Bulk Action Import Guide
Bulk Action Import Guide
COFANET BULK ACTIONS – SPECIFICATIONS Please respect carefully the instructions given below if you wish for your import to be processed successfully. Please do not hesitate to contact your local representative if you have any questions. 1. Description of the Bulk Actions functionality Cofanet allows you to order products in mass via a file import. This procedure is called “Bulk Actions” and can be divided in 5 steps: 1) Generate the file to import in CSV format (text based) 2) Access the functionality by clicking on the option “Bulk actions” available from the “Portfolio” menu 3) Click on the « Browse » button to select the file to import 4) Select the file format corresponding to the selected file 5) Finally, click on the « Import » so that your file can be taken into account Please note that a « Cancel » button allows you to abort the import before its processing is started. 1 2. Products managed by the Bulk Actions The products that can be managed by the Bulk Actions are the following: Add companies to the portfolio (only available for @rating line contracts) Delete companies from the portfolio (only available for @rating line contracts) Credit Limits Express Credit Limits Customized Credit Opinions @rating Credit Opinions without monitoring @rating Credit Opinions with monitoring @rating Limits DRA score without monitoring DRA score with monitoring Each product has his specific actions. For example, it is possible to stop the monitoring for a @rating credit opinion or to cancel a credit limit. It is also possible to update only the customer references or the outstanding amounts. This option is described further in the documentation. There are 4 actions possible: order, cancel, update and stop a product. Each action can apply to several products depending on the possibilities allowed. The table below summarizes the products and actions available: Products Company in portfolio Credit Limit Express Credit Limit Customized Credit Opinion @rating Credit Opinion without monitoring @rating Credit Opinion with monitoring @rating Limit DRA score without monitoring DRA score with monitoring Order Cancel Update Stop Comment • The cancellation only works for @rating line contracts The update is done on the amount • The update is done on the amount • • • • • • • • • • • • • This product must be stopped before being cancelled • • • • • • • This product must be stopped before being cancelled 2 3. The file format The bulk products order is done via a file containing the list of companies on which a product will be ordered. This file must contain one line per product to order. Each line must contain exactly 10 data and each data is separated with a semi-colon « ; », so each line is composed of: 10 data, each separated with a « ; ». So in total, there are : 9 semi-colons The 10 data are disposed on each line in the same order and in the following way: 1. Country code : ISO code base on 3 letters (see the complete list in the appendices); 2. Easy Number if it is available; 3. Type of legal identifier if the Easy Number is not known. For example « SIREN » for France ; 4. Value of legal identifier if the Easy Number is not known ; 5. Client reference ; 6. Product to order ; 7. Action on product : order, cancel, update or stop ; 8. Amount : for credit limits and customized credit opinions 9. Outstanding amount 10. Operation number We can see that the 5th data can contain the client reference which will be taken into account in Cofanet when the product is ordered. The 8th data contains an amount when the credit limit or customized credit opinion is ordered or modified. The 10th data contains an operation number when the credit limit is ordered, modified or deleted with an operation number different from 0 (used in case of complex decisions). Each product and each action corresponds to a code: Add or delete company from portfolio : PTF Credit Limit : CRL Express Credit Limit: ECL Customized Credit Opinion: CCO @rating Credit Opinions without monitoring: RCO @rating Credit Opinions with monitoring : ROM @rating Limit : RLI DRA score without monitoring : RSC DRA score with monitoring : RSM 3 For the adding or deleting company from the portfolio, the product code is the same (PTF): the action corresponding to the product will allow Cofanet to know whether the company should be added or deleted from the portfolio. The possible actions are as follow: Add or order : C Cancel : D Update : U Stop : S The product codes and action codes for each product are listed in the table below: Contract Type Insurance Information Product name Product Code Actions available Express Credit Limit ECL C/D @rating Limit RLI C/D Credit Limit CRL C/D/U RCO C/D ROM C/S/D CCO C/D/U @rating Credit Opinion without monitoring @rating Credit Opinion with monitoring Customized Credit Opinion Amount required • • The list of data available and their status (mandatory or optional) are listed in the table below: Field Country code Mandatory • Easy number Legal Identifier type Legal Identifier value Action Amount Comment • If the EASY Number isn’t given, the legal ID is mandatory • • Not required if EASY Number is present Not required if EASY Number is present • Client reference Product code Optional • • Mandatory for credit limits and customized credit opinion • 4 Outstanding Amount Operation number • • “blank” if no outstanding amount Only for Credit Limit, 0 if the field is not filled. For example, if the EASY Number is given, then it is not necessary to give the type of the legal identifier and its value. However, the semi-colons are kept and the data is empty. In all cases, we must always have 9 semi-colons: In the above example, some information are redundant. Indeed, it is not necessary to have both the EASY Number and the legal identifier. The example below therefore is correct: FRA;;SIREN;657898456;41105654;CCO;C;10000;15000; Because the EASY Number is not given, the data between the first and the second « ; » is empty. The following example use the EASY Number as the company identifier, therefore the data for the type of legal identifier and the data for its value are left empty: FRA;00000012354897;;;41105654;CCO;C;10000;15000; In all cases, we always have 9 « ; ». This last example is similar to the previous one except that the client reference is not given: FRA;00000012354897;;;;CCO;C;10000;15000; The following example does not update the outstanding amount: FRA;00000012354897;;;;CCO;C;10000;; The following example updates the outstanding amount to the amount “0”: FRA;00000012354897;;;;CCO;C;10000;0; 5 We can see with the two last examples that to keep empty the field “outstanding amount” or fill it with a “0” makes the difference. In the first case, the outstanding amount is not taken into account (unchanged); in the second case the outstanding amount will be equal to 0 for the buyer. 4. Coface reference (CRS Number) as a legal identifier The Coface reference can be used as a legal identifier: in this case, the legal identifier type to put is « CRScny » (please make sure that the letter case is respected, “CRS” must be in uppercase and “cny” in lowercase). The example below uses the Coface reference to order a Customised Credit Opinion of 5000 Euros with an update of the customer reference and without outstanding amount: FRA;;CRScny;100156874;B41105654;CCO;C;5000;; 5. Examples Insurance Products FRA;00000056487951;;;;ECL;C;;; Express Credit Limit order with EASY number Express Credit Limit order using a legal identifier DEU;;HRN_DEU;HRB 4200;;ECL;C;;; on Germany DEU;;HRN_DEU;HRB 97512;;CRL;D;;; Cancellation of a credit limit with legal ID on Germany Information Products FRA;;SIREN;957854658;;CCO;C;10000;15000; Customised Credit Opinion order for 10.000 Euros using a legal identifier without customer references but with an outstanding amount FRA;;SIREN;957854658;16587DO5;CCO;C;10000;; Customised Credit Opinion order for 10.000 Euros using a legal identifier with customer references but without an outstanding amount FRA;;SIREN;958478954;;ROM;S;;; Stop of an @ating Credit Opinion with monitoring using a legal identifier on France FRA;00000056487951;;;;ROM;S;;; Stop of an @ating Credit Opinion with monitoring using an Easy Number Cancellation of an @rating credit Opinion with a FRA;;SIREN;958478954;;ROM;D;;; monitoring previously stopped using a legal identifier @rating line Products FRA;;SIREN;957894538;;PTF;C;;15000; Add company to the portfolio using a legal identifier, without customer references but with an outstanding amount FRA;;SIREN;957894538;1004568RR;PTF;C;;; Add company to the portfolio using a legal identifier, with customer references but without an outstanding amount FRA;000000659874;;;1004568RR;PTF;C;;; Add company to the portfolio with EASY Number and customer references. Since the 6 EASY number has been filled, the legal identified is not compulsory anymore. Delete company from the portfolio using a legal identifier Delete company from the portfolio using an EASY Number FRA;; SIREN;957894568;;PTF;D;;; FRA; 000000659874;;;;PTF;D;;; 6. Other file formats For @rating line contracts only, the actions allowed are add or delete companies from the portfolio. For those particular cases, 2 simplified file formats can be used: Add company to the portfolio with EASY Number Add company to the portfolio using a legal identifier In the case of adding companies by EASY Number, the file format is as follows: EASY Number; Client reference; Outstanding Amount The client reference is optional and is not taken into account when deleting the company from the portfolio. For example: The customer references is updated but not the outstanding amount The outstanding amount is updated but not the customer references. Please note that a field dedicated to the customer reference is empty Add a company to the portfolio only Add a company to the portfolio, update the customer references and the outstanding amount 00000085489785;4115321 00000559845654;;15000 00000659878979 00000123546544;T0054054;12500 7 Country Code Abu-Dhabi Ajman Albania AR1 AR2 ALB Algeria DZA Argentina ARG Armenia ARM Aruba ABW Australia AUS Austria AUT Azerbaijan AZE Bahrain Bangladesh BHR BGD Belarus BLR Belgium Benin Bhutan BEL BEN BTN Bolivia BOL Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana BIH BWA Brazil BRA Brunei BRN Bulgaria BGR Burkina Faso BFA Cambodia Cameroon Canada Chile KHM CMR CAN CHL China CHN Colombia COL Costa Rica CRI Legal identifier code RCS_AR1 RCS_AR2 VAT_ALB RCS_DZA DOU_DZA CUIT_ARG TAX_ARG RGN_ARM VAT_ARM OKPO_ARM CRIB_ABW ACN_AUS ABN_AUS HRN_AUT VAT_AUT RGN_AZE VAT_AZE RCS_BHR RGN_BGD VAT_BLR RGN_BLR OKPO_BLR VAT_BEL RCS_BEN RGN_BTN NIT_BOL RUC_BOL MR_BIH RGN_BIH RGN_BWA CNPJ_BRA NIRE_BRA INC_BRN JUCESP_BRA VAT_BGR FD_BGR NI_BGR RCS_BFA TAX_BFA INC_KHM RCS_CMR DUN_CAN RUT_CHL RGN_CHN VAT_CHN STK_CHN NIT_COL MRN_COL VAT_CRI Legal identifier label REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRE DU COMMERCE TVA REGISTRE DU COMMERCE IDENTIFIANT FISCAL C.U.I.T. INGRESOS BRUTOS N° NUMERO DE REGISTRE INN (TVA) OKPO CRIB ACN ABN HANDELREGISTER NUM. MEHRWERTSTEUER NUM. NUMERO DE REGISTRE INN (TVA) REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Registration number UNN/NUM. OF TAXPAYER EGR NUM DE REGISTRE OKPO/REGISTERED NUMB IDENT.FISCAL TVA/BTW REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Registration number N.I.T R.U.C. MR MATIONI REGISTARS RB REGISTARSKI BROJ REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE C.N.P.J. N.I.R.E. Incorporation number J.U.C.E.S.P. TVA FD FIRMENO DELO NATIONAL ID Registre Du Commerce Numéro fiscal Incorporation number REGISTRE DU COMMERCE D-U-N-S NUMBER R.U.T. REGISTRATION NUMBER VAT NUMBER STOCK CODE N.I.T. M.R.N. CEDULA JURIDICA 8 Croatia HRV Cyprus CYP Czech Republic CZE Denmark DNK Djibouti Dominican Republic Dubai Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia DJI Legal identifier code RGN_HRV MBPB_HRV VAT_HRV RGN_CYP VAT_CYP VAT_CZE RGN_CZE IC_CZE CVR_DNK VAT_DNK RCS_DJI DOM RNC_DOM R.N.C. AR3 ECU EGY SLV EST REGISTRE DU COMMERCE R.U.C. REGISTRE DU COMMERCE N.I.T. REGISTRATION NUMBER Finland FIN France FRA Fujeirah AR4 Gabon GAB Georgia GEO Germany DEU Ghana Greece Guatemala Honduras GHA GRC GTM HND Hong Kong HKG Hungary HUN Iceland India ISL IND Indonesia IDN Ireland IRL Israel ISR Italy ITA RCS_AR3 RUC_ECU RCS_EGY NIT_SLV RGN_EST RGN_FIN VAT_FIN SIREN RCS_FRA VAT_FRA RCS_AR4 RCS_GAB STT_GAB VAT_GEO OKPO_GEO HRN_DEU VAT_DEU Akcny RCS_GHA VAT_GRC NIT_GTM RTN_HND CRGN_HKG BRGN_HKG BEJ_HUN VAT_HUN RGN_ISL RGN_IND RCS_IDN TAX_IDN LGL_IDN RGN_IRL VAT_IRL RGN_ISR TAX_ITA VAT_ITA CCIAA_ITA Country Code Legal identifier label MBSTS (REG NUMBER) MB / PB BZS (TVA) REGISTERED NUMBER VAT NUMBER DIC N. DE TVA CR CISLO REGISTRACE IDENTIFIKACNI CISLO CVR -NUMBER VAT NUMBER REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRATION NUMBER VAT -NUMBER NUMERO SIREN REGISTRE DU COMMERCE TVA REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Registre Du Commerce Statistique INN TVA OKPO HANDELREGISTER NUM. MEHRWERTSTEUER NUM. REFERENCE AK Registre Du Commerce TVA/AFM N.I.T. R.T.N. COMPANY REG NUMBER BUSINESS REG NUMBER BEJEGYZESI SZAM A ADOSZAM (TVA) REGISTRATION NUMBER REGISTRATION NUMBER TDP CY REGISTRATION NPWP TAX REGISTRATIO LEGALIZATION NUMBER REGISTRATION NUMBER VAT REGISTRATION NO REGISTRATION NUMBER CODICE FISCALE TVA/N'IVA C.C.I.A.A. 9 Country Code Ivory Coast CIV Jamaica Japan Jordan JAM JPN JOR Kazakhstan KAZ Kenya Kuwait KEN KWT Kyrgyzstan KGZ Lao Latvia Lebanon Lesotho LAO LVA LBN LSO Liechtenstein LIE Lithuania LTU Luxembourg LUX Macao MAC Macedonia MKD Madagascar MDG Malaysia Mali MYS MLI Malta MLT Mauritania Mauritius Mexico MRT MUS MEX Moldova MDA Monaco MCO Mongolia MNG Montenegro MNE Morocco MAR Myanmar MMR Legal identifier code RCS_CIV TAX_CIV TRN_JAM TEIK_NUM RCS_JOR VAT_KAZ RGN_KAZ OKPO_KAZ RCS_KEN RCS_KWT VAT_KGZ RGN_KGZ OKPO_KGZ INC_LAO RCS_LVA RCS_LBN RGN_LSO RCS_LIE VAT_LIE RGN_LTU RCS_LUX VAT_LUX RGN_MAC INC_MAC VAT_MKD RGN_MKD MATN_MKD RCS_MDG STT_MDG ROC_MYS RCS_MLI RGN_MLT VAT_MLT RCS_MRT RCS_MUS RFC_MEX VAT_MDA RGN_MDA RCS_MCO SSEE_MCO INC_MNG RGN_MNE VAT_MNE NI_MNE RCS_MAR TVA_MAR RGN_MAR RGN_MMR INC_MMR Legal identifier label REGISTRE DU COMMERCE COMPTE CONTRIBUABLE T.R.N. TEIKOKU NUMBER Registre Du Commerce RNN (TVA) RC (REG. NUMBER) OKPO Registre Du Commerce REGISTRE DU COMMERCE INN (TVA) RC (REG NUMBER) OKPO Incorporation number REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE N REGISTRE COMMERCE IDENTIFIANT TVA REGISTRATION NUMBER REGISTRE DU COMMERCE NUMERO DE TVA Registration no Incorporation number FISCAL (TVA) REGISTER NUMBER MATICHEN NO REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Numéro statistique ROC NUMBER REGISTRE DU COMMERCE COMPANY REG. NO. VAT NUMBER REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRE DU COMMERCE R.F.C. FISCAL (TVA) RC (REG. NUMBER) REGISTRE DU COMMERCE S.S.E.E. Incorporation number MBSTS (REG. NUMBER) MB/PB/BZS (TVA) NATIONAL ID REGISTRE COMMERCE CODE TVA NO PATENTE Registration Number Incorporation number 10 Pakistan PAK Palestine Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines PSE PAN PRY PER PHL Poland POL Portugal Poss. Portugal Poss. Spain Possession of Denmark Possession of G.B. in America Possession of New Zealand Possession of USA in America Qatar Ras-AlKhaimah PRT Legal identifier code RGN_NAM RGN_NPL HRN_NLD VAT_NLD SIREN_NCL RCS_NCL RGN_NZL RUC_NIC RCS_NER RGN_NOR RCS_OMN RGN_PAK SER_PAK RGN_PSE RUC_PAN RUC_PRY RUC_PER SECNV_PHL VAT_POL RHB_POL TAX_PRT PR1 TAX_PRT N. CONTRIBUINTE ES1 NIF_ESP NO N.I.F DN1 RGN_DN1 REGISTRATION NUMBER GB2 DUN_GB2 D-U-N-S NUMBER NZ1 RGN_NZ1 REGISTRATION NUMBER US1 DUN_US1 D-U-N-S NUMBER QAT RCS_QAT REGISTRE DU COMMERCE AR5 RCS_AR5 REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Romania ROU Russian Federation RUS San Marino Saudi Arabia SMR SAU Senegal SEN Serbia SCG Country Code Namibia Nepal NAM NPL Netherlands NLD New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Norway Oman NCL NZL NIC NER NOR OMN RGN_ROU VAT_ROU VAT_RUS RRK_RUS OKPO_RUS TAX_SMR RCS_SAU RCS_SEN TAX_SEN RGN_SCG VAT_SCG Legal identifier label REGISTRATION NUMBER Registration number KVK HANDELSREGISTER VAT -NUMBER SIREN REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRATION NUMBER R.U.C. REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRATION NUMBER REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Registration number Serial number REGISTRATION NUMBER R.U.C. R.U.C. R.U.C. REGISTRE S.E.C NV NIP NUM PLATNIKA VAT RHB/KRS N. CONTRIBUINTE NI (REG. NUMBER) CF (TVA) INN (TVA) RRK (REG. NUMBER) OKPO CODICE FISCALE REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRE DU COMMERCE COMPTE CONTRIBUABLE MBSTS (REG. NUMBER) MB/PB/BZS (TVA) 11 Sharja Singapore AR6 SGP Slovakia SVK Slovenia SVN South Africa ZAF South Korea KOR Spain Sri Lanka Swaziland ESP LKA SWZ Sweden SWE Switzerland CHE Syrian SYR Taiwan TWN Tajikistan TJK Tchad Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago TCD THA TGO Legal identifier code RCS_AR6 ROC_SGP IR_SVK IO_SVK VAT_SVK VAT_SVN RCS_SVN MSNI_SVN RGN_ZAF RCS_KOR CRP_KOR EXP_KOR NIF_ESP RGN_LKA RGN_SWZ RGN_SWE VAT_SWE RCS_CHE VAT_CHE RCS_SYR RCS_TWN STK_TWN VAT_TJK RGN_TJK OKPO_TJK RCS_TCD RGN_THA RCS_TGO TTO BIR_TTO Tunisia TUN Turkey TUR Turkmenistan TKM Ukraine UKR Country Umm-AlQuwain United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Code RCS_TUN DOU_TUN RGN_TUR VAT_TUR VAT_TKM RGN_TKM OKPO_TKM RGN_UKR VAT_UKR Legal identifier label REGISTRE DU COMMERCE ROC NUMBER IR ISLO REGISTACIE IO VAT DS N. DE TVA RS REG. DU COMMERCE MS NATIONAL ID REGISTRATION NUMBER BUSINESS REG. NO. CORPORATE REG. NO. EX/IMPORT REG. NO. NO N.I.F Registration number REG : CERTIFICATE REGISTRATION NUMBER VAT -NUMBER N REGISTRE COMMERCE IDENTIFIANT TVA REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Stock Code INN (TVA) RC (REG. NUMBER) OKPO REGISTRE DU COMMERCE Registration number REGISTRE DU COMMERCE B.I.R. REGISTRE DU COMMERCE CODE EN DOUANE REGISTERED NUMBER TVA/VAT INN (TVA) RC (REG. NUMBER) OKPO EDRPOU (REG NUMBER) UNN (TVA) AR7 RCS_AR7 REGISTRE DU COMMERCE ARE RCS_ARE REGISTRE DU COMMERCE RGN_GBR VAT_GBR DUN_USA RUT_URY VAT_UZB RGN_UZB OKPO_UZB REGISTRATION NUMBER VAT REGISTRATION NO D-U-N-S NUMBER R.U.T. GBR USA URY UZB INN (TVA) RC (REG. NUMBER) OKPO 12 Country Code Vatican VAT Venezuela VEN Viet Nam VNM Yemen Zimbabwe YEM ZWE Legal identifier code TAX_VAT RIF_VEN NIT_VEN RGN_VNM RCS_VNM RCS_YEM RGN_ZWE Legal identifier label CODICE FISCALE R.I.F. N.I.T. Registration number BUSINESS REG. NO. REGISTRE DU COMMERCE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE APPENDIX Reject causes Data too large Invoice identifier too long (maximum 35 chars) Action is not allowed Amount must be >0 Amount must be >= 1000 Bad number of fields Company does not exist The company is not unique Contract does not exist Invalid currency Client reference too long (maximum 35 chars) ECL amount no found Technical error - Please refer to the logs Invalid action Invalid amount Invalid country code Line is badly formed Line contains non-ASCII codes The company appears more than once in the imported file. Line too long Mandatory field missing You have reached the maximum number of companies that could be added to the portfolio. Only one assurance credit by company allowed Product is not allowed Product not allowed on this company Product not allowed for this operation number The Level three is not allowed for mass import Invalid contract number Product order submit failed Too many lines in the file Unsupported product Contract number too long (maximum 35 chars) 13
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