institute are invited to join Friends of Krotona. Friends receive two newsletters annually containing information about Krotona, its programs, and plans. Contact Guru Prasad, Executive Vice President, 2 Krotona Street, Ojai CA 93023-3901, or [email protected] to learn more about the Institute and become a Friend of Krotona. 12
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