St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church
St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church
St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church May 17, 2015 Solemnity of the Ascension PARISH OFFICE / CHAPEL 4275 N. Rancho Drive, Suite 120 Las Vegas, NV 89130 OFFICE PHONE Phone: (702) 399-6897 Fax: (702) 395-0787 E-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon WEBSITE CELEBRATION OF HOLY MASS Saturday: 4:00 p.m. (at Centennial High School) Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 4:00p.m. (at Centennial High School) (Confessions before each Mass at Centennial HS) Monday thru Friday: 8:30 a.m. Mass at the Chapel Centennial High School: 10200 Centennial Parkway, just west of Hualapai Way Chapel: 4275 Rancho Drive, Suite 125, Las Vegas, NV 89130 ST. ANTHONY PARISH STAFF CLERGY Fr. Robert W. Puhlman, Pastor [email protected] Fr. Steve Hoffer, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Fr. Shawn Dresden [email protected] Deacon Antonio Avila [email protected] ********************************************************** Frank Singer, Parish Manager [email protected] Jeanne McFarlane, Office Assistant [email protected] Jessica Parrish, Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Brian Kohl, Director of Youth Ministry [email protected] Cheryl Singer, Parish Bookkeeper [email protected] Carolyn Pope, Pastoral Assistant [email protected] Kate Pia, Music Director Bill Freeman, Asst. Music Director Call parish office [email protected] SACRAMENTS You must be a registered member of St. Anthony of Padua Parish, for at least 3 months, in order to receive the sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony. If you need permission to act as sponsors or have the sacraments administered at another parish, it is also required that you be registered. BAPTISM Baptisms for infants to six year olds are celebrated on the 3rd Saturday during mass, by appointment only. Both parents and godparents must attend a baptism class, please come by the Parish Office or call 399-6897. This class is the last Monday (excluding holidays) of the month at the parish life center suite 110 on Rancho at 7pm. MARRIAGE Couples planning marriage should contact the parish as soon as they become engaged because at least six months is ordinarily necessary to fulfill marriage preparation requirements. At least one party must be a registered , participating member of the parish. The first step is for both parties to meet with Fr. Steve Hoffer, 399-6897 or [email protected]. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The priest will often be able to anoint you after Mass. Please call the parish if you need to receive the anointing of the sick at home. In case of hospitalization, let the hospital staff know that you would like to have the Catholic priest /chaplain see you. R.C.I.A. ANNOUNCEMENT If you are a person who has never been baptized, or was baptized in another religion, and have the desire to become Catholic, please consider joining our RCIA classes. Also if you are a Baptized Catholic adult who has not made your first Holy Communion or have not been Confirmed, you can also be involved in RCIA. Or if you are a “lapsed” Catholic who wishes to return to a full sacramental life, then RCIA is for you. The entire process is focused on “conversion” and having the desire to journey as a fully active Catholic. PARISH REGISTRATION In order that we may better serve you, please register in the parish. This way you are known to us when requesting the services of the church. If you would like to become a registered parishioner complete the Registration Form located in the High School Lobby or the Chapel, or download it from the Diocese Webpage: Also, please notify the parish office of changes of address, phone, or email, or if you are moving out of the area. The completed form can be given to an usher or placed in the collection basket. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated on the first Friday of the month following the 8:30 am Mass and concludes with Mass at 8:30 am Saturday. HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK If you are at home, please call the parish office and an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion will visit you. In case of hospitalization, inform the hospital staff that you are a Catholic and would like to receive Holy Communion. FUNERALS In the event of the death of a loved one, please contact the parish before making arrangements with a mortuary. Scripture Readings for the week of May 17, 2019 Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/ Jn 17:11b-19 Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 Next Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Sunday: Saturday, May 16 4:00 pm Sunday, May 17 8:00 am Ascension of the Lord Mother’s Day Novena Ascension of the Lord Anthony Tarentino 10:00 am Ronald Saracino 12:00 am Zanin-Pugni Families 4:00 pm Our Parishoners Monday, May 18 8:30 am Tuesday, May 19 8:30 am Following Mass Wednesday, May 20 8:30 am Following Mass Thursday, May 21 8:30 am Following Mass Friday, May 22 8:30 am St. Pope John I Nathalie Peters Easter Weekday Larry Smith Novena-St. Anthony St. Bernadine of Siena Leopoldo Pascual-Cruz Novena-Our Lady of Perpetual Help St. Christoper Magallanes Fr. Steve Hoffer-10th Anniversary of Priesthood Ordination Novena-St. Anthony St. Rita of Cascia Clara M. Viernes St.Rita of Cascia, lived in the 14th century. She was a wife and mother. However, she experienced great pain in the loss of her husband and two sons. Through great faith, she remained devoted to Christ and died an Augustinian nun. She is considered the Patroness of impossible causes. St. Rita, model of hope in Jesus, pray for us! 2 St. Anthony of Padua Ascension of the Lord Where will you go when it is time for retirement? Maybe you are already in your golden years and enjoying some well-deserved relaxation. Did you plan well? Finances can be a little tighter than anticipated, and maybe that house that held up all those years now needs a little work. Life is never exactly the way we planned it or envisioned it. Life always has the tendency to take us by surprise. In terms of what comes next after this earthly life, we know there is a place prepared for those who love the Lord and heed his words. We do not know what it looks like or exactly which people we will see there, but we know it is better than anything we have experienced previously in life. This place, not defined by human perceptions of space and time, is eternal and perfect, and it is where Jesus sits at the right hand of God. The Ascension of the Lord provides for us a hope that, after whatever trials of this life we experience, there is rest in the Savior's arms. The Incarnation, God made flesh, rose from the dead and now is with the Father so that we could rise from the dead and live eternally with the Father. This is good news! © Liturgical Publications Inc Thank You *** Thank You The Knights of Columbus, St Anthony of Padua Council 14544, but more importantly, the clients served by The Catholic Worker and Matthew’s Closet wish to thank the parishioners of St Anthony’s for their continued support of our Socks for the Homeless drives. Twice a year we collect new socks, underwear, gently used outerwear and personal items to make the lives of our homeless population a bit more bearable. Our latest campaign brought in almost 4300 items. Since inception we have collected and distributed almost 17500 of the items listed above. Be proud St Anthony’s. You are following one of the Corporal Works of Mercy by clothing the naked. Once again Thank You Paul Turner The Ascension of Christ, which traditionally falls on a Thursday, may be celebrated on a Sunday in certain parts of the world. The Ascension originated as a Thursday celebration because of the story of the event from the opening of the Acts of the Apostles. There, Luke says that Jesus rose from the dead, appeared to believers for 40 days and then ascended to the heavens. Even though the accounts of the ascension in the Gospels suggest it took place after a shorter period of time, the liturgy of the church has honored the chronology from Acts by celebrating the Ascension on Thursday of the sixth week of Easter. The Solemnity of the Ascension is one of 10 days that may be a holy day of obligation. Not all countries have the same holy days. In those countries where the Ascension is not a holy day, the solemnity is transferred to the following Sunday. The United States is so large and its needs so varied that Rome has granted it permission to decide by region on the date of this one solemnity. It is possible within the United States for Ascension to be on a Thursday in one state and on a Sunday in another. Travelers are expected to honor the custom of the place where they are that week. Those celebrating Ascension on Sunday will miss the Mass texts of the Seventh Sunday of Easter, filled with anticipation for the Spirit of Pentecost. The second reading and the Gospel of the Seventh Sunday of Easter may replace those usually heard on the Sixth. Those attending weekday Masses may notice that the responsorial psalm on Friday and Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter is a seasonal psalm for the Ascension, even if their community will not celebrate the solemnity until Sunday. Copyright © Resource Publications, Inc. $tewardship Report May 10, 2015 Time * Talent * Treasure Offertory Collection $ 13,415.50 Minimum Weekly Need $ 13,300.00 Shortage —$ Building fund 0 $ 7,312.77 Attendance: 1,739 May God bless you for your generosity. BULLETIN ARTICLES With Fr. Shawn soon leaving us for his future assignment, emailing bulletin requests are changing. If you would like to include a meeting notification, social event notice or some other bulletin worthy article, contact Frank ([email protected]) or call the Parish Office at 702-399-6897. Please provide bulletin articles and inserts at least two weeks prior to requested date of publication. Please include “Bulletin” in the subject line. 3 St. Anthony of Padua LEGEND: CPO = Chapel at the Parish Office, CHS = Centennial High School, Santa Fe Station: 4949 N. Rancho Dr May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mass @ CHS 8am 10 am , 12:00 pm, 4:00pm Mass @ CPO 8:30 am 6:30pm Retrovaille Parish life Center Suite 110 6pm Knights of Columbus Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CHS 4:00 pm May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday PENTECOST Mass @ CHS 8am 10 am , 12:00 pm, 4:00pm Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CHS 4:00 pm 7pm Baptism Class Parish life Center Suite 110 6:30pm Retrovaille Parish life Center Suite 110 May 31 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 6 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mass @ CHS 8am 10 am , 12:00 pm, 4:00pm 6:30pm Retrovaille Parish life Center Suite 110 Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am Mass @ CPO 8:30 am 7pm Community Outreach First Friday Adoration begins at 9:00 am thru 10:00 pm Please be aware there will be no Confession at this celebration 8:30 am Mass on First Saturday Mass @ CHS 4:00 pm 4 St. Anthony of Padua Calling the High School Class of 2015 Senior year is quickly coming to an end and graduation is in sight. The parish family here at St. Anthony of Padua wants to celebrate this time with you. Several special events have been planned to honor graduating seniors. Please mark Saturday, May 30th, 2015 at 4:00 pm on your calendar for Graduation Mass. We invite you to participate in the activities planned for this day. Mass - At 3:45 pm, please meet in the Lobby. We will process in together with Fr. Steve at the beginning of the celebration. During the Mass you will be recognized and receive a special blessing. Reception - Following Mass – 5:30 pm, please join us with a guest for Dinner, Cake and Fun. Please RSVP to Jessica at [email protected] by May 25th. Invitations will be mailed with details of the dinner. Bulletin Insert - A special bulletin insert will profile each senior along with his or her photo. Just like any family, members of your church family are interested in your Senior's achievements and plans for the future. The Senior Questionnaire below will be used to develop a profile. Please fill out the questionnaire and email it to Jessica at [email protected], along with a senior photo and/or baby photo, by May 18th. Faith Formation Early Registration... It’s not too late to still pre-register for the upcoming 2015 / 2016 Faith Formation Classes – Early Registration prices end May 31st. Visit the office, call or email –Mrs. Jessica Parrish ([email protected]) to receive a copy of the registration form. If you are registering your child for the first time you will need to send a copy of the birth certificate and a copy of the certificates for any sacraments already received (Baptism & First Communion) with the registration form. If your child has not been baptized yet, please call the parish office before registering your child. All classes will be held at Centennial High School on Sundays. Please see the back of the registration form for class times, pricing and dates. Classes will start back up in September. Letters will be mailed out with class calendars and details in mid August. Full Name High School What was your favorite activity in High School What is your Confirmation Name What are your plans for after High School. Congratulations to all of our First Holy Communion Students! You are now eligible to be an alter server and be a part of the Mass. This is a Big Honor. The Altar Server's Ministry is a unique one in the Catholic Church. Other than priests and deacons, no one else is allowed to so closely play a part in the preparation of the Eucharist. Your participation as an Altar Server is special. When you serve the priests and deacons, you serve the people of God, and above all, you serve Christ. All students will be trained. If you are interested in being a part of this important ministry, please contact Maris Brown at [email protected] for information! Join the St. Anthony Summer Youth Group!! Don’t spend your summer alone; join your St. Anthony friends will fun filled youth events once a month this summer. All youth group nights require a RSVP – Please email [email protected] for RSVP and details. May 13th 2015 6:00-9:00pm – Bishop Gorman High School Youth Night June 10th, 2015 6:30-7:30pm – Gravady Night Out (Trampoline Fun) July 22nd, 2015 6:00-end of Game- 51’s Family Baseball Game Night August 19th, 2015 – 4:00-8:00 pm Kick Off BBQ – Place TBD Sept 9th, 2015 – 6:30-8:00 pm - Laser Quest - Laser Tag extreme – Beat the Youth Minister Challenge 5 St. Anthony of Padua Active Military Men and Women Please pray for our service men and women and their families. Byran Fuller, Cameron High, Lindsay High, Nicholas Hughes, Dreyson Kloss, Ryan Balcerzak, Angelina Maguiness, Robbie Mazza, Paul Mazzotti, Justin Lourenco, Timothy James Reilly, Jason Attaway, Victor I. Moreno II, Angela Olgin, Mark Sandle, Eddie Schaub, Patrick Simmons, Carole Thompson, Jonathan Houchins, Michael Thoreson, Freddy Morales, Randy Noel, George Bell, John Thompson, Charles Gill, Francisco Junior Castro Salas Please keep the following people in your prayers this week as we wish them a return to good health. Ingrid Masters, Rosalinda & Perfecto Soriano, Chuck Soldano, Elizabeth Smith, Leonard Balcerzak, Laura Jane Rogge, Andy Traveler, Erin Hikes, Doreen Morales, Lillian Vogelpohl, Betty Alessi, JoAnn Nardoni , Bill Fink, Manuel Quenga Names will remain on this list for one month. Call the office to request additions to this prayer list. Please save Campbell Soup labels and all-occasion greeting cards. St. Jude’s Ranch for Children needs to collect 1,500,000 Campbell Soup labels to buy a new van. With your help, the Outreach Committee will collect these labels and donate them to the Ranch. When you remove the labels, please be sure to include the UPC label. Also, the committee will continue the card recycling program. The recycling program welcomes all-occasion cards, but cannot accept Hallmark, Disney, or American Greeting cards. The cards cannot exceed 5x7. Thank you for all who have donated already and please continue. There will be a basket in the lobby for St. Jude Ranch for Children. Our Cub Scout Pack recently went to visit the Police Memorial. If you are interested in joining the pack, it costs only $40.00! Please contact Bill Freeman at [email protected]. New Parishioners We pray for God’s blessings upon the newest members of our parish family. Brittani Arguello Julianne Sheridan As of March, 2015 we have a total of 1,741 active, registered families. Eternal Life Dominic Quinones Lucio Zanin May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Pilgrimage to Medjugorje, October 4-12, 2015 with Fr. Steve Hoffer For additional information please contact: Marian Pilgrimage Las Vegas Medjugorje Center Perla Saenz: 702-489-9336 ([email protected]) Grace Kraft: 702-281-1682 ([email protected]) Greece & Turkey Pilgrimage Following the footsteps of St. Paul and St. John October 27-November 8, 2015 Spiritual Director: Fr. Robert Puhlman $3,895 includes: roundtrip airfare from Las Vegas with a 7-day cruise on board the “Celestyal Cristal” Cruise ports: Thessaloniki, Kavala, Patmos, Syros, Greece/ Istanbul, Dikili, Kusadasi, Turkey. Land tour visiting Athens, Corinth and Meteora, Greece Call Gloria Serame (702) 361-9703 or more information. 6 St. Anthony of Padua 7 St. Anthony of Padua 7280 West Azure Drive, Suite 130 Located in Tenaya Village Shopping Center WING HEAVEN..... 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