CJUSD Title IX 2015-16 Data - Calistoga Joint Unified School District


CJUSD Title IX 2015-16 Data - Calistoga Joint Unified School District
Calistoga Joint Unified School District Calistoga Jr-­‐Sr High School 2015-­‐2016 Title IX Survey Results 175 176 Male Female 351 total enrolled students grades 7-­‐12th for 2015-­‐2016 (Pie chart above) 46 Grade 12 50 Grade 11 47 Grade 10 44 Grade 9 61 Grade 8 63 Grade 7 0 10 20 30 40 311 responses received (Bar chart above) 50 60 70 147 164 Male Female Gender total responses: 164 Female, 147 Male (Pie chart above) 118 Yes 193 No Do you participate in your school’s athletic program? (Pie chart above) Other Tried out but didn't make I have to work Don't want to play Too busy with school 52 9 16 46 49 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 If you do NOT participate in your school’s athletics, mark the reasons that apply to your situation. (Bar chart above) 5 did not enjoy the experience 10 just tolerated the experience 83 enjoyed the experience 95 had a very good experience 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 If you do participate in athletics, you (Bar chart above) Is there any team or sport that we do NOT currently have at this school that you would like to see added? Student specified Junior High Teams (Pie chart below) Junior High Golf 2 1 3 7 Junior High Softball Junior High Tennis 5 JH Football JH Baseball Is there any team or sport that we do NOT currently have at this school that you would like to see added? Badminton Lacrosse 8 9 7 5 4 Wrestling 4 4 3 2 2 Golf 45 Rugby Boxing Dance Team/Stunt 11 11 17 30 Dodgeball Fencing Indoor Soccer Bowling Street/Ice Hockey Gymnastics Waterpolo Archery Sports/Activities that were listed with one student response: • Boys Volleyball • Judo • Traveling Teams • Rollerblading • Quidditch • Racing • Paintball • Biking • Kick Boxing • Rodeo • Curling • Weight Lifting 

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