2014-2015 Annual Report - Junior Blind of America


2014-2015 Annual Report - Junior Blind of America
Board of Directors
Fiscal Year 2014-15
June 30, 2015 marked the end of Harold Davidson’s 12 years
of service as Chair of Junior Blind’s Board of Directors. We are
sincerely grateful for his tireless dedication and leadership.
Harold A. Davidson, D.B.A.
Scott M. Farkas, Esq.
Robert D. Held
Richard L. Kaplan, C.P.A.
Dottie Bridge
Gail S. Buchalter
Vera R. Campbell
Ed Chambliss
Barry Charles, C.P.A.
Gary D. Cohen, Esq.
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Linda Myerson Dean
Howard D. Fabrick, Esq.
Timothy E. Ford, Esq.
Steve L. Hernández, Esq.
Miki Jordan, M.S.
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
Peter Menard
George J. Mihlsten, Esq.
Laurie Rubin
Barry Smooke
Sanford B. Weiss
Brent Williams
Stevie Wonder
Barbara F. Bentley
William Bloomfield
Davre Davidson
Howard Fabrick, Esq.
Seymour Fabrick
More than 1 million hours of
direct services were provided
to thousands of children,
youth, adults and their families.
John Isaacson
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
George Karlin
Sanford B. Weiss
Executive Leadership
Miki Jordan, M.S.
100% of services were
provided free of charge to our
students and their families
because of the generous
support of kind people like you.
5300 Angeles Vista Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90043
(323) 295-4555
(888) 352-2290
35375 Mulholland Highway
Malibu, CA 90265
2381 Mariner Square Drive
Suite 275
Alameda, CA 94501
Laura M. Hardy
Kami Mann, M.B.A.
Corina Casco, L.C.S.W.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Carmen Garcia
More than 1,000 volunteers
offered 17,438 hours
supporting our programs and
community outreach events.
Junior Blind
We are Junior Blind
For the 5th year in a row,
we were awarded Charity
Navigator’s coveted 4-out-of-4
star rating, an achievement
attained by only 5% of
charities nationwide.
Junior Blind continues to
proudly meet all 20 of the
Better Business Bureau’s
Wise Giving Alliance Standards.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Laura M. Hardy
Christopher Quiming
Noel Kleinman/www.nkpix.com
Norm Kaplan
Publication underwritten by
private donations. Text and Braille
versions available upon request.
© 2015 Junior Blind of America
To be a nationally-recognized leader in empowering
emotional challenges, and their families.
Putting people first
Communicating effectively and transparently
Achieving meaningful and measurable results
Donald A. Ouimet, M.Ed.
Engaging others through collaboration and inclusiveness
Jay Allen, M.A.
their greatest potential.
those who have physical, developmental and
87¢ of every dollar supports
direct services for our
students—an industry high.
Junior Blind helps children, youth and adults reach
Nearly 90% of those we serve
are low-income.
2430 Road 20, #B112
San Pablo, CA 94612
donate now!
Junior Blind is once again
recognized as a Gold-Level
Participant on Guidestar
Exchange for demonstrating a
commitment to transparency
and accountability—the
highest level attainable.
Continuously improving quality
Exceeding expectations and inspiring through excellence
Responsibly stewarding resources
Who we serve
Ages 0-5
Ages 6-12
Ages 13-20
Ages 21+
Lift here
Board of Directors
Fiscal Year 2014-15
June 30, 2015 marked the end of Harold Davidson’s 12 years
of service as Chair of Junior Blind’s Board of Directors. We are
sincerely grateful for his tireless dedication and leadership.
Harold A. Davidson, D.B.A.
Scott M. Farkas, Esq.
Robert D. Held
Richard L. Kaplan, C.P.A.
Dottie Bridge
Gail S. Buchalter
Vera R. Campbell
Ed Chambliss
Barry Charles, C.P.A.
Gary D. Cohen, Esq.
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Linda Myerson Dean
Howard D. Fabrick, Esq.
Timothy E. Ford, Esq.
Steve L. Hernández, Esq.
Miki Jordan, M.S.
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
Peter Menard
George J. Mihlsten, Esq.
Laurie Rubin
Barry Smooke
Sanford B. Weiss
Brent Williams
Stevie Wonder
Barbara F. Bentley
William Bloomfield
Davre Davidson
Howard Fabrick, Esq.
Seymour Fabrick
More than 1 million hours of
direct services were provided
to thousands of children,
youth, adults and their families.
John Isaacson
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
George Karlin
Sanford B. Weiss
Executive Leadership
Miki Jordan, M.S.
100% of services were
provided free of charge to our
students and their families
because of the generous
support of kind people like you.
5300 Angeles Vista Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90043
(323) 295-4555
(888) 352-2290
35375 Mulholland Highway
Malibu, CA 90265
2381 Mariner Square Drive
Suite 275
Alameda, CA 94501
Laura M. Hardy
Kami Mann, M.B.A.
Corina Casco, L.C.S.W.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Carmen Garcia
More than 1,000 volunteers
offered 17,438 hours
supporting our programs and
community outreach events.
Junior Blind
We are Junior Blind
For the 5th year in a row,
we were awarded Charity
Navigator’s coveted 4-out-of-4
star rating, an achievement
attained by only 5% of
charities nationwide.
Junior Blind continues to
proudly meet all 20 of the
Better Business Bureau’s
Wise Giving Alliance Standards.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Laura M. Hardy
Christopher Quiming
Noel Kleinman/www.nkpix.com
Norm Kaplan
Publication underwritten by
private donations. Text and Braille
versions available upon request.
© 2015 Junior Blind of America
To be a nationally-recognized leader in empowering
emotional challenges, and their families.
Putting people first
Communicating effectively and transparently
Achieving meaningful and measurable results
Donald A. Ouimet, M.Ed.
Engaging others through collaboration and inclusiveness
Jay Allen, M.A.
their greatest potential.
those who have physical, developmental and
87¢ of every dollar supports
direct services for our
students—an industry high.
Junior Blind helps children, youth and adults reach
Nearly 90% of those we serve
are low-income.
2430 Road 20, #B112
San Pablo, CA 94612
donate now!
Junior Blind is once again
recognized as a Gold-Level
Participant on Guidestar
Exchange for demonstrating a
commitment to transparency
and accountability—the
highest level attainable.
Continuously improving quality
Exceeding expectations and inspiring through excellence
Responsibly stewarding resources
Who we serve
Ages 0-5
Ages 6-12
Ages 13-20
Ages 21+
Lift here
Harold A. Davidson, D.B.A.
Chair, Board of Directors
Miki Jordan, M.S.
President & CEO
Our Message
More than 60 years after our founding, Junior Blind is experiencing the most
transformative time in our history. With the loyalty and support of wonderful friends
like you, we have expanded our mission, vision and footprint to reach even more of our
community’s most vulnerable members.
The 2014-15 fiscal year was a defining time for Junior Blind. Through our critical programs,
Junior Blind provided more than 1 million hours of direct services to more than 14,500
children, youth and adults, all at no cost to them or their families.
We also strengthened our presence in Central and Northern California by merging with the
highly regarded, 65-year-old Blind Babies Foundation. Through this new program and our
longstanding Infant & Early Childhood Program, we are now providing early intervention
services to more than 1,000 babies throughout California.
And, after many months spent in thoughtful reflection and discussion, we restated our
mission and vision to include all whom we now serve.
Like other human service agencies, Junior Blind has evolved over the years in response to
our students’ and residents’ multiple disabilities, conditions and needs, so we believed it
was crucial that our mission and vision statements (proudly displayed on the inside cover)
embrace the breadth of who we serve today. After all, our students and residents are Junior Blind and all of their stories are our
stories—the stories that your support makes possible.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to Junior Blind. We invite you to meet some of those whose lives you’ve touched in this, Junior Blind’s
2014-15 Annual Report, “We Are Junior Blind.”
Harold A. Davidson, D.B.A.
Chair, Board of Directors
Miki Jordan, M.S.
President & CEO
junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report 1
“We are so grateful
for all that Blind
Babies Foundation
and Junior Blind
have done for
our baby and our
family. We feel
truly protected and
cared for.”
–Jacqueline, Mother of Genesis
2 junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report
Junior Blind is Genesis
Finding a guiding light
Jacqueline could tell that something
was terribly wrong with her baby
girl Genesis, but nothing could have
prepared her or her husband Jose for
the moment doctors confirmed the
tragic news that Genesis had cortical
visual impairment, epilepsy, cerebral
palsy and global developmental delay.
As they grieved, their lives were
flooded by medical appointments,
tests, treatment plans, medications
and more. They barely had time to
process what was happening.
And, because of Genesis’ age, there
were many unknowns. Would she
ever see, walk, talk or develop like
other children?
The one thing Jacqueline and her
husband did know was that they
loved Genesis deeply and were
devoted to getting her the best
possible help.
That’s when they found Blind
Babies Foundation, one of
Junior Blind’s in-home early
intervention programs.
At that time, Genesis could not roll
over, make eye contact, turn her
head, smile or reach out to play.
Vision Impairment Specialist
Michelle began working with the
family immediately, ensuring
that they understood their baby’s
diagnoses and how they could aid in
Genesis’ development.
From encouraging Jacqueline to
hold and talk a lot to her baby, to
replacing pastel-colored toys with
bright colored toys, Michelle offered
mom a lot of ideas about how to
increase Genesis’ engagement with
the world.
Michelle also accompanied them to
doctors’ appointments, taught mom
and dad to advocate for Genesis and
even created a sensory box out of
PVC pipes for Genesis to lie in.
“I’ll never forget the first day Genesis
used the sensory box,” remembers
Jacqueline. “Genesis wasn’t turning
her body yet, but when Michelle put
a toy on one of the bars, she turned,
reached for it and held it tightly!”
It was the first time Jacqueline
realized that Genesis could do more.
This was a life-changing realization
for her.
Since then, Genesis has continued
to improve her reach and has even
started making eye contact—
something her mother never thought
she would be able to do.
“We are so grateful for all that Blind
Babies Foundation and Junior Blind
have done for our baby and our
family,” says Jacqueline. “We feel
truly protected and cared for.”
Junior Blind provides
a wide range of
early intervention
and education
services to infants
and preschoolers in
Southern California
through our
Infant & Early
Childhood Program
and our Blind Babies
Foundation program
in Central and
Northern California.
The programs’ familycentered services are
provided in the homes
of the children we
serve, encouraging
each child’s optimal
development, while
paying special
attention to their
individual abilities
and needs. A key
component of our
early childhood
services is helping
families gain the
knowledge to become
successful advocates
for their child’s best
education and care.
junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report 3
“Junior Blind means everything
to me and my family—my son
Amergin’s future, my daughter’s
future and my future are brighter
because Junior Blind is there.”
–Rick, Father of Amergin
4 junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report
Junior Blind is Amergin
Saving Grace
When there is nowhere else to turn, there is Junior Blind
Amergin is blind and was also
diagnosed with autism. Loving,
curious and fun, Amergin is also
nonverbal and active…very active.
At five years old, he was filled with
energy, but without sight, Amergin
struggled to make context out of the
world around him, and without a
voice, he could not express his needs
or discontentment.
Frustrated, he communicated
by having episodes of negative
behaviors that sometimes lasted
up to half an hour, and included
screaming, throwing or biting. With
another young daughter in their
home, his father Rick was desperate
for help. He searched across the
country for the best program and was
thankful to have found Junior Blind.
“I researched every special education
school in the country,” says
Amergin’s father Rick. “None other
was near the level of quality I found
at Junior Blind.”
Rick even moved his family from the
State of Washington to California to
enroll Amergin at Junior Blind. That
was five years ago and Rick could not
be more grateful for the changes he
has seen in Amergin.
At Junior Blind’s Special Education
School, Amergin found dedicated
teachers and teachers’ aides
experienced in working with children
with multiple disabilities. Focusing
on his individual strengths, they
have helped Amergin overcome some
of his greatest challenges.
“Amergin has found ways to
communicate his preferences and his
dislikes,” says Rick, feeling relieved.
“If he’s hungry or wants to play, he
will let you know, rather than react
negatively if it isn’t what he wants.”
Last year, Amergin moved into one
of our Group Homes. As with all of
our residents’ parents, Rick was at
a crossroads. Facing the daunting
struggles of raising a child with
multiple disabilities, he recognized
that Amergin would be much safer,
freer and happier in a group home.
“I was conflicted with the idea that
my son would be in a group home,
but I trusted Junior Blind’s quality
of services,” says Rick. “The staff
are warm and truly care about the
kids. The house is spotless. There
are round-the-clock nursing services
available. And, the kids are free
to move about the house without
worrying that they’re going to break
something or hurt themselves.”
Since moving in, Amergin has come
out of his shell further. When his
father and sister visit, he’s eager to
show them his favorite things to do.
“Junior Blind means everything to me
and my family—my son Amergin’s
future, my daughter’s future and
my future are brighter because Junior
Blind is there,” Rick says gratefully.
In Junior Blind’s
Special Education
School, students
ages 5-22 with
disabilities enjoy an
individualized setting
provided by our
caring and highlytrained educational
team. Backed by an
individual learning
plan, each child
is encouraged to
achieve his or her
maximum level of
independence and
educational ability.
Our Group Homes
were established
in 2013 and were
founded on the belief
that children, youth
and adults who are
can participate
in community life,
develop positive
self-esteem and
experience success.
Residents receive
care, structured
programming and the
medical attention they
need to lead happier,
more fulfilling lives.
junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report 5
“You can tell that he’s more confident in everything he does.”
–Aaron, After School Enrichment Program Teacher of Levigne
Junior Blind is Levigne
Ready, set, go
Nine-year-old Levigne made a quick
right and kicked the adapted soccer
ball toward the goal to score!
Two years ago when he first joined
Junior Blind’s After School
Enrichment Program, Levigne
would have been on the sidelines.
Today, Levigne plays to win.
Diagnosed with albinism and a
visual impairment, Levigne grew
up as a mostly quiet boy playing
indoors. Because of his sensitivity
to the sunlight, his mother Allyson
was understandably concerned and
limited his outdoor exposure.
However, there was something about
Junior Blind’s after school program
that really intrigued her. It integrates
children who are blind or visually
impaired with their sighted peers
within a curriculum that focuses on
academic enrichment and healthy
living. She quickly signed him up!
Early on, Levigne was shy and
took to indoor activities more than
athletic activities. If it was up to
him, he would play alone with
building blocks endlessly.
But, children also need outdoor
play, as it fosters opportunities for
creativity, imagination, socialization
and learned behaviors from peers—
not to mention a healthier life.
His teacher Aaron introduced
Levigne to outdoor activities and
sports, such as adapted versions of
soccer and baseball.
And, Levigne has shined! He went
from spectating to trying to play to
playing and truly enjoying it. And, he
has made so many new friends along
the way.
“I’m really proud of how Levigne
has come out of his shell in the
After School Enrichment Program,”
says Levigne’s teacher Aaron. “You
can tell that he’s more confident in
everything he does.”
Long a cornerstone of Junior Blind,
our recreation programs help blind
and visually impaired children test
the limits society and others place on
them, creating confidence along the
way. Levigne now participates in
two of our other key recreation
programs, Camp Bloomfield and the
Junior Blind Olympics.
Our After School
Enrichment Program
integrates school
children who are
blind or visually
impaired with their
sighted peers,
offering much-needed
opportunities for
interaction through a
curriculum focused on
academic enrichment
and healthy living.
Through team sports
and nutrition-related
activities, participants
work together to
improve their health
and well-being
while learning how
to appreciate each
other’s differences.
For more than 55
years, Junior Blind’s
Camp Bloomfield
has provided children
and youth who are
blind, visually impaired
or multi-disabled
with a natural and
safe environment to
develop self-esteem,
build independence
and fully experience
the joys of childhood.
junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report 7
Miriam discovered her own courage, strength
and incredible artistic talent.
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Junior Blind is Miriam
New Life
Finding a second chance at life
Miriam entered the foster care
system at the tender age of eleven.
Medically fragile, abandoned and
abused, Miriam had given up on life.
her mental health issues under
control, Miriam discovered her own
courage, strength and incredible
artistic talent.
She felt helpless and hopeless after
her mother, the one person whom
she desperately wanted to nurture
her—and protect her—wasn’t there
for her at all.
What began as an exercise to cope
with her feelings, art became a
lifeline to her future. And, she was
good—really good at it! Whether
she tried painting, drawing,
crocheting or sewing, Miriam had a
real gift for it.
After several failed placements in the
foster care system over two years,
Miriam had hit rock bottom. She was
13 years old, angry and depressed,
failing in school and getting into
altercations with classmates.
Worse yet, her medical issues were
magnified by her severe mental
health issues. She truly felt that she
had nothing for which to live.
Fortunately, everything changed
when she was placed in Junior Blind’s
Children’s Residential Program.
At Junior Blind, Miriam found
safety, stability and support. She
had a dedicated team of case
managers, social workers, therapists,
psychiatrists and medical staff,
whose only goal was to help her reach
her greatest potential on every level.
Last summer, she even applied for
and received a scholarship to
attend a competitive art camp in
Ojai, California.
Today, Miriam is a completely
different girl from the one that
walked in our doors three years ago.
She has hope and has even begun
setting her goals for the future,
including making her own prom
dress and attending college after
high school.
“I never thought I would make
something of myself,” Miriam
reflects proudly.
We never had a doubt.
* Please note that the name, likeness and
The road wasn’t always easy, but we
never gave up on her.
some details have been changed to protect
the identity of the child.
Following a federal
mandate to move
residents referred by
Regional Centers out
of our on-campus
residential building and
into our group homes,
Junior Blind leveraged
decades of experience
in serving foster
youth and medically
fragile children to use
this facility to launch
residential and mental
health programs
specifically dedicated
to meeting their needs.
Junior Blind’s
new Children’s
Residential Program
provides a nurturing
and highly-structured
therapeutic setting for
foster youth, ages 10
to 18, with serious or
life-threatening medical
conditions and mental
health challenges.
Youth receive case
management and
nursing services.
Intensive psychological
services are provided
through individually
tailored, specialized
approaches, targeting
symptomatic behavioral
disturbances and
addressing barriers
that prevent these
youth from returning
home or moving
to less restrictive
With her support system intact,
her medical issues stabilized, and
junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report 9
“We are really blessed…now
Darius is succeeding and I
attribute that to the support
we’ve received at Junior Blind.”
–Sylvia, Legal Guardian of Darius
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Junior Blind is Darius
Helping our community’s most vulnerable children
To say that Darius is smart and
capable would not be giving him
enough credit. He reads 367 words
per minute against the national
average of about 250 and scored in
the top 5% on the Casey Life Skills
test that assesses the behaviors and
competencies youth need to achieve
their long-terms goals, including
work and study habits, computer
literacy, planning and goal-setting.
So, why would a boy like Darius not
reach his greatest potential?
Sadly, Darius has not had it easy.
He and his sister were removed
from their mother ’s care at an early
age due to neglect and abuse, so he
carries serious emotional challenges.
Thankfully, they were blessed with
an amazing caregiver (and now legal
guardian) Sylvia, who loves them
unconditionally. She has selflessly
sacrificed her own needs to afford
them the best possible education.
She enrolled them in a local private
school where Darius thrived. He
made the honor roll and received the
student of the month award, among
other recognitions.
A few years later, the trauma of a
failed attempt by his birth mother
to regain custody of Darius and his
sister derailed him seriously…and,
he was never the same again.
Darius became angry and defiant.
He stopped caring about school and
failed a grade. He hit walls and doors,
damaging them and his fists.
Through it all, Sylvia did not give
up on him. That’s when she found
Junior Blind!
She heard that Junior Blind’s
Dr. Syed Naqvi, a renowned pediatric
psychiatrist, would be speaking at
their Insight Symposium.
Immediately, Sylvia did her research
and sought out Junior Blind’s
Community-Based Mental Health
Services, which include sessions
with a Junior Blind case manager and
Dr. Naqvi. After hearing him speak, Sylvia knew
she had made the right decision.
Darius started receiving services
and his life began turning around.
He sees his case manager John every
week and Dr. Naqvi every month. His
grades have improved and he’s begun
taking college-level classes through a
community program at USC.
Junior Blind’s Mental
Health Services are
dedicated to nurturing
the mental health of
youth with histories of
maltreatment, such as
abuse or neglect, as
well as those impacted
by the foster care
children who are
medically fragile,
multi-disabled or
chronically ill. Through
specialized emotional
and behavioral
services in the
community or on our
very own campus, we
help these children
cope with the
traumatic experiences
and unstable
environments causing
them to be removed
from their families or
putting them at risk
of removal.
“We are really blessed to have found
Junior Blind and Dr. Naqvi,” says
Sylvia with relief. “Seeing him fail for
a year and a half was hard, but now
Darius is succeeding and I attribute
that to the support we’ve received at
Junior Blind.”
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“I never knew I was a leader until Junior Blind gave me the opportunity.”
–Hope, Participant in STEP Community Workshops
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Junior Blind is Hope
Helping youth reach their greatest potential
Hope always dreamed of being a
Marine. At sixteen years old, Hope
was smart, focused and passionate
about serving her country. She had
even scheduled her physical training
through her local recruiting office,
when sadly, something went
terribly wrong the week before she
would begin.
Hope was diagnosed with juvenile
macular degeneration. There is no
cure and her vision was only going to
get worse. Her dream of joining the
Marines was over.
Hope was devastated and grieved—
more for the loss of her dream
than the loss of her sight, she later
admitted to herself.
When she was ready, she picked
herself back up and decided to focus
her energy on finding a new dream.
Hope embarked on that journey with
Junior Blind and, in the end, gained
a lot more than she ever expected.
In the spring of her senior year of
high school, Hope learned about
Junior Blind’s Student Transition
& Enrichment Program (STEP)
Community Workshops for
transition-age youth who are blind
or visually impaired. She signed up
and attended our program’s STREET
Week, a weeklong college immersion
workshop at a local university.
It was Hope’s first real experience of
independence. Students learned how
to apply to, afford and attend college,
but more importantly they were
given leadership development and
independent living skills training.
That’s when Hope discovered the
leader within herself.
“I never knew I was a leader
until Junior Blind gave me the
opportunity,” Hope says. “I was
always a follower.”
Hope was surprised at how easily
she fell into the role of planning
activities and accessible traveling
routes, and also rallying her
fellow students.
After that STREET Week session, she
attended other STEP workshops as
well as the Junior Blind Olympics.
And, this year, she had some of
her most transformational
experiences yet.
Junior Blind’s statewide
Student Transition &
Enrichment Program
(STEP) Community
Workshops are
designed to help
teens and young
adults identify areas
of career interest and
successfully transition
to independent
living, college or the
workforce. Through
weekend workshops
and extended summer
programs, students
get hands-on
experience, instruction
and the support they
need to achieve their
individual goals.
Now a sophomore at Shasta College,
Hope returned to STREET Week
last summer as a staff member and
then interned in Junior Blind’s
Development Department.
“Junior Blind has given me
opportunities and offered me
independence,” says Hope gratefully.
“I am confident that whatever career
path I take, I’ll be successful.”
junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report 13
“The Hatlen Center really prepared me for living on my own.”
–Madison, Graduate of The Hatlen Center
14 junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report
Junior Blind is Madison
Real life, real independence
After high school, Madison, who
has optic nerve hypoplasia, decided
to continue living at home while
she attended her local community
college. Living in a small town with
limited public transportation meant
she had to depend on the kindness of
friends and family to get to and from
class and anywhere else she wanted,
or needed, to go.
As much as she enjoyed the security
and stability of staying at home
with her family, she yearned to be
So, boldly, she took a semester
off from school and enrolled in
one of Junior Blind’s residential
rehabilitation programs for those
who are blind or visually impaired:
The Hatlen Center in San Pablo,
California, more than 100 miles away
from her home.
The Hatlen Center operates out
of twelve units within a San Pablo
apartment complex of 76 units and
Madison would be living in one of
these apartments during her stay at
Hatlen. She was nervous and scared.
Would her roommate be nice? Would
she be able to learn her way around the
apartment or the complex?
While at The Hatlen Center, Madison
was expected to budget and pay
for her real-world expenses, plan
and cook her own meals, plot her
own travel routes and keep her own
house, including doing laundry,
cleaning and shopping. She was on
her own, but within Junior Blind’s
supportive environment.
The Hatlen Center’s courses in
assistive technology, independent
living skills and Orientation and
Mobility (white cane training)
strengthened Madison each step
of the way.
And, Madison thrived! She took
to living independently quite well
and before she knew it, she was
graduating from the program and
taking charge of her own life.
Students at
The Hatlen Center,
a program of Junior
Blind, are truly living
on their own as
they pay their own
apartment rent,
choose and cook
their own meals and
travel to meet
real-life needs. Every
part of The Hatlen
Center’s curriculum is
designed to address
individualized goals
that will lead students
to their last transition:
a life of their own.
Today, Madison shares an apartment
with two former Hatlen classmates
in Berkeley, California.
“The Hatlen Center truly prepared
me for living on my own,” says
Madison. “I loved the program
and believe this kind of training is
important for anyone. It teaches life
skills and really does prepare you for
the real world.”
“Everything was like a big maze when
I first arrived,” says Madison. “But,
the students and staff were so kind
and welcoming. I never felt alone.”
junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report 15
Summary of Financial Data
July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015
Private Support
Total Contributions
Program Revenue
Government Contracts and Fees for Service
Other Revenue
Miscellaneous Income
Income and Gain (Loss) on Investments
Total Private Support, Program Revenue and other Revenue:
Program Services
Group Home Residential Program
Children’s Residential Program
Children’s Special Education School
Davidson Program for Independence
Infant & Early Childhood Program
Camp Bloomfield / Recreation Programs
Mental Health Services
Blind Babies Foundation
The Hatlen Center
Student Transition & Enrichment Program (STEP) Community Workshops
Public Education Program
Children’s Outreach and Prevention Programs
Program Initiatives
Total Program Services:
Supporting Services
Management and Administrative
Fundraising and Public Relations
Total Supporting Services:
Transfer of Assets due to Acquisition of Blind Babies Foundation
Note: Junior Blind had a small operational surplus of $72,024. The annual Board-approved
draw from our portfolio was greatly impacted by poor earnings.
16 junior blind of america | 2014-15 annual report
Junior Blind is You
Junior Blind is truly grateful to the following
donors whose cumulative gifts and pledges
were received between July 1, 2014 and
June 30, 2015.
The Ahmanson Foundation *
$100,000 - $299,999
Vera R. Campbell
George Hoag Family Foundation *
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation *
LA84 Foundation
Maria Moffa
Ann Peppers Foundation
Melinda Lerner and John Powell
Sheppard Mullin
Albert Sweet and Craig Darian/Occidental
Entertainment Group Holdings, Inc.
Vistas for Children *
Jeffrey P. Wilson
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$5,000 - $9,999
Andrew T. Abowitz and Michael D. Levin
The Allergan Foundation
Charles Bellone
The Derfner Foundation
Bolton & Company
Thomas J. Long Foundation
Dottie Bridge and Fernando Robleto/
We Are You Foundation/Stevie Wonder/KJLH
San Francisco International
Wine Competition
$25,000 - $49,999
Marie H. Brookreson Trust
Dr. Fanya Carter
Gail Buchalter and Warren Breslow
The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation
Bruce Ford and Anne Smith Bundy Foundation
Fansler Foundation
Len and Gloria Carlson Charitable Gift Fund
The Green Foundation
Ed Chambliss/Phelps
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Barry Charles
The Karl Kirchgessner Foundation
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Marlene and Gary Cohen
Comerica Bank
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Contra Costa Braille Transcribers
Wells Fargo
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Witherbee Foundation
Linda Myerson Dean
The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Constance W. Dunitz
Employees Community Fund
$15,000 - $24,999
of Boeing California
Nita Borick
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
The John W. Carson Foundation
Scott and Carin Farkas and Family
Combined Federal Campaign
John Farnham and John W. Farnham
Jack Felthouse Scholarship Fund
Memorial Fund
Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Jeremy Fletcher
Jean B. Fields Charitable Fund
in honor of the steadfast dedication of
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Fund
Lisa and Steve Hilton
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Donald G. Goodwin Family Foundation
Gallagher Chapman *
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Laura M. Hardy
Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Fred L. Hartley Family Foundation
Los Angeles Times Family Fund, a McCormick
Lisa and Robert Held
Foundation Fund
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Hana and Richard Kaplan
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Palmer C. Langdon
George H. Sandy Foundation
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Rowena Y. Schaber
The Walter J. and Holly O. Thomson Foundation Jeannette and Jonathan I. Macy
Dena Marienthal
Valley Jesters
Callie D. McGrath Foundation,
J.B. & Emily Van Nuys Charities
Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Sanford B. Weiss
Eva L. McKenzie Charitable Trust
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Theresa and Peter Menard
The Playa Foundation
$10,000 - $14,999
Fradene Pollack
The Beverly and Frank Arnstein Foundation
The Louis and Harold Price Foundation
Bloomfield Foundation
Albert Rea
Katherine Harvey Burr
Meta & George Rosenberg Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation
San Pablo Community Foundation
The Hugh and Hazel Darling Foundation
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Nadine and Harold Davidson
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Elks of Los Angeles Foundation
Julie and Barry Smooke
Mae Bogart Eskey Trust
Southern California Gas Company Ruth Friedman
Assistance Programs
Susan and John Glass
Brent Williams/Wells Fargo Bank
Marian & Pink Happ Fund
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Independent Financial Group
$50,000 - $99,999
$2,000 - $4,999
Carole and Kenneth Adashek, M.D.
Marie and Jay Allen
Angell Foundation
Associated Roofing Contractors of the
East Bay
The Cecile & Fred Bartman Foundation
Megan and Todd Bishop
California American Water
Mr. and Mrs. David Chleck
Arnold & Kay Clejan Charitable Foundation
Hazel E. Daly Fund
Delta Gamma, Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter
Claudia DiFolco and Dan S. Green
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Eye Surgical and Medical Associates
Jack Franco
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #8
Georges & Germaine Fusenot Charity
Linda and Robert Glassman
Golden 1 Credit Union
Dr. Elizabeth Hardy and Rick Omlor
Christine Harkinson
Bonnie and Thomas Herron
Kaiser Permanente
Kelly Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Nancy and James Kenzik
Joanne C. Kozberg
Tonette and Jay Lincoln
Little Caesars Pizza
Los Angeles Host Lions Club
Sheila and Michael Marchese
Carole and Redge Martin
Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust
Joe H. Miller, Jr.
Doris and Ronald Morton
The Dr. Henry & Lilian Nesburn Award Fund
Pasadena Host Lions Club
Mary and James Perkins
John W. Porter Trust
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Violet G. Sachs Endowment Fund
Mike Segall
Lawrence Serf
Sophia Shepnick-Casco
Frances M. Shloss
Teri and Luke Simpson
Soroptimist International of Richmond
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Dennis W. Strum
William F. Touchstone
Union Bank
Variety Club Children’s Charity
Variety Club of Northern California
Vision Produce Company
The Walmilly Foundation
Frederick R. Weisman Philanthropic
George Randall Williams and Sandra S. Arey
Priscilla and Richard Wilson
Women’s Professional Network
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$1,000 - $1,999
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Angela Anantharaj
Tina and M. W. Andruss
Robert Atallah/Cedarlane Natural Foods, Inc.
Patricia and Jeffrey Barr
Lowell Berry Foundation
Deepshikha Biswas/Apple
Angela L. Brown
Anna M. Bundy Fund
Carmen Chalek
Rose Chorna Fund
Jacqueline and Bernard Cohn
Community Thrift Store
Sam and Dolores Crawford
Denise and Dave Crawford
Carolyn and Carl De Dionisio
Dawn DeNoon
Edie Dimmler
Doehring Foundation
Joan and Gerald Doren
Richard Egan
James and Sally Elmlinger
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Robert D. Fischer
Gap Foundation
Paul Goldenberg
Geri and Phil Gutentag
Gilbert E. Haakh
Bill Hannon Foundation
Donald J. Harrington
Dr. Steven Harrison and Dr. Tina Chou
Martin Hoffman
Charles Holmes
Linda and Michael Hong
Mayumi and John Hughes
Huntington Culinary, Inc.
Ted Hwang
Audrey and Greg Jackson
Teresa and Rick Jensen
Janet Johnson/Amgen
Jaqueline and Glen Kaner
Rose M. Kaplan
Lorraine and Dennis Kiewiet
Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation
Rosemary and John Klem
Wayne and Carol Knyal
Shelley and Michael Krall
Samantha Counter and Alex Kurtzman
Joni LeSage
Dinny and David Lesser
Pearle and Mark Levey
Douglas A. Lonstein
Kristin and Angus McFadden/Gartner
Dan McKernan
Deborah M. McLeod
Bonita and Robert McMaster
Mechanics Bank
Nola and George Mihlsten
EJ and Gregory Milken
Milken Family Foundation
Muller Family Foundation
Native Daughters of the Golden West
Childrens Foundation
Stephen and Amy Parlett
Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts
Perfect Sense Digital, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Perlman
Jennifer and Richard Porter
Linda and Robert Ralls
Agnes and Jerry Rapport
William O. Riley
Jackie and Robert Rosenberg
Gloria E. Rothenberg
David S. Sabih
Sharon and Richard Sacks
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Dr. Alan Scott
Sempra Employee Giving Network
Lorelei and Bill Shark, M.D.
Harry and Susan Snyder
Kathleen Soto
Southern California Edison Co.
Brian J. Stock
Tulare Host Lions Club
Marsela McGrane and William H. Vogel
Ellen and Glenn Voyles
Dr. Emerson B. Walls
Ruth E. Waugh
Dorothy Wendt
Wescom Credit Union WeCare Foundation
Whittier Host Lions Club
Lois and Doug Wilhelm
Ruth and Melvin Wolzinger
Russ Woody
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$500 - $999
Mia Riverton and David Alpert
Julie Andrews
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Mary and Frank Baltich/Chevron
Carolyn and Don Berger
Beylik Drilling, Inc.
Payal Bhan
Kerem S. Bilge
Ann and Gordon Blumenfeld
John Borrogan
Susan and Fred Braddock
Rada and Lee Bronson
Camden Capital
Judith A. Carroll and the David and Sylvia
Weisz Family Foundation
L.H. Cate
Lisett and Nicholas Chavarela
Ching-I Chen
Gary Cobrae
Mike Cole
Jane Condon
Marilyn and William Conner
Catharine E. Dahl
Wendy and Jeffrey Dahlgren
Paula and William Daillak
Delta Gamma East Bay Alumnae Chapter
Delta Gamma San Francisco Alumnae Chapter
Downtown Lions Club Of Long Beach
Nancy K. Dubois
Don Duerson
E Clampus Vitus
Susan and Stewart Epstein
Dorothy Evans
Tim Ford
Foster City Lions Club
Manley Freid
Clare and Jack Friedman
Sarah and Tom Gallop/Gallop Family
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Jeff and Bonnie Gardiner
The Jacqueline Glass Family
Dr. Gary Grablin
Herman & Margaret H. Gray Family Fund
Robert F. Green
Allan Haldeman
Alfred and Helen Harrison
Koka P. Hayashi
Detlef O. Herbst
Stephen L. Herr, M.D.
Inger Hogan
Marie and Jerry Hornstein
Thelma and Thomas Hotchkin
Robert R. Hough
Helen and Fay Jew
Samuel S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joy
Morry Karp
Robert Kendall
Kian Corporation
D. Kim
Li and Theodore King
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Kirk Koning and Janet Calhoon
Edward J. Kormondy
Diane J. Kraut
Donald E. Lagerberg
Beth Laski
John Lee
Johanna and Bernard Lemlech
Charles M. Little
Carol Lucas
Charles and Teri Maier
Kami Mann
Daniel and Ellen Margetich
Janet A. Martin
Joe J. Mason
Renate and Gerber McBeath
Wellnessmart, M.D./Dr. Richard McCauley
John D. McEntee
Chris and Jacque McKay
Gerald Measer
Robert Metoyer
Lisa and Alvin Michaelson
Linda and Kenneth Millman
Eric W. Mobley
Kathleen and J. Duane Morningred
Susan L. Moses
Behzad Niakan
Natalia Nicolas
John S. Niendorff
Northrop Grumman - VOICE
William O’Camb, Jr.
Mariam Ochsenbein
Helen and Catherine Owens
Dr. Ann Parker and Mr. Michael Parker
Brad and Anne Dressler
Penguin Books Ltd.
Toni and James Phillips
Robert H. Piechocki
Kathryn R. Polster
Ruth Priest
Dr. George Pugh and Ms. Mara McGrath
Justin Radell
Charles Rojo
Beverly and Melvin Rosenthal
Rotary Club of Visalia
Jane and Donald Royer
Allen Sackler
Santa Clara Host Lions Club
Marcia and Richard A. Schulman
Albert Segal
Allen and Donna Segrist
Dan Shattuck
Nasser Shukri
Diane Smith
Janice and David Smith
Randy S. Sprabary and Tae H. Chi
Steve Stark
Reggie Sully
Lita Swiryn
Thammasat University Alumni Association
Sally and Andrew Thomas/Chevron
Harvey L. Thomas
Shirley and S. K. Tuttle
Raquel and Paul Vanni
Walnut Creek Host Lions Club
Maureen and Robert Welch
Alison Whalen
Sandra and Henry Wong
Alexandra Brouwer-Wright and Thomas Wright
Edward and Nancy Young
Lynne Zeleny and Andy Foote
And those who wish to remain anonymous
* Gift to the Capital Campaign for our Children’s Residential Program
Junior Blind is grateful to the following
individuals who support our students through
monthly donations.
Junior Blind proudly acknowledges the following
individuals who have made provisions for Junior
Blind in their estate plans or who have established
a charitable gift annuity. We are pleased to honor
them through our Legacy Society.
Marie and Jay Allen
Pauline Bahlmann
Michael E. Barnes
Olivia H. Bersales
John Borrogan
Emmett B. Chambers
Curt Craton
James Dusek
Irene and Juan Escandon
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Adele Freulich
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Ernest Gauthier
Jessica and Brian Grifka
Marc P. Haskin
Luella B. Hill
Kathe Kiehn
Alan V. Livingston
Kami Mann
Marlene and Jean E. Mathias, Jr.
Josephine and Robert McCann
Kenneth A. Meersand
Charles L. Polep
Albert Rea
Christine and Patrick Rhodes
Toby B. Schoolman
Diane Smith
Harry and Susan Snyder
Joyce and John Steen
Dr. William Van Dyk
Ann Vermeer
Christian Whittaker
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind sincerely appreciates the following
benefactors whose bequest and trust gifts were
received in full or in part between July 1, 2014
and June 30, 2015.
Rita J. Aldridge
Selma Andrews Trust
Elizabeth G. Bishop Trust
Joseph Cereghino Trust
Toni V. Cordier
Irene A. Farber
Abraham Goshgarian
Julius Hertz
Lucille and Fred Hirsch Trust
Charles and Dorothy Jensen
Irene K. Lehman
Arthur H. Lovejoy
Virginia Manzoli
Elizabeth B. Lyons
Nancy Martinelli
The Honorable Robert and Blanche McCreadie
Daniel T. McGarrity
Roy D. McPhail Trust
Lucy and Leonard G. Muskin
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers
Blanche L. Parker Trust
Elinor Hope Phelan
John and Sophie Pick Trust
Herbert Posnack Family
Quentin Quan
Kenneth R. Rimlinger
Anne and Peter Robinson
Leo L. Schaumer
Lillian C. Smith Trust
Hannelore L. Spielman
Ralph J. Staunton
Madeleine G. Stock
Nell Thomas
Polly Amrein
Estate of Janet R. Andersen
Mindy and Bryan Arenson
Anne Baker
Jean and Leslie Baker
Charles Bellone
Mitzi Bennett
Julie Bernas-Pierce
Matilde V. Berne
Estate of Hella and Gerson Blaustein
Irving and Jackie Blum on behalf of Otis Blum
John Borrogan
Geraldine and Victor Brooks
Angela L. Brown
Estate of Margaret and Robert W. Buttrey
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Sinart Chaijenkit
Rutita Chaisakulchai
Meiling Chang
Peter S. Clark
Edward Coleman
Mrs. Ludmila Manko and Fred H. Coleman
Le Roy Couts
Estate of Margaret Bolger Creech
Felipe N. Cuevas
Hector Curiel
Zarui and Zeynal Darukyan
Dorothy M. Dawson
Migdalia and Silvio Del Castillo
West C. Delton
Zenaida M. Deromo
Jeannie L. Dimter
Lillian S. Dorfman
Hung Duong
Estate of Gwennie Edwards
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Sheila and Jeff Evron
Elaine L. Finkel
Gary M. Fisher
Estate of Elaine H. Fleishman
Don Fraley
Adele Freulich
Estate of Josephine and Fritz Gautschi
Elsie and Harold Gelber
Karen and Dana Goland
Beulah Goodman
Estate of Abraham Goshgarian
Bette and Robert E. Green
Robert F. Green
Allan Gummerus
Thelma and Heinz Hanau
Estate of Frances Clarine Hard
Laura M. Hardy
Daisy C. Harris
Elizabeth and Steven Harris
Judit Harris
Julien M. Harwood
Luella B. Hill
Wayne Hilton
Harriett E. Hollingshead
Dr. Creig S. Hoyt
Jess A. Hudec
Estate of Dora M. Jablow
Geraldine and Gordon Jakobsson
Roberia W. Jones
Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Helen A. Kahawaii
Carole and Michael Kamper, M.D.
Samorntip and Khongsak Khosawad
Adele S. and Eugene A. Klein
Gertrude Klein
Doris Knell
Palmer C. Langdon
Elizabeth Lange
Estate of Ella B. Larsson
Trinh Le Tse
Pauline W. Ledeen
Beatrice Leff
Wanda R. Legan
Estate of Paul and Mary Letl
Gertrude Levitt
Bert O. Levy
Ted and Georgia Lumpkin, Jr.
Estate of M. Louise Margolese
Barbara B. Marks
Nancy Martinelli
Yuzuru Mashimo
Maureen Matsui
Richard M. McAllister
Theresa M. McAvinue
Marilyn J. McDonnell
Kenneth A. Meersand
Estate of Kurt Meyer
The Michael Family Trust
Louis J. Miller
Raymond and Margaret Mion
Susan and Victor Miranda
Magda L. Mito
Diane and Harold Mondschein
Tish Mori and William Kartozian
Evelyn and Earle Moriarty
Estate of Lillian and Nick Moss
Estate of William N. Nelson
Yuri Nakata
Dr. Jose and Freda Nessim
Thomas Neville
Yvonne and Donald Owens
Beverly Padway
Louis Palatt
Sheryl G. Parker
Genevieve E. Pearl
Robert E. Moriarty and Isabelle Persh
Bernard W. Pipkin
Marcella and Henry Poitras
Charles L. Polep
Amorette L. Preston
Madelyn and Arno S. Prinz
Estate of Barbara and James Rebolt
Marie and Isaac Richman
Joan A. Risse
Fred Robbins
Estate of Samuel N. Robinson
Estate of Dolores W. Rogers
Martha Rosales
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Paula and Jason Russell
Thomas Safady
Estate of Dorothy W. Schick
Estate of Lt. Col. Julius K. Schnapp
Toby B. Schoolman
Susan A. Shapiro
Virginia and Samuel Shappiro
Frances T. Silberman
Ruth Silverman
Lydia Smith
Shirley and Stanley J. Smithtro
Kathleen Soper
Estate of Hannelore L. Spielman
Albert Taffoni
Kirk G. Troy
Petal Turner
Eileen F. Ulrich
Jean Valerio
Stephen Vaughan
Felipe D. Vela
Estate of Jane Marcianne Wallace
Sanford B. Weiss
Estate of Mary Willekes
Susan and David Wilstein
Lenore L. Winter
Jess Witt
Burkart Wolf
Susie C. Yale
Andrew Zaltman
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind gives thanks to the following friends
who made generous in-kind contributions between
July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Akasha Yoga
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Aurora World, Inc.
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program
Bordan Shoe Company
Dottie Bridge
California American Water
California Strategies LLC
California Yacht Club
Vera R. Campbell/KWDZ Manufacturing
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
Concorde Career College
Tracey Cooke
Crowe Horwath LLP
Nadine and Harold A. Davidson
Discovery Kingdom
Andrew Esak
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
Scott M. Farkas
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Lindsay and Mark Goffman
Michael Grobstein
Habitot Children's Museum
Lisa Hilton
Home Depot
JAKKS Pacific, Inc
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Knott’s Berry Farm
Ken Landsman
Dara Laski
Latham & Watkins
Los Angeles County, Office of Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas
Leonard Lumas
Barbara and Mark Lurie
Bahador Mahboubi
Zachary Marks
Marquez Products for Independent Living
Mattel Children’s Foundation
McDonald’s Operators Association of
Southern California
National Park Service (Alcatraz Island)
Nestle Waters North America
Laura Oftedahl
Optimist Blind Youth Association
Oriental Trading Company
Kathy and Don Ouimet
Palms Middle School
Perry’s Restaurant
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Project Linus
Rowley Ranch
The Bobby Sherman Volunteer EMT Foundation
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Society for the Blind, Inc.
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
US Foods Corona
Valley Center for the Blind in Fresno
Michelle Whiting
Winston & Strawn LLP
Stevie Wonder
It is only through the generosity of our
donors that Junior Blind is able to
offer all of our services free of charge to
our students and their families.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this donor list is
correct and complete. If you have any questions or comments,
please contact Randy Sprabary at (323) 290-6290. Thank you!
Junior Blind is You
Junior Blind is truly grateful to the following
donors whose cumulative gifts and pledges
were received between July 1, 2014 and
June 30, 2015.
The Ahmanson Foundation *
$100,000 - $299,999
Vera R. Campbell
George Hoag Family Foundation *
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation *
LA84 Foundation
Maria Moffa
Ann Peppers Foundation
Melinda Lerner and John Powell
Sheppard Mullin
Albert Sweet and Craig Darian/Occidental
Entertainment Group Holdings, Inc.
Vistas for Children *
Jeffrey P. Wilson
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$5,000 - $9,999
Andrew T. Abowitz and Michael D. Levin
The Allergan Foundation
Charles Bellone
The Derfner Foundation
Bolton & Company
Thomas J. Long Foundation
Dottie Bridge and Fernando Robleto/
We Are You Foundation/Stevie Wonder/KJLH
San Francisco International
Wine Competition
$25,000 - $49,999
Marie H. Brookreson Trust
Dr. Fanya Carter
Gail Buchalter and Warren Breslow
The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation
Bruce Ford and Anne Smith Bundy Foundation
Fansler Foundation
Len and Gloria Carlson Charitable Gift Fund
The Green Foundation
Ed Chambliss/Phelps
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Barry Charles
The Karl Kirchgessner Foundation
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Marlene and Gary Cohen
Comerica Bank
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Contra Costa Braille Transcribers
Wells Fargo
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Witherbee Foundation
Linda Myerson Dean
The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Constance W. Dunitz
Employees Community Fund
$15,000 - $24,999
of Boeing California
Nita Borick
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
The John W. Carson Foundation
Scott and Carin Farkas and Family
Combined Federal Campaign
John Farnham and John W. Farnham
Jack Felthouse Scholarship Fund
Memorial Fund
Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Jeremy Fletcher
Jean B. Fields Charitable Fund
in honor of the steadfast dedication of
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Fund
Lisa and Steve Hilton
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Donald G. Goodwin Family Foundation
Gallagher Chapman *
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Laura M. Hardy
Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Fred L. Hartley Family Foundation
Los Angeles Times Family Fund, a McCormick
Lisa and Robert Held
Foundation Fund
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Hana and Richard Kaplan
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Palmer C. Langdon
George H. Sandy Foundation
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Rowena Y. Schaber
The Walter J. and Holly O. Thomson Foundation Jeannette and Jonathan I. Macy
Dena Marienthal
Valley Jesters
Callie D. McGrath Foundation,
J.B. & Emily Van Nuys Charities
Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Sanford B. Weiss
Eva L. McKenzie Charitable Trust
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Theresa and Peter Menard
The Playa Foundation
$10,000 - $14,999
Fradene Pollack
The Beverly and Frank Arnstein Foundation
The Louis and Harold Price Foundation
Bloomfield Foundation
Albert Rea
Katherine Harvey Burr
Meta & George Rosenberg Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation
San Pablo Community Foundation
The Hugh and Hazel Darling Foundation
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Nadine and Harold Davidson
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Elks of Los Angeles Foundation
Julie and Barry Smooke
Mae Bogart Eskey Trust
Southern California Gas Company Ruth Friedman
Assistance Programs
Susan and John Glass
Brent Williams/Wells Fargo Bank
Marian & Pink Happ Fund
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Independent Financial Group
$50,000 - $99,999
$2,000 - $4,999
Carole and Kenneth Adashek, M.D.
Marie and Jay Allen
Angell Foundation
Associated Roofing Contractors of the
East Bay
The Cecile & Fred Bartman Foundation
Megan and Todd Bishop
California American Water
Mr. and Mrs. David Chleck
Arnold & Kay Clejan Charitable Foundation
Hazel E. Daly Fund
Delta Gamma, Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter
Claudia DiFolco and Dan S. Green
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Eye Surgical and Medical Associates
Jack Franco
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #8
Georges & Germaine Fusenot Charity
Linda and Robert Glassman
Golden 1 Credit Union
Dr. Elizabeth Hardy and Rick Omlor
Christine Harkinson
Bonnie and Thomas Herron
Kaiser Permanente
Kelly Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Nancy and James Kenzik
Joanne C. Kozberg
Tonette and Jay Lincoln
Little Caesars Pizza
Los Angeles Host Lions Club
Sheila and Michael Marchese
Carole and Redge Martin
Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust
Joe H. Miller, Jr.
Doris and Ronald Morton
The Dr. Henry & Lilian Nesburn Award Fund
Pasadena Host Lions Club
Mary and James Perkins
John W. Porter Trust
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Violet G. Sachs Endowment Fund
Mike Segall
Lawrence Serf
Sophia Shepnick-Casco
Frances M. Shloss
Teri and Luke Simpson
Soroptimist International of Richmond
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Dennis W. Strum
William F. Touchstone
Union Bank
Variety Club Children’s Charity
Variety Club of Northern California
Vision Produce Company
The Walmilly Foundation
Frederick R. Weisman Philanthropic
George Randall Williams and Sandra S. Arey
Priscilla and Richard Wilson
Women’s Professional Network
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$1,000 - $1,999
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Angela Anantharaj
Tina and M. W. Andruss
Robert Atallah/Cedarlane Natural Foods, Inc.
Patricia and Jeffrey Barr
Lowell Berry Foundation
Deepshikha Biswas/Apple
Angela L. Brown
Anna M. Bundy Fund
Carmen Chalek
Rose Chorna Fund
Jacqueline and Bernard Cohn
Community Thrift Store
Sam and Dolores Crawford
Denise and Dave Crawford
Carolyn and Carl De Dionisio
Dawn DeNoon
Edie Dimmler
Doehring Foundation
Joan and Gerald Doren
Richard Egan
James and Sally Elmlinger
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Robert D. Fischer
Gap Foundation
Paul Goldenberg
Geri and Phil Gutentag
Gilbert E. Haakh
Bill Hannon Foundation
Donald J. Harrington
Dr. Steven Harrison and Dr. Tina Chou
Martin Hoffman
Charles Holmes
Linda and Michael Hong
Mayumi and John Hughes
Huntington Culinary, Inc.
Ted Hwang
Audrey and Greg Jackson
Teresa and Rick Jensen
Janet Johnson/Amgen
Jaqueline and Glen Kaner
Rose M. Kaplan
Lorraine and Dennis Kiewiet
Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation
Rosemary and John Klem
Wayne and Carol Knyal
Shelley and Michael Krall
Samantha Counter and Alex Kurtzman
Joni LeSage
Dinny and David Lesser
Pearle and Mark Levey
Douglas A. Lonstein
Kristin and Angus McFadden/Gartner
Dan McKernan
Deborah M. McLeod
Bonita and Robert McMaster
Mechanics Bank
Nola and George Mihlsten
EJ and Gregory Milken
Milken Family Foundation
Muller Family Foundation
Native Daughters of the Golden West
Childrens Foundation
Stephen and Amy Parlett
Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts
Perfect Sense Digital, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Perlman
Jennifer and Richard Porter
Linda and Robert Ralls
Agnes and Jerry Rapport
William O. Riley
Jackie and Robert Rosenberg
Gloria E. Rothenberg
David S. Sabih
Sharon and Richard Sacks
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Dr. Alan Scott
Sempra Employee Giving Network
Lorelei and Bill Shark, M.D.
Harry and Susan Snyder
Kathleen Soto
Southern California Edison Co.
Brian J. Stock
Tulare Host Lions Club
Marsela McGrane and William H. Vogel
Ellen and Glenn Voyles
Dr. Emerson B. Walls
Ruth E. Waugh
Dorothy Wendt
Wescom Credit Union WeCare Foundation
Whittier Host Lions Club
Lois and Doug Wilhelm
Ruth and Melvin Wolzinger
Russ Woody
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$500 - $999
Mia Riverton and David Alpert
Julie Andrews
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Mary and Frank Baltich/Chevron
Carolyn and Don Berger
Beylik Drilling, Inc.
Payal Bhan
Kerem S. Bilge
Ann and Gordon Blumenfeld
John Borrogan
Susan and Fred Braddock
Rada and Lee Bronson
Camden Capital
Judith A. Carroll and the David and Sylvia
Weisz Family Foundation
L.H. Cate
Lisett and Nicholas Chavarela
Ching-I Chen
Gary Cobrae
Mike Cole
Jane Condon
Marilyn and William Conner
Catharine E. Dahl
Wendy and Jeffrey Dahlgren
Paula and William Daillak
Delta Gamma East Bay Alumnae Chapter
Delta Gamma San Francisco Alumnae Chapter
Downtown Lions Club Of Long Beach
Nancy K. Dubois
Don Duerson
E Clampus Vitus
Susan and Stewart Epstein
Dorothy Evans
Tim Ford
Foster City Lions Club
Manley Freid
Clare and Jack Friedman
Sarah and Tom Gallop/Gallop Family
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Jeff and Bonnie Gardiner
The Jacqueline Glass Family
Dr. Gary Grablin
Herman & Margaret H. Gray Family Fund
Robert F. Green
Allan Haldeman
Alfred and Helen Harrison
Koka P. Hayashi
Detlef O. Herbst
Stephen L. Herr, M.D.
Inger Hogan
Marie and Jerry Hornstein
Thelma and Thomas Hotchkin
Robert R. Hough
Helen and Fay Jew
Samuel S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joy
Morry Karp
Robert Kendall
Kian Corporation
D. Kim
Li and Theodore King
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Kirk Koning and Janet Calhoon
Edward J. Kormondy
Diane J. Kraut
Donald E. Lagerberg
Beth Laski
John Lee
Johanna and Bernard Lemlech
Charles M. Little
Carol Lucas
Charles and Teri Maier
Kami Mann
Daniel and Ellen Margetich
Janet A. Martin
Joe J. Mason
Renate and Gerber McBeath
Wellnessmart, M.D./Dr. Richard McCauley
John D. McEntee
Chris and Jacque McKay
Gerald Measer
Robert Metoyer
Lisa and Alvin Michaelson
Linda and Kenneth Millman
Eric W. Mobley
Kathleen and J. Duane Morningred
Susan L. Moses
Behzad Niakan
Natalia Nicolas
John S. Niendorff
Northrop Grumman - VOICE
William O’Camb, Jr.
Mariam Ochsenbein
Helen and Catherine Owens
Dr. Ann Parker and Mr. Michael Parker
Brad and Anne Dressler
Penguin Books Ltd.
Toni and James Phillips
Robert H. Piechocki
Kathryn R. Polster
Ruth Priest
Dr. George Pugh and Ms. Mara McGrath
Justin Radell
Charles Rojo
Beverly and Melvin Rosenthal
Rotary Club of Visalia
Jane and Donald Royer
Allen Sackler
Santa Clara Host Lions Club
Marcia and Richard A. Schulman
Albert Segal
Allen and Donna Segrist
Dan Shattuck
Nasser Shukri
Diane Smith
Janice and David Smith
Randy S. Sprabary and Tae H. Chi
Steve Stark
Reggie Sully
Lita Swiryn
Thammasat University Alumni Association
Sally and Andrew Thomas/Chevron
Harvey L. Thomas
Shirley and S. K. Tuttle
Raquel and Paul Vanni
Walnut Creek Host Lions Club
Maureen and Robert Welch
Alison Whalen
Sandra and Henry Wong
Alexandra Brouwer-Wright and Thomas Wright
Edward and Nancy Young
Lynne Zeleny and Andy Foote
And those who wish to remain anonymous
* Gift to the Capital Campaign for our Children’s Residential Program
Junior Blind is grateful to the following
individuals who support our students through
monthly donations.
Junior Blind proudly acknowledges the following
individuals who have made provisions for Junior
Blind in their estate plans or who have established
a charitable gift annuity. We are pleased to honor
them through our Legacy Society.
Marie and Jay Allen
Pauline Bahlmann
Michael E. Barnes
Olivia H. Bersales
John Borrogan
Emmett B. Chambers
Curt Craton
James Dusek
Irene and Juan Escandon
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Adele Freulich
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Ernest Gauthier
Jessica and Brian Grifka
Marc P. Haskin
Luella B. Hill
Kathe Kiehn
Alan V. Livingston
Kami Mann
Marlene and Jean E. Mathias, Jr.
Josephine and Robert McCann
Kenneth A. Meersand
Charles L. Polep
Albert Rea
Christine and Patrick Rhodes
Toby B. Schoolman
Diane Smith
Harry and Susan Snyder
Joyce and John Steen
Dr. William Van Dyk
Ann Vermeer
Christian Whittaker
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind sincerely appreciates the following
benefactors whose bequest and trust gifts were
received in full or in part between July 1, 2014
and June 30, 2015.
Rita J. Aldridge
Selma Andrews Trust
Elizabeth G. Bishop Trust
Joseph Cereghino Trust
Toni V. Cordier
Irene A. Farber
Abraham Goshgarian
Julius Hertz
Lucille and Fred Hirsch Trust
Charles and Dorothy Jensen
Irene K. Lehman
Arthur H. Lovejoy
Virginia Manzoli
Elizabeth B. Lyons
Nancy Martinelli
The Honorable Robert and Blanche McCreadie
Daniel T. McGarrity
Roy D. McPhail Trust
Lucy and Leonard G. Muskin
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers
Blanche L. Parker Trust
Elinor Hope Phelan
John and Sophie Pick Trust
Herbert Posnack Family
Quentin Quan
Kenneth R. Rimlinger
Anne and Peter Robinson
Leo L. Schaumer
Lillian C. Smith Trust
Hannelore L. Spielman
Ralph J. Staunton
Madeleine G. Stock
Nell Thomas
Polly Amrein
Estate of Janet R. Andersen
Mindy and Bryan Arenson
Anne Baker
Jean and Leslie Baker
Charles Bellone
Mitzi Bennett
Julie Bernas-Pierce
Matilde V. Berne
Estate of Hella and Gerson Blaustein
Irving and Jackie Blum on behalf of Otis Blum
John Borrogan
Geraldine and Victor Brooks
Angela L. Brown
Estate of Margaret and Robert W. Buttrey
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Sinart Chaijenkit
Rutita Chaisakulchai
Meiling Chang
Peter S. Clark
Edward Coleman
Mrs. Ludmila Manko and Fred H. Coleman
Le Roy Couts
Estate of Margaret Bolger Creech
Felipe N. Cuevas
Hector Curiel
Zarui and Zeynal Darukyan
Dorothy M. Dawson
Migdalia and Silvio Del Castillo
West C. Delton
Zenaida M. Deromo
Jeannie L. Dimter
Lillian S. Dorfman
Hung Duong
Estate of Gwennie Edwards
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Sheila and Jeff Evron
Elaine L. Finkel
Gary M. Fisher
Estate of Elaine H. Fleishman
Don Fraley
Adele Freulich
Estate of Josephine and Fritz Gautschi
Elsie and Harold Gelber
Karen and Dana Goland
Beulah Goodman
Estate of Abraham Goshgarian
Bette and Robert E. Green
Robert F. Green
Allan Gummerus
Thelma and Heinz Hanau
Estate of Frances Clarine Hard
Laura M. Hardy
Daisy C. Harris
Elizabeth and Steven Harris
Judit Harris
Julien M. Harwood
Luella B. Hill
Wayne Hilton
Harriett E. Hollingshead
Dr. Creig S. Hoyt
Jess A. Hudec
Estate of Dora M. Jablow
Geraldine and Gordon Jakobsson
Roberia W. Jones
Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Helen A. Kahawaii
Carole and Michael Kamper, M.D.
Samorntip and Khongsak Khosawad
Adele S. and Eugene A. Klein
Gertrude Klein
Doris Knell
Palmer C. Langdon
Elizabeth Lange
Estate of Ella B. Larsson
Trinh Le Tse
Pauline W. Ledeen
Beatrice Leff
Wanda R. Legan
Estate of Paul and Mary Letl
Gertrude Levitt
Bert O. Levy
Ted and Georgia Lumpkin, Jr.
Estate of M. Louise Margolese
Barbara B. Marks
Nancy Martinelli
Yuzuru Mashimo
Maureen Matsui
Richard M. McAllister
Theresa M. McAvinue
Marilyn J. McDonnell
Kenneth A. Meersand
Estate of Kurt Meyer
The Michael Family Trust
Louis J. Miller
Raymond and Margaret Mion
Susan and Victor Miranda
Magda L. Mito
Diane and Harold Mondschein
Tish Mori and William Kartozian
Evelyn and Earle Moriarty
Estate of Lillian and Nick Moss
Estate of William N. Nelson
Yuri Nakata
Dr. Jose and Freda Nessim
Thomas Neville
Yvonne and Donald Owens
Beverly Padway
Louis Palatt
Sheryl G. Parker
Genevieve E. Pearl
Robert E. Moriarty and Isabelle Persh
Bernard W. Pipkin
Marcella and Henry Poitras
Charles L. Polep
Amorette L. Preston
Madelyn and Arno S. Prinz
Estate of Barbara and James Rebolt
Marie and Isaac Richman
Joan A. Risse
Fred Robbins
Estate of Samuel N. Robinson
Estate of Dolores W. Rogers
Martha Rosales
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Paula and Jason Russell
Thomas Safady
Estate of Dorothy W. Schick
Estate of Lt. Col. Julius K. Schnapp
Toby B. Schoolman
Susan A. Shapiro
Virginia and Samuel Shappiro
Frances T. Silberman
Ruth Silverman
Lydia Smith
Shirley and Stanley J. Smithtro
Kathleen Soper
Estate of Hannelore L. Spielman
Albert Taffoni
Kirk G. Troy
Petal Turner
Eileen F. Ulrich
Jean Valerio
Stephen Vaughan
Felipe D. Vela
Estate of Jane Marcianne Wallace
Sanford B. Weiss
Estate of Mary Willekes
Susan and David Wilstein
Lenore L. Winter
Jess Witt
Burkart Wolf
Susie C. Yale
Andrew Zaltman
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind gives thanks to the following friends
who made generous in-kind contributions between
July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Akasha Yoga
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Aurora World, Inc.
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program
Bordan Shoe Company
Dottie Bridge
California American Water
California Strategies LLC
California Yacht Club
Vera R. Campbell/KWDZ Manufacturing
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
Concorde Career College
Tracey Cooke
Crowe Horwath LLP
Nadine and Harold A. Davidson
Discovery Kingdom
Andrew Esak
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
Scott M. Farkas
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Lindsay and Mark Goffman
Michael Grobstein
Habitot Children's Museum
Lisa Hilton
Home Depot
JAKKS Pacific, Inc
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Knott’s Berry Farm
Ken Landsman
Dara Laski
Latham & Watkins
Los Angeles County, Office of Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas
Leonard Lumas
Barbara and Mark Lurie
Bahador Mahboubi
Zachary Marks
Marquez Products for Independent Living
Mattel Children’s Foundation
McDonald’s Operators Association of
Southern California
National Park Service (Alcatraz Island)
Nestle Waters North America
Laura Oftedahl
Optimist Blind Youth Association
Oriental Trading Company
Kathy and Don Ouimet
Palms Middle School
Perry’s Restaurant
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Project Linus
Rowley Ranch
The Bobby Sherman Volunteer EMT Foundation
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Society for the Blind, Inc.
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
US Foods Corona
Valley Center for the Blind in Fresno
Michelle Whiting
Winston & Strawn LLP
Stevie Wonder
It is only through the generosity of our
donors that Junior Blind is able to
offer all of our services free of charge to
our students and their families.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this donor list is
correct and complete. If you have any questions or comments,
please contact Randy Sprabary at (323) 290-6290. Thank you!
Junior Blind is You
Junior Blind is truly grateful to the following
donors whose cumulative gifts and pledges
were received between July 1, 2014 and
June 30, 2015.
The Ahmanson Foundation *
$100,000 - $299,999
Vera R. Campbell
George Hoag Family Foundation *
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation *
LA84 Foundation
Maria Moffa
Ann Peppers Foundation
Melinda Lerner and John Powell
Sheppard Mullin
Albert Sweet and Craig Darian/Occidental
Entertainment Group Holdings, Inc.
Vistas for Children *
Jeffrey P. Wilson
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$5,000 - $9,999
Andrew T. Abowitz and Michael D. Levin
The Allergan Foundation
Charles Bellone
The Derfner Foundation
Bolton & Company
Thomas J. Long Foundation
Dottie Bridge and Fernando Robleto/
We Are You Foundation/Stevie Wonder/KJLH
San Francisco International
Wine Competition
$25,000 - $49,999
Marie H. Brookreson Trust
Dr. Fanya Carter
Gail Buchalter and Warren Breslow
The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation
Bruce Ford and Anne Smith Bundy Foundation
Fansler Foundation
Len and Gloria Carlson Charitable Gift Fund
The Green Foundation
Ed Chambliss/Phelps
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Barry Charles
The Karl Kirchgessner Foundation
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Marlene and Gary Cohen
Comerica Bank
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Contra Costa Braille Transcribers
Wells Fargo
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Witherbee Foundation
Linda Myerson Dean
The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Constance W. Dunitz
Employees Community Fund
$15,000 - $24,999
of Boeing California
Nita Borick
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
The John W. Carson Foundation
Scott and Carin Farkas and Family
Combined Federal Campaign
John Farnham and John W. Farnham
Jack Felthouse Scholarship Fund
Memorial Fund
Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Jeremy Fletcher
Jean B. Fields Charitable Fund
in honor of the steadfast dedication of
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Fund
Lisa and Steve Hilton
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Donald G. Goodwin Family Foundation
Gallagher Chapman *
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Laura M. Hardy
Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Fred L. Hartley Family Foundation
Los Angeles Times Family Fund, a McCormick
Lisa and Robert Held
Foundation Fund
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Hana and Richard Kaplan
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Palmer C. Langdon
George H. Sandy Foundation
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Rowena Y. Schaber
The Walter J. and Holly O. Thomson Foundation Jeannette and Jonathan I. Macy
Dena Marienthal
Valley Jesters
Callie D. McGrath Foundation,
J.B. & Emily Van Nuys Charities
Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Sanford B. Weiss
Eva L. McKenzie Charitable Trust
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Theresa and Peter Menard
The Playa Foundation
$10,000 - $14,999
Fradene Pollack
The Beverly and Frank Arnstein Foundation
The Louis and Harold Price Foundation
Bloomfield Foundation
Albert Rea
Katherine Harvey Burr
Meta & George Rosenberg Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation
San Pablo Community Foundation
The Hugh and Hazel Darling Foundation
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Nadine and Harold Davidson
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Elks of Los Angeles Foundation
Julie and Barry Smooke
Mae Bogart Eskey Trust
Southern California Gas Company Ruth Friedman
Assistance Programs
Susan and John Glass
Brent Williams/Wells Fargo Bank
Marian & Pink Happ Fund
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Independent Financial Group
$50,000 - $99,999
$2,000 - $4,999
Carole and Kenneth Adashek, M.D.
Marie and Jay Allen
Angell Foundation
Associated Roofing Contractors of the
East Bay
The Cecile & Fred Bartman Foundation
Megan and Todd Bishop
California American Water
Mr. and Mrs. David Chleck
Arnold & Kay Clejan Charitable Foundation
Hazel E. Daly Fund
Delta Gamma, Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter
Claudia DiFolco and Dan S. Green
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Eye Surgical and Medical Associates
Jack Franco
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #8
Georges & Germaine Fusenot Charity
Linda and Robert Glassman
Golden 1 Credit Union
Dr. Elizabeth Hardy and Rick Omlor
Christine Harkinson
Bonnie and Thomas Herron
Kaiser Permanente
Kelly Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Nancy and James Kenzik
Joanne C. Kozberg
Tonette and Jay Lincoln
Little Caesars Pizza
Los Angeles Host Lions Club
Sheila and Michael Marchese
Carole and Redge Martin
Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust
Joe H. Miller, Jr.
Doris and Ronald Morton
The Dr. Henry & Lilian Nesburn Award Fund
Pasadena Host Lions Club
Mary and James Perkins
John W. Porter Trust
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Violet G. Sachs Endowment Fund
Mike Segall
Lawrence Serf
Sophia Shepnick-Casco
Frances M. Shloss
Teri and Luke Simpson
Soroptimist International of Richmond
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Dennis W. Strum
William F. Touchstone
Union Bank
Variety Club Children’s Charity
Variety Club of Northern California
Vision Produce Company
The Walmilly Foundation
Frederick R. Weisman Philanthropic
George Randall Williams and Sandra S. Arey
Priscilla and Richard Wilson
Women’s Professional Network
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$1,000 - $1,999
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Angela Anantharaj
Tina and M. W. Andruss
Robert Atallah/Cedarlane Natural Foods, Inc.
Patricia and Jeffrey Barr
Lowell Berry Foundation
Deepshikha Biswas/Apple
Angela L. Brown
Anna M. Bundy Fund
Carmen Chalek
Rose Chorna Fund
Jacqueline and Bernard Cohn
Community Thrift Store
Sam and Dolores Crawford
Denise and Dave Crawford
Carolyn and Carl De Dionisio
Dawn DeNoon
Edie Dimmler
Doehring Foundation
Joan and Gerald Doren
Richard Egan
James and Sally Elmlinger
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Robert D. Fischer
Gap Foundation
Paul Goldenberg
Geri and Phil Gutentag
Gilbert E. Haakh
Bill Hannon Foundation
Donald J. Harrington
Dr. Steven Harrison and Dr. Tina Chou
Martin Hoffman
Charles Holmes
Linda and Michael Hong
Mayumi and John Hughes
Huntington Culinary, Inc.
Ted Hwang
Audrey and Greg Jackson
Teresa and Rick Jensen
Janet Johnson/Amgen
Jaqueline and Glen Kaner
Rose M. Kaplan
Lorraine and Dennis Kiewiet
Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation
Rosemary and John Klem
Wayne and Carol Knyal
Shelley and Michael Krall
Samantha Counter and Alex Kurtzman
Joni LeSage
Dinny and David Lesser
Pearle and Mark Levey
Douglas A. Lonstein
Kristin and Angus McFadden/Gartner
Dan McKernan
Deborah M. McLeod
Bonita and Robert McMaster
Mechanics Bank
Nola and George Mihlsten
EJ and Gregory Milken
Milken Family Foundation
Muller Family Foundation
Native Daughters of the Golden West
Childrens Foundation
Stephen and Amy Parlett
Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts
Perfect Sense Digital, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Perlman
Jennifer and Richard Porter
Linda and Robert Ralls
Agnes and Jerry Rapport
William O. Riley
Jackie and Robert Rosenberg
Gloria E. Rothenberg
David S. Sabih
Sharon and Richard Sacks
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Dr. Alan Scott
Sempra Employee Giving Network
Lorelei and Bill Shark, M.D.
Harry and Susan Snyder
Kathleen Soto
Southern California Edison Co.
Brian J. Stock
Tulare Host Lions Club
Marsela McGrane and William H. Vogel
Ellen and Glenn Voyles
Dr. Emerson B. Walls
Ruth E. Waugh
Dorothy Wendt
Wescom Credit Union WeCare Foundation
Whittier Host Lions Club
Lois and Doug Wilhelm
Ruth and Melvin Wolzinger
Russ Woody
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$500 - $999
Mia Riverton and David Alpert
Julie Andrews
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Mary and Frank Baltich/Chevron
Carolyn and Don Berger
Beylik Drilling, Inc.
Payal Bhan
Kerem S. Bilge
Ann and Gordon Blumenfeld
John Borrogan
Susan and Fred Braddock
Rada and Lee Bronson
Camden Capital
Judith A. Carroll and the David and Sylvia
Weisz Family Foundation
L.H. Cate
Lisett and Nicholas Chavarela
Ching-I Chen
Gary Cobrae
Mike Cole
Jane Condon
Marilyn and William Conner
Catharine E. Dahl
Wendy and Jeffrey Dahlgren
Paula and William Daillak
Delta Gamma East Bay Alumnae Chapter
Delta Gamma San Francisco Alumnae Chapter
Downtown Lions Club Of Long Beach
Nancy K. Dubois
Don Duerson
E Clampus Vitus
Susan and Stewart Epstein
Dorothy Evans
Tim Ford
Foster City Lions Club
Manley Freid
Clare and Jack Friedman
Sarah and Tom Gallop/Gallop Family
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Jeff and Bonnie Gardiner
The Jacqueline Glass Family
Dr. Gary Grablin
Herman & Margaret H. Gray Family Fund
Robert F. Green
Allan Haldeman
Alfred and Helen Harrison
Koka P. Hayashi
Detlef O. Herbst
Stephen L. Herr, M.D.
Inger Hogan
Marie and Jerry Hornstein
Thelma and Thomas Hotchkin
Robert R. Hough
Helen and Fay Jew
Samuel S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joy
Morry Karp
Robert Kendall
Kian Corporation
D. Kim
Li and Theodore King
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Kirk Koning and Janet Calhoon
Edward J. Kormondy
Diane J. Kraut
Donald E. Lagerberg
Beth Laski
John Lee
Johanna and Bernard Lemlech
Charles M. Little
Carol Lucas
Charles and Teri Maier
Kami Mann
Daniel and Ellen Margetich
Janet A. Martin
Joe J. Mason
Renate and Gerber McBeath
Wellnessmart, M.D./Dr. Richard McCauley
John D. McEntee
Chris and Jacque McKay
Gerald Measer
Robert Metoyer
Lisa and Alvin Michaelson
Linda and Kenneth Millman
Eric W. Mobley
Kathleen and J. Duane Morningred
Susan L. Moses
Behzad Niakan
Natalia Nicolas
John S. Niendorff
Northrop Grumman - VOICE
William O’Camb, Jr.
Mariam Ochsenbein
Helen and Catherine Owens
Dr. Ann Parker and Mr. Michael Parker
Brad and Anne Dressler
Penguin Books Ltd.
Toni and James Phillips
Robert H. Piechocki
Kathryn R. Polster
Ruth Priest
Dr. George Pugh and Ms. Mara McGrath
Justin Radell
Charles Rojo
Beverly and Melvin Rosenthal
Rotary Club of Visalia
Jane and Donald Royer
Allen Sackler
Santa Clara Host Lions Club
Marcia and Richard A. Schulman
Albert Segal
Allen and Donna Segrist
Dan Shattuck
Nasser Shukri
Diane Smith
Janice and David Smith
Randy S. Sprabary and Tae H. Chi
Steve Stark
Reggie Sully
Lita Swiryn
Thammasat University Alumni Association
Sally and Andrew Thomas/Chevron
Harvey L. Thomas
Shirley and S. K. Tuttle
Raquel and Paul Vanni
Walnut Creek Host Lions Club
Maureen and Robert Welch
Alison Whalen
Sandra and Henry Wong
Alexandra Brouwer-Wright and Thomas Wright
Edward and Nancy Young
Lynne Zeleny and Andy Foote
And those who wish to remain anonymous
* Gift to the Capital Campaign for our Children’s Residential Program
Junior Blind is grateful to the following
individuals who support our students through
monthly donations.
Junior Blind proudly acknowledges the following
individuals who have made provisions for Junior
Blind in their estate plans or who have established
a charitable gift annuity. We are pleased to honor
them through our Legacy Society.
Marie and Jay Allen
Pauline Bahlmann
Michael E. Barnes
Olivia H. Bersales
John Borrogan
Emmett B. Chambers
Curt Craton
James Dusek
Irene and Juan Escandon
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Adele Freulich
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Ernest Gauthier
Jessica and Brian Grifka
Marc P. Haskin
Luella B. Hill
Kathe Kiehn
Alan V. Livingston
Kami Mann
Marlene and Jean E. Mathias, Jr.
Josephine and Robert McCann
Kenneth A. Meersand
Charles L. Polep
Albert Rea
Christine and Patrick Rhodes
Toby B. Schoolman
Diane Smith
Harry and Susan Snyder
Joyce and John Steen
Dr. William Van Dyk
Ann Vermeer
Christian Whittaker
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind sincerely appreciates the following
benefactors whose bequest and trust gifts were
received in full or in part between July 1, 2014
and June 30, 2015.
Rita J. Aldridge
Selma Andrews Trust
Elizabeth G. Bishop Trust
Joseph Cereghino Trust
Toni V. Cordier
Irene A. Farber
Abraham Goshgarian
Julius Hertz
Lucille and Fred Hirsch Trust
Charles and Dorothy Jensen
Irene K. Lehman
Arthur H. Lovejoy
Virginia Manzoli
Elizabeth B. Lyons
Nancy Martinelli
The Honorable Robert and Blanche McCreadie
Daniel T. McGarrity
Roy D. McPhail Trust
Lucy and Leonard G. Muskin
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers
Blanche L. Parker Trust
Elinor Hope Phelan
John and Sophie Pick Trust
Herbert Posnack Family
Quentin Quan
Kenneth R. Rimlinger
Anne and Peter Robinson
Leo L. Schaumer
Lillian C. Smith Trust
Hannelore L. Spielman
Ralph J. Staunton
Madeleine G. Stock
Nell Thomas
Polly Amrein
Estate of Janet R. Andersen
Mindy and Bryan Arenson
Anne Baker
Jean and Leslie Baker
Charles Bellone
Mitzi Bennett
Julie Bernas-Pierce
Matilde V. Berne
Estate of Hella and Gerson Blaustein
Irving and Jackie Blum on behalf of Otis Blum
John Borrogan
Geraldine and Victor Brooks
Angela L. Brown
Estate of Margaret and Robert W. Buttrey
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Sinart Chaijenkit
Rutita Chaisakulchai
Meiling Chang
Peter S. Clark
Edward Coleman
Mrs. Ludmila Manko and Fred H. Coleman
Le Roy Couts
Estate of Margaret Bolger Creech
Felipe N. Cuevas
Hector Curiel
Zarui and Zeynal Darukyan
Dorothy M. Dawson
Migdalia and Silvio Del Castillo
West C. Delton
Zenaida M. Deromo
Jeannie L. Dimter
Lillian S. Dorfman
Hung Duong
Estate of Gwennie Edwards
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Sheila and Jeff Evron
Elaine L. Finkel
Gary M. Fisher
Estate of Elaine H. Fleishman
Don Fraley
Adele Freulich
Estate of Josephine and Fritz Gautschi
Elsie and Harold Gelber
Karen and Dana Goland
Beulah Goodman
Estate of Abraham Goshgarian
Bette and Robert E. Green
Robert F. Green
Allan Gummerus
Thelma and Heinz Hanau
Estate of Frances Clarine Hard
Laura M. Hardy
Daisy C. Harris
Elizabeth and Steven Harris
Judit Harris
Julien M. Harwood
Luella B. Hill
Wayne Hilton
Harriett E. Hollingshead
Dr. Creig S. Hoyt
Jess A. Hudec
Estate of Dora M. Jablow
Geraldine and Gordon Jakobsson
Roberia W. Jones
Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Helen A. Kahawaii
Carole and Michael Kamper, M.D.
Samorntip and Khongsak Khosawad
Adele S. and Eugene A. Klein
Gertrude Klein
Doris Knell
Palmer C. Langdon
Elizabeth Lange
Estate of Ella B. Larsson
Trinh Le Tse
Pauline W. Ledeen
Beatrice Leff
Wanda R. Legan
Estate of Paul and Mary Letl
Gertrude Levitt
Bert O. Levy
Ted and Georgia Lumpkin, Jr.
Estate of M. Louise Margolese
Barbara B. Marks
Nancy Martinelli
Yuzuru Mashimo
Maureen Matsui
Richard M. McAllister
Theresa M. McAvinue
Marilyn J. McDonnell
Kenneth A. Meersand
Estate of Kurt Meyer
The Michael Family Trust
Louis J. Miller
Raymond and Margaret Mion
Susan and Victor Miranda
Magda L. Mito
Diane and Harold Mondschein
Tish Mori and William Kartozian
Evelyn and Earle Moriarty
Estate of Lillian and Nick Moss
Estate of William N. Nelson
Yuri Nakata
Dr. Jose and Freda Nessim
Thomas Neville
Yvonne and Donald Owens
Beverly Padway
Louis Palatt
Sheryl G. Parker
Genevieve E. Pearl
Robert E. Moriarty and Isabelle Persh
Bernard W. Pipkin
Marcella and Henry Poitras
Charles L. Polep
Amorette L. Preston
Madelyn and Arno S. Prinz
Estate of Barbara and James Rebolt
Marie and Isaac Richman
Joan A. Risse
Fred Robbins
Estate of Samuel N. Robinson
Estate of Dolores W. Rogers
Martha Rosales
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Paula and Jason Russell
Thomas Safady
Estate of Dorothy W. Schick
Estate of Lt. Col. Julius K. Schnapp
Toby B. Schoolman
Susan A. Shapiro
Virginia and Samuel Shappiro
Frances T. Silberman
Ruth Silverman
Lydia Smith
Shirley and Stanley J. Smithtro
Kathleen Soper
Estate of Hannelore L. Spielman
Albert Taffoni
Kirk G. Troy
Petal Turner
Eileen F. Ulrich
Jean Valerio
Stephen Vaughan
Felipe D. Vela
Estate of Jane Marcianne Wallace
Sanford B. Weiss
Estate of Mary Willekes
Susan and David Wilstein
Lenore L. Winter
Jess Witt
Burkart Wolf
Susie C. Yale
Andrew Zaltman
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind gives thanks to the following friends
who made generous in-kind contributions between
July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Akasha Yoga
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Aurora World, Inc.
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program
Bordan Shoe Company
Dottie Bridge
California American Water
California Strategies LLC
California Yacht Club
Vera R. Campbell/KWDZ Manufacturing
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
Concorde Career College
Tracey Cooke
Crowe Horwath LLP
Nadine and Harold A. Davidson
Discovery Kingdom
Andrew Esak
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
Scott M. Farkas
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Lindsay and Mark Goffman
Michael Grobstein
Habitot Children's Museum
Lisa Hilton
Home Depot
JAKKS Pacific, Inc
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Knott’s Berry Farm
Ken Landsman
Dara Laski
Latham & Watkins
Los Angeles County, Office of Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas
Leonard Lumas
Barbara and Mark Lurie
Bahador Mahboubi
Zachary Marks
Marquez Products for Independent Living
Mattel Children’s Foundation
McDonald’s Operators Association of
Southern California
National Park Service (Alcatraz Island)
Nestle Waters North America
Laura Oftedahl
Optimist Blind Youth Association
Oriental Trading Company
Kathy and Don Ouimet
Palms Middle School
Perry’s Restaurant
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Project Linus
Rowley Ranch
The Bobby Sherman Volunteer EMT Foundation
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Society for the Blind, Inc.
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
US Foods Corona
Valley Center for the Blind in Fresno
Michelle Whiting
Winston & Strawn LLP
Stevie Wonder
It is only through the generosity of our
donors that Junior Blind is able to
offer all of our services free of charge to
our students and their families.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this donor list is
correct and complete. If you have any questions or comments,
please contact Randy Sprabary at (323) 290-6290. Thank you!
Junior Blind is You
Junior Blind is truly grateful to the following
donors whose cumulative gifts and pledges
were received between July 1, 2014 and
June 30, 2015.
The Ahmanson Foundation *
$100,000 - $299,999
Vera R. Campbell
George Hoag Family Foundation *
The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation *
LA84 Foundation
Maria Moffa
Ann Peppers Foundation
Melinda Lerner and John Powell
Sheppard Mullin
Albert Sweet and Craig Darian/Occidental
Entertainment Group Holdings, Inc.
Vistas for Children *
Jeffrey P. Wilson
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$5,000 - $9,999
Andrew T. Abowitz and Michael D. Levin
The Allergan Foundation
Charles Bellone
The Derfner Foundation
Bolton & Company
Thomas J. Long Foundation
Dottie Bridge and Fernando Robleto/
We Are You Foundation/Stevie Wonder/KJLH
San Francisco International
Wine Competition
$25,000 - $49,999
Marie H. Brookreson Trust
Dr. Fanya Carter
Gail Buchalter and Warren Breslow
The Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation
Bruce Ford and Anne Smith Bundy Foundation
Fansler Foundation
Len and Gloria Carlson Charitable Gift Fund
The Green Foundation
Ed Chambliss/Phelps
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Barry Charles
The Karl Kirchgessner Foundation
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Marlene and Gary Cohen
Comerica Bank
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Contra Costa Braille Transcribers
Wells Fargo
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Witherbee Foundation
Linda Myerson Dean
The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
Constance W. Dunitz
Employees Community Fund
$15,000 - $24,999
of Boeing California
Nita Borick
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
The John W. Carson Foundation
Scott and Carin Farkas and Family
Combined Federal Campaign
John Farnham and John W. Farnham
Jack Felthouse Scholarship Fund
Memorial Fund
Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Jeremy Fletcher
Jean B. Fields Charitable Fund
in honor of the steadfast dedication of
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Fund
Lisa and Steve Hilton
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Donald G. Goodwin Family Foundation
Gallagher Chapman *
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Laura M. Hardy
Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Fred L. Hartley Family Foundation
Los Angeles Times Family Fund, a McCormick
Lisa and Robert Held
Foundation Fund
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Hana and Richard Kaplan
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Palmer C. Langdon
George H. Sandy Foundation
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Rowena Y. Schaber
The Walter J. and Holly O. Thomson Foundation Jeannette and Jonathan I. Macy
Dena Marienthal
Valley Jesters
Callie D. McGrath Foundation,
J.B. & Emily Van Nuys Charities
Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Sanford B. Weiss
Eva L. McKenzie Charitable Trust
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Theresa and Peter Menard
The Playa Foundation
$10,000 - $14,999
Fradene Pollack
The Beverly and Frank Arnstein Foundation
The Louis and Harold Price Foundation
Bloomfield Foundation
Albert Rea
Katherine Harvey Burr
Meta & George Rosenberg Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation
San Pablo Community Foundation
The Hugh and Hazel Darling Foundation
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Nadine and Harold Davidson
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Elks of Los Angeles Foundation
Julie and Barry Smooke
Mae Bogart Eskey Trust
Southern California Gas Company Ruth Friedman
Assistance Programs
Susan and John Glass
Brent Williams/Wells Fargo Bank
Marian & Pink Happ Fund
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Independent Financial Group
$50,000 - $99,999
$2,000 - $4,999
Carole and Kenneth Adashek, M.D.
Marie and Jay Allen
Angell Foundation
Associated Roofing Contractors of the
East Bay
The Cecile & Fred Bartman Foundation
Megan and Todd Bishop
California American Water
Mr. and Mrs. David Chleck
Arnold & Kay Clejan Charitable Foundation
Hazel E. Daly Fund
Delta Gamma, Diablo Valley Alumnae Chapter
Claudia DiFolco and Dan S. Green
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Eye Surgical and Medical Associates
Jack Franco
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #8
Georges & Germaine Fusenot Charity
Linda and Robert Glassman
Golden 1 Credit Union
Dr. Elizabeth Hardy and Rick Omlor
Christine Harkinson
Bonnie and Thomas Herron
Kaiser Permanente
Kelly Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Nancy and James Kenzik
Joanne C. Kozberg
Tonette and Jay Lincoln
Little Caesars Pizza
Los Angeles Host Lions Club
Sheila and Michael Marchese
Carole and Redge Martin
Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust
Joe H. Miller, Jr.
Doris and Ronald Morton
The Dr. Henry & Lilian Nesburn Award Fund
Pasadena Host Lions Club
Mary and James Perkins
John W. Porter Trust
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Violet G. Sachs Endowment Fund
Mike Segall
Lawrence Serf
Sophia Shepnick-Casco
Frances M. Shloss
Teri and Luke Simpson
Soroptimist International of Richmond
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Dennis W. Strum
William F. Touchstone
Union Bank
Variety Club Children’s Charity
Variety Club of Northern California
Vision Produce Company
The Walmilly Foundation
Frederick R. Weisman Philanthropic
George Randall Williams and Sandra S. Arey
Priscilla and Richard Wilson
Women’s Professional Network
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$1,000 - $1,999
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Angela Anantharaj
Tina and M. W. Andruss
Robert Atallah/Cedarlane Natural Foods, Inc.
Patricia and Jeffrey Barr
Lowell Berry Foundation
Deepshikha Biswas/Apple
Angela L. Brown
Anna M. Bundy Fund
Carmen Chalek
Rose Chorna Fund
Jacqueline and Bernard Cohn
Community Thrift Store
Sam and Dolores Crawford
Denise and Dave Crawford
Carolyn and Carl De Dionisio
Dawn DeNoon
Edie Dimmler
Doehring Foundation
Joan and Gerald Doren
Richard Egan
James and Sally Elmlinger
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Robert D. Fischer
Gap Foundation
Paul Goldenberg
Geri and Phil Gutentag
Gilbert E. Haakh
Bill Hannon Foundation
Donald J. Harrington
Dr. Steven Harrison and Dr. Tina Chou
Martin Hoffman
Charles Holmes
Linda and Michael Hong
Mayumi and John Hughes
Huntington Culinary, Inc.
Ted Hwang
Audrey and Greg Jackson
Teresa and Rick Jensen
Janet Johnson/Amgen
Jaqueline and Glen Kaner
Rose M. Kaplan
Lorraine and Dennis Kiewiet
Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation
Rosemary and John Klem
Wayne and Carol Knyal
Shelley and Michael Krall
Samantha Counter and Alex Kurtzman
Joni LeSage
Dinny and David Lesser
Pearle and Mark Levey
Douglas A. Lonstein
Kristin and Angus McFadden/Gartner
Dan McKernan
Deborah M. McLeod
Bonita and Robert McMaster
Mechanics Bank
Nola and George Mihlsten
EJ and Gregory Milken
Milken Family Foundation
Muller Family Foundation
Native Daughters of the Golden West
Childrens Foundation
Stephen and Amy Parlett
Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts
Perfect Sense Digital, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Perlman
Jennifer and Richard Porter
Linda and Robert Ralls
Agnes and Jerry Rapport
William O. Riley
Jackie and Robert Rosenberg
Gloria E. Rothenberg
David S. Sabih
Sharon and Richard Sacks
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
Dr. Alan Scott
Sempra Employee Giving Network
Lorelei and Bill Shark, M.D.
Harry and Susan Snyder
Kathleen Soto
Southern California Edison Co.
Brian J. Stock
Tulare Host Lions Club
Marsela McGrane and William H. Vogel
Ellen and Glenn Voyles
Dr. Emerson B. Walls
Ruth E. Waugh
Dorothy Wendt
Wescom Credit Union WeCare Foundation
Whittier Host Lions Club
Lois and Doug Wilhelm
Ruth and Melvin Wolzinger
Russ Woody
And those who wish to remain anonymous
$500 - $999
Mia Riverton and David Alpert
Julie Andrews
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Mary and Frank Baltich/Chevron
Carolyn and Don Berger
Beylik Drilling, Inc.
Payal Bhan
Kerem S. Bilge
Ann and Gordon Blumenfeld
John Borrogan
Susan and Fred Braddock
Rada and Lee Bronson
Camden Capital
Judith A. Carroll and the David and Sylvia
Weisz Family Foundation
L.H. Cate
Lisett and Nicholas Chavarela
Ching-I Chen
Gary Cobrae
Mike Cole
Jane Condon
Marilyn and William Conner
Catharine E. Dahl
Wendy and Jeffrey Dahlgren
Paula and William Daillak
Delta Gamma East Bay Alumnae Chapter
Delta Gamma San Francisco Alumnae Chapter
Downtown Lions Club Of Long Beach
Nancy K. Dubois
Don Duerson
E Clampus Vitus
Susan and Stewart Epstein
Dorothy Evans
Tim Ford
Foster City Lions Club
Manley Freid
Clare and Jack Friedman
Sarah and Tom Gallop/Gallop Family
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Jeff and Bonnie Gardiner
The Jacqueline Glass Family
Dr. Gary Grablin
Herman & Margaret H. Gray Family Fund
Robert F. Green
Allan Haldeman
Alfred and Helen Harrison
Koka P. Hayashi
Detlef O. Herbst
Stephen L. Herr, M.D.
Inger Hogan
Marie and Jerry Hornstein
Thelma and Thomas Hotchkin
Robert R. Hough
Helen and Fay Jew
Samuel S. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joy
Morry Karp
Robert Kendall
Kian Corporation
D. Kim
Li and Theodore King
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Kirk Koning and Janet Calhoon
Edward J. Kormondy
Diane J. Kraut
Donald E. Lagerberg
Beth Laski
John Lee
Johanna and Bernard Lemlech
Charles M. Little
Carol Lucas
Charles and Teri Maier
Kami Mann
Daniel and Ellen Margetich
Janet A. Martin
Joe J. Mason
Renate and Gerber McBeath
Wellnessmart, M.D./Dr. Richard McCauley
John D. McEntee
Chris and Jacque McKay
Gerald Measer
Robert Metoyer
Lisa and Alvin Michaelson
Linda and Kenneth Millman
Eric W. Mobley
Kathleen and J. Duane Morningred
Susan L. Moses
Behzad Niakan
Natalia Nicolas
John S. Niendorff
Northrop Grumman - VOICE
William O’Camb, Jr.
Mariam Ochsenbein
Helen and Catherine Owens
Dr. Ann Parker and Mr. Michael Parker
Brad and Anne Dressler
Penguin Books Ltd.
Toni and James Phillips
Robert H. Piechocki
Kathryn R. Polster
Ruth Priest
Dr. George Pugh and Ms. Mara McGrath
Justin Radell
Charles Rojo
Beverly and Melvin Rosenthal
Rotary Club of Visalia
Jane and Donald Royer
Allen Sackler
Santa Clara Host Lions Club
Marcia and Richard A. Schulman
Albert Segal
Allen and Donna Segrist
Dan Shattuck
Nasser Shukri
Diane Smith
Janice and David Smith
Randy S. Sprabary and Tae H. Chi
Steve Stark
Reggie Sully
Lita Swiryn
Thammasat University Alumni Association
Sally and Andrew Thomas/Chevron
Harvey L. Thomas
Shirley and S. K. Tuttle
Raquel and Paul Vanni
Walnut Creek Host Lions Club
Maureen and Robert Welch
Alison Whalen
Sandra and Henry Wong
Alexandra Brouwer-Wright and Thomas Wright
Edward and Nancy Young
Lynne Zeleny and Andy Foote
And those who wish to remain anonymous
* Gift to the Capital Campaign for our Children’s Residential Program
Junior Blind is grateful to the following
individuals who support our students through
monthly donations.
Junior Blind proudly acknowledges the following
individuals who have made provisions for Junior
Blind in their estate plans or who have established
a charitable gift annuity. We are pleased to honor
them through our Legacy Society.
Marie and Jay Allen
Pauline Bahlmann
Michael E. Barnes
Olivia H. Bersales
John Borrogan
Emmett B. Chambers
Curt Craton
James Dusek
Irene and Juan Escandon
Dr. Arthur and Mrs. Melba Fields
Adele Freulich
Carmen and Mario Garcia
Ernest Gauthier
Jessica and Brian Grifka
Marc P. Haskin
Luella B. Hill
Kathe Kiehn
Alan V. Livingston
Kami Mann
Marlene and Jean E. Mathias, Jr.
Josephine and Robert McCann
Kenneth A. Meersand
Charles L. Polep
Albert Rea
Christine and Patrick Rhodes
Toby B. Schoolman
Diane Smith
Harry and Susan Snyder
Joyce and John Steen
Dr. William Van Dyk
Ann Vermeer
Christian Whittaker
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind sincerely appreciates the following
benefactors whose bequest and trust gifts were
received in full or in part between July 1, 2014
and June 30, 2015.
Rita J. Aldridge
Selma Andrews Trust
Elizabeth G. Bishop Trust
Joseph Cereghino Trust
Toni V. Cordier
Irene A. Farber
Abraham Goshgarian
Julius Hertz
Lucille and Fred Hirsch Trust
Charles and Dorothy Jensen
Irene K. Lehman
Arthur H. Lovejoy
Virginia Manzoli
Elizabeth B. Lyons
Nancy Martinelli
The Honorable Robert and Blanche McCreadie
Daniel T. McGarrity
Roy D. McPhail Trust
Lucy and Leonard G. Muskin
Albert L. Myers in memory of Ruth Esther Myers
Blanche L. Parker Trust
Elinor Hope Phelan
John and Sophie Pick Trust
Herbert Posnack Family
Quentin Quan
Kenneth R. Rimlinger
Anne and Peter Robinson
Leo L. Schaumer
Lillian C. Smith Trust
Hannelore L. Spielman
Ralph J. Staunton
Madeleine G. Stock
Nell Thomas
Polly Amrein
Estate of Janet R. Andersen
Mindy and Bryan Arenson
Anne Baker
Jean and Leslie Baker
Charles Bellone
Mitzi Bennett
Julie Bernas-Pierce
Matilde V. Berne
Estate of Hella and Gerson Blaustein
Irving and Jackie Blum on behalf of Otis Blum
John Borrogan
Geraldine and Victor Brooks
Angela L. Brown
Estate of Margaret and Robert W. Buttrey
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Sinart Chaijenkit
Rutita Chaisakulchai
Meiling Chang
Peter S. Clark
Edward Coleman
Mrs. Ludmila Manko and Fred H. Coleman
Le Roy Couts
Estate of Margaret Bolger Creech
Felipe N. Cuevas
Hector Curiel
Zarui and Zeynal Darukyan
Dorothy M. Dawson
Migdalia and Silvio Del Castillo
West C. Delton
Zenaida M. Deromo
Jeannie L. Dimter
Lillian S. Dorfman
Hung Duong
Estate of Gwennie Edwards
Bill and Sue Ehmig
Elaine S. Elkin
Sheila and Jeff Evron
Elaine L. Finkel
Gary M. Fisher
Estate of Elaine H. Fleishman
Don Fraley
Adele Freulich
Estate of Josephine and Fritz Gautschi
Elsie and Harold Gelber
Karen and Dana Goland
Beulah Goodman
Estate of Abraham Goshgarian
Bette and Robert E. Green
Robert F. Green
Allan Gummerus
Thelma and Heinz Hanau
Estate of Frances Clarine Hard
Laura M. Hardy
Daisy C. Harris
Elizabeth and Steven Harris
Judit Harris
Julien M. Harwood
Luella B. Hill
Wayne Hilton
Harriett E. Hollingshead
Dr. Creig S. Hoyt
Jess A. Hudec
Estate of Dora M. Jablow
Geraldine and Gordon Jakobsson
Roberia W. Jones
Miki Jordan and David Emenhiser
Helen A. Kahawaii
Carole and Michael Kamper, M.D.
Samorntip and Khongsak Khosawad
Adele S. and Eugene A. Klein
Gertrude Klein
Doris Knell
Palmer C. Langdon
Elizabeth Lange
Estate of Ella B. Larsson
Trinh Le Tse
Pauline W. Ledeen
Beatrice Leff
Wanda R. Legan
Estate of Paul and Mary Letl
Gertrude Levitt
Bert O. Levy
Ted and Georgia Lumpkin, Jr.
Estate of M. Louise Margolese
Barbara B. Marks
Nancy Martinelli
Yuzuru Mashimo
Maureen Matsui
Richard M. McAllister
Theresa M. McAvinue
Marilyn J. McDonnell
Kenneth A. Meersand
Estate of Kurt Meyer
The Michael Family Trust
Louis J. Miller
Raymond and Margaret Mion
Susan and Victor Miranda
Magda L. Mito
Diane and Harold Mondschein
Tish Mori and William Kartozian
Evelyn and Earle Moriarty
Estate of Lillian and Nick Moss
Estate of William N. Nelson
Yuri Nakata
Dr. Jose and Freda Nessim
Thomas Neville
Yvonne and Donald Owens
Beverly Padway
Louis Palatt
Sheryl G. Parker
Genevieve E. Pearl
Robert E. Moriarty and Isabelle Persh
Bernard W. Pipkin
Marcella and Henry Poitras
Charles L. Polep
Amorette L. Preston
Madelyn and Arno S. Prinz
Estate of Barbara and James Rebolt
Marie and Isaac Richman
Joan A. Risse
Fred Robbins
Estate of Samuel N. Robinson
Estate of Dolores W. Rogers
Martha Rosales
Kathleen and Roxy Roth
Paula and Jason Russell
Thomas Safady
Estate of Dorothy W. Schick
Estate of Lt. Col. Julius K. Schnapp
Toby B. Schoolman
Susan A. Shapiro
Virginia and Samuel Shappiro
Frances T. Silberman
Ruth Silverman
Lydia Smith
Shirley and Stanley J. Smithtro
Kathleen Soper
Estate of Hannelore L. Spielman
Albert Taffoni
Kirk G. Troy
Petal Turner
Eileen F. Ulrich
Jean Valerio
Stephen Vaughan
Felipe D. Vela
Estate of Jane Marcianne Wallace
Sanford B. Weiss
Estate of Mary Willekes
Susan and David Wilstein
Lenore L. Winter
Jess Witt
Burkart Wolf
Susie C. Yale
Andrew Zaltman
Juanita L. Zinsmeister
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Junior Blind gives thanks to the following friends
who made generous in-kind contributions between
July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
Akasha Yoga
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Aurora World, Inc.
Awareness to Blind Babies Foundation Club
Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program
Bordan Shoe Company
Dottie Bridge
California American Water
California Strategies LLC
California Yacht Club
Vera R. Campbell/KWDZ Manufacturing
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
Concorde Career College
Tracey Cooke
Crowe Horwath LLP
Nadine and Harold A. Davidson
Discovery Kingdom
Andrew Esak
Myrna and Howard Fabrick
Scott M. Farkas
Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas
Lindsay and Mark Goffman
Michael Grobstein
Habitot Children's Museum
Lisa Hilton
Home Depot
JAKKS Pacific, Inc
Kiwanis Club of San Jose
Knott’s Berry Farm
Ken Landsman
Dara Laski
Latham & Watkins
Los Angeles County, Office of Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas
Leonard Lumas
Barbara and Mark Lurie
Bahador Mahboubi
Zachary Marks
Marquez Products for Independent Living
Mattel Children’s Foundation
McDonald’s Operators Association of
Southern California
National Park Service (Alcatraz Island)
Nestle Waters North America
Laura Oftedahl
Optimist Blind Youth Association
Oriental Trading Company
Kathy and Don Ouimet
Palms Middle School
Perry’s Restaurant
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Project Linus
Rowley Ranch
The Bobby Sherman Volunteer EMT Foundation
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Society for the Blind, Inc.
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
US Foods Corona
Valley Center for the Blind in Fresno
Michelle Whiting
Winston & Strawn LLP
Stevie Wonder
It is only through the generosity of our
donors that Junior Blind is able to
offer all of our services free of charge to
our students and their families.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this donor list is
correct and complete. If you have any questions or comments,
please contact Randy Sprabary at (323) 290-6290. Thank you!
Board of Directors
Fiscal Year 2014-15
June 30, 2015 marked the end of Harold Davidson’s 12 years
of service as Chair of Junior Blind’s Board of Directors. We are
sincerely grateful for his tireless dedication and leadership.
Harold A. Davidson, D.B.A.
Scott M. Farkas, Esq.
Robert D. Held
Richard L. Kaplan, C.P.A.
Dottie Bridge
Gail S. Buchalter
Vera R. Campbell
Ed Chambliss
Barry Charles, C.P.A.
Gary D. Cohen, Esq.
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Linda Myerson Dean
Howard D. Fabrick, Esq.
Timothy E. Ford, Esq.
Steve L. Hernández, Esq.
Miki Jordan, M.S.
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
Peter Menard
George J. Mihlsten, Esq.
Laurie Rubin
Barry Smooke
Sanford B. Weiss
Brent Williams
Stevie Wonder
Barbara F. Bentley
William Bloomfield
Davre Davidson
Howard Fabrick, Esq.
Seymour Fabrick
More than 1 million hours of
direct services were provided
to thousands of children,
youth, adults and their families.
John Isaacson
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
George Karlin
Sanford B. Weiss
Executive Leadership
Miki Jordan, M.S.
100% of services were
provided free of charge to our
students and their families
because of the generous
support of kind people like you.
5300 Angeles Vista Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90043
(323) 295-4555
(888) 352-2290
35375 Mulholland Highway
Malibu, CA 90265
2381 Mariner Square Drive
Suite 275
Alameda, CA 94501
Laura M. Hardy
Kami Mann, M.B.A.
Corina Casco, L.C.S.W.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Carmen Garcia
More than 1,000 volunteers
offered 17,438 hours
supporting our programs and
community outreach events.
Junior Blind
We are Junior Blind
For the 5th year in a row,
we were awarded Charity
Navigator’s coveted 4-out-of-4
star rating, an achievement
attained by only 5% of
charities nationwide.
Junior Blind continues to
proudly meet all 20 of the
Better Business Bureau’s
Wise Giving Alliance Standards.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Laura M. Hardy
Christopher Quiming
Noel Kleinman/www.nkpix.com
Norm Kaplan
Publication underwritten by
private donations. Text and Braille
versions available upon request.
© 2015 Junior Blind of America
To be a nationally-recognized leader in empowering
emotional challenges, and their families.
Putting people first
Communicating effectively and transparently
Achieving meaningful and measurable results
Donald A. Ouimet, M.Ed.
Engaging others through collaboration and inclusiveness
Jay Allen, M.A.
their greatest potential.
those who have physical, developmental and
87¢ of every dollar supports
direct services for our
students—an industry high.
Junior Blind helps children, youth and adults reach
Nearly 90% of those we serve
are low-income.
2430 Road 20, #B112
San Pablo, CA 94612
donate now!
Junior Blind is once again
recognized as a Gold-Level
Participant on Guidestar
Exchange for demonstrating a
commitment to transparency
and accountability—the
highest level attainable.
Continuously improving quality
Exceeding expectations and inspiring through excellence
Responsibly stewarding resources
Who we serve
Ages 0-5
Ages 6-12
Ages 13-20
Ages 21+
Lift here
Board of Directors
Fiscal Year 2014-15
June 30, 2015 marked the end of Harold Davidson’s 12 years
of service as Chair of Junior Blind’s Board of Directors. We are
sincerely grateful for his tireless dedication and leadership.
Harold A. Davidson, D.B.A.
Scott M. Farkas, Esq.
Robert D. Held
Richard L. Kaplan, C.P.A.
Dottie Bridge
Gail S. Buchalter
Vera R. Campbell
Ed Chambliss
Barry Charles, C.P.A.
Gary D. Cohen, Esq.
Louise Cooley Davis, M.D.
Linda Myerson Dean
Howard D. Fabrick, Esq.
Timothy E. Ford, Esq.
Steve L. Hernández, Esq.
Miki Jordan, M.S.
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
Peter Menard
George J. Mihlsten, Esq.
Laurie Rubin
Barry Smooke
Sanford B. Weiss
Brent Williams
Stevie Wonder
Barbara F. Bentley
William Bloomfield
Davre Davidson
Howard Fabrick, Esq.
Seymour Fabrick
More than 1 million hours of
direct services were provided
to thousands of children,
youth, adults and their families.
John Isaacson
Jonathan I. Macy, M.D.
George Karlin
Sanford B. Weiss
Executive Leadership
Miki Jordan, M.S.
100% of services were
provided free of charge to our
students and their families
because of the generous
support of kind people like you.
5300 Angeles Vista Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90043
(323) 295-4555
(888) 352-2290
35375 Mulholland Highway
Malibu, CA 90265
2381 Mariner Square Drive
Suite 275
Alameda, CA 94501
Laura M. Hardy
Kami Mann, M.B.A.
Corina Casco, L.C.S.W.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Carmen Garcia
More than 1,000 volunteers
offered 17,438 hours
supporting our programs and
community outreach events.
Junior Blind
We are Junior Blind
For the 5th year in a row,
we were awarded Charity
Navigator’s coveted 4-out-of-4
star rating, an achievement
attained by only 5% of
charities nationwide.
Junior Blind continues to
proudly meet all 20 of the
Better Business Bureau’s
Wise Giving Alliance Standards.
Lisett B. Chavarela, M.B.A.
Laura M. Hardy
Christopher Quiming
Noel Kleinman/www.nkpix.com
Norm Kaplan
Publication underwritten by
private donations. Text and Braille
versions available upon request.
© 2015 Junior Blind of America
To be a nationally-recognized leader in empowering
emotional challenges, and their families.
Putting people first
Communicating effectively and transparently
Achieving meaningful and measurable results
Donald A. Ouimet, M.Ed.
Engaging others through collaboration and inclusiveness
Jay Allen, M.A.
their greatest potential.
those who have physical, developmental and
87¢ of every dollar supports
direct services for our
students—an industry high.
Junior Blind helps children, youth and adults reach
Nearly 90% of those we serve
are low-income.
2430 Road 20, #B112
San Pablo, CA 94612
donate now!
Junior Blind is once again
recognized as a Gold-Level
Participant on Guidestar
Exchange for demonstrating a
commitment to transparency
and accountability—the
highest level attainable.
Continuously improving quality
Exceeding expectations and inspiring through excellence
Responsibly stewarding resources
Who we serve
Ages 0-5
Ages 6-12
Ages 13-20
Ages 21+
Lift here