lippitt morgan breeders association lippitt morgan breeders
lippitt morgan breeders association lippitt morgan breeders
Lippitt Morgan Breeders Association 2011 Membership Directory 2011 Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association Membership Directory and Listings Run by the breeders’ for the breeders’ Lippitt Morgan Breeders Association 2011 Membership Directory - Officers and Directors President Crescent Peirce 620 ,Millers Falls Rd Northfield, MA 01360 413-498-5553 [email protected] Vice President Bill Davis 15741 Maries Rd. Rolla, MO 65401 573-299-4062 [email protected] Director Jane Myers 6689 E. Lost Woods Lane Centralia, MO 65240 573-819-3875 [email protected] Director Judy Long PO Box 473 1867 Pettibone Lk Rd. Highland, MI 48357 248-887-1057 [email protected] Director Joy Smith 1161 Rt. 5 Weathersfield Bow Springfield, VT 05156 802-546-7136 802-546-7137 Registrar Judy Mosman 89 Carpenter Rd. Sharon, VT 05065 802-763-8784 [email protected] Treasurer Jane Muraro 687 Orton Road E,Hardwick, VT 05836 802-533-9802 [email protected] Secretary Anne Millet 25 Knollwood Drive E.Longmeadow, MA 01028 413-525-4631 [email protected] Website Jennifer Robinson 501 Trotting Horse Lane Green Mountain, NC 28740 828-675-5823 [email protected] Editor Britteny Perna PO Box 118 West Halifax, VT 05358 802-368-7561 LMBA Archivist Judy Mosman 89 Carpenter Road Sharon, VT 05065 802-763-8784 [email protected] THE LIPPITT MORGAN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION - BY-LAWS ARTICLE I, NAME The name of this association shall be The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association. ARTICLE II, PURPOSE 1. The purpose of this association is to preserve and promote the original Lippitt Morgan horse as defined in subparagraph 2 of this Article, and to better the conditions of those engaged in the breeding and care of the Lippitt Morgan horse. The Association is organized and shall be operated exclusively for agricultural purpose within the meaning of section 501(c)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code. 2. The Lippitt or Lippitt Morgan (the two expressions are synonymous) is defined by the complete derivation of its blood from the following horses only: STALLIONS Croydon Prince Rob Roy Donald Bob B. Welcome Sir Ethan Allen Sealect Bilirubin AMHR # 5325 4483 5224 5282 5702 6537 7266 7462 MARES Bonnie Jean Polly Rogers Lucille Rose of Sutton Bridget Emily Evelyn Hippolyta Nancy Trilby Susie Lippitt Trixie Croydon Mary Jenny Woodbury Lippitt Sallie Lucinne Hannah AMHR # 0343 02109 01547 02232 02852 03026 0684 03222 03553 02532 03786 X0469 02900 03258 04656 04542 03196 LIPPITT REG # 1 2 6 9 10 13 43 49 LIPPITT REG # 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 14 15 16 21 25 26 30 34 35 40 D.O.B. 1890 1893 1904 1905 1907 1909 1921 1925 D.O.B. 1895 1896 1902 1904 1904 1909 1909 1910 1911 1911 1915 c1916 1917 1917 1918 1918 1919 3. The purpose of the Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association shall be implemented by the following instruments: (a) A registry of all horses tracing totally to the above named Foundation Stock. It is the intent of the Association to maintain a complete registry of Lippitt Morgans. For Lippitt Morgans foaled prior to 1980, the Association’s registry is based upon information contained in THE LIPPITT REGISTER (editions 1 and 2) authored by Kenneth A. Telford. The Associations’ registry shall be updated based upon registrations and transfers of ownerships previously filed with the American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) or any other Morgan Horse Association that is reciprocal with the AMHA in their standards for registering and blood testing. The Association’s Register will be published periodically as designated by the registrar and the Board of Directors. (b) The publication of a periodical to be called The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Guide and Bulletin, devoted to the education of the membership, and any other interested parties, concerning the history of the Lippitt Morgan, the true history of the Morgan generally, the promulgation of the Standard of Excellence as stated in Article XII, and sound procedures of equine management and training, as well as the encouragement in the membership of the will and ability to promote the purpose of the Association. The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Guide and Bulletin will publish nothing that is alien to or irrelevant to the purpose of the Association. See Article IX. (c) The publication of a Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Directory as provided in Article X. (d) The periodic display of the Lippitt Morgan in shows, clinics, demonstrations and exhibits open to the general public, in which the conformation and type as stated in the Standard of Excellence, as well as skill in the proper training and management of the horse, will be emphasized and rewarded to the disregard of any other consideration. See Article XI. 4. The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association, being concerned with the future of the Lippitt, is pledged to aid those engaged in breeding and marketing only the Lippitt. A portion of the resources of the Association, such as proceeds from its dues, fees, shows and exhibitions, will be used to make available to breeders inaccessible bloodlines through the transportation of breeding stallions, artificial insemination and the leasing of idle brood mares, etc. The aim is to encourage cooperation between breeders in the interests of the Lippitt Morgan. 5. The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association encourages the breeding of Lippitt stallions to Lippitt mares. However, breeding Lippitt stallions to non Lippitt mares is nonetheless viewed as improving the mares’ Morgan inheritance. But the Association will not, through any of its instruments, publicize, advocate or advertise such breedings, as such activities would be inconsistent with the purpose of this Association. Due to the limitations on the mare’s production, the breeding of any Lippitt mare to any horse other than a Lippitt stallion is in conflict with the purpose of this Association. The membership is therefore encouraged, if they have a healthy mare they do not intend to breed, to seek out members who might wish to avail themselves of an opportunity for a foal. Any member, then, who breeds a Lippitt mare otherwise than to a Lippitt stallion will have his or her membership changed to Associate Member for a period of 3 years and lose all right to office for 6 years. 6. The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association will work with any other organization to the extent that the work fulfills the purpose stated above. 7. The offices and means of this association shall be used to no purpose save that stated in Article II. See Article III. ARTICLE III, MEMBERSHIP 1. There shall be two categories of membership to this Association. Voting Membership shall be offered any person over the age of 18 who shall entirely own or co-own a Lippitt Morgan. From this class of Voting Membership, according to the rules set forth in Article IV and V, shall be drawn the candidates for all Officers and Committees of the Association. Full and Voting Members will hereafter be called simply Voting Members. Any person who has qualified for 5 years as a Voting Member, before or after the formation of this Association shall continue as such if old age, bad health, or financial difficulties, but no other reason, forces the Member to discontinue ownership or breeding of Lippitts. 2. There shall also be an Associate and Non-Voting Membership extended to any person over the age of 15 who shall declare an interest in the purpose of this Association and would like to aid our cause. Such a person, hereafter called Associate Member, may upon invitation join any committee of the Association as a non-voting contributor or adviser. 3. Membership fees shall be fixed by majority vote of the Board of Directors. At its discretion the Board may distinguish between Individual and Farm Membership assigning a fee at least 50% higher and two votes to the latter. However, no Farm membership shall be accorded to one who has not had Lippitt Morgan foals credited to his or her breeding for 4 separate years. The Voting Membership fee and the Associate Membership fee shall be the same, as the primary purpose is to offset cost incurred, such as the periodicals, shows and exhibits, which all Memberships will share. 4. In any dispute between the Association and any of its members or former members regarding normal membership transactions which cannot be resolved through informal negotiation, it shall be the policy of the Association to use mediation whereby an impartial mediator may facilitate negotiations between the parties and assist them in developing a mutually acceptable settlement. No party with a grievance against the other shall have recourse to litigation until the matter is submitted to mediation and attempted to be resolved in good faith. 5. Membership may be terminated in any of the following ways: (a) voluntarily by a member upon notice to the Association; (b) automatically whenever a member becomes delinquent to an extent determined by the Board in fulfilling the annual dues requirement; and (c) involuntarily for cause by the Board, provided that the member is given not less than 15 days prior written notice of the proposed termination and the reasons therefor by first class or certified mail, and the member is accorded an opportunity to be heard orally or in writing not less than 5 days before the effective date of the termination. ARTICLE IV, OFFICERS & ELECTIONS 1. There will be a Board of Directors, voted by the Voting Membership in the manner prescribed below, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar and initially three other Directors, with provisions for increasing the number of Directors as given below. The five named Officers together with the three or more Directorships will collectively be called the Board of Directors. To these Offices and Directorships any Voting Members of the Association will be eligibleprovided the Voting Member has no overriding conflict of interest. But in addition, since this is a Breeders’ Association, no Voting Member of the Association may run for or be elected to any of the Offices or Directorships elected by the Voting Membership unless he or she has three or more Lippitt foals of his or her breeding registered with his or her prefix at the time of his or her running. (In the case of coownership and for the purpose of this provision, a foal will be credited to whomsoever is/are co-owners of record as of the date when the foal was born). All but one of these Offices and Directorships have limitations to the number of years they may be held in order to preclude the fact of hegemony so often witnessed in organizations of this kind. The purpose of such limitations is to provide for a greater participation of the membership in the execution of responsibilities. 2. President: The integrity of the Association depends to the greatest extent upon the commitment and probity of the President and the Registrar. The term of President shall be for two years. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association, shall coordinate the activities of the Board, and shall preside at all meetings of the Association and all meetings of the Association’s Board of Directors. All meetings of the Board of Directors shall follow generally accepted rules of parliamentary procedure, and the Association Meetings as well when debate or voting is involved. It will be the Presidents’ function particularly to oversee and insure the proper functioning of all offices in the Association. After serving two years the President may not serve in any Office or Directorship for two following years, when he or she is then free to run again for any office. 3. Vice President: The term shall be for two years. The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of the duties of the presidency and shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President. Because the Vice Presidency may be regarded as a preparation for the Presidency, after serving his term the Vice President may, when the President under whom he has been serving has completed his term, be nominated for the office of President only, not for any other position on the Board of Directors. If elected President he is then subject to the restrictions of that office. If not elected he may not run for any other office for two years following his Vice Presidency, when he is then free to run again for any office. 4. Secretary and Treasurer: These shall normally be two offices filled by two voting members. However, by a plurality of two/thirds of the total membership of the Board of Directors (six of eight in the initial structure above), may determine, two months before there is an election to both of these offices, that the two offices will be filled by one person. Each such exception must be determined by such a vote. The term for each office (or for both offices together) shall be for 3 years.The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all Association meetings, general or Board of Directors, shall carry on all Association correspondence authenticate records of the Association as may be necessary, and shall promulgate all notices to the Voting and Associate membership, either by mailing or notice in the Lippitt Morgan Breeders' Guide and Bulletin. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Association and as such shall receive all funds, pay all bills, and keep full particulars of all receipts and disbursements of the Association. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies and valuables in the name of the Association in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Neither the Secretary nor the Treasurer may serve in any office for two years after this 3 year service. 5. The Registrar is the only position on the Board of Directors that will not be filled by Vote of the Membership. The Registrar will be selected by a two/thirds vote of the other seven (or more) members of the Board of Directors. The Registrar must not only be a Voting Member of the Association, but one especially knowledgeable concerning the history of the Lippitt Morgan and the Morgan Horse generally, with the capacity for the most accurate record-keeping, and with the adaptability to work with computers, for hired or substitute help may not be used for entering records. The integrity of the Association is in great measure dependent on the integrity of the Register. The Office of Registrar alone will be without limitations of time. The person holding this office, if found to violate the purpose or rules of this Association, or to compromise the integrity of the Register, shall be removed from this office by a vote of two/thirds of the Board of Directors. 6: The Registrar, with the Board of Director’s help and approval, will select an Assistant Registrar from among the Voting Membership, who will not be a member of the Board of Directors, and who will be trained by the Registrar to the functions of that office. When sufficiently trained, the Registrar may name him or her to perform temporarily the duties of Registrar when the Registrar is unable. The position of Assistant Registrar is designed to prepare a new Registrar for the time when the present Registrar will relinquish the position. The procedure for appointing him or her or any other person Registrar will be that outlined in paragraph 5 above. 7. Directors: There will be initially 3 Directors, each for a term of 3 years. However, to provide for a yearly election of a Director, in the first election 1 Director will be elected to 3 years, 1 Director to 2 years and 1 Director to 1 year. No Director may serve in any office for 2 years following his term, with the exception of the 2 Directors that initially serve for only 2 and 1 years. These two only may run and serve another 3 years only, after which they to must remain out of office for 2 years. 8. Except for the last two named Directors, (who are limited initially to 5 and 4 years consecutive service as Directors) and also Vice President and Registrar, as already provided; no Member shall serve in any Office or in any succession of Offices, for more than three years, and all officers having completed their allowable terms must remain out of office for at least 2 years. 9. In the case of the permanent incapacity of any of the members of the Board of Directors, the remaining Members of the Board of Directors are empowered to select a Voting Member to fill out the time till the next election. At that time the person elected shall serve the full term of the office, no matter the stage of the term previously vacated. 10. No Voting Member shall hold more than one of the above Offices or Directorships at a time, except for Secretary and Treasurer as determined in paragraph #4. Any Officer or Director may be a member of any Committee of the Association. But any Officer or Director, either voting as a member of any committee presenting a measure to be voted upon by the Board of Directors, or regularly attending that committee’s deliberations, shall, by virtue of the principle of conflict of interests, exclude himself or herself from the Board of Directors’ vote on that measure. No more than three members of the Board of Directors may serve at the same time as voting members of any one committee. This is to encourage wider participation of the Membership in Association affairs and to preclude the possibility of hegemony. 11. Except for matters reserved to Voting Members by law or by these ByLaws, the activities and affairs of the Association shall be directed and controlled by the Board of Directors. The powers and duties of the Board shall include, but not be limited to, overseeing the operations of the Association, establishing budgets and fiscal controls, and assuring that the purpose of the Association is properly carried out. 12. Directors shall be responsible for discharging their duties in good faith, in a manner that they reasonably believe to be in the best interest of the Association and with the care that an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances. 13. The term of office of a director may be terminated prior to its expiration in any of the following ways: (a) voluntarily by a director upon notice to the Association; (b) automatically upon termination of membership in the Association; (c) as to a director elected by the membership, by action at a membership meeting or at a District meeting pursuant to Article V of these By-laws whenever in their judgment the best interests of the Association would thereby be served; and (d) for cause by the Board after a fair hearing at which the director is given the opportunity to speak and present evidence, provided that such person is accorded a right of appeal to the next scheduled membership meeting. 14. The board may designate one or more other committees to have such powers and to perform such duties as is determined by the Board. 15. Directors and officers shall not be compensated for their services rendered in such capacities. Directors and officers may, as determined by the Board, be reimbursed for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred by them on behalf of the Association or in connection with the performance of their duties. 16. Subject to limitations in its articles of association, the Association shall indemnify its directors and officers as required under Vermont law. Indemnification payments shall be made on a priority basis but only in such increments and at such times as will not jeopardize the ability of the Association to pay its other obligations as they become due. Any indemnification payments or advances shall be reported to members not latter than the next-scheduled meeting of members. ARTICLE IV-A, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 1. Description of conflict: A conflict of interest shall include any situation where a person's pecuniary or other significant personal interest, whether direct or indirect, in a matter before the Board conflicts with, or may tend to conflict with, such person's fiduciary duties to the Association. Such interest would normally include any ownership or financial interest through business, investment, or family ties, and a compensation arrangement. A matter before the Board shall include a matter before a committee exercising any authority of the Board. 2. Duty of disclosure and nonparticipation: Directors shall have an affirmative obligation to disclose their actual or potential conflicts of interest, whether direct or indirect, in any matter before the Board. A director having an actual or potential conflict of interest shall be accorded the opportunity to disclose to the Board any material facts concerning such interest, and shall then absent himself or herself from any discussion or decision of the matter. 3. Addressing a conflict: Whenever a potential conflict of interest is disclosed or is otherwise raised, the Board shall first determine whether the matter constitutes a conflict of interest. If the matter is determined to constitute a conflict of interest, the Board shall then consider any reasonable alternatives that would not involve a conflict of interest, and may refer the issue to a committee for investigation and recommendation. If no reasonable alternatives are identified, the transaction may be approved by the Board, provided that the transaction is determined to be fair and reasonable and in the best interests of the Association. 4. Documentation: A record of all disclosures, decisions, and reasons for such decisions with respect to an actual or potential conflict of interest shall be included in the minutes of any meeting at which the matter is disclosed, discussed or decided. ARTICLE V, DISTRICTS 1. When any contiguous states of the United States contains 25 Members while the total Membership is less than 150, or one fifth of the total Membership when that Membership is 150 or over, then that Area, by a majority vote of its members, may define its own geographic limits, set that area up as a District of the Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association and exercise the right to elect a Director to the Board representing that District only. The Board of Directors will by such an act be increased by one. The remaining members of the Board will serve as candidates at large for and be elected by the undistricted portion of the membership. If several Districts are thus established, and the undistricted Membership with its 3 Directors becomes either over or under represented per Director in comparison to the average of the Districts, or if the number of Directors thus established exceeds six (6), the Board of Directors will call a Referendum of the Membership. Every possible solution having the signed support of 15 Members will be offered in the Referendum. Equal opportunity to explain each solution will be given in The Lippitt Breeders’ Guide and Bulletin. The solutions given the lowest 1/3 membership support will be eliminated and the Referendum continued or repeated until one solution receives majority support. For the purpose of this Article, Alaska will be considered contiguous to the State of Washington and Hawaii contiguous to California. Foreign countries will be considered in whatever contiguous geographical units they wish, ignoring bodies of water for purposes of contiguity. 2. The same procedures will apply should a majority of any district decide to abolish the district. ARTICLE VI, NOMINATING COMMITTEE 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three Voting Members fulfilling the same qualifications as members of the Board of Directors, and shall be voted upon by the Voting Membership yearly at the same time as the Voting Membership votes on other offices. When the Voting Membership of the Association is large enough, those running for the Nominating Committee shall not be holding or running for any position on the Board of Directors. In case any are unable to serve, the Board of Directors by majority vote will name a replacement who does not at the time hold any Association Office. It is of primary importance that this committee be independent of any existing power structures in this Association. Any one seeking office may send written communication only of this fact to the committee. The committee is not empowered to honor any oral notice or special pleading, and will report such plea to the Board of Directors. Anyone attempting to persuade this committee in any direction will resign any office he may have and have his membership changed to Associate member for a period of 6 years. The Nominating Committee may ask advice from any source, but will make its decisions on the basis of the purpose of the Association and by ultimately consulting only itself, all members in voice communication in the final decision. 2. The Nominating Committee will nominate, in accordance with the relevant provisions of these By-Laws, at least one member to each office needed to be filled, but shall strive to nominate at least two members for each office. The Nominating Committee will select as candidates for each position those members with the required experience in breeding Lippitts who in their judgement will best enable the Association to fulfill its stated purpose. Personal relationships and previous office holding or the lack of are to have no place in their decision. For each position the Nominating Committee shall have alternates in case the named candidates are unable or unwilling to run for office. Only after deciding upon the slate of candidates without external influence will the Nominating Committee contact the candidates to seek their approval of the candidacy. 3. In addition to the candidates selected by the Nominating Committee, any Voting Member of the Association meeting the requirements of the By-Laws may secure his or her place on the slate by submitting a list of signatures to the Nominating Committee endorsing his or her candidacy of Members. This shall consist of 30 Voting Members or 10% of the current Voting Membership, whichever is less. Voting Members may sign any number of such lists. The Nominating Committee, adding such endorsed names, will announce the slate by the secretary mailing the ballots to every Voting Member in accordance with Article VII, paragraph 1. The final slate of candidates shall make no distinction between candidates as to the method by which they appear on the slate. The names, under each office, will be alphabetically listed on odd years, reverse alphabetical order on even years. ARTICLE VII, MEETINGS & VOTING 1. There will be scheduled by the Board of Directors two yearly meetings of the Membership of which the Voting Members and Associate Members shall be notified not less than 30 no more than 60 days before the meeting. One shall be held in the Autumn and shall also function as the time of elections to all offices including the Nominating Committee for the following year’s elections. The other shall be in the Spring. There will be an attempt to move these meetings to different population groups. Meetings may be held at any place, either within or outside the State of Vermont. 2. All petitioned nominations to offices shall have been completed by mail 80 days prior to the Autumn meeting and completed ballots shall have been mailed to all Voting Members by the Secretary in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article. Absentee ballots should be received by the secretary before the date of the Autumn meeting and opened and counted in public at the meeting. Additions to these ballots shall be made at the actual Meeting only if a majority of the Voting Members present decide so, for any changes at this date would disenfranchise those voting by absentee ballot. 3. The presence in person or by absentee ballot of one-third of all Voting Members at the opening of the meeting shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of members. All voting for elections and for revisions of the By-Laws will be made by written secret ballot or by absentee secret ballot. No proxy votes for any Office or on any issue will be recognized or counted. 4. If at either yearly meeting there is to be a consideration of By-Law changes, the Secretary shall notify the entire Membership in accordance with paragraph 1 of this articles and provide Voting Members with absentee ballots for the issue. 5. A special meeting of members may be called by the Board or by the President and shall be called by the secretary upon demand of 20% of the directors then in office or upon receipt of petitions stating any proper business to be brought before the meeting and signed by one-twentieth of voting members. Notice requirements for a special meeting shall be the same as for a yearly meeting. 6. Meetings of the Board of Directors called by resolution of the Board shall require no notice other than such resolution, it being the responsibility of absent directors to make enquiry about meetings that may have been scheduled in their absence. All other meetings of the Board shall require written or oral notice of the time and place of the meeting to be delivered to each director. Written notice shall be mailed not less than seven days before the date of the meeting and oral notice shall be provided not less than three days before the date of the meeting. 7. The presence in person at the opening of the meeting of a majority of the directors then in office shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board. Decisions of the Board shall be made by majority voting unless a higher percentage is required by law or by these by-laws. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted rules of parliamentary procedure. 8. Meetings of the Board may be conducted by means of a telephone conference or other communication system whereby all persons participating can hear each other at the same time. Participation by such means shall constitute presence in person. 9. Action by consent: Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board may be taken without a meeting if one or more written consents, setting forth the action to be taken, are signed by all director and included with the records of minutes. ARTICLE VIII, THE LIPPITT REGISTER 1. The Board of Directors shall name a Voting Member to be the Registrar. This person must have the same qualifications as required of an office holder, have detailed knowledge of the history of the Lippitt, be adept at working with a computer, and be scrupulously accurate in the maintenance of records. This person must be willing to be trained by the current Registrar and may not deviate from the established rules and procedures. The registrar will be responsible to the Board of Directors for the certification of pedigrees and conformance to the registry standards. 2. The Board of Directors will name a Registration Committee of about 5% of the total number of Lippitt Breeders, whether or not these breeders are all members of this Association. The total number of Lippitt breeders will be divided among these Registration Committee members so that each has about 20 breeders to oversee. Within the time restrictions set by the Registrar it will be the function of these Registration Committee members to obtain all the necessary information concerning foalings and changes of ownership as required by the Register. ARTICLE IX, THE LIPPITT MORGAN BREEDERS’ GUIDE AND BULLETIN 1. The Board of Directors shall name a Member to be the Editor of the Association’s official publication, The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Guide and Bulletin. This person will have the responsibility of insuring that the publication is totally dedicated to the purpose of the Association only. The whole emphasis must be on articles that educate the reader to the history and characteristics of the Lippitt Morgan and help in breeding and use of the horse. Any material irrelevant to this purpose is to be excluded. While the articles shall seek readability, there should be no hesitancy to use the medium in order to improve the readers’ knowledge of technical matters and vocabulary relevant to the owning, breeding, training and use of the horse. This periodical will make as one of its most important functions education of the membership to an objective and honest assessment of the individual merits and weaknesses of our horses for the betterment of the breed. It is the aim of this Association to promote cooperation, not rivalry, between its members. 2. If there are issues raised by Members on matters relevant to the purpose of the Association, the editor is to make space available for the clarification of all reasonable views in ample time for yearly meetings, etc. Such articles on Association issues may be submitted and they may be edited only for verbosity and good taste. 3. The periodicity of the Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Guide and Bulletin will be determined by the Board of Directors in the light of the financial status of the Association. It will be hoped, however, that it may be published at least bimonthly. The editor is responsible for the good taste and reasonableness of all contents, and will not refuse to publish views simply because they are not held by those holding office. The editor is required, however, to publish nothing that contravenes the purposes of the Association, or crosses the bounds of good taste. Evidence to the Board of Directors that these guidelines are not followed will automatically secure his replacement. ARTICLE X, LIPPITT MORGAN BREEDERS’ DIRECTORY 1. The Board of Directors will publish every two years, depending upon its financial situation, The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Directory listing all the Voting Members of the Association along with their Lippitts, as well as a separate list of all Associate Members. This Directory will be a part of the duties of the Registrar, since it will be updated by the Registrar’s records with the assistance of the Registration Committee. The Directory will list all current officers and committees of the Association as well as all since the last edition. The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Directory may have advertisements subject to the same guidelines as the Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Guide and Bulletin. ARTICLE XI, LIPPITT BREEDERS’ SPECIAL EVENTS 1. The Board of Directors will name a Voting Member each year to be Chairman of the Special Events Committee. Through the years as many people as possible will be named and trained to this position, to involve the greatest number of Members. This Committee will be formed of any interested Voting Member, but there should be an effort on the part of the Board and the Special Events Committee Chairman to involve as many as possible, especially those who have not otherwise been active in the Association. It will be the function of this committee to devise and produce events to exhibit, display and celebrate the Lippitt Morgan and its capacities within its true genetic potential. 2. For each event so formed the Special Events Committee shall name a SubCommittee Chairman for that event from among the Voting Members, and the members of that Committee will be determined in the same manner as those of the Special Events Committee. Each such Sub-Committee shall report to and be under the direction of the Special Events Committee, just as the latter will report to and be under the control of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors may intervene at any stage to insure the fulfillment of the purpose of the Association. 3. It will be the responsibility of any Committee Chairman to insure that whatever applicable the Standard of Excellence stated in Article XIII will be strictly implemented and followed and no other. This is especially important in any event that involves judging the relative merits of different horses. In performance events the judging must literally count conformation to the Standard of Excellence as 50% of the final judgement. ARTICLE XII, AID TO BREEDING PROGRAMS 1. Whatever profits are made by any of the activities of this association, dues, fees, sales, exhibits or shows, etc., will be used by the Association to help breeders in their effort to perpetuate and perfect the breed but will not be distributed to breeders per se. One concern is breeding. The Association will make available information about breeding stallions their location, fees, cooled or frozen semen. Also, the availability of leasing good brood mares that are temporarily idle. The Officers of the Association will use their offices to optimize the contribution of every member to the purpose of the Association. They will do everything in their power to minimize the factions that may develop between members in the promotion of their several endeavors. 2. The second concern is purchase, sales and lease. This Association will maintain and disseminate a current list of all horses offered for sale or lease by members. The Association understands that financially functioning stables are vital to the perpetuation of the horse. ARTICLE XIII, LIPPITT STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE 1. Our Standard of Excellence is an effort to depict the type which the original Morgan horse fixed as America’s first continuing breed and the only breed in which descent from a single animal is the actual criterion. But it is the Lippitt Morgan alone that actually insists on this sole source to the extent that history allows. Ideally, the conformation and way of going of Justin Morgan is our Standard of Excellence. But this is only known by inference from his descendants and testimony from the 19th century. The Standard does not recognize any improvement of type from the original, especially by the introduction of alien blood, but does recognize the goal of perfecting or improving the members of a breed within their type. 2. Our statements arem ainly from old documents such as Linsley’s monograph of 1857 Morgan Hores, letters to the New England Journal, The American Stock Journal and later on to the Middlebury Register. 3. The general impression of the horse is his blocky, muscular build and great bone, an upright and well crested neck and high head set with full mane and tail, an alert and lively readiness to move, along with an eager willingness to please. When taken in hand his movements are instantaneous and vigorous, but tractable and willing. In performance he is ever alert to guidance and instantly responds. His body is compact and close coupled, not rangy or strung out. With familiarity his muscularity and nervousness are found to be the source of great endurance and his responsiveness to be founded on great intelligence. The ideal height of the horse, either stallion, mare or gelding, is 14:3 hands, with deviation of a few inches in either direction permissible as long as type does not suffer. 4. The head is neither long nor large, but finely chiseled, the distance between the ears and eyes being greater in proportion to that between the eyes and nostrils than in other breeds. The head is broad and deep at the eyes and jaw, tapering quickly to a fine mouth and widening again at the nostrils. The face is straight or slightly dished. The jowl and jaw are deep and muscular and wide apart at the larynx. The ears are small and fine, often curved at the top, set wide apart on a wide pole, upright, not leaning to the sides. The eyes are prominent, ‘set well out at the corners,’ large and alert but calm, with very little sclera showing, and round rather than angular. The whole bearing is spirited, yet sensitive, eager and intelligent, showing fire and kindness, resolve and grace, courage and gentleness, as the occasion demands. 5. The neck springs upward, not forward, from a well laid back shoulder, with great breadth and a substantial crest, arching forward not upward at the poll, with a clean and open latch at the jaw. The neck must be of medium not great length, long enough to allow flexibility, but not so much as to lose substance or debilitate against breath. The crest should be high and full, obviously present but less marked in the mare, and the whole assembly sensed as resting upon the body rather than hung in front, the line from the point of the chest to the latch being vertical. There should be no abrupt angles in the top line, either at the poll as the neck enters the head, or at the withers as the neck enters the body, but a smooth transition from part to part. Especially there should be no hollow before the wither. The front of the neck may be gently curved because of mass, but not so convex as to make a protrusion, much less a ewe neck. 6. The shoulder must be long and well laid back to provide for a good neck. The shoulder must be heavily muscled with its point low and forward. As the shoulder is angled back, so the humerus is more vertical than in most breeds, short and more muscled. The chest is broad and thrust forward with the breast bone protruding with deep pectoral muscles, allowing a good space between the legs and room for internal organs. 7. The back should be short, broad and heavily muscled, with no more than a slight hollow. The loin should be wide and strong, rising to a long croup and curving to the tail in a smooth continuous line starting at the poll. The barrel must be well sprung, i.e. the ribs must start horizontally at the column in a full wide curve to the belly, not flattened at the side. The area in front and above the stifles should be filled out, not sunken. There should be a close coupling, i.e. little space between the point of the stifle and the floating ribs. The great sloping of the shoulder puts the front legs well in front and makes the underline long while making the back short. 8. The front legs should be well muscled above the knees, sinewy and free of flesh below, with the cannons flat and wide from the side. The leg from the elbow to the knee should be far longer than the cannon, to obtain the typical Morgan trappy gait. The joints at the knee and fetlock should be wide and strong. The pastern should be of medium length, not long and easily depressed, resting at the same angle as the shoulder. The foot in the breed is well shaped, symmetrical, and medium sized, open at the heel, with a well formed frog. The texture is hard and dense, not quickly worn or inclined to chip or crack. 9. The hip must be long and sloping to allow for wide thick muscling. The muscling of the buttock should roundly extend as far back as the standing hock. The gaskin is widely muscled from front to back. The hock must be wide and strong and straight. The cannon, fetlock, pastern and foot should be as in the front. 10. The mane and tail may be straight or wavy, and should be full, not thinned, shortened or sparse, the bridle path only a few inches long for utility. The tail should be carried well out from the dock, not off-centered or flat. The hair should be full well up towards the dock. The tail set should be medium with a rounded croup. 11. The coat may be bay, brown, black, chestnut or black chestnut no other colors being Morgan but appearing only with outcrossing as pedigrees will show. The coat should be soft, fine and glossy, usually with strong dapples whatever color. 12. In action, because of his long forearms and short cannons, the Morgan has a quick short stride which his 19th century admirers called ‘trappy.’ The trot is springing and elastic, with little effort, and combined with his muscling he is capable of continuing far beyond the limits of a long-legged, strident horse. Morgans were always noted for surefootedness, and contrary to some trotting horses had medium knee action. At any gait the step is bold and forceful, energetic and balanced, with legs well under the body at any gait, even when extended. 13. The true Morgan, i.e. not excessively crossed to other breeds so as to lose Morgan type, has a superb nervous system with instantaneous reactions and a high order of activity, always fired up and animated. The nervous force is a large part of his endurance, for his will is of great moment and a function of his nervous disposition. But contrary to so many other breeds and species, the true Morgan has the fire in conjunction with great amiability and grace, so that a true example of the breed is as easily handled by a maiden as a roustabout cavalryman. It is a trait the old timers called ‘kindness at the bit.’ ARTICLE XIV, CHARTER MEMBERS OF THE LIPPITT MORGAN BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION 1. Founding Members listed by date of 1st Lippitt Foaling Marshall Winkler, Rockport, Ma. Bruce Orser, Bethpage, Tn Kenneth A. Telford, Randolph, Vt. Grace Yaglou, Princeton, Ma Carol Dzindzio, San Marcos, Ca John Edwards, Randolph, Vt Linda Eiben, Barre, Ma. Paul Juhasz, Adell, Wi. Crescent Peirce, Northfield, Ma. 05/01/65 04/27/79 04/30/79 03/04/80 04/26/85 03/19/87 05/04/89 06/03/89 03/18/90 Jane Muraro, Torrington, Ct. Brenda LaRoche, Derry, NH Barry Caisse, Leominster, Ma. 05/23/93 04/02/94 The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association was formed on 4/2/94, incorporated 6/16/95 ARTICLE XV, REVISION OF THE BY-LAWS 1. Articles I, II, III, IV and XV of these by-laws may be amended only by the affirmative vote of 80% of all Voting Members. Other amendments to these by-laws may be effected by the affirmative vote of a majority of all Voting Members. The Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Guide and Bulletin shall be made equally accessible, and sufficiently in advance of the voting, to any position supported by the signatures of 15 Voting Members. Members may endorse any number of positions. Ballots on such a Referendum shall be mailed 30 days before either yearly meeting and the meeting will be used to discuss issues. 2. The Board of Directors shall not itself have the power to amend, suspend or alter any part of the By-Laws. By a two/thirds approval of its own body, the Board of Directors may present to the Voting Membership a measure to suspend some single provision of Articles V through XIII only of these By-Laws, for a period of one year only. If a majority of the Voting Membership approves of this temporary measure, and only then, the measure will be adopted for one year, after which the original By-Laws will automatically be reinstated. 3. In the event that any provision of these by-laws is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under any statute or rule of law, then such provision shall be deemed inoperative to such extent and shall be deemed modified to conform with such statute or rule of law without affecting the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these by-laws. ARTICLE XVI, DISSOLUTION OF THIS ASSOCIATION 1. Dissolution of the Lippitt Morgan Breeders’ Association may be effected only by a vote two-thirds of of the Voting Members in accordance with the Articles of Association and the Vermont Nonprofit Corporation Act only after all Association debts are paid and the Treasurer’s accounts have been balanced. Any remaining funds shall, by vote of the Membership, be donated to an organization having a similar purpose as this Association. ARTICLE XVII, FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES 1. Any of the following corporate actions shall require vote of two-thirds of the Voting Members: sale or mortgage of any significant part of the assets of the Association; merger or consolidation with another organization; and any other action that would effect a fundamental change to the character or operations of the Association. **CODE KEY- FOR SYMBOLS USED IN THIS DIRECTORY** S – stallion M – mare G – gelding raf – registration applied for $ - for sale @ - at stud ~ - semen transport ! - Frozen Semen only – NEW!!! * - on lease/leased L – for lease b - bay blk - black br - brown ch - chestnut lv - liver dk - dark lt - light % - co-owned f – in foal LMBA Voting Members Alexander, Jim & Beverly Border View Farm (Border View) 2516 Lost Nation Rd. Enosburg Falls, VT 05450-5348 (h) 802-848-7676 Email: [email protected] AMHA# 068668 Border View Emmaline 0126244 M 4/18/92 (Royalton Seth Warner x Ryegate Ebonita) b 14.3 * Blackstream Sweet Memory 10310 (can) M 8/4/96 dk b 14.0 (Border View Bacchus x Minelda’s Memory) on lease from Jane Lauer Border View Bacchus 96300 G 3/31/84 b (Royalton Seth Warner x Ryegate Aurora) 14.0 Beck, Paula 677 Skyline Tr Corinthian Farm Chester, MA 413-354-2379 Email: [email protected] Rohan Withywindle 0150560 M 8/ /98 ch (Covenant Nathan Ash x Rohan Nenya) 14.2 Rinthian Bellebrooke 0178101 M 6/12/08 b 13.3 (Equinox Beaubrook x Rohan Withywindle) Banko, Frank J. and Banko James R. New Fork Morgans (New Fork) Mill Iron Morgans (Mill Iron) Box 628 Hwy H CR 525 Winona, MO 65588-0628 (h) 573-226-5666 Email: [email protected] @ Hillbilly Abernathy 127219 S 6/26/92 lvch (Moro Hill Magi x Sandrock Misty) Stallion remarks :great personality-produces size, nice trot @ Cantieglen Orpheus 134630 S 5/13/94 blkch (Cantieglen Eclipse x Cantieglen Ebony) Stallion remarks: produces refined heads, lively personalities 14.2 14.2 @ Reim Sweet William 165779 S 5/4/04 br 14.2 (Mayking Eldorado x Moro Hill Micholette) Stallion remarks : gentle dispositions, good bodies, short backs 18 9.6” 9” 950# 950# 900# Willo Pond Bellorena 0144370 M 6/17/97 b (Covenant Knight Heir x Misty Mt Nora Belle) HIS Mariah 0150096 M 7/14/99 br (Winloc Major Gifford x TFM Texas) 14.1 Hillcreek Sabrina Mae 0163033 M 5/11/03 (Hillcreek Sampson x Karenza Daphne) br 14.2 9” 14.2 9.25” 950# $ New Fork Ebony Lace 0167656 M 3/22/05 (TOV Alexander x Hillcreek Sabrina Mae) Karenza Helen 0161638 M 6/4/98 (Karenza Orion x Karenza Jilly Ash) b 900# blk 14.2 14.2 New Fork Chaka 0178142 M 5/14/08 blk 14,3 ( Cantieglen Orpheus x Hillcreek Sabrina Mae) New Fork April M 4/18/10 b (Reim Sweet William x Karenzaa Helen) Bannan, Sandra Whisper Farms 1025 County Rd. 510 Negaunee, MI 49866 (h) 906-361-1199 Email: [email protected] Website: AMHA#1374428 @ River Riders Rogue 141080 S 2/27/97 b 14.0 (Moro Hills Micah x Moro Hill’s Motif) Stallion Remarks: A level headed gentleman producing great heads and calm demeanor. Expressive face, short back, and smooth movement. River Riders Roxanne 0140955 M 1/7/97 ( Moro Hills Micah x Moro Hill Mercy) ch *Heathermoor Darby’s Loch 0171662 M 5/6/06 (Blue Spruce Gifton x River Riders Roxanne) on lease from Barb Fogel, Ohio 14.2 ch 14.0 The LMBA’s Affiliation with the Equine Journal has BENEFITS!!! 1. A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO THE EQUINE JOURNAL 2. A Free Classified Ad 3. A Free Hitching Post Ad in the Equine Journal! Be sure to use yours by calling or emailing the Equine Journal – FREE NATIONAL ADVERTISING! Curtis, Mary M. Okan Morgans (Okan) P.O. Box 54, 99 S. Ironwood Street Oroville WA 98844-0054 (h) 509-476-2004 (f) 509-476-3384 Email: [email protected] Website: Good News Joshua 122093 S 6/4/88 b (Meredith Bilirubin x Cleaves Bounty) 14.3 8” 900# ~ ! Okan Storm King 140799 G 5/20/97 br 14.2 7.75” 890# (Meredith Bilirubin x Good News Priscilla) Stallion Remarks: Gelded but Frozen Semen Available. Athletic, people loving and classic Morgan type. $ Karenza Queen of Hearts 0161061 M 6/29/92 (John Ethan Ashbrook x Venturous Megan) ch Okan Li’l Darling 0128195 M 1/18/93 br (Meredith Bilirubin x Good News Priscilla) 14.5 Okan Sarah 0148291 M 6/20/99 b (Meredith Bilirubin x Kiva Annabell) 8” 14.3 $ Okan Valiant Lady 014979 M 2/14/97 (Meddo’s Valiant x Kiva Annabell) 14.3 8” 14.3 7.5” $ Okan Lady Ann 0157794 M 2/12/02 b (Meredith Bilirubin x Okan Valiant Lady) 14.2 7” Okan Jessica May 0161921 M 5/21/03 b 15.0 (Aswyn Je Ne Sais Quoi x Wachuset Meredith) Okan Andromida 0172045 M 5/26/06 (Okan Storm King x Wachuset Meredith) Okan Lexus 178016 M 5/15/08 br (Eastbrook Vigilant x Okan Sarah) b 13.3 Okan MisTaylor 174857 M 5/29/07 blk (Okan Storm King x Wachuset Meredith) $ Okan Fancy Lady 0179868 M 4/20/09 (Karenza Orion x Okan Valiant Lady) $ Okan Roxanne 179870 M 6/21/09 (Karenza Orion x Okan Sarah) b b Okan Duchess 179867 M 5/25/09 br ( Karenza Orion x Karenza Queen of Hearts) Okan Isabella 179869 M 5/09/09 b (Karenza Orion x Okan Jessica May) 1100# 830# 700# 8” 15.0 15.0 950# 8” 8.25” 400# 14.2 1000# 900# b Okan Resolutions 0163878 M 1/1/04 b (Okan Storm King x Karenza Catherine Moro) 8.25” 750# 1000# 1150# $ Okan a Oly 180120 G 4/28/09 b (Karenza Orion x Okan Lady Ann) Okan Beaubridge 125841 G 5/23/92 br (Equinox Beaubrook x Madrona Bridget) 14.3 8” 1150# Okan Red Bentley 174858 G 5/9/07 ch (Madrona Rubicon x Karenza Queen Of Hearts) Davis, Fayralyn Chapman Thankful Farm P.O. Box 676 Harrison, ME 04040 (h) 207-583-2948 Email: [email protected] Thankful Farms Nite Angel 0163244 M 6/21/03 b (Tradition Stary Nite x Hubert’s Bonnie Jean) Davis, William 15741 Maries Rd 526 Rolla, MO 65401 (h) 573-299-4062 Email: [email protected] AMHA#1170414 @ Edgewood Moro Sonofagun 154284 S 4/1/01 br (Edgewood Weatherby x Edgewood Reva Moro) Hilton Royal Shelby 0115470 M 1/18/88 (Royalton AJ x Rushbruk Bell Star) b 14.2 Kustom Dondei Echo 0150721 M 4/11/00 ch (Covenant Colby Moro x Rushbruk Figurine) Ara-li’s Black Pearl 0166728 M 5/10/04 br (Amadeus Mozart Ara-li x Minelda’s Memory) 15.0 15.0 14.0 7/4/07 b WJD Miss Independence 0177753 M (Edgewood Moro x Sonofagun x Willo Pond Bellorena) WJD Miss Persnickity 0177754 M 7/10/07 br (Edgewood Moro Sonofagun x New Fork Wyoming Sara) WJD Ricochet Kate 0180964 M 3/31/09 br ( Edgewood Moro Sonofagun x Kustom Dondei Echo) WJD Shelby’s Grand Finale 0180965 M 4/5/09 b ( Edgewood Moro Sonofagun x Hilton Royal Shelby) 21 9” 1000# Dzindzio, Carol Marie Twin Oaks Valley Morgans (TOV) 3860 Twin Oaks Crest Drive San Marcos, CA 92069 (h) 760-471-2334 Email: [email protected] Bramblea Ashwood Seth 122486 S 3/11/91 b 14.3 (Royalton Ashline x Royalton Ethna) Stallion Remarks: Super sweet, gentle and well-mannered. A pleasure to work around! TOV Christopher raf S 4/15/10 b ( Bramblea Ashwood Seth x ZHalcyon Starbright) Royalton Chantal 079665 M 5/13/80 ch 14.0 (Royalton Ebenezer x Royalton Danette) *Equinox Sarah Darling 0123688 M 6/7/91 b (John Ethan Ashbrook x Equinox Sarah Mia) on lease from Carol Dahlberg 14.0 $ TOV Philippa Darling 0145083 M 2/21/98 b (Sweet Maple Royalson x Equinox Sarah Darling) $ TOV Evelena Darling 0150799 M 5/8/00 b (Sweet Maple Royalson x Equinox Sarah Darling) Z Halcyon Starbright 0151827 M 7/27/00 (Ute Mt Papadia x Ember Emily) b $TOV Normandie 0180237 M 6/6/09 b (Bramblea Ashwood Seth x Equinox Sarah Darling) TOV Patrick 180026 G 3/17/09 ch (Bramblea Ashwood Seth x TOV Jubilee) Edwards, John & Sara Josama Morgans (Josama) 2303 Bent Hill Rd. Braintree, VT 05060 (h) 802-728-3606 Email: [email protected] Ryegate Georgiana 076023 M 3/13/80 (Stillwater Indigo x Ryegate Keziah) b 14.3 Valley Head Rita 0111914 M 3/12/85 b 14.2 (Valley Head Glenmoro x Ryegate Ebonita) Imperial Cassandra 0115891 M 4/11/85 b 14.3 (Wachuset Imperial x An-nel-le Sarah) Josama Brigadier 134022 G 6/2/94 ch (Horton’s Vermont x Ryegate Bridget) 15.0 Josama Bridget 0170079 M ch (Cantieglen Loki x Hurl Winds Miss Ellie) Eiben, Dr. Linda R. & David Wood Run Farm (Wood Run) 480 Hawes Hill Rd. Barre, MA 01005 (h) 978-355-4972 (f) 978-355-6552 Email: [email protected] @~ Wood Run Mandrake 118653 S 5/12/90 blk 15.0 (Meredith Bruce x Royalton Fairlee) Stallion Remarks: Outstanding on the trail and a responsive, athletic mover. He passes his loving personality on to his foals. Wood Run Chicory 0178822 M 8/18/08 b ( Wood Run Cedar x Wood Run Linden) Wood Run Linden 0131280 M 5/3/94 (Equinox Royalty x Royalton Fairlee) ch 14.3 Wood Run Marigold 0178821 7/7/07 ch ( Wood Run Mandrake x Wood Run Willow) $L Wood Run Coriander 141758 G 5/30/97 ch 14.2 (Equinox Royalty x Wood Run Rowan) $L Wood Run Cedar 165992 G 8/16/04 b (Wood Run Mandrake x Wood Run Rowan) Wood Run Mahogany 137535 G 6/1/96 b (Equinox Royalty x Covenant Knightngale) 15.0 * Wood Run Sage 144715 G 6/14/98 b (Randallane Revelation x Ryegate Tiffany) *On lease to Heather Curler Erfman, Elizabeth Flintrock Ranch (FRR) PO Box 402 Peyton, CO 80831 (h) 719-749-0171 Email: [email protected] Rosewater Emily Darling 0164630 M 5/10/04 (Quietude Westward x TOV Paulina Darling) b 0163256 M 2003 Michabou BBC Cherub (Cantieglen Loki x Covenant Caroline Moro) b Acer Katie 0148148 M 1999 dk ch (Merryheart Billy Ash x M Classic Grace) 25 14.3 8” 925# Flanagan, Elizabeth L. Beech Hill Farm (Weathertop) 8 Beech Hill Rd. Westminster, MA 01473 (h) 978-874-2446 Email: [email protected] ~% Wachuset Elijah 153994 S 3/12/01 bl 14.3 Stallion remarks: gentle, smart & wants to please. He has an excellent attitude and is both a riding and driving horse. Frozen semen available. Wachuset Bridget 0162889 M 7/11/03 blk (Cantieglen Eclipse x Cantieglen Naiad) Fogel, Barbara Heathermoor Farm (Heathermoor) 03 984 Rd. R Edon, OH 43518 (h) 419-459-4567 Email: [email protected] Blue Spruce Gifton 155310 S 5/25/01 b 14.0 (Blue Spruce Muskiteer Jr x Blue Spruce Aurora) Stallion Remarks: Gifton is the classic Moro Hill line stallion. He has a wonderful temperament and passes it on to his offspring. VS Moro Micayla 0162602 M 5/25/03 b 14.0 (River Riders Rogue x Moro Hill Mamosa) *Heathermoor Darby’s Loch 0171662 M 5/6/06 (Blue Spruce Gifton x River Riders Roxanne) leased to Sandra Bannon ch Peppercorn’s Annah Marea 013047 M 6/6/05 ch (Mint Jacob x Edgewood Springs Louisa) Garcia, Audrey Morse Stonehill Farm 78 Parmenter Rd. Hudson, MA 01749 (h) 978-567-9892 (f) 978-568-9719 Email: [email protected] Randallane Genevieve 0150296 M 4/7/00 b 14.2 (Randallane Genesis x Randallane Beaubrooke) 14.1 Braelea Welcome (Equinox Beaubrook x Charity Rachel Ash) Woodbine Farm is proud to offer this fine son of the late Equinox Beaubrook at stud by private treaty. To date he has sired 2 colts and 2 fillies, with a 100% conception rate via live cover. He has superior hoof quality, good bone, a ground-covering trot, and his energy is limitless. He is a grandson of both Royalton Ashbrook Darling and Meredith Knight, and offers a wealth of old Morgan blood and type to any breeding program. Welcome attracts visitors to the farm with his beauty, antics, and athletic maneuvers. He catapults over snow banks, chasing down his big barrel-toy with agility and conviction that would rival the best of cutting horses! Come see for yourself why a foal by Braelea Welcome is your link to the past. ****** Cheryl & David Godding Woodbine Farm Winchester, Ct 860-379-5005 or [email protected] Godding, Cheryl & David Woodbine Farm (Cherda) 119 West Rd. Winchester CT 06098 (h) 860-379-5005 Email: [email protected] @ Braelea Welcome 157511 S 6/15/01 b 14.1 7.5” 780# (Equinox Beaubrook x Charity Rachel Ash) Stallion Remarks: Very typey, mahogany bay. Beautiful eye, wide forehead and chest, huge floating trot, kind, willing personality. . Randallane Exclamation 0138056 M 5/8/96 ch 14.1 6.75” (Hurl-Wind’s First Pride x Woodstock Shawna Lee) Cherda Julie’s Gem 0168578 M 6/20/05 b 14.2 (Mic Mac Talisman x Randallane Exclamation) 7” Storybook Salute Vermont 0126639 M 5/11/92 (Horton's Vermont x Ryegate Bridget) ch 920# 785# 15.0 7.5” 902# Harrold, Lorena Willo Pond Morgans, (Willo Pond) N 573 Silver Creek Cascade Rd. Random Lake, WI 53075 (h) 920-994-9937 (f) 920-994-9937 Email: [email protected] Website: Covenant Knight Heir 93859 S 5/16/83 dkb 14.3 8.75” (Meredith Knight x Covenant Karah Moro) Stallion Remarks: Knight Heir carries through his typey image, pretty head with broad forehead and large eyes; Typey yet adds refinement and beauty; short back and laid back shoulder giving versatile athletic conformation. Lending his willing disposition and flat leg bone. @~% Willo Pond Knight Hawk 152895 S 6/26/00 (Wachuset Black Hawk x ASW Knights Fantasia) % co-owned with Carl and Pat Muia dkb @~ Wachuset Black Knight 152895 S 6/26/00 (Cantieglen Eclipse x Wachuset Lady Ash) dkb Misty Mt. Nora Belle 0108348 M 4/14/87 b (Borderview Bay Josh x Nabub’s Belnora) 15.1 A SW Knight’s Fantasia 0124255 M 6/8/91 b (Covenant Knight Heir x Seren Maryrose Zoe) 15.0 Willo Pond Georgi Anna 0126019 M 5/9/92 dkb (Covenant Knight Heir x Ashwood Georgi Girl) Wachuset Lady Hawk 0128961 M 4/19/93 blk (Cantieglen Eclipse x Wachuset Lady Ash) 15.0 15.1 14.3 Willo Pond Hawks Legacy 0140914 M 5/6/97 dkb 15.0 (Wachuset Black Hawk x Willo Pond Georgi Anna) $ Willo Pond MillionHeiress 0155913 M 6/19/01 blk (Wachuset Sherman x WhiteWillow Dusky Kate) $ Covenant Mercy Moro 0164216 M 5/27/01 b (Ryegate Black Bart x Covenant Joanna Moro) $ Willo Pond Jenna Belle 0172609 M 6/14/06 (Wachuset Black Knight x Misty Mt. Nora Belle) b $ WilloPond Marjas Fantasia 0175629 M 4/10/07 dkb (Wachuset Black Knight x ASW Knights Fantasia) Harvey, Lynn M. A Summer Wind Legacy P.O. Box 822 Apex, NC 27502-0822 (h) 910-246-9861 Email: [email protected] AMHA#469536 @~ A-SW Regal Supreme 129244 S 5/4/93 dkb 14.2 8” (Moonridge F Gideon x Seren Maryrose Zoe) A-SW Just In Tyme 129397 G 4/15/93 dkb 14.2 (Covenant Knight Heir x A-SW Tiffany Rose) 71/2” A-SW Friendly Persuasion 144459 G 5/18/98 dkb 15.0 73/4” (A-SW Regal Supreme x A-SW Tiffany Rose) Jones, Beth A 30 Deerfield Cove Henderson, TN 38340 Ash Royalty Leyla 0177843 M 6/23/08 b (Edgewood DC Linsley x Edgewood Geneva) Keeler, Patti 3303 Millstream Rd Marengo, IL. 60152 815-568-8924 Randallane Mercedes 0175363 M 4/27/07 ch 14.1 (Randallane Genesis x Rosemary’s Baby) 847lb 861lb 916lb Lippitt, Deborah Degalisto Morgans (Degalisto) P.O. Box 221, 1121 Co. Rd. 39 Eagleville, CA 96110 (h) 530-279-9394 Email: [email protected] $ Marvelous Ima Dandy 175638 S dkb 14.0 (Rohan Rivendale x Marvelous Ima Darling) $ Delalisto Primo Hombre 178730 S 5/24/08 ch ( Acer Marksman x Rohan Primula) Rohan Primula 0121018 M 4/15/90 ch 14.3 (Royalton Ashline x Ransomvale Alrita) $ Degalisto Shooting Star 0173753 M 5/16/06 (Acer Marksman x Rohan Primula) 9.25” 1050# ch Degalisto Ima Papaver raf M 5/17/10 ch (Marvelous Ima Dandy x Rohan Primula) Acer Marksman 139138 G 5/18/96 b 14.2 9.5” 1100# (Edgewood Hallmark x M Classic Grace) Lonergan, Rachel Lonergan Morgans 103 North Shore Rd. Derry, NH 03038 (h) 603-508-2468 Email: [email protected] $ Knollwood Danny Boy 178204 S 4/14/08 br 14.1 (Randallane Genisis xHannah Joy’s Reverie) Baroncrest Mesa Ash 0159445 M 5/11/02 b 15.1 (Abraham Elijah Ash x Baroncrest Hetty Ash) Baroncrest Mallory Moro 0169197 M 8/1/05 b (Abraham Elijah Ash x Karenza Jilly Ash) 15.2 Randallane Trinity 0178301 M 6/17/08 ch 14.1 (Randallane Testa Rosa x Madrona April Twilight) Check for updates and additions to the LMBA website! Long, Judy Pure Gold Morgans (Pure) PO Box 473, 1867 Pettibone Lk Rd. Highland, MI 48357 (h) 248-887-1057 Email: [email protected] Website: ~@ Baroncrest Nuggeteer 125490 S 5/17/92 b 15.1 (Willo Pond What a Knight x Wachuset Jezebel) Stallion Remarks: Baron stands proud & bold for approved mares.He is handsome both in mind & body-he throws his “look at me” personality into his foals. f Alert Ash Margarite Henry 0123709 M 5/2/91 blkch 15.0 (Edgewood Hallmark x Shamrock Shellaleh) Loos, Ron & Barbara Baroncrest Morgans (Baroncrest) W1382 Grant Rd. Rubicon, WI 53078 (h) 262-673-5061 (f) 262-673-5061 Email: [email protected] AMHA#164566 @ Willo Pond What A Knight 116801 S 6/3/89 ch (Covenant Knight Heir x Ashwood Georgi Girl) Stallion remarks: Movement, height, sweet disposition. 14.3 @ Abraham Elijah Ash 146734 S 6/14/98 dkb 14.3 (OM Jacob Ash x Mint Mesa) Stallion remarks: Beautiful head, little ears, sweet disposition. * Baroncrest Levi Ash 175546 S 4/5/07 (Abraham Elijah Ash x Karenza Jilly Ash) on lease to Anne Hablitzel VT b $ Baroncrest Neon Knight 178223 S 5/09/08 ch (Willo Pond What A Knight x Baroncrest Hetty Ash) $ Baroncrest Sawyer VT 178283 S 5/12/08 ch (Abraham Elijah Ash x Josama April Sunshine) Baroncrest Hetty Ash 0126721 M 6/25/92 ch 14.3 (Willo Pond What A Knight x Tradition Ladybrook) Baroncrest Brook Darling 0132947 M 5/27/94 ch 14.2 (Moonridge F Gideon x Tradition Ladybrook) Josama April Sunshine 0130208 M 4/16/93 (Royalton Seth Warner x Valley Head Rita) b 14.2 Hawk Ridge Johna Darling 0132099 M 4/27/94 (John Ethan Ashbrook x Rohan Elbereth) Karenza Jilly Ash CN9076 M 7/23/94 b 15.1 (Meredith Bilirubin x Covenant Sarah May) b 15.0 Bonneriver Megan’s Maggie 0143109 M 7/8/96 brn (Madrona Morgan Dan x Margaret Moro’s Megan) 14.2 $ Baroncrest Sara Mia 0171954 M 5/17/06 ch (Willo Pond What a Knight x Baroncrest Brook Darling) $ Baroncrest Morita 0172540 M 6/6/06 b (Abraham Elijah Ash x Josama April Sunshine) $ Baroncrest Cambria VT 0173025 M 6/7/06 ch (Willo Pond What A Knight x Old Vermont Cameo) $ Baroncrest Rusty Ash G 6/22/08 ch ( Willow Pond What A Knight x Baroncrest Brook Darling) MacNamara, Dawn Quail Mountain Morgans (Quail Mtn) 2001 Hieatt Lane Smithfield, Kentucky 40068 (h) 502-845-9823 Email: [email protected] Website: $@ Quail Mtn Philip Sheridan 173900 S 6/16/06 (Wachuset Sentinel x Dragonsong Ashle Justieen) $ Quail Mtn Ranger 181351 S 4/17/09 b (Quail Mtn Joshua Chambrlin x Hillsong Megan) Hillsong Megan 0139792 M 5/30/90 b 14.1 (Marvelous Mariner x Sally Woodbury) Dragonsong Ashle Justieen 136088 M 4/8/95 b 14.0 (Egdewood Prophetmakr x VSM Victoria) f Karenza Danielle CN9945 M 6/6/96 b 15.1 (Meredith Bilirubin x Covenant Sarah May) Sandrock Susie 0132219 M 6/7/94 b 14.2 (Edgewood Kit Carson x Sandrock Jamie) $ Quail Mtn Mariah Rose 0160932 M 5/6/03 b 14.3 (TOV Corey Caminos x Sandrock Susie) $f Quail Mtn Sarah Rose 0168873 M 5/8/05 b 14.1 (Okan Storm King x Hillsong Megan) $ Quail Mtn Emma Rose 0173899 M 7/4/06 (Wachuset Sentinel x Hillsong Megan) br $ Quail Mtn Indigo Rose 0181272 M 4/29/09 (Harwich Tryant x Dragonsong Ashlie Justieen) b Quail Mtn Amanda Rose 0179326 M 3/12/09 b ( Quail Mtn Joshua Chambrlin x Karenza Danielle) 15.0 $@ Quail Mtn Joshua Chambrlin 168872 G 3/29/05 (Okan Storm King x Dragonsong Ashle Justieen) brn 14.2 Mastine, Kelly & Amanda Imperial Morgans (Imperial) P.O. Box 531 Bethel, VT 05032 (h) 802-234-9424 Email: [email protected] website: @ Michabou Weatherman 160429 S 4/28/02 (Cantieglen Loki x Weathermont Kate) Imperial Image 0125531 M 4/18/91 (Wachuset Imperial x Imperial Lass) b Imperial Samara 0139636 M 4/30/96 (Wachuset Imperial x Imperial Lass) b 15.0 14.3 b 14.3 Wachuset Velvet Ash 0140089 M 5/08/96 bl ch ( Cantieglen Eclipse x Wachuset Lady Ash) 14.3 Major's Ideal Jasmine 0155332 M 8/15/99 (Imperial Major x Marvelous Lippitt Darling) b 14.1 Braelea Anna Ashe 0160466 M 6/19/02 (Mic Mac Talisman x Braelea Ash-Mora) b Imperial Perfect Storm 0175004 M 05/06/06 (Michabou Weatherman x Imperial Samara) 14.3 b Imperial Cold Snap 0180498 M 5/02/08 b ( Michabou Weatherman x Imperial Samara) Imperial Glare Ice raf M 5/05/09 br (Michabou Weatherman x Imperial Image) Imperial Major 140503 G 6/30/93 (Wachuset Imperial x Imperial Lass) b 14.3 Millet, Anne & Bridget Knollwood Meadow Morgans (Knollwood) 25 Knollwood Drive E. Longmeadow MA 01028 (h) 413-525-4631 (c) 413-250-4481 Email: [email protected] Hannah Joy’s Reverie 0147037 M 05/27/97 brn (Randallane Revelation x Ryegate Fanny Moro) 41 14.2 Knollwood Mystical Rose 0170741 M 7 /24/05 (Randallane Genesis x Hannah Joy’s Reverie) Knollwood Divine Mercy 0174557 M 7 /7/07 (Randallane Genesis x Hannah Joy’s Reverie) ch 14.0 b 13.2 Mosman, Judy Braelea Morgans (Braelea) 89 Carpenter Rd. Sharon, VT 05065 (h) 802-763-8784 Email: [email protected] @ ER Royal Saxon 167763 S 5/4/01 ch 14.1 (Nahanni Royal Ethan x Sally Woodbury) standing in Minn $ Braelea Moro raf S 6/27/09 ch 14.2 (Braelea Welcome x Braelea Ash-Mora) Charity Rachel Ash 094099 M 1/28/84 (Meredith Knight x Royalton Rachel) Gretchen Moro 098952 M 6/10/84 (Meredith Tiger x Kimberly Apryl) ch 14.2 ch 14.3 Sally Woodbury 094953 M 5/11/84 ch (Quietude Robin Hood x Lippitt Sally Brook) 14.0 Daisy Woodbury 0111954 M 4/01/88 ch (Quietude Robin Hood x Royalton Peggy Moro) Braelea Ash-Mora 0127678 M 6/6/90 (Horton’s Vermont x Equinox Ash-Merrie) ch 14.2 14.2 Braelea Winifred Horton 0176028 M 7/11/06 (Equinox Beaubrook x Charity Rachel Ash) Braelea Sara Woodbury raf M 6/29/09 (Braelea Welcome x Sally Woodbury) $ Braelea Robin Brook 181333 G 6/23/08 (Equinox Beaubrook x Daisy Woodbury) b b b 14.0 14.1 Muia, Carl Southold Morgans (Southold) 28215 Inwood Rd. North Liberty, IN 46554 (h) 574-288-0286 Email: [email protected] @% Willo Pond Knight Hawk 152895 S 6/26/00 dkb (Wachuset Black Hawk x A SW Knights Fantasia) % co-owned with Lorena Harrold, WI 42 14.3 14.2 $ Southold Shadow Hawk 168327 S 6/19/05 dkb 15.0 (Willo Pond Knight Hawk x Southold Knight’s Milady) Patoka Tami Jill 072458 M 4/23/79 ch 14.3 (Moro Hill’s Marquis x Tradition Jenny Ash) Southold Knight’s Milady 0137427 M 4/19/96 b (Meredith Knight x Southold Royal Heiress) 14.2 $ Southold Ashe-more 165101 G 5/8/04 b 14.3 (Braelea Gifford-Ashe x Southold Knight’s Milady) Muraro, Jane Iron Horse Morgan Farm (Iron Horse) 687 Orton Rd. North Walden E. Hardwick, VT 05836 (h) 802-533-9802 Email: [email protected] Website: @ Iron Horse Jericho 143572 S 7/7/97 blkch 14.3 988# (Winloc Sir Arthur x Sandgate’s Miss Alert) 8.13” $@ Iron Horse Benjamint 163735 S 6/12/03 ch 15.+ 978# (Duffy Mint x Sandgate’s Miss Alert) 8” Sandgate’s Miss Alert 0116248 M 3/1/89 ch 15.0 1003# (Lippitt Alert x Royalton Marita) 7.75” Horton’s Polly Moro 0122811 M 5/11/91 ch (Braelea Jord-Ash x Horton’s Belle Star) 7.5” 14.1 954# $ Iron Horse Naomi 0143654 M 5/21/96 b 15.0 902# 7.5” (Equinox Beaubrook x Horton’s Belle Star) Iron Horse Trixie’s H 0157219 M 5/7/00 b 14.1 821# 7.25” (Randallane Genesis x Lorelei’s April H) Iron Horse Ophelia 0163734 M 5/30/03 lvch 14.1 978# 7.25” (Iron Horse Jericho x Winloc Tempest) Myers, Jane & Gary Ash Royalty Lippitt Morgans (Ash Royalty) 6689 E. Lost Woods Lane Centralia, MO 65240 (c) 573-819-3875 (h) 573-682-1087 Email: [email protected] Website: Covenant Elizah Moro 0141905 M 5/5/95 (Meredith Knight x Covenant Karah Moro) Horton’s Bay Beauty 0145649 M 4/30/98 (Madrona Ethan Ash x BCF Belle Royal Moro) b 14.2 b 14.1 Edgewood Geneva 0162597 M (Mint Jacob x Edgewood Captiva) 6/30/03 Ash Royalty Deidre Moro 0179368 M 4/07/09 (Mint Jacob x Covenant Elizah Moro) blch 14.3 b Olsen, Patricia & Ross Kings Cross Morgans (Kings Cross) 14821 Thoren Dr. NW Solway MN 56678 (h) 218-467-3260 Email: [email protected] * Trumor Ethan Allen 89542 S 5/6/83 b 14.2 8.75” 1020# (Moro Hill’s Bandit x Ashwood Georgi Girl) *On lease from Cheryl Vander Muellen Stallion Remark: 28 this year and still going. Teaching children to ride and our 3 yr old granddaughters favorite mount! Brains, beauty and type! Versatility at it’s finest!. @~ Kings Cross Majestic 162323 S 5/28/03 b 14.2 8.75” 1020# (Trumor Ethan Allen x CML’s Expectations) Stallion Remark: Jes is one of only 2 intact Ethan sons. Balanc3ed front to back, equal 3rds and his easy going nature, quick to learn makes him a joy to own! @~Kings Cross Victory 174553 S 4/16/06 blk 14.1 8.75 1000# (Kings Cross Maurader x Wood Run Costmary) Stallion Remark: This Ethan grandson is pure E/E a/a. Quiet, gentle soul. Well muscled, equal 3rds with balance. Pedulous motion that floats. Sire is a phenominal driving horse. $L@ Kings Cross Ben Twilight raf S 6/18/07 br 14.3 8.75 1020# (Moreeda Benjamin x CML’s Expectations) Stallion Remarks: Benji is our last foal of CML’s Ezpectations. Beautiful eye, nice head, great legs! This colt is a rare tail make line to Timmy Twilight. he is elegant and yet not refined with good bone, and” look at me” presence. flashy with 2 white fetlocks, star and beautiful seal brown. $ Kings Cross RobinofAvalon raf S 7/16/10 lch (Little Red Diamond REO x C-My Arno’s Misfire) Stallion Remarks: this sweet young man is the only intact son of REO. His pedigree reads like a dream. Sir Arthur, VSM Arno grandson;. Rare lines going back to Dyberry Robin, Dyberry Buddy. this colt is adorable, well built with great legs. $ Kings Cross Caleigh 0152047 M 4/4/99 (Vassars E Venter x TFM Carouselle) lvch Kings Cross Caberet 0158871 M 3/27/02 (M Classic Expedition x TFM Carouselle) br 14.1 14.1 C-My Arno’s Misfire 0163431 M (VSM Arno x Moreeda Arazi) 9/22/03 Kings Cross Miranda 0169508 M 3/27/05 (Trumor Ethan Allen x M Classic Sensation) Kings Cross Becky Twilight 0181407 M (Moreeda Benjamin x M Classic Sensation) ch 14.1 b 14.3 5/3/07 $ Mighty Oak Twilight Hope raf M 5/4/07 (Moreeda Benjamin x M Classic Imagination) $ Kings Cross Mariner 158870 G 4/16/02 b (Trumor Ethan Allen x M Classic Sensation) blk 14.2 blk 14.2 14.3 9” 1075# ~ Kings Cross Crusader 151673 G 5/10/00 b 14.3 9” 1100# (Vassars E Venter x Ryegate Fanny Moro) Cruise has been gelded but we have semen available. If you want Endurance, useability, look no further! Cruise has won Hi point game horse ( adult and child), is a proven ranch working cattle horse, 4-H mount, and a childs best friend. Peirce, Crescent & Todd Randallane Lippitt Morgans (Randallane) 620 Millers Falls Rd. Northfield, MA 01360 (h) 413-498-5553 (f) 413-498-5553 Email: [email protected] Website: AMHA#551697 @ Randallane Genesis 130890 S 5/13/93 dkb 14.1 (Tiffin Ransom x Stillwater Rosemary) Stallion Remarks: An incredible prepotent sire, stamping his likeness in his get. He will shorten backs, add extreme shoulder angulation, and add depth of body. Rare descendant of Lippitt Trixie. @ Randallane Testa Rosa 165991 S 8/26/04 ch (Randallane Matrix x Rosemary’s Baby) Stallion Remarks: He carries all 25 of the foundation horses for the ultimate in diversity of Lippittdom. Gorgeous refined head, a Tippe grandson, with two lines to the rare Lippitt Trixie. f Dew Meadow Tippecanoe Too 0119790 M 3/30/90 (Moro Hill Manito x Valley Head Mary Moro) In foal to Randallane Genesis for ’11 Randallane Belyea Liberty 0158471 M 8/29/02 dkch (Hawk Ridge Elidon x Dew Meadow Tippecanoe Too) $% Winloc Tempest 0135149 M 5/2/95 ch (Winloc Sir Arthur x Shamrock Sarah Lee) % with Grace Yaglou, Barre MA * Randallane Porche 0170751 M 4/21/06 (Randallane Genesis x Rosemary’s Baby) on lease to Brittany Perna b ch 15.1 14.3 f SSM Bessie Nekomia 0135481 M 6/23/95 brn 14.3 (Quietude Westward x Ryegate Nubbinette) in foal to Testa Rosa for 2011 *Mondays Morning Angel 0179491 M 6/27/05 b 14.3 (Rave’s Royal Sensation x Randallane Genevieve) on lease to Samuel Swarey Randallane Narnia 0171301 M 3/30/06 brn (Randallane Genesis x Randallane Xanadu) $ Belyea Gabriel 174552 G 6/14/06 b 14.2 (Randallane Genesis x Randallane Belyea Liberty) $ Randallane Solstice 178300 G 10/2/08 ch ( Randallane Genesis x Rosemary”s Baby) Pinet, Heather Brook Hill Classic Morgans (Brook Hill) 854 New County Rd. Dayton, ME 04005 (h) 207-499-7189 Email: [email protected] Website: Brookhill Constellation 178374 S 5/5/08 b (Michabou Weatherman x Oceanview Intregrity’s Piper) Special Occasion 0123381 M 5/5/91 b (Ryegate Billy Moro x Ryegate Susanna) 14.2 Oceanview Integrity’s Piper 0138350 M 4/4/96 (Ryegate Syndicate x TOV Brigetta Ann) b Doublediamond Anniversary 0150092 M 5/31/98 (Oakrose Black Magic x Special Occasion) blk Brook Hill Ember Ash 0169132 M 3/18/05 (Mint Black Jack x Special Occasion) brn Plimpton, Nancy & Merrill Nabub Morgans (Nabub) P.O. Box 90, 180 Brownsville Rd. Hartland Four Corners, VT 05049-0090 (h) 802-436-3025f Email: [email protected] AMHA#239988 Ute Mt Nekolas 164796 G 2/28/04 dk b 14.2 (Tradition JH Peters x SSM W Nicole Nekomia) 14.2 14.1 Raymond, Gary & Janet Blue Spruce Morgans (Blue Spruce) W8793 Johnson Ln. Sagola, MI 49881 (h) 906-542-3806 Email: [email protected] Website: Original Morgan @ Blue Spruce High-Majestic 157476 S 4/26/02 blkch 14.3 7.75” (Moro Hill Majestic x Moro Hill Mercy) 1056# @ Blue Spruce Jeremiah 166825 S 6/17/04 ch 14.1 7.75” 945# (River Riders Rogue x River Riders Romance) Stallion Remarks: Breed identigy, conformation, way of going, temperament, and intelligence! Blue Spruce Nathial 178383 S 5/13/08 ch (Blue Spruce High Majestic x Blue Spruce Gaylyn Marie) Blue Spruce Gaylynn Marie 0155298 M 7/2/01 (River Riders Rogue x Woodmoro Memories) b 13.3 7.25 Blue Spruce Jaylynn Marie 0166826 M 9/18/04 br 14.0 (River Riders Rogue x Blue Spruce Gaylynn Marie) Blue Spruce Laura Lee 0171465 M 6/14/06 blkch (Blue Spruce High Majestic x River Riders Reatta) River Riders Reatta 0128954 M 6/30/90 blkch (Moro Hills Manito x Moro Hills Melinda) 7.8” Blue Spruce Mistic Rose 017476 M 6/15/07 ch 14,0 (Blue Spruce High Majestic x Blue Spruce Gaylynn Marie) Blue Spruce Nadashia 0179313 M 8/21/08 ch (Blue Spruce High Majestic x Blue Spruce Jaylynn Marie) Pure Sweet Success 0182511 M 4/21/10 b (Baroncrest Nuggeteer x Alert Ash Margarite Henry) Integrity’s Ethan Allen 131417 G 5/13/94 (Ryegate Syndicate x Wachuset Anna Rose) 1049 13.3 14.1 Reed, Ester Sweetbrier Farm LLC 7422 S.Chandler Rd. St. Johns, MI 48879 517-651-7422 Email: [email protected] 7.25 1049# 1064# Robinson, Jennifer Angels Dance Farm (Angels Dance) 501 Trotting Horse Lane Green Mountain, NC 28740 (h) 828-675-5823 (f) 828-675-1312 Email: [email protected] Website: $ Mikasa Charisma 0130970 M 6/29/93 b 14.0 (Ryegate Moro Magic x Mic Mac Independence) Quail Mtn Chelsea Rose 173897 M 7/1/06 (Wachuset Sentinel x Karenza Danielle) b 15.0 Rogers, Sandra L Stoneachre 281 Belfast Rd Northport, ME 04849 207-338-5081 @Ryegate Sabastian 173138 S 7/31/06 b (Ryegate Black Bart x Ryegate Tiffany) 14.0 Semilof, Leigh DVM Starshine Farm (Starshine) 5468 S. Geneva Rd. Sodus, NY 14551 (h) 315-483-2352 Email: lSemilof @ @ Starshine Epsilon Aurigae 167601 S 4/16/05 br (Hillside Stoney Ash x Garnet Ashbrook) Stallion Remarks: Orin is elegant,athletic, very forward and eager to move off. Friendly & pleasant dispostion, He has not been bred yet as I prefer him not to be distracted while still in training.; Randallane Beaubrooke 0138055 M 6/26/96 blk 14.2 (Equinox Beaubrook x Ryegate Tiffany) Randallane Xanadu 0158770 M 5/11/02 blk 14.1 (Hawk Ridge Elidon x Randallane Beaubrooke) Starshine Eridani 163149 G 7/15/03 b 13.3 (Equinox Beaubrook x Garnet Ashbrook) $ Starshine Regulus 168567 G 4/23/06 blk (Woodrun Mandrake x Clearwater Midnight Magic) Shostak, Janet Box 394 Kinuso, Alberta Canada T0G1K0 (h) 780-775-2140 Email: [email protected] Scion Knight Song CN11785 M 8/9/98 br (Hurlwind's Ethan Knight x Hillsong Megan) 14.1 Northway Shooting Star 0156797 M 4/3/01 ch (Baroncrest Nuggeteer x Misty Mt Ode to Joy) Marana Miss America 15829 CN 0179307 US M 4/29 ( Nemaha Hill My-T-Atticus x Valamar Primrose)/08 b Ebenezer’s Stone 15867 CN G 5/30/08 b ( Nemaha Hill My- T-Atticus x Scion Night Song) Siegrist, Greg & Deborah Peppercorn Morgans (Peppercorn) 27 Forrester Dr. Wentzville, MO 63385 (h) 636-332-9346 Email: [email protected] Website: @ Mint Jacob 133047 S 4/20/94 blkch 14.2 (Jake Mint x Mint Barb) Stallion remarks: Mint Jacob, known for his breath-taking beauty, kind disposition as well as his ability to pass on Morgan breed identity and distinction. Excelling in discipline and exhibition of “haute ecole” (high-school) dressage. A handsome stallion highly versatile also being schooled in driving, Western Pleasure and English Pleasure. In-Hand Grand champion. Edgewood A Fulrtn Philips 175981 S 7/29/07 (Mint Jacob x Edgewood Bethany) ch Bayside Canadian Mint 0143075 M (Jake Mint x Woodstock Joan) b 5/4/95 Edgewood Springs Louisa 0144840 M 4/21/98 b (Edgewood D C Linsley x Edgewood Ethan Ellen) 15.0 14.3 Smith, Wes & Joy, Abigail Bemis Weathermont Morgans (Weathermont) 1161 Rt. 5 Weathersfield Bow Springfield, VT 05156 (c) 802-238-1058 (h) 802-546-7136 @ Weathermont Ethan 157091 S 6/19/01 (Wood Run Mandrake x Weathermont Annie) brn 14.2 Weathermont Captain Jack raf S 4/14/10 brn ( Weathermont Ethan x Doublediamond Anniversary) Weathermont Trilby Ash 0146005 M 6/16/98 (Meredith Knight x Weathermont Bridget) Weathermont MissAmanda 0166112 M (Tradition Stary Nite x Weathermont Sarah ch 7/19/03 b Weathermont Miss Abigail 0149980 M 6/9/99 (Ryegate Moro Magic x Weathermont Annie) b Weathermont Twilight Ash raf M (Weathermont Ethan x Josama Keely) brn 8/15/10 14.3 14.1 14.1 Stewart, Cynthia Annaray Morgans (Annaray) 9 Morse Lane Hopkinton, MA 01748 (h) 508-435-0365 Email: [email protected] Annaray Magic Justice 147300 S b 6/9/98 15.0 (Randallane Genesis x Randallane Raven’s Exodus) Woodbrook Jordan Russell 0144195 M dkb 5/5/97 15.0 (Baroncrest Nuggeteer x Vassars Star Vision) Randallane Paradox 0142155 M blk 6/22/97 14.2 (Randallane Revelation x Ryegate Tiffany) *Annaray Justice’s Lady Ellen 0161915 M 4/22/03 b 15.0 (Annaray Magic Justice x Woodbrook Jordan Russell) on lease to Jenn Metzger/Julie Shurrum Mustang, OK *Annaray Laurana Starlet 0168297 M 4/21/05 b 14.3 (Annaray Magic Justice x Woodbrook Jordan Russell) on lease to Jenn Metzger Mustang, OK Swarey, Samuel S. 3516 Moody Rd. Lowville, NY 13367 % CC Zorro 153977 S 4/15/01 blk 14.3 (Ryegate Black Bart x Cantieglen Ebony ) co-owned with Lester Welch Wachuset Laura 0162975 M 7/2/02 blch 14.2 Cantieglen Eclipse x Wachuset Hanora) *Wachuset Rosalie 00159377 M 3/26/02 blkch 14.2 (Cantieglen Eclipse x Wachuset Anna Rose) on lease from Grace Yaglou *Monday’s Morning Angel 0179491 M 6/27/05 b 14.2 (Rave’s Royal Sensation x Randallane Genevieve) on lease from Crescent Peirce Stoltfus, Moses Stoltzfus Farm 4615 Woodfork Rd. Charlotte CH VA 23923 Sand Mnt. Royalton Ashline 151119 S 4/23/02 br 15.0 (Rohan Rivendell x Oakrose Classy Tasha) Stallion remarks: Roy has a great disposition with that small head & short ears. Somewhat laid back nature-willing. Not so broad bodied but has extra large leg bone. His offspring are pleasant natured-ambitious-willing workers. More in the reins & fast travelers in harness. Very good for riding. f Sand Mtn. Betsy Twilight 0153663 M 9/19/99 bl (Venturous Patriot x Eastdown Georgia Twilight) in foal to Sand Mtn. Royalton Ashline 14.3 Vincent, Brenda Valley Stables (VS) 6395W US Hwy 2 Manistique, MI 49854 (h) 906-341-6372 Email: [email protected] Website: Moro Hill Mamosa 0108963 M 3/25/87 (Moro Hill Manito x Moro Hill Micholette) b 14.1 Blue Spruce Emerald Jewel 0147855 M 6/19/99 (Sandgate Centurion x Moro Hill Mamosa) VS Ashlee Moro 016503 M 7/29/05 blk (Quietude Westward x Moro Hill Mamosa) b 13.3 Waldron, Chantelle Berrie-Brook 1409 Cty Rte 31 Granville, NY 12832 518-538-8107 Email: [email protected] Randallane Crescent Unity 0143193 M 4/3/97 b 14.2 (Randallane Genesis x Randallane Ravens Exodus) 14.2 Welch, Lester Ryegate Morgans (Ryegate) 5140 Cedar Lane Brookfield, FL 34601 (h) 352- 835-1477 %CC Zorro 153977 S 4/15/01 blk 14.3 (Ryegate Black Bart x Cantieglen Ebony) co-owned with Samuel Swarey Wilke, Mary Eastbrook Farm (Eastbrook) W360 S3361 Hwy 67 Dousman, WI 53118-9530 (h) 262-965-4830 Email: [email protected] Website: ~@ Eastbrook Osiris Mouse 146345 S 4/17/98 blk (Rohan Mighty Mouse x Rohan Ashlyn) Stallion remarks: Osiris is a tail-line direct decendant of Moro. Sleek,rides & drives. Grand Champion stallion out of Gr. Ch. Rohan Mighty Mouse & Gr. Ch. Rohan Ashlyn. Good News Priscilla 0103759 M 5/27/86 (Meredith Smoky x Cleaves Bonnie Bay) brn SFG Tansy Alan 0112798 M 4/3/88 b (Rohan Elessar x Ransomvale Barbyalan) 14.2 Rohan Perian 0119629 M 3/8/90 dkch (Covenant Nathan Ash x Rohan Galenas) 14.3 Eastbrook Queensryche 0119629 M 8/28/94 (Rohan Paladin x Hi-Sno Athena Twilite) b Rohan Telperien 0136148 M 3/21/95 (Covenant Nathan Ash x Rohan Galenas) Eastbrook Pride Of 0139846 M 7/10/96 (Moro Hill’s Bandit x Rohan Perian) $ Rohan Titania 0136147 M 5/15/95 (Rohan Nimloth x Rohan Goldberry) b 14.1 15.0 15.1 b 14.2 blk 14.2 Eastbrook Georgio 158213 G 3/30/02 brn (Eastbrook Osiris Mouse x Cantieglen Houyhnhnm) Winkler, Jaye Mint Farm (Mint) 79 Owens Lane Glastonbury CT 06033-2713 (h) 860-657-9595 Email: [email protected] @ Jake Mint 110916 S 5/3/87 b 14.2 81/4” 950 lbs (Covenant Nathan Ash x Amy Mint) Stallion Remarks: Jake puts his small ears, expressive face, and big eye on his foals. They also get a full wavy mane and tail and an elastic stride. Patience with children and foals. His foals will give you his do not quit attitude along with a sense of direction to find the way home. Mint Kiya 0171243 M 5/1/05 (Mint Eden Laddie x Mint Barb) blk 14.3 81/4” 950 lbs Zankner, Howard Z Halcyon Morgans (Z Halcyon) 2310 East I Rd. Ballantine, MT 59006 (h) 406-967-3003 Email: [email protected] AMHA#113844 TOV Melody Ashbrook 0138242 M 5/8/96 (Tradition Derby Day x Royalton Chantal) ch Z Halcyon April 0168316 M 4/23/05 b (Sandrock Joel x TOV Melody Ashbrooke) Z Halcyon Stephanie 0167736 M 3/12/05 (TOV Alexander x Hillcreek Vivianne) b TOV Alexander 157634 G 3/13/02 (Quietude Westward x Ember Lisette) 14.2 b 14.1 ********Please note:******** In accordance with the bylaws, our Associate Members are listed separately following the listing of the Voting Membership. We thank ALL of our supporters and members for their love and dedication to the beautiful Lippitt Morgan horses! Associate Members Craven, Mildred 498 Parker St. East Longmeadow, MA 01028 413-525-3825 Duncan, Lisa 5710 W. Allman Rd. Spokane, WA 99224 509-280-1859 Farrington, Nancy 40 Viadish Ave. Turners Falls MA 01376 413-863-8744 Hinman, Judy Amberfields Morgans (Amberfields) 2705 Vidler Rd. West Edmeston, NY 13485 (h) 315-861-7696 Email: [email protected] Website: $Amberfields VooDoo Stone 0182267 S 4/9/10 (CC Obsidian x Amberfields Mystic Stone) Amberfields Jaspyr Moro 0182266 M (CC Obsidian x Reim Jade Moro) blk 4/9/10 blk f Rohan Windfola 0147114 M 5/21/98 blk 15.1 (Rohan Rivendell x Eastdown Georgia Twilight) RS Sunrise Xandra 0159438 M 6/10/02 ch (RS Sunrise Audacious x Royalton Tammy) Reim Jade Moro 0165761 M 5/29/03 ch 14.2 (Mayking Eldorado x Ryegate Magi Moro) f Peppercorns Melody Marea 01664903 M ( Mint Jacob x Bayside Canadian Mint) 3/30/04 b *CC Betsy Ross 0164590 M 5/24/04 (JLB Onyx x JLB Pretty Girl) on lease from Ken and Jane Currier ch f Amberfields Mystic Stone 0169512 M 6/26/05 blk (Hillside Stoney Ash x Rohan Winfola) Knickerbocker, Paula PO Box 890 Weirsdale, FL 32195-0890 Perna, Brittany PO Box 118 West Halifax, VT 05358 802-368-7561 *Randallane Porsche 0170751 M 4/21/06 b 14.2 ( Randallane Genesis x Rosemary’s Baby) *on lease from Crescent Peirce Tim, Nan Scorpio Morgans – Hali sized Box 487 Wildwood, Alberta Canada TOE2MO [email protected] 59 Member/Breeders by State/Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA California Dzindzio Lippitt Connecticut Godding Winkler Colorado Erfman Hart Florida Knickerbocker Welch Georgia Flowers Indiana Muia Illinois Keeler Kentucky MacNamara Maine Davis, F. Pinet Rogers Massachusetts Beck Craven Eiben Farrington Flanagan Garcia Millet Peirce Stewart Michigan Long Raymond Reed Vincent Minnesota Olsen Misouri Banko, F. Davis, W. Myers Siegrist Montana Zankner New Hampshire Lonergan New York Hinman Semilof Swary Waldron North Carolina Harvey Robinson Ohio Fogel Tennessee Jones Vermont Alexander Edwards Mastine Mosman Muraro Perna Plimpton Smith Virginia Stoltfus Washington Curtis Duncan 60 Wisconsin Harrold Loos Wilke CANADA Shostak - Alberta Timm - Alberta Gibson - BC For Quick Reference Prefixes used by Breeders of Lippitt Morgan Horses A-SW Rezel, Audree Abraham Bartsch, Shelley Acer Kelner, Tom Al-Bar Caisse, Barry Alert Ash Hobbs, Anne Alphamore Meeks, Bruce Alpine Moore, William Amadeus Keith, David Amberfield Hinman, Judy An-Nel-le Nelson, Bruce/Christina Annaray Capobianco, Cynthia Ara-Li Brown, Dawn/Walter Arnan Hotz, Dale/Mary Beth Ascension Godard, Lisa/Douglas Ashlea Allen, Alice Ashmoro Curler, Elizabeth Ash Royalty Meyers, Jane Ashwood Ashby, Gerald/Anne Ashworth Ashworth, Anne Aswyn May, Jon/Susan Autumn Valley Bob McNeill Badgerhollow Heyrman, Robert/BethAnne Bare Creek Kountz, Carol Baroncrest Loos, Ron/Barbara Barre Town Houle, Roger Baybrook Heck, Deborah Baymount Michaelis, Mark/Jeanne Bayrose Williams, Stephanie Bayside Ward, Bedford /Donna BCF Hammond, John BCMF Gerald & Sherri Andrews Becmor Becker, Robert/Patricia Bell Acres Page, Ralph Bell’s McCutcheoun, Lynn/Dale Bell Rock Stewart, Suzanne Belyea Erway, Denise BH Lippitt Anderson, JoAnn Big Ridge Grimes, Richard Jr. Bilmar Boitos, Martha Black Mountain Mack, Jerome Black Stream Black, Cheryl Blended Visions Bennett, Doris Blue Collar Michella, P./Mitchell, R. Blue Spruce Raymond, Gary Boenker Boenker, Al Bonner River Whalen, Jack Border View Alexander, Jim/Beverly Braelea Mosman, Judy Bramblea Schmitt, Mary Brandy Rock Mercurio, Sandra Bridger Blanchard, Bonnie Broadax Bliss, Kathleen M Brook Hill Pinet, Heather BSF Widerstrom, Chris/David C Aker Hodge, Margerie C-My Kvigne, Daniel/ Lynn Cantieglen Telford, Kenneth Caronell’s Aronson, Carolyn E Carwin Thomas, Carol CC Currier, Jane/Ken Centina Sprecher, Tina Cherda Godding, Cheryl/David Charity Joynt, Robert/Nancy Cherryland Flesia, Marlene/Don Clearwater Pennington, Patsey/Steve CML Cichowski, Henry/Betty Cornish Hammond, John Covenant Carr, David/Barbara CR Weber, Randall/Mary Beth Cub Hollow Metz, James R Dandy View Smith, Janet & Donald Danville Lyon, George Degalisto Lippitt, Deborah Denlore Tatro, Dennis/Laura Devine Holm, Chris (Gehring) Dew Meadow Wirt, Earlene/Richard Double Diamond Wright, Tony/Jennifer Dragonfly Jalava, Lois/Pappas, Eunice Dragonsong Bradbury, Pamela Dyberry Parks, Dr. Clarence Eastbrook Wilke, Mary/Raud Eastdown Talarico, Frank/Jeannie Eden’s Hickey, Paul/Laura Edgewood Schaumberg, Bob/Jacquie EDM Minden, Edward/Gail Element’s Acker, Tonja Ember George, William Emcrest McDaniels, Susan Equinox Beattie, Ivan ER Rimbey, Velma June Excellent Shepardson, Sarajean Fallen Willow Leonard, Laurel F Fern Hill Coolery, Charles Furbruk Lathrop, Frank/Margaret FVC Lyon, Al GF Gage, Adrienne/Larry Good News Nygard, Edward Greenbrae Telford, Beth GSMF Lewis, Neil/ Jane Hagerbrook Redding, Peter A Hannah Joy’s Kohler, Sarah Haymeron Park Hayes, R B & J M Hawk Ridge Lash, Norman/Robin Heathermoor Fogel, Barbara/Michael Heaven’s Gate Howell, Judy A Hi-Fi Nash, Linda High (or Hi) Pastures Hilts, Harriet Hillbilly Trent, Cammie/Perry Hillcreek Hrynkiw, Mavis Hillsong Stewart, Gail HIS Smith, Freddie His-Mark Smith, Herbert/Mayrose Holy Moly Platt, Elizabeth Horton’s Horton, Winifred Hurl-Wind’s Hurlburt, Laura Idella Nicholsh, Marlene Velau & Michael Idelmor Larry & Susie Woldt Imperial Wiggett, Stan/Betty & Mastine, Kelly Integrity LaRoche, Brenda/Ken Iron Horse Muraro, Jane/Dennis Jacqueline’s Kennedy, Jacqueline Jazz’s Henault, Elyse Jesta Searles, Robert/Joyce JLB Brassard, A. James/Lisette Josama Edwards, John; Crisp, Sarah Juhasz Ernisse, Brian Lee Kadent Kramer, Richard/Karen Ka’nonnee Gibson, Katherine Karenza Marsh, Norman Karo Vanderbosch, Karen/Robert Kennebec Gardiner, Margaret Kinlaurel Michael/Carol Monfrooe Kings Cross Olsen, Pat/Ross Kiva Neal, Mary Knollwood Millet, Anne Kustom Algarin, Lisa KWR Vincent, Tom/Jeanne Lazy Creek Shipshock, Claudia/Gary LC Meissel, Robert/Joyce LedgeRock Moore, Ellsworth Leeward Mtn Steinhoff, Tammy/Alan Lippitt Knight, Robert Lippitt Lou-Pat Patriquin, Warren LSMH Sterling Sterling, Linda LVF Edmisten, William/Jeanette M Classic Mueller, Patricia Madrona Rein, Ed/Mary Majestic View Scharrenberg, Laura J Major’s White, Robert Maple Creek Kowalski, Ted/Lyda Maple Grove Quaderer, John/Linda Marvelous Mason, Eleanore Masada Speed, Bryant/Ann Mayking Faller, John/Beth Mayrholm Harris-Boyden, Kim Meadowood Kemper, Jackson Meddo Ten Pas, Henry Mel-Jo Wilkinson, Melvin/Joan Meredith Rice, Margaret Merryheart Miller, Sam Mic Mac Johnson, Judy/D.Sherwood Michabou Cash, Lori Mill Iron Banko, James Mikasa Sypher, Ken/Nancy Mint Winkler, Marshall/Jaye Mira Vista Cowan, David Misty Mt. Phillips, Pat Monarch Laidlaw, Doris Montague Kopec, Julianna Lynn Monticello Taylor, Dee/Gladys Montvale Davis, David F Moonridge F Achey, Stan/Sally Morannon Jumonville, Tricia/Phil Moreeda Reeder, Norma Morgandale Meyer, Tiffani/Kathleen Moro Hill(‘s) Treftc, Chester/ Barbara Morquito’s Schuurman, Holly Motif Hill Ammon, Gary/Susan Mtn Gems Burton, James/Antoinette Mtn Vista Cowan, David E Mt Tawonga Tan Dan Pty Ltd Mt Tulloch Hooper, Sandra /Frank Munzel’s Munzel, Theresa Music Hill Stipek, Cheryl Christine Arnold Mystic Fink, Susan Nabob’s Clarke, William Nabub Plimpton, Merrill/Nancy Natchez McNew, Barbara Nemaha Hill Wagner, Lori New Fork Banko, Frank New Heritage Brosius, Newt/Gini Noble Smith, Donald M Northway Brockway, Dave/Anne Oakrose Strange, Alice OB O’Brien, Stuart October Cole, Mathew Okan Curtis, Donald/Mary Old Vermont Hablitzel, Anne Oldmont Dimick, Steve/Nancy Oldtown Mizer, Linn OM Griswald, Bob/Riki Open Road Robertson, Gail/Rob OPG Hillburn, Molly Orchard View Chapdelaine, Mary Otterbein Zimmerman, Ivan/Joanne Overland Vanderbosch, Robert/Michelle Patoka Whayne, Roy Jr./Lillian Paton’s Gardner, Thomas R P-CU-P Morquito Ranch Enterprises Peppercorn Siegrist, Deborah PHF Larson, Linda Lee Pineknoll Marotto, Brenda Primrose Powers, Nancy Prosperity Womble, Michael/Betty Pure Long, Judy/Jim QuailMtn MacNamara, Dawn/Tom Quarry Edge Bruno, Karen Quietude Hanley, Susan Raido Ston, A William/ Margaret Randallane Peirce, Todd/Crescent Ransomvale Bachman, Dorothy Ravenwood Ferrin, Robert/Carole RBV Lengyel, JM/Patricia Red Bluff Bird, Jennifer Mary Reim Fraser, Leah Rich Mt. McDonald, Clinton/Helen River Riders Rivers, Jon/Sherry Rocky Ridge Johns, Fred/Barbara Rohan Hendin, Clara Rosemont Wagoner, Jim/Velma Rosewater Heise, Jeff /Julie Royal Image Moody, Douglas B Royalton Kelly, Dana Wingate RS Gadway, Ronald Ruddell Ruddell, Major/Suzanne Rushbruk Kile, Libby Ryegate Welch, Lester Sadawga Boyd, Donald/Jane Sand Mtn. McDaniel, Nathan/Betty Sandgate Walling, Edward Sandrock Cole, Jerome SBS Savage, Barrie Scattered Oaks Singleton, John/Margie Schiehallion Reid, Thomas Scion Mueller, Angie Scor-Mor Timm, Nancy/Robert SD Doss, Sheryl/ Troy SFG Riggs, Roxanne/Jean Shadowmere Nason, Sandra Shamrock Wilson, Robert Shanarra’s Diehl, Raymond/Julia Shaylea Culver, Colleen Small Pond Mazzaglia, Vinnie/Sue Smoketree Dahlberg, Carol Sun-West Watson, Sheila Southold Muia, Carl/Pat Spearland Howland, Marjorie/James Special Shores, Kristin Spring House Killington, James SSM Algranti, David/Laura Starshine Semilof, Leigh Steelpiece Laramee, William Stillwater Gaar, Peter/Emily Sumrsnow Carnahan, Elizabeth Sun-West Watson, Sheila SVF Reeger, Ken/Linda Sweet Maple West, Dan/Cheryl SWR Poole, Jim/Donna T-A-Mora Ashar, Linda Tall Oaks Bolkema, Minnie TDR Shadowfax Rubenstein, Katana Tekhanto Watts, E Lavan/ Wanda Texstar Heinrich, Robert/ Stephanie TFM Thomas, Robert/Margery Thankful Farm Chapman, Fayralyn Thornfield Clark, Peter; Wolf, Kathy Tiffin Andrews, Gretchen TOTM MacLean, Gail TOV Dzindzio, Carol Marie Tradition Drury, Noel and Teri Triangle G Gates, Harrison/Jeanne Trilbrook Miles, Harrison Trot Acres Trottier, Lori A Trumor Meulen, Cheryl Vander Twinhill Magill, Dan Ute Mt. Wagner, Claire Valamar Jones, Val/ Tony Valley Head Downs, Patrick NOTES NOTES Promotion... performance. 2009 Maine Morgan Horse Show Open Western Pleasure Champion 2009 Morgan Grand national Res. Ch. Youth Western Pleasure 2010 Maine Morgan Horse Show Amatuer Western Pleasure Champion Standing At Stud * Private Treaty Imperial Morgans Kelly Mastine & Amanda Oliver * P.O. Box 531 * Bethel, VT 05032 (802) 234-9424 www.imperialmorgans,com * [email protected]