Improving semantic parsing using a robot`s belief
Improving semantic parsing using a robot`s belief
Converse with a robot: Improving semantic parsing using a robot’s belief Student: Willem Mattelaer Promotor: Prof. dr. Luc De Raedt Daily Supervisors: Davide Nitti Mathias Verbeke Introduction Belief Semantic parsing: capturing the meaning of a sentence Deterministic in a structured way The robot assumes that each fact in its belief is true Problem: Ambiguity, i.e. a sentence has multiple meanings Probabilistic Proposed solution: Using the belief to resolve the The robot assumes that each fact in its belief is true with a certain probability ambiguity to find the correct meaning Move the pyramid on the blue cube on the gray cube Move the pyramid on the blue cube on the gray cube red cube red cube blue pyramid red cube red cube green cube Move the pyramid on the blue cube on the gray cube (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1) (0, 0, 2) (7, 0, 0) (7, 0, 1) (7, 0, 2) red cube blue cube red pyramid red cube red pyramid green pyramid ⠇ Approach Lexicon: set of lexemes, that combine a phrase with meaning. CCG category take ` S/N P : y x.action(x, take, y) Syntax Semantics 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.1 ⠇ Combinatory Categorial Grammars (CCG) Meaning represented by CCG category that captures both syntax and semantics (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1) (0, 0, 1) (0, 0, 2) Put down the green pyramid. Transform training data from RCL to λcalculus (event: (action: drop) (entity: (color: green) (type: prism))) x.action(x, drop, det( y.color(y, green) ^ type(y, prism))) Operators: take one or two categories as input and return a single category X/Y : f Y : g ) X : f (g) (>) Y : g X\Y : f ) X : f (g) (<) Take S/N P z y.action(y, take, z) the N/N x.x pyramid N x.type(x, prism) N x.type(x, prism) NP det( x.type(x, prism)) S y.action(y, take, det( x.type(x, prism))) } Application operators Both the training of the CCG as well as the parsing are done using the Semantic Parsing Framework (Artzi et al., 2013) > > Move the pyramid on the blue cube on the gray cube Parse sentence Results Complete Partial 17% x.action(x, move, det( obj1.type(obj1, prism) ^ relation(obj1, above, det( obj2.color(obj2, blue) ^ . . .))) ^ . . . x.action(x, move, det( obj1.type(obj1, prism))) ^ destination(x, above, det( obj2.color(obj2, blue) ^ . . .)) Without belief 15% 17% x.action(x, move, det( obj1.type(obj1, prism))) ^ destination(x, above, det( obj2.color(obj2, blue) ^ . . .)) 4% 12% 28% 71% 58% 79% Correct Wrong Train CCG (event: (action: move) (entity: (type: prism)) (destination: (spatialrelation: (relation: above) (entity: (color: blue) (type: cube) (spatialrelation: (relation: above) (entity: (color: gray) (type: cube))))))) Transform result to RCL No result (event: (action: move) (entity: (type: prism)) (destination: (spatialrelation: (relation: above) (entity: (color: blue) (type: cube) (spatialrelation: (relation: above) (entity: (color: gray) (type: cube))))))) • Complete: Actual result is completely the same as the expected result • Partial: Actual result is scored between 0 and 1 according to the resemblance with the expected result; PARSEVAL (Black et al., 1991) • Without belief: Uses the same parser, but always returns the parse with the highest likelihood Verify the RCL ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ (entity: (type: prism)) (entity: (color: blue) (type: cube)) (entity: (color: gray) (type: cube)) (entity: (color: blue) (type: cube) (spatial-relation: (relation: above) (entity: (color: gray) (type: cube)))) • Ezra Black, Steven P. Abney, D. Flickenger, Claudia Gdaniec, Ralph Grishman, P. Harrison, Donald Hindle, Robert Ingria, Frederick Jelinek, Judith L. Klavans, Mark Liberman, Mitchell P. Marcus, Salim Roukos, Beatrice Santorini, and Tomek Strzalkowski. 1991. A procedure for quantitatively comparing the syntactic coverage of english grammars. In HLT. Morgan Kaufmann. • Yoav Artzi, and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2013. UW SPF: The University of Washington Semantic Parsing Framework.