to - Castle Care-Tech
to - Castle Care-Tech
RMKT090018-3 Partcode Product Name Control Panels Partcode Product Relay EUR-MINI EURO MINI ZA-200 RELAY SP EUR-MINIP EURO MINIP ZA-300 RELAY DP EURO-46S EURO 46S ZA-400 RELAY QUAD SP EURO-46SM EURO 46SM ZA-500 RELAY QUAD DP EURO-46L EURO 46L Wireless Range EURO-46LM EURO 46LM Receivers EURO-76 EURO 76 EUR-037R EURO RADIOZEM EURO-76M EURO 76M EE4202 4 point / 5 outputs EURO-76P EURO 76P EE4204R 4 point / 5 relay outputs EURO-76MP EURO 76MP EE4216 16 point / 9 outputs IP Panels, Expander Cards, Modems EE4216R 16 point / 9 relay outputs EUR-1076-76IP EURO 76IP EE4232 32 point / 12 outputs MSX-76 MSX-76 EE5000 Repeat with backup battery MSX-162 MSX-162 ACC640 NEMA Enclosure Kit MSX-280 MSX-280 EUR-RADKIT EURO RADKIT MSX-76IP EURO IP76 Universal transmitters MSX-162IP EURO IP162 EE1210 Generic UT MSX-280IP EURO IP280 EE1210W Door/window UT Communication Modules EE1212 UT and dual inputs CCT-SMARTCOM SMARTCOM EE1215 UT and wall tamper EUR-073-ARM EURO DIGI2400 EE1215W Door/window UT +wall tamp EURO-DIGI1200 EURO DIGI1200 EE1216 UT dual inputs+wall tamper EUR-114 EURO COMMS LOOM Pendants EUR-105 EURO STU FOOTPRINT EE1223D EUR-106 EURO ATE OUTPUT MODULE EE1223S SB water resistant EE1233D DB pendant Setting Devices DB water resistant EUR-064 EURO LCD PZ EE1233S SB pendant EUR-068 EURO LCD P EE1235D Beltclip DB pendant EUR-069 EURO LCD EE1235S Beltclip SB pendant EUR-ENGRKP EURO ENGRKP PIRs EUR-067C EURO FLUSH C EE1261 PIR EUR-067SC EURO FLUSH SC EE1262 Pet immune PIR EUR-067B EURO FLUSH B EE1265 Ceiling mount PIR EUR-107 EURO PROXI Smoke sensors EUR-108X EURO PROXE EE1242 EUR-024 EURO CARD Shock sensors EUR-023 EURO TAG EE1266 EUR-ETAG EURO ETAG Shatter sensor Smoke sensor Shock sensor Zone Expansion Modules EE1247 EUR-044 EURO ZEM2P Batteries Shatter sensor EUR-042 EURO ZEM2M BAT604 3.0V 2/3A lithium EUR-ZEM8 EURO ZEM8 BAT608 3.0V CR2 lithium EUR-ZEM8+ EURO ZEM8+ BAT609 3.0V CR2450N lithium coil EUR-ZEM8+PSU EURO ZEM8+PSU BAT850 Lithion battery assembly Output Expansion Modules Accessories EUR-077 EUR OEM16R EUR-050 EURO INSITE SOFTWARE EUR-072 EUR OEM16R+PSU EUR-054 RS232 LOOM + CARD EUR-035 EUR OEM16T EUR-055 RS232 LOOM EUR-036 EUR OEM16T+PSU EUR-USB/SERIAL RS232 to USB Converter EUR-087A EUR OEM8R Access Control EUR-060 EURO ACCESS PACK EUR-061 EURO ACCESS READER EUR-063 EURO ACCESS CONTROL Control Panels 4 IP Panels, Expander Cards and modems 4 Communication Modules 5 Setting Devices 5 Zone Expansion 6 Output Modules 6 Access Control 7 Relays 7 Wireless 8 iD Accessories 9 Accessories 9 System Overview 10 3 EURO mini EURO mini prox EURO 46 EURO 76 Features Features Features eatures Features t t t t t t 10 End of line inputs Or 9 double pole inputs 32 User codes 7 Outputs 1A power supply Contemporary LCD RKP t t t t t t t 8 End of line and/or double pole inputs t Expandable to 46 inputs t 75 User codes/tags t Up to 40 outputs t 1.5A/2A power supply t Contemporary LCD RKP 10 End of line inputs Or 9 double pole inputs 32 User codes/tags 7 Outputs 1A power supply Contemporary LCD RKP with inbuilt prox reader t t t t t t 8 End of line and iD inputs Expandable to 76 inputs 100 user codes/tags 7 Outputs 2.5A power supply Contemporary LCD RKP with inbuilt prox reader Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EUR-MINI (1.5A PSU & RKP) EUR-MINIP (1A PSU & RKP with Prox) EURO-46S (Small endstation (1.5A PSU)) EURO-46SM (Small casing & modem) EURO-46L (Large endstation (2A PSU)) EURO-46LM (Large casing & modem) EURO-76 (2.5A PSU & RKP) EURO-76M (RKP, Modem) EURO-76P (RKP and STU print) EURO-76MP (RKP, STU print + Modem) EURO PLUS 76 IP Expander Cards Snap in Modem Plug in Modem Features Features Features Features t t t t t t 8 End of line and iD inputs Expandable to 76 inputs 7 Outputs 2.5A power supply IP & GPRS communication Contemporary LCD RKP with inbuilt prox reader Partcodes EURO-76IP (2.5A PSU, RKP, STU print + IP and GPRS) t Expander Card to increase number of inputs t 76, 162 or 280 MSX cards available t 76, 162 or 280 IP MSX also available t Communicates SMS, Fast t Format and SIA Level 1 or 3 t Allows operation with ARM software for remote maintenance t Used with EURO PLUS 76 t Communicates SMS, Fast t Format and SIA Level 1 or 3 t Allows operation with ARM software for remote maintenance t Used with EURO 46 Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes MSX-76 / MSX-76IP MSX-162 / MSX-162IP MSX-280 / MSX-280IP EUR-073-ARM EURO-DIGI1200 4 Smartcom IP 14-Way Comms Loom ATE/STU Footprint ATE Output Module Features Features Features Features t IP & GPRS communication t Universal stand alone Telemetry communications device t 11 Inputs t 3 Relay outputs t 14 Way communication loom t Plugs onto the EURO 46, EURO PLUS 76 or 76 IP t Promotes 14 ATE outputs t Footprint utility board t Connects to the EURO 46, EURO PLUS 76 or 76 IP t Promotes 10 ATE outputs t ATE output module t Connects to the EURO 46, EURO PLUS 76 or 76 IP t 14 LEDs to indicate output status Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes CCT-SMARTCOM EUR-114 EUR-105 EUR-106 LCD Keypads Flushmount Keypads Internal Tag Reader External Tag Reader Features Features Features Features t t t t t t 32 Character LCD RKP Menu driven programming LED status indication Inbuilt tag reader 2 inputs 1 output t t t t t t t t t t 32 Character LCD RKP Menu driven programming LED status indication Inbuilt tag reader 2 inputs / 1 output 1 output Internal tag reader 2 inputs or 2 outputs LED status indication Operated by tags or cards t t t t t External tag reader IP65 rated 1 output LED status indication Operated by tags or cards Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EUR-064 EUR-067C (Chrome) EUR-067SC (Satin chrome) EUR-067B (Brass) EUR-107 EUR-024 (Pack of 5 cards) EUR-ETAG (Pack of 5 tags) EUR-023DIST (individual tag) EUR-108X EUR-024 (Pack of 5 cards) EUR-ETAG (Pack of 5 tags) EUR-023DIST (individual tag) (Inbuilt tag reader, 2 inputs, 1 output) EUR-068 (Inbuilt tag reader) EUR-069 (Standard keypad) EUR-ENGRKP (Engineer keypad connects to PCB) 5 ZEM2 ZEM8 ZEM8+ Features Features Features t 2 EOL Inputs t External Speaker t Poly or metal casing t 8 DEOL or double pole input expander t Polycarbonate casing t 8 DEOL or double pole and iD input expander t 4 Transistor outputs t Metal casing Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EUR-044 (Poly) EUR-042 (Metal) EUR-ZEM8 EUR-ZEM8+ EUR-ZEM8+PSU (With 2.5A PSU) Relay Module Transistor Module Relay Card Features Features Features t 16 way output relays t 3A relays t LED Indication t 16 transistor outputs t 8 way relay module t Connects to STU utility board Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EUR-077 EUR-072 (With 2.5A PSU) EUR-035 EUR-036 (With 2.5A PSU) EUR-087A 6 Access Control Pack Access Reader Access Controller Features Features Features t t t t IP65 external prox reader Local door units wired via RS485 bus Programmable lock and door open time Networkable from 1 to 29 doors t IP65 rated external reader t Compatible with prox cards/tags t Wired to Access control system t Local door units wired via RS485 bus t Programmable lock and door open time t Networkable from 1 to 29 doors Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EUR-060 EUR-061 EUR-063 U-Relay Single Pole U-Relay Double Pole U-Relay Quad SP U-Relay Quad DP Features Features Features Features t Single pole relay module t Relay coil current: 33mA t Max 24v DC / 48v AC t Double pole relay module t Relay coil current: 45mA t Max 24v DC / 48v AC t t t t Single pole relay module 4 Relays Relay coil current: 33mA Max 24v DC / 48v AC t t t t Double pole relay module 4 Relays Relay coil current: 45mA Max 24v DC / 48v AC Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes ZA-200 ZA-300 ZA-400 ZA-500 7 Receiver/ZEM Transmitters Pendants PIRs Features Features Features Features t t t t t 7 EOL wireless inputs 20 iD wireless inputs Generic version available Output channels Repeater (range expander t Wireless transmitter t Door or window transmitter t Wall tamper option t Single / double pendants t Water resistant t Belt clip versions t Wireless PIRs (15m) t Wireless Pet immune (pet immunity up to 13.6kg) t Wireless ceiling mount (360° coverage) Partcodess Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EUR-037R (Radio ZEM) EE4204 (4 Channels & 5 outputs) EE4204R (4 Channels & 5 relay outputs) EE4216 (16 Channels & 9 outputs) EE4216R (16 Channels & 6 relay outputs) EE4232 (32 Channels & 9 outputs) EE5000 (Wireless repeater) ACC640 (Outdoor enclosure for repeater) RAD-KIT (Generic with 2.5A PSU) EE1210 (Universal (generic) transmitter) EE1210W (Door/window transmitter) EE1212 (Universal transmitter + DI) EE1215 (Universal transmitter + WT) EE1215W (Door/window transmitter + WT) EE1216 (Universal transmitter + DI & WT) EE1223D (Double button water resistant) EE1223S (Single button water resistant) EE1233D (Pendant double button) EE1233S (Pendant single button) EE1235D (Beltclip trans. double button) EE1235S (Beltclip trans. single button) EE1261 (Wireless PIR) EE1262 (Wireless pet immune) EE1265 (Wireless ceiling mount) Smoke Sensor Shock Sensor Shatter Sensor Batteries Features Features Features Features t Smoke sensor t Service indicator t Sensitivity settings WT = Wall Tamper. DI = Dual Inputs t Shock sensor t Wall tamper t Sensitivity range t 6m range t Recognises patterns of glass breaking across the audio band t Up to 5 years life Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EE1242 EE1266 EE1247 BAT604 (3.0V 2/3A lithium) BAT608 (3.0V CR2 lithium EE1233&1235) BAT609 (3.0V CR2450N lith. EN1223D/S) BAT850 (LithIon assembly for EN5000) 8 InSite Software RS232 Lead and Card RS232 Lead Features Features Features t Up/downloading software t Used with all panels t Used for ARM® feature t RS232 card t RS232 lead for up/downloading t RS232 lead for up/downloading Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes EUR-050 EUR-054 (RS232 lead & card) EUR-USB/SERIAL (RS232 to USB convertor lead) EUR-055 (RS232 lead & card) EUR-USB/SERIAL (RS232 to USB convertor lead) 9 EURO 76 MSX 280 C Card d MSX 162 C Card d Snap in Digi Modem Card (Peripherals same as EURO 46) EURO 46 Remote Digi Modem Card Contemporary LCD Keypad Keypad with inputs / tag reader Flushmount Keypad Chrome, Satin Chrome or Brass Contemporary LCD Keypad Flushmount Keypad Chrome, Satin Chrome or Brass EUROmini 10 System Overview EUROmini Analysis EURO miniprox EURO 46 EURO 76 EURO 76 + 162 card EURO 76 + 280 card Panel Inputs 10 10 8 8 8 8 Inputs(max) 10 10 46 76 162 280 Double Pole Inputs Selectable Selectable Yes Input Expander Input Expander Input Expander End of Line Inputs Selectable Selectable SEOL/DEOL SEOL/DEOL SEOL/DEOL SEOL/DEOL No. of Input Expanders - - 4 7 18 30 No. of Output Modules - - 2 4 8 16 Set Points max 4 4 6 8 16 30 With Keypads 4 4 6 8 16 30 With Readers 0 3 5 7 15 29 Level Sets 4 4 6 8 12 14 or Areas - - 6 8 12 14 Users 32 32 75 100 200 500 Log Capacity 700 700 1250 2000 2000 2025 Security Grading 2x 2x 3 3 3 3 Environmental Class 2 2 2 2 2 2 Communicator - - Digi Modem/ ATE Ouptuts Digi Modem/ ATE Ouptuts Digi Modem/ ATE Ouptuts Digi Modem/ ATE Ouptuts Upload/Download - - InSite Software InSite Software InSite Software InSite Software Zone Expander EURO ZEM8, EURO ZEM8+, or EURO ZEM8+PSU External Tag Reader Internal Tag Reader Two Zone Module (TMZ) PCB only, Metal or Poly Output Modules Relay, Relay + PSU Transistor, or Transistor + PSU EUROmini Internal Tag g Reader Contemporary LCD Keypad Keypad with tag reader 11 Flushmount Keypad Chrome, Satin Chrome or Brass Sales Support: 01344 469 470 Sales Fax: 01344 469 489 Castle Care-Tech First Floor, 6 Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7BW. [email protected] [email protected] Technical Support: 0845 6434 999 (local rate) or 01709 535225 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 6:30pm Castle Care-Tech First Floor, 6 Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7BW. [email protected] RMKT090082-1 Partcode Product Name Partcode Product Name Control Panels & Secure Kits Sounders FPSECKIT2XPLUS Secure Grade 2X Plus Kit Deltabell E FPSECKIT2X Secure Grade 2X Kit FPDELTAE-BB Deltabell E - Blue base FP03864 Sterling 10 Kit FPDELTAE-BR Deltabell E - Red base FP13060 Sterling 10 FPDELTAE-BA Deltabell E - Amber base FP11200 Sterling 10 LCD FPDELTAE-BG Deltabell E - Green base FPDELTAE-BW Deltabell E - White base Deltabell E - Black base GSM and Voice dial systems FPV2GSM V2 GSM FPDELTAE-BBK FPV2TEL V2 TEL Deltabell Plus FP05501 Vocaliser FPDELTAPLUS-BB Deltabell Plus - Blue base FP06800 Vocaliser Microphone FPDELTAPLUS-BR Deltabell Plus - Red base Detectors (Dual Tech, Anti-Mask, Sequential) FPDELTAPLUS-BA Deltabell Plus - Amber base FPTMD15G3-3 TMD15 Combined with anti mask, DT and PIR FPDELTAPLUS-BG Deltabell Plus - Green base FPKX15DTAM3 KX15DTAM 15m dual technology anti-mask FPDELTAPLUS-BBK Deltabell Plus - Black base FPKX15DT3 KX15DT 15m dual technology Deltabell Dummy Detectors (PIRs) FPDELTA-BDB Deltabell Dummy - Blue base FPKX15ED KX15ED 15m economy PIR FPDELTA-BDR Deltabell Dummy - Red base FPKX15DQ KX15DQ 15m digital PIR FPDELTA-BDA Deltabell Dummy - Amber base FPKX18DC KX18DC 18m digital curtain PIR FPDELTA-BDG Deltabell Dummy - Green base FPKX10DP KX10DP 10m pet immune PIR FPDELTA-BDW Deltabell Dummy - White base FP05702 Colt XS 15m PIR FPDELTA-BDBK Deltabell Dummy - Black base FP05802 Magnum Ultra 15m PIR Deltabell Lids FPMEQBL ME Q blue 12m PIR FPDELTA-CB Deltabell lid - Blue FP02302 Octopus EP 360 ceiling mounted PIIR FPDELTA-CR Deltabell lid - Red Detectors (Breakglass and Accessories) FPDELTA-CY Deltabell lid - Yellow FPBG16DF 16m dual technology breakglass FPDELTA-CW Deltabell lid - White FP05130 Breakglass Tester FPDELTA-CC Deltabell lid - Chrome FP00131 Lens 1 FPDELTA-CBK Deltabell lid - Black FP00132 Lens 2 Belle FP00133 Lens 3 FP040021 Belle - Clear base FP00134 Lens 4 FP040020 Belle - Blue base FP00135 Lens 5 FP040026 Belle - Black base FP01210 EB1 Bracket FP040024 Belle - Green base FP02720 PB1 Bracket FP040022 Belle - Red base FP16310 KX Back Tamper FP040025 Belle - Yellow base Stand Alone Proximity Readers Belle Dummy FP16170PYXW Prox SA - White FP04031 Belle Dummy - Clear base FP16170PYXBK Prox SA - Black FP04030 Belle Dummy - Blue base FP16180PYXW Prox SRB - White FP04036 Belle Dummy - Black base FP16180PYXBK Prox SRB - Black FP04034 Belle Dummy - Green base FP16190PYXW Prox R - White FP04032 Belle Dummy - Red base FP16190PYXBK Prox R - Black Belle Lids FP16130 10 prox cards FP04011 Belle - White lid FP16140 10 tag cards FP04013 Belle - Yellow lid FP04010 Belle - Blue lid FP04014 Belle - Black lid FP04012 Belle - Red lid FP04070 Belle - Steal lid Twin Alert FP10800 Twin Alert Control Panel and Secure Kits 4 GSM and Voice dial systems 4 Detectors (Dual Tech, Anti-Mask and Sequential) 5 Detectors (PIRs) 5 Detectors (Breakglass and Accessories) 6 Stand Alone Proximity Readers 6 Sounders 7 3 Secure Grade 2X Plus Secure Grade 2X Sterling Kit Sterling 10 Features Features Features Features • Euro mini prox control panel • 3 x ME Q blue • Deltabell Plus sounder • Euro mini control panel • 3 x ME Q blue • Deltabell E sounder • Sterling 10 + Keypad • 3 x ME Q blue • Belle sounder • 8 double pole inputs • 3 dedicated for personal attack, tamper and PTS • 7 User codes • 100 event log • 1.2A power supply • 32 character LCD keypad Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes FPSECKIT2XPLUS FPSECKIT2X FP03864 FP13060 (Sterling 10 + LCD Keypad) FP11200 (Sterling LCD Keypad) [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix Blades device are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. As part of our continued development programme specifications of the KX range may change. RMKT070006-3 [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, TMD15 and TriCover are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. UK Registered Design. As part of our continued development programme specifications may change. V2 GSM V2 TEL Vocaliser RMKT080064-4 Vocaliser Microphone [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix Blades device are trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. As part of our continued development programme specifications of the V2 TEL and V2 GSM may change. RMKT090057-1 Features Features Features • SMS & voice dialler • Voice dialler • 6 onboard inputs • 6 onboard inputs • Expandable to 14 • 4 onboard outputs 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, Deltabell & Deltabell PLUS are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. • 4Design. onboard • specifications 9 telephone numbers UK Registered As part ofoutputs our continued development programme may change. Other cover colour options available. White cover recommended for use with backlit Deltabell PLUS for optimum visual clarity. • Expandable to 52 • 9 telephone numbers Features • 4 onboard inputs • 2 onboard outputs • 4 Telephone numbers • 12V supply • Microphone for vocaliser [email protected] 01709 700100 RMKT090001-4 Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes FPV2GSM FPV2TEL FP05501 FP06800 Coming Soon.... 4 TMD15 KX15DTAM KX15DT Features Features Features • Combined non-overlappting with Anti-mask, PIR and Microwave detection • 15m detection range • Selectable end of line resistors • Tri-CoverTM mode • 15m dual tech/anti-mask • Selectable end of line resistors • Adjustable sensitivity • Aspherical kens • 18m/30m optional lenses • 15m dual tech • Selectable end of line resistors • Adjustable sensitivity • Aspherical kens • 18m/30m optional lenses Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes FPTMD15G3-3 FPKX15DTAM3 FPKX15DT3 [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix Blades device are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. As part of our continued development programme specifications of the KX range may change. RMKT070006-3 [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, TMD15 and TriCover are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. UK Registered Design. As part of our continued development programme specifications may change. KX Range Colt XS Magnum/MERMKT080064-4 Q Octopus EP [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix Blades device are trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. As part of our continued development programme specifications of the V2 TEL and V2 GSM may change. RMKT090057-1 Features Features Features • Selectable end of line • 15m PIR resistors • Adjustable sensitivity • Adjustable sensitivity • Optional lens 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, Deltabell & Deltabell PLUS are all 30m trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. UK Registered Design. As part of our continued development programme specifications may change. Other cover colour • PIR, curtain, pet detectors options available. White cover recommended for use with backlit Deltabell PLUS for optimum visual clarity. • Aspherical kens • Optional 30m lens (KX18DC) Partcodes FPKX18DC (KX18DC 18m Curtain) FPKX15ED (KX15ED 15m Economy) FPKX15DQ (KX15DQ 15m Digital) FPKX10DP (KX10DP 10m Digital) • • • • Features 15m PIR (Magnum Ultra) 12m PIR (ME Q blue) Adjustable sensitivity [email protected] Optional 30m01709 lens700100 (Ultra) • • • • 360° ceiling mounted PIR Quad interlocking sensor 12m range Adjustable sensitivity RMKT090001-4 Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes FP05702 FP05802 (Magnum Ultra) FPMEQBL (ME Q blue) FP02302 5 Breakglass Lenses Brackets KX Back Tamper Features Features Features Features • 16m dual frequency • Flex and shatter detection • breakglass tester available • Pack of 3 • Lenses for Magnum/ME Q blue/Colt • PB2 Bracket for Magnum/ ME Q blue • EB1 Bracket for Magnum/ ME Q blue/Colt • KX back tamper for KX15DTAM Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes FPBG16DF (BG16DF detector) FP05130 (breakglass tester) FP00131 (Lens 1) FP00132 (Lens 2) FP00133 (Lens 3) FP00134 (Lens 4) FP00135 (Lens 5) FP01210 (EB1 Bracket) FP02720 (PB1 Bracket) FP16310 [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix Blades device are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. As part of our continued development programme specifications of the KX range may change. RMKT070006-3 [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, TMD15 and TriCover are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. UK Registered Design. As part of our continued development programme specifications may change. Prox SRB Prox SA Prox R RMKT080064-4 Tags [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix Blades device are trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. As part of our continued development programme specifications of the V2 TEL and V2 GSM may change. RMKT090057-1 Features Features Features • Internal proximity reader • Internal proximity reader • Relay board • 1 tag & 1 card supplied • 1 tag & 1 card supplied 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, Deltabell & Deltabell PLUS are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. Features • Internal proximity reader • Used as a ‘slave’ reader • 1 tag & card supplied • Tag or card for the Prox’s [email protected] 01709 700100 UK Registered Design. As part of our continued development programme specifications may change. Other cover colour options available. White cover recommended for use with backlit Deltabell PLUS for optimum visual clarity. RMKT090001-4 Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes FP16180PYXW (White) FP16180PYXBK (Black) FP16170PYXW (White) FP16170PYXBK (Black) FP16190PYXW (White) FP16190PYXW (Black) FP16130 (10 prox cards) FP16140 (10 prox tags) 6 Deltabell Plus Deltabell E Deltabell Dummy Deltabell Lids Features Features Features Features • • • • • 109dBA sounder Guide holes/spirit level Supplied with battery Hinged lid facility Fully Backlit Partcodes • • • • 109dBA sounder Guide holes/spirit level Supplied with battery Hinged lid facility • Revolving guide holes • Spirit level • Hinged lid facility Partcodes FPDELTAPLUS-BB (Blue Base) FPDELTAE-BB (Blue Base) FPDELTAPLUS-BR (Red Base) FPDELTAE-BR (Red Base) FPDELTAPLUS-BA (Amber Base) FPDELTAE-BA (Amber Base) FPDELTAPLUS-BG (Green Base) FPDELTAE-BG (Green Base) FPDELTAPLUS-BW (White Base) FPDELTAE-BW (White Base) FPDELTAPLUS-BBK Base) are all trademarks FPDELTAE-BBK (Black Base) 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix (Black Blades device of Pyronix Ltd. • Deltabell lid Partcodes Partcodes FPDELTA-BDB (Blue Base) FPDELTA-BDR (Red Base) FPDELTA-BDA (Amber Base) FPDELTA-BDG (Green Base) FPDELTA-BDW (White Base) [email protected] FPDELTA-BDBK (Black Base) FPDELTA-CB (Blue lid) FPDELTA-CR (Red lid) FPDELTA-CY (Yellow lid) FPDELTA-CW (White lid) FPDELTA-CC (Chrome lid) FPDELTA-CBK (Black cover) 01709 700100 As part of our continued development programme specifications of the KX range may change. RMKT070006-3 [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, TMD15 and TriCover are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. UK Registered Design. As part of our continued development programme specifications may change. Belle Belle Dummy Belle Lids RMKT080064-4 Twin Alert [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix and the Pyronix Blades device are trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. As part of our continued development programme specifications of the V2 TEL and V2 GSM may change. RMKT090057-1 Features • 118dBA sounder • Universal triggering inputs • Supplied with battery Features Features • 3mm ABS housing Features • Belle lid • Combined Internal and external sounder [email protected] 01709 700100 2010 Pyronix Ltd. Pyronix, the Pyronix Blades device, Deltabell & Deltabell PLUS are all trademarks of Pyronix Ltd. UK Registered Design. As part of our continued development programme specifications may change. Other cover colour options available. White cover recommended for use with backlit Deltabell PLUS for optimum visual clarity. RMKT090001-4 Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes Partcodes FP040021 (Clear base) FP040020 (Blue base) FP040026 (Black base) FP040024 (Green base) FP040022 (Red base) FP040025 (Yellow base) FP04031 (Clear base) FP04030 (Blue base) FP04036 (Black base) FP04034 (Green base) FP04032 (Red base) FP04011 (White lid) FP04013 (Yellow lid) FP04010 (Blue lid) FP04014 (Black lid) FP04012 (Red lid) FP04070 (Steal lid) FP10800 7 Sales Support: 01709 700100 Sales Fax: 01709 533429 Pyronix Ltd Braithwell Way Hellaby Rotherham South Yorkshire S66 8QY [email protected] [email protected] Technical Support: 0845 6434 999 (local rate) or 01709 535225 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 6:30pm Pyronix Ltd Braithwell Way Hellaby Rotherham South Yorkshire S66 8QY [email protected]
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