Good Friday - Santa Cruz Bible Church
Good Friday - Santa Cruz Bible Church
Join us at one of our weekend services! Our Contemporary Service at 9am has a softer sound and brighter lights. Our Alternative Service at 10:45am has a bolder sound and a more progressive feel. Coming Soon... Mar 29 Women’s Bible Study April 3 Good Friday Mar 29 Dave Ramsey Legacy Class April 4 Easter Service 6pm Mar 30 Monday Night Bible Study April 5 Sunrise Service 7am Mar 31 TNL Middle School April 5 Easter Services 9 & 10:45am Mar 31 Women’s PM Bible Study April 9 New Women’s Thursday AM Bible Study begins April 1 Grief Share April 2 Women’s AM Bible Study April 11 Men’s Breakfast Follow us on Instagram Check us out on Facebook! Santa Cruz Bible Church 440 Frederick Street, Santa Cruz, Ca. 95062 831.429.1162 Welcome to SCBC Happening soon E aster 2015 This year Santa Cruz Bible is partnering with Vintage Faith Church for one big Easter celebration! There are 4 services to choose from; Saturday Night at 6pm, Sunday Sunrise Service at 7am (this one is at the Lighthouse) and Sunday 9 & 10:45 here at SCBC. The sunrise service will include a pancake breakfast. We will have a continental breakast and train rides here at the SCBC location! March 29, 2015 Good morning, and welcome to Santa Cruz Bible Church. Being a fan can be a really enjoyable experience. As fans we cheer and support our teams. Not only in sports, but in our faith we can be fans. A lot of people are fans of Jesus these days. But is that what Jesus is really looking forfans? In this series, our eyes will be opened to what the Lord really wants from us. Join us as over these next few weeks we will search our hearts together and ask, “Am I a follower of Jesus, or am I just a fan?” For more information about SCBC, please stop by Guest Services in the lobby after service. We would love to meet you. We are glad you are here! G ood Friday Our service for Good Friday will draw us into the story of God’s love for us. We will explore the reality of Christ’s sacrifice with a hopeful look toward the resurrection. We will enter into the wonder and beauty of the Cross of Jesus. Join us for this important evening on April 3 at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome! E mpowered to Connect The Empowered To Connect Conference is a two-day conference for adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders, and professionals designed to help them connect with children from hard places in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be. Conference sessions will be held from 9am-5pm on April 10-11. See the table in the lobby for more information. Connect with a Text In addition to our communication cards, for those of you who would like to go paperless, you can also connect and request more info about the church via your mobile device. Simply text “Welcome” to ( 831) 272-0276 and you’ll receive instructions on how to connect with us. New to SCBC We would love to meet you after our 9:00 or 10:45am Sunday service. Join us at Guest Services. Family Room Have a young child that is restless in service? Visit our family room downstairs near the West side doors. Need to nurse your infant? Try our nursing mom’s room, upstairs above the kitchen. Need Prayer? Share a prayer request/praise by putting the communication card in the offering bag. Prayer is available by calling 429-5720 x772 or Marilyn 438-2664 for immediate prayer. S CBC Women’s Retreat 2015 Five spots are left at our SCBC Spring Women’s Retreat at Redwood Christian Park on April 24-26, 2015. This year’s speaker is Renee Swope. Come learn how to live daily in the security of God’s promises. There will also be two amazing worship bands, Nicole Serrano and Tapestry. Please contact Jeannette Lange at [email protected] Celebrate Recovery We meet each Friday, 52 weeks a year. Large meeting with worship & teaching begins at 7pm W omen’s Bible Study Women’s Ministry will be starting a new study entitled “Your Divine Design, how to Discover, Develop, and Deploy your Spiritual Gifts” by Chip Ingram. The study is onThursdays; beginning on April 9th through May 28th from 9:30 -11:30am. The cost is only $10 for materials. You can sign up in the lobby today! Common Grounds Coffee House Come early and meet your friends. The coffee house is open on Sunday 8:30am-11:30pm. SCBC Book Store We offer books, bibles, sermon CD’s, and other great resources to help you on your faith journey. The Library There is a large selection of Christian books, movies, sermon series and more at our library. Keeping in Touch Want to know what is happening at SCBC via email? Sign up for the News & Events email online at to receive our weekly email newsletter. M en’s Breakfast Men of SCBC: We will meet Saturday, April 11 at 8:30 in AC10 (coffee house). Join us for great teaching, fellowship and the best breakfast in Santa Cruz for $5. Scott Newman will be our guest speaker. Grab a friend and join us at SCBC.