Coach Canche PE Syllabus
Coach Canche PE Syllabus
PHYSICAL EDUCATION SAN YSIDRO HIGH SCHOOL Coach Canche’ – [email protected] Dear parents/Guardians, Your child is enrolled in Physical Education (PE). Research has demonstrated that there is a positive link between physical activity and academic learning. The healthy and physically active child is likely to be academically motivated, alert and successful. We believe that the standards proposed by the California Physical Education Framework and Sweetwater Unified School District Physical Education Contents and Performance Standards will help develop students who will: Demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency. Apply movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills. Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Demonstrate responsible personal and social behaviors in context of physical activities. Demonstrate understanding and respect for differences among people in the context of physical activity settings. Understand that physical activities provide opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self expression and social interaction (NASPE, 1995) Physical Education Uniform Policy This uniform policy is designed to provide consistency in the physical education department which will help you if you change classes. It is also designed for your safety and hygiene for your sake and the sake of others. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HALF NONSUIT!! YOU ARE EITHER SUITED UP CORRECTLY OR YOU HAVE A NON SUIT. This is not open to debate. Shirt- The shirt must be a T-Shirt, not a shirt with a collar. The shirt that they wear to PE must not be the same shirt that they wear to class. The T-Shirt can be any San Ysidro shirt from a club or sports team from SYHS, or the PE shirt purchased from the ASB. If your child does not have these shirts, they can wear any plain white or gray T-Shirt with out logo’s from home that will have their full first and last name printed on the shirt with a permanent marker. **no tank tops, spaghetti straps or Ashirts are allowed. Shorts – The shorts must be either the one’s purchased from the ASB, or any plain blue, or black shorts that have no belt loops and no denim shorts. Sweatshirts – Must be blue or black a sweatshirt from a SY club or sports team. No zippered sweat shirts or sweats with buttons are allowed. Sweatpants – Must be either the sweatpants purchased from the ASB, or SY club or sports team, or any plain blue or black or sweatpants. Shoes – The shoes must be soft-soled athletic shoes/cross-trainers/running shoes that must be fastened with shoe laces. No slip-ons, designer casual shoes , Velcro shoes or slippers are allowed. ELECTRONIC DEVICES It is district policy that cell phones, IPads, IPods, any electrical devices be left at home or locked up in the locker room. If these devices are brought to class and I see them, they will be confiscated. I will not hold any devices for the students, for they should not be out in class. If they are lost or stolen, I will not be responsible for the electronic devices. CLASS PROCEDURES Students will report to their numbers for the start of class. Students should be sitting on their numbers before the late bell rings. If students are not sitting on their numbers before the late bell rings then they will be marked tardy and citizenship will be lowered one letter grade. Students should not bring food, drinks or gum to the gymnasium or locker room. All students will report to their assigned number outside behind the locker room for attendance. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to wear hats, sunglasses, or jewelry during physical education class. Students who are non-suited will take their backpacks with them to class and are not allowed in the locker room. WE WILL SUIT UP EVERY DAY, UNLESS YOU ARE NOTIFIED IN ADVANCE- EVEN IF IT RAINS!!! –SO DO NOT ASK!!!!!!!!! LOCKER ROOM PROCEDURES Students will be assigned a locker by a member of the PE department. Your locker will be a small locker to store your PE clothes when you don’t have your PE class. The big lockers are to be used only when you have PE, and a place to store your school books. The big lockers are to be used only when you have PE. PE coaches will periodically before school or during nutrition and lunch cut locks off from any big lockers. Coaches will not cut a lock off a locker for you if that locker is not assigned to you. Students are not allowed to share locker’s each student must have their own locker and lock. * There is no horseplay in the locker room at all or you will not be allowed to dress out. Guilty parties will be given referrals to the assistant principals. Once you have dressed out in your PE clothes you must exit to your roll call area. Students will have about 7-10 minutes to dress out and report to their area. * You should purchase a combination lock (Master), or a good one from the ASB or your neighborhood store. Do not purchase a key lock due to the fact that the key gets lost and then it has to be cut off. Do not share your locker with anyone, or give out your combination. Many times when people share lockers, your clothes and lock ends up missing. IF YOU ARE NOT SUITING UP FOR CLASS, DO NOT COME IN THE LOCKER ROOM FOR ANY REASON. MEDICAL EXCUSES A parent or guardian must provide a note in the event that a student is unable to participate in class. If an illness or an injury prevents a student from participation for more than 3 consecutive calendar days, a physician who must be practicing in the United States must provide a written excuse. This note must be presented to the nurse prior to coming to class. You will not be allowed to participate in any activity until the DOCTER clears you for activity. Extended illnesses or injuries will be evaluated on an individual bases and some resulting in alternative written assignments for the student. All missed days of participation must be made up in order to receive credit for the class. If a student should become ill or injured during the school day then the student should obtain a written excuse from the school clinic. Students need to inform the instructors of any physical problems – asthma, diabetes, etc.—in order for there to be accommodations or special attentions made for the students. Students should report any injury occurring during class immediately to the instructor during the class when the injury occurred. If you are well enough to be at school, you are well enough to participate in Physical Education. If you are too ill to participate, you should stay home, not only for yourself, but for all the other students, teachers, and staff you will come in contact with while you are ill. ** You must still be suited up even if you have a nurse’s excuse or a doctor’s excuse because you can still participate in activities that do not require strenuous activity. GRADING POLICY New state laws have changed Physical Education dramatically. It is important for you to know the standards that will have an impact upon what we do and what your grade will be. STANDARD 1 Students demonstrate knowledge of and competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and strategies needed to perform a variety of physical activities. What does this mean? You will be required to: a) demonstrate proficiency in combatives and team activities b) learn to combine movement patterns to perform advanced offensive , defensive, and transition strategies in team sport situations. c) Learn and use the principles of biomechanics to analyze and improve performance d) Understand motor learning concepts STANDARD 2 Students achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, principles and strategies. You will: a) be assessed on each of the health-related fitness components b) c) d) participate in activities at a moderate to vigorous level develop and describe a fitness plan that enhances personal health learn to become wise consumers by evaluating fitness products and programs, as well as fitness resources in the community STANDARD 3 Students demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity. You will: a) learn that your choice of physical activities may change throughout the years b) learn the psychological benefits of physical activity c) learn that physical activities man need to be modified to allow participation by individual of various ages and those with special needs Your achievement in this class will be measured using multiple assessment tools including but not limited to: performance based assessments journals rubrics of performance assessments during activity quizzes/tests video fitness gram and assessment worksheets I WILL GRADE ON THE FOLLOWING PERCENTAGES FOR SCHOLARSHIP A = 100-90% - Do you clearly and consistently demonstrate the abilities and skills for each day? B = 89-80% - Do you usually demonstrate the abilities and skills for each day? C = 79-70% - Do you sometimes demonstrate the abilities and skills for each day? D = 69-60% - Do you rarely demonstrate the abilities and skills for each day? F = 59-0% - Do you never demonstrate the abilities and skills for each day? Each grading period there is a total of 20 points for suiting up and participating each day and 1 point for each lap that is ran. If your child does not suit up or if they are absent then they will lose 20 points for the day and 1point for each lap that was not run for the day. They must not be disruptive if not suited up for class. If your child suits up but does not participate in class, then they will receive a Non-Participation for the day and they will lose 20 points. A Non-participation will cause your grade to lose 20 pts for the day, and 2 Non-Participations will lower your citizenship grade to an F for the Semester. There will be no make-ups for students who are a Non-suit and make-ups will be offered to students who have a verified excused absence. Make ups will be written assignments. Citizenship Grade: This grade is based on attendance, punctuality, following rules, being suited up in the proper attire, respect for others and property, and listening to and following instructions. In addition, every non suit will lower your citizenship grade 1 full letter grade. A= 1 violation B = 2 violations C = 3 violations D = 4 violations F = 5 violations Parents- My E-Mail ,if you wish to contact me is [email protected] I will try to respond within 48 hours. 619-710-2300 Thank You, Coach Canche’ I have reviewed the San Ysidro High School Physical Education rules and grading policy and understand class and behavior expectations for my child for this course. Parent’s Signature Student’s Signature Parent’s E-Mail Home/Cell# Date: Work # Please list any medical issues or concerns that you may have.