newsletter-2015-03-31 - Caboolture East State School
newsletter-2015-03-31 - Caboolture East State School
44 Manley Street, Caboolture 4510 Email: [email protected] Phone: 5431 6111 Fax: 5431 6100 Term 1, Issue 3 Dates to Remember Senior Parades—Friday, odd weeks Junior Parades—Friday, even weeks All welcome to attend! April 1 Gold, Silver & Bronze Certificate Presentation 2 Easter Bonnet Parade—9:00am start 2 Gold and Silver Reward (Disco) Years 1 and 2 9:00am Years 3—6 10:00am 2 Surf Day Reward—Year 6 only 2 End of Term 1—Happy Holidays! 20 Term 2 begins—Welcome! 22 Coffee Connection — 2:15pm 23 Mateship Day—11:30am start 24 ANZAC Day Ceremony— 9.00am Junior School; 1:30pm Senior School 31 March 2015 from the Principal . . . Julieanne Wilson As a very busy term draws to a close once again, our school community can be very proud of our academic, sports and cultural achievements. The staff worked through a twilight session during the last week of Term 1 reviewing and planning for Term 2. As a staff, we look forward to the rewards and challenges of next term and would like to thank our school community for their support during Term 1. I hope you and your family enjoy the special family time during the coming Easter break and have a safe and refreshing 2 weeks holiday. I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 20th April- the first day of Term 2. P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM): This week we had a very important P&C meeting….our AGM. Congratulations to: President: Karren Carr Vice President: Venessa McCauley Secretary: Ashlee Williams Treasurer: Stacey- Leigh Kidston The P&C achieved a huge list of projects last year, including our amazing Spring Carnival, the air conditioning of 8 classrooms, introduction of school banking and a revitalisation of our school tuckshop, just to name a few. So you can see how important they are to the everyday running of our school! The meetings are vibrant and informative and commence from 6pm on the fourth Tuesday of every month, so I encourage you to come along and help support your child’s school P&C. ANZAC DAY CEREMONY: This year ANZAC Day (25th April) falls on a Saturday. In Week 1 of Term 2 we will be having our school ANZAC Ceremonies on Friday24th April at 9 .00am for Prep to Year 2 and 1.30pm for Years 3 to 6. At Caboolture East, we place great pride in this ceremony, so put it into your diary for next term. (Don’t forget about the School March on Saturday 25th April. (See Deputy Principal information) PARENT /TEACHER INTERVIEWS: During Week 2 of Term 2, all teachers will be offering parents an opportunity to have an interview to discuss your child’s progress so far this year. Please take advantage of this ideal opportunity to have a face to face conference with your child’s teacher. Written reports are issued at the end of Terms 2 and 4. STUDENT RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SCHEME: Parents and Caregivers, who have signed up for this scheme in Prep to Year 6, please note that payment for Term 2 is now due. Statements were sent out last week and we ask that Term 2 payments be finalised by the first week of Term 2. Prep is $21.25 and Year 1 to 6 is $23.75. WINTER UNIFORMS: With the rainy weather and the cold weather beginning to peek through now and again, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our School Dress Code Policy. It is important to maintain the high standard that families here at Caboolture East have worked so hard towards. The winter uniforms are now in stock. Royal Blue sweat shirts and jackets with the school logo are the only jumpers/jackets permitted as per the School Dress Code Policy. Only black shorts, skorts or tracksuit pants are to be worn. Your support with this is paramount and I ask that you help your child to be organised each day by wearing the correct uniform. If there are any concerns, please don’t hesitate to see me by making an appointment. (Continued on page 2) (Continued from page 1) EVERY DAY COUNTS: Every Day Counts is a state-wide initiative addressing the issue of student attendance at school. The initiative is designed to change parent, community and student attitudes to school attendance. It requires the support of both parents and the community if student attendance is to be successfully addressed. Every Day Counts promotes four key messages: all children should be enrolled at school and attend on every school day schools should monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve regular school attendance truanting can place a student in unsafe situations and impact on their future employability and life choices attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community Research shows that higher rates of attendance at school are related to higher achievement. To encourage students to come to school 100% of the time we have put into place some reward incentives. On Assembly we will be acknowledging the class with the ‘Best Attendance.’ This class will receive a Principal’s Reward and for those students who attend 100% of each term, will receive a very special Principal’s Award …. So the ‘race is on!’ At Caboolture East we have invested significant time into focussing on the Every Day counts policy by using text messages every day to contact parents if the school has not been notified of a child’s absence for that day. This has been greatly received by parents as it is giving parents immediate information about the whereabouts of their children. Children need to be present at school at the start of each day so that they can be set up for a successful day of learning. Please support your child’s education by assuring that they attend school every day. NAPLAN: We are continuing to work hard to prepare our children to achieve their best results in the NAPLAN testing in Week 4. This will involve Years 3 and 5 children on Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May. Last week we presented an information session, for all parents who have children in these year levels, on how they can best support their child during these days. If you were unable to attend and would like the information pack, please contact Jules Young (STL&N) in the Resource Building. The children will receive a NAPLAN bookmark in Week 3. This can be put on the fridge and will remind families on how to support children participating in NAPLAN. Mini practice sessions are programmed up to Week 3 of next term so as to increase familiarity of the testing procedures and to reduce any associated anxiety. Deputy’s Dialogue . . . — Greg Tagg PATHWAY TO GOLD: Students have jumped at the opportunity to earn their way into the reward behaviour levels for this term. Many students have maintained terrific consistency in earning their weekly point collection. Those students attaining Gold and Silver Certificates only, will also earn the added end of term reward. Term 1 Reward for the students is a Disco Session. Year 6 Teachers have co-ordinated a ‘Surf Day’ Reward specific to the year 6 students earning Gold and Silver. HARMONY DAY MARCH 21 - NATIONAL DAY AGAINST BULLYING AND VIOLENCE MARCH 20 Our Friday was flooded with a terrific ‘Touch of Orange’ from staff and students alike. 2015 celebrates 15 years celebrating Harmony Day with this year’s focus Thanking everyone for their continued efforts in celebrating Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. The organisation thanks the amazing people within our school community who live the ‘everyone belongs’ message each and every day. Classes have completed a ‘Linked Chain of Thanks’ with teachers revisiting how best to get along with others and our school’s anti-bullying routine lessons. SCHOOL FIRE DRILL: Last Friday the school conducted the term Fire Evacuation Drill as part of our Critical Incident response. Here at Caboolture East, we have a continuous but broken alarm that sounds off and draws considerable attention from within the school and surrounding community. Students participated very well in our drill routine, ‘escaping’ with their class from potential fire hazards and out to our meeting point on the oval. Students demonstrated considerable serious attention to the drill avoiding any possible harm to themselves. A great job all round. Prior to the holiday period the school will also conduct a Lockdown Drill with students and staff rehearsing the routine required when requiring to escape from any on school hazard. For this routine we play a musical piece indicating to students they need to follow the lockdown routine involving silence and hiding within their room. 2015 ANZAC Day Ceremonies Music Notes! — Mr Goldsmith th 2015 commemorates the 100 year of the landing at Gallipoli and the Australian involvement in World War I. 2015 is a significant year for serviceman and women, armed forces, communities, schools and Australia and New Zealand to reflect upon the significant involvement in this conflict. We again hope that as many of our students as possible can participate in the local Caboolture ANZAC Day March, Saturday 25th April. Students have been provided with an information letter outlining our ‘Call to March’ on behalf of the school. In 2014 we had 122 students participate and we hope to increase student numbers this year again. Please return the detached section of the letter to school indicating student availability for the day. Our ongoing involvement assists respecting and remembering this important calendar date and event in Australia’s history. Special Education News . . . —Julietta Heywood Over the coming weeks SEP Case Managers will be consulting with parents to plan and/or provide an Individual Curriculum Plan or Individual Support Plan for many of our students. An Individual Curriculum Plan is required when a student is provided a lower or higher year level of the Australian Curriculum than their age cohort and the student will be reported against the lower or higher achievement standard. An Individual Curriculum Plan ( ICP) is required for students on a highly individualised curriculum. It may also include students: • with learning difficulties • identified with a disability in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) • who are gifted and talented. An Individual Curriculum Plan can apply to a single learning area, or to the whole curriculum. More information will be sent out as soon as possible and we look forward to your participation and support of your child’s education. Website Changes - An exciting new development for music is happening to our school website as new pages are emerging under the “Extra-curricular” tab. Simply click on “Music” and you will see a menu of sub pages to explore. During the next month I hope to have these all completed but for the moment, Years 2, 3, and 4 have been added along with one entitled “Music Resources” where students will be able to access a range of resources/ downloads/games that we use in the music room and beyond! Take some time and explore the pages already loaded. Our School Musical audition process has been completed and the cast lists have been posted. On Wednesday 25th both casts will come together for their first official rehearsal where they will be introduced to the entire script. Rehearsals then start in earnest after the holidays. The choir has been busy preparing for their first major performance as part of the official ANZAC ceremonies in the first week of next term. They are a dedicated group of young vocalists who are working hard towards their performance. The last few weeks of this term have seen senior students presenting assessment items on instruments, recorders in Year 3 & 4 and Guitar in Year 5 & 6. It is pleasing to see so many students making the extra effort when it comes time for their performances regardless of the ability level they started with or think they have, so many really surprise themselves of what they are actually able to achieve. Music Club has been running for most of the term and an enthusiastic group of students have been consistently turning up at lunchtimes to practise their instruments. We certainly have some talented performers in the wings! Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 News . . . It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of Term 1! Students have definitely settled well into classes and lots of new friendships have also happened. Our teachers have been working extremely hard this Term with your children and ensuring that all Key Learning Areas are being covered. PREP LINE UP: It has become quite apparent in the morning the increased amount of congestion occurring in the small covered area, with 14 classes and parents trying to navigate their way around there. We have now asked all Prep classes to line up before school in the Large Covered Area directly next to the tuckshop. What a fantastic job they did! All five Prep classes were sitting beautifully behind their witches hats rather than sitting with parents on seats. Well done Preppies, you are fantastic role models to all the other students who were watching you! STARLAB: Year 2 had the opportunity to interact with Starlab when they came to our school. As students walked into the ‘dome’ they were given an in-depth look at an unspoiled night sky. They saw different things that they may not have seen with the ‘human eye’. EASTER BONNET PARADE: It is also that time of Year for our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 Easter Bonnet Parade. This will be held on Thursday morning 2nd April in the hall starting promptly at 9.00 am. We absolutely love having parents come and support this event. The children enjoy ‘showing off’ their Easter Bonnets in the hat parade and each class will be on stage to sing their Easter Song. Come and join us!! So exciting! CONTACT DETAILS: I would like to really stress the point to parents about keeping your contact details up to date. There are an increasing number of phone numbers disconnected or incoming call restrictions. We need to be able to contact you, especially in the case of an emergency. Please let the office know if your contact details have changed and we can amend this immediately. ABSENCES: Remember the importance of being at school all day, every day! If you are going to be away please call the absentee line on 5431 6160. Any unexplained absences will result in you receiving a text, or a phone call to explain this. Absence letters were sent out this week and we ask that you complete the forms and return to the office as soon as possible. Please contact the office, if you have any concerns about the details. WHAT’S HAPPENING IN SOME OF OUR CLASSES? 1A & 1P: We have just finished our art canvas of Monet’s water lilies painting which is our art assessment. We have been learning about primary colours, how to make secondary colours, and how to tint and shade colours. We used these new skills to get just the right colour for the painting. We have been busy finishing our science unit which has been focusing on the needs of living things, and how habitats provide for these needs. We walked around the school and discussed how our habitat could be made a “healthy” habitat by picking up rubbish that we see. We are working really hard on learning our sight words and writing sentences and are encouraging students to practise this at home regularly. 1C: We were very excited to get the music award for good behaviour in Music. We’re excited about the Easter Hat parade and will start practising our song with 1G this week. Children are working very well to complete their end of term assessments. Please make sure you’re sending your child to school each day so that they are here for their assessment. It’s been great having days when all students have been here. 2S: Wow! Our term has gone so fast. I am so proud of 2S students who continue to show progress in their reading and talking about our reading strategies. Our class has been very much looking forward to interacting with the Starlab incursion and have really enjoyed our Art unit on the Planets. Please mark in your diary the 2nd of April for our Easter Hat parade – we look forward to showing you our creations. I would like to wish all our wonderful teaching staff and our amazing students and parents, a well-deserved and safe Easter break. I look forward to seeing you all at the beginning of Term 2 for what will be another jam packed term of learning experiences. — Karen Herburg Early Years Coordinator