Rendering Gigaray Light Fields
Rendering Gigaray Light Fields
EUROGRAPHICS 2013 / I. Navazo, P. Poulin (Guest Editors) Volume 32 (2013), Number 2 Rendering Gigaray Light Fields C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt and O. Bimber Institute of Computer Graphics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Figure 1: A 2.54 gigaray, 360◦ panoramic light field (spatial resolution: 17,885×1,260 pixels, angular resolution: 11×11, 7.61 GB) at two different focus settings (top: far; center: near), and close-ups in native resolution (bottom), rendered at 8-43 fps (full aperture - smallest aperture, at a render resolution of 1280×720) using off-the-shelf graphics hardware. Abstract We present a caching framework with a novel probability-based prefetching and eviction strategy applied to atomic cache units that enables interactive rendering of gigaray light fields. Further, we describe two new use cases that are supported by our framework: panoramic light fields, including a robust imaging technique and an appropriate parameterization scheme for real-time rendering and caching; and light-field-cached volume rendering, which supports interactive exploration of large volumetric datasets using light-field rendering. We consider applications such as light-field photography and the visualization of large image stacks from modern scanning microscopes. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.4.1 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Digitization and Image Capture— I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation—I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation—Display algorithms 1. Introduction and Contributions With increasing resolution of imaging sensors, light-field photography [Ng05] is becoming ever more practical and might ultimately replace classical 2D imaging in photography. In contrast to common digital photography, light-field photography enables, for instance, digital refocusing, perspective changes, and depth-reconstruction as a post-process (i.e., after capturing) or 3D viewing via stereoscopic and autostereoscopic displays. A variety of light-field cameras are already commercially available (e.g., compact light-field cameras such as Lytro and Raytrix, and high-resolution camc 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell PublishComputer Graphics Forum ing Ltd. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. era arrays such as Point Grey), and first light-field display prototypes have also been presented [LWH∗ 11, JMY∗ 07]. To benefit from the great potential of light fields, however, their spatial resolution must be in the same megapixel order as the resolution of modern digital images. The additional angular resolution must also be adequately high to prevent sampling artifacts (in particular for synthetic refocusing). The demand for increasing light-field resolution will require billions of rays (gigarays) to be recorded and stored as gigabytes rather than megabytes of data that must be processed and rendered in real-time with limited graphics memory. In C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields this paper, we make three contributions: 1) We describe a light-field caching framework that makes real-time rendering of gigaray light fields possible. It uses a probabilistic strategy that determines the likelihood of atomic cache units (light-field pages of several kilobytes) being required in future frames as a decision metric for loading, discarding, and additional prefetching. It integrates page probabilities computed by dead reckoning for estimated future camera parameters with probabilities of pages within the same neighborhood of the current camera parameters. We show that our approach generally outperforms the classical caching strategy Least Recently Used (LRU), as well as existing prefetching methods that apply caching on the level of entire perspective images rather than on the level of atomic page units. In addition to direct rendering of gigaray light fields recorded, for instance, with high-resolution handheld cameras (e.g., [DLD12]) or with cameras used in arrays or with mechanical gantries, we describe two new applications that our framework supports: panoramic light fields and light-field-cached volume rendering. 2) We present a first approach to constructing and rendering panoramic light fields (i.e., large field-of-view gigaray light fields computed from overlapping, lowerresolution sub-light-field recordings). By converting overlapping sub-light-fields into individual focal stacks from which a panoramic focal stack is computed, we remove the need for a precise reconstruction of scene depth or estimation of camera poses. Figure 1 shows the first panoramic light field. Real-time rendering of such large panoramic light fields is made possible by our light-field caching framework. 3) We integrate our light-field caching into a volume renderer by using idle times for filling a cache-managed gigaray light field. New images are then composed from highresolution light-field rendering and from volume rendering – depending on the state of the light-field cache. The image quality our method achieves when exploring large volumetric datasets interactively is considerably higher than the low level of detail produced by a volume renderer at the same frame rate. We focus on visualizing data from modern scanning microscopes that produce image stacks with a megapixel lateral resolution and with possibly many hundreds to thousands of slices in axial direction. 2. Related Work Caching is applied whenever data size and bandwidth limits make direct access and on-demand transfer of data impossible. This often occurs when viewing high-resolution 2D images (e.g., [KUDC07]), large image stacks (e.g., [TMJ07]), or extensive volumes (e.g., [CNLE09]). Since light fields are often represented as a collection of perspective images, caching on a per-image basis is an option. Prediction models, such as dead reckoning, have already been used for determining the set of light-field perspective images required for rendering [BEA∗ 08] or for streaming [RKG07]. Using entire images as pages to be cached is, however, inefficient for large light fields – especially in situations in which smaller parts of many different light-field perspectives are required for rendering (e.g., reduced field of view or varying aperture settings). Our approach manages atomic cache units (i.e., light-field pages that are much smaller than the full image size) and supports a novel probability-based prefetching and eviction strategy that combines dead reckoning and heuristic parameter variations. Both optimizes caching and data transfer from main memory to graphics memory, but requires an appropriate ray sampling and page testing that operates on a page level. We explain how ray sampling and page testing can be computed for different light-field parameterizations, such as conventional two-plane and spherical, as well as for a novel panoramic parameterization. This enables efficient rendering of gigaray light fields and makes two additional applications possible: High-quality interactive exploration of large volumetric datasets and visualization of panoramic light fields. Light-field compression (e.g. as in [RKG07]) is another option to overcome bandwidth limitations. As compression is complementary to caching, it is an optional extension of the methods presented in this paper. Conventional panorama imaging techniques assemble large image panoramas with a wide field of view from several smaller sub-images. Such techniques are an integral part of digital photography often supported by modern camera hardware. We introduce first techniques for imaging and visualizing panoramic light fields. To ensure robust registration and blending of sub-light-fields without the need for precise depth reconstruction or camera pose estimation, we apply common panorama techniques, such as those presented in [BL07, UES01], as a basis for our approach. The main difference from regular image panoramas, however, is that we must additionally encode directional information in a consistent way. With a focus on generating only two horizontal perspectives, this has been achieved in [PBP01], where a stereo panorama is created either with the help of special optics or with a regular camera rotating around one axis. Generally, this would allow considering more than two perspectives. Yet, this has not been investigated. Concentric mosaics [SH99] are panoramas that contain more than two perspectives. They are captured by slit cameras moving in concentric circles. By recording multiple concentric mosaics at various distances from the rotation axis, novel views within the captured area (i.e., a horizontal 2D disk) can be computed. This idea was extended to the vertical axis in [LZWS00], which enables rendering of novel views within the resulting 3D cylindrical space. In contrast to concentric mosaics, our panoramic light fields are captured with regular (mobile) light-field cameras in exactly the same way image panoramas are recorded with conventional cameras (i.e., via rotational movement of the camera). Neither a precise, mechanically adjusted camera movement, nor specialized optics are required in our case. Furthermore, we introduce a novel parameterization scheme for cylindrical panorama light fields that is used for ray sampling and page testing. Thus, realc 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields time rendering of gigaray panoramic light fields is enabled by the light-field caching approach presented in this paper. Since light-field rendering is a low-cost image-based technique, it has been used in combination with volume rendering before. Approaches such as that presented in [RSTK08] convert large volumetric datasets into a light-field representation in an offline preprocessing step. The light-field data is then used for rendering the volumetric content at interactive frame rates that cannot be supported by online volume rendering. For another application, we integrated our light-field caching method into a volume renderer to support interactive viewing of large volumetric datasets. In contrast to previous approaches, we apply light-field caching, and use the volume renderer’s idle times to fill and update the cache dynamically on the fly, based on interaction predictions made by our probability-based prefetching and eviction strategy. Using volume caching methods (such as texture bricking with octree space partitioning), current GPUimplemented volume renderers achieve fast frame rates and adequate image quality if the data required for rendering one frame fits entirely into the graphics memory. For large, but mainly opaque and sparse volumes real-time rates are possible, as shown in [CNLE09]. However, highly detailed and transparent volumes (as created by scanning microscopes, for example) are significantly larger and complex rendering methods (e.g., when simulating physically based light transport with Monte Carlo ray tracing) make real-time rates difficult to achieve for these cases. Since lateral and axial resolutions of scanning microscopes are increasing continuously, we believe that a dynamically updated light-field cache and integrated image-based rendering as part of a volume renderer can be beneficial to the interactive exploration of such data sets. 3. Light-Field Caching We have developed a CUDA-based light-field renderer extended by a software-managed cache. In a preprocessing step, the light-field data is split into atomic pages of pixel blocks that are stored in the main memory or on hard disk, and are managed by the cache. Similar to virtual memory and virtual texturing, our system maintains an indirection structure (i.e., an index table) that represents the current state of the cache. It is used by the rendering CUDA-kernel to determine whether the required light-field data is currently available in the graphics memory and where it is located. In this section, we describe our caching framework (including ray sampling, page testing, and caching strategies), which is based on a conventional two-plane light-field parameterization as applied to data recorded by high-resolution camera arrays or by mechanical (horizontally / vertically shifting) camera gantries. In sections 4 and 5, we show how this framework makes possible two novel applications that require different parameterizations. For other light-field parameterizations, only the methods for ray sampling and page c 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. testing must be redefined, while our caching strategies remain the same. 3.1. Ray Sampling and Page Testing Ray sampling for a two-plane parameterization of a light field is straightforward, and mainly follows the approach described by [IMG00] (cf. figure 2a for an example in flatland): Consider the two parallel planes U and S (which correspond to the U,V and S, T planes in three-dimensional space), the focal plane F, the image plane I, and the position of the rendering camera c. The projection f in F of each pixel i in I is computed first. The intersections s of the rays from f to samples in U that are within the defined aperture a are determined next. Note, that the aperture is a 2D disk in U that is always centered around the projection of i in U. The integral of the color responses at light-field coordinates u, s is the resulting color for the pixel i. Note, that while c, I, a, and F can be freely chosen during rendering, U and S are defined by the light-field camera used. Computing the pages required for caching is inverse to sampling rays for rendering a new image from the light field. In our example, the light-field pages that we manage during caching are patches of equal size in the S plane. If, for instance, we index the cameras of a camera array in the U plane, the pixels of the corresponding images are indexed in the S plane. In this case, each page contains an image portion of a corresponding camera. Thus, we can index pages with light-field coordinates u, s, – but retrieve entire image patches instead of individual pixel values. The pages required for rendering (i.e., those that should be available in the graphics memory) can be determined as follows (cf. figure 2b for an example in flatland): For every sample u in U, we first project each patch s in S from u onto F. The resulting projection f is then projected from c onto U. If the projection in U overlaps (fully or partially) with the aperture a centered at u and is contained within the frustum of the rendering camera, the page at coordinates u, s is required for rendering with the corresponding parameter set c, I, a, and F. We explain further below under which conditions these pages are loaded into the cache, since this depends on the applied caching strategy. Figure 2: Ray sampling (a) and page testing (b) for twoplane parameterization: U, S are the planes of the light field; c is the camera position; I is the image plane; F is the focal plane; i is the rendered pixel; u, s are the ray (a) or patch (b) coordinates; f is the pixel (a) or patch (b) projection; a is the aperture; red area is the overlap with the aperture. C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields To reduce visual image degradation caused by missing pages, we store a complete but low-resolution fallback lightfield in our cache that is indexed in case of page faults (see supplementary material for details). 3.2.1. Least Recently Used We implemented a CUDA-accelerated version of LRU as a reference caching strategy. It is one of the most common caching strategies, and can be adapted well to light-field rendering. For each frame, the required pages are computed (section 3.1) and compared with the pages in the cache to decide which data is additionally required. If no free cache slots are available, LRU always replaces least recently used pages. 3.2.2. Probability-Based Prefetching and Eviction Figure 3: Probability-based prefetching and eviction: dead reckoning (a), parameter neighborhood (b), and probability integration (c). We investigated a novel probabilistic approach that combines dead reckoning and heuristic parameter variations as an alternative decision metric for loading, discarding, and additional prefetching. At a constant frame rate, it applies dead reckoning to recorded sets of previously adjusted virtual camera parameters at past frames to estimate the parameter sets at future frames. This is illustrated in figure 3a, where f = 0 is the parameter set for the current frame, and f = 1...n are the parameter sets at the n future frames. Camera parameters at future frames are estimated as follows: a f = a0 + v0 · t f + 1/2 · c0 · t 2f , Note that we can compute all projections efficiently by means of ray-plane intersections because the number of projected points (i.e., sample points or patch corners) is relatively small. 3.2. Caching Strategies In section 3.1, we explained how the pages required for rendering an image for a given set of virtual camera parameters (e.g., position, aperture, focus, field-of-view) are determined and how these images are rendered. Since our light fields are so large that all pages cannot be loaded into the available graphics memory at one time, we need a caching strategy that minimizes (i) visual image degradation due to page faults and (ii) the time-demanding uploads of missing pages into the graphics memory. We implemented three caching strategies for determining which pages are to be loaded into the cache and which pages are to be discarded if the cache is filled: dead reckoning on a perspective image level similar as in existing approaches [BEA∗ 08, RKG07] (in the following referred to as perspective dead reckoning), as well as classical LRU and our new probability-based prefetching and eviction method that both operate on an atomic lightfield page level. We compare all methods with on-demand loading (i.e., no caching) in section 6. Note that our cache occupies a fixed fraction of the graphics memory. (1) where a f is an individual camera parameter at future frame f , a0 is the parameter at the current frame, v0 and c0 are the most recent velocity and acceleration of parameter changes at the current frame, and t f is the look-ahead time span from the current to the f th future frame (i.e., t f = f / f ramerate). Note that this estimation is repeated for the entire set of camera parameters. For each estimated future parameter set, we compute a probability that is inversely proportional to the look-ahead frame span, as illustrated in figure 3a. We apply an exponential probability fall-off function in our case: p( f ) = 1/2 f . Each parameter set at the current and at future frames allows indexing the corresponding pages, as explained in section 3.1, and the computed probability is assigned to these pages. Thus, each parameter set (current and future estimations) leads to page-specific probabilities, as illustrated on the right-hand side of figure 3a. Additionally, we compute separate probabilities for the neighborhood of each parameter at the current frame ( f = 0), as illustrated in figure 3b. Here, a0 = 0 represents one individual camera parameter that has been adjusted at the current frame, and a0 = −m, ..., −3, −2, −1, 1, 2, 3, ..., m are the parameter values in the neighborhood at fixed step widths in both directions. For each currently adjusted parameter and its 2m neighbors, we compute probabilities that fall off exponentially with the distance in steps between the neighbor and the current parameter adjustment: p(a0 ) = 1/2|a0 | . c 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields These probabilities are assigned to corresponding pages that can again be indexed as described in section section 3.1. While dead reckoning derives probabilities of pages that belong to potential future parameter sets on the basis of previous parameter adjustments, the parameter neighborhood estimates probabilities of pages for parameters that are similar to the adjusted parameters without considering previous adjustments. To emphasize application specific navigation behaviors, we further weight all probabilities with constant, heuristically determined weights. For each page, we integrate all of these probabilities and finally normalize the integrals of all pages. Note, that since the adjusted parameters at the current frame are always assigned to the highest probabilities, they will remain the highest values among the the final (integrated and normalized) page probabilities (cf. figure 3c). Instead of prefetching only pages that are missing at present and evicting pages that have been least recently used (as explained for LRU in section 3.2.1), we additionally upload estimated future pages (prioritized with their probability) and consider pages with the lowest integral probabilities as the first candidates to be discarded. To implement perspective dead reckoning as in existing approaches [BEA∗ 08, RKG07], we disable the parameter neighborhood probabilities and index, load and discard (based on the computed dead reckoning probabilities only) entire perspective images rather than light-field pages. 4. Panoramic Light Fields In this section, we present a first approach to constructing and rendering panoramic light fields (i.e., large fieldof-view light fields computed from overlapping sub-lightfield recordings). Figure 1 illustrates the first panoramic light field. Real-time rendering of such large panoramic light fields is made possible by our light-field caching framework (section 3). 4.1. Capturing and Construction We capture overlapping sub-light-fields of a scene in the course of a rotational movement of a mobile light-field camera and convert each sub-light-field into a focal stack using synthetic aperture reconstruction [IMG00]. For lightfield cameras that directly deliver a focal stack, this step is not necessary. For experimental proof of concept, we used a Raytrix R11, whose output was converted into a classical two-plane light-field representation that can be indexed with u, v, s,t coordinates. Next, we compute an all-in-focus image for each focal stack by extracting and composing the highest-frequency image content throughout all focal stack slices. The registration and blending parameters are then computed for the resulting (overlapping) all-in-focus images. For this purpose, we apply conventional panorama stitching techniques (based on [BL07, UES01]), such as SURF feature extraction, pairwise feature matching and c 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Figure 4: Panoramic light-field construction from a set of overlapping sub-light-fields that are captured in the course of a circular movement of the light-field camera. RANSAC outlier detection, bundle adjustment, wave correction, exposure compensation, and computation of blending seams. The registration and blending parameters derived for the all-in-focus images are then applied to all corresponding slices of the focal stacks. For composition, we use a fourdimensional (three rotations and focal length) motion model for registration and multi-band blending. The result is a registered and seamlessly blended panoramic focal stack that can be converted into a light field with linear view synthesis, as described in [LD10]. This process is summarized in figure 4. The advantage of choosing an intermediate focal stack representation is that conventional image panorama techniques can be used for robust computation of a panoramic light field without precise reconstruction of scene depth or estimation of camera poses, which both depend on dense scene features. Only a few scene features in the overlapping areas of the all-in-focus images are necessary to achieve the same registration and blending quality as for regular image panoramas. However, the focal stack of a scene covers no more than a 3D subset of the full 4D light field. This can lead to artifacts at occlusion boundaries and prevents the correct reconstruction of anisotropic reflections. Therefore, our current approach is limited to Lambertian scenes with modest depth discontinuities as in [LD10]. Applying linear view synthesis to create a panoramic light field from a panoramic focal stack requires a multipleviewpoint circular projection instead of a single-viewpoint projection for rendering. This is similar to the rendering of omnidirectional stereo panoramas, as in [PBP01]. The following subsection explains the ray sampling and page testing methods that are suitable for rendering and caching in this case. 4.2. Ray Sampling and Page Testing In contrast to the two-plane parameterization (section 3.1), the parameterization for our panoramic light fields is not symmetric in both directions. It requires a multi-view circular projection in one direction and a multi-view perspective projection in the other (cf. figure 5a,b). This results in a 3D C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields cylindrical viewing space, as illustrated in figure 5. The perspective of the rendering camera is defined by a circle C of radius r in the U/S plane (i.e., a plane that intersects the cylinders horizontally, cf. figure 5a), a sampling direction along the angle α from C, and a height h in the V /T plane (i.e., a plane that intersects the cylinders vertically, cf. figure 5b) and not by a position in 3D space as in the twoplane case. While α and h define the horizontal and vertical perspectives, r constrains the maximum horizontal parallax (a large r corresponds to a strong horizontal parallax). Furthermore, the image surface IJ, the parameter surfaces UV and ST , and the focal surface FG are now concentric cylinders. The field of view in both directions can still be defined on FG. Ray-sampling for rendering panoramic images from a panoramic light field with given camera parameters (α, r, h, a, IJ, FG) is done as follows (cf., figures 5a,b): For all points in C, we consider the rays that leave C at the same angle α (defining the horizontal perspective) and that pass through all points along the J direction of IJ (the selected height h defines the vertical perspective). For all of these rays, we compute the intersections f , g on FG. From these intersections, we compute rays that intersect UV at angles β and at coordinates v that belong to valid horizontal and vertical perspectives (i.e., those computed by linear view synthesis as explained in section 4.1). The intersection of these rays on ST results in the final ray indices: β, v, s,t. Note that for our circular projection, horizontal perspectives are defined by angles rather than by positions. Therefore, β instead of u must be used for sampling. However, we still compute the corresponding u coordinates for each β to simplify our aperture test. Since points on UV are not coplanar, we use a 3D sphere as an aperture representation a because we used a 2D disc for the two-plane parameterization. Its radius defines the aperture opening. Those rays with intersections at u, v that are contained by a are integrated to compute the color of pixel i, j on the panoramic image surface IJ. The pages that are required for caching can be determined as follows (cf. figure 5c,d): Analogously to the two-plane parameterization, our pages are patches on ST and represent an image portion of a panoramic light field perspective, indexed by β, v. Accordingly, we index a patch within a lightfield perspective on ST with the coordinate pair s,t. For every light-field perspective β, v, we first project each patch on ST onto FG as follows: In the U/S plane (cf. figure 5c), we compute a circular projection from coordinates u at constant coordinate v in constant direction β over all of the pixel columns of the patch. Thus, one pixel column is projected from exactly one u, v coordinate in direction β from U. Note that v and β are constant because they are given for each light-field perspective (defining the light field’s horizontal and vertical perspectives). In the V /T plane (cf. figure 5d), each of these pixel columns is projected perspectively from its corresponding u, v coordinates onto FG, which leads to a vertical line at coordinate f on FG. Repeating this for all pixel columns of a patch results in the area projection f , g of the patch on FG. Since we require a circular projection in the U/S plane, the aperture test for a patch also differs from that of the twoplane parameterization. We can carry out this test separately for each of the patch’s projected pixel columns at coordinate f on FG: First, the projected pixel column is projected perspectively onto UV from the point in C that can be connected with coordinate f in the direction of the horizontal perspective angle α of the rendering camera. We then test whether this projection overlaps (fully or partially) with the aperture a that is centered at the point u, v (i.e., the initial origin for projecting the pixel column onto FG). Since all our cylinder surfaces and C are concentric, the aperture tests for all projected pixel columns of the same patch lead to the same result. Thus, one aperture test for a single, arbitrary pixel column per patch is sufficient. Only if this aperture test is positive and the patch projection f , g falls within the viewing frustum of the rendering camera (defined on FG), the page β, v, s,t is required for rendering with the chosen parameter set α, r, h, a, IJ, FG of the virtual panoramic camera. Otherwise, it is not. Analogously to the two-plane parameterization, we use Figure 5: Ray sampling (a,b) and page testing (c,d) for parameterization of panoramic light fields: UV, ST are the cylindrical parameter surfaces of the light field; the perspective of the rendering camera is defined by the circle C with radius r at hight h and sampling direction α; IJ is the image surface; FG is the focal surface; i, j is the rendered pixel; β, v, s,t are the ray (a,b) or the patch (c,d) indices; u is the coordinate in U corresponding to β, f (a) or β, s (b); f , g are the ray projection coordinates; a is the aperture; red area is the overlap with the aperture. c 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields Figure 6: Visualization of a drosophila (4,096×4,096×61 volume resolution, 2.86 GB – 6,016×6,016×31×31 light-field resolution, 34.8 gigarays, 97.17 GB, rendered using a spherical parameterization): full-resolution volume rendering at 0.4 fps (a), volume rendering preview at 25 fps (b), our method at 25 fps (c). Color-coded contributions of different sources during rotation (d-g): full-resolution volume (green), volume preview (red), full-resolution light field (gray), and fallback light field (blue). The visible seams are the result of the microscope’s scanning process, not of visualization. ray-cylinder intersections to project points and patches efficiently. Given this ability to compute the pages required for our panoramic light-field parameterization, we use the exact same caching strategies as explained in section 3.2. 5. Light-Field-Cached Volume Rendering Advances in imaging technology lead to ever larger image data sets. Modern scanning microscopes, for instance, produce image stacks with a megapixel lateral resolution and with possibly many hundreds to thousands of slices in axial direction. This trend will continue, resulting in very large volumetric data sets that are difficult to explore interactively because the complexity of volume rendering is proportional to the spatial and lateral resolution of the data. Light-field rendering is a fast and simple image-based rendering method that requires precomputed or precaptured image data. For volume rendering, each expensively computed image is discarded after viewing parameters changes, while the renderer is idle if the viewing parameters do not change and the visualization need not to be updated. In this section, we present a combination of light-field and volume rendering to enable high-quality interactive explorations of large volumetric data sets. We use the idle times of the volume renderer for filling our light-field cache. The final images are then composed from both, light-field rendering and volume rendering, depending on the state of the light-field cache. Our method leads to better image quality than the low level of detail that can be achieved by a volume renderer at the same frame rate. Figure 6 illustrates an example, and section 6 presents quantitative measures. The following subsections explain how we integrate our lightfield caching into a volume renderer. 5.1. Dynamic Page Updates Since in our case volume rendering is largely independent from light-field rendering, an arbitrary volume renderer can be used in combination with light-field caching. If the c 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. volume renderer already supports own acceleration strategies, this does not conflict with our approach but increases the overall rendering performance. Many volume renderers switch to a fast preview mode with a lower level of detail (LOD) to achieve interactive frame rates during user interactions. We, however use our cache-managed light-field rendering to support a much higher LOD at the same frame rate. We apply probability-based prefetching and eviction for caching, as explained in section 3.2.2. A two-plane lightfield parameterization is adequate if the data set is viewed mainly in axial direction (i.e., if an image stack is explored top down). To enable surround navigation we support an additional spherical light-field parameterization. We explain ray sampling and page testing for this case in section 5.2. When the user stops interacting with the volume (i.e., at constant viewing parameters), the volume renderer first computes and displays a full-resolution image for the current rendering camera. When otherwise idle, it renders pages of the cached light-field data structure in the background until the user starts to interact. For this purpose, we use virtual perspective cameras that are uniformly distributed on a bounding sphere U which encloses the volume. These cameras point towards the volume center and have a field of view that includes the bounding box of the volume. The sampling rate that we use for rendering each page (i.e., the ray casting resolution of the volume renderer) is chosen such that it matches the sampling rate of the rendering camera at a common reference plane inside the volume. The focal plane F of the rendering camera can be used for this. The page probabilities, as computed in section 3.2.2 determine the proper order in which the pages are rendered into the cache. Pages with a high probability are rendered first. For fast image rendering during user interaction (i.e., while changing the viewing parameters), we compute the per-pixel LODs that are achieved by light-field rendering (using the pages of the full-resolution light field and, if necessary, the pages of the fallback light field as explained in the supplementary material) and by the fast preview of the volume renderer. The final image is then assembled from pixels C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields of the sources that have the highest LOD per pixel (either the full-resolution / fallback light field or the volume rendering preview). Figure 6 illustrates an example. More implementation details and results are provided in the supplementary material. 5.2. Ray Sampling and Page Testing Page testing and ray sampling for a spherical parameterization are similar to their two-plane parameterization counterparts (section 3.1), as illustrated in figures 7a,b. The differences are that samples on U are located on a spherical surface instead of a plane, and that S for all u are non-coplanar but tangential to a spherical surface that is parallel to U. Since point and patch samples projected on U are also not coplanar, we use a 3D sphere (with a radius r that defines the aperture) instead of a 2D disc to determine the overlap of the samples with a. Points or patches that are inside the sphere (fully or partially) are covered by the aperture. Except for these differences, the methods for ray sampling and page testing are identical to the methods described in section 3.1. Projections are efficiently computed with ray-plane and raysphere intersections, and again the computed page indices are required for the applied caching strategy (section 3.2). An additional clustering of U to accelerate ray sampling and page testing is explained in the supplementary material. 6. Results Without caching (i.e., for on-demand loading of light-field data), the light-field pages that are required for a frame must be uploaded into the graphics memory before rendering. Thus, the achieved frame rate is inversely proportional to the upload time plus the render time. The more pages to be uploaded, the lower the frame rate. Performance measurements of light-field caching on a Quad-Core 2.67GHz with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 (1.54GHz, 3GB graphics memory, of which 1GB was used as cache) are presented in the Figure 7: Ray sampling (a) and page testing (b) for spherical parameterization: U is the spherical parameter surface of the light field; S is the tangential light field plane; c: is the camera position; I is the image plane; F is the focal plane; i is the rendered pixel; u, s are the ray (a) or patch (b) coordinates; f is the pixel (a) or patch (b) projection; a is the aperture; red area is the overlap with the aperture. captions of figures 1, 6, and 8. For the chosen cache size, pages of 200 KB were found to be optimal (see supplementary material for details). Note that the measured frame rates depend on the adjusted aperture size – which we varied between a full aperture (i.e., sampling rays from all perspectives until the cache / graphics memory is entirely filled) and the smallest possible aperture (i.e., sampling rays from one perspective). Caching requires carrying out additional strategy computations for each frame, which costs extra time. While for LRU, only the missing pages for the current frame are identified and loaded before rendering, our probability-based prefetching and eviction method furthermore predicts future pages while loading the pages for the current frame. In contrast to LRU, it thus allows uploading additional pages in parallel to rendering. For comparing the caching strategies, we enforce the overall frame rate to not fall below a constant minimum. Therefore, the page testing and upload time slots must be constrained to a fixed maximum duration that is available for the prefetching of additional pages. If not all required pages can be uploaded in time, the image that is rendered from the available pages is incomplete and suffers from visual degradation when sampled from a partial light Figure 8: A 1.44 gigaray light field of a synthetic scene (spatial resolution: 2,048×2,048, angular resolution: 19×19, 4.23 GB) rendered with our caching approach at 5-40 fps (full aperture - smallest aperture, at a render resolution of 1280×720, using a two-plane parameterization). Top row: Visual degradation due to missing light-field data during rendering. The plots indicate the amount of missing light-field data in % (y-axis) at different frames (x-axis). The red color illustrates the amount of missing light-field data at local image regions for the current frame. Bottom row: Close-ups showing focus errors and missing pixels due to incomplete light-field data. The columns present different caching strategies: ground truth (a,f), on-demand loading (b,g), perspective dead reckoning (c,h), LRU (d,i), and our approach (e,j). c 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields Figure 10: Measured SSIM index (y-axis) when comparing light-field-cached volume rendering (red) or volume rendering preview (blue) with the full-resolution volume rendering (ground truth) for a sequence of frames (x-axis: rendering duration in seconds) during an identical navigation trace at the same average frame rate of 25 fps. A SSIM index of 1.0 indicates a perfect match. For visual reference: the SSIM indices when comparing figures 6b,c with figure 6a are 0.79 and 0.96, respectively. Figure 9: Measured visual degradation (y-axis: missing ray contributions in %) for a sequence of frames (x-axis) during identical navigation traces for (a) two-plane parameterization with the light field shown in figure 8, (b) the panoramic parameterization with the light field shown in figure 1, and (c) the spherical parameterization with the light field shown in figure 6. The same maximum strategy computation and upload times were chosen in all cases. While ondemand loading (green) quickly becomes unusable, caching reduces the number of degraded pixels for a minimum constant frame rate. Our probability-based approach (black) generally leads to less image degradation than perspective dead reckoning (blue), or than LRU (red) that operates on an atomic page level. field. Thus, instead of determining frame rates for a constant image quality, we measure visual degradation for a constant frame rate. Figures 8 and 9 presents visual degradation measurements for the three caching strategies (LRU, perspective dead reckoning, and our probability-based method), and for on-demand loading (i.e., without any caching applied). Visual degradation is computed as the normalized average of the missing ray contributions (using a triangle weight function for aperture filtering, as in [IMG00]) that are required for rendering all pixel of a frame. For each parameterization, these measurements were taken for identical navigation traces and with identical maximum computation and upload times for all strategies. Without caching (i.e., for on-demand loading) a large number of light-field pages may have to be uploaded before rendering high-resolution (spatial and angular) light fields. Pages that already exist in the graphics memory are simply overwritten, even if they could be rec 2013 The Author(s) c 2013 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd. used. Any caching strategy will improve this situation. For the same frame rate, our probability-based strategy generally leads to less visual degradation than perspective dead reckoning, or than LRU that operates on an atomic page level. Timings of the strategies’ different computation phases are provided in the supplementary material. Figure 10 illustrates for the z-stack shown in figure 6 that our light-field-cached volume rendering leads to better image quality than the low-level-of-detail preview of a volume renderer at the same average frame rate (25 fps in this example, on the same hardware as above). We measured the Structural SIMilarity (SSIM) index [WBSS04] between images rendered by our method (LFCVR), or by the volume renderer at 25 fps (preview), and the corresponding fullresolution volume rendering at 0.4 fps for a sequence of frames during identical navigation traces (using a spherical parameterization). For volume rendering, we used the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). Any faster volume renderer will lead to a quicker filling of the light-field cache and therefore to a faster transition from volume rendering to lightfield rendering. Light-field-cached volume rendering only becomes inefficient if the volume renderer approaches the quality and performance of light-field rendering. 7. Limitations and Future Work In our current implementation of light-field caching, we assume that light fields fit entirely into the main memory. We are planning to introduce a second cache level that allows uploading light-field pages dynamically from hard disk. Currently, we consider only two levels of detail (the fullresolution light field and the fallback light field). MIP mapping in combination with dynamic page sizes can reduce aliasing during rendering and leads to a better usage of the available cache size and memory bandwidth. A more advanced, non-linear parameter prediction will also lead to improvements. Furthermore, a hierarchical clustering of the C. Birklbauer, S. Opelt & O. Bimber / Rendering Gigaray Light Fields light-field data in combination with compression will result in more efficient probability calculations and page uploads. Uniform and insufficient sampling of light-field perspectives (i.e., samples on U) leads to sampling artifacts (i.e., ghosting) in the rendered images. On-demand creation and dynamic management of new and unstructured light-field perspectives based on the user interaction can reduce these artifacts. This would be particularly valuable for light-fieldcached volume rendering. A faster volume renderer (e.g., running on a second GPU) can lead to an additional speed-up and a quicker transition from volume rendering to light-field rendering. However, light-field-cached volume rendering is useful only for navigation tasks. If other rendering parameters (such as the transfer function) are changed, then the light-field cache must be reset and newly filled. Thus, for frequent changes in rendering settings other than the viewing parameters, light-field-cached volume rendering will not be more efficient than standard volume rendering. For imaging panoramic light fields, reliable direct registering of sub-light fields instead of registering focal stacks computed from them would ease our current confinement to Lambertian scenes with modest depth discontinuities and would better model the actual capturing process. This, however, might be less robust since it relies on precise registration of sub-light-fields that requires dense and robust scene features. We will investigate this in the future. 8. Summary and Conclusion This paper makes three contributions: First, we have described a caching framework that enables interactive rendering of gigaray light fields. By applying a new probabilitybased prefetching and eviction strategy that combines dead reckoning and heuristic parameter variations based on atomic cache units, it does not only support an efficient transfer of light field data to the graphics board for local rendering, but can also be beneficial for interactive lightfield streaming over a network. It outperforms LRU as classical caching strategy, as well as perspective dead reckoning approaches that have been applied to light fields before. Second, we have presented a robust panoramic light-field imaging technique, the very first panoramic light field, and an appropriate parameterization scheme for rendering and caching such light fields. Third, we have shown that integrating light-field caching into a volume renderer achieves high and detailed image quality when exploring large volumetric datasets interactively. 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