2012 Annual Report


2012 Annual Report
Letter from Board Chair & Executive Director.....Page 3
Our Mission & History..........................................Page 4
Building a Community..........................................Page 5
The Families...........................................................Page 6
A Family’s Letter.....................................................Page 7
Volunteers..............................................................Page 8
2012 Volunteer List........................................Pages 9–13
Treasurer’s Report................................................Page 14
Financial Report..................................................Page 15
Endowment & Capital.................................Pages 16–17
Charity Navigator Letter.......................................Page 18
2012 Donor List............................................Pages 19–37
2012 Donor List (In Honor)..................................Page 37
2012 Donor List (In Memory)...............................Page 38
Staff & Board.......................................................Page 39
Photo courtesy of Camp Sunshine
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Cover photos courtsey of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield and Camp Sunshine
We are pleased to report that 2012, our 28th year in service, was a complete success. Here are just a few of
our many achievements and accolades.
∙ Offered 22 programs, and served 720 families (2,800 family members), from 43
states, the District of Columbia, and 7 countries
Dear Friends
Looking Back on Another “Best” Year for Camp Sunshine
∙ Offered four programs for families of children with rare bone marrow failure
∙ Awarded, once again, Charity Navigator’s top rating for sound fiscal
management and transparency, and ranked number one, highest in the nation,
on their recent list of Highly Rated Charities with Favorable Reviews
∙ Maintained accreditation with the American Camp Association, once again
receiving their highest score for program excellence
Anna M. Gould
Board Chair & Founder
∙ Continued to build partnerships with various illness-related groups,
including Bryan’s Dream Foundation; Diamond Blackfan Anemia Foundation;
Dyskeratosis Congenita Outreach; Fanconi Anemia Research Fund; Fight PLGA;
Jack’s Magic Bean Fund; Lauren’s First and Goal; Leukemia & Lymphoma
Society; Lily Fund; Pediatric Cancer Foundation of Lehigh Valley;
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Foundation; and S.L.E. Lupus Foundation
∙ Maintained the strength of the Volunteer Program, the heart and soul of Camp
Sunshine. In 2012, volunteers gave over 70,000 hours of their time
∙ Expanded upon and forged relationships with major national, regional, and
local corporate sponsors
Matthew M. Hoidal, Esq.
Executive Director
∙ Increased Endowment & Capital funding to over $13.9 million, while building
on family sponsorship support, annual funding, and special events
∙ Offered increased transportation assistance to families in need, thanks to
continued relationships with Hands On Tzedakah, JetBlue Airways, Kenny Can
Foundation, Leukemia & Lymphomia Society, Noyes Brain Tumor Foundation,
S.L.E. Lupus Foundation, and Tropical Smoothie Café
∙ Received national, regional, and local news coverage confirming the uniqueness
and strength of our program
The list could go on and on, but the most important thing we achieved in 2012 was bringing hundreds of
children with life-threatening illnesses and their families from around the world together during the hardest times of their lives, providing them with much-needed comfort and support.
We are so grateful to all of our contributors, partners, volunteers, donors, board members, and staff, who
helped Camp Sunshine raise the bar to remarkable heights in 2012, and these past 28 years. With your
continued support, we know we can help thousands more children with life-threatening illnesses and their
families benefit from the magic of Camp Sunshine for many more years to come.
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Camp Sunshine is a year-round retreat, which provides respite, support, joy, and
hope to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families through various
stages of a child’s illness. The program is free of charge to all families, and includes
24-hour on-site medical and psychosocial support. Bereavement groups are also
offered for families who have lost a child to an illness.
Our History
Camp Sunshine was established in 1984 by
Anna Gould and Larry Gould. They first donated their facilities at Point Sebago Resort
to host sessions for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.
While Camp Sunshine has been busy enhancing and expanding its program over the years, we
continue to focus on securing the future of the
program. We also continue to make improvements
and additions to our facilities.
The program was highly regarded, with
increasing numbers of referrals from multiple medical centers. It soon became apparent that Camp Sunshine had to expand. In
2001, Camp Sunshine opened the doors of
its own permanent year-round facility.
In 2012, various capital improvements and upgrades were completed campuswide. New room furnishings and improvements to the overall campus
were the main focus. Meanwhile, endowment and
capital funding increased to over $13.9 million,
marching ever closer to our goal of $14.5 million.
The first summer of operation at the new
campus saw the greatest number of sessions
ever offered by Camp Sunshine, opening its
doors for eight programs.
Since that time, Camp Sunshine has continued to expand. In recent years, as many as
27 programs have been offered each year. In
2012, Camp Sunshine hosted a number of
rare illness sessions, building on its tradition
of providing support to the most vulnerable
and underserved. In 2013, Camp Sunshine
hopes to offer 27 sessions of camp.
Since 1984, Camp Sunshine has provided a
safe haven for over 40,500 family members
from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
Our Mission & History
Our Mission
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta -Eichenfield
Building a Community
Our Professional Community
Each year carries with it many special moments and experiences for Camp Sunshine families. We see
families of children with both common and extraordinarily rare illnesses. A highlight for 2012 was that
Camp Sunshine was able to hold sessions for four different populations of children with rare bone marrow failure diagnoses and their families: Fanconi Anemia, Diamond-Blackfan Anemia, Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome, and Dyskeratosis Congenita. Each of these programs combines the traditional Camp
Sunshine program with scientific and research sessions coordinated by the Fanconi Anemia Research
Fund, the Diamond Blackfan Anemia Foundation, the Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Foundation,
and Dyskeratosis Congenita Outreach.
The meetings are amazing and not a little frenetic, bringing in medical professionals from around the
globe, experts in each of these areas. Sometimes a family will come here from another country, never
having met anyone else with the same illness. What a relief if is to arrive at Camp Sunshine and to find
someone who really understands, whether they have come from somewhere else in Maine or traveled
from New Zealand.
Camp Sunshine families tell us, on a regular basis, that their experiences at these meetings have changed
their lives, and in some cases saved their lives, by allowing them to meet some of the very people who are
trailblazing treatments for their child’s illness. When you blend research, medicine, support, recreation,
and education, you create something that is much stronger than magic. You mitigate against loneliness
and you empower people. It is with great pride that we thank our prestigious group of colleagues who enable us to make these programs to happen, and who help us make a difference, one family at a time.
Nancy Cincotta, MSW, MPhil
Psychosocial Director Andrew Eichenfield, MD
Medical Director
The program has served families
from forty-eight states and
twenty-two countries.
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
The Families
Since Camp Sunshine’s inception in 1984,
we have served over 40,500 family members
from 48 states and 22 different countries.
In 2012, 720 families, comprised of 2,800
individuals, enjoyed a much-needed respite
at Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake.
2012 Program Schedule
February 17–21...........................................Oncology
February 22–26..........................................Oncology
March 17–21...............................................Oncology
April 11–15...............Hem/Onc - Brooklyn Families
May 24–28.............................................Bereavement
June 17–22.................................................Oncology
June 24–29..........Shwachman - Diamond Syndrome
July 1–6.......................................................Oncology
July 8–13.......................Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
July 15–20.........................Brain Tumor - Low Grade
July 22–27..............................................Brain Tumor
July 29–August 1......Renal/Solid Organ Transplant
August 3–8.................................................Oncology
August 10–15..................................Fanconi Anemia
August 19–24...................................................Lupus
August 26–30..............Oncology - Spanish -Speaking
August 31–Sept. 4.................Oncology - Off Treatment
October 5–9..........................................Brain Tumor
October 10–14......................Dyskeratosis Congenita
November 2–4.................Oncology - Maine Families
November 9–13.....................................Bereavement
December 7–9.......................................Brain Tumor
43 States, the District of Columbia,
and 7 Countries Represented in 2012
New Zealand
Dear JetBlue,
Due to your extreme generosity you have made a
years. He takes his last dose of chemo this year
family from Florida extremely happy. We were able
on March 10th.
to attend the February Oncology Camp where the
boys were able to play in the snow, make a snowWe never would have been able to bring our famman, ski down a mounily to Maine and
tain and play hockey
Camp Sunshine and JetBlue to Camp Sunshine
outside! You can’t experiwithout your generallowed our family to escape osity and support.
ence that in Florida.
the cancer world for just a
We are very thankOur family was thrown
ful for businesses
little while and celebrate
into the cancer world on
and people like
being a family!
November 14, 2008.
you who help out
Our youngest son,
families like us.
Joshua, was 6 years old
when he was diagnosed
Camp Sunshine
with T-Cell Acute Lymand JetBlue alphoblastic Leukemia.
lowed our famHe presented with a
ily to escape the
very large tumor on his
cancer world for
chest. It was about 5”
just a little while
long 2” think and was
and celebrate being
starting to wrap around
a family!
his heart. Joshua’s tumor
disappeared in 3 days
Many thanks,
and he was in remission
Lee, Renee,
by day 8. However, his
Jarrod & Joshua
treatment has been 3 ½
Photo courtesy of Camp Sunshine
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
A Family’s Letter
A Letter from a Camp Sunshine Family to
JetBlue Airways
Of the 109,600 total number of volunteer and staff hours
worked in 2012, volunteer hours represent nearly 65%
Our greatest asset at Camp Sunshine is our extensive network of volunteers, many of whom return year after year. In 2012, more than 2,500 volunteers generously donated over 70,000 hours
to Camp Sunshine, resulting in a tremendous cost savings. Since 1984, over 31,500 volunteers
have generously contributed more than 1 million hours of their valuable time.
Photo courtesy of Camp Sunshine
Did You Know?
I first heard about Camp Sunshine from a good friend from college. Three of my girlfriends and I went for a long weekend
in February of 2004. I fell in love with Camp within an hour of just walking around, before the families even arrived. The
staff immediately made me feel like I was right at home, and the building itself as well as the grounds were so welcoming.
After my first weekend there, I immediately started
planning out other times I could volunteer. I
would take weeks off from work in the summertime just to stay for another session if I found out
there were open spots. Friends and family
members often tell me that I’m doing a wonderful
thing by volunteering at Camp Sunshine, but I have
always felt that I’m the lucky one to be able to have
a chance to be a part of such a wonderful
Thank you for the everlasting memories I already
have, and all that are to come in the many more
years I plan to be a part of Camp Sunshine.
Photo courtesy of Camp Sunshine
After getting to know some of the families, I knew I had found a place that would always be in my heart. The families are
going through an unimaginable experience, and yet when they come to Camp Sunshine, it seems as though the stress and
pain just melt away. You are surrounded by happiness, laughter, and love, and instantly form bonds that will last forever.
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
Lynn Abood
Thomas Abraham
Aimee Ackell
Advantage Tennis, Inc.
Nichanan Agrasuta
Eliana Agudelo
Donna Ahaesy
Elizabeth Ahearn
Maham Ahmed
Gina Aiello
Ben Albert
Haley Alderete
Kara Alderman
Lindsay Aldorisio
Nancy Alemany
Everett Allan
Mark Allard
Joseline Alvarado
Olivia Ames
Patricia Anania
Melissa Anderson
Jessica Andrews
Peter Andrews
Sarah Andrews
Joel Angelico
Matthew Angelico
Jane Annis
Kaitlyn Annis
Teresa Annis
Jane Ansaldo Church
Nancy Anthony
Paulo Arango
Anne Arcand
Caitlin Arcand
Kristine Aristide
Kristen Arnold
Alyssa Aronson
Ashley Arroyo
David Atherton
Charlie Athorn
Terry Athorn
Kathryn Audette
Megan Audette
Leigh Anne Autullo
Gabrielle Auzenbergs
Sarah Babcock
Jonathan Bache
Barbara Bacon
Roshani Badwaik
Gabrielle Bailey
Nancy Bajek
Dave Baker
Marla Baker
Robbie Baker
Rachel Ballantine
Felicia Baptista
Teofilo Barbalho
Rosa Barker
Scott Barker
Linda Barnes
Megan Barnes
Jessica Barnett
Courtney Barnicoat
Thomas Barone
Christopher Barrett
Jennifer Barrett
Sarah Barrett
Riley Barron
Crystal Barrow
Christopher Barry
Maureen Barry
Jillian Bartolini
Jenna Bartolotti
Charles Bass
Dede Bass
Kyle Baumgardner
Elizabeth Baumgarther
Kersti Bayne
Debbie Bear
Daniel Beaulieu
Julie Beauvais
Emma Bedoukian
David Beech
Donna Beech
Martin Beech
Emma Behsman
Kristin Beil
Diane Bell
Bridget Bellardini
Eric Bellavance
Brian Belleville
Laurie Belmonte
Zach Belmonte
Elizabeth Benbenek
Virginia Bender
Alex Benoit
Juliana Benoit
Kent Benoit
Nikki Benoit
Robin Benware
Todd Benware
Aviva Berezin
Lisa Berezin
Brooke Bergeron
Alyssa Berthelette
James Berthelette
Samantha Bessette
Katherine Bettre
Todd Betts
Alyssa Biagini
Brian Biagini
Cynthia Biagini
Briana-Marie Bigelli
Dustin Biron
Shannon Bison
Brianna Bissell
Heather Blackmun
Samantha Blackmun
Andrew Blackwell
Julie Blackwell
Julia Blais
Amanda Blake
Jarryd Blanchard
Tyler Blanchard
Charles Blatt
Michael Blatt
Patrick Blatt
Sean Blatt
Therese Blatti
Melissa Blauvelt
Karen Bloomer
Blue Tarp Financial Group
Jessica Boczanowski
Erin Bodley
Nicole Bogutsky
Ray Boise
Karen Bombaro
Mark Bond
Samantha Bond
S. Enzo Bonnici
Lisa Bontemps
Anne Borgeson
Adam Bossert
Anna Botsford
Abby Bouchard
Carolyn Bouchard
Cassandra Bouchard
Guy Boucher
Mary Boucher
Taylor-Victoria Boucher
Kala Boudreau
Ryan Bougie
Becky Bouley
Michaela Bovenzi
Bea Bowden
Kendra Bower
Brian Boyer
Janis Boyer
Sarah Bradshaw
Brittany Brassard
David Brewster
Janet Brewster
Kaethe Brewster
Janet Brice
Sharon Bridson
Rebecca Brogan
Devon Brostoff
Eilene Brostoff
Christopher Brouilette
Marianne Brouillette
Samantha Brouillette
Lucas Brown
Luke Brown
Sara Brown
Joseph Bruno
Karen Bruno
Brunswick High School
Matthew Bryan
Joshua Bryant
Julia Buchheit
Jennifer Buckley
Lauren Buckowsky
Mary Buckowsky
Laura Bulman
Wendy Bundzinkski
Hayley Burbank
Helen Burgess
Jocelyn Burgo
Erin Burke
Casey Burks
Cathy Burns
Alexa Burzinski
Amy Butcher
Alison Butler
Emily Butterfield
Harvey Buzzell
Kristin Byrne
Sarah Byrne
Caroline Cady
Craig Cady
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Julie Cain
Amanda Caissie
Cheryl Calabrese
Louis Calabrese
Jonathan Camiolo
Michelle Camisa
Camp Cedar
Camp Center Stage
Camp Laurel
Camp Mataponi
Camp Nashoba North
Camp Skylemar
Camp Vega
Marisa Campbell
Rachel Campbell
Briana Canavan
Dennis Canavan
Danielle Candido
Jessica Candido
Michaela Cantino
Benjamin Capella
Anthony Cappucci
Ryan Carelli
Arthur Carey
Nancy Carey
Casey Carlson
Caroline Carmody
Ashley Caron
Marie Carr
Sarah Carrano
Jamie Carroll
Jessica Carroll
Alison Caruso
Lauren Caruso
Regina Caruso
Kayla Casavant
Danielle Casey
Erin Casey
Ben Caswell
Audrey Catalano
Bernadette Cattanach
Krystine Cay
Alyson Centrella
Marianne Centrella
Cheryl Cerato
Joey Cerato
Mark Cerato
Timothy Cerato
Andy Cesnickas
Mary Chalino
Emily Champagne
Alexis Chan
Bob Chapin
Susan Chapin
Adam Chapman
Kim Charland
Roger Charpentier
Shnay Chase
Trang Chau
Julia Chen
Irene Cherrick, MD
Cheverus High School
Ruth Chiasson
Kimberly Chirco
Keri Chisholm
Samantha Chisholm
Erin Christiano
2012 Volunteers
We sincerely thank each of our volunteers for giving
so generously of themselves so that our families
are able to regroup, reenergize, and restore hope.
Cathy Crawford
Wayne Crawford
Ximena Creuz-Blatt
Matthew Crimmins
Jillian Cronin
Kathleen Crosby
Cheryl Cummings
Jeannette Cummings
Jeffrey Cummings
Joe Cummings
Mary Margaret Cummings
Amy Cunningham
Casey Cunningham
Matthew Cupelo
Amy Curneen
Ashley Curran
Martha Curry
Shannen Curtin
Hilary Curtis
Katie Curtis
Terry Cusick
Alexandra Cutillo
Jessica Daigle
Peter Dale
Diane Dalton
Erin Dalton
Julia Dalton
Alexandra Dalve
Cassandra Damon
Briana Damon Hazelton
Alexa Darwish
Deborah Dauphinais
Katrina Dauphinais
Lisa Dauphinais
Alicia Davies
Douglas Davis
Robert Davis
Shealyn Davis
Shirley Davis
Heather Day
Taylor Dean
Dominique Decker
Johanna Decker
Wolfgang Decker
Robert Dee
Deering High School
Meisha DeFrancisco
Grace DeFrank
Shannon Degnan
Jill Del Pozzo
Caroline Delaney
Lawrence Delaney
Anita Delekto
DelHaize Group
Chantal Delisle
Flor DeMeo
Giovanna DeMeo
Isabella DeMeo
Fred Demers
Samantha DeMoss
James Denholm
Andrew DePerro
Craig Derrell
Renee Deschene
Erica Deshpande
Ryan Deveraux
Julia Devine
Marie Dewitt
Julia Dexter
Jessica Dias
Lisa DiBartolomeo
Marla DiBartolomeo
Jacqueline DiChristofero
Dorraine Diebold
Christine DiEdwardo
Jessica Dion
Kali DiPilla
Victoria Doan
Gabrielle Doben
Elizabeth Dobrawolski
Anna Docurral
Erika Dodd
Theresa Dodd
Gail Dohrn
Cindy Dolgin
Jim Dolliver
Zachary Dombroski
Lindsey Dombrowski
Katherine Domenichella
Laura Donahue
Andrew Donermeyer
Alyssa Donovan
Brian Donovan
Conor Donovan
Jaimee Doucette
Chris Doughty
Judith Doughty
Lorrina Doughty
Jeffrey Douglas
Justin Douglas
Ashlee Downing
Emily Doyle
Julie Doyle
Matthew Doyle
Joan Drapeau
Bill Drapeau
Ethan Drigotas
Griffin Drigotas
Vickie Drigotas
Patricia Driscoll
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
2012 Volunteers
Katie Christianson
Jaclyn Chrobak
Hao-Jung Chun
Church of Christ
Maeghan Ciampa
Donna Ciarlante
Nancy Cincotta, MSW, MPhil
A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
David Ciriello
Paula Clark
Ryan Clark
Lynn Clarke
Tom Clarke
Deanna Clemente
Lauren Clingan
Katie Clouthier
Julia Clukey
Caitlin Cobb
Tyler Cochran
Emily Coderre
Nathaniel Coderre
Clarissa Coelho
Matheus Coelho
Taylor Coffey
Keely Colburn
Cassandra Coleman
Megan Colleran
Laurie Collins
Taylor Collins
Thomas Collins
James Collins Sr.
James Collins, Jr.
Jake Congleton
Denton Conklin
Karry Anne Conlin
Shawn Conlin
Kelsey Conroy
Jocelyn Coombs
Julia Cooper
Julie Cooper
Marissa Cooper
Mindy Cooper
Matthew Corcoran
Susan Corcoran
Eileen Corkery
Nancy Cormier
Jeniva Cornwall
Jim Cortis
Katelyn Cotter
Kathryn Coughlin
Brittany Cox
Jack Coyne
Maura Coyne
Elaine Crangle
Jessica Cranney
Elizabeth Drouin
Judy Duarte
Samantha Dubay
Sharon Dube
Stephen Dudek
Michael Duffy
Julie Dufour
Peter Dufour
Kyle Duggan
Elizabeth Duhamel
Madison Dukas
Mike Dumais
Danisha Dumornay
Jamie Dunn
Danielle Duperry
Sarah Durfee
Molly Durgin
Rosemary Duval-Arnould
Eagle Bass Masters
Kayla Ebien-Pesa
Charlene Eckoff
Robert Eckoff
Barbara Eddy
Carol Eddy
Hannah Egan
Andrew Eichenfield, MD
Julia Eliopoulos
Ted Eliopoulos
Kennelya Ellis
Steven Ellis
Chad Emery
Timothy Endicott
Shealee Engen
Emily English
Epicurean Club of Boston
Ariel Epstein
Joan Esterheld
Leigh Ettinger, MD
Zachary Evans
John Ewalt
Tyler Fabiano
Sophia Fabrizio
Jennifer Fagundes
Lauren Fagundes
Linda Fagundes
Nicole Fagundes
Kyle Fair
Arthur Falk
Donna Falk
Falmouth Elementary School
Alan Fanning
Casey Fanning
Katie Fargnoli
Stephanie Farmer
Jessica Faronea
Allyson Farren
Edwin Fava
Brian Featheringham
Walt Featheringham
Nora Feeney
Allison Feigelman
Daniel Feigelman
Robin Feigelman
Ann Femenilla
Marissa Ferber
Laura Fermin
Paula Fernades
Barbara Ferrer
Maria Ferrini
Melodie Figueroa
Alexander Fine
Charles Fine
Eliot Fine
Connie Fink
Courtney Finkbeiner
David Finkel
Doris Finkel
Tom Finlay
Rachel Finn
Matthew Fish
Jeb Fisher
Susan Fitts
Dana Fitzgerald
Judith Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzgerald
Liam Flaherty
Ian Flannery
Margaret Fletcher
Kelsey Fleurent
Joseph Flynn
Amanda Foisy
John Folco
Susie Forde
Elaine Foster
Heidi Fountain
Bryce Fournier
Jane Foye
Mike Foye
Paige Franklin
Jennifer Frederick
Jessica Frederick
Alyssa Freeman
Angela Freeman
Brendan Freeman
Kerry Freeman
Laura Freeman
Robert Freeman
Freeport High School
Freeport Middle School
Anita French
Meghan Friedmann
Alison Friedmann, MD
Charles Friedrich
Megan Fuccillo
Tracy Fuccillo
Sue Fulshaw
Colleen Gabel
Meghan Gabel
Theresa Gaetjens
Adam Gagne
Sara Gagne
Anastasia Gale
Nik Galiatsatos
Andrew Gallahue
Evan Gallant
Sarah Gallant
Sue Gallant
Briana Galvez
Jenna Ganther
Lily Gardner
Gail Garrett
Paige Gaudette
Alexis Gauthier
Anne Gawthrop
Andrew Gayda
Robin Gayle
Nicholas Gentile
Sabrina Gentilucci
Joanna Georgakas
Meghan George
Sarah Germani
Melissa Gerrish
Brigette Giber
Lia Giber
Rebecca Giguere
Annette Gion
Girl Scout Troop #930
Kylie Giroux
Matthew Giroux
Joanne Giugno
Kim Gladwin
Alison Glass
Tom Hartner
Sarah Hartshorn
Celie Harvery-MacGregor
Brad Harvey
Miranda Havalotti
Christopher Hawes
Meredith Hayden
Jack Hayes
Jaclyn Hayes
Megan Hayes
Kevin Haynes
Devin Healey
Maria Hebert
Melanie Hebert
Hebron Academy
Casey Heffernan
Adrienne Henderson
Elizabeth Henderson
Rebecca Henderson
Sarah Henderson
Sue Henken
Taylor Henry
Bianca Hernandez
Grisel Hernandez
Chris Herrion
Jane Herrion
Julie Hershkowitz
Sara Hevy
Nancy Hibbard
Daniel Hicks
Patrice Hicks
John Hillenbrand
Laura Hilliard
Rachel Hillman
Laura Himmelstein
Megan Hinkson
James Hinsey
Olivia Hinsey-Langlais
Caroline Hodge
Michael Hoesterey
Arlene Hohn
Roy Hohn
Jennifer Hoidal
Sophie Holbrook
Kellie Holden
Holly Holman
Sarah Holmes
Susan Holohan
Deborah Holt
Frankie Holt
Christine Hom, MD
Jeannette Hom
Alanna Horan
Jack Horan
Julia Horan
Neil Horan
Pat Horan
Vin Horan
Stacy Hosenfeld
Bridget Howes
Katie Hudak
Rachael Hudson
Matthew Hugo
Devan Hunter
Bianca Iafrate
Katherine Ianni
IBM of Maine Employees
Iberdrola/CMP Employees
Idexx Employees
Sam Ineson
Skyla Ingle
Jacob Isaacson
Michael Isakoff, MD
Linda Iselborn
Susan Ivas
Heather Jackman
Mariah Jackson
Jennifer Janeczek
Laura Jankowski
Walter Jankowski
Becki Jaques
Laura Jarvais
Fleurette Jean
Jeremy Jean
Joshua Jenness
Janet Jennings
Jason Jennings
Andrew Jessen
Terri Jessen
Katherine Jesson
Suzanne Jewett
Divya Johar
Cheryl Johnson
Kerrie Johnson
AnnMarie Johnson Ianni
Andrew Johnston
Lily Jones
Matthew Jones
Meredith Joseph
Jessa Kane
Kerryn Kane
Mary Ann Kane
Joanne Kannaly
Sara Rose Kantrowitz
Lori Katz
Judith Kazakavich
Amanda Kearns
Corinn Keblinsky
Jen Keith
Keller Williams Realty Portland, ME
Angela Kendall
Jenna Kendall
Amanda Kennedy
Bill Kennedy
Caroline Kennedy
Kara Kennedy
Kennett High School
Key Club
Regina Kenneway
Brian Keogh
Carla Kerber
Beth Ketaineck
Krystal Ketler
Shreeya Khatiwada
Carole Kiachif
Julie Kiger
Jillian Kilcoyne
John Kiley
Michael Killeen
Barbara Killian
Ellen Kilroy
Sarah Kitts
Liliane Klein
Lori Klinkenberg
Mason Kluge-Edwards
Jennifer Kniss
Ana Komar
Amy Koski
Taylor Kovarik
Kristen Kowalski
Elizabeth Krieg
Alexander Kriz
Emily Kubicke
Eric Kuehne
Patricia Kulesz
Jenny Kurland
Elizabeth Labak
Joann LaBarbera
Amanda LaFayette
Bonnie Lafayette
Rhianna Lafleche
Christine LaForte
Brent LaFrancis
Diane LaFrancis
Lake Region High School
Nicole Lamontagne
Luke Lampugnale
Shannon Lamy
Emma Landry
Sandra Landry
Meghan Lang
Brennan Langhammer
Brenda Langlais
Brianna Langlois
Amy Lanigan
Alec Lapan
Ian Lapham
Jason Lapin
Paige LaRoche
Daniel Larrivee
Kathryn Larrivee
Chris Larsen
Amanda Laskowski
Melanie Latter
Jim Laughlin
Sam Laughlin
Tim Lauwers
Krista Lawrence
Alana Lawson
Anh Le
Casey Leary
Margaret Leary
Michael Leary
Kristin Leaver
Carolyn Lechner
Deborah Lechner
Elizabeth Lechner
Kristen Leclaire
Ben L’Ecuyer
Carolyn Lee
Grant Leibell
Staci Leibell
Bryan Leney
Samantha Leney
Theresa Leney
Casey Leonard
Gina Leonardis
Vicky Lettieri
Vincent Lettieri
Vinny Lettieri
Danyelle Lettieri-Hoesterey
Alyssa Lewandowski
Dara Lewis
Nancy Libby
Elden Lingwood
Annalise Littman
Barbara Lockwood
Theresa Loell
Deborah Loftus
Karen Lopez
Alexandra Loud
Yanni LouLoudis
Amanda Lovett
Barbara Low
Eric Low
Kristen Low
Douglas Lowe
Antoinette Lowre
Michael Lubelczyk
Caroline Lucas
Jillian Lund
Benjamin Lutz
Susan Lynch
Amber Lyon
Thomas Mackey
Kyla Madden
Anthony Maffie
Debora Magalhaes
Cassandra Magliozzi
Jackie Magoun
Taylor Mahar
Dennis Maher
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Donna Maher
Jennifer Mahoney
Carol Majeau
Rinaldy Maldanado
Kathleen Malley
Beth Malloy
Dillon Malloy
Benjamin Maloney
Carol Maloney
Luke Maloney
Sam Maloney
Barbara Manley
Elizabeth Manley
Thomas Manley
Peter Manley, MD
Lien Manly
Bryant Mann
Esther Mann
Diana Mannero
Tim Mannila
Heather Manning
Matthew Manning
Tyler Manning
Briana Mansour
Marisa Mantero
Theresa Manzello
Christian Marcial
Adam Marcoulier
Nikoletta Margaretos
Aris Margosian
Maine Army National Guard
Tiffany Marini
Rita Marriott
Ariana Marshall
Bethany Marshall
Shannon Martensen
Candice Martin
Cassandra Martin
Danielle Martin
Shaneiba Martin
Tara Martin
Elizama Martinez
Karla Martinez
Massabesic Middle School
Mast Landing School
Master Gardeners of Maine
Jessica Masterson
Debbie Mastrosimone
Ellen Mather
Brittney Mattioli
Melissa Mayer
Katherine Mayhew
Pat Maynard
John McAteer
Meghan McCarthy
Shannon McCarthy
Jack McCleery
Ariana McCoy
Katherine McCoy
Lori McCoy
Sister Paula McCrea
Madeline McCuine
Kimberly McCullen
Meaghan McCullough
Patricia McCullough
Jillian McDermott
Matthew McDermott
Nicole McDermott
Curtis McElhinney
Maire-Kate McGlynn
Christie McInnis
Kristin McIntire
Susan McIntosh-James
Casey McKenna
Christine McKenney
Dalia McKenzie
2012 Volunteers
Taylor Gobeil
Rebecca Goddard
Anne Goff
Robert Goff
Sarah Goff
Sharon Goff
William Goff
Jared Going
Alan Goldberg
Debra Goldberg
Emily Goldberg
Jocelyn Goldberg
Katherine Goldberg
Ashley Goldstein
Tania Goncalves
Dot Gonyea
Mariah Gonzalez
Mary Good
Nathan Goodroe
Sarah Gordon
Anna Gould
Mark Gould
Meg Gould
Zachary Grant
Gray New Gloucester High
School Students
Scott Greenspan
Joanne Griffin
Peter Grillo
Tiffani Grillo
Ellen Grinnell
Lauren Grocott
Joyce Grossman
Martin Grossman
Dorthy Grosth
John Grosth
Gabrielle Grosvenor
Kerry Grover
Josue Guerra
Terese Guerriero
Victoria Guerriero
Kelsey Guilford
Rachael Guilford
Sophie Guiton
Evelyn Gulledge
Theodore Gulledge
Anisha Gundewar
Lindsey Guptill
Julia Guthrie
Alexandra Gutierrez
Celeste Haddad
Russell Haddad
Brenda Hadden
Sara Haefeli
Jackson Hagge
Gloria Hague
Michael Hall
Karin Halligan
Karina Halloran
Katelyn Hanam
Hancock Lumber Employees
Colleen Hanley
Hannaford Supermarket
Bailey Hannum
Jennifer Hao
Anne Harney
Blaine Harper
Cole Harper
Diane Harper
Rebecca Harrington
Michael Harris
Paul Harris
Susan Harris
Courtney Harrison
Alexandra Hart
Colleen Hartigan-Piatak
Kacey Hartner
Kathleen Hartner
Corinne Murphy
Fallon Murphy
Kaitlyn Murray
Hetanshi Naik
Kevin Nangle
NAPA Autoparts Employees
Hannah Nathan
Jillian Nelson
Michael Neveux
New Balance Employees
Olivia Newell
Duc Ngo
Susan Nichols
Victoria Nicholson
Chimamaka Nnodim-Amadi
Mariah Nolan
Aimee Nunez
Alba Nunez
Mayralyandra Nunez
Presilah Nunez
Nancy Nykiel
Samantha Nyren
Maura O’Brien
Nancy O’Brien
Neal O’Brien
Morgan O’Connor
Katherine O’Donnell
Michelle O’Donnell
Catherine Oettinger
Leah O’Gorman
Emily O’Hala
Matthew O’Hala
Susan O’Hala
Sophia Oldsman
Amanda Olivas
Tristan Olly
Patricia Olsen
Jessica Olson
Meaghan O’Mahoney
Shayne O’Malley
Danielle O’Neill
Kelly O’Neill
Mary Opacki
Jillian Orlando
Lisa Orsini
Adrienne Osborne
Miranda Ouellette
Janice Ouimette
Lauren Ozzella
Emily Pacetti
Fatima Pacheco
John Paganelli
Marisa Palermo
Laura Palmer
Joan Pappalardo
Joe Pappalardo
Alexa Pappas
Amanda Parent
Eleanor Pariseau
Madeline Partridge
Jay Patel
Krupa Patel
Briana Patricio
Christopher Paul
Milca Paul
Timothy Paul
Renee Pavlovich
Anne Paxson
Teddy Peace
Beth Peaslee
Tom Peaslee
Katherine Pedersen
Haley Pelletier
Kelsey Pelletier
Kerilee Pelletrino
Brianna Pelloso
Chenine Peloquin
Eric Peloquin
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
2012 Volunteers
Christopher McKinney
Lissa McKinney
Caitlin McLoughlin
Mike McManus
Kelley McMurray
William McNamara
Joanna McNeill
Megan McNeill
Laura McNulty
Louise McRae
Matthew McVety
Amy Medico
Jurate Meilus
Allison Mendofik
Matthew Mendofik
Molly Mendofik
Connor Meoli
Pamela Meoli
Jennifer Merola
Linda Merrill
Merry Maids
Dave Metivier
Margaret Metivier
Bob Metz
Lindsey Metz
Dan Meyer
Lucy Meyer
Mike Meyer
Jess Meyer
Deirdre Michaud
Samuel Michaud
Kelly Middleton
Lori Migdol
Caroline Miles
Samantha Millette
Abigail Miner
Dan Mini
Talia Minichiello
Mary Pat Mirabella
Yesica Miranda
Emily Mitchell
Ryan Monteith
Nicole Montemarano
Diane Moody
Jasmine Mooloo
Jane Moore
Rachael Moore
Veronica Moore
Julia Moran
Kevin Moran
Meaghan Moran
Evan Morawski
John Morawski
Ashley Morelli
Bryanna Morey
Taylor Morgan
Alan Morganstein
Toby Morganstein
Stephanie Moriarty
Betsy Morin
Mark Morin
Mary Anne Morin
Rebecca Morin
Sarah Morin
Brian Morrison
Tia Morrison
Dolores Morse
Morse Street School Students
Lindsey Morton
Julie Mosher
William Mosher
Mountain View Woodies
Abby Moylan
Mt. Ararat High School
Katherine Muise
Kelsey Mullin
Julie Munyan
Erika Penney
Kathryn Pereira
Kelly Pereira
Leo Pero
Miriah Pero
Scott Perreault
Jean Pertain
Glenn Peterson
Jean Peterson
Callie Petkauskos
Naomi Petrovsky
William Pett
Carol Phalen
Nicole Phalen
Kaya Phillips
John Piatak
Cody Picard
Taylor Picard
Alana Picozzi
Poppy Picozzi
Lincoln Pierce
Pierce Atwood
Franchesca Pintado
Erica Pires
Marc Pisa
Emily Pitzi
Katie Pizzey
Laura Plante
Victoria Pless
Robert Plourde
Sarah Plumador
Molly Plunkett
Vanessa Poirier
Marc Pollack
Julia Pollard
Corey Polom
Isabella Pontbriand
Sarah Popovich
Lind Porcelli
Tim Porta
Portland Pirates
Alexandra Post
Erin Potter
Stephanie Pouzol
Conor Powers
Brian Praetorius
Noreen Praetorius
Kerrie Pratt
Lauren Precopio
Gregory Prendergast
Stella Pressman
Leah Pronovost
Maureen Provost
Pumpkin Festival Volunteers
Anjali Puthanangady
Kristina Queen
Daniel Quick
Sarah Quinn
Beth Quinty
Jim Quinty
Amanda Quish
Jenna Racine
Jacqueline Raftery
Al Ragucci
Mary Ragucci
Michael Rashkin
Emily Rauser
Christine Reardon
Carol Reed
Rebecca Reed
Stephanie Reeves
Amanda Refrigeri
Raissa Reis
Melissa Renauld
Derek Resendes
John Rezuke
Joyce Rhodes
Gianna Ricco
Madeline Rice
Tammy Richard
Mark Richard
Phylicia Richards
Scott Richards
Ruth Richardson
Bill Rider
Megan Rider
Kelly Ried
Karli Rigali
Allison Rigney
Arietta Rigopoulos
Joanne Riley
Ron Riley
Steve Riley
Amanda Riney
Emily Riney
Meaghan Riney
Linda Rings
Jennifer Rios
Robert Ritter
Lillian Rivera
Robert Rizzuto
Derek Roberts
Alexander Robertson
Neal Robichaud
Sylvia Robichaud
Lindsay Robins
Cassandra Robinson
Sam Rodda
Taylor Rodick
Alicia Rodriguez
Belky Rodriguez
Sarah Rodriguez
Katherine Rogstad
Peggy Rogstad
Kyle Rooney
Meghan Rooney
Mary Roos
Norman Roos
Jennifer Root
Maria Rose
Rebecca Rosen
Kelly Rosenbeck
Leah Rosenfield
Sarah Rosenstein
Andrew Ross
Ann Ross
Alicia Rost
June Rowbotham
Ann Marie Rowse
Grace Rowse
Rebecca Rowse
Sarah Rowse
Matthew Royal
Kristen Rubenstein
Daniel Ruggiero
Edward Rupia
Olivia Russell
Gabriella Russo
Haley Russo
Jessica Ruxton
Emily Ryan
Kathleen Ryan
Laura Ryan
Maureen Ryan
Melanie Sachs
Jacqueline Sady
Nishanth Saldanha
Gina Salmins
Debbie Sample
Jacqueline Sampson
Erica Sanborn
Tina Sandborn
Kyla Sandock
Janelle Santos
Kevin Santos
Yuri Sarkisian
Mary Jo Saunders
Jamie-Leigh Savage-Backman
Alyssa Savarino
Paul Scannell
Lisa Schadler
Jessica Schiffman
Rubia Tavares
Dylan Tavolieri
Zachary Taylor
TD Bank Employees
Jessica Temm
Mary Ellen Tetreault
Texas RoadhouseScarborough
Keith Thibodeau
Rose Thomas
Richard Thompson
Megan Thornton
Ashlee Tiberio
Sarah Tiernan
Pamela Tirrell
Abbie Titcomb
Elizabeth Titterton
Matthew Tivnan
Ellis Toll
Carol Lee Tonge
Lindsey Tonge
Thomas Tonge
Deanna Tortora
Joseph Tortora
Bill Toth
Gail Toth
Jennifer Toth
Brian Towne
Caitlyn Townsend
Stephanie Trafton
Olivia Trieber
Tripp Lake Camp
Jake Turchetta
Richard Turgeon
Christopher Turner, MD
Alba Tutnauer
Robert Tutnauer
Colleen Twomey
Ava Tyler
Robert Tyler
United Way – Day of Caring
Unum Employees
UPS Employees
Jillian Vaccaro
George Vago
Gail Valente
Amy Van
Philip Van Pelt
Marisa Vanacore
Samantha Varga
Manu Varma
Carmen Vashon
James Vashon
Anita Velasquez
Kassidy Velasquez
Valerie Velasquez
Heather Vendola
Kaara Venier
Katrine Verbitsky
Don Vespa
KerriAnne Vialpando
Melissa Victoria
Rebecca Vignogna
Jenna Vincent
Wendy Violette
Cameron Wade
Nina Waldron
Colleen Walker
Meaghan Walker
Jacqueline Wall
Darlene Wallace
Lily Wallace
Molly Wallace
Phoebe Walsh-Costello
Larry Walthall
Susie Walthall
Maria Walton
Kylia Walulak
Ivan Ward
Roberta Ward
Nate Warren
Debra Waterhouse
Patrick Watkins
Vern Watters
Will Watters
Jason Waxler
Joie Waxler
Shane Waxler
WCSH 6 Employees
Nicole Weber
Carmen Weisensee
Jade Weisensee
Thomas Weisensee
Michele Weiser
Sonia Weiss
Laura Welch
Michael Wentworth
Matt Wessenberg
Nicole West
Heather Westbrook
Mike Westbrook
Westbrook High School
Jeromie Whalen
Molly Wheeler
Caitlin Whelton
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Peter Whistler
Theresa Whitehead
Rebecca Wilkin
Crystal Willey
Jeanne Willey
Alice Williams
Carley Williams
Casey Williams
Chris Williams
Jessica Williams
Linda Williams
Sheryl Williams
Allan Wilson
Bonnie Wilson
Charlie Wilson
Gerard Wilson
Monique Wilson
Patricia Wilson
Steve Wilson
Terence Wilson
Toni Winderl
Windham High School
Erin Wiswell
WLBZ 2 Employees
Kathleen Wolfe
Ruth Wood
Jared Woodhouse
Chris Woods
Julie Woods
Hilary Woodward
Ray Worthley
Megan Wycoff
Yale Alumni
Kit Yan
Lijuan Yan
Crystal Yang
Caitlin Young
Jerry Young
Dorothy Zachariadis
Samuel Zajac
Julia Zammarelli
Cynthia Zayas
Kathleen Zayka
Nicole Zina
Cecelia Zurhellen
If we have inadvertently
omitted your name, please
let us know, and accept our
sincerest apologies.
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
Lauren Smith
Lisa Smith
Nancy Smith
Patricia Smith
Sarah Smith
Lawrence Smolinski
Barbara Snyder
Eric Snyder
Robyn Snyder
Lucy Sojak
Scott Sojak
Elizabeth Solar
Rose Solar
Abby Solis
Renee Solis
Robert Solis
Katherine South
Southern New Hampshire
University Students
Donna Spatola
Cole Speidel
Jessica Spiers
Marina Spinelli
Bruce Sponsler
Tracey Sponsler
Elizabeth Spradlin
Meghan Sprague
Susan St. Denis
Katherine St. Onge
Megan Stacey
Bill Stackpole
Alli Stanwick
Meredith Stapleton
Laurie Starr
Susan Stasi
Angela Stasi-Komlodi
Terence Stearns
Step Up to Excellence Group
Shelby Stevenson
Elizabeth Stewart
Paige Stokes
Tawana Stokes
Alexander Streisand
Susan Strezo
Elisabeth Stromberg
Jannifer Stromberg
Chris Strout
Timothy Stuer
Everett Stults
Morgan Sugar-Butter
David Sukoff
Alec Sullivan
Brian Sullivan
Colleen Sullivan
Joanna Sullivan
John Sullivan
Katelynn Sullivan
Lindsay Sullivan
Marianne Sullivan
Matthew Sullivan
Meaghan Sullivan
Meghan Sullivan
Bobbi Surette
David Surkin
Katherine Surkin
Katherine Sutherland
Sara Sweeten
Ashleigh Swett
Brenda Swett
Mark Swett
Laura Swindler
Jennifer Symula
Dena Szawlewicz
Diane Tager
Les Tager
Vilmarie Taraza
Rubia Tauares
Krystin Tavares
2012 Volunteers
John Schimek
Tanya Schimek
Gretchen Schissel
Summer Schmitt
Scott Schneider
Morgan Schneiderbauer
Kathryn Scholtz
Owen Schreier
Adriane Schubert
Emily Schulte
Kayla Scoccola
Jasmine Scott
Bonnie Scully
Robert Scully
Robin Scully
June Seagrave
Sofia Selig
Jessica Seminaro
Stephen Seminaro
Jean Sequeira
Matthew Sexton
Ruth Shadbolt
Julie Shaffer
Matthew Shaffer
Mike Shailer
Deirdre Shanahan
Kristina Shardlow
Dan Shaw
Shaw’s Supermarket
Fiona Shea
Kevin Shea
Hannah Sheehan
Chelsea Shepherd
Victoria Sheppard
Jordan Sheridan
Corey Sherlock
Christine Sherman
Olivia Sherman
Brittani Shorey
Charlene Shorey
Natalie Shorey
Ellen Si
Larry Si
Jodi Siber
Joe Siber
Hillary Sieber
Jennifer Sieber
Jodi Sieber
Joe Sieber
Aaron Siegel
Linda Siegel, MD
Mark Siegel, MD
Paula Sigal
Stephen Silva
Cierra Simmons
Tricia Simmons
Camille Simone
Marina Simons
Keianna Sirois
Lynette Sirois
MaryAnn Skellett
Gabriel Skelton
Mary Anne Slain
Heather Slater
Bethanne Slavinskas
Deborah Slavinskas
Colleen Slein
Debra Slein
LuAnne Smallwood
Mike Smallwood
Alison Smith
Bette Smith
Brooks Smith
Christian Smith
Clarice Smith
Karin Smith
Kelli Smith
Treasurer’s Report
A note about our financial strength & well-being...
I am pleased to present the audited financial report for Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake, Inc.
The fiscal year starting November 1, 2011, and ending October 31, 2012, showed an
improvement in our assets and a significant increase in our investment portfolio over 2011.
Our 28th year was one of our best years yet. The continued support of our annual fund,
family sponsorship needs, and special events was strong. Likewise, donor support toward our
endowment and capital needs was great. Of particular significance were the continued
generous investments made by the Orokawa Foundation and Tropical Smoothie Café,
together constituting approximately 20% of Camp Sunshine’s total operating, capital, and
endowment support in 2012.
Also of note was the favorable rating announced again by Charity Navigator, ranking Camp
Sunshine among the most responsible in the nation for fiscal responsibility and transparency.
Additionally, we are proud of Camp Sunshine’s number one, highest in the nation, ranking
on Charity Navigator’s Top Ten List of Highly Rated Charities with Favorable Reviews.
We remain grateful for the generosity from so many caring donors and volunteers. I extend a
special thanks to our staff and board for preparing and reviewing the materials necessary for
the auditors to complete their work in a timely manner.
We present the financial report for your review.
© James Barner
Joseph W. Pappalardo
Land, Property, and Equipment..........................................$7,207,086
Contributions Receivable.....................................................$1,492,674
Financial Report
Statement of Financial Position
Year Ended October 31, 2012
Total Assets.................................................................$20,188,257
Liabilities & Net Assets
Current Liabilities..................................................................$188,138
Net Assets (unrestricted).....................................................$9,512,643
Net Assets (temporarily restricted).......................................$1,800,505
Net Assets (permanently restricted)........................................$8,686,971
Total Liabilities and Net Assets....................................$20,188,257
Statement of Activities
Operating Support and Revenues
Donated Goods and Services...................................................$336,646
Special Events Income............................................................$708,233
Souvenir Sales...........................................................................$65,008
Total Operating Support and Revenue..........................$3,088,881
Operating Expenses
Program Services..................................................................$2,777,354
Management and General......................................................$208,745
Total Operating Expenses..............................................$3,207,318
Income from Operations (after depreciation).....................$(118,437)
Non-Operating Support, Gains, and Losses
Donated Goods and Services............................................................$0
Capital Campaign Expense......................................................$32,029
Net Realized and Unrealized Gains (losses) on Investments.....$938,440
Total Non-Operating Support, Gains, and Losses............$2,745,478
Change in Net Assets.....................................................$2,627,041
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Endowment & Capital
Maintaining Momentum
The Sunshine Society
Overall, endowment and capital support increased
to more than $13.9 million. Of note in 2012 was
the continued generous support from Tropical
Smoothie Café, and their commitment of $1 million to Camp Sunshine’s endowment.
On page 17, we gratefully acknowledge those leadership donors who have made generous contributions
of $25,000 or more as of December 2012 to Camp
Sunshine’s Let the Sun Shine All Year $14.5 Million
Endowment & Capital Campaign.* Their support,
and that of Camp Sunshine’s many other friends,
adds great momentum during this critical time in
the campaign and in the history of the organization.
In addition to recognizing the donors on page 17,
Camp Sunshine honors donors who have given a
total of $1 million or more since Camp Sunshine’s
inception in 1984, regardless of the campaign or
purpose to which they gave. We are pleased to
acknowledge these members of the Sunshine Society
in the column to the right.
*Campaign includes endowment, the construction of the
Orokawa Foundation Family-Volunteer Center (completed in
2011), and the Shaw Brothers Construction Second Floor addition
(completed in 2008) onto Camp Sunshine’s Viterbi Family
Activity Center.
Available Underwriting Opportunities
Endow A Session at Camp....................$1,000,000
Front Porch..................................................$50,000
Family Suites...............................................$50,000
Volunteer Suites.........................................$50,000
Endow A Family Sponsorship....................$25,000
Adult Craft Room Furnishings..................$15,000
Executive Office Furnishings (6)..................$5,000
To learn more about how you can underwrite and
name one of these or other spaces, please contact
a member of our development team at (207) 6553800.
$5 Million & Above
Anna M. Gould
Dr. Lawrence Gould
$2 Million & Above
The Orokawa Foundation
Tropical Smoothie Café
$1 Million & Above
Camp Sunshine Families
Camp Sunshine Polar Dips
Camp Sunshine Pumpkin Festivals
Camp Sunshine Volunteers
Guests of Point Sebago Resort
Viterbi Family Foundation
This category recognizes donors who have given a
total of $1 million or more since Camp Sunshine’s
inception in 1984, regardless of the campaign or
purpose to which they gave.
The Forever Fund*
Estate of Katherine Derrig - $414,000
Estate of Harold Asbury - $100,000
Estate of Shelton Brooks - $74,000
Estate of Clayton Belyea - $60,000
David Cimmet (Gift Annuities) - $50,000
Estate of Joseph Alfred Libbey - $46,000
R. Milton Gray (Gift Annuity) - $25,000
Camp Sunshine’s Forever Fund offers special
recognition of those generous individuals who
choose to include the Camp in their wills and
through other types of planned gifts. These gifts
allow Camp Sunshine to build its Endowment
Fund and solidify its base for the future.
*Recognizing Gifts of $25,000 and Higher
Recognition of Estate Gifts in the Forever Fund is not
reserved for those who have passed away. In fact, we
welcome the opportunity to recognize and thank donors
during their lifetime. If you have included Camp Sunshine in your estate planning, please let us know. If you
would like to learn more about how to make a planned
gift, please call Matt Hoidal at (207) 655-3800.
The Orokawa Foundation
Anna M. Gould
Dr. Lawrence Gould
Tropical Smoothie Café
The New Balance Foundation
Estate of Katherine Derrig
Shaw Brothers Construction
John T. Gorman Foundation
The Hermann Foundation $300,000
The Barovick Family Foundation
Alison & Gary Lieberman
The Viterbi Family Foundation
The Skirball Foundation
Joey’s Polar Plunge Family Sponsorship Fund
The Hannaford Charitable Foundation
& Hannaford Supermarkets
TD Bank Charitable Foundation
Joan & Bill Drapeau
Life is good®
Carol Hancock, Carol J. & K. David Hancock Charitable
Trust, Alison & Kevin Hancock, & Hancock Lumber $125,000
The Katie Vashon Family Sponsorship Fund
Acorn Hill Foundation
Estate of Harold Asbury
Nancy & Morris W. Offit
The Sol & Margaret Berger Foundation
Have A Chance
Jack’s Magic Bean Fund & The Ramsden Family
Nancy Cincotta, MSW, MPhil &
Andrew Eichenfield, MD
The Anne Griffin Herrick Family Sponsorship Fund $85,000
The Sportshoe Center Maine Marathon
Laurie & David Sukoff
Estate of Shelton Brooks
The Thomas F. Staley Foundation
Camp Mataponi – Marcy & Dan Isdaner
Arline M. & Clayton W. Belyea
Family Sponsorship Fund
The Amanda Martin Family Sponsorship Fund
The Buller Family Foundation
The F.M. Kirby Foundation
Lauren’s First & Goal
Guests of Migis Lodge
– Brick Walkway Sections
Kidney Foundation of Connecticut
The Ron & Julie Eby - Windham Automotive
Family Sponsorship Fund
Prudence & Louis Ryan
Sweet Virginia Foundation $50,000
Tzell Travel Group
The Zobel Foundation
Gloria Hague & Point Sebago Guests
Estate of Joseph Alfred Libby $46,000
Oakhurst Dairy
Marjorie Liner & Christopher Connolly
Walmart Foundation
The Jason Chapman Family Sponsorship Fund $33,000
The William J.J. Gordon Trust
The Anna Gould & Larry Gould
Family Sponsorship Fund
Billy Burchard Foundation $25,000
Marilyn Blanchard $25,000
Davenport Trust Fund $25,000
Dead River Company $25,000
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Brett & Susan Flynn Family Fund $25,000
R. Milton Gray
Greater Harvard, Mass. Area
Family Sponsorship Fund $25,000
The Harold Greenberg Family Sponsorship Fund $25,000
Pat & John Horan
Family Sponsorship Fund
The Leigh Silverang Family Sponsorship Fund $25,000
Carol & Ted Levy
Maraia Family Sponsorship Fund
Mattina R. Proctor Foundation $25,000
NASCAR Foundation
Carol & Richard Peterson $25,000
The Sasser Family $25,000
Family Sponsorship Fund $25,000
Scheerer Family Foundation
Shawnee Peak & The Homer Family Sponsorship Fund $25,000
Tager Family Foundation Sponsorship Fund
Dana & Donald Toms
Vermeil Family Foundation
Wadsworth Golf Charities Foundation
Carol & Robert Weissman
Brick Walkway Matching Challenge Donors $250,000
Endowed funds prior to Campaign $1,250,000
Total $13,962,500
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Endowment & Capital
Endowment & Capital Commitments of $25,000
and over as of December 2012
Fiscal Responsibility
Camp Sunshine is proud of this rating
and gives thanks to its donors and
volunteers for continuing to help lead
the organization to excellence.
$250,000 +
Mr. & Mrs. Don Vermeil
Wachusett Polar Dip
The Orokawa Foundation
Tropical Smoothie Café
$10,000 +
$100,000 +
Ms. Anna M. Gould
Harold E. Asbury Estate
Hermann Foundation, Inc.
Maine Army National Guard
Kay & Tim McDonald and
$50,000 +
A.J.’s New Jersey Polar Dip
The Camp Sunshine
Pumpkin Festival at
L.L. Bean
Camp Sunshine Store
Joey’s Plunge
John T. Gorman Foundation
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Keller Williams Maine
Suitcase Party
Leukemia & Lymphoma
Alison & Gary Lieberman
The Lily Fund, Inc.
New Balance Foundation
Point Sebago Resort - Monte
Carlo Weekend & Others
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ryan, Esq.
S.L.E. Lupus Foundation
Shaw Brothers Construction
Virginia Polar Dip
Weston Pumpkin Festival
$25,000 +
Anonymous (1)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barovick
Mrs. Marilyn Blanchard
Bryan’s Dream Foundation
Camp Sunshine Golf
Mr. David Cimmet
Coney Island Polar Dip
Cornelia Cogswell Rossi
Cumulus Media
Davenport Trust Fund
Hands On Tzedakah
Mr. & Mrs. John Horan
JetBlue Airways
Mimi Foundation - Dead
River Company
Pediatric Cancer Foundation
of Lehigh Valley, Inc.
Pediatric Low Grade
Astrocytoma Foundation
Portland Polar Dip
Shawnee Peak’s Moonlight
Charity Challenge
Shaw’s Supermarkets - Super
Sweet Virginia Foundation
Acorn Hill Foundation, Inc.
Art for the Heart Productions
Beach to Beacon Runners
Buller Family Foundation &
Marjam Supply Co.
Carol J. & K. David Hancock
Charitable Trust
Ms. Nancy Cincotta, MSW,
MPhil & Andrew
Eichenfield, MD
Colin’s Crew Polar Dip
Cooking for a Cure - Noyes
Brain Tumor Foundation
Berlin City Open
DCU For Kids
Dyskeratosis Congenita
Outreach, Inc.
Falk Family Charitable Fund
Fanconi Anemia Research
FirstGiving, Inc.
Good Shepherd Food Bank
Granite Steps Foundation
Greater Harvard, MA Area
Family Sponsorship Fund
Hancock Lumber Company
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
& Employees
Jack’s Magic Bean Fund &
The Ramsden Family
JetBlue Airways
Katzenberger Foundation
Katzin Foundation
Keller Williams Realty
Kenny Can Foundation
L.L. Bean
L/A Harley-Davidson
Lauren’s First & Goal
Lawrence J. & Anne
Rubenstein Charitable
Ms. Marjorie Liner &
Mr. Christopher Connolly
Lions Club of South Portland
Long Island Polar Dip
Love is Magic Foundation
Mattina R. Proctor
NAPA Auto Parts
Ocean Wave Quilters
Ossipee Trail Motor Sales, Inc.
R. H. Reny
Residential Mortgage Services
Ruth and Seymour Klein
S/A Maraia Charities
Sam L. Cohen Foundation
Syndrome Foundation
The Sieber Family
Steven M. Perez Foundation
TD Bank Charitable
Trucking for Kids Convoy
True Fans For Elvis Club
Ms. Betsy Turner
UPS Foundation
The Wasserman Foundation
$5,000 +
Anonymous (2)
Adam S. Friedman Memorial
Allied World Assurance
Amgen Foundation
Annie’s Teeny Tiny Quilt
Arthrex, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George Ball
Bangor Polar Dip
Berlin City Motors
Brett & Susan Flynn Family
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brezski
Brook Family Foundation
C.J. Sweeney’s Auldwood
Polar Dip
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
Child Aid USA, Inc.
Copeland Family Foundation
Custom Coach & Limousine
Ms. Anita L. Detert
Dominguez Family
Downeast Energy
Dusky Foundation
Facility Management Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gehman
Give With Liberty
Professional Firefighters
Ms. Gloria Hague - Point
Sebago Guests
Harmon Foundation, Inc.
Helen and George Ladd
Charitable Corp
Herbst Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hjort
Iberdrola USA Foundation
Irving A. Hansen Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Jacobs
Jeffrey Virostek Fund
Josh Williams Bowling Event
K. Trucking & Son Inc.
Kachmar’s 80’s Dance Party
Kiwanis Club of Otis
KOA Care Camps
Maine Aviation
Manhattan Underwriting
Agency, LLC
The McCance Foundation
Michael J. Dunleavy
Foundation, Inc.
Migis Hotel Group
Narragansett Number One
New England District of
Key Clubs
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen O’Brien
Oxford Casino
Mrs. Stacy Kaplan Paul & Mr.
Russell Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Peterson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J.
Remillard, III - JMM
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Silverang
Spectrum Medical Group
Speedway Children’s Charities
NH Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. James Storey
Sukeforth Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. David Sukoff
Toyota Dealer Match Program
Tyler Foundation
Van Sloun Foundation
Village Candle
Mr. & Mrs. David Waldman
William J.J. Gordon Family
$2,500 +
Anonymous (1)
Andy Bovin Memorial Fund
BBI Waste
Bidu Sayao Memorial
Children’s Trust
Big Red the Monster Fire
Truck - Shaw Brothers
Birk Family Foundation
Camp Mataponi
Campbell & Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Chateauvert
Cogswell Benevolent Trust
Constant Contact
Crusade for Karlee’s Kids
Mr. James Cunningham
Dance To Save
Dead River Company
Demoulas Foundation
Deutsche Bank Americas
Mr. & Mrs. Alan
Flushing House
Fuller Foundation, Inc.
Gannett Foundation
Ms. Anne Geraghty
Ms. Carol J. Hancock
Ms. Barbara A. Hvizdo
Mr. & Mrs. William Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Leach
Lion’s 50’s Dance
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Maine Community
Foundation - Hospice Fund
Maine Mall Pumpkin Festival
Merck Employee Giving
Meyer Development
Morty Frank Memorial Fund
Munch-Bilheimer Foundation
Network for Good
People’s United Community
Perspective Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Porta - Migis
Hotel Group
Portland Junior Pirates
Quinnipiac University
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Quinty
Robert & Dorothy Goldberg
Charitable Foundation
Saint Rose of Lima Parish
Olcan Sercinoglu
Simmons Foundation, Inc.
Soft Code, Inc.
St. Lawrence University
Polar Dip
Mr. Timothy Stearns
Stonewall Kitchen
Tatelman Family Foundation
Taylor, Ganson & Perrin, LLP
TJX Foundation, Inc.
Wilbraham Middle School
Yogi Bear Jellystone Camp
2012 Donors
Donors who gave during the 2012 calendar year
$1,000 +
Anonymous (2)
50 Cents At A Time Fund
Action for Boston
Community Development
Ain Family Foundation
Mr. Robert Alessi
Ms. Linda Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. David Andrews
The Ann Coughlin Rev. Trust
AT&T Mobility
ATA Piping, Inc.
Bangor Breakfast Kiwanis
Bangor Kiwanis Charities
Ms. Leanne Barschdorf
Mr. Mason Batz
The Bauman Family
Foundation, Inc.
Bay Limousine
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
Bernard & Marilyn
Greenspan Charity Fund
Kiwanis Club of Beverly Fund
Billy Burchard Foundation
Black Rock
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bleakney
Bob the Screenprinter
Bob’s Seafood
Ms. Wendy Boisvert
Bonny Eagle High School
Key Club
Boston Bruins
Ms. Dorothy Bowe
H & D Title & Closing
Services, LLC
Hannaford Bros., Co.
Mr. Thomas Harris
Harvard Lions Club/MA
Heavenly Brickks Charitable
Hebson Family Foundation
Henry L. & Kathryn Mills
Charity Foundation
Mr. Douglas Hermann
Ms. Kristen Hertel
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Hicks
Mr. Simon Hodgkinson
Holy Name Catholic High
Holy Trinity Parish
Homer Family Foundation
Mr. Tim Hooper
Mr. & Mrs. David Horan
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Horgan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Howell
Illinois Tool Works
Inserra Supermarkets, Inc.
Irving Oil
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Jacobson
Jay Fund
Jellystone Park at Barton Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jodoin
John J. McArdle & Joan
Creamer McArdle
Jorge Scientific Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kachmar
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kay
Kemp Goldberg Partners
Kendal C. & Anna Ham
Charitable Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Hampden
Kiwanis Club of Sheffield,
Knights of Columbus Council
Knights of Columbus Maine
State Council
Konidaris Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kurland
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Lauzier
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lebedin
Leo’s Lock-In
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Licari
Mrs. JoAnne Lilly
Lions Club of Oyster Bay/NY
Lions Club of Southbridge/
Local Thunder
Long Beach Polar Bear Club
Lost & Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Christopher Lum
Lutheran Community
Mr. Jeremy Lynch
Maine Camp Experience
Bracelet Fundraiser
Maine Cancer Foundation
Maine Home Connection
Mainely Ticks, Inc.
Mr. Matt Malgari
Manley Family Halloween
Mapcom Systems, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martin
Martin’s Point Health Care
Mary Eisnor Memorial Fund
Ms. Ruth Matthew
McGahee, Lacy & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McKenny
Meland Foundation
Miley Foundation
Mr. David Milich
Mr. & Mrs. William Miller
Ms. Carolynne Mobley
Ms. Joan E. Moroney
Mr. & Mrs. K. Scott Morrison
Mr. Alfred Moses
Mountain Manor, Inc.
Jellystone Park
Naples Lions Club
New England Suzuki Institute
New Penn
NewPage Rumford Paper
Norman, Hanson & DeTroy
Mr. Frank Oppedisano
Oppenheim Charitable
P.C.C. Advanced Studies
Program - Stonehill
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Peaslee
Phoenix Title Services
Pine State Beverage
Mr. David Piper, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Porta
Mr. & Mrs. C. Whitley Porter
Portland Natural Gas Trans
Premier Trailer Leasing
Prime Motor Group
The Prop Factory
Revision Energy, LLC
Ms. Helen Robinson
Ron’s Mexican Cantina &
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rose
Rosenthal Family Foundation
The Ruby Door
Scamman Sod Farm
Ms. Patti Schiripo
& Mr. Bill Krovatin
Schooner Estates Advisory
Sea Girt 5K, Inc.
Seacoast Scaffold and
Equipment Corp.
Seafax, Inc.
Sebago Lions Club
Mrs. Ruth Shadbolt
Sib & Addie Paul Foundation
Simon & Eve Colin
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David Singer
SJO Foundation for Hope
Ms. Pamela Smith &
Mr. Michael Matthews
St. Anne’s Parish
Mr. & Mrs. Peter St. Onge
Step Up To Excellence
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stolarik
Summit Adventure Systems of
Maine, LLC
Teamsters Local Union #25
Mr. & Mrs. Lenard Tessler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thomas
Thornton Heights Lions Club
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tonge
Tony’s Foodland
Tristan, LLC dba Kamp
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Marjorie Twombly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Urban
Ms. Jill Vaccaro
Ms. Judith Vickers
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ward
Ms. Jane G. Weiman Good
Mr. Matthew Weiner
Wheaton College
Wil-Dae Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Keith Williams
Wissahickon Middle School
$500 +
A Romano Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alexander
Allstate Giving Campaign
American Postal Workers
American Restaurant &
Lounge Concepts, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Anderson
The Arnold Bortman Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Arsenault
Arthur Gary School of Real
Atteloir, Inc.
Mr. Bary Azmi
Ms. Terry Jo Fay-Babcock
& Mr. Robert Babcock
Baker Newman & Noyes
Ms. Julie Barbar
Barclay’s Skindivers Paradise
Barrick Gold of North
Ms. Ashley Berard
Mrs. Joan Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Beech
Belchertown Lions Club/MA
BNY Mellon Community
Ms. Rebecca Booth
Mr. Malcolm A. Borg
Bridgeway Restaurant
Mr. Jon Britton
Mr. Gray Cabaniss
Mr. & Mrs. George Calapai
Camp Micah, LLC
Camp Nashoba North
Camp Skylemar
Camp Vega
Mr. & Mrs. William Cann
Ms. Nancy Carll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carter
Casco Bay Frames & Gallery
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
2012 Donors
Mr. Richard Bower
Ms. Susan Brown &
Mr. Thomas Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brown
Mr. John Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Brown
Mr. Kevin Bunker
Ms. Dorothy Byrne
C.R. Bard Foundation, Inc.
The Carmax Foundation
Mr. Ian Carnathan
Cascon, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cerato
Chalmers Insurance Agency
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Chandler
Chapman Family Foundation
Cheers from the Heart
Mr. Walter Cheney
Chilton Furniture
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Mr. Mikhael Cohn
Combined Federal Campaign
of Maine
Community Church of
Con-Way Freight, Inc.
Ms. Kateri Costain
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Coughlin
Creative Imaging Group
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crispin
Ms. Alexandra Custer
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine
Daniel Family Foundation
Mr. Marsden Davis
Ms. Nancy Delafosse
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Devazeille
DJK Real Estate, Inc.
DLMC Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Dolliver
Down East, Inc.
Ms. Sharon Dube
Mr. Arthur Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Durkin
Mr. & Mrs. William Edwards
Englander Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Mark Engstrom
Enterprise Holdings
Falmouth Lions Club
Fight the Night Ultimate
Frisbee Tournament
Mr. & Mrs. David Finkel
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aux
Friends of Laurie, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Fulshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolas
General Growth
Management, Inc.
George A. Ramlose
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Paige Gibson
Mrs. Kay Gill
Ms. Julie Grady
Gruber Family Foundation
Mr. Stephen Grzymala
Hermon High School
Mr. Carl Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hoidal
Mr. Thomas M. Horan
Ms. Janet S. Howard
HP Property Services
Hutton & Solomon
HVAC Services, Inc.
Idealease of Maine
Iron Mountain
Island Cove Building &
Development, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael James
J. Ely Business Services, Inc.
J. Stone & Son
Mr. Robert Jonic
Ms. Ann Kenyon
Kittery Lions Club
Kiwanis Club of Mount
Desert Island
Kiwanis Club of Scarborough
Kiwanis Club of Worcester
Knights of Columbus
Knucklebusters Motor Club
Ms. Natalie Koffman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Konon
LA Kermesse
Ms. Siana LaForest &
Mr. David Nagle
Ms. Dee Lamprecht
Mr. David Laveman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lepley
LeVangie Electric Co., Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William Linke
Lions Club of Belmont
Mr. Hunter Livingood
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. John Luddy
Ms. Mary Lou Lynch
M&M Contractors
M.L. Rogers, Inc.
Macdonald Motors
MacDonald Page & Co., LLC
Ms. Jackie Magoun
Mr. Sean Mahoney
Maine Locksmith Services
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Manley
MHS Interact Club
Marshall & Libby
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. David McDonald
Ms. Peggy McEntee
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McNulty
Ms. Toni M. McShane
Ms. Alice Megna
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Miller
Ms. Karen Minasian &
Mr. Dwight Buxton
Montessori School of Oakton
Monument Mountain High
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murray
Naples Campground
Naples Golf Cars
New England District of
Kiwanis Division 2
NH/VT Campground
New Jersey Knights of Pythias
Charity Foundation
Northeastern University
Norway Savings Bank
Ms. Lynne Ollendike
Mr. William O’Malley
Mrs. Anne Ordway
Mr. Randy O’Toole
Ourisman Chantilly Toyota
Mr. Piotr Panko
The Parish of Saint Clare
Patchogue Council Knights of
Pepperell Lions Club/MA
Ms. Laura Perna
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Perry
Phyllis & Bennett Cerf
Ms. Lucinda Pike
Pine Tree Trail Riders
Mr. Daniel Plummer
Portland Plastic Pipe
The Professional Alliance
Questar, Inc.
Kerri Ramsay
Re/Max Prestige
Ms. Mary Reaney
The Redmond Family
Mr. Thomas J. Reid
Mr. J. Bruce Ricciuti
Rockledge Rotary
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Ross
Mr. Joseph Russo
S.A. Hutnak & Associates
Saint Helena School
Saint Joseph’s College
Samuel P. Mandell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Savelleas
Mr. Joshua Schachter
Sebago Lake Rotary Club
Seiu Nage Local 5000
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Selden
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Shafran
Mr. & Mrs. David Sherman
Shipyard Brewing Company
SI Restoration
Mr. Michael Sierra
Sigco, Inc.
Skowhegan Area High School
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Soares
Mr. Gregory Solomon
Southworth International
Ms. Eduarda Spera
St. Joseph’s Parish
St. Kevin School - Class of
Stantec Consulting Services
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Strangas
Ms. Ellen Suprise
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tappen
Telnet, Inc.
Texas Instruments Foundation
Mr. Dennis Thomas
Thornton Burgess Middle
Timothy O’Connell
Ms. Rosemary Tobin
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Toth
Treehouse Farm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tutnauer
United Way of Mass. Bay
United Way of New York City
Unity Lodge No. 3 I.O.O.F.
Mr. & Mrs. John Vaszily
Mr. Bharath Venkataraman
Ms. Anne Verbil & Mr. Kevin
Ms. Bridgette Vermette
Ms. Nadine Vicens
Village Candle
Wall Prosthetics & Orthotics
Walmart Distribution Center
Walmart Foundation
Mr. Steven Weinstein
Wells Fargo Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Welz
Westbrook Middle School
Westfield State University
Circle K
Wexler Packaging Products
Wicked Whoopie Pies
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Wilson
Ms. Carolyn Winkler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wood
Wright-Ryan Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Yafeh
Yarmouth Lions Club
Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park at
Birchwood Acres
$250 +
Anonymous (1)
3M Foundation
A Stitch ‘n Good Time
Tonina Abplanalp
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Adams
Aetna Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Altmann
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Amato
Angela Hearl Insurance, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Ansin
Apex Luxury Rentals, LLC
Ms. Elizabeth Apicella
Mr. Andrew Applegate
AT&T United Way
AT&T United Way Employee
Mr. Brett Austin
Ms. Minoo Bablani
Mr. David Bailey
Ms. Jane Baker & Ms. Sharon
Ms. Linda Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Vytautas Bazikas
Ms. Lisa Bell & Mr. Michael
Ms. Nancy Bennet
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Mr. Ron Ben-Yishay
Mr. Thomas Biegel
Billi Marcus Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jean M. Binswanger
Leslie Blauner
Ms. Dolores Bois
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bopp
Mrs. Paula Bove
Mr. & Mrs. David Bower
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bregman
Ms. Elaine Brown
Mrs. Mary Brown
Brown Goldsmiths
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Burgers
Mr. & Mrs. William Burke
Mr. & Mrs. James Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Burns
Mr. Daniel Busch
Ms. Catherine Callahan &
Mr. James Dexter
Camp Androscoggin
Mr. Thomas Cann
Mr. & Mrs. John Cann
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carye
Ms. Beth Castellon-Olszewski
Ms. Janet B. Caswell
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Caswell
Mr. Robert Cavanagh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chapin
Ms. Jayni Chase
Mr. Eric Cherry
Chuck Priore Camps, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Merton Chute
Mr. & Mrs. William Cimino
Circle K at Bentley University
Ms. Theresa Colby
Commander John J. Shea
Assembly #729
Ms. Carolyn Conaboy
Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph
Mr. Shawn Cormier
Ms. Loretta Cormier
Mr. & Mrs. James Coyle
Coyle and Cassidy High
Cummings Printing Company
Ms. Janine Cummins
Ms. Terri Cunningham
Ms. Catherine Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cutler
D.J.’s Auto Repair, LLC
Dairy Queen - Cash Corner
David A. Kamila Associates
Mr. Christopher DeCaro
Denmark Lions Club
Mr. Matthew Diamond
The Dibianca Family
Ms. Dianne Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dickey
Mr. Dennis Dineen &
Mr. Jeffrey Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary DiOrio
Mr. & Mrs. Anton Dodek
2012 Donors
CB Kenworth, Inc.
Mr. Charles Cho
Christ the King Youth
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cochrane
Community Church of East
Community Pharmacies, LLP
Ms. Andrea Crisafulli
Cumberland County Sheriff’s
Cumberland-North Yarmouth
Lions Club
Curran Company
Ms. Barbara Dailey &
Mr. James Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis
Mr. Peter DeBear
Deja A. Lett, DBA
Mr. Fred Demers
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Mr. Mark Deshaies
Ms. Grace DiMarte
Double Cross Vodka
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Doughty
Mr. Christopher Dugan
Ms. Elizabeth Dunn
Edge, LLC
EMD Millipore
Employees Community
Action Committee
Ms. Joan Esterheld
Mr. & Mrs. John Ewalt
Fairfax Christian School, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. David Fiaschetti
Fitness Stylz, Inc.
Mr. Jeff Fleming
Ms. Lucy Foster Flight
Ms. Treacy Gaffney
Ms. Teresa Gallinaro
Mr. William Garrett
Gateway Rotary Club
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Sharon George
Mr. Alexander Gervais
Farzad Ghassemi
Mr. Robert Gimbel
Ms. Susan Given
Mr. Seth Goldberg
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Goodman Family Foundation
Hampden-Wilbraham School
Mr. & Mrs. James Greenberg
Gritty McDuff’s
Grosse Ile Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guarino
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Guerrette
Ms. Victoria Guerriero
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Haggett
Ms. Maria Hall
Dr. & Mrs. Kermit Halperin
Hannaford #8012
Happy Camper NYC
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrol Harris
Harrison Lions Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hart
Health Dialog
Mr. Michael Hepner
2012 Donors
Douglas Title Company
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Doyle
Mr. Ryan J. Driscoll
Dublin City Chimney Sweeps
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Dufour
Pastor Jennifer Duncanson
Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Dymond
Ms. Carol Eddy
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Edelman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Egan
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Eisnor
EKF Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. George Emery
Kiwanis Club of Everett, MA
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ewig
Ms. Josephine Fallenius
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Fellis
Female Samaritan Association
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fitts
Mr. & Mrs. James Flowerdew
Mr. & Mrs. George Fontaine
Ms. Mafalda Fontana &
Mr. Roque Santi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Forman
The Foreside Tavern
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Freedman
Ms. Anita French
Ms. Lisa Friedlander
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Friedrich
Friend St. T.A., Inc.
Friends For a Cause, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. David
Mr. & Mrs. David Fuller
Mr. Ian A. Fyfe
Ms. Christina M Galeone
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Garber
Mr. Shervin Gerami
Mr. & Mrs. Andres Gil
Ms. Elizabeth Gillespie
Gillespie Farms
Mr. Mark Gimbel
Mr. Jeffrey Ginsberg
Girl Scouts Troop 264
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Giuliano
The Gordon Croft
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gould
Mr. David Graves
Mr. Adam Gray
Ms. Katey Greene
Ms. Judith Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Guerreri
Mr. Bill Gumbel
Mr. Walter Gurney
Mr. Gregory Haase
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haisman
Ms. Tina Hakimi Moazami &
Mr. Cyrun Moazami
Hall Implement Co.
Hampden-Wilbraham School
Hampton Inn
Handyman Rental
Hannaford Supermarkets
Mr. Donald Hannis
Harpswell House, Inc.
Mr. Walter Hartshorne
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. John Henriques
Mr. Steven Henriques
Mr. Jonathan Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Holy Trinity Philoptochos
Mr. Michael Hopman
Mr. Reid E. Hopper
Mr. George Hughes
Ms. Anne Hurd
Mr. Arthur Hurley III
Ms. Leslie Hyde
Inner Space Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. David Ireland
Iron Workers Union Local 7
Jack M. & Rose Ullman
Mrs. Joan Jagolinzer
James Construction Co.
Jellystone Park Camping
Express, Inc.
Jill McGowan, Inc.
Mrs. Nancy Joslin
Mr. Rudy Jules
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Jungk
Mr. & Mrs. William Kaeli
Mr. Phillip Kaputa
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Katz
Keeley Electrical Contractors
Mr. Vincent Keeney
Kiwanis Club of Claremont
Kiwanis Club of East
Kiwanis Club of Woburn
Kiwanis Three Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. David Kmetz
Knights of Columbus - Fr.
Coppens Council 4336
Knights of Columbus
Epiphany Counsel 10605
Mr. & Mrs. Sol Kugler
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Lahey
Lakewood Polish School
Ms. Melanie Lamoureux
Lange Family Foundation II
Mr. & Mrs. Eliot Lappen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Larrivee
Ladd Lavallee
Lawrence High School Key
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L’Ecuyer
Lee & Lyon LLC
Lee Management Co.
Ms. Donna S. Leith
Ms. Tracey Lembo
Ms. Sara Leonard
Mr. Joe Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Elden Lingwood
Lions Club of Kittery
Lions Club of Walpole, MA
Mr. James Loesher
Longmeadow High School
Key Club
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Longo
Mr. Robert Loverro
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lucia
Mr. Louis Luciano
Mr. Louis Lukancic
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lynch
Ms. Deborah MacKenzie
Mr. Oskar Magnusson
Ms. Sherri Mahne
Ms. Karola Mait
Ms. Marjorie Malkin
Ms. Heather Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manzello
Ms. Debora Marathon
Mr. & Mrs. David Margaretos
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Markowitz
Mr. Lee Marquis
Mr. Vince Martinelli
Masterman’s, LLP
Ms. Gretchen Mayall &
Ms. Evangeline Stephenson
Ms. Tammi McCarraher
Mr. & Mrs. John McCleery
Matt McComiskey
Mr. & Mrs. Brian
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan McGee
Mr. Raymond McGovern
Mr. & Mrs. David McKelvey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Ms. Barbara A. McManus
Mr. & Mrs. William
Measured Progress, Inc.
Mechanics Savings Bank
Mrs. Charlotte Meggison
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Meisner
Ms. Sarah Menchaca
Ms. Melissa Menter
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mercurio
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Merrill
Ms. Kelly Greeley-Michaud &
Mr. Steven Michaud
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Miller
Mi-Te-Jo Campground
Mobile Giving Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morrison
Ms. Carolyn Morton
Mount Saint Charles
Ms. Maribeth Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murrin
Mr. & Mrs. James Neill
Ms. Whitney Neville Harvey
Ms. Hang Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. David Nickerson
North Deering Dental
Associates, P.A.
Northwest Elementary
OA Centers for Orthopaedics
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ober
Mr. William O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O’Donnell
Mr. Edward O’Hanlon
Ms. Amy Olitsky
Ms. Diane Orelup &
Mr. James Guider
Ms. Judy Ottley
Pacific Coast Clearing Services
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Paris
Mr. Nelson Parise
Ms. Gloria Paro
Mr. Michael Pastine
Ms. Anne Paxson
Peaks Island Lions Club
Ms. Laurinda Pereira
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Petro
Ms. Alice Pfeiffenberger
Plaza Realty & Management
Portland Air Freight
Mr. Richard Posluszny
Puffin Inn
Mr. Philip Puzio
Mr. & Mrs. Al Ragucci
The Raid Series
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Rainis
Reading Lions Club
Reed & Reed, Inc.
Ms. Jaime Regan
Regional School District #16
Ms. Barb Reynolds
Mr. John S. Rhodes
Ms. Rachel Richards
Mr. Owen Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rings
Mr. David Robertson
Ms. Jean Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rohr
Mr. & Mrs. Jared Rolsky
Mr. Shawn Rooney
Ms. Catherine Swalec-Roseen
& Mr. Timothy Roseen
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Rosenberg
Mr. Raymond Ross
Ms. Joan Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rowse
Ms. Camilla Ryall
S.F. Madden, Inc.
Sabre Holdings United Way
Saco & Biddeford Savings
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Salinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel
Ms. Robin Samoilow
Samoset Resort on the Ocean
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Sanborn
Ms. Kyla Sandock
SAP Matching Gift Program
Sappi Fine Paper North
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Savage
Ms. Linda Schoenthaler
Ms. Susan Schreck
C. Scyphers
SEED Internet Solutions
Sentimental Playground
Sevee & Maher Engineers
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Shappy
Ms. Karen E. Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Shorey
Ms. Hillary Sieber
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Siegel
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Siegel
Ms. Lynn Silverstein
Ms. Deb Simdorn
Simms & McIvor
Vandita Singh
Ms. Catherine Skelly
Skystreakers R.C. Club
Ms. Valerie Slater
Small Change
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith
Mr. Jeff Snyder
St. John Vianney Youth
St. Mary Church
Stafford, Gaudet &
Associates, LLC
Mr. James Stargell
Mr. & Mrs. Kye Stockwell
Strategic Telecom Solutions
Mr. & Mrs. Shep Stults
Ms. Karen Sue & Mr. Richard
Mr. Joseph Sullivan II
Mr. Ron Sullivan
Ms. Vicki Summers
Summit Partners
Sure Winner Foods
Swan Engineering, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Swimmer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tan &
Target Marketing Maine
Ms. Joan Tarolli
Ms. Lindsay Tarolli
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Taylor
Teddy Perkins Family
Charitable Foundation
Temple University
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Tetreault
Thea Enterprises, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John Thibodeau
Ms. Jo Thoburn
Patti Thompson & John
Mr. Ellis Toll
Ms. Lindsey Tonge
Mr. Asher Toporovsky
Transport Workers Union of
Trashman, LLC
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tsaparlis
Mr. & Mrs. Themis Tsoumas
Mr. & Mrs. John Turchetta
Unum Matching Gifts
Upscale Consignment
Furniture, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Urban
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vaccaro
Dr. & Mrs. P. Roy Vagelos
Mr. & Mrs. James Valentino
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Valiante
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vaszily
Ms. Yvette Velez & Mr. Omar
Verrazano Rotary Charitable
Victory Properties, Inc.
Viking, Inc.
Vintage Millwork Corporation
$100 +
620 Investment Advisors
Ms. Carole J. Aaron
Mr. Robert Aaront
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Abato
Ms. Lynn Abood
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. Gregory Ackroyd
Acton Shapleigh Lions Club
Acushnet Lions Club/MA
Mr. James Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Adin
The Admiral’s Inn Resort
Mr. & Mrs. William Agnew
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ahern
Mr. Charles F. Ahern
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Aiello
Airline Tariff Publishing
Ms. Pamela Akers
Mr. Ronald Akers II
Shala Alavi
Mr. Glen Albee
Mr. Joseph Albee
Mr. Eric D. Albert
Ms. Shushan Aleaqui
Mr. David Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. James Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Allair
Mr. & Mrs. Telford Allen
Mr. Mikey Allen
Ms. Kim Allen & Ms. Evelyn
Mr. & Mrs. James Allison
Ms. Rebecca Allyn
Ms. Almond
Dr. Blanche Alter
Mr. Thomas Alvarez
American Construction, Inc.
American Express Charitable
American Institute of Building
American Legion Aux. #57
American Wear, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial
Annual Giving
Mr. Alan Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Anderson
Ms. Lisa Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anderson
Ms. Becky Andrews
Ms. Patricia Apicella
Ms. Kristine Aristide
Mr. Daniel Armstrong
Ms. Carol Arney
Ms. Gwen Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arruda
Ms. Kathleen Asaro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Asselin
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Astarita
Ms. Linda Audet
Ms. Sheryl Augustine
Mr. & Mrs. Roman Augustyn
Automotive Brake Warehouse
Ms. Aida Avdic
Dr. Jeffrey Aversa
Ms. Norma Azzolini
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bachman
Mr. David Bailey
Dr. Edward Bailey
Mr. Robbie P. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bailey
Ms. Abby Baird
Ms. Ann D. Baker
Mr. Tim Baker
Baker Commodities, Inc.
Ms. Bonnie Ballentine
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Balzarett
Bangor High School
Mr. Christopher Barajas
Ms. L. Dianne Barbour
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Barclay
Mr. William Barford
Barnard Family Foundation
Ms. Katie Barnes
Mr. Robert Barnes
Mr. Steve Barnes
Barnicoat Insurance Agency
Mr. Joel Barone
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Barrett
Ms. Rebecca Barrows
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Barry
Mr. & Mrs. John Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Bartlett
Ms. Carla Bashaw
Ms. Laura Basili
Ms. Marilyn Bates
Bates Investment Group
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Batson
Ms. Rosanne Baxter
Ms. Karen P. Bdera
BDH Consultants
Ms. Debra Beal
Ms. Lorraine Beauregard
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Beberman
Lee Becker
Ms. Lynn Becker
Mr. Raymond Bedard
Mr. Joseph Bellamah
Ms. Natalie Bellet
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Bellet
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Belleville
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Belmonte
Ms. Cassandra Bemis
Mr. Ron Ben Yishay
Mr. Marc Ben-Ami
Ms. Virginia Bender
Mr. Jay Benedict
Ms. Marge Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. John Benoit
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Benoit
Mr. Pat Benson
Ms. Debra Bentley
Mr. Todd Benware
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bercume
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berezin
Ms. Erin Berlin
Mr. James M. Berman
Mr. Jonas Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bernier
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bernstein
Ms. Nancy Berry
Ms. Elissa Berry &
Mr. Roy Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Berti
Mr. Steven Berube
Berwick Supply Limited, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bessette
Best Chevrolet
Betty S. & Robert B. Frank
Charitable Fund
Mr. Jeffrey Beuttell
Beverly Massage Therapy and
Wellness Center
Mr. Murat Beyazit
Mrs. Cynthia Biagini
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Mr. C. David Billings
Mr. Peter Binkley
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Binnix
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bischoff
Mr. & Mrs. David Bishop
Mr. James Black
Ms. Ximena Creuz-Blatt &
Mr. Charles Blatt
Ms. Melissa Blauvelt
Ms. Karen Bloomer
Dr. & Mrs. William Bobzien
Ms. Sarah Bock
Mr. Keith Bodnar
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Bodron
Ms. Margaret Boger &
Mr. John Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boissevain
Ms. Pamela Bokat & Mr. Eric
Ms. Cheryl Bolduc
Ms. Federica Bonati &
Mr. Giovan Domenico
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Ms. Pamela Bonnvie
Mr. & Mrs. G. Martin Booth
Ms. Joann Bordeaux &
Mr. Douglas Whall
Ms. Carolyn Borie
Boston Car Service
Mr. Darren Bounds
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bourgeois
Ms. Dawn Madore-Bourgoin
& Mr. Scott Bourgoin
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Bourn
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bourne
Mr. Robert Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bradley
Mr. Cathal Brady
Mr. Gary Brake
Ms. Elizabeth Bramwell
Ms. Susan Brancucci
Mr. Karl Brandes
Ms. Nancy Brandon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brase
Tyrann Brauch
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Bressler
Ms. Claire Breton
Ms. Crystal Bria
Mr. Jeff Brick
The Bridge House Restaurant
Mr. Robert Brilliant
Mr. & Mrs. James Brockway
Mr. Kevin Brosseau
Mr. Christopher E. Brown
Mr. Craig Brown
Mr. Joseph Brown
Ms. Phyllis Brown
Brown Sheep Company
Mr. Terryl Brown
Ms. Lisa Brugnoli-Semeta
Bruno & Ferraro
Bruno Associates, Inc.
Mr. George Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Bryant
Bubbles Car Wash
Ms. Deborah Buccino
Mr. Jed Buck
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Buckowsky
Buddy T’s
Ms. Marianne Buehler
Mr. Paul Bulger
Mr. Ernie Bullock
Bureau Veritas CPS, Inc.
Mr. John Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Burleigh
Ms. Judith Burnley
Ms. Ann Marie Burns
Ms. Anne Buscemi
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bushner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Butcher
Ms. Ruth Buys
Ms. Jordyn Buzza
Mr. Harvey Buzzell, Jr.
Ms. Ella Buzzotta
Mr. Paul Byrd
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Byrne
C & S Party Rentals, Inc.
C.A.M.P. Foodservice
CA, Inc.
Ms. Tara Cacciola
Ms. Karen McMillen-Cahill
& Mr. Paul Cahill
Ms. Cheryl Calabrese
Calvin Presbyterian Church
Ms. Laurie Cameron
Mr. Timothy Cameron
Ms. Tracy Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. David Camiolo
Mr. Jonathan Camiolo
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Camp Caribou
Camp Onaway
Camp Takajo, Inc.
Camp Timanous
Camp Wekeela
Camp Winnebego
Mr. Jeffrey Campbell
Mr. Jeffrey Campbell
Mr. R. Scott Campbell
Ms. Susan Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Canan
Ms. Lisa Cangelosi
Ms. Amanda C. Cann
Ms. Jacqueline Cann
Ms. Sara Cann
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Capasso
Mr. Craig D. Capone
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carabello
Ms. Kristen Carbone
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carey
Mr. John Carlberg
Mr. Ben Carlson
Ms. Robin Carmody
Mr. & Mrs. Don Carnevale
Mr. Joseph Carnevale
Ms. Erin Carney
Mr. Mark Carolan
Mrs. Linda J. Carr
Ms. Cathy Carra
Ms. Margaret P. Carson
Mr. Joey Cartalano
Mr. Steven Carter
Ms. Cathyann Caserta-Allen
Mr. William Casey
Casey Charitable Matching
Ms. Miranda Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Caswell
Eileen Caterina & Donald
Mr. Joseph Catino
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cavicchi
Mr. Gregory Cedrone
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cellante
Ms. Janet Celly
Mr. John Centeno
Centralville Sportsman’s
Club, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cerato
Mr. & Mrs. Vinnie Cervellieri
Mr. Andrew Cesnickas
Mr. Daniel Chaimowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Armand
Ms. Christine Marie
Ms. Manyu Maggie Chan
Ms. Kit Chang
Ms. Maria Chang
Mr. David Chapais
Ms. Lisanne B. Chapdelaine
Mr. Adam Chapman
Mr. Andrew Charapko
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Charpentier
Mr. & Mrs. Roger
Ms. Janice Chartoff
Ms. Karen Chartrand
Ms. Franci Chauca &
Mr. Jonathan Novita
2012 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vivian
Ms. Robin Vos
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wacaster
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Wade
Ms. Theresa Wadsworth
Mr. Gary Wadsworth
Ms. Abby Wakefield
Mr. Gerald Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Wall
Ms. Carol Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Walthall
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Ward
Mr. Paul Warwick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Watson
Ms. Lynne Wearne
Mr. Samuel Weinstein
Ms. Julie Wentz
Mr. Brian Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Whipple
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Wiacek
Ms. Linda Williams
Mr. Christopher J. Wood
Ms. Helene Wurtzel
Ms. Patricia Zub
Mr. & Mrs. Jess Commerford
Ms. Mary Conert
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. Stephen Conley
Ms. Virginia Conners
Mr. Michael Connolly
Mr. Stephen Connolly
Ms. Deborah Conrad
Ms. Dorothy Consiglio
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph
Ms. Annamarie Conte
Ms. Carleen Cook
Mr. Michael Cooper
Ms. Mindy Cooper
Ms. Susan Copperman &
Mr. Joel Einbinder
Ms. Carolyn Corbe
Ms. Felicia Corcoran
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cordes
Mr. & Mrs. David Cormaney
Mr. & Mrs. David Cornell
Mr. Richard Correra
Corson’s Auto Supply
Mr. Frank Cortese
Mr. Robert Corthell
Mr. Wesley Cosby
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costanza
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Cote
Cote/McDonald, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cotty
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coughlin
Mr. David Crane
Cranney Self Storage, Inc.
Mr. David Crean
Mr. Dan Creeden
Ms. Judith Cressey
Crime & Justice Analysts, Inc.
Ms. Jillian Cronin
Mr. Thomas Csajko
Mr. Leo Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. John Cumo
Mr. Mark Cuoco
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Curley
Mr. Hugh Curneen
Mr. John O. Curran
Mr. William Curran
Current Motion
Cushman & Wakefield
Ms. Carol Mitchell-Cusick &
Mr. Terrance Cusick
Custom Masonry, Inc.
Ms. Tammy Cyr-Talbott
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daigle
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dalbeck
Mr. Mark DalBon
Mr. Ryan Dalessandro
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dalton
Sandra & Leslie Damon
Mr. & Mrs. William D’Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Danielson
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Danks
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Darwaza
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Darwin
Datamatics Management
Services, Inc.
Ms. Victoria Dauphinot
Mr. & Mrs. Gordie Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Davenport, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Davenport, Jr.
Ms. Marcia Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. James Davis
Ms. Teresa Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Davis
Mr. John Day
DCP - Disney Store
Dead River Company
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Deck
Mr. & Mrs. Wolfgang Decker
Mr. Gregory DeCristofaro
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Del
Ms. Anita Delekto
DeLorme Publishing
Ms. Dawn A. DeLucia
Ms. Helene Demmer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeMonte
Mr. James Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Densmore
Mr. Toby Densmore
Mr. Matthew Denton
Mr. & Mrs. John DeRoin
Ms. Valerie K. Despres
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dever
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Devine
Mr. John DeVine
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Devlin
Ms. Jen DeWeerth &
Mr. Steve Ellingson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dewey
Mr. Jason M. Diamond
Ms. Minnette Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. John
Ms. Marianne DiChiara
N. Kassak Diekmann
Mr. Anthony DiLeonardo
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dinning
Mrs. Kathryn Diskin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Distler
Dodge Real Estate Co., Inc.
Ms. Beatrice Dohrn
Mrs. Gail Dohrn
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dominguez
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Donahue
Mr. Robert Donnelley
Ms. Kerry Donohoe
Mr. Dennis Donovan
Mr. George Donovan
Mr. Kenneth C. Doran
Ms. Susan Dore
Ms. Dora M. Dostie
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Doughty
Mr. Donnelly Douglas
Douglas Dynamics, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dowling
Mr. John Downing
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Doyle
Mr. Guy Doyon
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
2012 Donors
Dr. Phyllis Chen
Mr. & Mrs. Zheng Chen
Peter & Mike Chenelle
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Chenevert
Mr. Richard Cheng
Irene Cherrick, MD &
Mr. Vin Horan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Chester
Ms. Linda Cheu
Mr. Anthony Chevaire
Ms. Ruth Chiasson
Mr. Ethan Chick
Children’s Dentistry of
Sanford, LLP
The Children’s Drop & Shop
Ms. Jocelyn Childs
Mr. & Mrs. Chin
Ms. Daisy Chin
Christ Church United
Ms. Katie Christianson
Ms. Dortha Chu
Mr. Peter Chuang
Ms. Debra Chudnow &
Mr. David Wise
Church of the Good
Mrs. Nancy Cincotta &
Ms. Marie Hershkowitz
Ms. Suzanne Cingari
Mr. Ruben Cintron
Ms. Mary Martha Circle
Circle K of Salve Regina
Circle K of USM
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ciriello
Mr. & Mrs. Niles Citrin
Cityside Auto Service, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. John Civali
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clancy
Mr. David J. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Clark
Clark Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Johnathon Clark
Mr. Pat Clark
Mr. James Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Clinard
Mr. & Mrs. John Coats
Ms. Ann Cochran
Coco Real Estate Services
Mr. Paul Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cohan
Ms. Ariel Cohanim
Mr. Jeffrey Cohn
Ms. Marjorie Cohn &
Mr. Peter Tarshis
Mr. Timothy A. Cohn
Coilplus Connecticut
Mr. Brian Colburn
Mr. Henry Coleman
Ms. Sydney Ruth Coleman &
Ms. Ellen Hunter
Collective Brands Group of
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Colletti
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Collins
Mr. James Collins
Ms. Tracy M. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. John Colognesi
Color Press Print, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mr. Brian Drake
Joan & Bill Drapeau
Ms. Katherine Drew
Mr. Donald Driscoll
Mr. Joseph Driscoll
Mr. Ryan Driscoll
Mr. Richard Drouin
Mr. Michael Drzal &
Mr. Hanif Drzal
Mrs. Carol Dube
Mr. Jason Dube
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DuBiago
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Dudek
Mr. Patrick Duelfer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Duffey
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Dufner
Ms. Dawn Dumon
Mr. Charles Dumond
Mr. William Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dunn
Mr. Mike Dunn
Mr. Jarrett C. Dupuis
Mr. Mark M. Durcan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dusute
Ms. Rosemary Duval-Arnould
E. Anne Carton Law Office
E.R.S. Electric Services Inc.
East Baldwin Congregational
Ms. Susan Eby
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ecker
Mr. Ernest Edgerley
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Edmondson
Ms. Emily Edwards
Ms. Jenny Edwards
Ms. Margaret Edwards
Ms. Laura Efran
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Efron
Ms. Mary Ellen Eiler
Mr. H. Lee Einsel, Jr.
Mr. Randal Elder
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elk
Ms. Kathleen Ellis
Mr. Thomas Ellis
Mr. James Ellor
Ms. Renee Elofson
Elzly Technology Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Engen
Engineered Construction
Services, Inc.
Mr. Arthur Ensroth
Ms. Susan Epting
Ms. Attiya Esparzamestres
Ms. Linda Espinoza
Ms. Heather Ettinger
Dr. Leigh Ettinger
Ms. Cathy Evers
Mr. & Mrs. James Evers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fabiano
Ms. Madonna Falk
Ms. Debbie Farber
Ms. Maya Farber
Mr. Michael Farber
Ms. Sandy Farber
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Farnham
Ms. Janet Farnham
Ms. Kimberly Farr, D.C.
Mr. & Mrs. John Farren
Ms. Evelyn Farruggio
Ms. Leslie Fass & Mr. Robert
Mr. Edwin Fava
Mr. Matthew Frank
Mr. Robert Franklin
Mr. Steve Franks
Mr. & Mrs. David Fratus
Freda Real Estate
Fred’s Coffee Shop
Ms. Jennifer Freed
Ms. Jackie Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Freeman
Freeport Lioness Club
Freeport Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Freschi
Mr. Arno Fried
Ms. Susan Frieden
Mr. Doug Fry
Ms. Susan Fuller
Ms. Susan Fulmer
Mr. Brandon Furlich
Ms. Debbie Gaelen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gaffney
Mr. Joseph Gaidis
Mr. & Mrs. William Gaine, Jr.
Dr. Timothy Gallagher
Mr. John Gallant
Mr. Aaron Gamble
Ms. Susan Gamble
Mr. Brian S. Gannon
Ms. Mary Garby
Ms. Kathy Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gargiulo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Garneau
Garrett Pillsbury Plumbing &
Mr. Robert Garrison
The Gaudreau Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Gavin
Mr. Jamal Gazaleh
Mr. & Mrs. John Geary
Ms. Shannon Geary
Mr. Chuck Geller
Gerardi’s & Sons Service
Ms. Lisa Germano
Ms. Joanne Gerrity
Get Out There Fitness
Theresa & Jessica Giarrizzo
Mr. & Mrs. George Gibb
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gibbons
Ms. Carol Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gilbride
Ms. Dottie Giles
Ms. Debra Gill & Mr. James
Girl Scouts of America Troop
Girouard Tool Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. John Giugliano
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gluck
Mr. George Glum
Ms. Mary Glynn
Mr. & Mrs. John Godek
Mr. Donald Godfrey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goff
Mr. & Mrs. William Goff
Mr. Darrin Goldman
Ms. Jan Goldstein
Ms. Dot Gonyea
Ms. Susan Gonyea
Mr. & Mrs. W. Travis Good
The Good Table, Inc.
Michael M. Gooding, DMD
Mr. Kenneth Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goodstat
Ms. Bonnie Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
Mr. Gregory Gotta
Ms. Lynne Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Grabowy
Mr. E. Russell Grady
Ms. Elizabeth Graf
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Grammes
Gray-New Gloucester Lions
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Green
Mr. Mark Green
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Greenberg
Ms. Susanne Greenblatt
Ms. Wendy Greenseich
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grenham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Griffin
Mr. Justin Griffiths
Mr. William Grindle
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Grondin
Ms. Ann Maria Gropp
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Grottole
Ms. Suzanne Grudnitski
Mr. Stephen Gruenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Guerriero
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Ms. Diane R. Gushee
Ms. Becky Gutowski
Ms. Sandra Hackman
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Haddad
Ms. Linda Hadley
Mr. Christopher Hagmann
Ms. Kathy Hagy
Ms. Arezou Hakimian
Mr. Donald Hall
Mr. Michael Hall
Ms. Tracy Halle
Mr. Jason Hamby
Mr. Thomas Hamel
Mr. Gordon Hamilton
Ms. Casey Hamlin
Ms. Holly Hammond &
Mr. Jonathan Nass
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert
Ms. Robyn Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Toby Hammond
Hampden Meadows School
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hand
Mr. Bruce Handy
Mr. Paul Hanley
Hannaford - Saugus, MA
Ms. Marion Hanscom
Ms. Barbara R. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Happe
Ms. Noshaba Haq
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harding
Hardwick Kiwanis Club
Mr. & Mrs. Blaine Harper
Mr. & Mrs. James Harrington
Ms. Alice Harrington
Ms. Marilyn Harrington
Mr. Forrest Harris
Mr. & Mrs. John Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harris
Mr. Jason Hart
Ms. Jean Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hart
Mr. Ron Hart
Mr. William Hart
Ms. Karen Harter
Mr. Timothy Hartley
Ms. Debora Hartman
Ms. Jill Hartman
Harvard PTO
Ms. Colleen Harwood
Ms. Tiffany Haskell
Hatch Family Enterprises,LLC
Ms. Elise Hauenstein
Mr. Lee Hauenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hawley
Mr. Keith Hayes
Mr. Steven H. Hazelton
Hazelwood Handyman
Services, Inc.
Mr. Burt Heacock
Mr. John Healey
Mr. Matthew Heaton
Mr. Robert Heisler
Mr. Carlos Henley
Ms. Christina Henriques
Ms. Rebecca Henriques
Herbert & Ellen Levitt
Mr. & Mrs. James Herrion
Mr. Andrew Hersam
Ms. Dottie Hess
Mr. Jerome Hetrick
Ms. Nancy W. Hibbard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hicks
Ms. Judith Hicks
Mrs. Barbara Hightower
Mr. Ronald Hilbink
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill
Mr. William Hill
Mr. Glenn Hille
Ms. Laura Himmelstein &
Mr. Jason Waxler
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hirsch
Ms. Renee Hirsch
Ms. Angela Ho
Hoa Hoang, Inc.
Ms. Christina Hoadley
Ms. Grace Hoag
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hobson
Mr. Eric Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. George HodgesFulton
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hoffman
Mr. Michael Hoffman
Mr. Richard Hoffman
Mr. Thomas Hoffman
Ms. Sharon Hogue
Dr. & Mrs. Roy Hohn
Mr. Roger Hoit
Ms. Kimberly Holden
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hollander
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Mr. Marshall Holmes
Mr. Edgar M. Holmes III
Dr. Christine Hom &
Dr. Rodd Stein
Ms. Brenda Homan
Ms. Rhona Honey
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Honeyman
Mr. Aaron Honig
Ms. Constance Hood
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Horan
Ms. Suzanne Horn
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Horowitz
Ms. Taryn Horsham &
Mr. Robert Christian
Mr. & Mrs. John Horsington
Mr. Tim Houck
Mr. Mark Houge, Jr.
Mr. John Hovell
Ms. Kathleen Howard &
Mr. Daryl Mecklem
Mr. & Mrs. Brian
Mr. & Mrs. David Howe
HP Company Foundation
Ms. Jacqueline Hubbard
Mr. Samuel Hudson
Mr. George Hulme
Ms. Nancy Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. John Hunter
Mr. Brian Hurley
Mr. Frederick Hussey
Hussey’s General Store
Ms. Janet Hutcheson
Mr. George Hutchinson
Mr. Dennis Hyland
I. Halpern, Inc.
Imperial Auto Parts, Inc.
Informed Systems, Inc.
Ingalls Team
Inn Machias, LLC
Intelligence Security
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Irvin
Mr. Ron Irving
Mr. Mohamad Iskandar
Island Fishing Gear & Auto
Mr. Stephen Isler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jachim
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jacobsen
Mr. Muhammad Jaffar
James D. Nadeau, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Jandreau
Ms. Renee Jasinski
JB Macmaster Truck Lines
Jellystone Camp Park
Jellystone Park at Larkspur
Jellystone Park Camp Resort
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Jennings
Mr. Sean Jennings
Ms. Debra Jensen
John Hancock Matching Gift
Johnson & Johnson Matching
Mr. Charles Johnson
Ms. Jeanette Johnson
Ms. Karen Johnson
Ms. Kimberley Johnson
Mr. Peter Johnson
2012 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. John Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Brian
Mr. Walter Featheringham
Mr. Daniel Feheley
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Feigelman
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Feldman
Dr. Judith Feldman
Ms. Linda Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Felter
Mr. Dennis Fenton
Ms. Regina Fenton
Ms. Bridget Fico & Mr. John
Fidelis Security Systems, Inc.
Mr. Joshua T. Fifield
Ms. Catherine Figurski-Acord
Mr. Richard Filbert & Mr.
Richard Schnurbusch
Mr. Frederick Finberg
Mr. & Mrs. David Fine
Mr. Joseph Finn
Ms. Suzanne Finn
Mr. & Mrs. Roccantonio
First Church in Pembroke
First Solar
Mr. & Mrs. James Fish
Ms. Cathy Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Fisher
Mr. John Fiske
Mr. & Mrs. James Fitch
Mr. Donald Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
Ms. Catherine Fitzgibbons &
Mr. Mark White
Ms. Meegan Fitzpatrick
Ms. Melissa Fitzpatrick
Mr. Charles Flahive
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Flaschner
Ms. Susan Fleck
Mr. Joseph Fleig
Mr. David J. Flessas
Mr. Peter Floros
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Flory
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Flynn
Ms. Kayla R. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flynn
Fogg Lighting
Ms. Amanda Foisy
Mr. David Foley
Mr. & Mrs. David Foley
Mr. W. Anthony Foley
Ms. Sherrie Fontaine
Ms. Nancy Fontneau
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fopeano
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Forkin
Mr. Daniel Forte
Fortress Network Solutions
Mr. Anthony Fortunato
Ms. Patricia Foster
Four Season Synthetic
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. David Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Francese
2012 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. George Joiner
Ms. Pamela Jones
Mr. Steve Jones
Mr. William Joy, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. John Joyce
Ms. Yahaira Juan-Gonzalez
Mr. William R. Jurgovan
Mr. Daniel Kabat
Mr. & Mrs. James
Ms. Emily Kaeli
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kahn
Ms. Laurie Kaiser &
Mr. Jonathan Davis
Ms. Drema Kalajian
Mr. Harry Kalajian, Jr.
Mr. Luther Kalb
Ms. Emily K. Kalda
Mr. Daniel Kamin
Dr. Lawrence Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kanterman
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Kantor
Mr. Brian A. Kaplow
Mr. Michael Karam
Mr. Steven Kass
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Katz
Mr. Lawrence Kaufman
Mr. Stuart Kaufmann
Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Ms. Brigid Keany
Mr. & Mrs. William Keany
Ms. Julia Kearney
Michael & Thomas Keating
Mr. Christopher Keating
Ms. Sonya Kedzie
Ms. Susan Keefer
Ms. Kellie Keenan
Mr. Thomas Keilty
Dr. & Mrs. James Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Keller
Ms. Elizabeth Kelley
Mr. William Kelly
Ms. Dorothy Kengla
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Kenney
Mr. Paul Keohane
Karol Kepchar & Donna
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Kerpan
Ms. Samantha Kesecker
Mr. Richard Kezer
Mr. & Mrs. Kamran Khan
Ms. Shasta Kielbasa
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kiely
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Killian
Mrs. Dorothy Kimball
Ms. Danielle King
Mr. William Kingson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kirby
Ms. Katrina Kirchoff
Mr. William Kirchoff II
Mr. Joseph E. Kiriacos
Ms. Allison Kitchens
Kiwanis Club of Augusta
Kiwanis Club of East Boston
Kiwanis Club of Hyannis
Kiwanis Club of Lower Cape
Kiwanis Club of Newport, RI
Kiwanis Club of Southington
Kiwanis Club of St. Georges’
Kiwanis Club of West
Ms. Margaret Klas
Mrs. Susan Klein &
Mr. Andre Couillard
Ms. Sandra Klein
Mr. Christopher Klem
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Kline
Mr. & Mrs. David Kmetz
Mr. Thomas Kmetz
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Knapp
Ms. Ezra Knight
Ms. Karen L. Knight
Knights of Columbus 5724
Ms. Elizabeth Kniss
Mr. Robert Knowles
Mr. William Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Koch
Ms. Julie Kocian
Ms. Crystal Kofke
Ms. Anne Kolkin
Ms. Sonja Komar
Ms. Marlene Kong
Ms. Cristina Moravec-Kossegi
& Mr. Terrence Kossegi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kovarik
Ms. Margaret Kramer
Ms. Julia Krasner
Ms. Jane Kriebel
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Krilla
Mr. Todd Krim
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Krol
Ms. Sarah Krom
Mr. Ralph Kubicsek
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Kullen
Ms. Pamela Kuntz
Mr. Thomas Kurtz
Mr. Timothy Kutz, Jr.
Mr. Geoff Kuzio
L & L Davis Property
Management, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L’Abbe
Mr. Parker LaChance
Ms. Helen LaCount
Mr. David LaCroix
Mr. & Mrs. Brent LaFrancis
Lake Anne Florist, LLC
Mr. Luke Lamar
Mr. Jonathan Lamkin
Ms. Myra Landau
Helen and Louis Landers
Landry’s Furniture Barn, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Lane
Ms. Angela Langhorne
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Laracy
Mr. Scott Larsen
Dr. Signe Larson
Mr. Richard Lasonde
Mr. Jim Laughlin
Ms. Laura Laundry
Mr. & Mrs. John Lavery
Ms. Dawn Law
Ms. Loretta Lawlor
Ms. Krista Lawrence
Ms. Lazzara & Ms. Maden
Ms. Allison Leach &
Mr. Jonah Gladney
Ms. Rae Ann Leahy
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Leary
Mr. & Mrs. John Leavitt
Ms. Phyllis Leavitt & Ms. Tobi
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lebel
Mr. James Leblanc
Mr. David Lebson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ledgett
Mr. & Mrs. John Lee
Ms. Eva Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Leger
Mr. Douglas Lehman
Mr. Christopher Leighton
Ms. Darcey Leighton
Mr. & Mrs. Wil Leighton
Mr. Wilfred Leighton
Mr. Carl Lender
Ms. Stacy Lenehan
Ms. Theresa Leney
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lennon
Mr. & Mrs. David Lennon
Leominster Transmissions
Ms. Casey Leonard
Ms. Jacqueline Leone
Ms. Edith Morrison Leonhard
& Mr. Albert Leonhard
Mr. & Mrs. John LeSage
Ms. Grace Lesbirel
Mr. Gary Lessard
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Letalien
Ms. Esther Letsche
Ms. Martha Levi
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Levine
Mr. Jay Levine
Lewis B. Kevelson, CPA, PA
Mr. David Libby
Mr. Lawrence Libby
Ms. Nancy Libby
Mr. Jim Liberatore
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Lichtenstein
Mr. David Light & Ms. Joelle
Mr. & Mrs. William Lincoln
Mr. James Lindsay
Ms. Tonia Linke
Lions Club of Gardiner/
Ms. Jill Litchfield
Little Farmers Inc.
Little Log Cabin Montessori
Little Red Caboose Child
Development Center
Living Life for Bryce
Mr. Donald A. Lobel
Ms. Carolyn LoCastro
Mr. Salvatore Loiacono
Lopez the Florist, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne Lotz
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Lovejoy
Mr. & Mrs. John Lovejoy
Ms. Suzanne Lovett
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Low
Mr. Douglas J. Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lowes
The LPM Charitable
Mr. Paul Lucey
Lucky Pet Animal Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lurvey
Mr. Daniel Luther
Mr. Tim Luu
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lynch
Ms. Joellen Lynch &
Ms. Catherine Parkin
Mr. Michael Lynch
Ms. Bethany Lyon
Mr. Jonathan Lyon
Mr. Richard Macari
Ms. Brenda J. MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Macintyre
Ms. Juliana MacLeod
Ms. Marie MacMillan
Ms. Yvonne MacNeill
Ms. Catherine MacRitchie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maffie
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Mageau
Ms. Wendy Mages
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Magoun
Ms. Mary Magri
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Kim Mai
Mr. John Maihos
Maine Obsolete Automobile
League, Inc.
Maine Real Estate
Management, LLC
Maine Teen Camp
Ms. Joanne Mainella
Mr. & Mrs. James Malavich
Mr. Richard Malconian
Ms. Brenda F. Mallen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Malloy
Ms. Catherine Mandaleris
Mr. Syd Mandelbaum
Ms. Beth Manitsky
Mr. John Manning
Mr. & Mrs. David Marcus
Mr. John P. Marione
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Markey
Ms. Katheryn Markham
Ms. Mirela Marku
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marotta
Ms. Marilyn Marrotte
Mr. Jeffrey Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Martens
Ms. Amy Martin
Ms. Bonnie J. Martin
Ms. Catherine Martin
Ms. Elizabeth Martin
Ms. Thalia Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martini
Martin’s Point Health Care
Ms. Victoria Masakowski &
Mr. Roger Inhorn
Mr. Stephen Maselunas
Mrs. Rosalie Mason
Mast Cove Galleries
Mr. & Mrs. George Mathey
Mr. Milton Matthews
Mr. James Mattie
Mr. Jay Mauk
Max Kagan Family
Ms. Patricia Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mayo
Ms. Debbie McAlary
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Mr. G. Christopher
Mr. Paul McAuliffe
Mr. Sterling McBride
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McCarthy
Ms. Margaret McCarthy
Ms. Maria Christina
Mr. & Mrs. Bill McClurg
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Carrie McCoy
Ms. Katherine McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. James McCumsey
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley McCurdy
Mr. William McDaid
Mr. & Mrs. William
Ms. April McDermott
Ms. Nicole McDermott
Mr. Robert J. McDermott
Ms. Catherine McDevitt
Ms. Barbara McDonald
Ms. Deborah McDonald
Dr. Kenneth McDonald
Ms. Marie McDonough
Ms. Meghan McDonough
Mr. Edward McFadden
McFarlane & Field
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert
Mr. & Mrs. David McGonigle
Ms. Delia McGowan
Ms. Lori McGrory
Mr. Matthew McGuire
Ms. Kristin McIntire
Ms. Pamela McIntyre
Mr. Patrick McKenna
Mr. Galen McKenney
Mr. Patrick McKiernan
Mr. & Mrs. Pearse McKiernan
Mr. Tony McKim
Ms. Heather McKinley
Mr. John McManus
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Mr. Thomas McNulty
Ms. Kathy McQuiggan
Mr. Michael McSally
Mr. Lawrence McWright
Ms. Mary Means
Ms. Margo Measley
Mechanics Savings Bank
Medford Fire Fighters Local
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mrs. Joan Meister
Ms. Elizabeth Mejia-Piedrahita
Ms. Kerry Melavin
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Melvin
Memorial High School
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mendofik
Ms. Valerie Mercer &
Mr. Kevin Hynes
Ms. Kathryn Meredith
Newburyport Lions Club
Mr. Glenn Newsom
Mr. Tyjuan Newsome
Ms. Mary Newton
Mr. Paul Newton
Mr. Terrance Newton
Nexus, Inc.
Mr. David Nickerson
Mr. & Mrs. John Nicola
Ms. Julianna Nielsen
Mr. Mark Niemi
Ms. Irma Nieves Torres
Ms. Bette Nissenberg
Mr. Adam Noel
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Noller
Nonesuch Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nori
Northboro Junior Woman’s
Northeast Society of the
American Institute of
Building Design
Northern Benefits, LTD
Northern Virginia
Ms. Carol Norton
Nova Hebrew Congregation
Ms. E. Anita Noyes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Noyes
NSTAR Foundation
Ms. Alba Nunez
Ms. Nancy Nykiel
Ms. Jo-Ann O’Connell
Mr. Roger O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
O’Connell’s Jellystone Park
Ms. Linda JablonskiO’Connor & Mr. Edward
Ms. Donita O’Dell
Mr. Ben Odom
Mr. Scott O’Donnell
Ms. Catherine Oettinger
Mr. Harold Ofstie
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Grady
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew O’Hala
Ms. Michelle O’Haren
Ms. Jessie Olin
Mr. Garfield Olmstead
Ms. Cindy Olsen
Mr. Chris Olson
Ms. Wendy Olson
One Stop Party Shoppe
Ms. Ellen O’Neill
Ms. Kathy O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Neill
Mr. Steve O’Neill
Mr. Brad Orbeton
Mr. & Mrs. F. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Osburn
Ms. Carol Oster
Jill & Sten Ostrem
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew O’Toole
Ms. Teri Ouellette
Our Lady of the Valley
Regional School
Mr. Alan Ozminkowski
Ms. Beth Packard
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Packman
Mr. & Mrs. John Packs
Ms. Rebecca Padilla
Kimball Page
Ms. Allison Page
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pagliaro
Mr. Dean Palladino
Ms. Catherine Palleschi
Mr. & Mrs. John Palmer
Mr. William Palmer
Ms. Barbara Palmieri
Mr. Richard Palombo
Mr. Vincent Palumbo
Ms. Donna Pampalone
Ms. Sally Pampalone
Ms. Maureen Pan
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Panagakos
Ms. Valerie Panayoti
Ms. Linda Paolino
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Pappalardo
Ms. Elizabeth Paret
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Paris
Paris Farmers Union
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Parisi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parkhill
Mr. Roger Parlin
Mr. Scott Patashnik
Pathways, Inc.
Patrick McLaughlin Memorial
Pat’s Pizza of Auburn
Ms. Shawna Patterson
Ms. Lisa Pavilaitis
Ms. Diane Paylor
Payroll Management
Peace Tree Apparel
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Pelletier
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. John Pelloso
Ms. Jennifer Pena
Ms. Leah Pengel
Mr. David Penn
Ms. Melinda F. Penney
Mr. Jim Pepping
Pepsico Foundation Employee
Mr. Robert J. Percy
Ms. Tammy Perreault
Mr. Bradford Peterson
Ms. Gail Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Peterson
Mr. Scott Peterson
Mr. Anthony Petraco
Mr. Lawrence Petzing
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Phelps
Philadelphia Archery & Gun
Club, Inc.
Ms. Magdalene Phillips
Ms. Rachael Phinney
Phinney Lumber Company
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolphe Picard
Ms. Mary Piche
Ms. Thomasine Piche
Pine Island Camp
Pine Tree Chapter of ATHS
Ms. Theresa Pines
Mr. Joseph Piotrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Pisa
Mr. & Mrs. John Pistorio
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Pittoni
Mr. Donald Pizzutello
Play For Your Cause
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Poellot
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poirier
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
Ms. Dorothy Morris
Ms. Joan Morris
Ms. Karen Morris
Ms. Stephanie Morris
Mr. & Mrs. John Morrison
Mr. Sean Morrissey
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Morton
Mr. David Moskowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Moulton
Mountainview Woodies CBC
Mr. Jacob Mouradian
Ms. Mary Mouser
Mr. Trevor Coyne
Ms. Cecile Mugrage
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Muldoon
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mullahy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mullarkey
Mr. John Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Munyan
Mr. & Mrs. John Murdoch
Ms. Christine Murphy
Ms. Cynthia
Woodyard-Murphy &
Mr. Robert Murphy
Ms. Ester Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy
Mr. John Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Murphy
Mr. Richard Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murphy
Mr. Stephen V. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Murphy
Ms. Virginia Murphy
Ms. Margaret Murphy-Mooers
Mr. Benjamin Muscente
Ms. Ilia Biaggi-Myers &
Mr. Charles Myers
Ms. Sarah Mylott
Ms. Linda Nabokov
Mr. Grant Nadell
Ms. Margaret Nagle &
Mr. Ron Fassler
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Nangle
Ms. Lisa Napolitano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nash
Ms. Zara Nasir
Dr. Iqbal A. Nasir
Mr. Mouris Nassimi
Ms. Hannah Nathan
National Fuel Gas Distrib.
Mr. & Mrs. James Needham
Mr. & Mrs. John Nelson
Mr. David Nelson
Ms. Patricia Nelson
Ms. Shelly Nemirosky
Ms. Ellen NeSmith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nestor
Netop Summer Camp, Inc.
Mr. Donald Netsch
Ms. Kendra Neville
New England Steel Fab., Inc.
New Portland Lions Club
New York Impacto Lions Club
Ms. Susanne Newberry
Mr. & Mrs. Tucker Newberry
2012 Donors
Mr. Thomas Mergan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merz
Mr. Christopher Messina
Mr. Craig Messinger
Ms. Kathleen Metcalf
Ms. Ruth Metcalf
Mr. Robert Metz
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Metzendorf
Mr. E. Robert Meyer
Ms. Josephine Micale
Mr. Douglas Michaels
Mickie Kucinkas CI/CT
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Miles
Milford Lions Club/MA
Millbrook Lions Club
Mr. Gregory S. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Miller
Ms. JoAnn Miller
Ms. Kaitlyn Miller
Mr. Scott Miller
Ms. Samantha Millette
Ms. Cheryl Milligan
Mr. John Milo, Jr.
Mr. John Milo III
Mr. Neal Miner
Ms. Tracy Mink
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mintz
Ms. Mary Pat Mirabella
Mr. Al Miranda
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Misiaszek
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Mitchell
Ms. Susan Mitchell
Mr. Matt Mitrano
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mizelle
Mizner Grande Realty, Inc.
MJD Enterprises, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Moffatt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moffatt
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Mogavero
Mr. Anand Mohan
Ms. Candice Kalati Moheban
& Mr. Jacob Moheban
Mr. Shawn Molodow
Monadnock Regional High
Ms. Rebecca Mondor
Ms. Brandi Moniz
Monmouth Coast FC Splash
Moody’s Collision Center
Cn Moog
Ms. Jill Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moore
Ms. Tracy Moore
Ms. Virginia Moore
Moore Painting
Ms. Elena Morales
Mr. & Mrs. John Moran
Ms. Raquel Gayg Mordasini &
Mr. Leonardo Mordasini
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Morganstein
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moriarty
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius
Ms. Betsy Morin
Mr. Kevin Morin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Morin
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Morong
2012 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Polackwich
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pollard
Ms. Barbara Pontecorvo
Mr. Bouker Pool
Ms. Leigh-Ann Porcaro
Mrs. Lind Porcelli &
Mr. Edward Smercak
Mr. Ferrel Porcelli
Mr. V. Lorenzo Porcelli
Mr. Jeffrey Porter
Portland Professional
PortSports, LLC
Ms. Elizabeth Pothel-Pereira
Mr. Adam Pothier
Ms. Julie Poulin
Ms. Melissa Nickerson-Pratt &
Mr. William Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. David Preddy
Mr. Fred Pregger
Mr. & Mrs. James Prendergast
Mr. James Prescott
Mr. Ira E. Price, Jr.
Ms. Darlene Pricher
Ms. Sally Pritchard
Ms. Alexis Pumill
Mr. Tom E. Purcell
Ms. Sharon Purzak
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Putnam
Mr. & Mrs. Juha Puumala
Quality Security Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Querolo
Quirk Chevrolet Cadillac Saab
of Bangor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rader
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Radgowski
Radley’s Cascade Plaza, Inc.
Ms. Mary Ragan
Mr. Joseph Ragucci
Ms. Wendy Railton
Mr. Michael Raines
M. Ramachandran
Mr. Raji Ramachandran
Ms. Jean Ramsell
Ms. Janice F. Rand
Ranello & Ranello, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Claris Ranger
Dr. Harold Rappaport &
Mr. Mike Iverson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rau
Mr. Robert Raufeisen
Daniel Ravin, D.M.D.
Ms. Laura Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Read
Mr. Joseph Realmuto, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca Reap
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reed
Mr. James Reese
Mr. Richard Reese
Mr. Bret Regan
Mr. Robert Regan
Ms. Violet Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Regnier
Mrs. Julie Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Reidman
Mr. Mark Reilly
Mr. Robert Ricciardi
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Richard
Richard W. Endlar Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Ms. Alice Richards
Richard’s Masonry
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Richio
Ms. Melissa Richter
Mr. David Riggs
Mr. John Riggs
Mr. John Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Riley
Yael Rimer
Ms. Roberta Ringler
Mr. Jason Rinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ristagno
RL Sales & Service
Rob Pothier Electrical Co.
Ms. Joanne Amsterdamska
Ms. Anne Roberts
Ms. Rachel Roberts
Ms. Helen Robillard
Mr. & Mrs. John Robinson
Ms. Sally Robinson
Roche Bros. Sudbury Farms
Ms. Kelly Rockwell
Rockwell Roofing, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rodrigues
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roell
Mr. & Mrs. James Rohr
Mr. & Mrs. William Romaka
Ms. Meagan Roman
Mr. Frank Romano, Jr.
Mrs. Sharon Romano
Mr. Richard Romar
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Ronan
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Roos
Ms. Janet Root
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rose
Ms. Rebecca E. Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rosinski
Ms. Ruth E. Ross
Ms. Karen Rothenberg &
Mr. Jeffrey Seltzer
Mr. Mark Rothschild
Eyal Rotman
Mr. Paul Rouleau
Mr. Robert Rowe
Mr. Stephen Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Rowse
Mr. David Roy
Ms. Jane Roy
Royal Hospitality Services, Inc.
Mr. Martin Royston
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Rubenstein
Mr. & Mrs. George
Ms. Julie Rubenstein
Mr. Joseph Rubino
Mr. Aaron Rubinstein
Ms. Teresa Raimo &
Mr. Daniel Ruiz
RunWalk Company, Inc.
Ms. Lorelei Russ
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ryan
Mr. Eric Ryan
Ms. Sarah Ryan
Mr. William Ryden
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Mr. Michael Safran
Saint Joseph High School
Saint Margaret Regional
Saint Mary’s Crochet Group
Saint Mary’s Parish
Mr. Andrew Salach
Mr. Michael Sales
Mr. & Mrs. James Salsbery
Ms. Jennifer Salvatore &
Mr. Jeffrey Brandi
Mr. Reed Salvatore
Mr. Ryan Salvatore
Ms. Anand Sampath
Ms. Kristin Sampiere
Mr. Terry Samway
Mr. & Mrs. John Sanborn
Mr. Michael Santolucito
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Santoro
Mr. & Mrs. John Sapinsley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sarti
Mr. & Mrs. W. Earl Sasser
Ms. Denise Sassower
Ms. Gloria Saulnier
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Saunders
Ms. Edith Marie Sause
Mr. Matthew Sawatzky
Ms. Mary Sawyer
Mr. Thomas Saxby
Mr. Allen R. Sayles
Ms. Susan Scarola & Mr. Tom
Ms. Tracy Scarrow
Ms. June Schaaff
Mr. James Schantz
Ms. Mary Schattenberg
Ms. Ellenjane Scheiner
Mr. Jay Scherr
Mr. & Mrs. Ralf Schlenker
Ms. Margaret Schmuckal
Ms. Joanne Schneider
Ms. Nancy Schoenberg
Mr. & Mrs. John Scholtz
Mr. Ian Schorr
Ms. Ingrid Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schroth
Ms. Diane M. Schultz
Schwab Fund for Charitable
Ms. Stacee Schweigert
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Scribner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scully
Mr. & Mrs. David Scyphers
Sea Winds of Sea Isle, LLC
Seabreeze Plumbing &
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Senter
Sentinel Benefits
Ms. Janine Serell
Ms. Shannon Serkes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shafer
Ms. Stephanie Shaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shailer
Mr. Ravi Shankar
Mr. Mitchell Sharpe
Sharpe, Kawam, Carmosino
& Company, LLC
Ms. Janice Shaw
Mr. David Shaz
Ms. Roseann Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Sheehan
Ms. Teri Shelton
Mr. Craig Shenkler
Ms. Olivia Sherman
Ms. Tracey Shields
Patrice & Jasmine Shields
Mr. Kenneth Shifren
Mr. Merle Shoneman
Shoreline Kiwanis
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Siebenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sierpina
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Mr. Michael Sierra
Mr. Walter Siggers
Sikorsky Aircraft Firefighters
Mr. Russ Silva
Mrs. Camille Simone
Mr. & Mrs. Rene Simoneau
Ms. Roberta Sinclair
Mr. Shiv Singh
Ms. Katharine Sinnett
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Siry
Ms. Nancy Sison
Mr. & Mrs. John Skehan
Terry Skillings
Mr. Peter Skotny
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Skousen
Ms. Mary Anne Slain
Ms. Heather Slater
Mr. James A. Slater
Mr. Kevin A. Slavin
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sleeper
Mr. Edward Small
Mr. Craig Smith
Ms. Erin Koffman-Smith &
Mr. Kyle Smith
Mr. Gregory Smith
Mr. Gregory Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Smith
Ms. Kristin Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith
Ms. Robyn Smith
Mr. Russell Smith
Ms. Susan Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Winston Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Smyth
Mr. Glenn Snyder
Ms. Kathleen Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sobel
Ms. Linda Sue
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sojak
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Solar
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Solon
Mrs. Kathleen Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Sigfried Soneson
Mr. Steven Soroka
Mr. Jeremy Sossei
Mr. Edmund Soule
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Spadaro
Ms. Grace Spain
Ms. Kayleigh Spain
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Spallanzani
Speedy Stop, Inc.
Ms. Julie Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sponsler
Mr. Patrick Spooner
Ms. Linda Sprenger
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy St. John
Ms. Diane Stack
Morgan & Marishane Stahl
Ms. Barbara Stallard
Mr. & Mrs. William Stansky
Ms. Laurie Starr &
Mr. Andrew Rodda
Mr. Terrence Stearns
Stefano’s Pizza & Sub Shop
Mr. Joel Stein
Mr. & Mrs. William Stein
Lainee Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. James Stella
Step Up To Excellence
Sterling Builders of Lee
County, Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey Stevens
Mr. Mark Steward
Mr. Douglas Stewart
Ms. Julie Stickney
Mr. Warren Stieglitz
Ms. Jennifer Stites
Mr. Douglas Stone
Mr. Matthew Stonequist
Stony Brook Fish & Game
Mr. Harland Storey
Col. Harold T. Stott, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stover
Mr. Greg Stover
Strategic Protection Group
Mr. Carl Strawbridge
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strick
Ms. Jennifer Stromberg
Mr. Charles Stroud
Mr. Jeb Stuart
Ms. Jean Styles
Ms. Peggy Sukoff
Mr. Brian Sullivan
Ms. Claudia Sullivan
Mr. David N. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sullivan
Ms. Marcia Sullivan
Ms. Meg Sullivan
Ms. Susan Sullivan
Superior Trademark Inc.
Ms. Cheryl Sutton
Mr. John Sutton
Ms. Lisa Swanson
Mrs. Alexandra Sweeney &
Mr. Marc Fishstein
Ms. Alice T. Sweet
Ms. Gertrude E. T. Sweetland
Ms. Mary Gail Swenson
Mr. John Swiniarski, Jr.
Swiss Re Matching Gift
T & J Limousine and Car
T & T Computer
Troubleshooters, Inc.
Ms. Jennifer Tabb
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Tuck
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tully
Ms. Christine Tunney
Ms. Mary Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Twardy
Ms. Linda Twill
Mr. Dana Twombly
Ms. Dorothy Tyler
Ms. Winifred Una Rice
Uncle Munchies, LLC
Ms. Racquel Undlin
United Comb & Novelty
United Way of Greater
Nashua, Inc.
United Way of Mid-Maine
United Way of Rhode Island
Uno Restaurants, LLC
Ms. Leonora Vaccaro
Ms. Caryn O’Toole - Vachon
& Mr. John Vachon
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Valiante
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Valko
Mr. Peter Valko, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Valler
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Vashon
Mr. Timothy Vashon
Mr. & Mrs. George Vaszily
Ms. Donna Vellekamp
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Vender
Mr. Joseph Veni
Mr. Timothy Verreault
Mr. & Mrs. Don Vespa
Mr. Daniel Vetras
VFW Post 9328
Ms. Sarah Viar
Virtual, Inc.
Mr. Davide Visco
Dr. Adrianna Vlachos
Kanoa Von Bernewitz
Mr. Scott Wagner
Mr. John Wakelin
Ms. Brenda Walker
Mr. & Mrs. James Walker
Mr. Michael Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wallace
Mr. William Walsh
Ms. Judith Walter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walton
Mr. & Mrs. James Ward
Mr. Michael Ward
Ms. Pamela Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Waring
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Washburn
Ms. Barbara Waters
Ms. Sharon Watson &
Mr. David Carwile
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Waugh
Ms. Annette Waxberg
& Mr. Lorne Shelson
Wayfarer Village, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Wayland
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weber
Ms. Audra L. Wehr
Mr. Daniel Weinbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Michele Weiser
Ms. Patricia Weiss &
Mr. Stephen Collier
Mikal Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiss
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Weissman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Welch
Ms. Sara Welch
Ms. Judith Werner
Mr. Toby Wertheim
Ms. Karen West
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Westbrook High School
Mr. D. Michael Weston
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wexler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wexler
Mr. Neil Wheaton
Ms. Ann Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Whitcher
Ms. Poppy White &
Mr. Steven Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan White
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Whitebread
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Whitmore
Mr. Todd Whitney
Ms. Amber Wiers
Corey W. Wilder
Ms. Brenda Will
Dr. Barbara Willensky
Ms. Alice Williams &
Ms. Nancy Gentile
Ms. Carley Williams
Mr. Cullen Williams
Ms. Fiorella Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Williams
Ms. Julie D. Williams
Ms. Renee Williams
Ms. Sheryl Williams
Ms. Laura Willis
Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wilson
Ms. Rose Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Wilson
Ms. Ann Wimpfheimer
Windham Diagnostics, Inc.
Windsor Learning Center
Mr. James Wingard
Mr. Dennis Wink
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wirth
Ms. Erin Wiswell
Mr. & Mrs. James Wiswell
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Peter Witke
Mr. Geoff Witt
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wolf
Mr. Michael Wolfe
Wolfe Public Relations
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. George Wong
Mr. Jason Wong
Ms. Carol Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wood
Ms. Kathleen Woodford
Ronnie Woodin
Woodstoves & Fireplaces
Mr. Andrew Woolfrey
Ms. Brenda Wray
Mrs. Priscilla Wright
Mr. Timothy Wright
Mr. Victor A. Wright
WSU Athletic Training
Mr. Howard Wulfson
Wyonegonic Camps
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Xeller
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Yasko
Dr. Cagri Yildirim-Toruner
Yogi Bear’s - Flatrock Resort
Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Young
Ms. Katherine Young
Chia-Yu Yu & David Hwang
Ms. Laura Yunger
Ms. Judith Zabinski
Ms. Cynthia Zafft
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zajac
Mr. Jeffrey Zdunczyk
Mr. Gary Zegel
Ms. Susan Chalifoux Zephir
& Mr. Edward Zephir, Jr.
Ms. Anita Zidow
Ms. Roberta Zimmerman
Ms. Jane Zimmy
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Zinman
Mr. John Zinno
Jovan Zivkovic
Abbe Zuckerberg
$50 +
A-1 Pallets, Inc.
Ms. Jodi Abbott &
Mr. Robert Brown
Ms. Judith Abbott
Ms. Louise Abbott
Ms. Zainab Abdur-Raheem
Mr. Julius Abraham
Ms. Julie Abrams
Acme Auto Body Repairing
Acoaxet Veterinary Clinic
Mr. Andrew Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Adelson
Ms. Ambereen Ahmad
Ms. Huma Alan
Mr. Corey Albanese
Mr. Ben Albert
Ms. Helen Alesse
Mustafa Ali
Mr. Donald Allard
Mr. Jeffrey Allen
Ms. Michelle Allman
Mr. Tyler Alterio
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Alterman
Mr. Luke Alward
Ms. Dorn Amato
American Harley Davidson
American Legion Maine
Mr. Peter Amershadian
Ms. Brook Ames
Ms. Diane Ames
Ms. Olivia Ames
Ms. Sallie Ames
Ms. Amy Aminlari
Mr. & Mrs. William Ammons
Ms. Cheryl Amos &
Mr. Jerome Helmicki
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Ms. Nicole Amoss
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anania
Ms. Peggy Anastasi
Mr. Brian Anderson
Mr. James Anderson
Mr. Peter Anderson
Mr. Thomas Anderson
Ms. Laura Angelico
Mr. Marc Angelico
Ms. Mary Angelico
Ms. Denise Angelini
Mr. Gregory Angelini
Ms. Nefertiti Angelini
Ms. Jane Ansaldo - Church
Antea Group
Mr. & Mrs. John Anthony
Mr. Rick Apicella
Ms. Peggy Appel
Mr. Joel Applegate
Ms. Karen Applegate
Ms. Theresa Applegate
Mr. & Mrs. James Arcese
Arch Reinsurance Company
Ms. Gloria Ardolino
Ms. Julie Armstrong
Ms. Amy Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Arnold
Mr. Conrad Arseneau
Ms. Riffat Arshad
Ms. Robin Ashe
Mr. Peter Ashey
Ms. Edith Ashton
Mr. Brent Askari
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Atherton
Ms. Marlene Austen
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Autry
Ms. Jennifer Aziz
Mr. Sherif Aziz
Ms. Sheila Azorandia
Mr. Dominick Azzolini
Mr. Nathan Babb
Mr. & Mrs. William Babetski
Ms. Sarah Babineau
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Babino
Ms. Elizabeth Baccari
Ms. Diane Cherr-Bachman &
Mr. Richard Bachman
Ms. Karen Backus
Mr. Daniel Bacon
Ms. Jody Bagley
Ms. Michelle Bagley
Mr. & Mrs. Neville Baia
Ms. Nancy Bajek
Ms. Pamela Bakaysa
Ms. Constance Zuehl-Baker &
Mr. Michael Baker
Mr. Timothy Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baker
Baking for Good, LLC
Ms. Barbara Balestrieri
Mr. Robert Banak
Mr. Wayne Bandini
Ms. Margaret Leigh Banducci
Bangor Tire Company, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Barbach
Ms. Lisa Barbarosh
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Barbash
Mr. Joseph Barbato
Ms. Amanda Barbee
2012 Donors
Mr. John Tabor
Mr. & Mrs. Les Tager
Ms. Aida L. Talaid
Tonis Talviste
Ms. Karen Tammaro
Salah Tanlay
Ms. Amanda Tappen
Ms. Lisa Tarbox Luke
Mr. James Tardiff
Mr. & Mrs. David Tarr
Mr. & Mrs. Faruk Tasdemir
Ms. Sandra Tassinari
Mr. Joseph Tassone
Mr. Thomas Taughran
Mr. David Taylor
Ms. Laurie Oliver Taylor
TCGT, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Tello
Mr. Scott Tempest
Ms. Beverly Malatesta Temple
Mr. Bryce Tennant
Terrace Pines Campground
Ms. Claudia Tesoro &
Mr. Richard Greenstein
Ms. Jane Tewksbury &
Mr. Daniel Albano
Mr. Brian Tewksbury
Mr. David Theriault
Ms. Danielle Thibault
Mr. Dennis Thomas
Ms. Cynthia Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas
Thomaston Federated Church
Thompson & Bowie, LLP
Mr. Fred C. Thompson
Ms. Nancy Thompson
Dr. Stephen J. Thompson
Ms. Lisa Throckmorton
Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher
Ms. Anne Tierney
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Tighe
Mr. & Mrs. John Tirone
Mr. Gregory Titman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Titterton
Ms. Tamiko Toland &
Mr. Ian Hayward
Mr. John W. Tomac
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tomko
Topsham Fair Mall
Mr. William Torpey
Mr. Chistian Tosi
Ms. Carolyn Townsend
Ms. Jennifer Townsend
Mr. Matthew Towse
Ms. Sabrina Toye
Ms. Sarah Trask
Traveler’s Community
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tredwell
Ms. Debra Tremblay
Ms. Maria Trevisan
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Treworgy
Trinity High School
Tripp Lake Camp
Triton Foundation
Ms. Sharon Truzzi & Mr. Jeff
2012 Donors
Ms. Lori Barbee
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Barenholtz
Barg’s Lawn & Garden Shop
Ms. Kelly Barnes
Ms. Lisa Barnstein
Ms. Maritza Barrera
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Barron
Ms. Kristin Barry
Ms. Maureen Barry
Ms. Sheila Barry
Ms. Rajani Didi Bartakke
Ms. Brenda Bartholic
Ms. Hillary Bartlett
Ms. Susan Bartlett
Ms. Jillian Bartolini
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Samantha Bateman
Ms. Edwina Batten
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Battisto
Mr. & Mrs. David Batuski
Mr. Michael Bauer
Mr. Stephen Baxley
Bay State Wiring Co., Inc.
Ms. Linda Bayusik
Ms. Paula Beach
Ms. Deborah Beaton
Mr. Eric Beaudoin
Ms. Lori Beaudoin
Mr. Frederick Becker
Ms. Amy Bedard
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bedard
Ms. Christine Bedoret
Mr. Clifford Beers
Mr. Edward Beers
Ms. Alison Behar &
Mr. Robert Fenster
Ms. Emma Behsman
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Belair
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Belair
Ms. Stephanie Belair
Ms. Denise C. Belanger
Ms. Pamela Holmes Belanger
& Mr. James Belanger
Ms. Diane Bell
Mr. Marc A. Bellanger
Mr. David Bellinger
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Belyea
Ms. Cynthia Benard
Mr. & Mrs. David Benedix
Ms. Gladys Benshimol
Ms. Luanne Benshimol
Mr. Robert Benshimol
Mr. Andries Berendsen
Ms. Bonnie Berg &
Mr. Andrew Keehn
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Berger
Mr. David Bergeron
Mr. William Bergeron
Ms. Melissa Berkebile
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Bernabe
Mr. John Bickford
Ms. Briana-Marie Bigelli
Ms. Lana Bilichka
Ms. Laurie Billings
Ms. Marilyn Binns
Ms. Sonia Bishop
Mr. John Black
Mr. Peter Black
Ms. Heather Blackmun
Ms. Samantha Blackmun
Mr. & Mrs. S. Patrick
Ms. Kirsten Blackwill &
Mr. James Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Blair
Ms. Alechia Blanchard
Mr. Jonathan Blank
Ms. Linda Blanton
Mr. Michael Blatt
Blazing Paths Media
Mr. Edward Bligh
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Mr. Charles Bobbish
Mr. Matthew Bodner
Ms. Kristine Bodycoat
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bogutsky
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boike
Ms. Jahan Bokhari
Mr. & Mrs. Declan Boland
Ms. Laura Bolduc
Mr. Jay Bollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bombaro
Ms. Fern E. Bomwell
Mr. Mark Bond
Ms. Michele Bonin
Ms. Amy Bonnici
Ms. Anne Borgeson
Mr. Michael Borton
Ms. Cecile Boss
Ms. Sue Boswell
Mr. & Mrs. Omer Boucher
Ms. Amy Boulter
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Bourassa
Ms. Theresa Bowen
Mr. John Bowen
Ms. Carol Bowker
Ms. Constance Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. John Boyson
Mr. Keith Brabant
Mr. Philip Brabant
Ms. Trina Bragdon
Mr. Scott Bragg
Ms. Carolee C. Brakewood
Ms. Brittany Brassard
Ms. Jane G. Brayton
Ms. Janell Breck
Mr. Steven Bredahl
Ms. Lynn Brennan
Ms. Colleen Brenner
Mr. Doug Brenner
Mr. Randy Breton
Ms. Helen Breuler
Ms. Amy Briand
Ms. Lynda Brick
Mr. Roderick Brick
Bridgewater Academy Lions
Bridgewater Trans, Inc.
Mr. Peter Brindisi
Mr. Matt Britton
Mr. Rich Brobst, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Brooks
Ms. Rene Brooks
Brothers Tire, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brouillette
Mr. Charles Brown, DDS
Ms. Fredrica Brown
Ms. Kate Brown
Ms. Martha Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Brown
Ms. Nanci Brown
Mr. Scott Brown
Ms. Sylvia Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William Brown
Ms. Amanda Bruno
Ms. Gianna Bruno
Ms. Stacy Bruss
Mr. Robert Bruton
Ms. Alice Bucha
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Buchanan
Ms. Kathleen Buckley
Buffum Auto Parts
Mr. & Mrs. David Buist
Ms. Laura Bulman
Mr. Shawn Burdette
Ms. Helen Burgess
Mr. Ross Burgess
Ms. Denise Burke
Mr. Rory Burke
Mr. Stephen Burke
Ms. Frances M Burridge
Ms. Brenna Burrows
Ms. Jennifer Bush
Mr. Erik Butler
Ms. Emily Byrne
Ms. Kristin Byrne
Ms. Sarah Byrne
Ms. Justine Byun
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Caccia
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cadden
Café Montmarte
Ms. Cathy Calabrese
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Calabrese
Mr. Donald Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Cambio
Camp Cedar
Mr. Charles Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Campbell
Ms. Denise Campbell
Ms. Marisa Campbell
Ms. Sarah Campbell
Mr. Antonio Candelmo
Ms. Patricia Canney
Ms. Shirley Canniff
Ms. Sally Canoles
Capitol Cleaners, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Capitulo
Mrs. Barbara Capone
Mr. & Mrs. David Capuano
Ms. Laura J. Caputo
Ms. Corrie Carbone
Mr. & Mrs. Norm
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Card
Ms. Christine Card
Mr. & Mrs. Gary
Mr. & Mrs. James Carder
Ms. Judith Cardiges
Mr. Roger Cardinal
Ms. Kimberly Carlisle
Ms. Diane Carlson &
Mr. James Sundberg
Ms. Casey Carlson
Ms. Carol Carlson
Mr. Eric Carlson
Mr. Glenn Carlson
Ms. Lynne Carlson
Ms. Victoria Carmody
Ms. Alison Carmody
Mr. Joseph Carnevale
Ms. Amy Carney
Mr. & Mrs. George Carrick
Mr. James Carroll
Jamie Carroll
Ms. Jessica Carroll
Ms. Katey Carroll
Mr. Kyle Carroll
Dr. Gregory Carson
Ms. Karen Carter
Mr. Nicholas Carter
Ms. Jennifer Caruana
Ms. Alison Caruso
Ms. Linda Carville
Casco Bay Ford
Ms. Susan Casenhiser
Mr. & Mrs. John Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Casey
Ms. Mary Cashman
Mr. Peter Casserly
Ms. Elizabeth Castro
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Caswell
Mr. & Mrs. Vito Catalano
Ms. Michaela Catino
Ms. Lauren Catrino
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cawley
Ms. Laurel Cebra
Ms. Joni Cederberg
Ms. Laura Cella-Donovan
Celtex Enterprises, Inc.
Center for Physical Therapy
Central Street Meat & Deli
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Cerato
Ms. Mary Chadburn
Ms. Sara Chaffee &
Mr. Joshua Kilham
Ms. Peta Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Danny
Mr. & Mrs. C.B. Chant
Ms. DeAndra Chapman
Ms. Rachel Chaput
Charming Shoppes Girls
Ms. Daisy Charneco
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chase
Mr. Claude Chatterton
Ms. Trang Chau
Ms. Louise Chauncey &
Mr. Patrick Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. Helio Chaves
Mr. Mitchell Chen
Mr. Arthur Chenault
Ms. Elaine Chetrit
Ms. Jeanne Chevalier
Mr. Charles Chiarello
Mr. John Chidiac
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Chiefa
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Child
Ms. Gayle Chinchiolo
Mr. J. Thomas Chiolo
Ms. Jan Chizzonite
Ms. Mavis Choate
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Chorney
Mr. John Chrislip
Mr. Birger Christensen
Ms. Mary F. Christopher
Mr. Jack Chung
Mr. Ryan Cianchette
Mr. Angelo Ciocca
Circle K at the University of
Maine - Orono
Mr. David Ciriello
Mr. Louis Cirucci
Citizens Charitable
Manos Cito
Ms. Diane Clancy
Ms. Anabel Clark
Ms. Helen Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Clark
Mr. Ryan Clark
Ms. Susan Clary
Ms. Michelle Clayman
Ms. Ellen Cleary
Ms. Kathleen Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Clifford
Ms. Victoria Clifford
Ms. Lisa Clough
Mr. Robert Clough
Ms. Kelly Cloutier
Mr. Kenneth Cloutier
Ms. Pamela Cloutier
Mr. David Clow
Ms. Ellen Clow
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cochran
Ms. Therese Cockerline
Mr. Michael Cody
Mrs. Evelyn Cohen
Mr. J. Andrew Cohen
Mr. Ralph Cole
Mr. Gabriel Coleman
Ms. Carol S. Colena
Ms. Donna Colish
Ms. Sandra Collins
Ms. Theresa Collins
Ms. Denise Collop
Mr. Wilfred Colon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Comer
Common Kids, LLC
Community Chiropractic
Ms. Kaicey Conant
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conlin
Mr. John Conn
Mr. Joseph Connolly
Ms. Marybeth
Goulet-Connolly &
Dr. John Connolly
Ms. Colleen Connors
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul
Mr. Earl Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Conroy
Consumers First Mortgage
Ms. Helen Coombs
Mr. John Corbett
Ms. Karen Corcoran
Ms. Mary Corcoran
Mr. & Mrs. David Cormier
Ms. Nancy Cormier
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Cosentino
Mr. Donald Cosip
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Costello
Ms. Susanne Costigan
Ms. Linda Costin
Photo courtesy of A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
Ms. Laura S Cutler
Mr. Chet Czarniak
Mr. Chris Dabrowski
Ms. Tracy Dagesse
Ms. Elizabeth Daigle
Ms. Deborah Dale
Shideh Dalilaltojary
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Daly
Mr. Brett D’Amore
Mr. James Dana, Jr.
Dance Expressions
Ms. Marie Danco
Ms. Patricia Dangler
Mr. Frederick Daniels
Ms. Catherine Dashevsky
Daughters of the American
Ms. Erica Davis
Mr. Jeffrey Davis
Ms. Lynne Davis
Ms. Patricia Davis
Ms. Shealyn Davis
Ms. Heather Day
Ms. MaryEllen Day
Ms. Dianne Dean
Ms. Penny Debassio
Mr. & Mrs. Steven DeCarolis
Ms. Rachel DeCosta
Ms. Walda DeCrues
Mr. Robert Dee
Deering Memorial Post 6859
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ms. Penny DeGoosh, MSW
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Laura Delaney
Ms. Betty DeLise
Ms. Jean Duff
Mr. Michael Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dufour
Ms. Randi Dugan
Ms. Madison Dukas
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Duncan
Mr. James Dunn
Ms. Lauren Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Dunn
Ms. Patricia Dunn
Ms. Sheena Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dunton
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Duprey
Ms. Stacey Durand
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Durgin
Ms. Molly Durgin
Ms. Hillary Dushan-Librot
Mr. Jeffrey Dyer
Mr. Chad Ealden
Mr. & Mrs. David Early
East Main Automotive
Service, Inc.
Mr. Michael Eavey
Mr. Fred Ebnereza
Ms. Pamela Eckmann
Mr. & Mrs. John Economos
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Edwards
Ms. Melinda Edwards &
Ms. Helen Bauer
Mr. Keith Edwin
Ms. Madeline Egan
Ms. Mary Ann Egger
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Eglinton
Ms. Maryellen Maguire-Eisen
& Mr. Richard Eisen
Ms. Mary Eldredge
Mr. Evan Elian
Ms. Marci Ellingwood
Mr. & Mrs. David Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. David Ellison
Ms. Adria Elskus
Ms. Marcia Ely
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Endicott
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Engel
Ms. Jodi Engelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Epstein
Ms. Dianne Erb
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Erdman
Ms. Lucy Erickson
Ms. Erica Eslinger
Ms. Meghan Eslinger
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Eslinger
ESM, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Espe
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Evans
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fabrizio
Ms. Marissa Factora
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fagundes
Ms. Joanne Fahey
Ms. Kimberly Hudson Fahey
& Mr. John Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Fahey
Mr. Kyle Fair
Ms. Emily Fairbairn
Ms. Casey Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Faraci
Ms. Barbara Fargnoli
Ms. Katie Fargnoli
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Ms. Kelly Farmer
Ms. Stephanie Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Farquhar
Mr. Murray J. Farr
Mr. Steven Fata
Ms. Julie Faust
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Favreau
Ms. Karen Fay
Mr. Eugene Fayer
Ms. Kathleen Federline
Mr. Dennis Feerick
Ms. Elise Feldman
Mr. Jeffrey Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. John Feminella
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Fennelly
Mr. Shane Fenton
Mr. Craig Ferguson
Ms. Keyla Fernandez
Mr. Greg Fernlund
Ms. Susan Fernlund
Ms. Jill Ferrarotti
Ms. Carolyn Ferry
Ms. Crystal Ferry
Ms. Julie Field
Ms. Jill Grose-Fifer &
Mr. William Fifer
Mr. & Mrs. James Fiffick
Ms. Linda Filippelli
Mr. Joseph Filippi
Ms. Laureen Finch
Ms. Kimberly H. Fink
Mr. & Mrs. John Fiori
Ms. Kathleen Fiquet
Ms. Ann Fisher & Mr. C.
Scott Dana
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fishkin
Ms. Alice Fiske
Ms. Ginger Fitzgerald
Ms. Coralyn Flad-Gorlicki
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Flagg
Ms. Mary Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Flanigan
Ann & Jean Flatt
Ms. Jenna Flattery
Ms. Carol Flavin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fleming
Ms. Andrea Fletcher
Ms. Edna Fletcher
Ms. Madeline Flick-DeBonis
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Patricia Flynn &
Mr. James De Zutter
Ms. Jessica Flynn
Ms. Susan Flynn
Mr. James Fodiman
Ms. Rita Fogelman
Mr. John Folco
Dr. Lisa Fontaine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fontaine
Ms. Karen Foote
Ms. Arlene Foot-Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. James Ford
Ms. Julie Ford
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fornshell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forrant
Ms. Carin Foster
Ms. Carolyn Foster
Ms. Debra Foster
Ms. Rebecca Foster
2012 Donors
Ms. Deborah S. Cote
Dr. Patricia Coughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Coulter
Country Fair Antiques &
Mr. Merrill Cousens
Mr. & Mrs. Laird Covey
Mr. Daniel Cox
Mr. Robert Cox
Ms. Shelley Cox
Ms. Tracy Ann Cox
Ms. Elaine Crangle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Crear
Kerry Creswell
Mr. Gerard Creutz
Mr. Thomas Crider
Ms. Ericka Croft
Ms. Jane Croft
Mr. Kent Croft
Ms. Kathleen Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. William Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Croucher
Mr. Kevin Crowley
Ms. Anita Cruso
Mr. & Mrs. William Cucchi
Ms. Jennifer Cullen
Mr. Joe Cullen
Ms. Angelique Culp
Ms. Adine Cumberland
Dashiell & Adam Cummins
Mrs. Amy Cunningham
Mr. Henry Cunningham
Ms. Paula Curcio
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Curlings
Mrs. Martha Curry
Ms. Jennifer Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cushman
Ms. Megan Delisi
Dellechiaie Landscaping Co.
Mr. Clyde DeLong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeMaio
Ms. Sharon Demaral
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond DeMeo
Mr. & Mrs. John DePeters
Ms. Brianna DeQuattro
DeRosa & Chamberland
Ms. Kerri Desfosses
Ms. Stacey Despathy
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Desposito
Ms. Lisa Despotopulos
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Deverka
Ms. Stacy Devine
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Devlin
Mr. & Mrs. Philip DeWitt
Dexter Sunrise Kiwanis
Mr. Randall Dick
Ms. Margaret Dickey
Mr. Stephen DiConzo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Diebold
Ms. Alice Diegisser
Ms. Joanne Diehl
Ms. Mary Jule Diehl
Ms. Rachel DiFiore
Ms. Gail DiMicco
Mr. Vincent DiMillo
Michael & S. DiNello
Ms. Kali DiPilla
Ms. Jacqueline DiRienzo
Ms. Karen Dobbyn &
Mr. Fred Field
Ms. Theresa Dodd
Ms. Deanna Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Doe
Mr. Andrew Donermeyer
Ms. Stephanie Donley
Donna Moore & Associates
Ms. Caitlyn Donnelly
Ms. Patricia Donnelly
Ms. Virginia Donner
Ms. Donna Dorion
Ms. Patricia Dormer
Ms. Jacqueline D’Ornofrio
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dorow
Mr. Michael Dorr
Ms. Jennifer Doten
Ms. Rebecca Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. Jeffrey Douglas
Ms. Pearl Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Douglas
Mr. David Dowling
Mr. Joshua Dowling
Ms. Emily Doyle
Ms. Kathleen Doyle
Ms. Maria Doyle
Ms. Lillian Doyon
Ms. Marci Dressler &
Mr. Louis Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Drigotas
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Dubail
Mr. Jonathan Dubow
Mr. & Mrs. John Dubuc
Mr. Herbert R. Duff
2012 Donors
Four Seasons Nursery and
Mr. Gary Fournier
Ms. Lillian Fournier
Mr. Timothy Fowles
Mr. & Mrs. John Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foye
Mr. Larry France
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Franco
Ms. Anita Frank
Mr. & Mrs. William Franklin
Mr. James Freal
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Freeman
Ms. Jennifer French
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fresco
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friedman
Ms. Barbara Friel
The Friendship School
Ms. Jana T. Frieslander
Ms. Amy Frohnmayer
Front Street Shipyard
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Frumkin
Mr. Steven A. Fuller
Ms. Amy Fulton & Mr. Louis
Mr. Joseph Fumosa
Mr. Joseph Fuoco
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gabel
Mr. & Mrs. Chester
Mr. Phil Gagne
Ms. Christina Kim-Gagnon &
Mr. John Gagnon
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gagnon
Ms. Suzana Galic Price
Gallagher & Associates
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James Gallant
Ms. Patricia Gallant
Ms. Linda Gallay
Ms. Bridget Gallerie
Ms. Jaclyn Gallo
Mr. Andrew Galonzka
Mrs. Eleanor Gambell
Ms. Valerie Ganin
Mr. William Gans
Mr. Ian Gardiner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gardner
Ms. Lily Gardner
Gariepy Furniture Company
Ms. Patricia Garofoli
Ms. Colleen Garry
Ms. Patricia Gaskins-Wilmore
Ms. Anna Gass
Ms. Anne Gawthrop
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gayda
Mr. & Mrs. John Gaynor
GE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Chris
Ms. Leah Geary
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gefell
Mr. Philip Gehman
Ms. Barbara Geidel
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence
Ms. Meghan George
Mr. & Mrs. Peter George
Ms. Sharon George
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Gerencer
Ms. Melissa Gerrish
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gervais
Ms. Jacqueline Roque Ghisalberti & Dr. Luciano
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ghize
Ms. Brittany Gialanella
Ms. Karen Giammattei
Mr. & Mrs. John Gibbons
Ms. Molly Gibbons
Mr. Clifford Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. David Giber
Ms. Carolyn Gilcrest
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Gill
Ms. Vera Gill
Mr. David Gillan
Ms. Kelley Gilligan
Ms. Annette Gillis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gillis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gilman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gilmartin
Ms. Kaitlin Gilpatrick
Ms. Jacqueline Giorgi
Ms. Cara Giovinazzo
Mr. Joseph Giurleo
Mr. George Giuseppe
Ms. Kimberly Gladwin
Mr. & Mrs. William Gladwin
Ms. Alison Glass
Ms. Bridget Gleason
Ms. Judith Glenn
Ms. Cynthia Globush
Mr. Lawrence Glowacki
Mr. Jeffrey Gluck
Mr. Robert Glynn
Ms. Ellen C. Gniewek
Mr. Keith Goldberg
Mr. Joseph Golden
Golden Harvest Grange #33
Ms. Virginia Golec
Mr. Patrick Goles
Cory Goodale
Ms. Tracey Goodhope
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Goodin
Mr. Vincent Gookin
Mr. & Mrs. Doucas Goranites
Mr. Max R. Gorgone
Mr. & Mrs. John Gorham
Ms. Marie Gorsuch
Mr. Stephen Gough
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Govoni
Mr. Robert Grabowski
Mr. Daniel Gracey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Graf
Mr. Jeffrey Graham
Mr. Paul Graham
Mr. Thomas Grancher
Mr. Alfred J. Grande, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Grant
Mr. & Mrs. William Grant
Graphic Support Services
Mr. David Grason
Gray D. Services, Inc. DBA
Homewatch Caregivers
Green Gables Croquet Club
Green Mountain Coffee
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg
Ms. Sheryl Greenberg &
Mr. Michael Schwartz
Mr. Justin Greene
Ms. Christine Greenough &
Mr. Roger Bartorelli
Mr. Gary Greenseich
Mr. Alexander Greenwald
Mrs. Joanne Greim
Mr. Jeremy Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grillo
Mr. Thomas Grimes
Mr. G. Christopher Griner
Ms. Jane A Gross
Ms. Cathy Grossi
Mr. & Mrs. Len Grote
Ms. Kerry Grover
Ms. Debi Guelli
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Guilford
Ms. Genette Gulezian
Mr. Jeff Gulko
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gumpper
Mr. Don J. Gunasekara
Mr. Carl Gustafson
Mr. David Gustafson
Ms. Elizabeth Gustavson
Ms. Alexandra Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Guy
Ms. Chandra Guyot
Mr. Fredy Guzman
H. Ryan & Son, LTD
Mr. Ziad Habayeb
Ms. Joanne Haddad
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Ms. Tara Hagy
Ms. Joanne Haimes
Ms. Irene Haisman
Ms. Adelaide Hale
Ms. Scott Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hall
Mr. Daniel Hallac
Ms. Karin Halligan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hamel
Mr. Patrick Hamilton
Ms. Amanda Hanna
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hannigan
Lynn & Bailey Hannum
Ms. Kate Hanscom
Ms. Amy Hansen
Mr. John Hansen
Ms. Nancy Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Haraske
Harbor Hill Camping Area
Hardwood Products
Company, LLC
Ms. Erica Harkins
Ms. Kathleen A. Harkins
Kaylynn & Joy Harmann
Mr. Edwin L. Harmon II
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Haronian
Mr. Daniel Harrington
Mr. Jason Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
Ms. Louise Harris
Ms. Sandra Harris
Ms. Elizabeth Hart &
Mr. Chris Coulling
Ms. Maureen Hart
Ms. Colleen Hartigan-Piatak
Mr. Andrew Hartman
Ms. Fiona Harvey
Ms. Natalia Hasler
Ms. Sarah Hassey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hastings
Mr. Fred Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hatstat
Ms. Elizabeth Haubert
Mr. Philip Haughey
Mr. Philip Haughey
Mr. William Hausman
Mr. Joseph Haverty, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hayes
Mr. John Hayes
Ms. Margaret Hayes
Mr. Thomas Hayes
Ms. Michelle Haynes
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hayslett
Mr. John Hayter
Ms. Kathryn Heald
Ms. Devin Healey
Ms. Robin Heathcock
Mr. Jon Heaton
Mr. Stephen Hebert
Mr. Kayvan Hedayat
Mr. Casey Heffernan
Mr. Stephen Heffernan
Mr. & Mrs. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Heim
Mr. Noah Heinle
Ms. Nancy Heiser &
Mr. Jeffrey Cohen
Ms. Susan Heleno
Mr. & Mrs. George Heller
Mr. Gregory Hellmann Flatt
Mr. Joseph Hemsley
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis
Ms. Amy Henken
Mr. Richard Henson
Ms. Karin Herbert
Ms. Kristin Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Herman
Ms. Janie Hermann
Ms. Michelle Hermelee
Ms. Grisel Hernandez
Ms. Stephanie Hernandez
Mr. James Herrera
Mr. Richard Herrick
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Heslin
Mr. & Mrs. David Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. James Higgins
Ms. Kelly Higgins
Ms. Hill
Mr. Greg Hill
Mr. Robert Hill
Mr. Steven Hill
Mr. Josh Hirons
Ms. Colleen Hitchell
Ms. Barbara Hnatko
Ms. Bridgette Hobart
Ms. Georgia Hodgkins
Ms. Florence Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hoffman
Ms. Nancy Hoit
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hokanson
Ms. Rhonda Holcomb
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Holden
Ms. Diane Holland
Ms. Holly Holman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Holmes
Ms. Dina Holmes
Ms. Gail Holmes
Ms. Londa Holsinger
Mr. & Mrs. William Holt
Mr. Jeffrey Hood
Mr. Thomas Hooper
Ms. Carolyn Hopper
Mrs. Janet Horita
Ms. Sandy Horowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hoyt
Yan qun Huang
Ms. Linda Hubbard
Dr. Harriet Hudson & Rene
Ms. Jane Hudson
Ms. Rachael Hudson
Mr. Wayne Hudson
Ms. Katheryn Hughes
Ms. Susan Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney
Mr. & Mrs. David Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hunter
Mr. Edward Hunter
Mr. Frederick Huntress
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hurley
Ms. Jill Hutchinson
Mr. Scott Hutchinson
Ms. Kimberly Hyman
Ms. Janine Hynds
Ms. Bianca Iafrate
Ms. Ellen Imbiano
Independent Hose Co., Inc.
Ms. Skyla Ingle
Ms. Alice Ingraham
Ms. Elise Sabatel
The Inn at Schoppee Farm
Ms. Maliha Iqbal
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Iselborn
Ms. Susan Ivas
Ms. Nancy Izquierdo
Mr. Eric Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Jacobson
Mr. David Jaeger
Mr. Helmut Jaeger
Mr. Andrew Jakubczyk
Ms. Jessica Jalette
Ms. Susan McIntosh-James &
Mr. Shayne James
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Janeczek
Ms. Emily Jang
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Janssen
Ms. Rebecca Jaques &
Mr. Hayden Boullie
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jason, Sr.
Ms. Shobana Jayaraman
Ms. Camilla Jeffery
Ms. Dina Jellison & Mr. John
Mr. James Jenkins
Ms. Lucille M. Jerome
Ms. Marci Jerome
Ms. Mary Jewett
Ms. Sigridur Johannesdottir
& Mr. William Marra
Ms. Beth Ketaineck
Mr. Muneeb Khan
Ms. Carole Jean Kiachif
Ms. Elizabeth Kieras
Mr. Donald Kilburg
Mr. & Mrs. John Kiley
Mr. Michael Killeen
Ms. Ellen Kilroy
Kimball Insurance, LLC
Ms. Julie King
Ms. Leslie King
Ms. Marcia King
Ms. Susan Kinkelaar
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kinsley
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. Samuel Kirschner
Ms. Elizabeth Kitzinger
Kiwanis Club of Greater
Ms. Margaret Kjelland
Ms. Page M. Kjellstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Klaff
Ms. Stephanie Klapper
Mrs. Helen Klebanoff
Ms. Amy Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Knauer
Ms. Barbara Kniss
Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Kniss
Ms. Rebecca Kniss
Ms. Amy Knoespel
Mr. & Mrs. Wei Ko
Ms. Randa Koczera
Ms. Anne Koenig
Ms. Jane Koomar
Ms. Kimberly Koran
Mr. Yekusiel Kornfeld
Ms. Carol Kostik
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kotraba
Ms. Nancy Kotraba
Ms. Karen Kou
Christen Kozlowski
Ms. Diane Kraft
Mr. A.J. Kramer
Mr. Keith Kraner
Ms. Julie Krause
Ms. Sheila Krautkremer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kret
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Krieger
Ms. Barbara Kriger
Mr. Mark Kugler
Ms. Patricia Kulacz &
Mr. Mark Durgin
Ms. Kimberly Kunce
Ms. Susan Kunkel
Mrs. Frances Kunz
Mr. Tyler Kupper
Mr. Stephen Kusak
Ms. Theresa Kusak-Smith
Ms. Amanda Kwong
Ms. Ruth Kyle
Ms. Elizabeth LaBak
Mr. & Mrs. Frank LaBarbera
Ms. Theresa LaBarge
Ms. Candi LaClair
Mr. Paul Ladouceur
Ms. Carolyn LaFontaine
Mr. James Lahue
Lakewood Transport, LLC
Mr. Eric Lalime
Mr. Thomas Lamb
Ms. Carol Lambert
Ms. Phyllis Lambridis
Ms. Marylyn Lamstein
Ms. Maureen Landers
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Landry
Ms. Karen Lane
Ms. Lisa Lang
Ms. Meghan Lang
Tama & Bao Lang
Mrs. Marian Langerak
Ms. Joni Langevoort
Ms. Ann Langmaid
Ms. Nancy Lanni &
Mr. Richard Townsend
Ms. January Lanosa &
Mr. Jeff Bard
Ms. Sandra LaPrade
Ms. Linda Large
Mr. Brian Larkin
Ms. Caroline Larkin
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Larochelle
Mr. Christopher LaRosa
Ms. Judith Larsen & Mr. Eric
Ms. Nicole Larsen
Ms. Jennifer Larson
Ms. Frances Lash
Ms. Marisol Lassalle &
Mr. Denis Garvey
Mr. Tony Lastella
Mr. Peter Latino
Mr. Keith Laursen
Ms. Laurette Laverdiere
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lavoie
Dr. Robert Lavoie
Ms. Kate Lawler
Ms. Ethel Lawrence
Ms. Theresa Lawsure
Mr. Adam Lazarus
Ms. Kathleen Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Leach
Mr. & Mrs. David Leavitt
Mr. Michael Leavy
Ms. Marie LeBlanc &
Mr. Gregory Schnipke
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond eBoeuf
Ms. Kristen Leclaire
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ledbetter
Mr. Michael Leding
Ms. Lindsey Ledwin
Ms. Carolyn Lee
Mr. Dexter Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lee
Mr. Thomas Leen
Mr. William Leen
Ms. Joy Leeper
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Legg
Lehigh Valley Hospital Medical Staff
Ms. Elizabeth M. Lehman
Mr. John Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Leibell
Ms. Daleleen Leighton
Ms. Sarah Leinbach
Ms. Annie Leister
Mr. Evan Lelansky
Mr. Gideon Lenkey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lenowicz
Leominster Power Equipment
Ms. Denise Leonard
Ms. Gina Leonardis
Ms. Maureen Leone
Ms. Nancy LeRoy
Mr. Thomas Levenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Levine
Mr. Ronald Levine
Dr. Deborah Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levy
Mr. David Lewin
Ms. Maureen Lewis
Mr. Peter Lewis
Toni Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Licari
Ms. Claire Lifshitz
Ms. Jessica Lilian
Lincoln Industries
Ms. Joyce Linde
Ms. Mary Allen Lindemann
Mr. William Linke
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lippis
Ms. Janet Liston
Ms. Linda Little
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Littlefield
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Littlehale
Ms. Ashley Llewellyn
Ms. Leslie Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Locey
Dr. Deborah Loftus
Mr. David Logan
Mr. Scott Lomax
Mr. Henry Lombard
Ms. Marisa Lonardo
Ms. Traci Longa
Ms. LaRayne Longtine
Ms. Michele LoRusso
Mr. Patrick Louangxay
Ms. Caroline Loupe
Mr. David Love
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Love
Ms. Karen Lovelace
Ms. Ashley Lucas
Ms. Susan Luchetti &
Mr. William Brady
Ms. Hadley Luddy
Ms. Ashley Luke
Mr. Michael Lupi
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lussiano
Mr. Dennis Lynch
Mr. Frank Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Lynch
Ms. Lynn Lynch
Ms. Maryann Lynch
Mr. Joseph Lyons
Ms. Noreen Lyons
Ms. Sara MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Scott MacKenzie
Ms. Mary Lou Mackin
Mr. & Mrs. Scott MacLeod
Mr. Warren Macneil
Ms. Cathy MacPherson
Macy’s Foundation
Ms. Sharon Maddocks
Madison Congregational
Ms. Deirdre Magee
Ms. Julienne Maggart
Ms. Beverly Magida
Ms. Taylor Mahar
Ms. Catherine Mahoney
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Mr. Tom Mahoney
Ms. Jill Overlien-Maier &
Mr. Marc Maier
Mr. Paul Mailloux
Maine Men Company
Maine Street
Ms. Annette Mains
Ms. Carol Majeau
Mr. James Mallar
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mallar
Ms. Chelsea Mallet
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Malloy Coffey
Mr. Craig Malon
Ms. Karolyn Maloney
Ms. Doreen Maloof
Mr. Glenn Maltais
Mr. Matthew Maltese
Ms. Kim Manasia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mancini
Ms. Betsy Mangan
Ms. Rachel Mangan
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mann
Ms. Lindsay Mann
Ms. Margaret Mann
Mr. Richard Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Serge Manni
Ms. June Manning
Ms. Jane Manning
Mr. Matthew Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mari
Mr. & Mrs. James Marion
Mr. John Markos
Mr. Ed Marquez
Mr. John Marr
Ms. Marla Marra-Brown
Ms. Bonnie Marsh
Mr. Jonathan Marshall
Ms. Kristin Marshall
Ms. Sarah Marston
Mr. Bruce Martel
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Martin
Mr. Mark Martin
Mr. Steve Martin
Ms. Sally Maselunas
Ms. Tara Masih &
Mr. Michael Gilligan
Ms. Amy Mason
Ms. Margaret Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Massarelli
Mr. Stephen Masticola
Ms. Debbie Mastrosimone
Ms. Rosemarie Masucci
Ms. Megan Mathias
Mr. Luis Matos
Ms. Barbara Matteucci
Ms. Jeanne Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. William Maynard
Dr. & Mrs. Robert McAfee
Mr. Joseph Mcarthy
Mr. Thomas McCaa
Ms. Patricia McCaffrey
Mr. Fred McCann
Ms. Frances McCarthy
Ms. Jacqueline McCarthy
Ms. Meghan McCarthy
Ms. Tammy McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McCaughey
2012 Donors
Ms. Ariann Johnson &
Mr. Nathan Zafft
Ms. Dina Johnson
Mr. Gary Johnson
Mr. Richard Johnson
Ms. Rebecca Johnson
Mr. William Johnson
Ms. Elizabeth Johnston
Ms. Kimberley Jones &
Mr. Matthew Patrick
Mr. Gerald Jones
Mr. Larry Jones
Ms. Tracy Jones
Ms. Leslie Jordan
Ms. Veronica Jordan
Mr. Jon Joseph
Mr. Christopher Joyce
Ms. Eileen Joyce
Ms. Margaret Joyce
Mr. Ryan Jungk
Just Give
Mr. Fernand Kabundi
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kaden
Ms. Belinda Kaiser
Mr. Donald Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kalajian
Kerry Kandel
Mr. & Mrs. William Kannaly
Ms. Marsha Kanterman
Ms. Merri Kapiloff
Ms. Katherine Kappes
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Karakos
Ms. Barbara Karpowicz
Ms. Angela Kasper
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kaswer
Mr. Gary Katen
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Katz
Mr. Charles Kazer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kean
Mr. Michael Keane
Ms. Erin Keaney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Keany
Ms. Clare Keefe
Mr. Scott Keenan
Ms. Teresa Keith
Ms. Diann Kelley
Ms. Jennine Kelley
Ms. Jennifer Kelley
Mr. Christopher Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kelly
Mr. James P. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. William Kelsey
Mr. & Mrs. C. Eric Kendall
Mr. Donald S. Kendall
Ms. Meredith Kennedy
Mr. Brian Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kennedy
Ms. Teresa Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kenney
Mr. Shaun Kenney
Mr. William Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kent, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kerber
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kerrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kerrigan
Ms. Melissa Kershaw
Mr. Donald Kessler
Photo courtesy of Camp Sunshine
2012 Donors
Ms. Susan McClernon &
Mr. Patrick Pfahl
Mr. James McClung
Ms. Lorelei McCollum
Ms. Diane McCormick
Ms. Kathleen McCormick
Mr. Kevin McCormick
Ms. Erin McCoy
Ms. Lisa McCoy
Ms. Lori McCoy
Ms. Kimberly McCullen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDaniel
Ms. Cindy McDermott
Mr. Charles McDermott
Ms. Jean McDermott
Mr. Matthew McDermott
Mr. Stephen McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. James McDonnell
Ms. Anita McGovern
Ms. Lois McGrath
Mr. Eugene McGuire
Mr. Rick McGuire
Mr. Robert McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McKee
Ms. Sally McKeown
Ms. Alicia J. McKibben
Mr. James McKiernan
Mr. Andrew McKinley
Ms. Amy McLaughlin &
Mr. Steven Tooley
Mr. Donald McLeod
Ms. Maureen McLoughlin
Mr. Peter McLoughlin
Mr. Patrick McMorran
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Ms. Carah McMullen
Ms. Kelley McMurray
Ms. Victoria McNamee
Ms. Adele McNeil
Ms. Sandra McPherson-Gichie
Mr. & Mrs. Brian McPhillips
Ms. Louise McRae
Ms. Renee McShane
Ms. Elizabeth McSwain
Ms. Evelyn McSweeney
Mr. Michael McVeigh
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McVey
Ms. Patricia Medeiros
Mr. Glenn Meehan
Ms. Joan Meehan
Ms. Susan Melnick
Mr. Jerome Menkhaus
Ms. Kristen Menture
Mr. & Mrs. Connor Meoli
Ms. Barbara Merdler
Ms. Cheryl A. Mernick
Mr. Dean Merrill
Ms. Linda Merrill
Ms. Cynthia Mervis
Ms. Elizabeth Messina
Ms. Laura April Metivier
Michael’s Car & Truck Repair
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Midcoast Glass & Windows
Mike’s Auto Service
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Milici
Milky Way Farm, Inc.
Mr. Emilio Millan
Ms. Bonnie Millender
Mr. Christopher Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Don Miller
Mr. Ian Miller
Mr. Joel Miller
Mr. Lawrence Miller
Mr. Lewis Miller
Mr. & Mrs. M. Michael Miller
Pat Miller
Ms. Patricia Miller
Mr. Quinn Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Millett
Ms. Stefanie Mills
Ms. Hiurimi Miranda
Ms. Mary Mireles
Ms. Zareen T. Mirza
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mitcheltree
Ms. Martha Mittelstaedt
Ms. Andrea Mittleider
MJ Sherman & Associates
Mr. Eric Moffatt
Ms. Mary Moffatt
Ms. Ann Mohr
Molly’s Apothecary, Ltd.
Mr. Michael Monahan
Ms. Terry Monahan
Ms. Judith Weinstock-Mond
& Mr. Daniel Mond
Ms. Luisa Monica
Mr. Gary Monroe
Ms. Jodi Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Montalbano
Ms. Jane Montosi
Ms. Diane Moody
Mook Sea Farm, Inc.
Ms. Caitlin Mooney
Ms. Marilyn Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Moran
Ms. Robin Moran
Ms. Ashley Morelli
Ms. Kelly Morenus
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Morgan
Mr. Brian Moriarty
Ms. Maria Morris
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Morrissette
Ms. Katherine Morrissey
Mrs. Dolores Morse
Mrs. Frances Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Oreste Mosca III
Mr. William Mosher
Mr. Nicholas Mowatt
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mucci
Ms. Alyssa Muenkel
Terry R. Muenzer
Ms. Katherine Muise
Ms. Sumitra Mukhopadhyay
Constance & Mary Mulherin
Ms. Arlene Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Munger
Mr. Ronald Munoz
Mr. Dennis Muranelli
Ms. Mary Murdoch
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Murphy
Ms. Brenda Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Murphy
Mr. Daniel Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. John Murphy
Ms. Julie Murphy
Ms. Mary Ellen Murphy
Ms. Theresa Murphy
Ms. Jeanne Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William Murray
Ms. Janet Murtha
Mr. Bryan Murty
Dr. Maria Mutty
Mr. & Mrs. David Myers
Ms. Tara Jane Mynes
Mr. & Mrs. Premnath
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nahigian
Ms. Hetanshi Naik
NAPA Auto Parts
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Napolitano
Narcotic Officers magazine
Ms. Suzanne Nash &
Mr. Phillip Meikle
Ms. Chantal Nassimi
Mr. Daniel Nassimi
Ms. Jasmin Nassimi
Mr. Mike Nassimi
Ms. Betsy Nathan
Mr. Gary Navarrete
Mr. Ed Nazzaro
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Nelson
Mr. Bill Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Garth Nelson
Kerry Nelson
Ms. Robin Nelson
Ms. Sandra Neptune
Mr. Keith Neves
Newbury Comics, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Newman
Mr. Christian Newman
Mr. Kendall Nichols
Ms. Kimberly Nikles
Mr. David Nisonger
Ms. Roberta Niwore
Mr. & Mrs. William Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Noble
Mr. John Noble
Ms. Janine Nolan
Ms. Terri Nolan
Northcoast Financial
Northeast Hiking
Ms. Lauris Norton
Ms. Joanna Nowakowski
Ms. Karen Nunes
Ms. Joanne L. Nunno
Mr. Rich Nunziante
Mr. & Mrs. James Nupp
Ms. Melanie Nussdorf
Ms. Regina Nycz
Ms. Marion Nydam
Ms. Samantha Nyren
Mr. & Mrs. George O’Brien
Ms. Kelly O’Brien
Ocean Pointe Realtors
Ocean Six, LLC
Mr. Barry O’Coin
Ms. Annemarie O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Brad O’Connor
Mr. Joseph O’Connor
Mr. William O’Connor
Mr. Richard K. O’Dea
Ms. Gina Odell
Ms. Carol O’Donnell
Ms. Sheila O’Dougherty
Ms. Mary Odrzywolski
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Oesterle
Mr. Gerald Ogle
Mr. & Mrs. Mark O’Hara
Mr. C. Robert O’Keefe
Mr. Barry B. O’Laughlin
Ms. Jessica Olson
Mr. Richard H. Olson
Mr. Bradley Olt
Omega Network Group
Ms. Dorothy A. O’Neal
Ms. Corinne O’Neill
Ms. Pauline O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent O’Neill
Ms. Mary Opacki
Ms. Nora Orfanello
Ms. Jillian Orlando
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Orsini
Ms. Lynda Orsula
Mr. Pablo Ortiz
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Osmond
Ms. Irene O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. David Ott
Ms. Lynne Ouellette
Ms. Carol Ours
Mr. Philip Ozaroff
Ms. Kristen Paadre
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Phalen
Mr. Joseph Phelan
Ms. Katharine Philbrick
Ms. Amy Philbrook
Mr. Kendrick Phillips
Ms. Kristen Phillips
Mr. Magued Philobos
Ms. Rachel Piacenza
Mr. & Mrs. David Pianko
Mr. William Pierotti
Ms. Julie Pike
Pilgrim Foods
Ms. Marilee Beinema Pillsbury
& Mr. Daniel Pillsbury
Ms. Wanda Pillsbury
Ms. Nancy Pincombe-Docksai
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Pindilli
Pine Tree Auto Body, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Ms. Christine Pizzutello
Ms. Olivia Pizzutello
Ms. Susan Pizzutello
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Plante
Mr. Gary Plourde
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pluff
Mr. Joseph Podhorzer
Ms. Michele Polewarczyk
Mr. Patrick Polito
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Polom
Ms. Alice Poltorick
Ms. Stacey Pomella
Ms. Isabella Pontbriand
Ms. Karin Poore
Ms. Jean Pope
Ms. Linda Porter
Ms. Reta Porter
Ms. Nanette Posman
Mr. Jon Posner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pothier
Mr. & Mrs. James Poulin
Ms. Deborah Povinelli
Mr. David Powers
Ms. Amanda L. Pray
Ms. Luverne Preble
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Ms. Carolyn Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Price
Dr. & Mrs. Milton Primer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Prior
Mr. Scott Proposki
Mr. Michael Proulx
Ms. Maureen Provost
MUNU Psych Department
Ms. Maria Pucillo-Dunphy
Ms. Ketty Puig & Mr. Ricardo
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Pullen
Mr. Kevin Pumphrey
Ms. Antoinette Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. John Purdy
Quest Laser Services, Inc.
Quincy High Clubs &
R & R Auto Body & Sales
Mr. Burgess Raby
Race The Runways
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Racine
Ms. Patricia Radomski
Ms. Robin Raiano
Mr. Donald Raines
Ms. Teresa Ramos
Rancourt & Co. Shoecrafters
Range Pond Campground
Ms. Lisa Raphael
Ms. Denise Raptoulis
Ms. Antoinette Raspanti
Ms. Grace Raspanti
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ratcliffe
Mr. Christopher Ravanello
Mr. Kevin Raven
Ms. Lucille Rawding
Ms. Kelly Ray
Ms. Lynne Raymer
Mrs. Karen Rea
Mr. Jared Record
Ms. Carol Reed
Ms. Rebecca Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Reilly
Mr. Matthew Reiner
Dana Reiss
Ms. Margery L. Resendes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Resnick
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Reusch
Mr. & Mrs. William Reynolds
RFB Advertising, LLC & the
Free Press
Mrs. Arlene Ricciardi
Mr. Kevin Rice Constable
Richard H. Schaffer, Esq.
Ms. Edith Richardson &
Mr. Marc Berlin
Ms. Katherine Richardson &
Mr. John Wynant
Mr. Brian Riney
Mr. John Ring
Mr. Christopher Rini
Ms. Judith Risdon
Ms. Amy Ritter
Ms. Inez Rivera
Ms. Lindsay Robins
Mr. Daniel Charles Rock
Mr. Adam Rockman
Ms. Heather Rockwell
Ms. Dawn Rodowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Gines Rodriguez
Ms. Alesia Rogers
Ms. Cynthia Rogers
Ms. Brenda Rogerson
Ms. Jessica Rogerson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogstad
Mr. Dean Romanow
Ms. Dawn Romesmo
Mr. Dana Rondinelli
Mr. Timothy Rook, Sr.
Ms. Maria Rose
Ms. Brenda Rosenberg
Rosenberg, Freedman &
Goldstein, LLP
Mr. Joshua Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Rosenfield
Ms. Ann Ross
Ms. Karen Ross
Kathryn & Kathleen Rossiter
Ms. Ann Marie Rothermel
Mrs. Kim Rovzar
Mr. Eric Roy
Mr. John Roy
Ms. Alice Rubenstein
Ms. Bridgid Malee-Rubin &
Dr. Ronald Rubin
Ms. Kari Rubinic
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel
Ms. Wendy Rudner
Ms. Elizabeth Ruff
Ms. Margaret Rush
Mr. Jack Rusley
Ms. Ellen Russell & Mr. Peter
Ms. Kelly Russell
Mr. & Mrs. James Russo
Ms. Stacy Ruvo
Ms. Carolyn Ryan &
Ms. Dawn Nuzzo
Mr. Ernie Ryan
Ms. Julie Ryan-Berman
Ms. Laura Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Saabye
Ms. Cathy Sabatella
Ms. Camille Sabbey
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Sabin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sablosky
Mr. Edward Sadler
Mr. Stephen Sales
Mr. Kenneth Saling
Ms. Gina Salmins
Mr. Morton Salomon
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Salomon
Mr. Deepak Sampath
Ms. Denise Samperi
Ms. Deborah Sampson
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sanborn
Mr. & Mrs. David Sandle
Ms. Joan Sands
Mr. & Mrs. David Sanford
Ms. LouAnn Santerre
Mr. Charles Santo
Ms. Donna Santostefano
Mr. John Santucci
Mr. & Mrs. David Saponaro
Mr. Gordon Sargent
Ms. Marilyn Sargent
Mr. & Mrs. Singoro Sargent
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sarrel
Mr. Robert Sartin
Ms. Carol Ann Sautner
Ms. Freddy Delia Savage
Ms. Pamela Sayles
Ms. Barbara Saylor
Ms. Regina Scanlan &
Mr. Willard Smith
Mr. James Scaplen
Ms. JoAnn Schalk
Mr. David Schartner
Mr. Don Schena
Jill & Nicole Schiff
Mr. Paul M. Schiffman
Ms. Paula Schlick
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt
Ms. Carmela Schneider
Mr. Jeffrey Schor
Ms. Anna Schrader
Camryn & Armella Schroder
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Ms. Erin Schultz
Ms. Anna Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. James Schutt
Mr. William Schwab
Mr. Michael Schwartz
Ms. Nina Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Sclar
Mr. Christopher Scott
Mr. Paul Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John Scroggs
Ms. Mary Lou Sculti
Ms. June Seagrave
Mr. Joseph Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seiss
Ms. Teresa Selove
Ms. Jean Sequeira
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Serpliss
Mr. & Mrs. John Settepani
Ms. Linda Severs
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Seward
Ms. Catherine Sexton &
Mr. Jeffrey Walker
Ms. Stephanie Shalkoski
Ms. Deirdre Shanahan
Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Shane
Ms. Pamela Sharkey
Ms. Anne Shaughnessy
Mr. & Mrs. George Shaw
Ms. Kathleen Shea
Ms. Kristen Shea
Ms. Megan Shea
Ms. Suzanne Shea
Ms. Allison Sheehan
Ms. Hannah Sheehan
Mr. Marc Shelton
Mr. William Shepard
Mr. Scott Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. George Sherwood
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shevlin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shoop
The Shop
Ms. Meredith Shore
Ms. Monica Sidor &
Mr. Douglas Starr
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sidorovich
Ms. Kate Sierpina
Ms. Paula Sigal
Mr. Timothy W. Sill
Mr. Francisco Siman
Ms. Krista Sims
Ms. Allyson Sinatro
Ms. Elizabeth Sinatro
Mr. Thomas Sinatro
Ms. Megan Singlar
Ms. Margaret Singleton
Mr. Robert A. Skiffington
Ms. Linda Skinkle
Ms. Stacey Skinsacos
Ms. Sandra Fresolo-Skrzek &
Mr. Peter Skrzek
Ms. Sybilla Slavin
Ms. Beth Slavinskas
Ms. Deborah Slavinskas
Ms. Dawn Sleeper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slein
Mr. Michael Slingerland
2012 Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pacetti
Mr. George Padula
Ms. Penelope Page
Mr. Robert Page
Ms. Linda Paine
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Palmer
Mr. Paul Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pan
Mr. Jeffrey Paolini
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pappalardo
Mr. Christopher Pappas
Mr. William L. Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Paquette
Mr. Michael Paquin
Ms. Laura Pardue
Mr. Rajul Parekh
David & Dale Parker
Ms. Gloria Parkinson
Ms. Marilyn S. Parks
Ms. Seanna Parshley
Ms. Nadine Parsons
Ms. Madeline Partridge
Ms. Vergenia Paskaris
Ms. Kristine Pasko
Mr. Mike Passamonti
Jaime Patel
Ms. Peggy Patenaude
Mr. John Paterson
Ms. Alison Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Paulini
Ms. Joan Pavolis
Ms. Paula Payne-Boland
Mr. Teddy Peace
Ms. Claribel Pearce
Ms. Deanna Pease
Ms. Margaret Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Peavey
Dr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw Pekar
Ms. Haley Pelletier
Mr. Peter Pelletier
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pelletier
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Peloquin
Mr. Lawrence Pengel
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Pennell
Mr. David Pennucci
Mr. Donald Penta
Ms. Dorothy Pepin
Mr. & Mrs. Ciriaco Peppe
Meredith & Laurie Pepper
Ms. Veronica Perez-Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Pergakis
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Perkins
Mr. Tom Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. William Perkins
Mr. Craig Perry
Perry Plumbing & Heating
Ms. Jeanie Pertain
Mr. Alan Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peters
Mr. Jonathan Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Peters
Ms. Jean Peterson
Mr. John Peterson
Mr. Mark Peterson
Ms. Joanne Petro
Ms. Anna Pettinicchi
Ms. Kathryn Peuser
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Pezzuti
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pfluger
2012 Donors
Ms. Nancy Slocum &
Mr. Joseph Zuccala
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Small
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Smalley
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Smelkinson
Mrs. Bette Smith
Ms. Cynthia Smith
Ms. Diana Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Smith
Mr. Harry Smith
Ms. Helen Smith
Ms. Karin Smith
Ms. Lisa Smith
Ms. Mary Ellen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith
Ms. Theresa Smith
Mr. Thomas Smith
Mr. Lawrence Smolinski
Mr. James Snitker
The Snowman Group
Mr. John Snyder IV
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sobus
Softouch, Inc.
Mr. Joshua Solyntjes
Ms. Traci Sonnenberg
Ms. Lisa Soo Hoo
Wren Sooy
Ms. Melissa Sorce DeNicola
Ms. Ana Soto & Mr. Jaime
Mr. Erran Sousa
Ms. Lisa Southworth
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Spalding
Ms. Megan Welsh Spaller &
Mr. Robert Spaller
Ms. Karen Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Spector
Mr. Jeffrey Spencer
Ms. Karen Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Spencer
Ms. Jennifer Sperounis
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Sperry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Spevack
Ms. Jessica Spiers
Ms. Heather Spinney
Splash Auto Wash
Ms. Elizabeth Spradlin
Ms. Beverly Spreemann
Spring Hill Farm
Ms. Ernestine Sproul
Ms. Maureen Sproul
Mr. Scott Squillace
Sisters of St. Joseph of
St. Ann Guild of St. Rita’s
St. Johnsbury Lions Club
Ms. Lucy St. Pierre
Ms. Alison Stackpole
Mr. Jeff Stackpole
Mr. Peter Stackpole
Ms. Stephanie Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stahl
Standish House of Pizza
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Stanton
Ms. Lois Stanziani Walsh
Ms. Marguerite Stapleton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stapleton
Ms. Barbara E. Starbird
State Street Matching Gift
Mr. Robert Stedman
Mr. Herman Stegeman
Ms. Mary Stelling
Ms. Mary Stenson
Mr. Alan Stenzel
Mr. James Stephens
Mr. Andrew Stephens
Mr. Karl Sternberg
Ms. Lisa C. Sternberg
Ms. Pamela Stevens &
Mr. Denis Finn
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Stewart
Ms. Laura Stewart
Ms. Janet Stiles
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stockless
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stockless
Ms. Anne Stoddard
Ms. Melinda Stoeckle
Ms. Rebecca Stokes
Mr. David Stoller
Mr. Mark Stomski
Ms. Kirsten Stone
Ms. Lisa Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stong
Ms. Lori Ann Stopyra
Mr. Dale Storey
Mr. Joel Stotts
Ms. Jean Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stowell
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Stoy
Ms. Kathleen Strait
Ms. Alexandra Strang
Mr. Walter Strasser
Mr. Daniel Streeter
Ms. Adrienne Streleckis
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Strezo
Ms. Barbara Strick
Ms. Lynn Stricklin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Strob
Mr. Donald Stroberg
Mr. Evan Strothers
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Strub
Mr. Erik M. Stumpfel
Mr. & Mrs. William
Ms. Lisa Sturzenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Suarez
Ms. Carolyn Suggs
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Sullivan
Emily & Erinn Sullivan
Mr. James Sullivan
Ms. Jean Sullivan
Mr. Jeffrey Sullivan
Ms. Joan T. Sullivan
Mr. Kyle Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Ms. Molly Sullivan
Sunny’s Supermarket
Ms. Sandra Supernault
Mr. Alan Swanke
Mr. Jeffrey Swartz
Mr. Steven Swartz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Swenson
Mr. Jonathan Sygrove
Mr. Michael Sylvester
Ms. Deborah Symons
Ms. Catherine Syron
Ms. Cynthia Szabady
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Ms. Diane Tager
Mr. Patrick J. Tangney
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Tannheimer
Ms. Evelyn Tarbell
Ms. Bobbi-Jo Tarr
Ms. Karen Tarzia
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Tash
Ms. Betul Tatar
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tatro
Mr. Kanayo Tatsumi
Ms. Stella Tay
Ms. Jennifer Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Teixeira
Mr. Stuart Teller
Mr. Benjamin Teschner
Ms. Kristin Tess
Ms. Cheryl Tessier
Ms. Michele Tessier
Ms. Joyce Thebarge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Theriault
Ms. Melody Thomas
Mr. Michael Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Thompson
Ms. Rachael Thompson
Mr. Donald Thomson
Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mr. Brian Threlkeld
Ms. Maureen Tibbetts
Ms. Anne Tirona
Ms. Sara Tompkins
Toray Plastics, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Torres
Ms. Abigail Torres-Soto
Mr. Bryon Torsiello
Ms. Margaret Toscanini
Ms. Eleanor S. Toth
Mr. Leslie Trachtman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Traill
Ms. Martha Traina
Mr. Jerry Tramontano
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Traub
Ms. Monica Travis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trivelli
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Trombly
Ms. Elizabeth True &
Mr. Daniel Bloomfield
Ms. Kim Truong
Ms. Joanna Tsoumas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tsuyuki
Ms. Audrey Tuck
Mr. Nicholas Tummillo
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Twining
Mr. & Mrs. George Tyler
Ms. Kimberly Tyler
Ms. Cynthia Tyson
UBS Financial
Mr. Timothy Udall
Ms. Lynne Ulaky
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ulrich
Ms. Candace Rich Umin
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Unger
United Way of Central &
Northeastern CT
Ms. Janis Urbanski
Ms. Alexandra Utter
Ms. Karissa Utzat
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Vadala
Ms. Lynn Valle
Monica & Maria Vallin
Ms. Karen Van Solkema
Ms. Marisa Vanacore
Mr. & Mrs. Jim VanBibber
Ms. Donna Vandegrift
Mr. & Mrs. John
Ms. Christina Vanellis
Ms. Kristine VanIderstine
Mr. Manu Varma
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Vaszily
Mr. & Mrs. David Veneri
Ms. Nancy Venti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ventura
Ms. Rebecca Venuto
Ms. Caroline Ver Planck
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Deborah Vessels
Ms. KerriAnne Vialpando
Ms. Lisa Vickers
Vickerson Appraisal Services
Ms. Cathy Victory
Ms. Monica Villamil
Ms. Eugenia Vining
Ms. Tina Virkler
Mrs. Rose Viviano
Mr. John Voge
Ms. Toquynh Vu
Ms. Joyce Wade
Ms. Maureen McGettiganWade & Mr. Robert Wade
Ms. Stacy Wade
Ms. Jacqueline Wagner
Nina Waldron
Ms. Karen Wales
Mrs. Helen Walker
Mr. James Walker
Ms. Meaghan Walker
Mr. Jeff Wallace
Ms. Anita Wallant
Mr. John Walls
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mr. Colin Walsh
Ms. Jane Walsh
Ms. Ruth Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. William Walton
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Walulak
Ms. Sheila Ward
Washington Academy, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Vern Watters
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Ways
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Weber
Mr. Kurt Weber
Ms. Heidi Weckbacher
Mr. Eliezer Weiss
Ms. Patricia Zubini Weiss &
Mr. Robert Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Weiss
Mr. James Welch
Ms. Joyce Wells
Ms. Oralea Wernau
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Werts
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wesson
Ms. Lynn Wesson
West Islip Public Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald West
Ms. Sally West
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Wetherbee
Ms. Jill Weybrant
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brownell
Ms. Judy Wheeler
Mr. Charles Wherritt
Mr. Peter Whistler
Mr. Richard F. Whitaker
Mr. Frank White
Mr. John S. White
Mr. & Dr. Jonathan White
Mr. & Mrs. Kent White
Mrs. Whitehouse
Ms. Laura Whiteman
Mr. James Whitlaw
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Whitney
Mr. Roy Wierenga
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Wilbur
Ms. Rosemarie Wilkes
Mr. Stephen Wilkes
Ms. Rebecca Wilkin
Chris Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Willey
William Stockwell &
Ms. Casey Williams
Dana Williams
Ms. Elizabeth Williams
Ms. Lynn Williams
Ms. Martha Williams
Oak Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilmot
Mr. Brian Wilson
Ms. Candace Wilson
Mr. Jay Wilson
Mr. Mitchell Wilson
Ms. Robin L. Wilson
Ms. Sheelin Wilson
Ms. Marlynn WilsonDonaldson
Windham Tattoo & Body
Ms. Debbie Winfree
Ms. Nancy Winograd
Ms. Dawn Winters
Mr. Nathan Winters
Mr. Theodore R. Wirth
Mr. Thomas Withers
Mr. James Witt
Mr. Ryan Witt
Mr. Mark Wittenborn
Mr. Gregg Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Wolff
Ms. Carol Wong
Ms. Nancy Woo
Ms. Diana Wood
Ms. Martha Woodbridge
Ms. Elizabeth Woodbury
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Woods
Ms. Jonna Wooten
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wright
Mr. Raymond Wright
Mr. & Mrs. John Xeller
Mr. Rabin Yaghoubi
Lijuan Yan & Crystal Yang
Ms. Molly Yancovitz
Mr. Daniel Yankelovich
Ms. Hassie Yankelovich
Mr. Konstas Yannakopoulos
Ms. Kimberly Yates
Mr. & Mrs. John Yazwinski
Ms. Vyleen Yoder
In Honor
A loved one
Jake Anastasiades
Dale & Doug Anderson
Devin & Jackie Anderson
Anne, Benjev & Arthur
Annemieke Schair
Maggie Atkins
Margaret Atwood
Rhoda August
Drew Babkirk
Lorenzo P. Baker IV
Sam Baker-Gentry
Nina Sage Balascio
Richard Barovick
Christopher Bartorelli
Mason Batz
Donna Beech
Aviva Berezin
Alan & Laurie Berman
Bicks Family
Barbara Blank
Sylvia Bonnenfeld-Kuhr’s
Lisa Bornstein
Jacob Bottone
Bourgeois Family
Brave Kids at Rainbow Babies
& Childrens Hospital
Caitlyn Brown
Elke Brown
Lenn Brown
Lynn Brown
Rick Brown & Family
Alec Bruneau
Emily Butterfield
Buzz & Mom
Andrew Byrne
Jacob Byrne
Genna & Rose Camiolo
Ashley Campbell
Will Canan
Anthony Fabian Carabello
CBA Volunteers Syr. N.Y.
Bob Chambless
Darrow Chan
Roger & Denise Charpentier
Brandon Chen
Alex Chester
your children
Brian Cimmet
A.J. Cincotta-Eichenfield
T.J. Clarke
Richard & Sally Coe
Bernard Cohen
Wendy Collins
Mindy Cooper & Michael
Emily Cooprider
Tyler Copley
Craig & Erin Corthell
Jeffrey & Nancy Corthell
Audrey Cotter-Bruden
Maxim Couillard
Christine Curtis
Sydney Darragh
Scotty Davidson
George & Kim Davis
Howard Davis
Luke DeFilippo
Linda Dena
Bob Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dennis
Matthew Deschaine
Kathy & Dick Desjardins
Caitlin Dickey
Suzannah Dickinson
Isaac Dinnerstein
Debbie Donahue
Anne Drake
Joan Drapeau
Nancy Dubin
Sharon Dube
Embree Duffy
Jillian Dumais
Sandra & Bob Dyck
Elizabeth (Betsy) Eaton
Ronnie Eby
Marty Edelman
Jenny Edwards
William & Mitchell Eger’s
Noah Elbeze
Kimberly Ely
Joan Esterheld
John & Ann Ewalt
Chris Fallon
Elizabeth Anne Fasciano
Joseph Feminella
Fendelet Family
Tashi & Maya Ferris
Taylor Feuti
Doris & David Finkel
Benjamin Flowerdew
Flynn Family
Allison Freedman
Ana & Derek Fritze
Myrna Fruitt
Joe Fulmer
Susan Gallant
Sydney Geifman
Will Gibbons
Daniel Gilmartin
Goggin & Robinson Families
Joseph Golov
Kelsey Good
Lesley & David Gordon
Sam Grady
Hilary Greenberg
Guerriero Family
Victoria Guerriero
Jamie Gulin
Robert Guptill & Katherine
William Hackney
Hampden Meadows School
Faculty & Staff
Kevin Hancock
Hanscom Primary School
Erin & Bruce Hanson
Happy Chanukah
Jeanne Hariland
Barbara Harrington
Connor Hartman
Hart Family
Michelle Hawley
Colin Hayward Toland
Helen Head
Arlene and Myron Hecker
Robert Heisler
Carole & John Henriques
Linda Herndon
Ron Hodge
Mike Hoffman
John D. Hoffman Family
Bob & Cathy Horowitz
Isabelle & Herb Horowitz
Franchesca Hutchins-Huff
Harold Isdaner
Ed & Linda Jablonski
Mary & Michael James
Shayne James
Bridget Jeffs
Joan’s birthday
Josh, Brian & Sakura
Amy Juskowitz-Sponseller
Ian Kanterman
Lydia Kao
Dr. Lisa Kaufman
Patrick Kelleher
Olivia Keller
Cecil Kenney’s 3rd Birthday
Shelley Kimball
Jack Knudson
Bonnie, Brad & Bria Koch
Jonathan Koenig
Dyke & Joan Kolbert
Ardith Koran
Jules Kornblau
Lindsey Kriger
Dr. Eliot Kronstein & Irene
Jordan L. & Bailey L.
Ginny L’Abbe
Henri Lamoureux
Michael Lanosa
Lauren’s bat mitzvah
Julia Levine
Mr. & Mrs. George Lewis
Corina Lombardi
Lauren Loose
Jacqueline Magoun
David Manley
Manley Family
Tyson Manni
Marika & Irfan
Lisa Marrintas
Mrs. Harriett Marshall
Rita Martel on her birthday
Amanda Martin
Matt’s Bar Mitzvah
Scott Maxwell
Mary Maynard
Nicole McDermott
Maggie McDonnell
Katie McDonough
Neil McKittrick
Connie & Gilbert Medeiros
Alexandra Milich
Mondor, Laverriere, Martel
& Ouelette Families
Blaine Moore
Tracy Moore
Amanda & Becca Morgan
Easton Murdock
Seamus Murphy & Jeffrey
Nana & Grampy
Kevin Nangle
Kendall Nichols
John Noble
Matthew Nori
Olivia Nossick
Ed & Stephanie O’Donnell
Our neighbors at 402 E. 90th
Juliana Pacini
Ron & Donnajean Paquette
Ella Jane Paquin
Dave Parlin & Kent Ford
Pearce Family
Sydni Pecevich
Drew Pelletrino
Joan Levine Perkell
Glenn Peterson
Kyle Picard
Kevin and Janet Pond
Tim Porta & Family
Joel & Susan Posner
Susan Posner
Michelle Price
Ned Putnam
Jasmine Racine
Marilyn Radesk
Brianna Ramsell
Penny Ramsell
Micaela Jade Rebelo
Eleanor Reppucci
Brianna Reynolds
Steven Riley
Bert Ritter
Madelena Rizzo
Chloe Rogers
Ronan Family
Prudence & Louis Ryan
Lee Saltz
Sam & his family
Jackie Sampson
Linda Schwartz
Sheldron & Helen Seplowitz
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report
Mark Shailer
Ashley & Andy Shamos
Ali Shapiro
Carol Shapiro
Dan Shaw
Devon Sheehan
Rick and Carole Sheviakov
Leigh Silverang
Heather Slater
Gil Slovin
Elden & Gail Smith
Vivienne Sohn
Julia and Jacob Solomon
Cathie Staley
Abigail Stanfield
Robyn Steeves
William Stoddard & Helen
Johanna Storella
Judy Strull & Edward
Marge Sullivan
Susan, Averill & Chris
Reine Talley
Morgan Jenkins & Lillie
Aaron Taylor
Team Elizabeth
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Tetenman
Lee Twombly
Randy & Shelley Uram
Jaxson Utain & the Utain
Ashley & Jim Valentino
Matthew Valiante
Bob & Ellie Van Damme
Monsignor Randall J. Vashon
Danielle Vasser
The Vin de Bedford Group
Volpe Family
John & Chris Vos
David Wakana & Diana
Keegan Wakana
Samantha & Stephanie
Ivan & Roberta Ward
Cindy Watson
Jim Webb’s 75th Birthday
Logan Weber
Donald Wehr
Emma Wheeler
Bonnie Wilson
Jane & Earl Williams
Lexie Williams
The David Windom Family
Mort Wolf
Woods Family
Stephanie & Paige Yafeh
Julia York
Hattie Young
Scott Young
Wesley Jacob Young
Your little sister
Johnny Yusko
Dorothy Zachariadis
Alan Zeller, MD
2012 Donors
Mr. Kirt Yoder
Mr. Aaron Yolkut
Mr. Edward Yoo
C.W. York
Mr. George Young, Jr.
Mr. Gregory Young, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Young
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Young
Ms. Jeanne K. Yusko
Mr. John Yusko
Ms. Catherine Zafian
Mr. Chet Zak
Ms. Kate Zanoni
Mr. & Mrs. John Zazzera
Ms. Emily Zickell
Mr. Michael Zilinski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Ms. Barbara Zucker
Mr. Elliott Zucker
2012 Donors
Adele Giovaniello
James and Mary Giurleo
Drew Goodman
Maureen Gregston
John Greim
Gene Griffin
Henry Hacker
Melanie Hansen
Liam Joseph Hardiman
Kimberly Hatch
Bridget Horan
Julia Horan
Anthony Houghton
Louise Hunt & Judy
Photo courtesy of Camp Sunshine
Caroline Hurley
Lung-Shen Hwang
Bill Clancy
Mark Idhe
In Memory
Christopher Cobb
Paige Christina Jackman
Jan Cobb
Debbie Jacques
A loved one
Gilbert Cohen
Alan Joyce
Pamela Allen
Karl Colbath
Jared Justin Kamel
Bob Amico
Lewis Cook
Henry Kaplan
Becky Ascher
William Eddie Cook
Gregory John Karakos
Winona Atkins
Kent Costa
RJ Kaufman
Elisabeth Austin
Luisa Costa
Cathi Keilty
Lis Austin
Raymond Covitz
Caroline Kelleher
Ian Axelrod
Michael Cranney
Patrick Kelleher
Melvin Axelrod
Amanda Crear
Carl Kelly
Marielle Bakri
Kabrina Best Cressey
Mary Brenner Kelly
Barbara Cullen
Albert Kendrick
Michael Barton
Pete Cuozzo
Jure Barulic
Greg Dana
Michael Kmetz
Jacqueline Bates
Jeff Davidson
Evelyn Koplo
Genevieve L. Bauer
Rita Debitetto
Bill Kunz
Elwood Woody Bearor
Eric Demos
Richard Kurtzman
Everett Bedard
John A. LaSage, Jr.
Jonathan Beech
Patricia MacDougall
Joan Learned
Elliot Belt
DeVaux, RN
Ann Lee
Leo Bessette
Antonio Diana
Allen & Marion Lelansky
Owen Bishop
Lorraine Dingledine
Harriet Levasseur
Helen Brit Blanchard
Marguerite Donovan
Lorraine Libby
Danny Bourgeios
Michael Donovan
Philip Licari
Greg Bove
Gregory Doyle
Noah Joseph Lindberg
Joshua Andrew Bowen
Gertrude Drauchun
David Link
Christopher Bower
Rachel Dubois
Ruth Lippman
John Bradley
Colby Dufour
Ruth Lockard
Bernard Brille
Michael Dunleavy
Michael Luzader
Ronald Brothers
Frances and Stuart Eichenfield George MacLeod
Ruth A. Buckley
Ken Eldred
Rudolfo Magli
Billy Burchard
Thomas Parker Eldridge
Rose Mancini
Hunter Bradford Burke
Ralph (Rudy) Farmer
Anna Manetta
Kenneth Burrl & Bonnie
Jonathan Favreau
Margaret McGee Marcotte
Dolores Featheringham
Ralph Marshall
Norman Bushey
Ezra Finberg
Eugene R. Martel
Prudence Buzzell
Amanda Martin
Calapai/O’Brien/Northgroves Saoirse Fitzgerald
Doreen Fontaine
Larry Martin
Jeanne Fox
Roland Martin
Tiara Caleb
Irma Gardiner
John McCarthy
Mary Camilleri
Joshua Gehman
Katie McDonough
Will Canan
Elizabeth George
John J. McDaniel
Jacob Capucilli-Shatan
Dr. Edward Gerber
Tommy McNamara
Lee Castillo
Steven Gervais
Ruth McPhee
Tom Gibbons
Dede Medlen
Kat Cato
John A. Giglio, Sr.
Hermine Medvecki
Jason Chapman
Rev. Bernie Gilgun
Warren Meehan
Roger J. Charpentier, Sr.
Thomas Gilmartin
Richard MeggisonJoe Melia
Jeffrey Cherrington
Tommy Gilmartin
Bobbi Miller
Mavis Choate
Barbara Ginder
Lillian Miller
Ike & Miriam Cimmet
Clark Ginder
M.J. & F.W.M.
Christopher Ciriello
Missy Monks
Rosalyce Monks
Jason Montalbano
Nancy Morales
Daniel Morgan
Nina Altmann Morrison
Eric Jordan Moskow
Mark Muhlen
Lawrence B. Murphy
Kenneth Nash
Sana Nasir
Julie Neafsey
Maynard Niemi
Tony Notis
Granger Ottley
Kenneth Palson
Louis & Elsie Papp
Paul Pappalardo
Susan Parker
Thane Pearson
Sarah Peavey
Taylor Pelotte
Jack Pinto & Noah Pozner,
Newtown children
Anna Polanyi
Victoria Polito
Alexander T. Pratt
Dennis Pratt
Bob Preble
Lavina Prud’homme
Pamela Pullman
Kerry Queen
Thomas Quinn
Sofia Ramos
D.J. Ratliff
Edward Reidy
David A. Reilly
Earlene Rhine
Chuck Richards
Roger Richer
Pat Riley & Art Riley
Josephine Rispoli
Steven Rofsky
John Romano
Michael Romano
Raymond M. Romano
Lenny Rosen
Steven Rubenstein
Sal Ruberto
Annette Russman
Catherine Russo
James Russo
Constance Rutherford
Robert Salach
Sandy Hook Elementary
School Children
Mark Saxby
Edward Schall
Pat Schwaeber
Christine Seskevich
Chelsea Sewall
John Shapiro
Danny Shaz
Burchard Sheehy
Dorothy Siliznol
Marti Silverstein
Ralph Smith
John C. Soares
Aubrey Somishka
S. Peter Spalding
Alex Stansky
Kevin Matthew Stargell
Madeline “Maddie” Stasium
Betsy Stevens
Timothy Stickney
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
Don Sutton
Richard Sykes
Ethel Tager
Alba Taylor
Anna TeeleBetsy Thompson
Three Babies in Heaven
Joseph Trani
Joshua Huntley Tredwell
Gordon Trynor, Sr.
Lee Twombly
Gretchen Ungham
Eddie Urbanowski
Katie Vashon
Mary Catherine Walker
Judith C. Walsh
Theresa Walsh
Scott Wanamaker
Dale & Kenny Webster
Steven Weinstein
Jessica Wheeler
Patrick Toland White
Eloise Wickey
Adam Williams
Bette Zeller
David Zenker
If we have inadvertently
omitted your name, please
let us know, and accept
our sincerest apologies.
If your donation is a
payroll deduction and is
sent directly from your
employer or other entity,
we may not have received
your name and contact
Staff & Board
Robert Butcher
Business Manager
Ashley Caswell, MS
Events Coordinator
Jenny Edwards
Jonathan Chaplin
Food & Beverage Manager Housekeeping Supervisor
Matthew Hoidal, Esq.
Executive Director
Michael Katz
Campus Director
Roger Keith
Donna Leith
Maureen McAllister
Family Support
Ryan McAllister
Asst. Maintenance Manager
Dawn Osmond
Administrative Assistant
Beth Packard
Program Facilitator
Tom Perry
Maintenance Manager
Kevin Sanborn
Michael Smith
Director of Special Events
Jennifer Stults
Family Coordinator
Carley Williams
Activity Supervisor
Board of Directors
Anna Gould, Chair
Albert Ragucci, President
Joseph Pappalardo, Treasurer
David Sukoff, Secretary
Nancy Cincotta, MSW, MPhil
Bill Drapeau
Andrew Eichenfield, MD
Pat Horan
Timothy Porta
Dan Shaw
Professional Support
Honorary Members
Lawrence Gould, PhD, Chairman Emeritus
Bruce Chalmers
Senator Susan Collins
David Frohnmayer, Esq.
Governor Paul LePage
Andrew Viterbi, PhD
Erna Viterbi
Andrew Eichenfield, MD, Medical
Director, and Nancy Cincotta, MSW,
MPhil, Psychosocial Director, with son, A.J.
Cincotta-Eichenfield, Camp Photographer
Camp Sunshine 2012 Annual Report

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