Withdrawal room policy - Beerwah State High School


Withdrawal room policy - Beerwah State High School
Beerwah State High School
Withdrawal Room
Beerwah State High School
Objective: The aim of the Withdrawal Room is to assist teachers in creating a
positive learning environment by reducing minor classroom disruptions. The
Withdrawal Room process is a tool to assist staff with addressing category A
behaviours (Responsible Behaviour Plan). These are low level behaviours that
disrupt the learning of the offending student and their peers.
Withdrawal Room Procedure:
First Student Infringement
First Warning Given
• Name on board
• Instructional feedback
Second Student Infringement
Second Warning Given
• Name on board ticked
• Instructional feedback
Third Student Infringement
Student sent to K13 with
completed slip
Student attends Withdrawal Room
Student data is collated by
Student does not attend
Or refuses to attend
The first time a student disrupts the classroom or breaches the SWPB classroom
expectations, a verbal warning will be issued to the student and their name clearly
displayed on the whiteboard.
Beerwah State High School
Warning 1: Johnny this is your first warning. I expect you to ……..
If the student reoffends throughout the lesson, a second warning will be issued and
a tick will be placed next to the student’s name.
Warning 2: Johnny this is your second warning. I expect you to ………. If I have to
address you again you will be sent to the Withdrawal Room.
If the student reoffends they will be sent to the Withdrawal Room (K13) with a
Withdrawal Room slip. Please send the student with work where possible.
Any student that is non-compliant with expectations in the Withdrawal Room will be
sent to the Deputy Principal and suspended for three days.
The Withdrawal Room will be K13.
The following are NOT valid reasons for student referrals to the Withdrawal Room:
Lack of learning materials in practical and or non-practical subjects; late to class;
and/or lack of safety equipment or safety requirements with uniform.
Responsibilities of leadership, staff and students
Teaching Staff
Teaching staff need to ensure they are consistent with their expectations of students
so that students are clear about what they are required to do in class. Students must
be given the two warnings with ample opportunity to rectify the behaviour.
The teacher that referred the student will make a OneSchool incident entry selecting
the non compliant with school routine behaviour category. When referring the
incident, the teacher must select Withdrawal Room as the behaviour strategy. This
incident report must be referred to the relevant Head of Department. It is the
responsibility of the teacher to check that the student did in fact attend the
Withdrawal Room by checking the Withdrawal Room Log (IDAttend). This must be
done by the close of business to ensure the process has been followed and that
HODs/HOHs can follow up.
Beerwah State High School
Withdrawal Room Supervisor
The Withdrawal Room supervisor will record the attendance of the student on
IdAttend. They will inform the student of the number of occasions that they have
been sent to the Withdrawal Room. The withdrawal supervisor will send a text
message to the students’ parents/carer informing them of the referral to the
Withdrawal Room. The parent/carer will be notified to contact the teacher.
If a student is referred to the
Withdrawal Room three times
If the student receives an
additional two referrals they
will be suspended.
One afternoon school detention
is given by HOD
The student will be suspended
for three days
Heads of Department/Heads of House will support and manage student behaviour
by ensuring that the procedures are being followed, and by actioning consequences
as required by policy. They will conduct a weekly check of students referred to the
Withdrawal Room and action any follow up. Failure to report to the Withdrawal room
when referred by the classroom teacher may result in suspension.