Newsletter No 33 09 October 1998


Newsletter No 33 09 October 1998
13th March 2015
Newsletter # 07
What’s on next week?
Monday .....................................
Tuesday ....................................
Wednesday ..............................
125th Meeting, 7:30pm
Prep Excursion – Farm activities
Swimming – Lesson #4
Tuckshop - Monday March 16th
Lois Blanch
Leeann Douglas
Eddie McGregor
Kerrie Fogg
Maxine Whitbread (9:30)
Bakers - (10 servings)
Leanne Jensen
Tina Munt
Doug& Kerrie Fogg······Bread/Cheese/Bacon Pieces
Nazrin Black······································· 1 doz eggs
Sandra Brunner ···························· 8lt Custard Lite
Nicole Deed ··········· Pineapple Thins(825g natural juice)
Michelle Waring ·············Pineapple Thins (as above)
Leonie Black ·························· Milk-Low Fat 6litres
Alicia Hall ···············Popcorn (not Microwave) 2pkts
Alicia Hall ············ Sultanas x 2pkts (snack pks Aldi)
Julie Fleishfresser ····························· Mayonnaise
Amanda Litfin ·········· 12x100% Juice Poppers250ml
Lisa O’Neill ············· 12x100% Juice Poppers250ml
Fiona Coyne ······················ (6) x 6 English Muffins
Caramel Milk instead of Banana in the Flavoured Milk … $2.20.
Fruit Smoothies for lunch will include Mango, Strawberry or
Banana (contains fresh frozen fruit).
If you have a dietary request - please mark on your bag as
the quiche can be made gluten free as well as the mornay.
A reminder – some items are available for lunch only- check your
menu and do not forget to save with the Meal Deals which can be
spread over morning tea and lunch.
Any questions call or text Lois 0427769376
125th Meeting – 17th March
The next meeting of the 125th sub-committee of the P&C will be
held next Tuesday in the Library at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome
to come along and pool their ideas to make our 125th celebrations
in 2016 a huge success.
School Swimming
Thanks very much to Jo Town, Tracey Schloss and Amanda May
for assisting with the P – 2 lesson this week. It certainly made a big
difference for the instructors. Thanks also to Sandra Brunner for
volunteering to take a class each week. We are very fortunate!
World’s Greatest Shave – NO MORE LONG BLONDE HAIR for
Maxine Whitbread!!!!
Parent Maxine has shown the community this week just how brave
she is by supporting the very worthy Leukaemia Foundation’s
“World’s Greatest Shave” and having her hair completely removed.
Local hairdresser, Lani Greenslade donated her time to shave half
of Maxine’s hair in Nanango and half at school yesterday. It was an
“unusual sight” seeing someone enter the school grounds with half
a head of hair!
Maxine has raised approx. $800 so far
and is keen to keep raising funds. SO…
if any families are able to donate, they
can contact Maxine or leave their
donation at the school.
Well done Maxine!
NBN Service
Installation may well be a problem, as there is a number of trees
inhibiting the signal strength from the tower on Usher’s Hill. The
school is approaching SBR Council to see if these tress can be
School Photos
Our photographer Kathy Steinhardt, did a great job photographing
our 130 students on Tuesday. It was the fastest whole school shot
taken for some time.
It will be 2 -3 weeks before proofs are ready. Order forms will be
ready shortly.
GRG Funding
This year, the school expects to receive $37 000 in the Great
Results Guaranteed GRG funding round. These funds are to be
specifically spent on improving the results of P – 3 students.
The funds are going to be spent on: $4000 – engaging SPELLING expert Christine Killey to help
implement the Words Their Way Spelling Program
 $33 000 – employment of teacher aides in lower school
classes. These funds will not cover these purchases for the
whole year, so other budgeted funds have been allocated to
ensure the continuation of the teacher aides in classes for as
long as possible.
Whole School Spelling Rule
One element of our new Spelling Program, is a “whole of school”
spelling rule each week. Every spelling group learns, uses and
understands the weekly rule to help analyse and spell words.
Students often have a catchy jingle or story to help remember their
We will be endeavouring to publish “next week’s rule” each week
so parents know what the rule is and are more able to help with its
Next week’s rule is – V POWER Every syllable must have a
vowel & every sentence must have at least one verb.
Examples – HOT / TER TA / BLE HEALTH / Y (y sometimes
does the job of a vowel)
P&C Hot Cross Bun Drive FUNDRAISER
Don’t forget the P&C Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser!!!
 Sell / buy vouchers for $7 (which can be redeemed at Brumby’s
Bakery Kingaroy Store, anytime between now and Easter).
 The voucher entitles the holder to a pack of six Hot Cross
 Flavours are: Traditional, Fruitless, Chocolate and Salted
Families are asked to collect orders and money for the vouchers
and return the form and money to school.
Vouchers will be sent home as soon as possible after receiving
the order form and money.
You may re-order multiple times until 1st April
Thank you for your support.
‘I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.’ John Cage - Musical Innovator
This month Coolabunia had a chocolate drive….
Fleecy Jumpers and Screen Printing
 Order form attached today
Parents wishing to purchase ready-made Fleecy Jumpers
or have their own embroidered must have them to Fiona
by 1st April 2015. This will enable us to get them
embroidered over the holidays and hopefully back to the
families in the first week back – Term 2.
All supplied jumpers must be clearly named, so as to
avoid confusion. If anyone is having any problems with
supplying their fleecy jumpers, could you please let me
know about it.
 4163 3311
Aussie of the Month
Winners this month received their certificates on assembly last week: Olivia, Dylan,
Scarlet, Timothy, Kyah, Stefanie, Belle, Jessie, Kahla, Jake, Lincoln, Charles, Lily,
Kassidy and Chloe.
UnfortunatelyRiley and Jai had to wait a week ‘till this week’s parade.
New Rider Mower
► Have you returned the form indicating your availability to assist.
with the Oval moving?
A ROSTER is being established to keep the new oval area welltrimmed to encourage grass growth. It takes approximately 2 hours
to mow the area - on the new mower, even less time.
Aluminum Can Recycling
Don’t forget to bring your empty DRY aluminum cans
along to school - all profits made will go towards
improving our school environment.
Have YOU PAID for your
► Swimming - $55 per student (10 lessons)
► RE Workbook - $6.00 per student
► Family Contributions - $20ea for first 2 students then $10
for each additional students per family.
► Stepping Stones Maths Workbook (P-Yr6)
► Handwriting Book (P-Yr2)
If parents are interested in joining this roster, it might only mean
one turn each term or semester.
Harrison Murray’s family are the recipients of $100 Coles/Myer
Gift Cards for having sold the most chocolates during the P&C’s
successful chocolate drive.
The P&C also presented the Town, Chloe Black, Scrimshaw,
Bruce, Brackin, Timothy & Clinton Blanch, Hall and Jensen families
with recognition of great effort in sales at assembly on Monday.
GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!! The P&C have raised around $6500
in this fundraiser. The money will be injected into projects around
the school that the students will directly benefit from.
Swimming Lesson #5
Last Day – Term 1
03 – 06 ········Easter
07 – 19 Mid-Semester Break
Students return
‘There is more to life than increasing its speed.’ – GANDI
M Johnston - Principal
Newsletter # 07
13th March 2015
‘I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I’m frightened of the old ones.’ John Cage - Musical Innovator