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Diocesan Bulletin
Sunday, May 3, 2015 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
w w w.s aska t o o nrc di o ce se. c om
In all things we are rooted in Christ,
in His desire to bring God’s love to all peoples.
Upcoming Events
The 9th Annual Bishop’s Dinner includes fine dining, dancing
and fun Friday, May 8 at TCU Place in Saskatoon. Proceeds
will go to Catholic Hospital Chaplaincy in the diocese. Tickets
are $150 each (partial tax receipt). Contact: Cathy Gilje at (306)
659-5851 or e-mail [email protected]
Children’s Story Time will be held 10 a.m. Thursday, May 7
and May 14 before winding up until the fall. Story time is held at
the Msgr. Michael J. Koch Library in the Catholic Pastoral
Centre at Holy Family Cathedral, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon.
Saskatchewan March for Life will be held Thursday, May 7
in Regina; with details at: w w w.s a s kp r o l i fe .c o m The K of C
In Support of Life Committee in Saskatoon will arrange car
pools to go to Regina for this event. If you need a ride or are
willing to take passengers, please contact John Cook at (306)
477-1748 or Louis Roth at (306) 249-2764.
Scriptural themes for seniors and friends with facilitator
Rev. Dr. Vern Ratzlaff will explore the concept of empire 2 p.m.
to 3:30 p.m. Thursdays, May 7, 14, 21 and 28, at Queen’s
House, 601 Taylor St. W., Saskatoon. Cost is $40 for those who
can pay. Call (306) 242-1916.
CWL Twilight Retreat will be held 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 8 at
Queen’s House, 601 Taylor St. W., Saskatoon. Participate in a
thoughtful presentation on Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel, in
a peaceful setting. Call (306) 242-1916. Find information about
other retreat opportunities online at: www.queenshouse.org
"Seeking light: Collaboration and Searching of Three
Artists" is an art exhibit being held at Queen's House May 9-
10 featuring the work of siblings Gisele, Dean and Brian
Bauche. There will be a Coffee House from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday, May 9 (with an artist talk at 8 p.m.) and a Mother's
Day Tea 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, May. 10. No entrance fee.
Thank God for Marriage: A romantic evening of entertainment, dessert and wine includes an inspiring theatrical
production about love, marriage and God’s good grace,
Saturday, May 9 at St. Anne’s Church, 217 Lenore Dr.
Saskatoon. Doors open at 6:45 p.m., with the show at 7:30 p.m.
(Wine will be available for purchase.) Tickets: $40/couple;
available from the parish office (306) 931-4700.
Tomato Plant Sale for Refugee Support - The St. Philip
Neri Refugee Committee will be selling tomato plants at the
weekend Masses, Saturday May 9 and Sunday May 10 at St.
Philip Neri Parish, 1902 Munroe Avenue (at Taylor Street) in
Saskatoon. Mass times are 5 p.m. Saturday, and 9:30 a.m. or
11:30 a.m. Sunday. Eight varieties of tomato plants will be
available. Price: $6 each or 3 for $15.
Ecumenical Studies and
Formation Program
June 23-26, 2015
Queen’s House of Retreats, Saskatoon
This accredited three-year program is dedicated to forming
Christians in the theology, history and practice of
ecumenism. This program is for all those who wish to
increase their knowledge of the ecumenical movement for
greater participation. It will be offered each year in
Saskatoon during the final week of June. Students who
complete all three years will receive a certificate in
Ecumenical Studies and Formation from St. Andrew’s
College and the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism. Registration
fee: $350. For more information and registration form see
the website: www.pcecumenism.ca or call (306) 653-1633.
NOTE: Participants from the Diocese of Saskatoon can
apply for education bursaries to offset the cost of such
programs. Find info about Education of Laity bursaries at:
or call Blake at (306) 659-5834.
Mother’s Day Walk – The annual March for Life will take place
from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10
in front of Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. Signs will be
provided. Refreshments will be served. For more info contact
Celine at (306) 477-2082.
Fostering Liturgical Renewal and Worship - The Cathedral
of the Holy Family will be hosting an informal evening of
discussion on the Church's current state of liturgical renewal at
7 p.m. Wednesday, May 13 in the Queen of Peace Chapel at
Holy Family Cathedral, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. The
evening's presenter will be Jesuit liturgist and scholar, Fr. Keith
Pecklers, SJ, who is currently teaching liturgy at the Gregorian
University in Rome. Fr. Pecklers will provide an overview of
liturgical reforms, as well as present a model of what future
reform and renewal could look like. This presentation is more
pastoral than academic. All are welcome to attend.
Diocesan Cenacle of Prayer will be held 7 pm. Thursday,
May 14 at St. Paul's Co-Cathedral, 720 Spadina Crescent,
Saskatoon, beginning with Mass, followed by the Cenacle.
Celebrants are Fr. Pius Schroh and Fr. Denis Phaneuf. For more
information call Edna at: (306) 382-1680.
Wizard of Oz stage show will be presented by Saskatoon
Fireside Singers May 13 and 14 at TCU Place in Saskatoon.
Tickets online at: tcutickets.ca or call (306) 975-777.
Message Board
Cancellation: Please note that the “Trinity of Sound”
program of music and food from three Catholic traditions (which
was scheduled to happen Sunday, May 3 at the Cathedral of
the Holy Family) has regretfully been cancelled.
Earthquake relief - Nepal experienced a destructive 7.8
magnitude earthquake April 25. This natural disaster has
caused over 4,000 deaths and 6,500 injuries, and many are still
reported missing. The amount of destruction is overwhelming,
and those affected are struggling for food, water and shelter.
Development and Peace is working with Caritas Nepal and
others Caritas members to provide aid to the population.
Contribute to these much-needed relief efforts by donating to
Development and Peace. Contributions will be matched by
the Canadian Government until May 25, 2015. Make a
donation online at w w w.d e v p .o r g or by phone at 1-888-6643387; or by sending a cheque made out to Development and
Peace (please indicate “Nepal Earthquake”) to Development
and Peace, 1425 René-Lévesque Blvd. West 3rd Floor,
Montreal, QC, H3G 1T7.
Prayer for Conversion of Heart about Assisted Suicide and
Euthanasia will be held 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Thursday May 21 at
the Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Road in
Saskatoon. Holy Family Parish, together with the Emmanuel
Community of Saskatoon, will host this hour of Eucharistic
Adoration for the conversion of heart of our supreme court
judges, politicians, and all those in favour of euthanasia and
physician assisted suicide. There is power in prayer, and when
the community gathers in prayer, Jesus is in our midst (Matt:
18:20). For more information contact Fr. Colin Roy: (306) 6595800 or e-mail: [email protected] or e-mail
Jenny Porter at: p o r te r j e n n y 1 4 @ g m a i l .co m
RCIA vision - The diocesan office of Christian Initiation and
Catechetics is introducing a new vision for faith formation and
catechetics in the diocese of Saskatoon. RCIA teams and
catechists are invited to an information session 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday, May 12 at the youth room of the Cathedral of the Holy
Family, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon. All interested catechists
and pastors are also welcome to attend. Please RSVP to
Michelle at: c i c . m i c h e l l e @ s a s k a t o o n r c d i o c e s e . c o m or
call (306) 358-2057.
Grants available - James P. Mahoney Institute of the Family
provides grants to registered charities for initiatives and
programs intended to strengthen and support the family in rural
and urban communities within the geographic area of the
Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon. Deadline to apply is
May 15; online: www.SaskatoonCommunityFoundation.ca
or call (306) 665-1766.
PPK (Priest, Prophet and King) Men’s night, will be held 7
p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friday, May 15 at Holy Family Cathedral, 123
Nelson Rd., Saskatoon. The PPK night is an evening with a
mission to get men to follow and imitate Christ, empower men
to live out their vocation, form a Christian brotherhood and
evangelize to other men. The evening consists of adoration,
reconciliation, a feature talk, fellowship, food and spirits (cash
bar). All men are welcome. See: www.priestprophetking.org
or e-mail: [email protected] for more info, or call
Dan: (306) 258-4434 or Richard: (306) 261-0923.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
WCC 2015 - Rites of the RCIA
Presented by TeamRCIA
June 5-6, 2015
The Western Conference of the Catechumenate
presents “Rites of the RCIA,” June 5-6 at Holy Spirit
Parish in Saskatoon. Speakers are Nick Wagner and
Diana Macalintal of TeamRCIA. To mark the 25th
anniversary of the WCC, the 2015 conference is being
offered at a special rate of $99. Join us in celebrating 25
years of forming the RCIA ministry in Western Canada!
Registration: Register online at:
ht t p: //we s t e r n- c a t e c hum e na t e .blogs pot .c a
or contact Michelle at (306) 358-2057 or
ci c.m i ch e l l e @ sa s ka to o n r cd i o ce s e .c o m
Youth Ministry Coordinator: St. Anne’s Parish in Saskatoon
is seeking a faith-filled, energetic, organized candidate, excited
to work with others in helping young people know Christ. The
full-time position of Youth Ministry Coordinator involves 40
hours a week, with salary according to the Diocesan Salary
Grid. Send resume and three letters of reference (including one
from your pastor) by May 8 to: ya c@ sa i n ta n n e s.c a
Prairie Hospice Society Volunteer Opportunity for
individuals interested in providing support and services to those
facing advancing illness, death and bereavement. The "Hospice
Without Walls" program is a free, non-medical service that is
provided within the individual's home and may include
companionship, accompanying to appointments, shopping or
errands, going for a walk, a drive, watching movies, playing
cards, or other activities of interest. The next training program
is May 24, 30, 31, June 6, 7, and 20. For this round of training,
the society is seeking only candidates who are available to
volunteer during the day on weekdays. For more information
contact Prairie Hospice at (306) 249-5554 or e-mail
i n q u i r y @ p r a i r i e h o s p i c e . o r g or visit the website at:
w w w.p r a i r i e h o s p i ce .o r g
Year of Consecrated Life: “Preach the gospel at all
times. When necessary, use words.” - St. Francis of Assisi
Diocesan Prayer Intention: We pray as a diocesan family
for those suffering from natural disasters in our world, especially
all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal.
This “Diocesan Bulletin” is a publication of
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
Catholic Pastoral Centre, 123 Nelson Road, Saskatoon SK S7S 1H1
Phone: (306) 242-1500 or Toll free: 1-877-661-5005
E-mail: communications @s as kato o nr cdioces e.com
www.s a s k a t oonr c dioc e s e .c om
The communications office is supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.