May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter Edition


May 3, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Easter Edition
Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic Church
32032 W. Lindero Canyon
Westlake Village, Ca. 91361
May 3, 2015
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Jim Stehly
[email protected]
Fr. Peter Foran
Pastor Emeritus
Fr. Walt Housey, C.M.
Fr. Marc Reeves, S.J.
Deacon Richard Dornan
Deacon Joseph Manion
Deacon Bill Smith
Pastoral Office Hours
Gift Shop
Monday-Thursday 9 - 5 pm
Friday 9 - 4 pm
Sunday 7:30 - Noon
Telephone (818) 889-1279
Fax (818) 889-3405
[email protected]
Saturday Vigil 5 pm
Sunday Masses 8 am, 10 am, Noon, 5 pm
Weekday Masses Monday - Friday 12:05 pm
Saturday Evening 3:45 - 4:30 pm
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May 3, 2015
Parish Business Manager
[email protected]
Parish Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Event Coordinator/Bulletin Editor
[email protected]
Faith Formation Director
Mass Intentions and
Saints & Special Observances
Barbara Farmer x 223
Megan Weddle x 210
Marilyn Grebbien
818 - 889-3551
Cindy Kozal page 5
Confirmation/Youth Ministry Coordinator - Scott Boczek page 5
Director of Liturgy
Vincent Adams
[email protected]
818 - 889-2373
Asst. Music Director
Michael Hemenway 818 - 889-1279
Directors of Outreach
John & Jackie Treuting
SJ School Principal
Michele Schulte
818 - 889-9483
Plant Manager
Carlos Hernandez
Bereavement Ministry—Embracing our Sick & Dying: Pastoral Center 818
- 889-1279 Jean Marie Cull, Margaret Harder, Grace Johnson
Breakfast for Homeless: Marilou O’Halloran
805 - 551-9727
Christian Service: Pastoral Office
818 - 889-1279
Detention Ministry: Nancy Fox
818 - 889-6265
Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick: Fr. Jim Stehly
818 - 889-1279
Eucharistic Ministry: Ty Hutchison
818 - 402-8402
Faith Firsthand Ministry: Gary Romanowski
818 - 991-4357
Filipino Ministry: Terisita Zaratan
805 - 496-8026
Homefront Ministry: Claire & Patrick Young
805 - 553-0421
Knights of Columbus:
Grand Knight: Gr ant DeSmet
805 - 582-1740
Roundtable Rep: Ron Bodigheimer
805 - 379-0903
Lector Ministry: Jerry Weisbecker
818 - 991-8409
Marriage Encounter: Tim & Pat Crosby
818 - 889-5928
Ministry to Women in Prison: Nancy Fox
818 - 889-6265
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers:
Fatima Espirito-Santo
818 - 597-4840
Prayer Ministries Coordinator: Ben Levine
818 - 437-0560
[email protected]
Respect Life: Mar y Linn
818 - 889-7849
Sacristans: Diane Cigich, Kathleen Paul,
Vicki Baltazar, Fred D’Astoli
Social Justice & Peace: Tom Cull
805 - 497-6473
Just Education and Just Action
Stephen Ministry: Mariann Harmon
805 - 495-1732
Pat Crosby
818 - 889-5928
Jean-Marie Cull
805 - 497-6473
Sarah Boughton
310 - 422-3462
St. Jude Senior Group: Sharon Thomas
818 - 314-4158
Bible Studies
Wednesday AM: Sunday to Sunday: Julie Feely
Wednesday PM: Sunday to Sunday: Trish Dadrowski
Thursday AM: Judy Sullivan
Thursday PM: Tim & Mariann Harmon
818 - 889-2449
May 4
Richard Hyland
Viola Baptiste
12:05 p.m.
May 5 Cinco de Mayo
Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Suarez
Richard Jensen
12:05 p.m.
Dot Kelly
Victoria Beck
12:05 p.m.
May 7 National Day of Prayer
Edmund DeSantio
Henry Gunasekera
12:05 p.m.
May 8
Sadie Scrofano
Mark Thomas
Tom Thomas
Doroth Romo
5:00 p.m.
May 9
Eileen Frances Doorley
Norm Olson
May 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter; Mother’s
Betty Brocious
Krystyna Milobedzka
Angela Karunaratne
Ed Sweeney
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Welcome to all who have come to St. Jude Catholic
Community. We hope that our Father’s house will
be a place of solace and grace for you.
805 - 495-1623
805 - 495-1732
If you are not registered, or have a new address and
phone number, please fill our the form and place it in
the collection basket or mail to Pastoral Office.
John & Jackie Treuting
Jane & Pat McDade
Adopt-A-Family Christmas: John & Jackie Treuting
Adopt-A-Family Easter: Jane & Pat McDade
Back-to-School Project: Nellie & Mark Paris
Baby Day: Kevin Kozal
Bikes 4 Kids: Art Estrada
Clothes Closet: Patti McLain
Coats for the Cause: Rosemarie & Carl Lindner
Eye-to-Eye: Megan Weddle
First Communion Clothes: Madeline Giberson
Frank’s Homeless Project: Lee & Rob Mar tz
Holidays for Homeless: Steve & Pam Yantzer
Kids Helping Kids: Rose Faucher
Recycling for Homeless: Art Estrada
Julie Feely
Sandwich Ministry: Courtney Scott-Miller
Service Day: Ir ma Haldane
12:05 p.m.
City and Zip:
Want to Register
Change of Address
Want Envelopes
Moving Out of Parish
Pastoral Office: 818-889-1279, ext. 210
[email protected]
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May 3, 2015
Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Hail Holy Queen
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, To thee do we send up our
sighs, Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, And after
this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us, O Holy Mother of
God, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of
thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
" hildren, let us love not in word or speech
but in deed and truth."John's words come to
us on this day when the Gospel passage
presents us with the great image of the vine
and the branches. Jesus uses the image as a
warning to those who have begun to
distance themselves from the way of the
Lord. One of the ways this happens is when
we love God and others "in word or speech"
instead of i"n deed and truth."What does it
mean for us to "remain in Christ"? In an
extension of the metaphor, the Lord gives us
an example. If we remain in him, we will
bear much fruit. As the branches, we draw
strength from Christ who is the vine. This
strength enables us to bear fruit--to do the
work of true discipleship.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
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May 3, 2015
Welcome to Saint Jude’s Catholic Community
Coffee & Donuts
On the Patio Sunday Mornings Following
8 am & 10 am Masses
Thank you for volunteering to serve as hosts:
May 3 Bob & Carol Amenta
May 10 Stephen Ministry-Tom & Jean Marie Cull
May 17 Homefront Ministry-Claire & Patrick Young
If you had your picture taken for the directory, you get a
free copy.
Visit Barbara Farmer in the pastoral office for your copy or
email [email protected]
Pick Up Times
Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm
(closed for lunch 12:30-1:30)
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez
Catholic Association of
Latino Leaders
Ventura/SFV Chapter
Invite You To
The Serra Awards Gala
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Westlake Village Inn
31943 Agoura Rd, Westlake Village
Fr. Dave Heney-Religious Service
Karyme Lozano-Entertainment
Alfredo & Salvador PlascenciaCorporate Responsibility
For tickets and sponsorship information please
All contributions or gifts to the organization are tax deductible as
charitable contributions to the extent allowed by applicable law.
Please make payments to Catholic Association of Latino
Tax Identification #26-1135065
Over time, the crisis of last illness and the way the faithful met
death changed. In earliest times, a sickbed vigil was an
occasion for the community to gather and strengthen the dying
person with assurances of love. A thousand years ago, in part
because of massive upheavals in society, a new emphasis on
individual repentance captured the imagination of millions.
Death was to be feared, because it was about judgment. The
delights of heaven's banquet dimmed, since most people saw
God's just judgment and inevitable punishment intervening. If a
community gathered at all, it was not to express faith in the
Resurrection, but to seek forgiveness for those who were
powerless to help themselves. The dead couldn't improve their
situation, but their loved ones, by expressing sorrow for sin,
could. Better yet, the clergy could, if they intervened in a
timely fashion, provide the absolution needed for everyone to
relax. Ministry to the sick shifted away from a ministry of
consolation toward a challenge to repent before it was too late.
As the sense grew that most people died with their work of
repentance incomplete, the color black was reintroduced to
funerals. It was the old pagan way of expressing despair. No
wonder they call this time in history the "Dark Ages." Many
layers have had to be peeled away to reveal the deepest, most
positive expressions of our tradition of care for the dying.
--Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
May 5th
Raising Grants For
St. Catherine of Siena-Reseda
Our Lady of Guadalupe-Oxnard
If you would like to volunteer as a host please call
Natalie (818) 889-1279
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May 3, 2015
Faith Formation
Director: Cindy Kozal
818-889-0612 [email protected]
Confirmation/Youth Ministry Coordinator: Scott Boczek 818-889-2541 [email protected]
Family Faith website:
Adult Faith Formation
Center—Beginning May 19th
St. Jude’s is hosting an Adult Faith
Formation Center through the Archdiocese Office
of Religious Education. The course covers a
variety of topics from Revelation to Catholic
Social Teaching through a series of sessions
running from May 19th through June 13th: Tuesday
and Thursday evenings form 6-9:30 p.m. and 2
Saturdays from 9-4 p.m.
The class is the first step in certification
for faith formation or liturgy, but is open to
everyone as a way to reflect on a variety of topics
in our Catholic faith. The course will be taught by
Deacon Dave Smith from St. Julies, Linda Smith
and Cindy Kozal. For questions contact Cindy at
818-889-0612 or [email protected]
Please pray for our children who will be receiving
First Communion at the following Masses:
Sunday, May 3rd at Noon and 2 pm
Sunday, May 17th at 2 pm
Preparing for Mass by reading the upcoming
Scriptures will help you understand and participate
more fully in the Mass. Take a break mid-week and
join us as we look ahead to the upcoming Sunday
Tuesday morning 9:30 am
Contact Julie Feely [email protected]
Wednesday evening 6:30 – 7:30 pm Contact Tr ish
Dabrowski [email protected]
Join us on Thursday, May 21st @ 7:00 pm for a night
of poetry.
We will be sharing favorite poems and delving into
the lives of the poets.
Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Alice
Johnson @ [email protected] for further
Ah, how wonderful is the advent of the Spring!—the
great annual miracle.... which no force can stay, no
violence restrain, like love, that wins its way and
cannot be withstood by any human power, because
itself is divine power. Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, 1849
(Sneak peek into June 18th meeting: We will be
discussing Pulitzer Prize winning book, “Tinkers”, by
Paul Harding.)
advantage of online courses
Universities - virtual learning at
your own pace! The topics are
varied and for most there are no pre-requisites. The courses
are open to everyone, no matter your level of education.
University of Notre Dame:
Upcoming sessions are on Women in
Catholicism, History of Christianity, Biblical
Literary Forms and more!
University of Dayton:
A Marianist University partnering with the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles for discounted
St. Jude
Youth Ministry Corner
Bringing our teens closer to God and each other.
The Confirmation program at Saint Jude celebrates the Holy Spirit working in
the hearts of our teens. Confirmation preparation is a time of discernment for
our teens to explore, challenge, grow and eventually take ownership of the
Catholic Faith. It is a process that involves our teens, families, and the entire
parish community.
Calendar of Events
Saturday, May 30th, Six Flags Magic Mountain Trip,
8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saint Jude Youth Ministry heads to Magic Mountain! Registration will be required
for this event and will be posted to the website as the date nears.
Friday, June 19th, “WELCOME TO SUMMER LOCK-IN” 6:00pm –
10:00am (June 20th)
The night you have all been waiting for – our “Welcome to Summer Lock-In.”
Registration will be required for this event and will be posted as the date nears.
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May 3, 2015
Liturgical Life—Prayer Life
Liturgical Life
Saturday Evening 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.
St. Jude Novena
Wednesday Evening 7:30 p.m.
Baptism: Infant Baptisms are celebrated
on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at
1:30 p.m. following catechesis for the
parents and arrangements with the Parish
Center. Contact: Mary and Joe Schohl:
[email protected]
or 818-874-3537.
Christian Initiation of Children, Youth
& Adults: For those inquiring about
Initiation and Communion with the
Catholic Christian Church, please contact
the Parish Center.
Celebration of Christian Marriage:
Please contact the Parish Center for an
appointment with a priest at least six (6)
months prior to any wedding.
Holy Communion to the Sick: Please call
the Parish Center to request a visit from a
Eucharistic Minister to the Sick.
Anointing of the Sick: In the event of
serious illness or a medical emergency,
please contact the Parish Center
immediately for a priest so that the
Sacraments may be celebrated.
Funerals: At the death of a loved one,
kindly notify the Parish Center at your
earliest convenience to schedule the funeral
Prayer Opportunities
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in
Our Lady’s Chapel , the first Wednesday
of the month, we pray for Vocations.
12:30 —7:30 p.m. Please sign up for an
hour with the Lord by calling Beatrice
Restifo 805-230-2919
Circulo de Oracion Carmen Koros 805494-9008, Mirtha Vespe 818-706-8248
Daily Rosary Prayer Group before
12:05 p.m. Noon Mass, at 11:15 a.m. Call
Vinda (818) 991-8683
Fatima Rosary Group leaders are Wayne
and Shu-Hwei Zimmerman (805)3731099. Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Please
call (818)584-5993 for directions. May
host is Scott & Joy Perrotty (818)991-6070
Liturgy of Hours 11:50 a.m.-prior to the
12:05 p.m. Mass
Meditation Prayer Group meets ever y
Tuesday night from 7:30—8:30 p.m. in the
church. Contact Ben Levine at 818-4370560 or email [email protected]
Our Lady of Guadalupe “Healing
Love” Rosary Group
7:00 p.m. Thursday in the Chapel. Janelle
Beck 805-497-1877
First Friday Devotions to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus: 10 a.m. Vinda at 818-9918683
Tuesday Prayer Group 7:50—9 a.m., in
the parish library. Lisa Maxey at 818 7061954 or email [email protected].
Rosary Cenacle Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Vinda 818-991-8683
Please pray for our ill.
Richard Agulia
Mel Amoroso
Richard Arenas
Linda Arista
Laura Atkinson
Karl Avery
Larry Baratte
Margaret JimenezBarrera
Manuel Barrera
Maria Elena Barth
Mary Bator
Nicole Cheney Bays
Christian Braden
Lois Brown
Caryn Burnett
Margaret Buting
Joanie Cahill
Patricia Carr
Edythe Chiaro
Annjane Clough
Keith Clough
Dana Clyman
Valerie Corrigan
Deacon Pat Coulter
John Cranham
Kaden Joseph Curts
Michael De Blasis
Lorita DeFir
Mary Jo Degens
Michael DiCecco
Elizabeth DeSantis
Bill Donovan
June Dube
John Ernst
Christina Espinal
Antino Espinoza
Tyler & Sherri Farland
Kathryn Farmer
Coco Fazzino
Frank Fontana
Jim Fox
Rachel Gen
Al Gomez
Richard Gonzales
Michall Gordon
Daniel, Jonathan,
& Teresa Guerra
Allison Gushman
Emily Hackaney
Linda Harley
Richard Hawley
Cornelia Heather
Ina Herkata
Debbie Hinojosa
Cheryl Holmes
Martha Huggins
Christy Hughe
Preshia Humecke
Laverne Jensen
Margaret Jimenez
Rudy Jimenez
Patty Jones
JoAnn Kemner
James Kostrab
Lois Kurt
Fred La Porte
Molly La Porte
Camille Land
Jesus T. Lauron
Kim Liebe
Joanna Lima
Rosemarie Lindner
Yolanda Lopez
Mario Lorenzetti
Mary Jo Malmo
Colleen Markham
Jo Maturo
Dorothy McGalliard
Alec McKay
John McGibbon
Dee Morrow
Ranjini Morton
Justine Ordona
Sofia Orduno
Anyssia Ozuna
Rosia Rocio Palacios
Jim Parell
Cecelia Patchett
Infant Elizabeth Petit
Dr. John &
Catherine Phelan
Carolyn Provenzano
Dave Rabin
Roy Raskin
Menica Reimer
Ben Reppos
Sylvia Rodriguez
Gloria Romasanta
Carmen Romo
Bob Ross
Rose Salvatore
Maria & Marissa
Joshua Schneiderman
Katie Semer
Linda Sieperman
Juan Silva
Michael Simoson
Carol Sivie
Gwen Strickley
Laura (Bauducco)
Mark Surby
George L. Thomas
Thomas Thorton
Delores Tibbett
Eugene Alexander
Vartan Vatarian
Virginia Walworth
Christine Wilson
Tom Whittington
Elaine Woodburn
Lima Yan
Pam Yantzer
Annie Yerkey
Jim Zimmerman
John Zitzelberger
Names will be deleted after a period of one
month. Call the parish office (818) 889-1279
to add a name of a family member who is in
need of prayer.
Sheila Wildermuth Brancato
Betty Brocious
Ronald Minnehan
Private Louie Alfaro, US Army
Major Nicholas Amenta, USAF
LCpl Andrew Brown, USMC-MARSOC
LCp1 Kenneth A. Cloutier, USMC
Major John F. D’Astoli, USMC
2nd Lt.Brendan Djernes, USAF
Major Scott DiGioia, USAF
A1C Kiani Ebuen, USAF
Seaman Shane Esseff, US Navy
Christian Garibay, USAF
Captain Paul G. Giberson, US Navy
PFC Kevin Hansen, US Army
Private Justin Huser, US Army
Lt. John R. Kimmel, US Navy
Lt. Colonel Brian McAvoy, USMC
Major Patrick McBride, USAF
Sergeant Graham Mullins, US Army
Captain Justin Nikodem, USAF
Senior Airman Ryan Paris, USAF
Spc. Simon Pompa, US Army
Private Christopher Withlow, US Army
Page 7
May 3, 2015
Giving Opportunities
St Jude the Apostle Church’s
online giving system
Make your one-time or recurring
donation using your debit card,
credit card, checking, or savings account.
Visit our homepage and click on WeShare Online
or visit
There are many giving opportunities:
General Collection
Together In Mission
Loaves and Fishes
Altar and Church Environment
Holy Days
Catholic Relief Services
St. Jude the Apostle School
Our Kids Helping Kids Ministry is collecting
“gently used” children’s and teens’ clothes and
Drop off your donations at the Parish Office now
through May 27th.
(Items will be donated to such area outreach
organizations as Many Mansions and Catholic
Charities Oxnard, Ventura and
Call Rose or Karen at 805-217-0154 or
Sue at 818-735-7946
Together In Mission
Parish Goal:
Amount Pledged: $ 89,337.00
Amount Paid:
$ 67,265.00
If you haven’t yet fulfilled your commitment, please
do so. Thank you for supporting
Together In Mission.
Difference Over/(Under)
Goal vs. Amount Paid:
Together in Mission was instituted to establish the
stewardship of our local Catholic Church among all
parishes to promote the mission of the Church.
The Dolores Mission provides showers
for nearly 100 homeless men daily.
Gently used or new towels are needed.
Please bring to the pastoral office.
Thank You.
Recycling Report
A St. Jude’s Loaves & Fishes Ministry
LA Archdiocese Collections
Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity
100% of your tax deductible contribution goes directly toward helping the poorest of the poor.
The goal of the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity is service to the
“neediest of the needy,” those for whom no other resources exist.
Service to individuals and families in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is the Cardinal McIntyre Fund’s highest priority.
Provision of food, shelter, one-time assistance to families in crises:
such as assistance with medical, funeral expenses, are appropriate as
funds allow and as recommended by those who are familiar with the
In other words, the “Fund” provides emergency help to persons who
have nowhere else to go.
[email protected] •
Office - 213-637-7438; Fax - 213-637-6438
Running Total: $ 60,459.22
Plastic, aluminum and glass bottles (except for wine--no
redemption value) can be dropped off anytime at all
containers marked "recycling" around the church
grounds. The main collection area is the Parish Patio
between the music ministry office and confirmation office.
For details contact Arthur Estrada (818) 571-7079 and
Julie Feely (818) 889-2449
Thank you to everyone who brings recyclables to St.
Jude’s Recycling Ministry for Homeless.
Your donations make a difference in the lives of our local
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May 3, 2015
Sˊ˒˗˝ J˞ˍˎ’˜ Mˊ˛˛˒ˊːˎ E˗ˌ˘˞˗˝ˎ˛ Wˎˎ˔ˎ˗ˍ!
Spend two days learning how to deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship,
rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament.
St. Jude’s Church Hall
June 27 & 28
November 14 & 15
You’ll save on overnight accommodations because at the end of Day
One, you’ll return home, then come back for Day Two.
Register online at or call
Russ and Jeanine Walker (805) 648-4244
An application fee of just $75 per couple confirms your participation.
New Meeting Format Begins May 11
Baby Day Collection begins Mother’s Day
Weekend, May 9th and 10th. Fill an empty
baby bottle with coins and cash, then return
it on Father’s Day Weekend,
June 20th
and 21st.
We will now be meeting on the second Monday of the month in the parish
hall. The format for every meeting will be fellowship/socializing followed
by a discussion and planning of club events that are of interest and value to
the men and families of St. Jude. The Men's Club aims to be the central
gathering point of the men of our parish in order to provide opportunities for
community building and for being of service to our church, our school, and
Little Ones who have benefitted from your the local community. Our meeting will include an open forum for input from
the men of St. Jude into the events that Men's Club will take on in the coming
months. If you haven't yet attended a club meeting, you are welcome to join
•Babies going into foster care who are served us. If you came before and have stopped coming, it's time to give the Men's
by ACTION of Ventura County
Club a second look and have some input into what Men's Club is all about.
•Babies in families living at Many Mansions D
Street transitional housing
•Babies cared for by St. John’s Medical
•Babies served by Catholic Charities of Ventura
Service day projects help seniors and disabled people
•Babies welcomed by Life Centers of Ventura
who have become so physically and financially strapped
that they, alone, can no longer handle small projects
around the house and yard. Most of the people needing
•Babies protected by Lighthouse Shelter,
help are referred to us by the local ACTION agency.
Interface, Lutheran Services and Dolores
Our Service Day Teams take on new nearby projects (organizing,
•Babies whose families complete Bebe Sano
cleaning, moving furniture, packing . . . maybe cutting grass,
well-baby classes at MICOP, an organization
trimming shrubs, raking leaves . . .that sort of thing). Why not put
reaching out to the strawberry workers of
on your jeans, t-shirt, work shoes, a hat—and join us. No supplies or
Ventura County
tools needed! We already have what you’ll need.
Days occur in Spring, Fall, and as the Need Arises
Adequate Clothing. Bedding.
next Service Day is October 10th.
Blankets. Strollers. Cribs.
And the number one need
(after Love)…..Diapers.
Making a Difference,
With YOUR Help!
We currently need On-Call Volunteers
Call Irma, 805-657-6278
Note: Students and Parents Needing Community Service Hours
Get Credit for Helping This Ministry!
Page 9
May 3, 2015
Fr. Jim Clarke Celebrates the Catholic Mass in
Sometimes a slowed-down version of the Roman Catholic Mass
gives people the opportunity to understand and reflect more deeply
on the meaning and significance of the prayers, gestures and
scripture readings that form the basis of this most sacred liturgical
rite. Fr. Jim Clarke, Director of Spiritual Formation at St. John’s
Seminary, will celebrate a “Mass in Slow-Motion” on Wednesday,
May 6, 2015, at 7:00 pm, at Padre Serra Catholic Church. He will
present an overview of ways in which the Mass has developed over
the centuries, as well as demonstrating a more mindful approach
that can lead to more active and full participation in the worship
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Padre Serra Church
5205 Upland Road, Camarillo
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
No Charge
Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 10th
Mrs. Michele Schulte, Principal
St. Jude the Apostle School
Upcoming School Activies:
School Drama Class proudly presents their 10th
Anniversary Production of “Guys and Dolls”. Friday,
May 8th at 7 pm in the parish hall. Come join us as
students from all grades at SJS sing, dance, and act their
way into your hearts. Tickets are available in the parish
office or through Paypal: Adults $10 and Students, Senior,
or Military Discount: $5
Ticket proceeds offset the cost of the production.
Thank you for your support!
Friday, May15th at 10 am in the Church: May
Procession: The entir e school will star t on our
playground to walk and say the Rosary together. We then
head into church for a prayer service which includes the
crowning of Mary. Our 8th grade class is dressed up for
this event as well as our 2nd graders in their First Eucharist
clothes. A wonderful school tradition. Please come and
join us.
May 6th The Gift of Listening – A Gift of Love
In a world full of technology, quick text replies and much talk, we
attend to what it means to foster listening skills in effective
communication. Real listening is more than hearing; it is being
present to the other in ways that communicate, “What you have to
say is important to me because I respect you and you are
important to me.” We listen with mind, heart, soul and body! We
will explore various aspects of listening including how we listen
to God and how God listens to us.
May, 13th The Prayer of Petition
"Until now you have not asked," Jesus says to us.
Perhaps we are stuck trying to understand the prayer of asking. We
do not wish to bother God with our trivia, given how much He
needs to attend to the bigger issues of our world! How wrong this
is. We sell God short, as if He is too limited to handle our human
needs and desires. St. Paul reminds us: “Don’t worry about
anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need,
always asking Him with a thankful heart. ” Philippians 4.6
We will explore various aspects of this prayer, aware that it is a
prayer flowing from deep faith and trust in God’s goodness and
provident care.
Wednesdays from 7:30—8 pm
Notre Dame Center
1776 Hendrix Avenue
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
TO REGISTER: Please contact Sister Marie Paul Grech at
(805) 496-3242 x 760 or [email protected]
St. Jude the Apostle Elementary School
We are now accepting is applications for the 2015-2016
School Year.
The school is expanding our outreach and marketing
program. If you have little ones with you in church, please
see our new St. Jude School coloring book and
complimentary crayons in baskets at the back of the church.
School tours are available throughout the school week and
can be scheduled by calling or emailing me at:
[email protected] or 818-889-9483.
Boy Scouts: Lloyd Brenner (818) 991-0682
Cub Scouts: James Campanile (818) 889-6957
[email protected]
Girl Scouts: Jilla Rodarte (818) 707-6323
Religious Awards: Lori Manfredonia
(818) 706-2251
Page 10
May 3, 2015
St. Jude’s Gift Shop
All Aboard the S.S. Bella Vita!
Pack your bags for
Bella Vita’s mock cruise.
Con irmationand
Help us celebrate Bella Vita’s 45th
Anniversary with an evening of fun, great
entertainment, outstanding food, and lots
of laughs and celebration!
We will be sailing on Friday, May 22nd at
6 pm from St. Jude’s Hall. Cost is $150
per person. We will be raffling off a
$300 Cash Prize.
Mother’s Day is May 10th
Reservations are a must, please call
Betty at (805) 496-6905 no later than
May 18th.
Welcome Aboard!
The Continuing Commitment to
Protect Children and Young People
As part of the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles continuing commitment to
protect children and young people,
this past year, the Office of
Safeguard the Children trained
30,514 adults and 166,850 children in the VIRTUS®
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs. In
addition the Fingerprinting Department completed
background checks on approximately 10,000 new
clergy, employees and volunteers. For information
about the VIRTUS® Programs contact:
[email protected] or go to
Congratulations to
Ramiro Perez
Georgina Raya
Married Friday, April 24, 2015
Cardinal McIntyre Fund Collection pg 7
First Communion Masses Noon & 2 pm
Cinco de Mayo
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Breakfast for Homeless, Ventura
10 Mother’s Day; Baby Bottle Hand Out for
“Baby Day” pg 8
11 Men’s Club Meeting pg 8
16 Armed Forces Day
16 Loaves and Fishes Food Collection, Area 3
17 First Communion Mass 2 pm
18 Sandwich Preparation, Parish Hall 10 am
20 50+ Group: Cinco de Mayo in the Hall!
25 Memorial Day
13 Breakfast for Homeless, Ventura
17 50+ Group: Senior Care Presentation
20 Conejo Youth Festival
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament