Easter Sports Camp - The Boys` Brigade in Scotland


Easter Sports Camp - The Boys` Brigade in Scotland
Easter Discover Sports Camp
6th - 8th April 2015
Are you already looking forward to the Easter Holidays, but have nothing planned yet? Do you love camp,
but hate having to wait for the summer months? Do you enjoy taking part in sport? Are you missing the
constant fun of the Commonwealth Games? If YES to any of these, then we have the event that it perfect
for you!
Due to the success of our first Discover Sports Camp, BB Scotland will be holding a second event at our
Headquarters in Carronvale House, Larbert. You’ll have the opportunity to meet Young People from around
Scotland, while taking part in a number of sporting activities and mini-competitions!
So, what’s on offer? As well as what we’ve already mentioned, you’ll get the
chance to take part in a number of team challenges, and
we are working to secure a visit from a Sporting
Personality. You’ll also experience coaching sessions in
both popular and less commonly taught sports – such as
Flag Football and Taekwondo.
Transport & Time:
You will need to make your own way to Carronvale, so
that’s not included in the price. This is really easy by car
and by train. We’ll kick off at 12 noon on Monday, and will
be finished by 5.30pm on Wednesday.
The important bits:
The midweek camp is open to all Young People in Company Section P7-S3 age group.
Don’t worry if you’re the only one able to come along from your company; or if you’ve
never been on a residential before. Come join us, meet new people from around Scotland,
and enjoy a new experience – that is the whole point: ‘The Adventure Begins Here’ after all
The cost has been kept down to £55, which includes accommodation, food and all of your
activities – which is excellent value! This, along with completed registration form, needs to
with us by Friday 6th March. If you would prefer to spread the cost, we can accept a £20
non-refundable deposit before January 16th.
Places are limited, and you don’t want to miss out, so please be in touch as soon as
possible. We also encourage Companies and Battalions to support participants with the
Other stuff…
If you have any questions, please contact Paul O’Shea on 07415 277301 or by email
[email protected] Further details, such as directions to Carronvale and the
finalised programme will be emailed out nearer the time. We look forward to seeing you!
(Please see over the page for registration & payment forms!)
The Boys’ Brigade, Scottish Headquarters, Carronvale House, Carronvale Road , Larbert FK5 3LH
E: [email protected] T: 01324 562008 F: 01324 552323 Scottish Charity Number SC038016
Could you please complete the form below and return, with payment, by Friday 6th March
Participants’ Details:
Full Name:
________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________
________________________________ School Year:
_______________________ Tel No:
______________________ Email:
Payment Details: Please √
Please charge £________ to my Visa/Mastercard – details below
Please find cheque attached
Payment was completed by phone
Card No.:
_________________ Expiry Date:
3 Digit Security Code: _________
Name (as it appears on card): _______________________________________________________
Please return completed form, together with the required payment to:
The Boys’ Brigade
Carronvale House
Carronvale Road
Please make cheques payable ‘The Boys’ Brigade’
PAYMENTS CAN ALSO BE MADE BY PHONE – 01324 562008 (option 1)
Please return completed form by email to [email protected] or alternatively post to:
The Boys’ Brigade
Carronvale House
Carronvale Road
Larbert FK5 3LH
The Boys’ Brigade, Scottish Headquarters, Carronvale House, Carronvale Road , Larbert FK5 3LH
E: [email protected] T: 01324 562008 F: 01324 552323 Scottish Charity Number SC038016