NOV 2004 - Bike Santa Barbara County


NOV 2004 - Bike Santa Barbara County
Serving Santa Barbara
We’re a countywide advocacy
and resource organization
that promotes bicycling for
safe transportation and
How to reach us
Santa Barbara Bicycle
PO Box 92047
Santa Barbara CA 93190-2047
phone 962-1479
email [email protected]
November 2nd meeting
Join us on Tuesday, November
2nd for our monthly meeting.
Don‘t forget to vote:
Tuesday, November 2nd
12:00 noon
County Public Works
Conference Room, 1st Floor
123 E Anapamu Street
Santa Barbara, California
Online email list
We sponsor an online email
forum where you can post and
read messages that pertain to
regional bicycling issues. It’s
easy and free. To subscribe to
our general forum, just send
an email message to:
[email protected]
Leave the subject line and
body of the message blank.
That’s all!
Join the Coalition
Coalition seeks funding for Trail Stop
Biking to the County’s Energy Division at 4:20 PM
on October 1st, Coalition
president Ralph Fertig
delivered eight copies of
an application for CREF
funding for our proposed
“Obern/de Anza Trail
Stop.” No reason to rush,
he still had 40 spare minutes before the deadline.
We especially thank Bicycle Coalition member
and architect and Jeff Stoutenborough for donating a week of his time to design the project for
us. It’s a beautiful yet functional rest and information area for all trail users. Jeff kept plugging
away toward the funding deadline for a week in
spite of encroaching illness.
The cost estimate came from Allen Associates,
a local contractor known for environmentallyresponsible building practices and advocacy, notable with the Sustainability Project. We are
grateful to owner Dennis Allen for volunteering
his profit as a donation to the Bicycle Coalition.
The cost estimate came in at nearly $35,000.
For this year’s funding cycle, there is about
$300,000 in Coastal Resource Enhancement
Fund (CREF) money available for non-acquisition
projects like ours.
Right now, all applications are in the hands of
the County’s Energy Division staff who are writing evaluations of them. On November 22, Fertig
will give a presentation to the County Supervisors
You can help improve
bicycling safety and conditions in Santa Barbara County
by joining others in our own
regional Bicycle Coalition
advocacy group. Together we
will continue to make a real
difference. See page 6 for
asking them to fund our project. In early December, the Supervisors will vote on the allocation.
Although we had five letters of support, you as
an individual can still write or email or speak out
in favor of the Trail Stop on November 22. Your
thoughts on the project should go to:
Supervisor Susan Rose, phone 568-2191
105 East Anapamu Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
email [email protected]
Although we hope to see this project funded by
CREF and constructed next spring, the County’s
Wilson Hubbell cautioned that sometimes these
projects take additional funding sources. You can
view a copy of the application online, in Adobe
PDF format (it’s a 360 KB file) at:
This project will be a first for us in terms of lasting physical amenities for bicyclists and other
trail users. Perhaps a bronze plaque at the site
can recognize our noble efforts.
More people cycling
Our Bike Ed program
The Santa Barbara Bicycle
Coalition’s Bike Education
program offers bicycling skills
classes for school children and
adults. Look for details of
upcoming classes inside Quick
Release, or contact our
Coordinator Nancy Mulholland
by phone at 563-9073 or email
[email protected].
November 2004
Riders for the MS Bike Tour & Fest register and prepare
to pedal for the charity on October 16th.
Two October rides in Santa Barbara County saw
growth in the number of participants. The People
Powered Ride, a century ride out of Los Olivos,
saw the numbers of registrants increase 42%
over 2003, up to 460 cyclists. Most surprising
was the number of day-of-ride registrations that
were up by 85% over 2003.
A week later, the Multiple Sclerosis Bike Tour
& Fest took place in Santa Barbara. It had an 8%
increase in riders over 2003, with a total ridership over 1200 cyclists.
Whether these increases reflect the “Lance
Armstrong” effect, better marketing, active lifestyle increases, vacations nearer home, or other
things, it’s your guess. But cycling is on the rise!
New Board member
Mark McClure
by Don Lubach
Bicycle Coalition Board member McClure.
Mark McClure is our newest board member. An avid cyclist during his UCSB days,
Mark’s cycling was put on hold as he
worked in large, cycle-unfriendly cities
around the world, including three years in
super-congested Hong Kong and a year in
shoulderless Gaborone, Botswana. Instead
of cycling, he logged nearly 100 skydives,
ran with the Hash House Harriers and became a diving instructor.
Upon returning to Santa Barbara in
2000, he rediscovered cycling, and especially loaded touring. He currently rides a
Cannondale touring bike as his daily ride.
His mountain bike, he says, “doesn’t get
out of the garage much.”
Mark’s cycle advocacy interests lie in improving the touring climate in Santa Barbara County, as well as improving the
commuting environment because, as he
says, “Although I like touring, the reality is
that I do a lot more commuting miles than
touring miles.”
“I really like riding out to western Goleta
and up Old San Marcos Road,” he adds.
“I’ve put 2000 miles on my bike so far this
Mark can often be spotted with his wife
and toddler boy along the Obern Trail on
their way to Goleta Beach or out for some
exercise. Mark joins many of us in our
dream to see a bike path along the railroad
throughway and also a class-one path all
the way up the coast to Gaviota point.
We welcome Mark to the board and look
forward to his contributions.
“We have an obesity problem, as well as an
energy problem, and bicycling could help
solve both of them.”
— Steve Madden, Bicycling Magazine Editor
Quick Release • November 2004 • Page 2
HS mountain biking
Last spring Mike Hecker added a High
School Mountain Bike Race to his Firestone
MTB weekend. Teenagers from three
schools—San Marcos, Dos Pueblos, and
Santa Barbara High—competed. Recently,
following an enquiry from Betsy Amato in
Atascadero about a regional league, Hecker
decided to expand the league’s scope beyond our County—it’s now the “Central
Coast High School Mountain Bike League.”
What is needed is participation from
more schools. To form a high school team,
you need to:
• Find a local mentor and school teachercyclist to form a “club team.”
• Identify students who are interested in
mountain biking.
• Form a “NORBA High School Club Team”
for $50, and obtain NORBA insurance to
covers training rides and biking “events”
for $150.
• Locate a nearby place to hold event races
for only high school students.
For more information, contact Hecker at
966-1807 or [email protected].
Bicycle tourism in SB
At the October 19th meeting of the Santa
Barbara Car Free group, Bicycle Coalition
president Ralph Fertig talked about the
possibilities of increasing bicycle tourism
within our county. The Car Free group’s
aim is to get tourists and residents to enjoy our area by bike, bus, foot, train,
kayak—any means but by car.
While at the Pro Walk/Pro Bike 2004
conference in Victoria BC last September,
Fertig was struck with the active promotion of bicycle tourism on Vancouver Island. They have miles of trails, multiple
web sites, and active partnerships among
small inns, hotels, restaurants, bike rentals, and trailside businesses.
Half a Lemon Festival
is better than none
The Sunday half of the California Lemon
Festival in Goleta got rained out on October 17th, but except for our display banner
being blown over by approaching storm
winds, we remained dry and unscathed on
During our one day we managed to
place 40 bike helmets on kids’ heads and
gave out flashing LED safety lights. Those
lights came from a contribution to the Bicycle Coalition from the Goleta Valley Cycling Club, and the low-cost helmets were
from the County’s Emergency Medical Services program.
Our thanks go to Gary Wissman who
organized the event and to those who
staffed our booth: Bob Cooper, Woody
Wilde, Wilson Hubbell, Kaye Corbett,
and Mark McClure.
This bike/ped bridge in Victoria BC connects
sections of the Galloping Goose Trail over a
busy roadway.
According to surveys, cycling tourists are
more affluent, spend more, stay longer,
and return more frequently than other
tourists. This makes them a very desirable
group to attract to our area.
We know that the more bicyclists on
our streets, the safer is it on the average
for us all. Further, local businesses are
more likely to back development of new
facilities—like the Coastal Trail between
Goleta and Gaviota, for example—if it
helps bolster our regional economy. The
north and south parts of our county can
provide complementary cycling vacations.
So the question might be how (or
whether) the Bicycle Coalition could help
create a bike tourism partnership locally?
Bike Education News
Street Skills for Cyclists class
LCI training in SLO
Scared of drivers
A local training class
hitting you from beby the League of
hind? Unsure what
American Bicyclists to
certify new League Cythe best way to make
cling Instructors (LCIs)
a left turn in traffic
will be held next April
is? Worried by close
in San Luis Obispo.
SUVs as you bike
We encourage all
through roundinterested cyclists—
abouts? If these and
particularly those in
other fears keep you
our North County—to
from biking around
become LCIs. You will
town as freely as
you would like, take
learn how to teach safe
our Street Skills for
biking in traffic. If you
Cyclists class.
are Spanish/English
The Street Skills
bilingual, please give it
if you’re comfortable biking with traffic,
class will help you Even
extra consideration.
you will probably learn to be more confident.
look at any street or
For more information
intersection and know the best place to
or questions, phone Nancy Mulholland at
ride. You’ll gain confidence to ride where
563-9073 or email her [email protected].
you want. Our class includes:
BikeEd Fact Sheet
• Your legal rights and responsibilities
How far to the right should I bicycle?
• Common causes of crashes
• How to foresee and avoid accidents
• How to be visible
• Most bicycle laws use the same language
• What the best lane position is for you
regarding where cyclists should drive
• Emergency on-bike maneuvers
• Directions to ride “as far to the right as
• An optional 2 hours of on-road bicycling.
practicable” appears in most laws
• No clear definition of practicable has been
The class will take place on Saturday, Noidentified.
vember 6th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. An
optional 2-hour follow-up will be offered
• Do not ride where you are subject to poor
on November 7th, from 10:00 AM to noon,
road conditions constant hazards
for those desiring on-road bicycling in real
• Give yourself ample room to your right to
traffic. Cost is $30 for both days. It’s open
maneuver in an emergency
to anybody at least 16 years old.
• Ride in the right third of the lane if there
The class will be taught by Erika
is not sufficient room for lane sharing.
Lindemann, a League of American BicyTraffic rules:
clists Cycling Instructor. Registration is re• Slower moving vehicles travel to the right
quired, details online at
of faster moving ones
Logo and name contest
• Motorists are looking for other vehicles in
or near the travel lanes, not against curbs
We need both a name and logo for our new
Follow the same rules as motorists includBike Education program. The name
ing yielding right-of-way and signaling.
“BikeEd,” belongs to the League of AmeriWide lanes:
can Bicyclists, so we would like to have
• Ride just to the right of the travel lane to
something more local that still reflects the
remain visible to other motorists
League’s vision of “more people on bikes
Ride at least 3 feet from parked cars in all
safely, more often.”
situations; consider this a right side limit
Please submit your ideas. If your entry
Always ride in a straight line; do not
wins, you will receive a $50 Bicycle Bob’s
swerve between parked cars.
gift certificate. There will be two $50 prizes,
one for the name and one for the logo.
• If a lane narrows ahead or is blocked by a
Please submit your entries to Nancy
bus, establish your position in traffic early
Mulholland either by mail to 115 West
• Avoid riding where glass and other trash
Pedregosa Street, Santa Barbara 93101, or
accumulates on the right side of roadways
by email to [email protected].
• Grates and gutterpans should be avoided
Logo sketches will suffice, although finby positioning yourself away from them.
ished artwork is fine. Include your name
—from Better Bicycling Fact Sheets, League of
and how to contact you. Deadline for reAmerican Bicyclists, Bicycle Advocacy and
ceipt of entries is November 22nd.
Education Center.
Mountain biking day
educates kids
by Chris Orr
On October 2nd, the first national Take a
Kid Mountain Biking Day was a great success! Approximately 50 participants gathered at Ellwood open space in Goleta. First,
mechanics from UCSB’s Bike Shop checked
the bikes that arrived. Then participants
signed in and picked up route maps. After
an introduction, the riders grouped behind
leaders Kim Lyons, Dave Phreaner,
Chuck Anderson, and Jed Hirsch. By then,
the young riders were stomping on the
pedals and ready to go... they took off in a
spin of little feet!
The event was originated by the International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA),
and supported locally by the Santa Barbara
Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers. Nationwide, thousands of kids participated in
more than 100 similar events.
Adults and kids showed up for the first Take a
Kid Mountain Biking event; here they get
Three nature stops were included in the
route around Ellwood Mesa. Chris Lang
from Friends of the Ellwood Coast gave a
great talk and tour of the Ellwood Monarch
Butterfly Grove. Marine biologist Carol
Blanchette described the marine animal
and plant life from atop the Ellwood cliffs.
Ed Easton of the Coal Oil Point Reserve
talked on the importance of snowy plover
habitat that the reserve protects.
All the riders had great time. Some had
so much energy that they continued to ride
around the group gathered at the refreshment table setup by SBMTV member Dorothy LittleJohn. Lastly, we had a
gathering at Johnny Martin’s Java Station
coffee house to view new videos.
Kids and parents riding bikes on trails,
having fun, and learning about local natural resources! What more could you want?
We can’t wait until next year when we’ll
make an effort to attract more Latino kids.
Quick Release • November 2004 • Page 3
October Coalition
meeting topics
Coalition OKs bike
lanes on new bridge
Upcoming bike
meetings & events
Our October 5th Bicycle Coalition was an
evening dinner and meeting that attracted
13 people to discuss these issues:
• Gary Wissman reported that we will
participate in the California Lemon Festival
this year, mainly to distribute helmets.
• The People Powered Ride will take place
on October 10th and Bicycle Coalition
members are urged to help if possible.
• Ralph Fertig talked about his participation
in the Pro Walk/Pro Bike conference.
• Nancy Mulholland reported that we’ll offer
a Bike Education course next month, and
there will be an LCI meeting next week.
• Mark Purcell, president of Echelon Santa
Barbara and a Santa Barbara police officer
talked about Echelon’s scholarship
program and concerns of biking in traffic.
• Chuck Anderson said that the Take a Kid
Mountain Biking Day was successful, and
next year the SB Mountain Bike Trail
Volunteers will attract more Latino kids.
• Ralph Fertig will attend the San Luis
Obispo’s Bike First program ceremony, in
view of crafting a similar program locally.
• Chuck Anderson dispelled misconceptions
about trail use. No agreement had been
reached about alternate day prohibition of
mountain bikers. The main focus is an
alliance of users to create new trails,
improve existing ones, and provide trail
user education.
On October 13, the Goleta City Council considered the proposed new bridge over Highway 101 at the end of Cathedral Oaks Road.
With many meetings and events being announced a week or two or three before they
take place, this list should be considered
only the beginning. To get an updated listing, go to
For Santa Barbara
County Bike Maps,
info on ridesharing
and van pools, just
call: 963-SAVE.
Quick Release • November 2004 • Page 4
November 2, General Meeting. Meeting at
noon, first Tuesday of the month, County
Public Works conference room, 123 East
Anapamu Street, First Floor, Santa Barbara.
Phone president Ralph Fertig, 962-1479 or
email him at [email protected].
This map shows the existing 101 bridge on the
left, and the proposed one on the right.
Bicycle Coalition President Ralph Fertig
spoke about our concerns. He said that
while a separated bike/ped path was possible, the difficulties of connecting users to
it at the ends, plus the required physical
separation from traffic made it infeasible.
Five-foot bikelanes on both sides of the
road will serve to provide a good place for
bicyclists, and the six-foot sidewalk will
serve the expected light pedestrian traffic.
Oak Park Mobility Plan
The fifth community workshop for residents of the Oak Park neighborhood in
Santa Barbara took place on October 19th.
Nearly 100 people showed up to hear an
update on their Neighborhood Area Mobility Plan and make comments about how
well it addresses their concerns about traffic and related conditions in their area.
Thirty changes were proposed, all measures that slow speeding cars and make it
safer for people to walk or bike. Of particular interest to bicyclists is the proposed removing of traffic lanes on two streets—
Chapala and De la Vina—in order to install
bikelanes that will run for six blocks from
Mission Street to Constance Avenue.
Other major changes will come to State
Street intersections at De la Vina and
Alamar Streets where bicyclists and pedestrians are endangered. Perhaps the most
innovative component of the plan is backin diagonal parking for one block of De la
Vina Street near State. It’s apparently been
successful in Ventura, and we’re told that it
will work here as well.
If you want to be part of the process,
contact the City’s Susan McLaughlin at
897-2669 or [email protected].
November 6, Street Skills for Cyclists,
sponsored by the SB Bicycle Coalition.
Learn how to cope better with traffic in an
urban setting. See how your perceptions
will change. Details for this program are on
page 3. Contact is Nancy Mulholland at
[email protected] or 563-9073.
November 6, Solvang Prelude, sponsored
by SCOR Cardiac Cyclists Club. Traditional
fall ride attracts thousands and closes out
the local recreational season. Choice of 25,
50 or 63-mile rides out of Solvang. Roving
sag support, food stops, vendor expo, optional barbecue at end. Information online
at or phone 562-690-9693.
November 13, Holiday Halves Bike Ride,
sponsored by Tailwinds Bicycle Club of
Santa Maria. Cruise through scenic canyons, vineyards, and ranches with beautiful vistas. Choose the 50-mile route which
includes a demanding hill climb, some small
climbs, and some flats; or ride the easier
50-km route. Both routes will have SAG
support and rest stops. At the end, enjoy an
all-you-can-eat Santa Maria Style BBQ.
Additional information and registration at
November 14, Santa Barbara Cyclocross,
sponsored by SG Productions. This race is
part of the Southern California Cyclocross
Cup series. Prizes valued at $2250 will be
awarded. If you don’t have a cyclocross
bike, use your mountain bike. Races start
at 9:00 AM at the Campus Pointe Industrial
Park in Goleta. Find details online at
Bike businesses win
The Santa Barbara News-Press and Independent have announced readers’ choices
for best bike shops and rentals. The winners
are Bicycle Bob’s and Hazard’s Cyclesport
for shops, and Wheel Fun Rentals and
Cycles4Rent for bicycle rentals. Good going!
County repaves
important bikepath
It’s only a short section of bikepath over
San Jose Creek on the North Goleta Bike
Route, but it was in very poor condition.
Thanks to the County work crew for doing
a fine job of repaving sections of the path
on either side of the creek.
This scenic and vital link connects neighbors on
Berkeley Road for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Bicycle Coalition member David Madajian
notes, “the asphalt fantastic. It is
smooth as glass, which I much appreciated.
It was pretty dangerous and I had to go
through at a crawl before it was fixed.” If
you agree, send an email to Wilson
Hubbell at [email protected] saying so,
and he will pass it on to the workers.
White helmets safest
A New Zealand study published in the British Medical Journal last January compared
the safety of motorcyclists wearing lightcolored helmets versus dark-colored ones.
The author concluded that the light-colored
ones were associated with a 19% lower risk
of crashes. As for white versus black helmets, riders with white ones had a 24%
lower risk than those wearing black. This
certainly applies to all us bicyclists as well.
SLO County's Bike program—why not here?
LCI instructor Rod
On October 16th, a
ceremony was held
If their program
in San Luis Obispo to
sounds familiar, it
inaugurate a “Bike
might be because
First” program. Each
you’ve read about
one of twenty-three
selected SLO county
Magazine’s Bike
residents received a
Town program
thousand-dollar bike
that’s now in its
package for only
second year. Last
$200 in a new trip
year, 50 people in
reduction program.
Portland, Maine reThe intent of the
ceived bikes, and
program is to battle
this year the proair pollution and trafBiking legend Joe Breeze spoke to the crowd
fic congestion by get- about the benefits of bicycling for transportation gram was expanded to five
ting the 23 residents at the Bike First ceremony.
additional cities,
to pledge to give up
including Irvine, California. They describe
their car keys and replace automobile trips
their program as “a healthy living initiative
with bike trips. The 23 were selected from
designed to create positive change by enamong more than 80 people who applied
gaging the power of the pedal.”
for the package.
So the question comes back to us: why
The program was funded primarily by
not pursue a similar program here? Traffic
the SLO County Air Pollution Control DisSolutions’ Kent Epperson said, “This is a
trict and sponsored by San Luis Obispo Recool idea. Similar to the ‘Power Pedals’ progional Rideshare and the San Luis Obispo
gram implemented at the Long Beach and
County Bicycle Coalition.
Palo Alto Bikestations a few years ago.”
Each resident received a Breezer Villager Santa Barbara city’s Rob Dayton combike, a year of free maintenance, a helmet,
mented, “I think we would be interested. I
lock, grocery bag and odometer.
could see us also putting the people
Bike First was the brainchild of Joe
through the bike class as well.” We’re open
Gilpin, San Luis Obispo County Bicycle
to ideas of how to take it from here.
Coalition executive director. “One of the
largest perceived barriers to adopting cycling for more utility-based trips such as
commuting and shopping is not having a
Please thank and support the following Bigood enough bicycle, or the money to
cycle Coalition business members:
spend on one,” said Gilpin.
• Hazard’s Cyclesport, Santa Barbara
The ceremony was attended by about 40
• Rincon Cycles, Carpinteria
people, including Ralph Fertig from our
• Piekert Group Architects, Santa Barbara
Bicycle Coalition. Speakers included Joe
Active members
Gilpin, SLO Mayor Dave Romero, bike
manufacturer Joe Breeze, and California
EPA representative Chris Marxen. A bicycle education program followed, led by
We welcome new member Sue Clinton, and
certainly thank those who renewed their
memberships: Melinda Goodman, Garrick
Sitongia, Bill Frost, and Bill Pollock.
We’re getting a biking president
For the first time ever, the main contenders for United States
presidency both ride bicycles. We note that 65% bicyclists vote,
way above the US average, so do your duty again this election.
Longtime cyclist John Kerry’s favorite bike is a Serotta Ottrott
road bike. He finished the 110-mile Pan-Massachusetts Challenge
in 2003, coming in 37th out of 3000 cyclists. And he finished an
80-mile Boston-to-Cape Cod charity ride in freezing cold.
George Bush has a Trek Fuel 98 carbon-fiber mountain bike
that he started riding around his Texas ranch last February. He
switched from running to biking after experiencing knee pain:
“This is like running except I don’t feel bad afterward.”
Quick Release • November 2004 • Page 5
Discounts to
“If you bicycle, you should join the Bicycle Coalition”
Application for 12 Months of Membership
Yes! Sign me up to help make bicycling better for all of us in Santa Barbara County:
❏ Individual $25
❏ Business $100
❏ Student/Senior $12
❏ Sustaining $500
❏ Family $40
❏ Lifetime $1000
❏ Century $100
name ___________________________________________________________________________
address __________________________________________________________________________
city, state, zip _____________________________________________________________________
phone ________________________________ email ______________________________________
❏ New membership ❏ Renewal membership Make check out to Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition.
Mail to Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition, PO Box 92047, Santa Barbara, CA 93190-2047
Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition Regional bicycle clubs & groups Road repair contacts
President, Ralph Fertig, 962-1479
[email protected]
Vice President, Chuck Anderson
893-4616, [email protected]
Secretary, Drew Hunter, 542-5112
[email protected]
Treasurer, Gary Wissman, 964-4607
[email protected]
Director, Mike Hecker, 966-1807
[email protected]
Director, Don Lubach, 964-7798
[email protected]
Director, Jim Marshall, 962-3531
[email protected]
Director, Mark McClure, 967-5031
[email protected]
Director, Nancy Mulholland, 563-9073
[email protected]
Advisor, Dru van Hengel, 564-5544
[email protected]
Advisor, Wilson Hubbell, 568-3046
[email protected]
Advisor, Erika Lindemann, 961-8919
[email protected]
Bicycle Touring Club of Solvang
Dan Henry, 688-3330
Cyclone Racing, Beth Wallace
753-6673, [email protected]
Echelon Santa Barbara, Mark Purcell
[email protected]
Goleta Valley Cycling Club
Lompoc Valley Bicycle Club
Scott Shaw, [email protected]
SB Mountain Bike Trail Volunteers
Chris Orr, 964-0362
[email protected]
Larry Bean, 736-1261
[email protected]
Santa Barbara City
Wilson Hubbell, 568-3046
[email protected]
Santa Maria
Santa Barbara BMX
Dale Bowers, [email protected]
Philip Chang, 968-4082
[email protected]
Mike Hecker, 966-1807
[email protected]
UCSB Cycling Club
Dale Lipp, 684-5405 x402
[email protected]
Santa Barbara County
Santa Barbara Bicycle Club
[email protected]
Steve Wagner, 961-7511
[email protected]
Doris Phinney, 968-3143
[email protected]
Tailwinds Bicycle Club
David Cantero, 937-4097
Pat Mickelson, 968-5779
[email protected]
Rick Sweet, 925-0951 x227
[email protected]
Tom Rowe, 688-5575
[email protected]
Dennis Whelan, 893-7009
[email protected]
Members of the Santa Barbara
Bicycle Coalition are offered discounts at local bike shops. It’s
another reason to join our advocacy group. To get your discount, take your copy of Quick
Release to the shop & show
them your address label that
says “MEMBER” on it. Or cut
out the label box and take it.
Discount details are posted on
our web site at
SBBC/who.html. Please patronize
the following shops:
Bicycle Bob’s
250 Storke Road #A, Goleta
15 Hitchcock Way, Santa Barbara
Bicycle Connection
223 W. Ocean Avenue, Lompoc
Big Gear Bike Gear
324 State Street #A, Santa Barbara
Hazard’s Cyclesport
110 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara
Mad Mike's Bikes
1110 E. Clark Avenue #G, Santa Maria
Open Air Bicycles
224 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara
Pedal Power Bicycles
1740 Broadway, Santa Maria
VeloPro Cyclery
633 State Street, Santa Barbara
5887 Hollister Avenue, Goleta
P.O. Box 92047
Santa Barbara, CA 93190-2047
Is an address label missing?
Put your name here by joining the
Bicycle Coalition and have Quick Release
delivered right to you 12 times a year!