2015-Newsletter - Associa Community Websites Error
2015-Newsletter - Associa Community Websites Error
AVONLEA Avonlea Homeowners, Chantilly, VA 20152 6 April 2015 Issue 12 Avonlea --- a little history, and a look at our future! HISTORY: In 2005/2006, Edgemoore had a grand plan for our community. Unfortunately, the homebuilding sector went into a tailspin and forced Edgemoore into bankruptcy. As a result, construction of AVONLEA stopped in 2008 with only about 80 homes occupied. For almost 3 years… the community was “on hold.” Then the community was purchased by an investment group who assigned H2 Land to complete the development using NV HOMES to build-out the remaining homes. Although that proceeded well, our community still requires a lot of attention to bring it up to the full potential that most residents desire and expect. SO WHAT? Why is this important to me? Glad you asked. During the time the community was “on hold,” the homeowners banded together to have community clean-up days… and even salvaged all of the pavers from a pavilion that was torn down for new homes. Those pavers were stored adjacent to the lake. They have been used to create three sitting areas around the lake… and more recently were used to construct the entire LEFT SIDE of the improvements at the community center. So --- when you walk up there, look on the left side at the “different pavers” used in that area --- a little bit of history --- courtesy of the homeowners!!! These types of voluntary efforts from our homeowners are what are required to move AVONLEA forward. Consider taking part: serve on a committee, clean up around your home, remove newspapers on sidewalks and driveways, remove old tree stakes, clean up in common areas, and make positive recommendations. MOVING FORWARD: There are ongoing/completed projects: lake management/ treatment, benches, pet stations, fountain improvements, new treadmill and maint contract for HVAC equipment, pool furniture/access, community center doors and storage areas; deck furniture; community center hardscaping and landscaping; new lawn maint company; plus future items: community center refresh, landscaping projects for other common areas, expanded walking paths, common area grass improvements; trash contract, snow/sand removal contracts; plus coordination with Toll Brothers to provide a pavilion, irrigation around lake, fountain in lake, paths and more. ARCHITECTURE - for sure… there are certain rules you have to follow if you are remodeling and improving items around your home. Make sure you read the ARB guidelines and submit the necessary applications where required. RECREATION – This committee is working very hard to promote events in 2015 for ALL HOMEOWNERS and their families. BUT, they need your help. So, look for areas or events where you can participate and help. STAY ENGAGED! Visit and join the AVONLEA Website… try to attend the Resident Town Hall meetings and even the BOD meetings. Volunteer to assist where possible. Community Center Refresh You might have noticed the exterior changes… but are you aware about what’s happening inside? NO? Well, let’s recap: Inside: 1) New doors installed to secure the large meeting area 2) Alarm system installed to provide control of meeting area 3) HVAC maintenance contract awarded 4) Painting of meeting room, foyer and exercise rooms and bathrooms scheduled for first 2 weeks of April 5) Mirrors being installed in Exercise room in April 6) Exercise equipment being serviced in Mar/April 7) Volunteer Monitor Process set up to assist with check in/out of homeowner-reserved events starting on 19 April 8) New policy for renting meeting room approved. And Outside: the upgrade to the front of the center is almost complete. Just need to add some water, electricity, and benches and it should be ready for spring! Fantastic. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Seriously – all positions in the community are performed through volunteers. Without them, our community would not get items accomplished. In addition to the Board of Directors (BOD) who are elected by the community, there are several committees that operate using volunteers who are appointed by the BOD. These committees include: Grounds Committee (GC), Architectural Review Board (ARB), and the Recreation Committee (RC). Everything that happens in the community is managed through these volunteers: Trash removal, Snow removal, sand removal; Pool Operations, Grounds improvements, Approval of architectural applications, lawn Maintenance, events for our children (and adults)… and so much more. YOU are strongly encouraged to participate on or help these committees. CONTACT CMC to let them know of your interest and they will get your information to the appropriate committee members. New Lawn Maintenance Contractor A decision was made to pursue a new contractor starting in 2015. After a very aggressive schedule to solicit bids from recommended contractors, the decision was made to award to VALLEY CREST. We believe this will be an advantageous relationship since the local office is just around the corner past CVS. They are really excited to come in and start working. You should see them starting in early April as they clean up around trees, start mulching, clean up around lake, forepond and Castleton pond. FYI – Valley Crest has recently merged with Brinkman. They will be changing their brand and called: Bright View. Enjoy the amenities and events as we continue to improve, expand and build-out AVONLEA! Let’s Move Forward in 2015! Newsletter is an informal publication of AVONLEA HOA. It has been reviewed by the BOD, CMC and Committees. Dates and Info are subject to change. US FLAG – The US Flag is a symbol of freedom both within the United States and around the world. Are you aware of the proper etiquette that should be shown when flying the flag? Check out: www.usflag.org BOD Corner rd The BOD holds its meetings on the 3 Thursday of every ODD month at 6:30 PM. Meetings are posted on the calendar in the AVONLEAHOA.com website and on sign boards. All BOD (Board of Directors) meetings are “regulated” meetings that follow a required agenda. There is a session at the beginning of the meeting for homeowners to ask questions. After that, the meeting is primarily structured for the BOD in order to address and discuss actions or issues. Homeowners are welcome (and encouraged) to stay for that portion of the meeting to hear what is being discussed. Finally, towards the end of the meeting, the BOD enters into an “Executive Session” where they have to review or discuss items such as delinquent accounts, etc. During the Executive Session, all non-BOD attendees will be invited to leave. RESIDENT Town-Hall Meetings An open forum is conducted with residents 2x a year in order to update residents on initiatives, have guest speakers, as well as to collect inputs for BOD and committee(s) consideration and review. Those are currently planned for 18 JUNE and 15 OCTOBER. These will start at 6:00 with a 30minute “open house” for residents to stop by, visit and view displays, maps, etc… and to ask individual questions of BOD, Grounds, ARB, Recreation members, etc. A more formal session will be held from 6:30-7:30 pm for residents to hear presentations on specific topics. Residents are very much encouraged to attend. Recreation Committee (RC) Info: The Recreation Committee is very excited to announce our 2015 Avonlea Resident Events. So, save the dates and we hope to see you there! Spring Fling April 25th 6pm-8pm (see flyer at end of newsletter) Kick Off Summer June 13th time is TBD Ice Cream Social July 15th 6pm-8pm End of the Summer Party September 5th 4pm-9pm Halloween Parade October 31st 4pm-5pm Cookies with Santa December 19th 9:30am-11am We are currently looking for volunteers to help us out during these events. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Teresa Pierce [email protected]. Thank you for your support. Grounds Committee (GC) Info: Unlike other communities, most of Avonlea’s common areas were not landscaped by the two home builders, Edgemoore and NV Homes, who developed the community. (See article “Avonlea—a little history” on page 1 for more information). The responsibility of completing the community’s landscaping has fallen to the Avonlea HOA. Attractive landscaped grounds can add from 4% to 15% to the market value of homes in a community. It improves the “curb appeal” of the neighborhood and creates a good first impression. The appeal of the community is second only to “education/quality of schools” in people’s choice of where they would consider living, with well landscaped grounds and places for taking walks to be among the most important factors. The recent landscape enhancement to the front of the Clubhouse is the first of a series of improvements that will be made to the common areas throughout the community over the next several years. Landscape enhancements will include signs into the community at the entrances on Pine Forest, and enhancements to the common areas to invite people to enjoy a view, sit and relax, or perhaps just stop and enjoy the scent of flowers. Toll Brothers will also add a pavilion near the pond and extend walking trails around the neighborhood. As a homeowner, we are all members of the Avonlea Home Owners Association (“HOA”). You are encouraged to attend the BOD Meetings to be informed about the management of the Community, and to voice your support and/or concerns about the facilities and common areas, lawn and trash services, and expenditures that are paid for with money collected from homeowners' dues, clubhouse rentals, etc. The BOD is staffed by homeowners who have been elected or appointed to oversee the community. Their responsibilities include establishing a budget each year that is funded by homeowners' dues; determine how the money will be spent; maintain adequate reserves; ensure that the common areas of the community are maintained, hire property management and service providers (lawn maintenance, trash, pool service, etc.); and enforce the HOA declaration and bylaws and appropriate rules and regulations. All homeowners should try to attend these meetings. During the meetings rules may be decided that affect the Community, or budget items discussed, future plans outlined, etc. In order for the BOD to be the most effective in how they manage the Community, they need to hear what is important to homeowners. If you do not attend, the BOD will not know what is important to you. Before each meeting you will see signs around the community that say "BOD Meeting". Please try to attend at least some of these meetings because your input is important. The BOD Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of every ODD month (January, March, May, July, September, November). Architectural Review Board (ARB) Info: The Architectural Review Board, also known as the ARB, is comprised of 5 Avonlea residents who voluntarily work as a team to serve our neighborhood by ensuring the Architectural Guidelines and the Community Covenants are upheld. In doing so, the aesthetic beauty of our community, as well as, the value of our homes is maintained and preserved. The ARB meets regularly, on the first Monday of every month, and works in collaboration with CMC and the Avonlea HOA Board of Directors. Applications for architectural modifications to one’s home/property are reviewed by the ARB. The team offers feedback and suggestions and ensures the Guidelines are conformed to by all residents. The Avonlea Architectural Guidelines are posted to the Avonlea website www.avonleahoa.com . Please get familiar with the Guidelines for general property maintenance requirements, and read through them before submitting applications for any exterior changes/additions to your home or property. A revised version of the guidelines is expected to be adopted by the BOD soon and will be posted to the website. While some guidelines paragraphs have stayed the same, many have been modified or expanded to adopt clarity and lessons learned. Newsletter is an informal publication of AVONLEA HOA. It has been reviewed by the BOD, CMC and Committees. Dates and Info are subject to change. SHOPPING, EATING and MORE… Avonlea Town Center – across from CVS: this has great potential… and could add value to our homes. Current proposals are for a very “upscale” center. Check out the Peterson Companies plans on their website. They were supposed to start in MARCH… however, the county zoning process is delaying. The original plan included some very large proffers. If the county insists on keeping those… Peterson might just drop the project. Let’s hope not. This will be an upgraded center with a theater, health club, green grocer and numerous restaurants…. Plus they will construct the two final lanes of Tall Cedars Dulles Landing – on other side of Rt 50: Phase 1 (the “big box” stores in the back of the center) was originally scheduled to open in May/June timeframe. From what we’ve heard, they a still close to schedule… but it might be in July. Check out Dulles Landing on the web for more information about stores, restaurants, etc. FACEBOOK??? Coming to Avonlea? Well, it certainly appears that will be happening. This is an “unofficial” venture that is being promoted by a group of homeowners to assist with communicating events, schedules, etc. This page is not currently affiliated with the CMC Management Company or The Board of Directors. Yes it is true. A Facebook page has been created for the purpose of announcing events, helping homeowners locate services, & boost community spirit.. The site will be used to promote events and make announcements. It will also make it easy for you to RSVP. To join, all you need to do is look up Avonlea Community Groups on Facebook and add your name or email. You may also invite your neighbors. It is a closed group so all members must be approved by Admin (don’t worry, the page is monitored and you will be approved quickly). We want this page to be informative and fun… and not for embarrassing or criticizing other people or groups. If you have trouble finding the page, or if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Teresa at: [email protected]. Reminder: This is a homeowner administered Facebook site that is NOT reviewed or sponsored by the HOA, BOD or Management Company. TRAFFIC --- and SPEED… Stop signs are coming down at various intersections… and VDOT thought the speed limit on Avonlea should go up. That is a serious combination. HOMEOWNERS --- Please slow down and drive carefully. There are a lot of kids and walkers everywhere. If we, as homeowners, slow down… then we can help slow down other cut-through traffic. The extension of Tall Cedars to Gum Springs is supposed to be completed this year. That will certainly help to take away some of the cut-through traffic. But… for now… we can certainly help by driving slower and being very observant of kids running around. SLOW DOWN! The POOL, The POOL! POOL OPERATIONS – Access to the pool will require the use of the same key card that is used for the Community Center. If you do not have one, contact CMC. There will only be ONE card issued per household in order to manage the use of the cards and maintain accountability at access. The pool will be operated 7 days a week. Hours of operation are (once school is out): Weekdays/Weekends: 10 am – 8 pm 4 July: 10 am – 6 pm Labor Day – 1 Sept: 10 am – 6 pm UPCOMING EVENTS at AVONLEA: 25 Apr 21 May 13 Jun 18 Jun 15 Jul 16 Jul 5 Sep 17 Sep 15 Oct 31 Oct 19 Dec - Spring Fling – 6-8 pm (see flyer at end of newsletter) - BOD Meeting – 6:30 pm - Kick Off Summer - tbd - Town Hall Mtg – 6:00 pm - Ice Cream Social – 6-8 pm - BOD Meeting – 6:30 pm - End of summer Party – 4-9 pm - BOD Meeting – 6:30 pm - Town hall Mtg – 6:00 pm - Halloween Parade – 4-5 pm - Cookies with Santa – 9:30 – 11 am Phone numbers 703-777-1021 - Loudoun County Police (non-emerg) 703-777-0637 - Loudoun County Fire 911 --- EMERGENCY 703-631-7200 – CMC Customer Service Emails/web sites AVONLEA Website: www.avonleahoa.com Joe Barrows at CMC: [email protected] COMMUNICATIONS to Homeowners: Even though some items have to be mailed, we try to avoid that since it can now cost us (the homeowners) almost $500 per mailing for printing, labor, postage, etc. As an alternative, we conduct the MAJORITY of communication via sign boards and via the web site using E-MAILs to those homes who have signed up on the website. Those emails are “managed” so you will only receive informational emails. PLEASE SIGN UP to the website to stay informed! AVONLEA’s Website! The BEST method to stay on top of events and receive “approved” emails. Register to be able to view calendars, newsletters, receive authorized emails, find phone lists of owners, and much more. Check it out at: www.avonleahoa.com Make sure you enroll in the phone listing if you want to be on the list to receive emails, etc. Newsletter is an informal publication of AVONLEA HOA. It has been reviewed by the BOD, CMC and Committees. Dates and Info are subject to change. FAQs Neighborhood Watch. 1. POOL PASSES – How do I get them? CMC will send out guidance to owners detailing the pool pass process in spring. CHECK THE WEBSITE. A KEY CARD is required for access to pool. 2. COMMUNITY CENTER PASS – How do I get it? Contact CMC and request the key card. Get informed and stay connected to LCSO: Website: Sheriff.Loudoun.Gov Facebook: www.facebook.com/loudounsheriff Twitter: http://twitter.com/loudounsheriff Instagram: www.instagram.com/loudounsheriff 3. RENTING the Community Center? Sure. But, contact CMC to reserve the date and to obtain the application. Access to the event center will be “controlled” using monitors to check-in/out all resident-reserved events starting in mid-April 2015. Review the new POLICY for hours/rates. 4. TALL CEDARS Parkway? 2 lanes and walking path have been opened between South Riding and CVS. The remaining 2 lanes will be coordinated with the Retail Center in the near future. The section between CVS and Gum Springs is expected to be started in 2015 (all four lanes). 5. How can I prevent lawn edger from damaging fence? Consider clearing a small 6” border… and then mulch so the mower/edger will not damage a fence, air conditioner, etc. 6. Planting and Watering? Spring is a great time to get outdoors, enjoy the weather and at the same time work on the little maintenance items on the exterior of your property. Plant some annuals, trim bushes, mulch flower beds, re-stain worn out fence or front door, check shutters and gutters for proper fixation …. just a few ideas to get you going. Enjoy your Spring! And, if you see newly planted trees in the common areas behind your property, water them during hot dry days to keep them healthy and to enjoy for years to come. 7. 8. 9. Community meetings? BOD meets every 2 months on the 3rd Thu of each odd month at 6:30. Resident Town-hall meetings are scheduled 2x per year: In 2015: 18 June and 15 Oct ---- starting at 6 pm. Management Company? CMC is the management company assigned with responsibility for tracking customer payments, processing ARB applications, managing contracts, responding to questions or inquiries. It is a fiscal challenge and requires many checks and balances. If you have a question or issue, call them (see phone numbers section) or contact the BOD. Exercise Equipment? A 2nd treadmill has been installed. That will pretty much “max out” equipment in the room for the time being. Service contracts have been established to maintain the equipment. 10. Community Center Access and Monitoring – Yes… the center is monitored. Both the Exercise room and meeting room have video surveillance installed and active 24 hours/day. In addition, the meeting room is alarmed with both door sensors and motion sensors. Overall access to the center requires residents to have a card… and to be in good standing (ie – pay monthly dues, etc). 11. Sign Boards – Please explain to you children, that changing dates and information on sign boards may be “cute” but it certainly is unfair to homeowners who see incorrect dates and/or info and, as a result, show up for an event on the wrong day… or even miss an event completely. 12. MAIL THE NEWSLETTER? – Printing and mailing a newsletter like this would cost more than $1,000. Instead of using homeowners’ budget for that, we encourage homeowners to go to the website and read or print the newsletter. Go to: www.avonleahoa.com Look for the “all Documents” box on left side and scroll down to newsletter --- no need to log in… but you are encouraged to do so. Upcoming events hosted by LSCO, open to all: Technology Safety: What Parents Need to Know April 6, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM @ Briar Woods High School April 22, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM @ Stone Bridge High School April 27, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM @ Loudoun Valley High School Mental Health and Today's Teen: What Parents Need to Know April 7, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM @ Briar Woods High School April 20, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM @ Loudoun Valley High School April 23, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM @ Stone Bridge High School Loudoun County Prescription Drug Take-Back Day April 25, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM @ Various Locations Spring cleaning? Take this opportunity to make an inventory list of items in your home. It’s the Burglary Prevention Initiative. Operation Inventory is prevention based program intended to help curb the ongoing thefts taking place in Loudoun County. Thieves often depend on citizens not to have key information about their belongings. Information such as serial numbers, model numbers, make and model information are key pieces of information that law enforcement uses to recover and identify stolen property. These key pieces of information help law enforcement quickly identify stolen property and aid in the prosecution of the offenders. Reminders: See something, Say something! CALL IT IN! Call non-emergency 703-777-1021 if you hear or see anything suspicious. Emergency: Dial 911 HELP --- HELP --- HELP Your help is needed to make our community the very best that it can be. Most of us, if not all, want a community that offers efficient amenities in a safe and wellmaintained environment… that helps to increase the overall value of our homes. AVONLEA is OUR home! Not everyone is able to (or wants to) serve as a volunteer on the board or one of the committees. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t help out. Here are a couple of suggestions: Pick up trash that is in your yard Pick up trash that you see in the area Clean up pet waste Volunteer to serve on the BOD Volunteer to serve on a committee: o Grounds o Architectural Review Board o Recreation Pick up old newspapers Remove old tree stakes/wires Remove old corner lot markers Call VDOT if there is a road issue Attend a BOD meeting Attend a Town Hall meeting Take part in some of the social events Teach children to put trash in trashcans … and so many other ways. It is easy to think that someone else is going to do something. But… let’s all get involved and HELP OUR COMMUNITY. It doesn’t have to be large. Start with something small. Take the first step! And remember --- EVERYONE at Avonlea who is on a committee or the board is a volunteer… and one of your neighbors. Newsletter is an informal publication of AVONLEA HOA. It has been reviewed by the BOD, CMC and Committees. Dates and Info are subject to change. Two New Adjacent Neighborhoods Avonlea Reserve by Toll Brothers This community is on the North East side of Avonlea, also known as the Busby Tract (the wooded area which is on the opposite side of the lake. The proposal by Toll Brothers to Loudoun County requests the approximately 28 acres be rezoned to allow 109 townhouse units. This is supported by the BOD for the following reasons: 1) Access to this community will be through our community with entries at the continuation of Pine Brook and the second entrance by Ashgarten Drive into Avonlea Reserve. Toll Brothers traffic analysis indicates a total increase in 2016/2017 traffic (projected completion of the project) at 694 trips per day, with 80% of the traffic on Pine Brook. Toll Brothers would construct traffic circles at both entrances of the project. 2) Avonlea Reserve has been annexed into the Avonlea Home Owners Association by the current declarant (Greenfield Partners), which means that our association will grow by an additional 109 home owner memberships. The BOD has been working with Toll Brothers to ensure there is minimum impact of this additional growth to our community resources and has negotiated additional amenities for our combined expanded community. Amenities which have been proffered (meaning committed to Loudoun County and accepted by the county) into the Avonlea community is a pavilion which will be constructed near the pond/tot-lot, irrigation around the main pond, two additional exercise stations which will be an extension from trails to be installed around the Toll Brothers project, an extension of our existing walking path from the bridge at the pond overflow to the walking path along Tall Cedars, and a traffic calming study for our community. Toll Brothers has deeded 40% of the total acreage to Loudon County as a passive wetland park. In addition, Toll Brothers is working with the Avonlea ARB to ensure a consistent architectural design across the combined community and the Avonlea Grounds Committee to ensure a consistent landscape across our combined community. 3) CURRENT STATUS as of MAR 2015: TOLL Brothers has received final approval of their plans. They plan to begin site development (construction) of Avonlea Reserve addition to the Avonlea community in mid-April 2015. They anticipate that it will take them about 6 months to complete the site work. Model home construction will begin in just a few months and they expect to have their first completed/occupied homes about this time next year (Mar 2016). Per their agreements with AVONLEA… there are several elements of construction (trails, exercise stations, traffic calming, landscaping, irrigation & Gazebo) that are to be constructed on the Avonlea HOA property. Toll is working to complete those items during this same timeframe. Stone Ridge East by Van Metre This proposal by Van Metre would develop the tree covered property west of Avonlea, along the walking tail from Somerby Drive to Providence Ridge, and west to Gum Springs Road. Van Metre’s plan is for the rezoning of 54 acres consisting of commercial and residential to all single family, with 160 single family homes on 44.5 acres. This is supported by the BOD for the following reasons: 1) As originally written: this proposal would use our community, along with Providence Ridge, as primary entrances to Stone Ridge East. Our community would face an additional traffic volume equal to or greater than the Toll Brothers proposal, however, the increase would be along Somerby Drive, Castleton Drive, Pine Forest and Pine Brook. The traffic volume and intersections at Somerby and Castleton, Castleton and Pine Brook and Pine Forest would become major concerns. In addition to this increase in traffic, Van Metre proposed to clear cut the entire forested area up to the Avonlea property (leaving a small interior tree preserve to satisfy county requirements). 2) Plan approved by Loudoun County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors: the Van Metre proposal has changed in two ways: 1) Van Metre listened to our community concerns regarding construction traffic and clear cutting as follows: Van Metre negotiated an agreement with current landowners along Gum Springs Road to develop the remainder of the properties, which included a construction access off of Gum Springs for the Stone Ridge East development; and 2) Van Metre will leave a 50 foot buffer of existing tree line along Avonlea Castleton Drive properties. 1. Added additional housing to include some town homes to their proposal along the Gum Spring properties. 2. Expect to commence land prep in fall of 2014… and some home construction by the end of 2015. 3. Tall Cedars – will be extended to Gum Springs. This project will include a path along each side of the road. 4. Tree Line (adjacent to homes along Castleton) – will include 50 feet of PRESERVED (existing) trees. 5. Construction Traffic – will be accessing the property via the entrance off of Tall Cedars road and/or Gum Springs. 6. Lots along Castleton border are generally 120 feet in length. Back yards expected to have approx 75 feet of land to the retained tree line. 7. Trails – will be limited within the actual Stone Ridge East community. 3) CURRENT STATUS as of MAR 2015: A new update was not received from Stone Ridge. From an informal walk through perspective, it appears that much of the infrastructure work has been accomplished… and that they are now starting to lay out roads. So, one would expect to start seeing some construction starting in mid-summer… Newsletter is an informal publication of AVONLEA HOA. It has been reviewed by the BOD, CMC and Committees. Dates and Info are subject to change. Avonlea’s 1st Annual Spring Fling Join us as on Saturday, April 25 from 6pm-8pm. The kids will enjoy Pizza, Cookies, Silly Photo Shoot & Dancing with a DJ! When: April 25, 2015 Where: Avonlea Clubhouse Time: 6pm-8pm Please RSVP by April 24th Space is limited! You can RSVP by emailing Teresa at [email protected] or join the Avonlea Community Group on Facebook and RSVP there. Save the date on June 13th for our summer event! Newsletter is an informal publication of AVONLEA HOA. It has been reviewed by the BOD, CMC and Committees. Dates and Info are subject to change.
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