Thursday 19th March 2015 - Bowen State High School


Thursday 19th March 2015 - Bowen State High School
Thursday 19th March 2015
Year 7
Term 1 Report Cards
As we near the end of the first term, the Year 7 cohort has settled
into the routine of high school. By the end of Week 7, students have
completed assessment in Maths, Science, English, History and HPE.
For some students, meeting the expectations of high school
assessment have been challenging. We would just like to remind
parents and carers of the help that is available to students when it
comes to completing assessment.
Term 1 report cards will be issued to students on WEDNESDAY
22 APRIL. This is a progress report and will indicate achievement,
effort and behaviour for the term. Parents/caregivers are welcome
to discuss their child’s progress with class teachers at
Parent/Teacher/Student meetings to be held on TUESDAY 5 MAY in
McKenna Hall between 3-6pm. This can be done by phoning the
school on 47869888 to make an appointment. Parents/caregivers
will also be given the opportunity to have further discussions about
your child’s progress when Student Led Conferences are held later
in the year.
 Homework Hub: Tuesday – Thursday in the Library after
school. There is no need to contact the school for this as all
students are welcome. Students can work on homework or
assessment. If a student is seeking help in a specific subject,
encourage them to approach their teacher who will meet
them at Hub in the afternoon and give the help they need.
 Maths tutoring: Each teacher in the Maths faculty has made
themselves available at specific times before and after school
as well as some lunch times to offer help with classwork or
assessment pieces. Please see the school’s website for more
details of these times. Again, all students are welcome.
 Teachers: The Year 7 teachers offer help in any subject from
8:00 am any day of the week. If the teacher is not already in
their classroom, students should check at the staffrooms.
 Parents and carers are also encouraged to contact individual
teachers or the Year Level Coordinator here at the high school
if they have any concerns. Making contact and finding
solutions early can be the best action to avoid the anxiety that
can happen as the due dates approach.
This week has seen the “Rewarding Good Behaviour Blitz” in action.
Students who are following instruction and completing their
classwork are collecting their “Good Ones” stamps each lesson. Any
student who has filled 7 Good Ones cards by the end of term will be
rewarded with the choice of attending a number of fun activities in
the last week of term. This week’s blitz will see students receiving
double stamps for great behaviour.
On another note, the Year 10 mentors are running a Year 7 Handball
Competition for the remainder of the term. It is bound to be a
competitive event with teams of 3 competing in a friendly
supervised atmosphere every Tuesday in the Cyclone Shelter. This
event follows the recent “Dance Off” competition held by the
mentors last week.
Russell Todd
Year 7 Coordinator
Senior School Information Night
Thursday 19th March
6pm—7pm in the BSHS Library
All Year 11 and 12 Students and Parents/Carers are strongly
advised to attend. Tea/coffee & nibbles available. Attendees can
enter to WIN $50 school resource credit.
Topics to be discussed:
* QCE Eligibility
* What subjects and courses contribute towards a QCE?
* What if my student is failing a subject?
* Senior Variation and Tutoring
* Career Advice and Support
* What can I do to prepare my student for a job/university?
Free Microsoft Office 2013
All state school students from Prep to Year 12 can now download
multiple free copies of the Microsoft Office 2013 Suite to their
personal home and mobile computer equipment. Students who
want the free software will need an active Managed Internet Service
(MIS) login, school email account and password - those who don't
have these should ask Library staff for assistance. Currently, MS
Office Suite 2013 is available for students' personal equipment only
- not equipment which is part of a school network.
Full instructions have been uploaded to our school’s
website. Alternatively, students can check their school email
account for instructions.
Changes to the BSHS Smartphone App
BSHS has upgraded our app the ‘Q Schools’ app. This new app
replaces our old ‘SkoolBag’ app. Please take the time to install the
new ‘Q Schools’ app on your mobile device (available across all
Features of the new app include syncing with our website and
Facebook feeds, news updates, push notifications for important
reminders and digital versions of newsletters. Please visit for more information.
Distance Education
Most students are currently working on assignments and they all
have upcoming exams. It was great to see a majority of students
who had an online lesson on Friday (Swimming Carnival) attended
their lesson before being transported to the pool by the school bus.
Exams are fast approaching and all students who do a subject via
Distance Education have been issued with an exam schedule. As
exams are expected down at Brisbane prior to our own exam time,
the majority of these exams are scheduled, where possible, on
mornings to lessen the impact on other subjects.
TAFE Certificates are all well underway with a majority of students
doing the right thing. It is important to remember that whilst at
TAFE, whether that is on campus or off campus, students are still
representing our school and school rules and policies remain in
Trade Training
Congratulations to Lachlan Warren and Cody Gordon on gaining a
school based traineeship with Abbot Point Bulkcoal. Lachlan and
Cody will be completing a Certificate 11 Engineering whilst
completing their senior schooling.
Senior School Term 1 Progress
Our targets:
 95 attendance for all students.
 80% of students with less than 2 behaviour incidences
 88% students obtaining A-C results for Term 1.
Progress so far
Behaviour (0-2
incidences only)
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
It is an expectation that senior students are attending school
every day and displaying respectful, responsible and safe
behaviours. Two of the major inappropriate behaviours exhibited
by senior students this term is refusing to follow instructions and
non-compliance with routine. At Bowen SHS we do not tolerate
senior students that do not follow instructions of staff. Processes
are in place to manage students that do not comply with our
expectations. Parents/Caregivers will be contacted if inappropriate
behaviour persists.
As we near the end of term, students need to ensure that they are
submitting assessment on or before the due date in accordance
with the QCAA policy. Failure to submit assessment can result in a
Not Rated (N) which could put your student at risk of their QCE
and OP.
Students need to seek feedback from their teachers on how they
are going and what they need to do to improve in each subject. All
Year 11 and 12 students will be required to complete a QCE
Improvement Plan at the end of Term 1 to identify strategies to
assist them to improve in certain criteria for their subjects.
Along with your student’s classroom teachers, Bowen SHS has a
senior school team that can support you and your student with
any educational or wellbeing needs.
Congratulations to the fourteen Year 12 students who have taken a
positive step in gaining an apprenticeship for 2016. These students
attended a tour to Abbot Point Bulkcoal Terminal 1 where they were
taken through the paces of Safety Induction, Apprenticeship and
Interview Process. They were then taken on a tour of the plant
including offshore onto the terminal. It was a very interesting and
informative day that the students found very beneficial.
Careers Workshop has started every Thursday morning at 8am for
any Year 12 students who want to work through Practice Aptitude
Tests and Resume Writing. In Term 2 they will have the opportunity
to take part in a 30 minute mock interview. Please remember it is
the student’s responsibility to attend these tours and workshops
now when they are on offer.
Year 10: Miki Reilly and Stuart Butwell
Year 11: Steven Moore and Bob Cockrem
Year 12: Kate Pascoe and Bree Ross
Career Support: Stan Larkin (Guidance Officer), Toni Akehurst
(Youth Support Coordinator)
Work Experience: Cheryl Stanton
Deputy Principal: Robert Harris
Help us reach 5000 poppies for ANZAC Day. Bowen SHS and the
Bowen Community are working together to make 5000 poppies to
commemorate the 100th Anniversary of ANZAC Day. Poppies can
be made from paper, cotton, felt, crochet, embroidered or be as
creative as you like! Spread the word. Please contact Fay Ryle at
Bowen SHS on 47 86 9888. A great community project!
More Great Stories on the Website & App
Please take the time to visit or
download our ‘QSchools’ smartphone app for other stories on Year
10 Love Bites, Anti-Bullying Day and how you can take advantage
of cashless service from the tuckshop.