

Radiological anatomy of the hip: Are we ready to answer the
orthopaedic surgeons' questions?
Poster No.:
ECR 2010
Educational Exhibit
P. Brañanova López , C. Fernández Rey , A. López Criado , E. M.
2 1
Yagüe Zapatero , S. Costilla Garcia ; Ponferrada/ES, Oviedo/ES
Hip Joint, Anatomy, Cross-Sectional, Congenital Hip Dysplasia
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Learning objectives
To explain and illustrate the normal hip anatomy in adult and during child development
with the different radiologic techniques, which is a need in order to understand further
pathology and to help orthopaedic surgeons
The hip pathology is one of the most common and at the same time complicated of the
joints of the body.
The correct diagnosis of the different pathologies needs a deep knowledge of the hip
anatomy as well as the normal radiological findings in each radiologic technique.
As the radiological and orthopaedic techniques progress, orthopaedic surgeons ask the
radiologist for an increasingly accurate and detailed information about the pathology.
Imaging findings OR Procedure details
1. Illustrate the normal child hip development according to the femoral and pelvis
ossification nucleus.
2. Describe the normal adult hip anatomy with its different structures at images got with
X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
in different projections and planes and also.
3 . Illustrate the different angles and lines in the normal hip that are necessary to recognise
orthopaedics hip illness like dysplasia and femoro-acetabular impingement.
Images for this section:
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Fig. 1
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Fig. 21
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The radiological imaging of normal hip anatomy is a necessary base for an
effectively interpretation of its different pathologies and to answer orthopaedic surgeons'
increasingly demanding questions.
Personal Information
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