Easter Sunday - Saint William Catholic Church
Easter Sunday - Saint William Catholic Church
Parish Office: 750 Seagate Drive Naples, FL 34103 Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm Phone: 261-4883 Fax: 261-8729 Web Site www.saintwilliam.org After Hours Emergencies 261-4883 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5 , 2015 Director of Operations : Parish Priests: Rev. George Ratzmann, Pastor Rev. Ronnie Sison Rev. Rafal Ligenza In Active Retirement: Rev. Arnold D’Achille Parish Deacons: Russ Grant Gary C. Ingold Michael J. Mahr, 261-4883 Religious Education: Mary Jane Spirk, Dir. 263-5429 Music Ministry: Gary Robertson, 913-6805 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Lina M. Hernandez, Dir. 262-8618 Coordinator of Volunteer Ministers: Janet Mitchell, Dir. 261-1876 Dominican Sisters: 261-5831 Parish Nurse: Sr. Christa Cunningham Rosanne Rechlin, 262-0338 Sr. Jean Tranel Bookkeeper & Office Manager Chris Michael, 776-7893 MASSES FOR THE WEEK SCHEDULE MASSES: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: 2:45 , 4:30 & 6;15 PM 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM Celebrant Daily: 7 & 8 AM and 12 :10 PM Mon. thru Fri., Saturday 8AM Only CONFESSIONS: Fridays 5-7PM and Saturdays 9-11AM BAPTISMS: 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Office, 261-4883, during pregnancy to make an appointment for instruction. NOTICE: Sacramental Preparation - Diocesan regulations require two continuous years of religious instruction before receiving the Sacraments of First Communion in Second Grade and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Tenth Grade. This includes Religious Education, Youth Ministry or a Diocesan recognized Catholic School plus additional sacramental preparation classes. These classes are held monthly on a Sunday other than the Family Faith Formation and additional registration. MARRIAGE: For the Sacrament of Matrimony, a required six month period of preparation, call Francia Stevens, our wedding coordinator, 821-7916 HOMEBOUND: Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick. Please call 262-0338 to make arrangements. MINISTRIES Eucharistic Ministers: Natural Family Planning: Readers/Lectors Respite Ministry: Small Christian Communities: Ushers: Altar Servers Arimatheans Richard Sampson Jack & Angela Connor Paul French Mary Lou & Bill Rehring Joan Szot Stan Kabala David Caldwell Jean Leitton Rose Goodof 353-6564 597-6262 777-5725 263-5432 261-3632 248-3216 263-3346 513-0910 649-6301 ORGANIZATIONS Alternatives to Abortion: Bridge Club: Catholic Charities: Council of Catholic Women: Cursillo: Fatima Prayer Group: Gift Shop: Knights of Columbus: Lay Carmelites: Respect Life: Rosary Makers: Secular Franciscans: St. Vincent DePaul Society: 777-8343 Anita Gerth 263-8608 Elaine Stanley 455-2655 Suzanne Fleming 436-3746 Gene Venditto 434-6537 JoAnn Stahlman 571-3233 Carolann Rough 398-6824 MaryLynn Stahnke 261-4316 Richard Sampson 353-6564 Jean Leitton 513-0910 Judy Humphrey 261-1123 Fred & Barbara Goduti 261-4810 Kathy Ball 776-5376 Bill Roche 678-740-6560 Dianne Kabala 248-1360 Monday - April 6th 8:00 † Mary Mandolini 12:10 † Anna Riva Tuesday - April 7th 8:00 † Barbara Notte 12:10 † Evelyn Marie Barker Wednesday - April 8th 8:00 † Audrey V. Petruski 12:10 † Mary (Lu) Pfohl Thursday - April 9th 8:00 † Mary Ann Forsthoff 12:10 † Maria Lisa Maran Friday - April 10th 8:00 †Dan & Kathleen Mullally 12:10 † John R. Carollo Saturday - April 11th 8:00 † Alice Beliveau 10:00 Confessions 2:45 † Gerianne Halas 4:30 † Jack McGuire 6:15 † Andrew Dillon Sunday - April 12th 7:00 For our parishioners 9:00 † Robert Hall Denny 11:00 † Mary Ruck 1:00 † Thomas Gibbons Fr. Ligenza Fr. Sison Fr. Sison Fr.D’Achille Fr.Ratzmann Fr.Ratzmann Fr. Ligenza Fr.Ratzmann Fr. Sison Fr. Ligenza Fr.D’Achille Fr. Sison Fr. Ligenza Fr.Ratzmann Fr. Sison Fr. Sison Fr. Ligenza Fr Ratzmann Fr.D’Achille Call the parish office if you’d like to know who requested a Mass This Week at a Glance Sun. Mon. Mon. Tue. Tue. Wed. Wed. Wed. Thu. Thu. Thu. Thu Sun. Sun Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr. 7 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr. 8 Apr. 8 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr. 9 Apr 9 Apr.12 Apr.12 Easter Sunday Parish Office Closed Euch. Adoration, 12:30-2PM Novena, 6:30 PM Catholics Welcome Home,7PM Biblical Walk thru Mass 9AM BRIDGE, 10AM Family Faith Form., 6PM Bandage Makers, 9AM Rosary Makers, 9AM Priest, Prophet, King 9AM Prayer Shawl, 1PM FamilyFaith Form.10:30AM Divine Mercy Sunday Services , 2PM Welcome to Saint William Parish If you are visiting or looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to Saint William Parish. Please consider registering as a member of our church family at the Parish Office during business hours. Registration forms are also available in the Gift Shop in the narthex of the Church after Masses. Registration is required for participation in the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, and Marriage. CATHOLIC FAITH APPEAL 2015 AS OF : March 22nd GOAL: PLEDGED: % OF GOAL: TOTAL PAYMENTS: $533,000 393,267 73.78% $316,772 The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in memory of Michael Baviello, Sr. Parish Prayer Intentions A book listing those in need of prayer is located in the narthex (entry way) of the church. You may write your prayer intentions in the book and the needs listed are prayed for daily. THE WEEK OF MARCH 29, 2015: Offertory: Available next week Thank you for your generosity! EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5, 2015 A violent thunderstorm is both awesome and terrifying. The sheer brutal force of nature is unleased and the thunder, lightning, wind and rain command respect and a healthy distance. But no matter how magnificent the storm, nothing compares to the beauty of the day after, when the air is clean, the sky clear and the sun more brilliant than ever. One cannot help but feel renewed and more alive when basking in such light. Easter comes like the day after. The stormy battle of grace and sin, of life and death is over. Jesus is the Victor and with Him comes new life, new hope and a new peace. If we have struggled with sin and reached for grace during this past Lent, we will experience the peace of Easter. If not, the time is now. Jesus waits for us. So while the ultimate battle is done, there are still the remnants of sin to be dealt with in our own lives. We are given the grace we need to be holy and to do good. You have been made worthy of the lot of the saints in light. In Baptism you were given a share, renewed today in the Baptismal promises you make again. Let the light shine! It is the only way to see where you are going! Liturgical Publications, Fr. George’s Homilies Now Available ONLINE You can now listen to the Gospel and Homily from weekends past on our website or through the Apple Podcast App on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Check out the parish website at www.saintwilliam.org and look for the homilies button under the Priest Schedule for the week OR search Saint William Catholic Church and look for our logo. Subscribe to the podcast and when we upload each new one, it will let you know when it’s available! Stay tuned…more great changes coming for you to interact and stay in touch with Saint William wherever you are! Readings for the week of April 5, 2015 Sunday: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord; Act 10: 34-43; Col #: 1-4 or 1 Cor 5: 6-; Jn 20: 29 (42) or Mk 16: 1-7 (41) Monday: Acts 2: 14-22-33; Mt 28: 8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2: 36-41; Jn 20: 11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Lk 224: 13-25 Thursday: Acts 3: 11-26; Lk 24: 35-48 Friday: Acts 4: 12; Jn 21: 1-14 Saturday: Acts 4: 13-21; Mk 16: 9-15 Next Sunday: Divine Mercy Sunday; Acts 4: 32-35; 1 Jn 5: 1-6; Jn 20: 19-31 THIS WEEK WITH YOUR ST. WILLIAM FAMILY: Welcomed as new parishioners: Barbara DiStefano; Peter & Jacquelyn McKenna; John & Karleen Hagan; Gaetano, Schawna, Olivia & Karina Miner; Kristen Benza; Kevin, Mary & Jillian Kohlasch; John & Sandra O’Donoghue; Helena Privitera. Welcomed into our faith community through Baptism: Brian Suarez Pray for the deceased: Charles Gerk Pray for the sick: Diane Davis Max Berlin Mary Lenick Mary Kennedy Louie Georgianna Joanna Clark Diane Ullrich Susan Blohowiak Ronald Sorvino Mariel Drakesmith Bloch Robert Tylicki, Sr. Joyce Nicholson Renee Gary Rossio Steven Bratcher Carol Hall Gloria Maloney Betty Wanta Don Morf Ron Wartman Fr. Michael P. Sullivan Doris Marchetta Vallarie Johnson Jen Young Martha Hine Richard Polombo John Toohey Mary Becker Jennifer Sawyer Robert Marino Bud Lesmeier Edmund Scott Wilis Elizabeth Margrane James Kolessar Chris Mulholland Sandy Ambrosh Marcia Huseth Maggie & Tom Metcalf Joyce Nepa Flora Rego John Jeronsek Maggie Barananno Rowan Rusnock Juan Ovido Sheila Gave Angel Orlando Maureen Mackson Joyce Davis Margaret Keppel Debbie Suzanne Blouin Judy Fahey George Vogel Gary Smith Pat Roche Florence Stella Julie Marsch Marie John & Dolores Kula Bro. Pio Maria Stanislaus B. Ada Timblin JOIN US FOR EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AFTER 12:10 PM MASS & FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH IN THE CHURCH, 9AM—12NOON ALL OTHER FRIDAYS IN THE SMALL CHAPEL IN THE PARISH OFFICE, 9AM—12 NOON Terry Speziale Margaret Grimes Don Gerth Sheila Crehan Charles Gerk Lorene Chiancola Sam Chiancola Sally Motherway Bill Fitzgerald Inge Corbett Jane Earle Sally Frazier Gerri Marsch Joan Kent Larry Chance Frank Caccavo,Jr. Susan Bailey, Anne Timlin Sr. Maria Paulina Jerry Thirion Fr. Tom O’Brien Patrick Fitzgerald Jeanine Paulson Dolan Lillian Pooler Lisa Luthringer Spencer Nunley Jacob Moll Marlene Landstra Gino Nocera Rosa Vitiello Wilkins Vilcin Chris Ruggiero Jennifer Dorta E.V. Mary Rose Goduti Victor Buckett . Call the parish office if you know some parishioner who is sick and can use our prayers. SIGN UP TO TAKE UP THE GIFTS— If a Saturday evening or Sunday Mass has a special connection for you—offered for a loved one, an anniversary or birthday—and you would like to carry the gifts to the altar in the Offertory Procession, or if this is just something you would like to do, be sure to sign up for that Mass ahead of time in the book located in the Narthex. You will need to let the ushers know you are scheduled to bring up the gifts at least ten minutes before the start of that Mass. COME PRAY WITH US - You are invited to stay 15 minutes after the 8AM and 12:10 PM Mass each weekday to pray the rosary with us for your personal intentions and for the intentions of the Church and for our Country. The Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the little Meditation Chapel in the parish office and is open dur ing our r egular par ish office hour s, 8:30AM-4:30 PM. Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help - Join us Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Ministry Center for this half hour of devotion in honor of our Blessed Mother, including prayer, rosary and benediction. Chaplet of Divine Mercy in office chapel each Wednesday at 3:00 PM (when office open) A d Easter Sunday: DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY: Jesus speaks: “The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day (Divine Mercy Sunday) all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened.” (St. Faustina’s Diary, 699) Please join us next Sunday, April 12th from 2:15 – 3:30PM for our Divine Mercy Celebration. The service will commence with a Rosary, procession of the Divine Image led by the Knights of Columbus, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection on Divine Mercy, the chanting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. A plenary Indulgence has been granted by the Vatican to the faithful who, on this day, take part in prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy. The indulgence requires sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer for the intentions of Pope Francis. Confessions will be available Saturday from 10 – 11:00 AM. There will also be a special blessing of the “Divine Mercy Icon” by renowned iconographer Fr. Thomas Loya. The icon is located in the narthex. For further information call Fred or Barb Goduti at 261-4810 A GABRIEL PROJECT UPDATE: We currently are in need of double strollers. As we continue to provide assistance to pregnant women in need, we are looking to expand our outreach ministry. The Gabriel Project is a mentor and assistance program dedicated to pregnant women in need. These women said no to abortion and yes to life. The Project does many good things for these women. We need your help! If you would like to join our mission and volunteer or donate to our cause, please call Carol at 239793-0826. Training will be provided to all new volunteers. PROLIFE QUALITY RESALE SHOP ~ ROSE GARDEN Volunteers, customers, and donors…. Please come. Located at: 938 3rd Avenue North. Hours: Monday-Saturday from 10am -4pm. We recycle EVERYTHING. No experience necessary. For more information please call Eli at 403-0700 or 5375608. Thanks & God bless! Health Ministry Minute Whether you are preparing to take medication yourself, or you are responsible for preparing the medication of another, the idea of taking/giving the wrong medication dosage may be concerning. April 1April 7 is Medication Safety Week, a good time to review the following safety reminders. 1. Follow the directions on the “Drug Facts” label of your medication. 2. Know the active ingredient. 3. Take/give the right medication, in the right strength and amount. 4. If you are taking/giving multiple medications, be sure to know what can be mixed and what cannot be mixed. Your physician or pharmacist would be a good resource. 5. If you are taking/giving medications, do not take an over the counter medication or herbal supplement without checking with your physician/pharmacist. 6. Store all medications in a safe place. 7. Before using, check the medicine three times: outside packaging, inside packaging, and actual medicine color/shape/size/smell. 8. Use the dosing delivery device that come with the medicine such as a dropper, or a dosing cup. This information is not intended to replace the recommendations of your personal health care provider. Parish Nurse, Rosanne Rechlin, 262-0338 JOIN US FOR LUNCHEON!! All are invited to the Ave Maria University Greater Naples Founders Club luncheon featuring Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life, to be held on Monday, April 20 at the Naples Hilton. Join us for Mass at 11:00 am (optional), with registration starting at 11:30 am and lunch at 12:00 pm. The cost is $75 per person. Proceeds go to the Jon Scharfenberger Memorial Pro-Life Scholarship. Advance payment is required by April 13. Register online at http://www.avemaria.edu/SupportAMU/events or call Sydney at 239-250-3537 for credit card payments. Checks payable to Ave Maria University (Founders Luncheon in the memo field) can be mailed to Ave Maria University, 5050 Ave Maria Blvd., Ave Maria , FL , 34142. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (OR) The Children Leaving for the Gospel Here at St. William’s we have dedicated couples who spend the scripture and homily time during the 9:00 mass with your children for their own special time listening to the Word of God. This time brings the Word of God home to them as children. Jim and Janice Iacovino and David and Barbara Caldwell are the two couples who have been doing this for some time. David and Barbara are stepping down after eighteen years of being there for our children. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude for their time, talent, and dedication to this ministry. I know God will bless them ten times ten for their dedication to our children. We are asking for volunteers to provide this time for our children each Sunday at the 9:00 mass. A married couple or two people with the desire can do it together. Training and materials are provided for you. If you would like more information please call Mary Jane in the Ministry Center (239-263-5429) A FAMILY PRAYER Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of our family. Enlighten our hearts and minds that we may live more fully this vocation to love. In our daily life and work, may we reflect the self-giving love which you, O Father, eternally show with your Son and Holy Spirit. Let your love be evident in the peace that reigns in our home and in the faith we profess and live. May our family always be a place of generosity, understanding, forgiveness and joy. Kindly give us the wisdom and courage to be witnesses to your eternal design for the family; and grant that the Holy Family of Nazareth may always guide our path to holiness as a family. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever, Amen SHEETS AND SHIRTS NEEDED TO MAKE BANDAGES We have here at St. William parish a very dedicated group who meet on Thursday mornings at 9AM to make bandages which are sent to the missions. They can use any old sheets and pillow cases, any size and men’s dress shirts in light colors. Please drop these donations off in a bag marked “For Bandages” in the Ministry Center or Parish Office. If you would like to join this group, or are interested in more information about their work, call Mary Silva, 261-8747 “One Day through the Rosary and Scapular I will save the World” -Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Dominic The ST. WILLIAM ROSARY MAKERS invites to JOIN US and become a member of our ministry! We gather on Thursday’s from 9:00 am – 11:00 am at St. William’s Ministry Center, 750 Seagate Drive, Naples, FL to make rosary beads to spread Our Blessed Mother’s word around the world. Our members are men and women from ALL PARISHES in the Naples area. Come and let us teach you! Give us your time and your talent. We will give you the supplies you need and you can make them at home. Whether you are a permanent resident or a seasonal resident, young or young-at-heart, our ministry would be blessed to have you! For further information, please call Kathy Ball at 239-776-5376 or e-mail [email protected]. God Bless You. Religious Education Family Faith Formation “Nurturing Faith in Your Family” EASTER: The REAL Reason for the Season We plan for weeks for Christmas, but when it comes to Easter, not so much. Yet, the Triduum (Holy Week) and Easter (Christ’s Resurrection) are the MOST important days of the Church Year. Our culture tends to place all the emphasis on Christmas, we, as Catholic, are called to find way to make our Easter celebration a highlight of our family year. What are your Easter family traditions? Do you have a special food you only have at Easter? My Mother always made a special lamb cake just for Easter. Do you have a family activity? An Easter egg hunt, having your Easter food blessed on Holy Saturday, or even having a family picture taken in new clothes? You decide what your tradition already are or invest in a new tradition. It will nurture your family faith. Upcoming Classes Family Faith Formation Wednesday, April 8 – 6:00 pm Sunday, April 12 – 10:30 am Sacrament Preparation Sacrament Preparation Class – Sunday, April 19 - 10:30 am Family Retreat – Saturday, April 25 – 9:00 am Confirmation – Attend Life Teen & Sunday Mass Easter Sunday John 20:1-9 A thought on the Gospel We have the “Good News!” What will we do about it? SAINT WILLIAM PARISH ADULT FAITH FORMATION A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS Wednesdays, April 8th to May 13th, 2015 9:15AM in Ministry Center Hall Facilitator: Sr. Christa Cunningham It can truly be said that the Catholic Mass is the most amazing event on earth. As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our Faith. We celebrate it every day. We know the responses and the gestures. But, do we know what it all means. This five-part study provides a unique tour of the timeless Liturgy. We will explore the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience during Mass and their profound significance, and come to know the Mass in a new light. $20.00 textbook and workbook fee. Please call Karin Daniels @ 776-7898 to register for this course. CATHOLICS WELCOME HOME Tuesdays, April 14 to May 26, 2015 7:00 to 9:00 pm Ministry Center, Room 7 Sr. Christa Cunningham and Team This course is for Catholics who have been away from the Church for some time. For whatever reason you have been away, we invite you to renew your relationship with the Catholic Church. We will address your questions and help you feel at home again. Please call Sr. Christa for information @ 261-5831. INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF REVELATION Wednesday, April 15th 7:00pm Or Friday, April 17th 9:15am Ministry Center Hall Presenter: Fr. George Ratzmann The Apocalypse, or Revelation to John, is the last book of the Bible and one of the most difficult to understand. It abounds in unfamiliar and extravagant symbolism, which at best appears unusual to the modern reader. Such literature enjoyed wide popularity in both Jewish and Christian circles from ca. 200 B.C. to A.D. 200. Revelation is an exhortation and admonition to Christians of the first century to stand firm in the faith and to avoid compromise with paganism. Fr. George will help unravel its mysteries and will show us how Revelation has a profound message for all of us. LISTENING WITH INTENT TO GOD & OTHERS Wednesday, April 22 7:00pm Or Thursday, April 23rd 9:15am Ministry Center Hall Presenters: Carol Marlow & Sr. Christa Our ears are a gift from God, and listening is a gift we give to God and others. When we listen with intent to others, it makes the receiver feel valued and validated. Most of us can become better listeners by identifying our listening style and identifying roadblocks and emotional triggers that can cause misunderstanding and conflict. This workshop will help enhance your listening skills and improve your ability to listen to God and others. This will also be an opportunity to meet other parishioners by actively listening to them and having them listen to you in return. Come join us. You will not be disappointed. SEASONAL PARISHIONERS??? BRIDGE!! HEADING NORTH?? Please email:[email protected] or call parish office, 261-4883 to let us know you are leaving so we can stop your envelope mailings until you return. Upon your return, please call or email and we will resume your mailings. GODSPEED & HAPPY EASTER! APRIL 8 & 15TH THIS MONTH In the Church Hall Arrive 9;30; begin 10AM Bring a Partner For information call Anita at 263-8608 Rose Garden Thrift Shop - Volunteers Needed Naples only thrift shop to support our local pro-life organizations— Sunlight Home, Action for Life, Collier Pregnancy Center, Youth for Life If you are looking for a way to show your support for these groups who stand up for life from conception to natural death - you can donate your time, as little or as much as you are able. Volunteers are needed to sort and sell at the shop, help pick up donated items, (anybody with a truck and muscle would be a God-send). You can drop off your small donated items at the parish office, and as always, pray to end abortion! Come see us at - 938 3rd Ave. N. - 403-0700. With some of our seasonal volunteers leaving, we sure could us a few year-rounders to fill in the gaps. Just a few hours a week. For mor e information~ call 403-0700. ST. VINCENT de PAUL MONTHLY FOOD DRIVE The St. Vincent de Paul-St. William Conference conducts a monthly food drive the third Sunday of every month. The next food drive will be held April 18 and 19, 2015. Look for the white van in front of the Church at all Masses that weekend. With gratitude, our Conference thanks the people of this faith community for your generous spirit in filling our van at this month's food drive. We thank those who gave with a monetary donation, which will be used to purchase food items for the Council pantry. Thank you for your spirit of giving to God's people. ST. WILLIAM CCW SCHOLARSHIP FOR CATHOLIC HIGHER EDUCATION – St. William CCW has budgeted and allocated funds for our remaining seven (7) recipients from the Fall of 2015 through their graduation. This will require $38,000 plus Graduation Recognition Awards of $1,750. A few years ago, CCW received a sizeable beq uest ($50,000) earmarked for scholarships which had enabled us to add several additional students to our program. These funds have been applied to that purpose. Therefore, at this writing, we will not be offering any NEW scholarships for the fall of 2015. To continue this important program, we need your support. Tax deductible donations may be made to: St. William Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Scholarship Fund, dropped in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to the church office – Attn. CCW. Please remember our Scholarship Fund when you are writing or updating your will or trust. Reservations required for the St. William Council of Catholic Women Friday, April 10th , 2015 - Luncheon Time: 1:PM Cost: $22. payable at the door (cash or check) E-mail your reservation to: [email protected] OR call Rita Bates @ 239 649-6741 - you will receive a confirmation Jack Conroy, popular Naples Professor, Writer and Speaker “SCRIPTURE and POPE FRANCIS” PROGRAM: Jack and his wife Joan moved to Naples in 1963. They have three adult children, twelve grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. After Jack retired he secured a Ph.D in Theology at Notre Dame, awarded in 2008. His main interest is in Hellenistic Judaism and Christian Origins, He has taught Theology and Scripture for the Blessed Edmund Rice School for Pastoral Ministry and Barry University. He speaks regularly on Scripture and issues dealing with historical Christian Anti-Judaism. Coming by yourself? Don’t know anyone? Let us know when you make your reservation! LUNCHEON LOCATION: Please make (or cancel) reservations no later than Wednesday, April 8th Pelican Bay Country Club 707 Gulf Park Drive, Naples FL 34108 **It’s SEASON! PLEASE CARPOOL IF AT ALL POSSIBLE! GIFT SHOP NEWS A Happy and Blessed Easter to all from the Gift Shop Volunteers …. Although we are closed this weekend, we’ll be back up and running on Monday with our regular hours: Daily before and after the 12:10 Mass and weekends, before and after every Mass. We hope you’ll stop in and see why our visitors are so impressed wit h our shop! It is not unusual to hear “You have such a wonderful and varied selection in such a small shop!” What can we say? From statues of popular saints, the Blessed Mother and our Lord, to inexpensive religious costume jewelry, Swavroski and sterling jewelry, a large selection of rosaries and medal pendants—so reasonably priced. And don’t forget the large selection of inspiring and gift books and much, much more! Have questions? The volunteers are always happy to help. “Give Us this Day” availasble. RESPITE MINISTRY The St. William Respite Ministry is a group of dedicated volunteers who provide care for homebound persons. They spend a few hours weekly visiting with the homebound person in their home, so that the primary caregiver can have some personal time to use as needed. The volunteers have had background checks and training and there is no charge for this service. If you could use this type of help, or know of someone who might, please call the Respite Ministry number listed in the weekly bulletin, 239-263-5432. Many caregivers have found this to be very helpful in difficult and stressful situations. Perhaps you may be one of them. Fr. George Ratzmann Thursday, April 9, 2015 Making Sense Out Of Suffering 6:30-8:30 PM (Doors open at 6:00 PM) St. John the Evangelist PLC Ballroom 625 111th Avenue North, Naples $20 prepay (includes light dinner, glass of wine/beverage, and speaker) Everyone suffers at some point in their life, but Christians have a unique perspective on suffering. Jesus suffered and died on the cross to save us. Our own suffering arises out of freedom to make choices, both good and bad, and freedom is necessary for us to freely receive God's love and freely love God in return. Know that when we suffer, we never suffer alone. The God of compassion suffers with us. Join us to learn more from Father George Ratzmann, Pastor of St. William Catholic Church. Free babysitting available on site!! If interested, email [email protected] Save the Dates! 2015: Sept. 24 Oct. 22 Nov. 12 Dec. 10 2016: Jan. 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 10 Apr. 14 Please prepay for this event no later than noon on April 7th by going to www.faithandwine.com or dropping off exact cash (no change) or your check made payable to “Faith and Wine, Inc.” to the St. John parish office. Or you can mail (post-marked before April 3rd) your check to Mary Beth Clary, Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur LLP, 9132 Strada Place, 3 rd Floor, Naples, Florida 34108. NEW THIS YEAR – You must prepay – NO WALK-INS! Faith and Wine is a group of diverse women who seek fellowship with each other and a greater understanding of their Catholic faith in order to enrich their lives and help them cope with the ever-changing challenges presented by today's society. For more information, please visit our website at www.faithandwine.com. ST. VINCENT de PAUL NEWS The St. Vincent de Paul Society, Naples District Council, announces its annual scholarship program to assist needy students and their families in attending our local Catholic schools both high school and elementary. The Council will once again award $3,500 Martin J. Cunniffe Scholarships for students, who will attend a Catholic high school during the 2015-2016 academic year. Also, being awarded will be $3,000 scholarships for those attending or seeking admission in one of our local Catholic elementary schools. Families of all recipients must be active parishioners of their parish. Please call 775-1667 and ask for Samantha or Kim for an application. FINAL DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION AND RECEIPT OF ALL APPLICATIONS IS APRIL 17, 2015. Knight Watch “In Service to One. In Service to All.” April 4—5, 2015 Easter is the fulfillment of Christ's life as a man on earth. He was born, He lived, He preached, He suffered, He died and He rose from the dead. Easter is the feast of our salvation, when through his death and resurrection Christ redeemed the world. Yes, that is the reason we celebrate Easter; that is why we are here today as the Body of Christ. Easter is a very serious Catholic Holy Day. In fact it is the most Holy Day of the Year. It has all the elements of a Hollywood movie. It has joy, friendship,love, deceit, mobs, violence, unjust behavior, sorrow, death and life. But what about all the other stuff that comes with Easter. What about the cultural and family traditions that for us, our children and grandchildren were and still are an important part of the Easter Holiday. Children are always an important part of holidays. However most holidays are fun and happy events like Christmas, The 4th of July and Thanksgiving. Easter on the other hand is a process that begins as a very serious tragedy and ends in complete joy. How do you explain Easter to children. Learning is a process and many concepts are learned over time at different levels. For some, the full meaning of Easter is not totally comprehended until adulthood. Traditions are hard to explain. Sometimes different families have very different explanations for the same tradition. As children grow and learn, we always try to keep them engaged in all that we do. Many of these traditions began as ways to keep children involved in Easter. Some began thousands of years ago while others began just a century or two ago. Take a look and see if your family did some of these Easter festivities: Color Easter Eggs, Easter Egg Hunts, Candy of all types, the Easter Bunny, Special Easter food, New Clothes, Easter Bonnets and for us New Yorkers, the Easter Parade down Fifth Avenue. If your family has different Easter traditions, please let me know. If you have any ideas or comments, please SK Richard Sampson - 239-353-6564 FUTURE K of C EVENTS Every Monday at 8:00AM—Pray at Planned Parenthood Sat - April 11th—Dinner Dance 6:00 PM—Pig Roast— Call Richard Sampson ASAP—239-353-6564 Tues –Apr 14— Regular Business Meeting Sun—April 26—Corporate Communion Wed—May 13—Fallen Knights Mass May 29 to 31—Council Retreat Sat—June 13—Appreciation Night Knights of Columbus Pig Roast & Cake Silent Auction Date: April 11, 2015 Time: 6:00 PM Place: Church Hall Menu: Whole Roasted Pig, Beans, Veg, Rolls, Cole Slaw and Dessert & Coffee Cake Auction—bring you check book. Cakes, Pies and Desserts donated the finest restaurants in Naples will be auctions off. $30 per ticket with all checks made out to Knights of Columbus The Fourth Degree Assembly— The Fourth Degree Assembly meets on the fourth Thursday of the month in the Church Hall at 6:30 p.m. All visiting Sir Knights are welcome. For more information, contact SK Bruce Barone at (239) 262-6628. Join St. William Catholic Church on a 10 Day Greek Pilgrimage 3 Day Aegean Cruise In the Footsteps of St. Paul Sept 25 - Oct 5, 2015 $4,694 from Fort Myers, FL Highlights of Inclusions: † Round-trip airfare † All Airport Taxes & Fuel Surcharges! † 9 nights at centrally located First Class Hotels † Transfers as per itinerary † Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner while on Cruise † Breakfast and Dinner daily † Wine with dinners † Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach † Assistance of a professional local Catholic guide(s) † Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary † Catholic Priest available for Spiritual Direction † Mass daily & Spiritual activities † Port taxes & fees † All tips included while on cruise For brochure and details contact Jane Cihon 810-335-3342 or [email protected]