all USC Dissertations in History - USC Dana and David Dornsife
all USC Dissertations in History - USC Dana and David Dornsife
USC Dissertations in History Year 1931-2015 Name 1931 Hummel William F. 1933 Alexander Herbert B. 1933 Wallbank Thomas W. 1934 Bailey 1934 Custard Helen Leila Miller R. 1934 Tilden 1934 Whitmore Arnold Clara Belle 1935 Ponsford 1935 Robinson Pearl Genevieve L. 1935 Waite Carleton 1936 Bromilow 1936 Fifield Jessie Walter Elizabeth Walworth 1936 Kirchhoff 1936 Kramer Hermann George D. F. Nicholas 1936 Moon Chang Wook 1936 Tanquary Grafton Pettis 1937 Barker William Roswell 1937 Barkley David Wright 12 May 2015 Dissertation The Role of Historical Criticism in the Chinese Renaissance of Today Austro-Serbian Antagonism: A Study in the Immediate Causes of the World War The British Dependent Empire: A Study with Special Reference to the Evolution and Functioning of Crown Colony Government United States Cooperation with the League of Nations on Narcotic Control Bills of Rights in American History The Legislation of the Civil War Period Considered as a Basis of the Agricultrual Revolution in the United States History of the Development of Western Medicine in China A History of Congressional Elections and Their Effort on the Political Complexion of Congress The Public Career of Jean Jaures Some Elements of International Military Cooperation in the Suppression of the 1900 Anti-Foreign Rising in China, with Special Reference to the Forces of the U.S. Don Diego de Vargas and the Reconquest of New Mexico, 16921704 A History of the Extradiction Treaties of the United States The Political and Economic Relations between Germany and the United States, 1871-1901 A History of the Know-Nothing Movement American Relations with Siam: Diplomatic, Commercial, Religious, and Educational Crisis Orations: A Study of the Historical Influences of Certain Selected American Orations, 1830-1861 England and the European Neutrals Who Became Belligerent, 1914-1917 Ideas of Democracy in English and French Photography during the Enlightenment 1 USC Dissertations in History 1937 Harker 1937 Taylor Mary Edith 1937 Yakeley Leon 1938 Milham Chester 1938 Semans Lindsay 1931-2015 Reeves Mary Alfred 1938 Van Arsdale Elisabeth V. 1939 Goad 1939 Howard Edgar John A. 1939 Knott James Proctor 1939 McAllister 1939 Mitchell Walter Donald Alexander W. 1939 Norwood 1939 Schultz William Harry Frederick Lewis 1940 Coleman Edward M. 1940 Marsh 1940 Quimby 1941 Ballard Esbon Paul Alice Rea Elmore J. 1941 Dwork Irving 12 May 2015 Organization of Labor in Mexico since 1910 History of the British Post Office, 1830-1840 The Development of Higher Education in the Jacksonian Period, 1825-1840 A History of National Espionage Legislation and Its Operation in the United States during the World War A History of the Development of Education Under British Administration in Burma to 1886 A Consideration of the Policy of the U.S. Toward the Movement for Independence in the Spanish Colonies with an Account of the Mina Expedition to Mexico, 1816-1818 A Study of the Life of Adolph Francis, Alphonso Bandelier, wiith an Appraisal of His Contributions to American Anthropology and Related Sciences The Public Inter-American Conferences, 1889-1939 Evangelicism and its Influence on English Social Reform during Part of the 18th and 19th Centuries A Study of Railroad Land-Grant Disposals in California with Reference to the Western Pacific, the Central Pacific and Southern Pacific Railroad Companies History of the U.S. Navy 1883-1939 A History of Medical Education in the United States before the Civil War The Life and Times of the 5th Marquess of Lansdowne A History of the Third Session of the Second Contiental Congress, December 20, 1776 to February 27, 1777 A History of the First Session of The Second Continental Congress, May 10 to August 1, 1775 A Study of the Foreign Policies of Li-Hung-Chang The Legend of Nations and Public Health Jews and Crusaders in Europe: A Translation of the Chronicles of the First Crusade 2 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 12 May 2015 The Revival of European Economic Interest in Japan, 1800-1855 1941 Eckel 1941 Itter Paul William E. 1941 Upthegrove Campbell L. 1941 Wolfram Ernest Albert 1942 Guerrant 1942 Jones Edward John Owings Parry 1942 Lundin 1942 Odell Robert Elwyn Ashly Hope 1942 1944 1944 1945 Edward Grace Hazel John Miles 1945 Reynolds Keld John 1945 1946 1947 1947 Garrett Donald David John D. Eugene F. 1948 Caldwell Russell L. 1949 Ernst 1949 Lee Henry Robert Jacquot 1949 Parry Hugh Jones Riley Magee Pulling Haussler Wynkoop Johnson Miller Weir A. C. Conscription in Pennsylvania during the Civil War A History of the Relations of Great Britain with the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations Selected Instances of Certain Propaganda Techniques of Ancient and Modern Times The Foreign Policy of the Roosevelt Administration in Latin America, 1933-1941 Religion and Capitalism in England From 1500-1650 A History of the Second Session of the Second Continental Congress The Public Life of George Grenville The Founding and Devlopment of Yorktown, Virginia, 16911781 English Biography during the Restoration Period A History of California's Range-Cattle Industry, 1770-1912 The History of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in California The Junta de Fomento de Californias, 1824-1827: Analysis and Evaluation of Its Work Great Britain and Scandinavia: A Study of Diplomacy in Northern Europe, 1905-1908 Alvaro Obregon and the Mexican Revolution The Great Salt Lake: Its History and Economic Development The Colonization of Brazil to 1850 The Influence of the Federal Bar upon the Interpretation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court under John Marshall The Second Hague Peace Conference and Germany's Foreign Policy The Conventions That Nominated the Presidents, 1896-1944 The Spanish Civil War: A Study in American Public Opinion, Propaganda and Pressure Groups 3 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1949 Peters 1950 Wood Donald Richard 1950 Yates Louis 1951 Catren 1951 Hoffmann 1951 Hoyt Robert George Franklyn Charles Charles 1951 Inouye Frank T. 1951 Krug 1952 Bates Mary Jack Louise Ward 1952 Campbell E. E. 1953 Brown John Walton 1953 Hamilton 1953 Kugler Robert Ruben S. Fred 1953 Povlovich Charles A. 1953 Ridout Lionel Utley 1953 Van Ness Richard J. 1954 Beekmann 1954 Fletcher 1954 Redmond Emma Arnold Kent E. Charles C. Jr. 12 May 2015 Extraterritoriality and Tariff Autonomy in Sino-American Relations, 1921-1931 A History of the Calavaras Region of California The United States and French Security, 1917-1924: A Study of the Treaty of Guarantee A History of the Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electrical Energy in Southern California The Early Political Career of Charles L. McNasy, 1917-1924 Railroad Development in Southern California, 1868-1900 Sir William Johnson and the Administration of the Northern Indian Department A Critical Analysis of the Sources of Information on the Constitutional Convention John Quincy Adams and the Antislavery Movement A History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in California, 1846-1946 The Foundations of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Austral South America, 1785-1912 The History and Influence of the Baptist Church in California, 1848-1899 Germany's Axis Policies in Europe, 1933-1939 Scottish Juridical Institutions and Practices Under the Impact of the Union with England Foundations of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California, 1849-1893 An Investigation of the Development of Radicalism in the Legislature of Colonial Virginia, with Emphasis on the Period of Revolutionary Growth, 1765-1776 Life and Letters of John Martin Vincent: A Pioneer American Professional Historian, 1857-1910 A History of the Afghan Nation The Education of a Statesman: Henry L. Stimson, 1911-1928 4 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1955 Berman 1955 Cordray Averill William J. Woodrow 1955 Evans Walter Bennett 1955 Hill David Fred 1955 Pollman Howard John 1956 Hearn 1956 Karr 1956 Morgan Joseph Albert William Edward Samuel James 1956 Smith Arthur Lee 1957 Cangialosi Russell D. 1957 Ellis Ivan Cheever 1957 Mackett Walter Charles 1957 Miller Wayne V. 1957 1957 1958 1958 Richard Gordon Sin-Ming Theodore Philip Maurice Gardner Sherman Wilson Chiu Grivas 1958 Holmes Jr. 12 May 2015 Senator William Edgar Boran: A Study in Historical Agreements and Contradictions Claus Spreckels of California The Genesis of the Pakistan Idea: A Study in Hindu-Muslim Relations Some Aspects of the Rise of Canadian Nationalism, 1858-1865: A Study of Public Opinion with Special Reference to the Influence of the United States An Evaluation of the Influence of Leopold I of Belgium Upon European Politics, 1831-1865 A History of Southern Rodesia to 1902, With Particular Reference to the Matabele Tribe and the Role of the British South Africa Company The Roosevelt Haters: A Study in Economic Motivation The New England Captains in the Continental Navy General Hans von Seeckt and German Secret Reamament, 19191926 The Reign of Frederick II and Its Influence on South Italian Sculpture A Study of the Influence of Alexander Hamilton on George Washington Some Aspects of the Development of American Opinion on India, 1918-1947 The Emergence of William H. Seward as a National Political Leader, 1847-1859 Robert Johnson: Proprietary and Royal Governor of South Carolina Arthur St. Clair and the Administration of the Old Northwest A History of the Chinese Communist Army A History of California's Military Governments, 1846-1850 Some Light on the Background and Conduct of Early Spanish Nautical Exploration Along the Coasts of the Californias 5 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1958 Minger Ralph Eldin 1958 Nunis 1958 Pundeff Doyce Marin Blackman V. 1959 Casey John William 1959 Clark 1959 Fertig Jerome Norman L. 1959 Forbes Jack Douglas 1959 Heath 1959 Servin 1959 White Frederick Manuel Charles B. 1960 Condon 1960 Goff Mary John Dorothea S. 1960 Hinkston 1960 Rygh 1961 Guest Eugene Andrew Florian R. R. Francis 1961 Jennings Helen Livingston1961 Little Dallas M. Louise Jr. 12 May 2015 William Howard Taft: His Apprenticeship in American Foreign Policy, 1900-1908 The Diplomatic Defense of the Old Northwest, 1781-1789: America's Quest for Empire Bulgaria's Place in Axis Policy, 1936-44 The Mission of Charles Denby and International Rivalries in the Far East, 1885-1898 The Contributions of George W. Norris during His Service on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee The Closer Union Movement in the British West Indies Apache, Navaho and Spaniard: A History of the Southern Athapaskans and Their Relations with the Spanish Empire, 15401698 Richard Grenville, Third Duke of Buckingham and Chandos: A Case Study of the 19th-Century 'Amphibious' British Aristocrat The Act of Sovereignty in the Age of Discovery The Socialist Labor Party, 1890-1903 The Demand for Restricted Tenure of Land in Ireland, 18201835 Robert Todd Lincoln in Politics and Diplomacy California's Assertion of States' Rights: A History of Jurisdictional Controversies with the Federal Government English Periodicals and the Democratic Movement, 1865-85 Municipal Institutions in Spanish California, 1769-1821 John Mason Peck and the Impact of New England on the Old Northwest An Economic History of North Idaho From 1800 to 1900 E. 1961 Pursinger 1962 Campbell Marvin Miles Gavin Warren 1962 Engstrand Iris H. Oregon's Japanese in World War II: A History of Compulsory Relocation The Ascendancy of the Earls of Wessex, 1018-1066 Scientific Aspects of Spanish Exploration in New Spain during the Late 18th Century 6 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1962 Klassen Peter James 1963 Allen James Brown 1963 Cutler Allan Harris 1963 Davis James Russell 1963 De Vore Blanche Blue 1963 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 Helene Calvin Michael David John Wallace Vivan Lee Edward A. Patrick 1964 Nuttall 1964 O'Brien 1964 Smith Donald John Ronald Andrew Michael D. 1964 Tipton Charles Leon 1964 Wolf 1964 York Jerome John M. 1965 Batman Richard Dale 1965 Jensen 1965 Pauw James Alan Maurice Donald 1965 Proctor Donald J. Johnson Reese Thurman Williams Diggins Frank Jr. Sr. 12 May 2015 The Economics of Anabaptism, 1525-1560 The Company Town as a Feature of Western American Development Catholic Missions to the Moslems to the End of the First Crusade (1100) A History of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in California, 1849-1962 The Influence of Antonio Diaz Seto y Gama en the Agrarian Movement in Mexico Alexander Hamilton and the British Orientation of American Foreign Policy, 1783-1803 The Army and the Indian Low Plains Area, 1815-1854 The Naval Department of San Blas, 1768-1797 The Political Career of David G. Broderick Mussolini's Italy: The View From America, 1922-1941 History of Thoroughbred Racing in California Pedro Fages and the Advance of the Northern Frontier of New Spain, 1767-1782 Fulk of Neuilly French Interests in Louisiana: From Choiseur to Napoleon The English Langue of the Knights Hospitallers during the Great Schism The Imperial Valley as an Index of Agricultural Labor Relations in California Philip the Arab: The First Christian Emperor of Rome The Road to the Presidency: Hoover, Johnson and the California Republican Party, 1920-1924 The Development of the Central Valley Transportation Route in California to 1920 Historical Background Relating to Access Rights To Berlin From Insurrection to Independence: The Continental Congress and the Military Launching of the American Revolution 7 USC Dissertations in History Schapsmeie 1965 r Edward Schapsmeie 1965 r Frederick 1931-2015 Lewis Herman 1966 Gardner 1966 Newquist Vivian Gloria Pauline Winden 1966 Phillips 1966 Price Earl Glenn Harold W. 1966 Rohne 1966 Schmutz Carl Richard Frederick Antone 1967 1967 1967 1967 Bob Robert Laurence Steven Dale Paul Bernard 1967 Goldmann William Elliott 1967 Hendricks 1967 Hood William David Oral Crockett 1967 Meaker Gerald Henry 1967 Roosen William James 1967 Wilshire Leland Edward 1967 Wrobel 1968 Nagle Alfred D. Brendan John Barger Barnes Epstein Gaspar 12 May 2015 The Political Philosophy of Henry A. Wallace: Its Origins and Development, The Agrarian Years, 1920-1940 The Political Philosophy of Walter Lippmann: A Half Century of Thought and Commentary Maurice Thorez: Policies and Practices of the French Communist Leader James A. Farley and the Politics of Victory, 1928-1936 The Church Missionary Society, The Imperial Factor, and Yoruba Politics, 1842-1873 The Origins of the War with Mexico: The Polk-Stockton Intrigue The Origins and Development of the Catalan Consulados Ultramarinos From the 13th to the 15th Century The Foundations of Medieval Papal Representation Raymond Haight: California's 'Angry' Young Man-The Biography of a Political Activist The Scottish Revolution of 1689 The American Philosophy of War, 1945-1967 Four 19th-Century Hungarian Travelers in America International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: History of an Organization, 1949-1962 Guillermo Andrade and Land Development on the Mexican Colorado River Delta, 1874-1905 Plutarch and the Persons Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalism and the Russian Revolution, 19171922 The Ambassador's Craft: A Study of the Functioning of French Ambassadors under Louis XIV Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1245-1270: His Role in English Politics The American Revolution and the Poland of Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski (1763-1795) A Historiographic Study of Plutarch's Tiberius Gracchus 8 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1969 Falk Joyce Duncan 1969 Griffin Patrick H. 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 Johnson Morgan Morris O'Neil Otte Robert William Ronald Daniel James Bruce Graham Lee James Karl 1969 1969 1969 1969 Reed Shumway Smith Weleba John Gary Kenneth Shirley Jay L. Aubrey A. 1970 Adams Glen Warren 1970 Andrews 1970 Buth 1970 Corbett Franklin Martin Graham 1970 Coughlin Thomas Wilfred Theodore Sr. Magdalen 1970 Hata 1970 Hoidal 1970 Jackson Donald Oddvar Sheldon Teruo K. Glenn 1970 Leary 1970 Lewis David Albert T. Lucian 1970 Lothrop Gloria Ricci Jr. 12 May 2015 The Concept of the Ideal Prince in the Literature of the French Enlightenment, 1700-1780 Fathers and Sons in 19th Century Romania: A Study of Generational Thinking The Punitive Expedition: A Military Diplomatic and Political History of Pershing's Chase after Pancho Villa, 1916-1917 Presidential Nominations in the Federal Era, 1788-1828 The Labour Party and the General Strike of 1926 The United States Navy in the Californias, 1840-1850 Alfred of Sareshel's Commentary on the Metheora of Aristotle American Diplomatic Relations with Australia during the Second World War A History of the Uranium Industry on the Colorado Plateau California: The Wheat Decades Trial by Jury in Southern Rhodesia, 1900-1912 The Unesco Controversy in Los Angeles, 1951-1953: A Case Study of the Influence of Right-wing Groups on Urban Affairs The Controversial Career of Lansford Warren Hastings: Pioneer California Promoter and Emigrant Guide Piero Della Vigna, Bureaucrat The Elements of Reform in Early 17th-Century Spain Boston Merchants on the Coast, 1787-1821: An Insight into the American Acquisition of California Undesirables: Unsavory Elements Among the Japanese in America Prior to 1893 and Their Influence on the First AntiJapanese Movement in California The Road to Futility: Vidkun Quisling's Career in Pre-War Norway Henry Dalton, Southern California Ranchero The Attitudes of Certain United States Citizens Toward Mexico, 1821-1846 Los Angeles in the Civil War Decades, 1850-1868 Father Gregory Mengarini, An Italian Jesuit Missionary in the Transmontane West: His Life and Memoirs 9 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1970 Oaks Robert Francis 1970 Rogers Howard Aston 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 Frederick Erwin Noel Penny Richard Strickland 1971 Culton Donald Ray 1971 Elliott 1971 Foster Mary Mark Joan S. 1971 Scott Robin Fitzgerald 1971 Young 1972 Craver James Earlene Owen Joyce 1972 Elliott 1972 Franklin Arlene Robert Ann Jorres 1972 Khasigian 1972 Miller Amos Ronald Lee 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 Louis Ronald Donald Thomas Paul Rolater Sicher Stowe Wheeler Bane Reccow Ross Skaggs Szatkowski Toews James McElroy William Patrick Joseph Timothy 12 May 2015 Philadelphia Merchants and the American Revolultion, 17651776 The Fall of the Old Representative System in the Leeward and Windward Islands The Continental Congress: A Study in the Origin of American Public Administration, 1774-1781 Leopold I of Austria: A Reappraisal The Tumulto of 1624: Turmoil at Mexico City The 12th Century School of St. Victor The Composition of the Roman Senate in 44 B.C. Charles Dwight Willard: Los Angeles City Booster and Professional Reform, 1888-1914 Winthrop Sargent and the Administration of the Mississippi Territory, 1798-1801 The Decentralization of Los Angeles during the 1920s The Mexican American in the Los Angeles Area, 1920-1950: From Agriculture to Activity The Talented Tenth and the Great Depression: American Negro Writers, 1929-1941 The Origins of the Italian Communist Party, 1912-1921 The Development of the Mechanics' Institutes and Their Influence upon the Field of Engineering: Pennsylvania, A Case Study, 1824-1860 The Americanization of the English Common Law, 1776-1835 American Colonial Libertarianism and the Advent of the Federal Age Henry Delano Fitch: A Yankee Trader in California, 1826-1849 The Orange County Citrus Strikes of 1935-1936: The 'Forgotten People' in Revolt Black Drama in the Federal Theatre, 1935-39 Roger Williams in History: His Image in the American Mind The Tradition of Self-Portrayal in the Roman Republic Josiah Strong 10 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1972 Whelan Harold Augustine 1972 Yada Kinji Ken 1973 Blew Robert Willis 1973 Roth 1973 Sale 1973 Sanders Arnold Stephen George Earl Earl 1973 Scholl Allan Henry 1973 Smith Ralph Ruggles 1974 Briegel Kaye Lynn 1974 Daily Dale Nelson 1974 Dunne John Thomas 1974 Joyce 1974 Mason Joseph Carl Newcombe Bartley 1974 Mazzi Frank Joseph 1974 Parrine Mary Jane 1974 Rogahn 1974 Tomlinson 1974 Woods Roger John Ann Harry G. Alaia 1975 Crandall Ralph James Jr. 12 May 2015 The Picpus Story, 1826-1856 Confucian Path to Meiji Socialism: Kotoky Shusui's Radical Reaction to Modernization Californios and American Institutions: A Study of Reactions to Social and Political Institutions The California State Supreme Court, 1860-1879: A Legal History Colonial Albany: Outpost of Empire The Spanish Defense of America, 1700-1763 Count Camillo, Bense di Cavour and the Iconography of Risorgimento: A Study of Political Caricature during the Unification of Italy, 1855-1861 In Every Destitute Place: The Mission Program of the American Sunday School Union, 1817-1834 Alianza Hispans-Americans, 1894-1965: A African-American Fraternal Insurance Society Early Modern Scepticism on Political Society: Montaigne, Pascal, Bayle, and Hume Between the Renaissance and the Reformation: Humanism at the University of Vienna, 1450-1520 Spanish Influence on Portugese Administration: A Study of the Conselho da Fazanda and Habsburg Brazil, 1580-1640 Renaissance Business Attitudes Toward Academic Learning City from Frontier: Symbols of Urban Development in 19thCentury San Francisco Legal Reformism and Codification under Louis XIV: The Sense of Criminal Justice Johan Wessel Gansfort: His Role in the Ecclesiastical and Intellectual Currents of the 15th Century Literature and Social Class in Austria, 1890-1930 o Kotnyopos: The Voluntary Prosecutor in Fifth-Century Athens New England's Haven Port: Charlestown and Her Restless People: A Study of Colonial Migration, 1629-1775 11 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1975 Henry Bruce Ward 1975 Lively Bruce Richard 1976 Cameron James William 1976 Christianson Eric Howard 1976 Cohen Ricki Myers 1976 De John 1976 Rink Samuel Oliver A. 1976 Vineyard 1977 Adler Clyde Patricia D. Rae 1977 Mortensen 1977 Mounteer Daniel Caryle Russell Albert 1977 Peel Peter H. 1978 Beck Jason Robert 1978 Bradley James Edwin 1978 Gorn Michael Herman 1978 Jablonsky Thomas James 1978 Licata Salvatore John 1978 Miranda Gloria Elizarraras 12 May 2015 British Imperialism to 1607 The Speaker and His House: Joseph Galloway and the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1755-1776 The History of Mexican Public Education in Los Angeles, 19101930 Individuals in the Healing Arts and the Emergence of a Medical Community in Massachusetts, 1700-1792: A Collective Biography Fannion Cohn and the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Robert A. Taft, Economic Conservatism and Opposition to United States Foreign Policy, 1944-1951 Merchants and Magnates: Dutch New York, 1609-1664 The Territorial Courts of Arizona, 1863-1912: A Study in Legal History Watts: From Suburb to Black Ghetto The Process of Community Development in a Frontier Settlement: Sonora, California, 1848-1860 The Uses of Adversity British Public Opinion and the Wars of German Unification, 18641871 California Gold Rush Violence, 1849-1854: A Psychological Interpretation Whigs and Nonconformists: Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Baptists in English Politics, 1715-1790 To Preserve Good Humor and Perfect Harmony: Guy Carleton and the Governing of Quebec, 1766-1774 Duty, Nature and Stability: Female Anti-Suffragists in the United States, 1894-1920 Gay Power: A History of the American Gay Movement, 19081974 Family Patterns and the Social Order in Hispanic Santa Barbara, 1784-1848 12 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1978 Rioux Richard Henry 1979 DeVore 1979 Edwards Audrey Glenn Dorothea Michael 1979 Ehmke Edwin Gordon 1979 Martyn Byron Curti 1979 Rolph Rebecca Seward 1979 Sessions 1979 Wilson William Margaret Loren Gibbons 1980 Bowie Patricia Carr 1981 Dunar Andrew J. 1981 1981 1981 1981 Richard Gunar Mary Max Scott 1982 Kelly Kathleen Francis 1982 Reynolds 1982 Terrientes Bradley Cesar Michael Augusto 1982 Virgadamo Peter Richard Eckert Freibergs Romig Smedley Foster Jewell 12 May 2015 The Los Angeles County Manpower Maze: A Study of the Impact of Federal Manpower Programs on the Politics and Organization of L.A. County, 1960-1975 Under Pressure: The Ministers of State of Louis XIV, 1688 to 1700 The Liber introductorius of Michael Scot The Writing of Town and Provincial History in 16th-Century France: Developing a Myth of Local Identity Racism in the United States: A History of the Anti-Miscegenation Legislation and Litigation Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and the Puritan Movements of Old and New England California's Innovative Banker: A.P. Giannini and the Banking Crisis of 1933 Women and the City, 1870-1920 A Cultural History of Los Angeles, 1850-1967: From Rural Backwash to World Center All Honorable Men: The Truman Scandals and the Politics of Morality Gentlemen of the Profession: The Emergence of Lawyers in Massachusetts, 1630-1810 The Medieval Latin Hexameron from Bede to Grosseteste A Critical Edition of Peter Abelard's Exposition Hexameron Mexican-United States Relations and the Cold War, 1945-1954 Maryknoll in Manchuria, 1927-1947: A Study of Accommodation and Adaptation Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: The History of an American Naval Base and its Relationship to the Formulation of United States Foreign Policy and Military Strategy Toward the Caribbean, 1895-1910 The Consulado of Cartagena de Indias Colonial Charity and the American Character: Boston, 16301775 13 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1983 Hata Nadine Ishitani 1983 Sanchez 1983 Strenk Federico Andrew Alberto Edward 1984 Dyke 1984 Golkin Richard Arline Wayne T. 1984 Warth 1985 Alcock Carter1985 Hamilton Terry Donald Riordan Gordon 1985 Draznin 1985 Reams Yalfa Lee Edward 1985 Unger Nancy C. 1987 Engstrom Andrea Alta 1987 Friedricks William Ben 1987 Gray 1987 Harrison Pamela Robert Lee Thomas 1987 Mather Nakasone1987 Huey 1988 Flory Elwood E. Nancy Wayne Nanami Seelye Anne III III 12 May 2015 The Evolution of Historic Preservationism in California, 19401976 Antonio F. Coronel, a Californio and a Ranchero: His Life and Times in Mexican Alta Californio, 1834-1850 The Politicization of International Sport, 1945-1960 Mr. Atomic Energy: Congressman Chet Holifield and Atomic Energy Affairs The Faces of Hunger: Famine Relief to China, 1900-1949 Donald Marr Nelson, Archtypical Businessman-Bureaucrat: A Study of Growing Interdependency between Private Enterprise and American Government A Study in Continuity: Maury County, Tennessee, 1850-1870 Rules and Rhetoric as Governors of Virginia History: A Study of Power in Political Procedure, 1630s to 1730s The Olive Schreiner/Havelock Ellis Correspondence, February 24, 1884 through July 8, 1884: An Annotated Illustration of the Historical Editing of Private Letters The First Fifty Years of Sulla: A Reassessment The Righteous Reformer: A Life History of Robert M. La Follette Sr., 1855-1925 Joseph Johnson's Circle and the Analytical Review: A Study of English Radicals in the Late Eighteenth Century Henry E. Huntington and Metropolitan Entrepreneurship in Southern California, 1898-1917 Yvonne Brathwaite Burke: The Congressional Career of California's First Black Congresswoman, 1972-1978 Road to Suez: Gladestone and the Egyptian Crisis of 1882 Lecturae in Epistolam ad Romanos V-XVI Roberto Grosseteste adscriptae In Simple Justice: The Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act of 1948 Gnostic Self-Identification and the Concept of Authority 14 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1988 Halila Souad 1988 Konnert 1988 Love Mark Ronald 1988 Malone Bernard 1988 Mayer 1988 Maynard O'Leary1988 Archer 1988 Pope Frank John Anthony Arthur Lynn Philip Margaret Hugh 1988 Verge Arthur Charles 1988 Waszak Leon 1989 Diaz Jorge 1990 Kraft James P. 1991 Menadue Alan Lee 1991 Oliver Bernard V. 1992 Kemp Mark D. 1992 Lisowski Lori Ann 1992 Smits Gregory J. W. Scott 12 May 2015 The Intellectual Development and Diplomatic Career of Ralph J. Bunches Afro-American, Africanist, and Internationalist Civic Agendas and Religious War: Chalons-sur-Marne during the French Wars of Religion, 1560-1594 The Religion of Henri IV: Faith, Politics and War, 1553-1593 A Critical Edition of Two Computi Attributed to Robert Grosseteste The Opposition Years: Winston Churchill and the Conservative Party, 1945-1951 The Beat Community of Southern California Contentious Community: The impact of Internecine Conflict on the National Woman's Party, 1920-1947 Foundations of Nixonian Foreign Policy, 1946-1968 The Impact of the Second World War on Los Angeles, 19391945 Agreement in Principle: The Wartime Partnership of General Wladyslaw Sikorski and Winston Churchill, and the Course of Anglo-Polish Relations, 1939-1943 The Culture of the Latin Mediterranean in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries Stage to Studio: American Musicians and Sound Technology, 1890-1945 Era of Limits: Edmund G. Brown Jr.'s Approach to Policy Decisions during His Governorship, 1975-1982 The Nationality Policy of the People's Republic of China and its Korean Ethnic Minority, 1949-1989 A Flickering Yet Inextinguishable Flame: The Ordeal of American Conservatives in an Age of Extremism, 1852-1872 Guardians of Inseparable Union: Politics, Civil War, and Victory in Polk County, Iowa Sai On, 1682-1761, and Confucianism in the Early Modern Ryukyu Kingdom 15 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1994 Geltmaker Ty E. 1994 Neal Teresa S. 1994 Reed John S. 1995 Borghei Suzanne 1995 Davis Warren 1995 Foldy Michael 1995 Loureiro Pedro A. 1995 Pintar Laurie C. 1995 Silvestri Charles A. 1996 Koos Cheryl Ann 1996 Mahar Karen Ward 1996 Martin Virginia 1996 Morton Paul John 1996 Putko 1996 Streitz Carole Elizabeth Ann M. 1997 Carne Simon Roger Clark 12 May 2015 The Masquerade of Public Life: Personal Honor, Ritual Violence, and Popular Spectacle in Italy from National Unification to World War I Beyond Domesticity: Equality for Women in the American West, 1830-1930 Burden and Honor: The United States Volunteers in the Southern Philippines, 1899-1901 Internationalism at the Grassroots: Los Angeles and Its City Schools, 1916-53 White Collar Cultures: Constructing the Meaning of Corporate Life in Los Angeles, 1890-1930 Feasting with Panthers: Social and Cultural Implications of the Wilde Trials Intelligence Success: The Evolution of Navy and Marine Intelligence Operations in China, 1931-41 Off Screen Realities: A History of Hollywood Labor Activism, 1933-47 William of Ware's Quaestiones in IV libros Sententiarum 2,q.9: Utrum repugnet, alicui creature, inquantumcreatura est, fuisse ab eterno, c. 1300 Engendering Reaction: The Politics of Pronatalism and the Family in France, 1919-44 Women, Filmmaking, and the Gendering of the American Film Industry, 1896-1928 Law and Custom in the Steppe: Middle Horde Kazah Judicial Practices and Russian Colonial Rule, 1868-98 Duck Diplomacy: U.S.-Canadian Migratory Waterfowl Management, 1900-61 The Pursuit of Power: Charles De Guise Cardinal De Lorraine, 1525-74-A Study in Complexity, Controversy, and Compromise Robert Grosseteste: Commentarios in Psalmos, I-XXXVI Representing the Migration Period: Stories of the Hungarian Conquest 16 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1997 Endrijonas Erika 1997 Fields Jill 1997 Loeb Lynne 1997 McCallops James S. 1997 Melbourne Robert Ernest Susan 1997 Sarantakes Nicholas Evan 1998 Broussard Joyce L. 1998 Dost Timothy Paul 1998 Gold Andrew N. 1998 Han Tomislav 1998 Potamianos George 1998 Rader Emily Chrissantho 1999 s Stefan 1999 Harvey Sioux 1999 Kasinec Wendy L. 12 May 2015 No Experience Required: American Middle Class Families and Their Cookbooks, 1945-60 The Production of Glamour: A Social History of Intimate Apparel, 1909-52 Looking Good: A Social History of the Male Body Image in Postwar America, 1950-90 To Wage Peace: Masculinity, Femininity, and American Response to the First World War, 1914-18 Advance Base Construction by Civilian Contractors in War Zones Keystone: The American Occupation of Okinawa and U.S.Japanese Relations, 1945-72 Female Solitaires: Women Alone in the Lifeworld of Mid-Century Natchez, 1850-80 Taking All Things Captive: Renaissance Humanism in Service to the Gospel in Luther's Early Correspondence Laborers in the Vineyard: Foreign Service Arabists and American Middle East Policy, 1948-60 The Epistemological Foundations of American Constitutionalism: The Decline of Aristotelian Realism and the Rise of American Positivism in Republican Discourse Hollywood in the Hinterlands: Mass Culture in Two California Communities, 1896-1936 'So We Only Took 120 Acres': Land, Labor, and White Supremacy in the Settlement of Southern California, 1800-1925 Seditio: Mutiny in the Roman Army, 90-40 B.C. G. F. Is the New White Buffalo a Casino? A Comparative History of the Sovereignty of the Navajo, the Pequot, and the Viejas Band of Mission Indians, 1966-96 The Consuls and the King: Municipal and Royal Government in Montpellier during the Reign of Louis XIV 17 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 1999 Lark Regina F. 1999 Orliski Constance I. 1999 Siebel Julia M. 1999 Woods Kristi J. 2000 Brady Mark D. 2000 Foster 2000 Meeker J. Lauren Martin D. 2000 Radzilowski Paul J. 2000 Standish Rachel A. 2001 Bello David A. 2001 Liu Xun 2001 Russell Brigette F. 2001 Sacco Lynn A. 2002 Heidicker Roy W. 2002 La Chapelle Peter J. 2002 Namikas A. Lise Jr. 12 May 2015 They Challenged Two Nations: Marriages between Japanese Women and American Men, 1945-Present Reimaging the Domestic Sphere: Middle-Class Nationalism and Gender in Shanghai, 1904-18 Silent Partners/Active Leaders: The Association of Junior Leagues, the Office of Civilian Defense, and Community Welfare in World War II Be Vigorous But Not Brutal: Race, Politics, and Police in Los Angeles, 1937-45 Reconstructing the Political Male: Politics, Reform, and Gender Roles in California, 1874-1916 Medical Regulation and Social Discipline at the Hôpital royale et militaire and the Bon Pasteur de Montpellier, 1731-89 'Go West': Gay and Lesbian Migration to San Francisco Binding the New Together with the Old: 15th-Century Writers on the Origins of the Polish State and People in the Face of Earlier Tradition What Is Modish Is Doomed: Fashion and American Feminism in the 1910s and 1920s Opium and the Limits of Empire: The Opium Problem in the Chinese Interior, 1729-1850 In Search of Immortality: Daoist Inner Alchemy in 20th-Century China Husbands, Fathers, Sons, and Lovers: Plutarch and the Moral Male Not Talking About 'It': A History of Incest in the United States, 1890-1940 Yankee Workers and Rebel Gentlemen: The Triumph of Free Labor Soldiers in the American Civil War 'That Mean Ol' Oakie Boogie': Country Music, Migration, and the Construction of Whiteness, Southern California, 1936-69 Battleground Africa: The Cold War and the Congo Crisis, 196065 18 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 2002 Rasmussen Christopher M. 2002 Sekhon 2002 Van Dyke Sharon Paul E. A. 2003 Chu Richard T. 2003 Kooistra AnneMarie 2003 Leibold James 2003 Takahashi 2003 Yavuz Mariko Mehmet 2004 Brown Roger 2004 Choi Anne Soon 2004 Zakim Thomas P. H. 12 May 2015 Livy's Bacchanalian Affair: Contemporary Issues and Influences Exposing Sin City: Southern California Sense of Place and the Los Angeles Anti-Myth Port Canton and the Pearl River Delta, 1690-1845 'Catholic,' 'Mestizo,' 'Sangley': Negotiating 'Chinese' Identities in Manila, 1870-1905 Angels for Sale: A History of Prostitution in Los Angeles, 192050 Constructing the Zhponghua Minzu: The Frontier and National Question in Early 20th-Century China The Immaculate Conception: Devotion and Doctrine in High and Late Medieval Europe The Thracian Chersonese in the Archaic and Classical Age A Confucian Nationalist for Modern Japan: Yasuoka Masahiro, the Nation-State, and Moral Self-Cultivation, 1898-1983 Border Crossings: The Politics of Korean Nationalism in the United States, 1919-45 Los Angeles: The Greatest Experiment of Modernity, 1880-1940 E. 2005 Brautbar Shirli B. 2005 Brozyna Martha 2005 Nechtman Tillman W. 2005 Robinson Martha K. 2005 Welch James R. 2006 Carter Michael S. 2006 Kosiorek Jeffrey A. Not Just 'Ladies that Lunch': Hadassah and the Formation of an American Jewish Women's Identity Ecclesiastical Courts and the Sins of the Flesh: Marital Disputes in Medieval Gniezno Nabobs: Defining the Indian Empire and the British Nation in the Late 18th Century Death in a Land of Abundance: English Perceptions of Indian Health in Early America Watching America: American Television and New Zealand: National Identity in the 1960s Mathew Carey and the Public Emergence of Catholicism in the United States, 1789-1839 Revolutionary Commemoration, Liberty, and Republicanism in 19th-Century America 19 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 2006 Loftin Craig M. 2006 Rosas Jimenez y 2007 West 2007 Lewis Newsom 2007 Kerr Ana E. Matthew L. 2007 Roth Matthew W. 2007 Sheridan David A. 2007 Tucker 2008 Chase Treva Philip J. M. 2008 Kalba Laura A. 2008 Vantoch Willis2008 Tropea Victoria S. Christopher D. Hyrum S. 12 May 2015 Passionate Anxieties: McCarthyism and Homosexual Identities in the United States, 1945-65 Familias Modernas (Modern Families): Bracero Families' Lives across Cultures, Communities, and Countries, 1942-64 More Than My Color: Race, Space, and Politics in Black Los Angeles, 1940-68 Religion and the Creation of Modern American Conservatism Fevered Metropolis: Infectious Disease Isolation in Victorian London Concrete Utopia: The Development of Roads and Freeways in Los Angeles, 1920-55 Give Us More Music: Women, Musical Culture, and Work in Wartime Britain, 1939-46 From Destrier to Danseur: The Role of the Horse in Early Modern French Noble Identity William Gibbs McAdoo: The Last Progressive Outside the Lines: The Production and Consumption of Color in 19th-Century France Ambassadors of the Air: The Airline Stewardess, Glamour and Technology in the Cold War, 1945-1969 Hollywood Glamour: Sex, Power, and Photography, 1925-39 Liz 2009 Aviña Alexander 2009 Gonzalez Jerry B. 2009 Huebner Karin L. 2009 Itatsu Yuko 2009 Kendrick Megan McLeod Insurgent Guerrero: Genaro Vázquez, Lucio Cabañas, and the Guerrilla Challenge to the Postrevolutionary Mexican State, 196096 'A Place in the Sun': Mexican Americans, Race, and the Suburbanization of Los Angeles, 1940-80 From Remembrance to Reform: The Multi-Generational Saga of a Euro-American-Indian Family, 1755-25 Beyond Nationalism: A History of Leisure Discourse in and between the United States and Japan, 1910-40 Stay in L.A.: Hotels and the Representation of Urban Public Space in Los Angeles, 1880s-1950s 20 USC Dissertations in History 2009 Licon Gerardo 2009 Licon Gustavo 2009 Wang Xiaofei 1931-2015 2010 Fried-Gintis Sarah E. 2010 LaBau Jason C. 2010 Livie Mills 2010 Robbins Ian M. Ruth A. 2010 Schnorbus Stephanie D. 2010 Sheehan Rebecca J. 2011 Block Michael D. 2011 Ellefson Dylan 2011 Estrada Gilbert V. 2011 Fogleman Andrew M. 2011 Linkof Ryan M. 2011 Lozano Rosina A. 12 May 2015 Pachucas, Pachucos, and Their Culture: Mexican American Youth Culture in the Southwest, 1910-50 La Union Hace La Fuerza (Unity Creates Strength): M.E.Ch.A. and Chicana/o Student Activism in California, 1965-99 Constructing Japaneseness: War, Race, and American Cinema, 1924-92 Elevated: Ballet and Culture in the United States, Work War II to the National Endowment for the Arts Phoenix Rising: Arizona and the Origins of Modern Conservative Politics Curing Hooliganism: Moral Panic, Juvenile Delinquency, and the Political Culture of Moral Reform in Britain, 1898-1908 Abbo of Fleury: Strategies for Gaining Influence and Authority in 19th-Century West Francia Christianity, the Enlightenment, and Early American Education: Pedagogy, Primers, and Schools, 1700-1810 American Sexual Culture: Women's Liberation, Rock Music, and Evangelical Christianity, 1968-76 New England Merchants, the China Trade, and the Origins of California In Place Over Time: A Spatial Approach to Popular Culture and Identity Formation through the Danjiri Festival of Kishiwada City, 1745-1928 'A Fundamentally Evil System': Planning for Environmental Health in America's Mobile and Most Polluted Metropolis, 1959-Present Marvel Not: Doubting Religious Visionaries in 14th-Century France Exposed: Celebrity and Photojournalism in the Making of the British Tabloids, 1904-38 Lenguaje sin fronteras (Language without Borders): The Spanish Language in New Mexico and California Politics, Education, and Identity, 1848-1952 21 USC Dissertations in History 2011 Rands David 2012 Buhrman Kristina 2012 Clark Catherine 2012 Hall Nicholas 2012 Keyes Sarah 2012 Kim Jessica 2012 Konno Yuko 2013 Amato Matthew 2013 Black Jennifer 2013 Braude Mark 2013 Geaman Kamei2013 Dyche Kristen 2013 Levitus David 2013 Logan Elizabeth 2013 Oyagi Go 2013 Reid Anne 1931-2015 C. E. M. M. L. Rieko A. 12 May 2015 The Development of Korean Communities in Japan: Migrant Interactions with Urban Environments The Stars and the State: Astronomy, Astrology, and the Politics of Natural Knowledge in Early Medieval Japan Photography as History: Collecting, Narrating, and Preserving Paris, 1900-70 'This Strange and Distant Land': Isolation, Problem Groups, and the Incorporation of California, 1846-82 Beyond the Plains: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820-1900 Metropolis, Empire, and Revolution in the Los Angeles-Mexico Borderlands, 1890-1940 Transnational Localism: Emigration, Adaptation, and Nationalism among Japanese Immigrants in California, 1890-1940 Exposing Humanity: Slavery, Antislavery, and Early Photography in America, 1839-65 Branding Trust: Advertising, Trademarks, and the Problem of Legitimacy in the United States, 1870-1930 Spinning Wheels: Cosmopolitanism, Mobility, Media, and the Making of Monaco, 1855-1956 Childless Queens and Child-Like Kings: Negotiating Royal Infertility in England, 1382-1471 Tools of Authority: The Saionji Family and Courtier Society in Early Medieval Japan The Progressive Dilemma: Grassroots Liberals, the Democratic Party, and the Search for Political Power in Mid-20th-Century America Urbane Bouquets: A Floricultural History of California, 18481915 Over the Pacific: Post-World War II Asian American Internationalism Medics of the Soul and the Body: Sickness and Death in Alta California, 1769-1850 22 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 2013 Steinzig 2013 Swensson 2013 Uchiyama Raphaelle Ericka Benjamin N. M. 2014 Cerling Rebecca King 2014 Clark Justin T. 2014 Dale Felker2014 Kantor Allison Lauterbach Max A. 2014 Fletcher Curtis C. 2014 Johnson Ornelas2014 Higdon Ann K. 2014 Pelayo Monica R. 2014 Wang Amundsen Luman Karin A. Ashby Heather W. Damian Michelle M. Gliserman Nicholas Haar Justin Julia D. 12 May 2015 America's Heirs Presumptive: Boys' Boarding School in New England, 1877-1938 St. Mildred of Thanet: Biography of a Cult Carnival War: A Cultural History of Wartime Japan, 1937-45 Taking Their Place: Benedictine Child Oblates at 11th-Century Canterbury Cathedral Priory From Spectators to Visionaries: Visual Culture and the Transformation of Boston, 1820-60 Gagged: The Politics of Reproduction and US Foreign Aid, 196184 From the Urban Crisis to the Crime Crisis: Race, Policing, and the Carceral State in Los Angeles, 1965-1992 The Socio-Technical Humanities: Reimagining the Liberal Arts in the Age of New Media, 1952-1969 The People's Book: Making, Selling, and Reading Reference Works in 19th-Century America A Cultivating Enterprise: Wine, Race, and Conquest in California, 1769-1920 Producing Heritage, Remaking Immigration: American Cultural Policy, 1950-2003 Money and Trade, Hinterland and Coast, Empire and Nationstate: An Unusual History of Shanxi Piaohao, 1820s-1930 Alchemy and Exploration in Early Modern England, 1550-1630 Educating the Masses: The Communist University of the Toilers of the East and the Making of the Third World Ships, Sailors, and Salt: The Maritime Cultural Landscape of the Medieval Japanese Seto Inland Sea Landscapes of War: Geopolitics in Northeastern America, 16851713 Translators and Translations: The Mediation of Sanctity in 12thCentury English Hagiography 23 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 KameiDyche Andrew Kanagawa Nadia Kawai Sachiko McDougall Jeanne Park Young Sun Parsons Juliette N. 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Alexander Wilson Kevin E. 12 May 2015 The Making of Modern Japanese Intellectual Culture: The Publisher Iwanami Shoten, and the Japanese Intellectual Community, 1913-40 Making the Realm, Civilizing the Foreign: State Formation and the Status of Foreign People in the Nara and Early Heian State The Power of the Purse: Royal Women in the Estate System of Early Medieval Japan, 1100-1300 'Fit to be sung in Streets': The Mobilizing Power of Political Song in Pre-Revolutionary British Colonial America, 1750-76 Save the Children: The Origin and Development of Korean Orphanages, 1900-60 The Recipe Book of Bettee Saffin and Ann Ellis: Developing Anglo-American Food Culture in 18th-Century Southeastern Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Colonizing Land and Landscapes in the English Atlantic, c. 1570c. 1640 Private Luxuries: Consuming Identity in the 17th-Century English Atlantic God of Many Faces: The Development of the Hachiman Cult Through the Lens of Shrine and Temple Foundation Legends 24 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 12 May 2015 Column1 25 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 26 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 27 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 28 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 29 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 30 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 31 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 32 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 33 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 34 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 35 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 36 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 37 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 38 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 39 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 40 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 41 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 42 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 43 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 44 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 45 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 46 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 47 12 May 2015 USC Dissertations in History 1931-2015 48 12 May 2015
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