SCCM TEXAS CHAPTER San Antonio Meeting


SCCM TEXAS CHAPTER San Antonio Meeting
San Antonio Meeting
Email: [email protected]
Candidemia: Antifungal Stewardshi p and t he I mpor tance of Rapid Di agnosti cs
S p e a ke r : M i c h a e l A . P fa l l e r, M D
Chief Medical Officer T2 Biosystems, Inc. &
Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa College of Medicine
T h u rs d ay, A p r i l 9 t h , 2 0 1 5
Registration & Chapter Meeting begin at 6:30PM
Presentation begins at 7:00 PM
K i r by ’s Pr i me Steakhouse
123 N Loop 1604
San Antonio, TX 78232
(210) 404‐2221
• Anyone involved in the care of critically ill patients is invited to participate, including, but not limited to, physicians, nurses,
respiratory therapists, nutritionists, and pharmacists.
• You must be a current or prospective chapter member to attend. • Annual Membership Fee is $45. You can register to be a member at the meeting or go online to: or
To see all Texas Chapter Events go to Sponsored by Robin Barrett with T2 Biosystems, Inc.