This week`s pew sheet - St Helena`s Church, Larnaca, Cyprus
This week`s pew sheet - St Helena`s Church, Larnaca, Cyprus
e-‐mail: sthelenasoffi[email protected] Postal: PO Box 42409, 6534 Larnaca, Cyprus Upper Room: Flat 201, St Helena’s Court (adjacent to the Church) web: Chaplain: Ven. Dr John Holdsworth 99 658 147 If you wish to include anything in the bulleJn, please contact Deb Graham by noon Wednesday on 99173079 or email to [email protected] Diary of the week: Sunday 17 May Monday 18 May Tuesday 19 May Wednesday 20 May Thursday 21 May Friday 22 May Saturday 23 May Sunday 24 May St Helena’s Anglican Church Please note the ac,vi,es (*) take place in the Upper Room 9.30 am 10am – 1pm 3-‐5pm Holy Communion: Ven. Dr John Holdsworth, preacher: Geoff Graham Charity Shop open Tea Dance – pls. see Jim or Jean for informa,on. 10am – 1pm 11am 10.30am -‐ 12.30 Charity Shop open Quiet Service Open Church 10am – 1pm Charity Shop open 9.30 am Holy Communion: Ven. Dr John Holdsworth Today’s Scripture: Ezekiel 36: 24-28 Acts 1: 15-17 John 17: 6-19 Next Week’s Scripture: Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Acts 2: 1-21 John 15: 26-27; 16: 4b-15 Post Communion Prayer Eternal Giver of love and power, your Son Jesus Christ has sent us into all the world to preach the gospel of his kingdom. Confirm us in this mission, and help us to live the good news we proclaim; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Please turn off mobile phones before the service commences. Please note that we have a hearing loop and adjust your hearing aid accordingly. Welcome to St Helena’s in the name of Christ. If you are a baptised Christian of any tradition, you are invited to receive Communion with us this morning. A warm welcome to our visitors and newcomers today. Please stay for refreshments in the courtyard after the service. The Seventh Sunday of Easter 17th May, 2015 The Collect O God the King of Glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Mercifully give us faith to know that, as he promised, he abides with us on earth to the end of time; who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Looking Forward – First, welcome to Ellie Gray and her family. Ellie is to be baptised here this morning, and we hope the occasion is memorable for all concerned. The Church Council met this week and gave the go-ahead for a new Charity Shop in Perivolia. We hope to open in June. The site is ideal, close to the village centre, and providing the option of a space for occasional services and some refreshments as well. In the meantime we require volunteers from the Church, willing to give half a day to working in the shop. There will be room for more bulky items for sale than can be accommodated in our first shop, and if you have anything you think might be suitable please let Jean West know. Also the Council decided to offer the use of the Upper Room to the Oasis project. We already support this Christian organisation financially, and this will be an opportunity to give further practical expression to our concern for those whom Oasis exists to help. The Council was pleased by the willingness of Jan Dykes to take on the role of treasurer. The new financial ideas mentioned in last week’s pew sheet will be taken forward. The Midsummer Evening Service planned for Oroklini Hill on Sunday June 21st will, we hope, be a popular reinstatement of an occasion enjoyed in the past. The idea is to bring a picnic, and share that together at 6pm prior to a service as the sun begins to set (ie. when it is not too hot and before the mosquitos come out), to welcome the Summer solstice. There will be a list for intended participants, on the grounds that we do need a critical mass before the service is viable. Once we have that, it will be fine for as many as possible to turn up and we do hope plenty of people will. A full account is contained in the draft minutes at the back of the church. John Holdsworth Chaplain/Parish Priest Prayer Corner This week we pray especially for: Alannah, Berie Norton, Paul Leggett, Peggy Steeden, Joan Andrews, Fran Bremner, Alan Roper, Ann Pickard, Zoe Kolokotroni, Andreas, Natalie, Miranda and Rachel, Vassiliki Goro, Jackie, David Hamblin, James Phelps, Andi and Elizabeth, Pat, Carollynne Ellis, Diane Conway, Valerie, Annie, Susan and Glenn, Helen, Dave Bennett, Margaret Hutchinson, Maureen Spelman, Stacey and family, Stephen Cooke, Robin MacKay, Pam Powell, Polina MacKay. We pray also for all local expressions of the diocese in parishes and chaplaincies, including the Mission to Seafarers. The Revd. Jeremy Crocker will be installed as the parish priest and Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral on 24th May at 6pm. If you would like to attend, please let St. Paul’s parish office know by 18th May by phoning 22445221 or email [email protected] Council Members Chaplain: Ven Dr John Holdsworth 24651327 / 99658147 email: [email protected] Associate Priest: Fr Sean Semple 99393726 Licensed Reader, Ordinand and Pastoral Care Facilitator: Geoff Graham 99178068 Wardens: Elsie Shearsby 24427532 / 99956975 and Rowena Parkin 22532135/ 99450861 Treasurer: Janet Dykes (from May) CC Secretary and Synod Rep: Deborah Graham 99173079 Fundraising: Wendy Papasolomontos 24433540 Synod Rep: Sue Mantovani 24652678/99594678 Vulnerable People Protection Officer: Jean West 24425224/99950866, Council Member and Chairman of the Fabric Committee: Jim West 99249813 Council Member: John Morgan 99914830