March 2015 - SD68 School District


March 2015 - SD68 School District
Principal - Mr. Darren Brick
Vice Principal – Ms. Tonia Collins
2480 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 6V6
Tel. 250-753-2831 Fax: 250-741-8320
March 2015
Newsletter # 08
Reply to: [email protected]
February was a busy month and we’d like to say some thank yous and let you know what is coming upWe are proud to
announce that our “Smartie Girls” who are the City Champions for Reading Link Challenge. We had over 50 students from
grade 4 and 5 participate this year and are very proud of all. . We celebrated anti-bullying day with a fantastic presentation
from Rachel Ashley and students were given bracelets to keep wearing this month to keep her teaching in the front of their
minds.. Thank you to our basketball coaches who are hard at it and congrats to our Bantam girls for third and Bantam Boys
for finishing fourth at Volleyball. (Thank you to all vball coaches). Our grade 3’s have started their Swim to Survive
programand March holds our Movie Night, Bedtime Shenanigans (old Ready Set Learn) and report cards for second term!
Have a happy March and enjoy your Spring Break!
Darren Brick and Tonia Collins
Bedtime Shenanigans
Ready Set Learn is scheduled from on Monday, March 16th at 6:00 pm-7:00pm. It is designed for 3 and 4 year olds
(who will not be attending Kindergarten in 2015). You do not have to be coming to Mt. View to attend.
Ready Set Learn is an opportunity for your child to learn and play. We will introduce you to the school and provide an
opportunity to learn about the importance of early learning. This event is for 3 & 4 year-olds that have not attended a
Ready-Set-Learn event in the past.
Please call the school at 250-753-2831 to let us know if you are able to join us. We look forward to meeting you and your
child. If you are aware of any families in your neighbourhood who may not have registered be sure to have them contact
the school about attending
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 16th , 2015 @ 7:00 PM; all are welcome!
We will be looking at putting into action the results of our parent survey.
Thank you for your input.
Basketball continues. The sponsors/coaches for this year are:
Pee Wee Boys: Mr. Brick; Pee Wee Girls: Mrs. Falk, Mrs. Baird and Mr. Gates; Bantam Girls -: Ms Collins and
Mrs. Kirk; Bantam Boys: Mrs. Falk, Mr. Falk and Mr. Falk
So far all teams are doing quite well in their leagues. Thank you to all the parents and teachers for giving of their
time and expertise.
We have upwards of 70 students involved in team handball this spring. Games occur two times a week. Thanks to Mrs.
Mjaaland, and Mrs. Gueulette for supervising and thanks to Mr. Brick for organizing.
A reminder that we offer a homework club every big recess Monday to Thursday for all ages. Thank you to Mrs.
Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Patton and Mrs. Cronan for doing this.
There will be an event for students starting Kindergarten in September 2014 on Friday, May 22nd from 9:15-10:45 AM.
Please ensure you have registered your child for Kindergarten, as well as for this session if you plan to attend. We will
contact you if you have registered here and are in our catchment. If you are not from our catchment, you should attend the
Welcome to Kindergarten event in your area as we are only given supplies for students in our catchment.
Last day of classes is Friday, March 20th and school resumes Monday, March 30th.
Enjoy the time with family and friends. Keep reading!
During this time of year there are a number of colds and flus around. These can spread amongst others quite easily. For
the health of the staff, students, and volunteers in the school we ask that you take into consideration the following
information. If your child has any of the following symptoms they should be kept home from school:
Fever Keep your children home if they have a fever. Wait until children are fever-free before letting them return to
Vomiting Keep children home if they've vomited twice or more in the last 24 hours. They can return to school after
symptoms clear up or your doctor says they're no longer contagious.
Severe cough and cold symptoms should keep kids home from school. A serious cough could be a sign of contagious
conditions like whooping cough, viral bronchitis, or croup.
Pinkeye is contagious, and children should stay home from school for the first 24 hours after treatment begins.
March 8th
March 9th
March 10th
March 12th
March 12th
March 13th
March 13th
March 16th
March 16th
March 16th
March 17th
March 17th```
March 20th
March 20th
March 30th
March 31st
March 31st
April 3rd
April 6th
April 7th
April 10th
Clocks “spring” forward – Daylight Savings
Veggie Snack Day and K-2 milk
After School Arts Prog/Robot Club
Family Movie Night
Teneckye- Skating Lessons
Hot Lunch Day
Gr. 3’s = Swim to Survive
PLC Monday- Early dismissal at 1:25 pm
Bedtime Shenanigans 6:00-7:00 pm
Home and School Association Meeting- 7:00
Arts Program/Robot Club
Parent’s Night Out5:45-7:00 pm at Rutherford School (Triple P Parenting)
Swim To Survive for grade 3’s
Last Day before Spring Break
First Day of Classes after Spring Break
Grade 5-7 Assembly- BC Lions in the House
Robot Club
Good Friday (No School)
Easter Monday (No School)
Robot Club
Splash and Dash
Nanaimo White Rapids 3rd Annual Splash and Dash
An exciting event is taking place at Beban Pool on Friday April 10th, from 3-5pm and our school has been
invited! Schools also attending include Seaview, Rock City, Pauline Haarer, Mountain View, Departure Bay,
Aspengrove, Hammond Bay, Fairview, Quarterway, & Cilaire!
The Event: Splash and Dash (Swim and Run)
What it is: A short swim at Beban Pool, followed by a run around the soccer fields.
Tykes (Gr. 3 & 4)
50m swim/1km run
Peewees (Gr. 5 & 6)
Bantams (Gr. 7)
50m swim/1km run
100m swim/1.5km run
Who can participate: Anyone in grades 3-7. Don’t feel comfortable in the pool? Kick boards and pool
noodles are ok!
What you need to do: Bring in your registration form and $5 entry fee to Darren Brick by Friday March 20th.
Please arrange for your own transportation – if you need help, let us know!
***Please email ([email protected]) or phoneif you have any questions or concerns.***
Every April the Nanaimo Bar Association hosts an event at the Nanaimo court house called Law Day. This year
Law Day is being held on Saturday, April 18th. It's a an event packed with activities, demonstrations and
displays for kids of all ages and anyone else who is interested in the justice system. Some of the events and
demonstrations include a fairy tail mock trial with a real judge: Regina versus Big bad Wolf, and the RCMP K9 and vision impaired goggles and breathalyzer demonstrations. Also the Justice Education Society of BC will
have information available about their law courts education program and educational resources including their
new CybersafeBC online workshop for kids between 10-15 there.