Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential


Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue,
Brighton Urban and Residential
Development, WA (EPBC
Annual compliance report
Prepared for
Satterley Property Group
by Strategen
April 2015
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue,
Brighton Urban and Residential
Development, WA (EPBC
Annual compliance report
Strategen is a trading name of
Strategen Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd
Level 2, 322 Hay Street Subiaco WA
ACN: 056 190 419
April 2015
Disclaimer and Limitation
This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Client, in accordance with the agreement between the
Client and Strategen (“Agreement”).
Strategen accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for it in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report
by any person who is not a party to the Agreement.
In particular, it should be noted that this report is a qualitative assessment only, based on the scope of services
defined by the Client, budgetary and time constraints imposed by the Client, the information supplied by the Client
(and its agents), and the method consistent with the preceding.
Where practicable to do so, Strategen has attempted to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information
supplied by the Client. Where it has not been possible to independently verify the information, Strategen has
consequently reached conclusions, using its best professional judgement, based on the information provided.
Copyright and any other Intellectual Property arising from the report and the provision of the services in
accordance with the Agreement belongs exclusively to Strategen unless otherwise agreed and may not be
reproduced or disclosed to any person other than the Client without the express written authority of Strategen.
Client: Satterley Property Group
Report Version
Submitted to Client
Draft Report
Client review
A Welker/J Mitchell
Final Report
B Downe/J Mitchell
Filename: SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0 - 20 April 2015
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Table of contents
1.1. Project background
1.2. Environmental approval to implement the project
Current status
Audit methodology
Purpose and scope
Audit terminology
Audit results
Compliance with conditions
List of tables
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Persons consulted during audit
Action implementation status
EPBC Approval 2011/6137
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
This report addresses the status and compliance of the Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and
Residential Development, WA (Eden Beach, the Project) with the conditions in Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) decision notice 2011/6137.
Project background
Satterley Property Group (Satterley) is developing Eden Beach, located 40 km northeast of the Perth
Central Business District (CBD) within the City of Wanneroo.
The development will comprise a residential development, a local business centre, primary school, and an
Eco Tourism village. A mixed use / coast node is also proposed adjacent to the Foreshore Reserve to
provide access and amenity close to the coast.
Environmental approval to implement the project
In September 2011, Satterley referred Eden Beach to the Department of Sustainability, Environment,
Water, Population and Community (DSEWPaC; now the Department of the Environment [DotE]) for
determination of whether it constituted a ‘controlled action’ under the EPBC Act; that is, being likely to have
a significant impact on a matter of national environmental significance (NES). The key matters of NES
potentially affected by the project identified were the endangered species Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo
(Calyptorhynchus latirostris) and Graceful Sun Moth (GSM) (Synemon gratiosa).
On 19 October 2012 the Project was approved under the EPBC Act by the Minister subject to 10
conditions prescribed in decision notice EPBC 2011/6137.
On 18 May 2013, GSM was delisted from the list of Threatened Species pursuant to the EPBC Act.
Satterley subsequently submitted a formal variation request to DotE on 17 July 2013 to remove and amend
conditions associated with GSM from EPBC 2011/6137. DotE accepted this variation request and issued
a ‘Variation to Conditions Attached to Approval’ on 27 August 2013. The variation included the following
amendments to EPBC 2011/6137:
deletion of conditions 1, 2, 7, 8 and 10
amendment of conditions 5 and 6 to remove reference to the Graceful Sun Moth Mitigation and Offset
Plan, previously required under Condition 1 of the original decision notice
deletion of definition for GSM
deletion of Attachments A and B.
On the 16 January 2014, Satterley submitted a formal variation request to DotE to amend conditions 3c.
DotE accepted this variation request and issued a ‘Variation to Conditions Attached to Approval’ on the 7
March 2014. The variation included the following amendments to EPBC 2011/6137:
deletion of conditions 3c
replacement with an amended condition 3c.
As such, this compliance report assesses conditions 3a; 3b, 3c (amended), 4, 5 (amended), 6 (amended)
and 9 of EPBC 2011/6137.
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Current status
The Project, which commenced on 21 January 2013, is in the clearing and earthworks stage.
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Audit methodology
Purpose and scope
This document has been prepared to assess compliance of the Eden Beach residential development with
the conditions of EPBC 2011/6137 and in doing so, address condition 6. Condition 6 requires the
proponent to publish an annual compliance report on their website, within three months of every twelve
month anniversary of commencement of the action. Condition 6 states the report shall:
address compliance with each of the conditions of the approval
stay on the proponent’s website for five (5) years
provide proof of the date of publication and non-compliance with any of the conditions of the approval
be provided to the Department at the same time the compliance report is published.
Any non-compliances detected will be provided to DotE at the same time that the annual compliance report
is published on the Satterley website as required under condition 6.
The audit was undertaken as a desktop process, primarily on the review of evidence supplied by email.
Table 1
Persons consulted during audit
Person and position
William Gumbley
Document (verifiable evidence) transfer
Grant Wilkins
Satterley Property Group
Document (verifiable evidence) transfer
Audit terminology
In its assessment and arriving at conclusions regarding compliance or conformance with each audit item,
Strategen has adapted DotE (undated) guidance on compliance ratings (Table 2).
Table 2
Action implementation status
Compliance /
A rating of ‘compliance’ is given when the auditee has complied with a condition or element of
a condition.
A rating of ‘conformance’ is given when the auditee has met the requirements of an element of
a management plan required by condition.
Potential noncompliance/
A rating of ‘potential non-compliance’ is given when the auditee has not met a condition or
element of a condition.
A rating of ‘potential non-conformance’ is given when the auditee has not met the
requirements of an element of a management plan required by condition.
Not applicable
A rating of ‘not applicable at the time of the audit’ is given when the condition or element of a
condition falls outside the scope of the audit e.g. if an activity has not yet commenced.
A rating of ‘undetermined’ is given when the condition or element of a condition falls inside the
scope of the audit but there is insufficient evidence to make a judgement on compliance or
An ‘observation’ may be made about issues relevant to the protection of a matter of national
environmental significance when the issue is not strictly related to compliance or noncompliance with a condition or element of a condition.
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Audit results
Compliance with conditions
The results of the audit of EPBC 2011/6137 are shown in Table 3. Four conditions were determined to be
potentially non-compliant, but with no material consequences with respect to matters protected under the
Satterley recognises that the potential non-compliances were the result of administrative processes, and
has commenced an internal review of administration processes. Satterley is committed to the
implementation of recommended improvements to prevent a recurrence.
Four conditions determined to be potentially non-compliant are described below:
Condition 3 (Criteria 3.1, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11)
a) Within 12 months of commencement of construction progressively undertake direct planting of a
minimum of 650 trees and shrubs, within the POS, consisting of plant species known to be primary feeding
plants for Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo.
c) Provide funding of $80 000 to DEC (now DPaW) for the purchase of at least 50 ha of Carnaby’s BlackCockatoo foraging habitat to be protected in perpetuity, plus an additional financial contribution (amount to
be determined in consultation with DPaW) to assist in the ongoing maintenance of the purchased offset by
1 June 2014. Within 4 weeks of the funding being provided to the DPaW, the person taking the action
must provide written evidence to the department of these payments.
Construction commenced on the 21 January 2013; therefore, the direct planting was required to
commence by 21 January 2014. Planting of the POS commenced in July 2014. DotE was informed of this
potential breach in a letter from Satterley to DotE dated 6 June 2014, which explained that Satterley was
unable to develop POS within the required timeframe as result of amendments to water allocation policy by
the WA Department of Water, with a groundwater licence providing sufficient water for the establishment
and maintenance of POS areas not issued until 22 May 2014.
Satterley also noted in its letter to DotE dated 6 June 2014 that it had previously sought an extension to
the timeframe for planting via email from Strategen, dated 13 February 2014. This email referred to a
telephone discussion between Strategen and DotE regarding an extension to condition 3(a) and 3(b) as
well as formally requesting an extension to these conditions due to the amendments to the WA
Department of Water water allocation.
The auditors note that the response letter from DotE to Satterley dated 23 June 2014 discusses the
planting of Norfolk Pine with reference to condition 3(a) which relates to POS, with the Department
advising that in its view Satterley is not in breach with that condition 3(a). However, this is inconsistent
with the original advice from Satterley contained within its letter to DotE dated 6 June 2014. The Satterley
advice states – “Satterley commenced direct planting within the streetscape in October 2013 [within 12
months of commencement] with the planting of Araucaria heterophylla [Norfolk Island pine] along
Reflection Boulevard.” Given that the planting of Norfolk Pine occurred along Reflection Boulevard, not
POS, the auditors speculate the DotE letter was intended to refer in this instance to condition 3(b), which
relates to streetscaping, not condition 3(a), which relates to POS.
DotE advised Satterley in its response of 23 June 2014 that the failure to commence planting in the POS
within 12 months of the commencement of the action represents a likely breach of the EPBC Act; however,
that neither prosecution nor the issuing of an infringement notice would be an appropriate course of action
in this case and no further compliance action will be undertaken by the Department.
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
In accordance with the DotE advice, as the planting of cockatoo feeding plants within the POS commenced
after 21 January 2014, Satterley remains potentially non-compliant with this condition. It should be
recognised; however, that this potential non-compliance relates to water licensing issues, in circumstances
beyond the control of Satterley.
The additional financial contribution to assist in the ongoing maintenance was due by 1 June 2014.
$36 866.50 was transferred on the 29 May 2014 to DPaW to assist in the ongoing maintenance of the
purchased offset. An email was sent to the Department on the same day as payment, 29 May 2014
informing it that the payment had been made.
The payment of $80 000 was due by 1 June 2014. Payment was made on 17 November 2014. The
invoice for payment was received from DPaW on 30 October 2014, approximately five months after the
date specified by the condition.
Although payment occurred more than five months after the date specified by the condition, hence a
finding of potential non-compliance, the invoicing required to facilitate the payment was via a third party
over which Satterley has no control.
No evidence has been provided confirming that DotE was provided with the required evidence for the
payment of $80 000 to DPaW within four weeks of the payment.
The auditors note the potential non-compliances identified with respect to these parts of condition 3c are
administrative, with no material consequences with respect to matters protected under the EPBC Act.
Condition 4 (Criterion 4.1)
Within 30 days after the commencement of the action, the person taking the action must advise the
Department in writing of the actual date of commencement.
The action commenced 21 January 2013 therefore the Department should have been advised of the
commencement date by 20 February 2013. Satterley advised DSEWPaC (now DotE) of the
commencement date on 15 May 2013, exceeding the 30 day requirement of the condition. The auditors
note the potential non-compliance identified is administrative, with no material consequences with respect
to matters protected under the EPBC Act.
Condition 5 (Criterion 5.1)
The person taking the action must maintain accurate records substantiating all activities associated with or
relevant to the conditions of approval and make the available upon request to the Department.
Satterley has provided the auditors with records substantiating all activities associated with or relevant to
the conditions of approval for all applicable conditions except with respect to:
part of condition 3 (refer to Criterion 3.11)
part of condition 6 (refer to Criterion 6.3).
The auditors note the potential non-compliance identified is administrative, with no material consequences
with respect to matters protected under the EPBC Act.
Condition 6 (Criterion 6.1, 6.3 and 6.4)
Within three months of every 12 month anniversary of the commencement of the action, the person taking
the action must publish a report on their website addressing compliance with each of the conditions of this
approval. Documentary evidence providing proof of the date of publication and non-compliance with any
of the conditions of this approval must be provided to the Department at the same time as the compliance
report is published.
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
The first 12 month anniversary of the commencement of the action occurred 21 January 2014, with
publication of the first report due 21 April 2014. Internal correspondence indicates a compliance report was
published on the Satterley website on 19 December 2014 and the proponent is; therefore, potentially noncompliant with this part of the condition. The 2014 compliance report was available on the Satterley
website during the audit.
No evidence has been provided indicating that the documentary evidence of the date of publication was
provided to the Department at the same time the compliance report was published. The proponent is;
therefore, potentially non-compliant with this part of the condition.
One potential non-compliance was noted in the previous, 2014, compliance report. No evidence has been
provided indicating this potential non compliance was provided to the Department at the same time as the
compliance report was published.
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Table 3
EPBC Approval 2011/6137
Auditor comments
Measurements made
Condition 3
To offset the loss of 8.1 ha of foraging habitat for Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, the person taking the action must:
a) Within 12 months of commencement of construction progressively undertake direct planting of a minimum of 650 trees and shrubs, within the POS, consisting of plant species known to be
primary feeding plants for Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo. The planting of the trees must be completed within 10 years from commencement of construction. After two years of completion of
planting, for each stage, an 80% survival rate must be obtained. If this is not obtained, replanting of trees must be undertaken within two years to gain an 80% survival rate.
b) Within 12 months of commencement of construction progressively undertake direct planting of a minimum of 800 trees, 50% of which must be primary feeding plants for Carnaby’s Black
Cockatoo, within streetscaping. The planting of trees must be completed within 10 years from commencement of construction. After two years of completion of planting, for each stage, an
80% survival rate must be obtained.
c) Provide funding of $80 000 to DEC (now DPaW) for the purchase of at least 50 ha of Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo foraging habitat to be protected in perpetuity, plus an additional financial
contribution (amount to be determined in consultation with DPaW) to assist in the ongoing maintenance of the purchased offset by 1 June 2014. Within 4 weeks of the funding being provided
to the DPaW, the person taking the action must provide written evidence to the department of these payments.
Within 12 months of
commencement of
undertake direct
planting of a
minimum of 650
trees and shrubs,
within the POS,
consisting of plant
species known to be
primary feeding
plants for Carnaby’s
Black Cockatoo
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Construction commenced on the 21 January 2013; therefore, the direct planting
was required to commence by 21 January 2014. Planting of the POS commenced
in July 2014. DotE was informed of this potential breach in a letter from Satterley
to DotE dated 6 June 2014, which explained that Satterley was unable to develop
POS within the required timeframe as result of amendments to water allocation
policy by the WA Department of Water, with a groundwater licence providing
sufficient water for the establishment and maintenance of POS areas not issued
until 22 May 2014.
Satterley also noted in its letter to DotE dated 6 June 2014 that it had previously
sought an extension to the timeframe for planting via email from Strategen, dated
13 February 2014. This email referred to a telephone discussion between
Strategen and DotE regarding an extension to condition 3(a) and 3(b) as well as
formally requesting an extension to these conditions due to the amendments to the
WA Department of Water water allocation.
The auditors note that the response letter from DotE to Satterley dated 23 June
2014 discusses the planting of Norfolk Pine with reference to condition 3(a) which
relates to POS, with the Department advising that in its view Satterley is not in
breach with that condition 3(a). However, this is inconsistent with the original
advice from Satterley contained within its letter to DotE dated 6 June 2014.
Satterley’s advice states – “Satterley commenced direct planting within the
streetscape in October 2013 [within 12 months of commencement] with the
planting of Araucaria heterophylla [Norfolk Island pine] along Reflection
Boulevard.” Given that the planting of Norfolk Pine occurred along Reflection
Boulevard, not POS, the auditors speculate the DotE letter was intended to refer in
this instance to condition 3(b), which relates to streetscaping, not condition 3(a),
which relates to POS.
DotE advised Satterley in its response of 23 June 2014 that the failure to
commence planting in the POS within 12 months of the commencement of the
action represents a likely breach of the EPBC Act; however, that neither
prosecution nor the issuing of an infringement notice would be an appropriate
course of action in this case and no further compliance action will be undertaken
by the Department.
D_002 EPCAD_Eden Beach
Carnabys Cockatoo Plant
Schedule 20150415
C_005_Satterley_Alleged breach
of conditions attached to EPBC
breach of conditions attached to
EPBC 20116137_20140623
C_009_Strategen_FW Eden
Beach 2011 6137 (Lot 9
Evidence of
Sighting of
Potential non
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Auditor comments
Measurements made
In accordance with the DotE advice, as the planting of cockatoo feeding plants
within the POS commenced after 21 January 2014, Satterley remains potentially
non-compliant with this condition. It should be recognised; however, that this
potential non-compliance relates to water licensing issues, in circumstances
beyond the control of Satterley.
The planting of the
trees must be
completed within 10
years from
commencement of
Refer to Criterion 3.1, planting commenced July 2014. Date for completion of
condition is 21 January 2024.
Not applicable
Evidence of
Sighting of
Not applicable
After two years of
completion of
planting, for each
stage, an 80%
survival rate must be
The term ‘stage’ has not been defined in the approval notice. The auditors have
inferred that this means each planting stage.
The first stage of planting was completed on the September 2014, with
confirmation of the survival rate due by September 2016.
D_002 EPCAD_Eden Beach
Carnabys Cockatoo Plant
Schedule 20150415
Evidence of
survey of the
Sighting of
Not applicable
If this is not
obtained, replanting
of trees must be
undertaken within
two years to gain an
80% survival rate
Refer to Criterion 3.3 - the survival target for the first stage of planting is not
required to be measured until September 2016 and then if required the trees must
be replanted by September 2018.
Not applicable
Evidence of
Sighting of
Not applicable
Within 12 months of
commencement of
undertake direct
planting of a
minimum of 800
trees, 50% of which
must be primary
feeding plants for
Carnaby’s Black
Cockatoo, within
Construction commenced on the 21 January 2013. Direct planting of Norfolk Pine
(Araucaria heterophylla) along Reflection Boulevard commenced in October 2013
as advised in a letter from Satterley to DotE dated 6 June 2014.
D_002 EPCAD_Eden Beach
Carnabys Cockatoo Plant
Schedule 20150415
Evidence of
Sighting of
e to DotE
The planting of trees
must be completed
within 10 years from
commencement of
Refer to Criterion 3.5, planting commenced in October 2013. Date for completion
of condition is 21 January 2024.
Not applicable
Evidence of
Sighting of
Not applicable
After two years of
completion of
planting, for each
stage, an 80%
The term ‘stage’ has not been defined in the approval notice. The auditors have
inferred that this means each planting stage.
The first stage of planting in streetscaping was completed on the July 2014, with
D_002 EPCAD_Eden Beach
Carnabys Cockatoo Plant
Schedule 20150415
Evidence of
survey of the
Sighting of
Not applicable
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
C_005_Satterley_Alleged breach
of conditions attached to EPBC
breach of conditions attached to
EPBC 20116137_20140623
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Auditor comments
Measurements made
survival rate must be
confirmation of the survival rate due by July 2016.
If this is not
obtained, replanting
of trees must be
undertaken within
two years to gain an
80% survival rate
As per the criterion 3.7- the survival target for the first stage of planting is not
required to be measured until July 2016 and then if required the trees must be
replanted by July 2018.
Not applicable
Evidence of
Sighting of
Not applicable
Provide funding of
$80 000 to DEC
(now DPaW) for the
purchase of at least
50 ha of Carnaby’s
foraging habitat to
be protected in
perpetuity by 1 June
The payment of $80 000 was due by 1 June 2014. Payment was made on 17
November 2014.
The invoice for payment was received from DPaW on 30 October 2014,
approximately five months after the date specified by the condition.
Although payment occurred more than five months after the date specified by the
condition, hence a finding of potential non-compliance, the invoicing required to
facilitate the payment was via a third party over which Satterley has no control.
The auditors note the potential non-compliance identified is administrative, with no
material consequences with respect to matters protected under the EPBC Act.
C_006_Satterley_SPG payment to
DPaW 20150402
Evidence of
Sighting of
e from
Potential non
Provide an
additional financial
contribution (amount
to be determined in
consultation with
DPaW) to assist in
the ongoing
maintenance of the
purchased offset by
1 June 2014.
The additional financial contribution to assist in the ongoing maintenance was due
by 1 June 2014. $36 866.50 was transferred on the 29 May 2014 to DPaW to
assist in the ongoing maintenance of the purchased offset.
C_001_Satterley_FW Send data
from MFP07346416 29 05 2014 13
Evidence of
nce with
Sighting of
e to DPaW
Within 4 weeks of
the funding being
provided to the
DEC, the person
taking the action
must provide written
evidence to the
Department of these
Refer to Criterion 3.9 regarding payment of $80 000 funding. No evidence has
been provided confirming that DotE was provided with the required evidence for
the payment of $80 000 to DPaW within four weeks of the payment. The auditors
note the potential non-compliance identified is administrative, with no material
consequences with respect to matters protected under the EPBC Act.
C_003_Strategen_FW Eden
Beach (Lot 9 Brighton) Satterley
(EPBC 2011 6137)_20140529
Evidence of
transmittal to
Sighting of
e to DotE
Potential non
regarding written
evidence of
payment of
$80 000 funding
regarding written
evidence of
payment of
additional financial
Sighting of
Potential noncompliance
C_007_Satterley_FW Eden EPBC and other
Refer to Criterion 3.10 regarding payment of the additional financial contribution.
An email was sent to the Department on the same day as payment, 29 May 2014
informing it that the payment had been made.
Condition 4
Within 30 days after the commencement of the action, the person taking the action must advise the Department in writing of the actual date of commencement.
Within 30 days after
the commencement
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
The action commenced 21 January 2013 therefore the Department should have
been advised of the commencement date by 20 February 2013. Satterley advised
EPBC2011/6137 Lot 9 Marmion
Evidence of
transmittal to
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
of the action, the
person taking the
action must advise
the Department in
writing of the actual
date of
Auditor comments
Measurements made
DSEWPaC (now DotE) of the commencement date on 15 May 2013, exceeding
the 30 day requirement of the condition. The auditors note the potential noncompliance identified is administrative, with no material consequences with respect
to matters protected under the EPBC Act.
Avenue Brighton_
e to DotE
Condition 5
The person taking the action must maintain accurate records substantiating all activities associated with or relevant to the conditions of approval and make the available upon request to the
Department. Such records may be subject to audit by the Department or an independent auditor in accordance with section 458 of the EPBC Act, or used to verify compliance with conditions of
approval. Summaries of audits will be posted on the Department’s website. The results of audits may also be publicised through the general media.
substantiating all
associated or
relevant activities
Satterley has provided the auditors with records substantiating all activities
associated with or relevant to the conditions of approval for all applicable
conditions except with respect to:
• part of condition 3 (refer to Criterion 3.11)
• part of condition 6 (refer to Criterion 6.3).
The auditors note the potential non-compliance identified is administrative, with no
material consequences with respect to matters protected under the EPBC Act.
Sighted correspondence as
detailed in this audit table.
Evidence of
with the
Sighting of
Potential noncompliance
Records made
available to
The auditors are not aware of any request for records from the Department.
Not applicable
Evidence of
nce with
Sighting of
e to
Not applicable
Condition 6
Within three months of every 12 month anniversary of the commencement of the action, the person taking the action must publish a report on their website addressing compliance with each of
the conditions of this approval. Each report must stay on the proponent’s website for five (5) years. Documentary evidence providing proof of the date of publication and non-compliance with
any of the conditions of this approval must be provided to the Department at the same time as the compliance report is published.
report published
on website within
three months of
every 12 month
anniversary of
of the action
The first 12 month anniversary of the commencement of the action occurred 21
January 2014, with publication of the first report due 21 April 2014. Internal
correspondence indicates a compliance report was published on the Satterley
website on 19 December 2014 and the proponent is; therefore, potentially noncompliant with this part of the condition. The 2014 compliance report was
available on the Satterley website during the audit.
C_008_Satterley_FW EPBC
Evidence of
and date of
Sighting of
reports on the
Potential noncompliance
Each report must
be published on
website for five
The first assessment of this part of the condition is not due until 19 December
2019, five years from publication of the first compliance report (refer to Criterion
Not applicable
Evidence of
and date of
Sighting of
reports on the
Not applicable
evidence of date
of publication
provided to the
Refer to Criterion 6.1 – the first compliance report was published on the 19
December 2014. No evidence has been provided indicating that the documentary
evidence of the date of publication was provided to the Department at the same
time the compliance report was published. The proponent is; therefore, potentially
No evidence has been sighted
Evidence of
transmittal to
No sighting of
e to DotE
Potential noncompliance
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
Auditor comments
Department at
the same time as
the compliance
report is
non-compliant with this part of the condition.
evidence of noncompliance with
any conditon
provided to the
Department at
the same time as
the compliance
report is
One potential non-compliance was noted in the previous, 2014, compliance report.
No evidence has been provided indicating this potential non compliance was
provided to the Department at the same time as the compliance report was
Measurements made
No evidence has been sighted
Evidence of
transmittal to
No sighting of
e to DotE
Potential noncompliance
Condition 9
If, at any time after five years from the date of this approval, the person taking the action has not substantially commenced the action, then the person taking the action must not substantially
commence the action without the written agreement of the Minister.
Action not
without written
agreement of
Minister if action
not substantially
commenced by
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0
Construction activities substantially commenced in January 2013.
Evidence of
transmittal to
Sighting of
Lot 9, Marmion Avenue, Brighton Urban and Residential Development, WA (EPBC 2011/6137)
SPG14106_01 R001 Rev 0