Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice
Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice
Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Quiz No. 18751 EN Title 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents Author Book Points Level Wardlaw, Lee 3.9 5.0 128370 11 Birthdays EN Mass, Wendy 4.1 7.0 146272 13 Gifts EN Mass, Wendy 4.5 13.0 136675 13 Treasures EN Harrison, Michelle 5.3 11.0 14796 EN Fleischman, Sid 4.4 4.0 4.3 3.0 Verne, Jules 10.0 28.0 900355 2061: Photographing Mars (MH EN Edition) Brightfield, Richard 4.6 0.5 6651 EN McGinnis, Lila 3.3 1.0 146343 3, 2, 1, Liftoff! EN Sander, Sonia 1.3 0.5 102694 7 Professors of the Far North, The EN Fardell, John 5.8 8.0 148462 Abe Lincoln at Last! EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.5 2.0 101 EN Abel's Island Steig, William 5.9 3.0 105789 Abigail the Breeze Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.1 1.0 86479 EN Gutman, Dan 4.2 5.0 900378 Aboard the Underground Railroad EN (MH Edition) Otfinoski, Steven 6.2 0.5 900278 Aborigines of the Australian Outback EN (MH Edition) Doak, Robin 3.8 0.5 13th Floor: A Ghost Story, The 105120 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Retold Church, Lisa EN from...Jules Verne Original 523 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) 24-Hour Genie, The Abner & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure 17651 EN Absent Author, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 39788 EN Absolutely Lucy Cooper, Ilene 2.7 1.0 11577 EN Absolutely Normal Chaos Creech, Sharon 4.7 7.0 24909 EN Achingly Alice Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 4.0 58327 EN Across a Dark and Wild Sea Brown, Don 5.0 0.5 102 EN Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene 6.6 10.0 900527 Across the Country (MH Edition) EN Smith, Geof 4.8 0.5 17602 EN Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary... Gregory, Kristiana 5.5 4.0 79585 EN Action! Keene, Carolyn 4.8 4.0 36046 EN Adaline Falling Star Osborne, Mary Pope 4.6 4.0 85968 EN Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden Ray, Jane 4.1 0.5 1 EN Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth Janet 6.5 9.0 301 EN Addie Across the Prairie Lawlor, Laurie 4.9 4.0 951 EN Addie Runs Away Robins, Joan 1.7 0.5 7651 EN Addy Learns a Lesson Porter, Connie 3.9 1.0 7653 EN Addy's Surprise Porter, Connie 4.4 1.0 7652 EN Addy Saves the Day Porter, Connie 4.0 1.0 8902 EN Adven...Black Peter..."Gloria Scott", The Shaw, Murray 5.5 1.0 8903 EN Adven...Cardboard Box...Scandal in Bohemia, The Shaw, Murray 5.2 1.0 8904 EN Adven...Copper Beeches...Redheaded Shaw, Murray League, The 5.5 1.0 8905 EN Adven...Six Napoleons...Blue Carbuncle, The 4.9 1.0 Shaw, Murray 900164 Adventure in Arabia (MH Edition) EN Foss, Flora 2.6 0.5 900582 Adventure in Space (MH Edition) EN Scott, Elaine 5.4 0.5 451 EN Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 2.0 9541 EN Adventures of Boone Barnaby, The Cottonwood, Joe 3.5 6.0 20251 EN Adventures of Captain Underpants, The Pilkey, Dav 4.3 1.0 29468 EN Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Great Illustrated Classics), The Twain/Laiken 4.9 3.0 17652 EN Adventures of Laura & Jack, The Wilder/Peterson 3.5 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 2.5 1.0 5.9 3.0 138974 Adventures of Ook and Gluk, KungEN Fu Cavemen from the Future, The 30506 EN Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (Great Defoe/Vogel Illustrated Classics), The 105131 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: EN Retold...Conan Doyle Original, The Sasaki, Chris 4.5 3.0 30517 EN Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Doyle/Vogel 5.7 3.0 2493 EN Adventures of Stuart Little, The Skinner, Daphne 3.5 1.0 64111 EN Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, The Pilkey, Dav 2.5 0.5 30525 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Great Illustrated Classics), The Twain/Laiken 5.3 2.0 502 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Unabridged), The Twain, Mark 8.1 12.0 900134 Africa: Animals at Night (MH Edition) Lechner, Judith EN 2.5 0.5 126860 African Critters EN Haas, Robert B. 6.3 1.0 351 EN After the Dancing Days Rostkowski, Margaret I. 3.8 8.0 352 EN After the Rain Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 8.0 47402 EN After the Storm Brooke, Lauren 4.3 5.0 17801 EN After the War Matas, Carol 4.9 5.0 353 EN Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.0 4.0 14651 EN Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.6 1.0 25292 EN Against the Odds: Grizzly Attack Strasser, Todd 4.0 4.0 20679 EN Against the Odds: Shark Bite Strasser, Todd 4.5 3.0 25298 EN Agnes May Gleason: Walsenburg, Colorado, 1933 Duey, Kathleen 4.9 4.0 115389 Agnes Parker...Keeping Cool in EN Middle School O'Dell, Kathleen 3.6 4.0 201 EN Agony of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.3 5.0 49814 EN Air Raid--Pearl Harbor! The Story of December 7, 1941 Taylor, Theodore 8.7 6.0 77198 EN Airborn Oppel, Kenneth 5.1 15.0 122978 Airhead EN Cabot, Meg 5.3 11.0 119440 Airman EN Colfer, Eoin 5.8 16.0 83024 EN Akhenaten Adventure, The Kerr, P.B. 5.7 13.0 74909 EN Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer 3.5 7.0 131868 Al Capone Shines My Shoes EN Choldenko, Gennifer 3.8 9.0 5051 EN Levoy, Myron 3.3 5.0 118054 Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians EN Sanderson, Brandon 4.9 9.0 133649 Alcatraz Versus the Knights of EN Crystallia Sanderson, Brandon 4.9 9.0 126447 Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Bones Sanderson, Brandon EN 4.7 9.0 136589 Alchemy and Meggy Swann EN Cushman, Karen 5.6 6.0 115134 Alchemyst: The Secrets of the EN Immortal Nicholas Flamel, The Scott, Michael 6.4 14.0 3.2 1.0 Alan and Naomi 452 EN Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Nightmares Krull, Kathleen 124229 Alexander Graham Bell: Setting the EN Tone for Communication Venezia, Mike 5.2 0.5 900585 Alexander the Great (MH Edition) EN Coolidge, Olivia 5.9 0.5 12751 EN Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me ? I Mean It!) Going To Move Viorst, Judith 3.5 0.5 7301 EN Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Viorst, Judith Sunday 3.4 0.5 5052 EN Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 6.0 85723 EN Alice in Wonderland Warren, Eliza Gatewood 5.7 3.0 11451 EN Alice the Brave Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.1 5.0 83029 EN Alice the Fairy Shannon, David 2.5 0.5 83602 EN Alien Androids Assault Arizona Rand, Johnathan 4.3 4.0 55723 EN Aliens Attack Alpena Rand, Johnathan 3.7 3.0 10651 EN Aliens Don't Wear Braces Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 20645 EN Aliens Stole My Body Coville, Bruce 5.2 6.0 17653 EN Alison's Fierce and Ugly Halloween Bauer, Marion Dane 2.5 0.5 17654 EN Alison's Puppy Bauer, Marion Dane 2.3 0.5 17655 EN Alison's Wings Bauer, Marion Dane 2.1 0.5 900484 All About Islands (MH Edition) EN Apple, Gary 6.3 0.5 302 EN All about Sam Lowry, Lois 4.0 3.0 34798 EN All Alone in the Universe Perkins, Lynne Rae 4.8 4.0 62974 EN All-American Girl Cabot, Meg 5.9 11.0 Scott, Daisy 4.1 0.5 900241 All-American Girls Pro Baseball EN League (MH Edition), The 900562 All-American Slurp (MH Edition), EN The Namioka, Lensey 5.0 0.5 83160 EN All Because of a Cup of Coffee Stilton, Geronimo 3.2 1.0 13853 EN All Dads on Deck Delton, Judy 3.8 1.0 20051 EN All Is Well Litchman, Kristin Embry 4.2 3.0 78830 EN All Is Well: The Miracle of Christmas Peretti, Frank in July 3.1 0.5 67281 EN All Keyed Up Christopher/Peters 3.6 1.0 251 EN All New Jonah Twist, The Honeycutt, Natalie 3.8 3.0 2 EN Taylor, Sydney 4.9 5.0 701 EN All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich Maria 6.0 10.0 31128 EN Christopher, Matt 4.2 1.0 129370 All Stations! Distress! April 15, 1912: Brown, Don EN The Day the Titanic Sank 5.4 0.5 77380 EN Roberts, Rachel 4.2 4.0 900277 All That Jazz (MH Edition) EN Morgan, Daphne 3.7 0.5 20052 EN All the Money in the World Brittain, Bill 3.7 4.0 54325 EN All Things Bright and Beautiful Alexander, Cecil Frances 2.2 0.5 6551 EN Alligators & Crocodiles (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.4 0.5 71604 EN Almost Invisible Irene Skinner, Daphne 3.4 0.5 453 EN Almost Starring Skinnybones Park, Barbara 4.0 3.0 142938 Aloha, Kanani EN Yee, Lisa 4.2 3.0 131197 Alvin Ho: Allergic to Camping, EN Hiking, &...Natural Disasters Look, Lenore 3.7 3.0 11146 EN Harding, William Harry 4.4 2.0 All-of-a-Kind Family All-Star Fever All That Glitters Alvin's Famous No-Horse 128146 Amaranth Enchantment, The EN Berry, Julie 4.7 9.0 64469 EN Glassman, Jackie 3.7 0.5 900259 Amazing Monarch (MH Edition), The Goldstone, Bruce EN 3.9 0.5 146632 Amazing Voyage, The EN Stilton, Geronimo 4.2 2.0 900509 Amazon Alert! (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 5.1 0.5 16728 EN Amber Brown Goes Fourth Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 25848 EN Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue Danziger, Paula 4.0 2.0 11145 EN Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 12760 EN Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 44562 EN Amber Spyglass, The Pullman, Philip 6.7 26.0 88935 EN Amber the Orange Fairy Meadows, Daisy 3.3 1.0 84786 EN Ambulances Lindeen, Carol K. 2.0 0.5 5453 EN Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.5 0.5 34872 EN Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor Parish, Herman 2.5 0.5 10501 EN Amelia Bedelia and the Baby Parish, Peggy 2.0 0.5 72206 EN Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm Parish, Herman 2.4 0.5 10503 EN Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Parish, Peggy 1.8 0.5 20001 EN Amelia Bedelia Helps Out Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 89521 EN Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist? Parish, Herman 2.8 0.5 9584 EN Amelia Bedelia's Family Album Parish, Peggy 2.2 0.5 Amazing Arctic Animals 131520 Amelia Bedelia's First Day of School EN Parish, Herman 2.2 0.5 900313 Amelia's Road (MH Edition) EN Altman, Linda Jacobs 4.1 0.5 39864 EN America's Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle Adler, David A. 4.4 0.5 64328 EN Amina's Blanket Dunmore, Helen 3.4 0.5 900417 Amistad Rising: A Story of Freedom EN (MH Edition) Chambers, Veronica 5.2 0.5 69053 EN Among the Barons Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 6.0 78248 EN Among the Brave Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.1 7.0 29501 EN Among the Hidden Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 5.0 3 EN Amos Fortune, Free Man Yates, Elizabeth 6.5 5.0 73958 EN Amulet of Samarkand, The Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 19.0 24946 EN Amy, Number Seven Kaye, Marilyn 4.6 5.0 20206 EN Amy's Story Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.1 1.0 117702 Amy the Amethyst Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.6 1.0 127591 Anakin in Action! EN Beecroft, Simon 2.9 0.5 900332 Anansi and Turtle Share Dinner (MH EN Edition) Rowland, Della 3.5 0.5 5053 EN Lowry, Lois 4.5 5.0 454 EN Anastasia AT YOUR SERVICE Lowry, Lois 4.3 5.0 202 EN Anastasia Krupnik Lowry, Lois 4.5 3.0 6302 EN Lowry, Lois 4.4 4.0 354 EN Anastasia's Chosen Career Lowry, Lois 4.5 4.0 44806 EN Meyer, Carolyn 5.8 5.0 Anastasia Again! Anastasia on Her Own Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess 900231 Ancient Art (MH Edition), An EN Burgan, Michael 2.5 0.5 80071 EN Ancient Greece and the Olympics...Nonfiction Companion..Olympics Osborne, Mary Pope 4.4 1.0 6685 EN Ancient One, The Barron, T.A. 6.1 14.0 140037 Ancient, Strange, and Lovely EN Fletcher, Susan 3.7 9.0 5054 EN And Condors Danced Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.1 9.0 7203 EN And I Mean It, Stanley Bonsall, Crosby 0.9 0.5 4 EN And Now Miguel Krumgold, Joseph 4.8 8.0 32145 EN Andy and Tamika Adler, David A. 3.6 3.0 106623 Andy Shane and the Pumpkin Trick EN Jacobson, Jennifer Richard 3.1 0.5 87413 EN Jacobson, Jennifer 3.3 0.5 900474 Angel of the Battlefield (MH Edition) Donev, Mary Kaiser EN 6.4 0.5 303 EN Angel's Mother's Boyfriend Delton, Judy 4.8 3.0 455 EN Angel's Mother's Wedding Delton, Judy 5.0 4.0 14841 EN Angels Don't Know Karate Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 6552 EN Animal Champions (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.8 0.5 900305 Animal Fact/Animal Fable (MH EN Edition) Simon, Seymour 3.7 0.5 727 EN Animal Farm Orwell, George 7.3 5.0 60126 EN Animal Heroes Robinson, F.R. 5.2 0.5 1057 EN Animal Homes (MH Edition)ornadoes Squire, Ann O. - MH 3.0 0.5 25265 EN Animal Rescue Club, The Himmelman, John 2.5 0.5 6553 EN Animal Wonders (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.9 0.5 Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle 900461 Animals Sense the Weather (MH EN Edition) James, Laura 5.6 0.5 900191 Ann's First Day (MH Edition) EN Keremes, Constance Andrea 2.1 0.5 44807 EN Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.9 3.0 109297 Anne Frank EN Mara, Wil 3.1 0.5 551 EN Anne of Avonlea (Unabridged) Montgomery, L.M. 8.6 16.0 203 EN Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, L.M. 7.3 17.0 30526 EN Anne of Green Gables (Great Illustrated Classics) Montgomery/Warren 5.0 3.0 6652 EN Anne of Ingleside Montgomery, L.M. 6.0 16.0 6653 EN Anne of Windy Poplars Montgomery, L.M. 5.9 14.0 6654 EN Anne's House of Dreams Montgomery, L.M. 6.1 13.0 18701 EN Annie Bananie and the People's Court Komaiko, Leah 2.9 1.0 84204 EN Annie Oakley Saves the Day! DiVito, Anna 2.4 0.5 355 EN Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave Hamilton, Virginia 5.8 7.0 78853 EN Anybodies, The Bode, N.E. 4.6 7.0 59779 EN Anyone but Me Krulik, Nancy 3.5 1.0 26322 EN Apes Find Shapes Moncure, Jane Belk 2.6 0.5 6554 EN Apes (Zoobooks), The Wexo, John Bonnett 6.5 0.5 138964 Aphrodite the Beauty EN Holub, Joan 4.7 3.0 146915 Aphrodite the Diva EN Holub, Joan 4.8 5.0 5.4 14.0 3.7 1.0 30512 EN Ann's Story: 1747 Apollyon: The Destroyer Is Unleashed LaHaye, Tim F. 102511 Apple Bandit, The EN Keene, Carolyn 1441 EN Apple Tree, The Dodd, Lynley 2.0 0.5 21961 EN Apprentice, The Llorente, Pilar Molina 5.0 3.0 728 EN April Morning Fast, Howard 6.1 9.0 58249 EN Hoffman, Alice 5.6 1.0 900357 Aquanaut (MH Edition) EN Hogan, Mary 4.5 0.5 5651 EN Arctic Patrol Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 67119 EN Are You a Bee? Allen, Judy 3.0 0.5 52383 EN Are You a Butterfly? Allen, Judy 2.7 0.5 67120 EN Are You a Dragonfly? Allen, Judy 3.1 0.5 900200 Are You a Fossil Fan? (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.7 0.5 58259 EN Allen, Judy 3.2 0.5 920 EN Are You A Ladybug Allen, Judy 2.5 0.5 49478 EN Are You a Snail? Allen, Judy 2.8 0.5 919 EN Are You a Spider Allen, Judy 2.7 0.5 58260 EN Are You an Ant? Allen, Judy 2.9 0.5 5456 EN Are You My Mother? Eastman, P.D. 1.6 0.5 1109 EN Are You Ready To Play Outside? Willems, Mo 1.4 0.5 5055 EN Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Blume, Judy 3.6 4.0 Aquamarine Are You a Grasshopper? 106408 Ark Angel EN Horowitz, Anthony 5.0 12.0 14988 EN Arkadians, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.4 8.0 68568 EN Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages LaHaye, Tim F. 5.4 14.0 30527 EN Around the World in 80 Days (Great Illustrated Classics) Verne/Leighton 5.0 2.0 42582 EN Arrival, The Applegate, K.A. 4.2 3.0 18752 EN Arrow over the Door, The Bruchac, Joseph 5.2 2.0 42449 EN Art of Keeping Cool, The Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.0 7.0 54675 EN Artemis Fowl Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 59973 EN Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 139060 Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex EN Colfer, Eoin 6.2 12.0 68990 EN Colfer, Eoin 5.0 10.0 123264 Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel EN Colfer, Eoin 3.6 2.0 109333 Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony EN Colfer, Eoin 5.3 13.0 87709 EN Colfer, Eoin 5.7 12.0 123436 Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox EN Colfer, Eoin 5.6 13.0 141502 Artemis the Brave EN Holub, Joan 4.7 4.0 204 EN Arthur, for the Very First Time MacLachlan, Patricia 4.2 3.0 9105 EN Arthur's Camp-Out Hoban, Lillian 2.9 0.5 9106 EN Arthur's Chicken Pox Brown, Marc 2.9 0.5 7302 EN Arthur's Halloween Costume Hoban, Lillian 2.6 0.5 7303 EN Arthur's Honey Bear Hoban, Lillian 2.9 0.5 7304 EN Arthur's Loose Tooth Hoban, Lillian 2.9 0.5 11157 EN Arthur's New Puppy Brown, Marc 2.7 0.5 Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception 7305 EN Arthur's Prize Reader Hoban, Lillian 2.9 0.5 10454 EN Arthur's Valentine Brown, Marc 2.5 0.5 143254 Arthur Turns Green EN Brown, Marc 3.1 0.5 900108 Arthur Writes a Story (MH Edition) EN Brown, Marc 2.6 0.5 25226 EN As Ever, Gordy Hahn, Mary Downing 4.6 6.0 29695 EN Assassins LaHaye, Tim F. 5.5 15.0 1110 EN Assignment: Rescue (an autobiography) Fry, Varian 11.0 14.0 900186 At the Museum (MH Edition) EN Berg, Larry 3.2 0.5 68610 EN At the Plate with...Ichiro Stout, Glenn 7.1 3.0 35577 EN At the Plate with...Ken Griffey, Jr. Christopher, Matt 6.6 4.0 10249 EN At the Sound of the Beep Sachs, Marilyn 4.5 5.0 136932 Athena the Brain EN Holub, Joan 4.5 3.0 145087 Athena the Wise EN Holub, Joan 4.8 4.0 114826 Atherton: The House of Power EN Carman, Patrick 6.1 12.0 6655 EN Attaboy, Sam! Lowry, Lois 4.6 3.0 75825 EN Attack of the 50-Ft. Cupid Benton, Jim 4.6 1.0 83793 EN Attack of the Bandit Cats Stilton, Geronimo 3.8 1.0 9601 EN Attack of the Mutant Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 135333 Attack of the Ninja Frogs EN Vernon, Ursula 4.3 2.0 34633 EN West, Tracey 3.1 1.0 Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon 32173 EN Attack of the Two-Inch Teacher, The Coville, Bruce 4.9 3.0 7601 EN Aunt Hilarity's Bustle Ketteman, Helen 4.9 0.5 103804 AuSable Alligators EN Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 41280 EN Snicket, Lemony 6.7 6.0 114642 Awakening EN Wasserman, Robin 4.7 6.0 131188 Awakening, The EN Armstrong, Kelley 4.1 10.0 11452 EN Levin, Betty 4.7 7.0 122748 Awful Ogre Running Wild EN Prelutsky, Jack 5.2 0.5 14653 EN B. Bear Scouts and the Coughing Catfish, The Berenstain, Stan 4.5 2.0 18703 EN B. Bear Scouts and the Magic Crystal Caper, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.2 1.0 10653 EN B. Bears and the Dress Code, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.2 1.0 17556 EN B. Bears and the Haunted Hayride, The Berenstain, Stan 4.5 1.0 9009 EN B. Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone, The Berenstain, Stan 1.8 0.5 135956 B. Bears Discover God's Creation, The Berenstain, Mike EN 2.3 0.5 10654 EN B. Bears' Media Madness, The Berenstain, Stan/Jan 4.4 1.0 27522 EN B. Bears on the Moon, The Berenstain, Stan 1.9 0.5 84923 EN B. Bears Play T-Ball, The Berenstain, Stan 1.9 0.5 5 EN B Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 4.3 2.0 7306 EN Babar Learns to Cook deBrunhoff, Laurent 3.6 0.5 36037 EN Babe & Me : A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 King-Smith, Dick 5.6 3.0 Austere Academy, The Away to Me, Moss 205 EN Babe, the Gallant Pig 1062 EN Babu's Song Stuve-Bodeen, Stephanie 2.8 0.5 6556 EN Baby Animals 2 (Zoobooks) Elwood, Ann 5.0 0.5 6555 EN Baby Animals (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 9351 EN Baby Bunny, The Hillert, Margaret 0.8 0.5 11453 EN Baby Grand, the Moon in July, & Me, Barnes, Joyce Annette The 4.0 4.0 900456 Baby of the Alamo (MH Edition), The Hood, Susan EN 5.2 0.5 19679 EN Keene, Carolyn 4.3 4.0 206 EN Baby-sitting Is a Dangerous Job Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 6.0 32493 EN Bachelor Girl MacBride, Roger Lea 5.4 6.0 10245 EN Back to Before Slepian, Jan 4.6 6.0 82276 EN Back to the Divide Kay, Elizabeth 5.6 13.0 900579 Back to the Moon! (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 5.0 0.5 31541 EN Back to the Titanic! Gormley, Beatrice 4.9 4.0 18753 EN Backward Bird Dog, The Wallace, Bill 3.8 3.0 27543 EN Backyard Bandit Mystery Lewis, Beverly 2.6 1.0 7602 EN Bad Bad Bunnies Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 25232 EN Bad, Badder, Baddest Voigt, Cynthia 5.8 8.0 41281 EN Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony 6.4 4.0 121615 Bad Connection EN Carlson, Melody 4.5 9.0 25944 EN Keene, Carolyn 3.2 1.0 Baby-Sitter Burglaries, The Bad Day for Ballet 900353 Bad Day, Glad Day (MH Edition) EN Hood, Susan 4.3 0.5 115020 Bad Dog, Marley! EN Grogan, John 2.2 0.5 106815 Bad Kitty EN Bruel, Nick 2.2 0.5 148796 Bad Kitty for President EN Bruel, Nick 4.5 1.0 144761 Bad Kitty Meets the Baby EN Bruel, Nick 3.6 1.0 140204 Bad Kitty vs. Uncle Murray: The EN Uproar at the Front Door Bruel, Nick 2.9 0.5 43604 EN Bailey Goes Camping Henkes, Kevin 1.8 0.5 17657 EN Bald Bandit, The Roy, Ron 3.2 1.0 14989 EN Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The Cushman, Karen 5.8 7.0 1134 EN Ballerina Princess Lagonegro, Melissa 1.4 0.5 456 EN Ballet Shoes Streatfeild, Noel 5.7 9.0 146536 Balloons over Broadway: The True EN Story...Macy's Parade Sweet, Melissa 5.4 0.5 6 EN Bambi Salten, Felix 4.9 6.0 62769 EN Bambi Salten/Schulman 4.7 1.0 457 EN Banana Twist Heide, Florence Parry 5.1 3.0 207 EN Banner in the Sky Ullman, James Ramsey 5.1 11.0 900280 Barbara Becomes a Big Sister (MH EN Edition) Hudson, Ellie Mae 3.7 0.5 1063 EN Barbie: A Day at the Fair Pugliano-Martin, Carol 1.5 0.5 11454 EN Baree, The Story of a Wolf-dog Curwood, James Oliver 6.5 11.0 116582 Barfing in the Backseat: How I EN Survived My Family Road Trip Winkler, Henry 4.8 4.0 6252 EN Hoban, Russell 2.8 0.5 Bargain for Frances, A 14934 EN Barking Ghost, The Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 900230 Barn Raising (MH Edition), The EN delBosque, Soledad 2.9 0.5 10894 EN Avi 3.9 2.0 900077 Barney Bird (MH Edition) EN Berical, Kate 1.9 0.5 7251 EN Barney's Horse Hoff, Syd 2.2 0.5 39865 EN Bartleby of the Mighty Mississippi Shalant, Phyllis 3.7 4.0 7354 EN Baseball Ballerina Cristaldi, Kathryn 2.2 0.5 10652 EN Baseball Flyhawk Christopher, Matt 3.6 2.0 900314 Baseball Saved Us (MH Edition) EN Mochizuki, Ken 3.9 0.5 5056 EN Basement Baseball Club, The Kelly, Jeffrey 4.8 6.0 18702 EN Basketball's Greatest Players Kramer, S.A. 4.2 1.0 19920 EN Bat Bones and Spider Stew Poploff, Michelle 2.3 0.5 900214 Bat Boy & His Violin (MH Edition), EN The Curtis, Gavin 4.1 0.5 900029 Bat Helps Out (MH Edition) EN Dreyer, Ellen 1.0 0.5 900048 Bath for Mick (MH Edition), A EN Mara, Jeanette 0.9 0.5 27484 EN Bathtime for Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.1 0.5 89027 EN Batman: The Copycat Crime Grayson, Devin 3.1 0.5 89029 EN Batman: Time Thaw McCann, Jesse Leon 3.5 0.5 138401 Bats at the Ballgame EN Lies, Brian 3.3 0.5 105809 Bats at the Beach EN Lies, Brian 3.4 0.5 Barn, The 124293 Bats at the Library EN Lies, Brian 3.1 0.5 6557 EN Wood/Rink 4.8 0.5 125267 Battle Begins, The EN Valois, Rob 5.8 0.5 121443 Battle for Skandia, The EN Flanagan, John 6.7 14.0 10232 EN Winthrop, Elizabeth 4.4 6.0 122983 Battle of the Labyrinth, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.1 12.0 51859 EN Cuyler, Margery 4.3 2.0 900481 Bayeux Tapestry (MH Edition), The EN Moore, Donovan 6.1 0.5 9602 EN Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0 943 EN Bear Next Door, The Luttrell, Ida 2.5 0.5 9005 EN Berenstain, Stan 2.3 0.5 946 EN Bears' Christmas, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan 1.9 0.5 252 EN Bears' House, The Sachs, Marilyn 4.1 2.0 24929 EN Bears: Life in the Wild Kulling, Monica 3.3 0.5 43129 EN Bears on Hemlock Mountain, The Dalgliesh, Alice 3.5 1.0 74285 EN Bears on the Brain Penner, Lucille Recht 2.2 0.5 971 EN Bears' Vacation, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan 2.0 0.5 6558 EN Bears (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.4 0.5 5057 EN Bearstone Hobbs, Will 5.0 6.0 13854 EN Beast and the Halloween Horror Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 1056 EN Beatrice's Goat (MH Edition) McBrier, Page 3.0 0.5 Bats (Zoobooks) Battle for the Castle, The Battlefield Ghost, The Be Careful What You Wish For Bear Scouts, The 134708 Beautiful Creatures EN Garcia, Kami 4.5 21.0 140589 Beautiful Darkness EN Garcia, Kami 4.4 19.0 30521 EN Beauty and the Beast Brett, Jan 5.3 0.5 85770 EN Beauty & the Beast & Other Stories Larkin, Rochelle 6.4 5.0 65302 EN Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo! Stone, Rosetta 2.2 0.5 43534 EN Because I Love You Lucado, Max 3.4 0.5 39557 EN Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate 3.9 3.0 105718 Beck and the Great Berry Battle EN Driscoll, Laura 3.9 1.0 119328 Beck Beyond the Sea EN Morris, Kimberly 3.4 1.0 82864 EN Becoming Naomi León Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.4 6.0 20053 EN Becoming Rosemary Wood, Frances M. 4.3 6.0 45915 EN Bed for the Winter, A Wallace, Karen 2.3 0.5 5208 EN Bedtime for Frances Hoban, Russell 2.7 0.5 7252 EN Bedtime Mouse Stoddard, Sandol 2.7 0.5 900468 Beekeepers' Story (MH Edition), The EN Black, Shelia 5.6 0.5 900253 Beethoven: The Man and His Music EN (MH Edition) Doak, Robin 3.5 0.5 356 EN Beetles, Lightly Toasted Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.7 5.0 304 EN Beezus and Ramona Cleary, Beverly 4.8 3.0 25085 EN McDonald, Megan 2.0 0.5 139477 Behemoth EN Westerfeld, Scott 5.4 13.0 18754 EN Williams, Laura E. 4.4 4.0 Beezy Behind the Bedroom Wall 69067 EN Behind the Secret Window: A Memoir Toll, Nelly S. of...Childhood During WWII 6.0 6.0 130576 Being Nikki EN Cabot, Meg 5.3 12.0 2391 EN Helmer, Diana Star 2.6 1.0 129429 Bell's Star EN Hart, Alison 3.7 1.0 106196 Bella at Midnight EN Stanley, Diane 6.0 9.0 122263 Bella the Bunny Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.2 1.0 118912 Belle EN Mills, Elizabeth 3.3 0.5 900581 Bellerophon and the Flying Horse EN (MH Edition) Oldfield, Pamela 4.6 0.5 10755 EN Bellmaker, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 14.0 18755 EN Belonging Place, The Little, Jean 4.5 5.0 Lawson, Robert 6.9 3.0 900239 Ben Franklin Alive! Meet Bill Meikle Bloomfield, Samantha EN (MH Edition) 3.3 0.5 900263 Ben Franklin and His Notebooks (MH Horowitz, Ben EN Edition) 4.9 0.5 900078 Benjamin Banneker (MH Edition) EN Smedley, O.G. 2.6 0.5 86398 EN Mara, Wil 2.8 0.5 121598 Benny and Penny in Just Pretend EN Hayes, Geoffrey 1.1 0.5 68134 EN Bernie Magruder & the Bats in the Belfry Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.8 4.0 51839 EN Bernie Magruder & the Disappearing Bodies Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 4.0 49773 EN Bernie Magruder & the Haunted Hotel Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.6 4.0 51840 EN Bernie Magruder & the Parachute Peril Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.6 4.0 Believers, The 208 EN Ben and Me Benjamin Franklin 64499 EN Bernie Magruder & the Pirate's Treasure Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 4.0 209 EN Berries Goodman Neville, Emily Cheney 4.4 5.0 7603 EN Johnson, Dolores 3.9 0.5 253 EN Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.1 2.0 118473 Best Dad in the Sea EN Tyler, Amy J. 0.9 0.5 977 EN Best Friends Cohen, Miriam 2.1 0.5 122190 Best Friends EN Martin, Ann M. 5.6 6.0 129371 Best Friends and Drama Queens EN Cabot, Meg 4.9 5.0 900117 Best Friends Club (MH Edition), The EN Winthrop, Elizabeth 2.3 0.5 80687 EN Best Halloween Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.4 2.0 305 EN Best-Laid Plans of Jonah Twist, The Honeycutt, Natalie 3.5 3.0 Best Bug to Be, The 5000 EN Best Mistake Ever! and Other Stories, Scarry, Richard The 2.5 0.5 62831 EN Best Mud Pie, The Quinn, Lin 1.1 0.5 19847 EN Best Nest, The Eastman, P.D. 2.1 0.5 10212 EN Best School Year Ever, The Robinson, Barbara 5.4 3.0 24522 EN Best Sign, The Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 2.7 0.5 900198 Best Vacation Ever (MH Edition), The Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane EN 3.8 0.5 19890 EN Cosby, Bill 2.5 0.5 900195 Best Wishes, Ed (MH Edition) EN Stevenson, James 2.5 0.5 20205 EN Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.2 1.0 Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 Best Way to Play, The Beth's Story 130602 Bethany the Ballet Fairy EN 20054 EN Betsy and Joe Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.0 9.0 20055 EN Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown Lovelace, Maud Hart 4.5 6.0 20056 EN Betsy and Tacy Go over the Big Hill Lovelace, Maud Hart 4.3 4.0 458 EN Betsy and the Boys Haywood, Carolyn 3.7 3.0 15093 EN Betsy and the Great World Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.4 10.0 20057 EN Betsy in Spite of Herself Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.5 10.0 459 EN Betsy's Busy Summer Haywood, Carolyn 3.7 3.0 15094 EN Betsy's Wedding Lovelace, Maud Hart 4.9 8.0 7 EN Betsy-Tacy Lovelace, Maud Hart 4.0 3.0 20058 EN Betsy-Tacy and Tib Lovelace, Maud Hart 4.2 3.0 20059 EN Betsy Was a Junior Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.3 9.0 11455 EN Beware of Kissing Lizard Lips Shalant, Phyllis 4.2 5.0 49638 EN Beware, Princess Elizabeth Meyer, Carolyn 7.2 8.0 128705 Beware the Dark Side EN Beecroft, Simon 6.5 1.0 130961 Beyond the Grave EN Watson, Jude 4.0 5.0 101196 Beyond the Valley of Thorns EN Carman, Patrick 6.2 8.0 5058 EN BFG, The Dahl, Roald 4.8 6.0 2202 EN Bicycles Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.0 0.5 28025 EN Big Anthony: His Story De Paola, Tomie 3.0 0.5 7357 EN Big Balloon Race, The Coerr, Eleanor 2.6 0.5 Hughes, Dean 3.7 1.0 460 EN Big Base Hit 900051 Big, Big Pig (MH Edition), A EN Katz, Andrea 0.8 0.5 900216 Big Blue Whale (MH Edition) EN Davies, Nicola 4.2 0.5 105151 Big Box Fort, The EN Rand, Johnathan 3.2 1.0 900009 Big Brother Little Brother (MH EN Edition) Dale, Penny 1.1 0.5 6559 EN Big Cats (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 55314 EN Big Dog and Little Dog Go Sailing Young, Selina 2.5 0.5 55315 EN Big Dog and Little Dog Visit the Moon Young, Selina 2.3 0.5 120560 Big Field, The EN Lupica, Mike 5.3 8.0 9010 EN Big Honey Hunt, The Berenstain, Stan 1.7 0.5 7307 EN Big Max Platt, Kin 2.1 0.5 900026 Big? (MH Edition) EN Lear, Rachel 0.7 0.5 137291 Big Nate: In a Class by Himself EN Peirce, Lincoln 3.1 2.0 145762 Big Nate on a Roll EN Peirce, Lincoln 2.9 2.0 140498 Big Nate Strikes Again EN Peirce, Lincoln 3.0 2.0 123559 Big Plans EN Shea, Bob 2.2 0.5 103 EN Big Red Kjelgaard, Jim 5.6 9.0 900057 Big Secret (MH Edition), The EN Kane, Tim 1.3 0.5 900290 Big & Small (MH Edition) EN Erickson, Christopher 4.4 0.5 900410 Big Storm (MH Edition), The EN Hiscock, Bruce 5.4 0.5 900050 Big Sun (MH Edition), The EN Maia, Michael 0.7 0.5 62832 EN Big Tee Ball Game (Rookie Choices), Brimner, Larry Dane The 2.3 0.5 6656 EN Big Wander, The Hobbs, Will 5.1 8.0 10204 EN Bigger Calvert, Patricia 5.7 6.0 900059 Bigger House for June (MH Edition), EN A Smyth, Anna 1.7 0.5 133867 Biggest Christmas Tree Ever, The EN Kroll, Steven 3.3 0.5 7253 EN Berenstain, Michael 3.2 0.5 126527 Biggest Snowball Fight!, The EN Medearis, Angela Shelf 3.4 0.5 77956 EN Bike Race Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 3.3 1.0 79580 EN Bike Tour Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 24523 EN Billions of Balls Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.1 0.5 7604 EN Billy and Blaze Anderson, C.W. 3.7 0.5 900142 Billy Fish (MH Edition) EN Popper, Edward S. 2.6 0.5 908 EN Billy Goat and His Well-Fed Friends Hogrogian, Nonny 2.5 0.5 5059 EN Byars, Betsy 4.5 3.0 131135 Binky the Space Cat EN Spires, Ashley 3.3 0.5 117938 Bionic Bats of Bay City EN Rand, Johnathan 4.1 3.0 36398 EN Birchbark House, The Erdrich, Louise 6.1 7.0 17286 EN Birdie's Lighthouse Hopkinson, Deborah 4.1 0.5 5060 EN Birds' Christmas Carol, The Wiggin, Kate Douglas 7.3 2.0 Obolensky, Julia 2.2 0.5 Biggest Dinosaurs, The Bingo Brown, Gypsy Lover 900067 Birds' Nests (MH Edition) EN 6560 EN Birds of Prey (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 136400 Birthday Ball, The EN Lowry, Lois 5.2 4.0 11456 EN Birthday Surprises: Ten Great Stories to Unwrap Hurtwitz, Johanna 5.1 3.0 31587 EN Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.4 0.5 84976 EN Biscuit and the Baby Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 0.9 0.5 1091 EN Biscuit and the Little Pup Capucilli, Alyssa 1.3 0.5 43663 EN Biscuit Finds a Friend Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 0.8 0.5 961 EN Biscuit Goes to School Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.0 0.5 135206 Biscuit Meets the Class Pet EN Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 0.8 0.5 965 EN Biscuit's Big Friend Capucilli, Slyssa Satin 0.8 0.5 1084 EN Biscuit's Day at the Farm Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.4 0.5 49399 EN Biscuit's New Trick Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.0 0.5 64471 EN Biscuit's Valentine's Day Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.5 0.5 106265 Biscuit Visits the Big City EN Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.0 0.5 966 EN Biscuit Wants to Play Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 0.9 0.5 963 EN Biscuit Wins a Prize Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 0.9 0.5 900038 Black and White (MH Edition) EN Jo, Amy 2.4 0.5 8 EN Black Beauty Sewell, Anna 7.7 11.0 30528 EN Black Beauty (Great Illustrated Classics) Sewell/Laiken 5.0 2.0 117989 Black Book of Secrets, The EN Higgins, F.E. 5.9 9.0 210 EN Black Cauldron, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.2 7.0 132348 Black Circle, The EN Carman, Patrick 4.7 5.0 32519 EN Black Eagles: African Americans in Aviation Haskins, Jim 9.0 5.0 104 EN Black Pearl, The O'Dell, Scott 5.4 4.0 18756 EN Black Stallion and Flame, The Farley, Walter 6.4 6.0 10556 EN Black Stallion and Satan, The Farley, Walter 5.4 7.0 10557 EN Black Stallion and the Girl, The Farley, Walter 6.0 8.0 75018 EN Black Stallion Challenged!, The Farley, Walter 5.6 9.0 56002 EN Black Stallion Mystery, The Farley, Walter 5.5 8.0 601 EN Black Stallion Returns, The Farley, Walter 6.1 8.0 10558 EN Black Stallion's Blood Bay Colt, The Farley, Walter 6.0 12.0 45889 EN Black Stallion's Courage, The Farley, Walter 5.8 9.0 11591 EN Black Stallion's Ghost, The Farley, Walter 6.6 7.0 105 EN Black Stallion, The Farley, Walter 5.2 7.0 139496 Blast from the Past EN Cabot, Meg 5.2 6.0 18757 EN Duey/Bale 5.0 4.0 109522 Blizzard of the Blue Moon EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 122833 Blood Captain EN Somper, Justin 4.5 18.0 106127 Blood on the River: James Town 1607 Carbone, Elisa EN 5.3 7.0 126936 Blood Tide: A Never Land Book EN Barry, Dave 5.4 3.0 34713 EN Creech, Sharon 5.2 7.0 Byars, Betsy 4.1 4.0 306 EN Blossoms and the Green Phantom, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 307 EN Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady, The Byars, Betsy 4.3 4.0 Blizzard: Colorado, 1886 Bloomability 461 EN Blossom Promise, A 107065 Blown Away (Hardy Boys Undercover Dixon, Franklin W. EN Brothers) 4.4 4.0 6453 EN Blubber Blume, Judy 3.8 4.0 5306 EN Blue Bay Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2.9 2.0 104779 Blue Djinn of Babylon, The EN Kerr, P.B. 5.9 14.0 900551 Blue Door (MH Edition), The EN Holloway, Emma 5.9 0.5 900429 Blue-Faced Blues (MH Edition) EN Lakin, Patricia 3.7 0.5 103070 Blue Ghost, The EN Bauer, Marion Dane 3.2 1.0 18704 EN Blue Hill Meadows, The Rylant, Cynthia 4.6 1.0 18705 EN Blue Ribbon Blues Spinelli, Jerry 2.7 1.0 658 EN Blue Skies, French Fries Delton, Judy 3.1 1.0 106 EN Blue Sword, The McKinley, Robin 6.8 17.0 9 EN Gates, Doris 6.5 6.0 125518 BMX EN Mattern, Joanne 3.0 0.5 41658 EN Boat Alphabet Book, The Pallotta, Jerry 4.2 0.5 6657 EN Bobby Baseball Smith, Robert Kimmel 3.9 5.0 139513 Bobby the Brave (Sometimes) EN Yee, Lisa 4.3 3.0 133664 Bobby vs. Girls (Accidentally) EN Yee, Lisa 4.1 3.0 73832 EN Body Check Christopher/Hirschfeld 4.9 4.0 30503 EN Bold Journey: West with Lewis and Clark Bohner, Charles 5.5 6.0 14454 EN Bomb, The Taylor, Theodore 5.6 6.0 5652 EN Bombay Boomerang, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.7 6.0 Blue Willow 128122 Bone: Crown of Horns EN Smith, Jeff 2.4 1.0 105434 Bone: Eyes of the Storm EN Smith, Jeff 2.6 1.0 959 EN Bone For Breakfast, A Pape, Donna Lugg 2.0 0.5 9542 EN Dickinson, Peter 6.8 9.0 121741 Bone: Ghost Circles EN Smith, Jeff 2.5 1.0 116793 Bone: Old Man's Cave EN Smith, Jeff 2.7 1.0 81999 EN Smith, Jeff 2.4 1.0 114660 Bone: Rock Jaw: Master of the Eastern Smith, Jeff EN Border 2.2 1.0 110445 Bone: The Dragonslayer EN Smith, Jeff 2.6 1.0 101208 Bone: The Great Cow Race EN Smith, Jeff 2.4 1.0 124572 Bone: Treasure Hunters EN Smith, Jeff 2.9 1.0 138696 Bones EN Jenkins, Steve 5.6 0.5 79635 EN Bones and the Big Yellow Mystery Adler, David A. 2.2 0.5 86805 EN Bones and the Cupcake Mystery Adler, David A. 2.5 0.5 102206 Bones and the Dinosaur Mystery EN Adler, David A. 2.8 0.5 82418 EN Adler, David A. 2.5 0.5 117766 Book of a Thousand Days EN Hale, Shannon 5.3 9.0 6658 EN Book of Three, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.3 7.0 88384 EN Book Without Words: A Fable of Medieval Magic, The Avi 4.4 5.0 66577 EN Bookstore Valentine, The Maitland, Barbara 2.2 0.5 Bone from a Dry Sea, A Bone: Out from Boneville Bones and the Dog Gone Mystery 13856 EN Bookworm Buddies Delton, Judy 3.6 1.0 900329 Bookworm's Band (MH Edition) EN Hood, Susan 3.3 0.5 1055 EN Boom Town, (MH Edition) Levitin, Sonia 3.0 0.5 6659 EN Borrowed Children Lyon, George Ella 3.6 4.0 18758 EN Borrowers Afield, The Norton, Mary 6.4 7.0 5003 EN Borrowers Afloat, The Norton, Mary 6.0 6.0 20060 EN Borrowers Aloft, The Norton, Mary 6.0 6.0 20061 EN Borrowers Avenged, The Norton, Mary 5.3 10.0 10 EN Borrowers, The Norton, Mary 5.3 5.0 10897 EN Bound for Oregon Leeuwen, Jean Van 5.3 6.0 900542 Bound Over (MH Edition) EN Scott, Daisy 6.2 0.5 900052 Box of Bugs (MH Edition), A EN Maxwell, Clark 1.2 0.5 900593 Box of Years (MH Edition), A EN Smith, Geof 6.1 0.5 900027 Box, The EN Keremes, Constance Andrea 0.7 0.5 5301 EN Boxcar Children, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 9543 EN Boy Dahl, Roald 6.0 6.0 900275 Boy and the Water Buffalo (MH EN Edition), The Doak, Robin 3.6 0.5 11457 EN Denzel, Justin 5.2 5.0 900571 Boy of Unusual Vision (MH Edition), Steinbach, Alice EN A 4.9 0.5 105219 Boy Who Cried Wolf, The EN 2.7 0.5 Boy of the Painted Cave Hennessy, B.G. 121004 Boy Who Dared, The EN Bartoletti, Susan Campbell 4.9 5.0 70572 EN Ritter, John H. 4.4 7.0 120969 Boyfriend Trick, The EN Davis, Stephie 3.7 4.0 6018 EN Boys' War, The Murphy, Jim 7.6 3.0 86099 EN Bras & Broomsticks Mlynowski, Sarah 3.8 10.0 114306 Brave Emily EN Tripp, Valerie 4.9 2.0 10655 EN Brave Maddie Egg Standiford, Natalie 2.8 1.0 54474 EN Brave Norman Clements, Andrew 2.0 0.5 31053 EN Bravest Blacksmith, The Owens, Thomas S. 2.9 1.0 6255 EN Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto, The Standiford, Natalie 2.5 0.5 119762 Bravo, Mia! EN Yep, Laurence 5.5 4.0 900482 Breadfruit Mutiny (MH Edition), The EN Brightfield, Richard 5.9 0.5 64327 EN Break in the Chain, A d'Lacey, Chris 4.0 0.5 900505 Breaker's Bridge (MH Edition) EN Yep, Laurence 4.7 0.5 900203 Bremen Town Musicians (MH EN Edition), The Grimm, Brothers 3.5 0.5 76894 EN Brian's Hunt Paulsen, Gary 5.9 3.0 25297 EN Brian's Return Paulsen, Gary 5.5 4.0 11704 EN Brian's Winter Paulsen, Gary 5.9 5.0 42800 EN Briar's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.9 9.0 44925 EN Bride of Frankenstein Doesn't Bake Cookies, The Dadey/Jones 4.2 1.0 Boy Who Saved Baseball, The 11 EN Bridge to Terabithia Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.0 59758 EN Bright Shadow Avi 4.1 4.0 12 EN Brighty of the Grand Canyon Henry, Marguerite 5.6 7.0 125940 Brisingr EN Paolini, Christopher 7.8 45.0 119131 Broadway Dreams EN Grace, N.B. 5.0 2.0 6307 EN Broccoli Tapes, The Slepian, Jan 4.0 6.0 14753 EN Broken Blade, The Durbin, William 5.8 5.0 13 EN Bronze Bow, The Speare, Elizabeth George 5.0 10.0 124429 Brooklyn Bridge EN Hesse, Karen 4.2 6.0 5061 EN Brothers of the Heart Blos, Joan W. 6.0 6.0 52618 EN Buccaneers, The Lawrence, Iain 5.0 9.0 29554 EN Bud, Not Buddy Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.0 8.0 18706 EN Buddy: The First Seeing Eye Dog Moore, Eva 3.8 0.5 31058 EN Buffalo Before Breakfast Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 14606 EN Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express Coerr, Eleanor 2.7 0.5 900085 Bug Bath (MH Edition), The EN Miranda, Anne 1.2 0.5 357 EN Building Blocks Voigt, Cynthia 4.2 5.0 25233 EN Bull Catcher Carter, Alden R. 4.4 9.0 6606 EN Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! Fritz, Jean 6.8 4.0 5601 EN Bungalow Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 5.6 5.0 Howe, Deborah/James 4.2 2.0 254 EN Bunnicula 109452 Bunnicula Meets Edgar Allan Crow EN Howe, James 4.5 3.0 32448 EN Bunnicula Strikes Again! Howe, James 4.8 3.0 7254 EN Bunny Hop, The Slater, Teddy 1.0 0.5 135630 Bunny's Easter Egg EN Mortimer, Anne 2.5 0.5 68135 EN Buried Alive Skurzynski/Ferguson 4.8 5.0 74286 EN Buried in the Backyard Herman, Gail 2.1 0.5 900279 Buried Treasure (MH Edition) EN Burgan, Michael 3.7 0.5 106349 Burning Bridge, The EN Flanagan, John 6.3 12.0 211 EN Burning Questions of Bingo Brown, The Byars, Betsy 4.1 4.0 83001 EN Burning, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.4 6.0 88502 EN Buster Hits the Trail Brown, Marc 3.5 0.5 25213 EN Buster's Dino Dilemma Brown, Marc 3.2 1.0 1129 EN Busy Tractors, Busy Days Haskins, Lori 2.2 0.5 484 EN Busybody Nora Hurwitz, Johanna 4.1 1.0 100574 But, Excuse Me, That Is My Book EN Child, Lauren 2.6 0.5 6561 EN Butterflies (Zoobooks) Brust, Beth Wagner 5.7 0.5 26326 EN Butterfly Express Moncure, Jane Belk 2.8 0.5 76234 EN Butterfly Fever Haskins, Lori 3.2 0.5 130029 Button Up! EN Schertle, Alice 3.2 0.5 139497 Buzz Boy and Fly Guy EN Arnold, Tedd 1.3 0.5 967 EN Buzz is Part of a Bee, A Lunn, Carolyn 1.4 0.5 80155 EN Buzz's Backpack Adventure Jordan, Apple 1.3 0.5 10759 EN By the Great Horn Spoon! Fleischman, Sid 5.1 6.0 212 EN By the Shores of Silver Lake Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 9.0 79675 EN Mayer, Mercer 2.6 0.5 158 EN Cabin Faced West, The Fritz, Jean 5.1 3.0 126307 Cabinet of Wonders, The EN Rutkoski, Marie 4.9 11.0 5311 EN Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 2.0 900218 Cactus Hotel (MH Edition) EN Guiberson, Brenda Z. 4.7 0.5 14 EN Brink, Carol Ryrie 6.0 8.0 134833 Calamity Jack EN Hale, Shannon 3.2 1.0 122452 Calder Game, The EN Balliett, Blue 5.8 8.0 14994 EN Caleb's Choice Wisler, G. Clifton 4.8 5.0 53784 EN Caleb's Story MacLachlan, Patricia 2.9 2.0 5062 EN Calico Captive Speare, Elizabeth George 6.0 9.0 10267 EN California Blue Klass, David 5.0 8.0 15 EN Call It Courage Sperry, Armstrong 6.2 3.0 14136 EN Call Me Francis Tucket Paulsen, Gary 5.5 3.0 30529 EN Call of the Wild (Great Illustrated Classics), The London/Yamamoto 5.5 2.0 107 EN Call of the Wild, The London, Jack 8.0 7.0 87145 EN Callahan Cousins: Summer Begins, The Carey, Elizabeth Doyle 5.8 9.0 61035 EN Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia Parish, Herman 2.4 0.5 8512 EN Calling on Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 4.9 8.0 Bye-Bye, Mom and Dad Caboose Mystery Caddie Woodlawn 900147 Calvin's Plan (MH Edition) EN Vegas, Nadia 2.4 0.5 900025 Cam and Luck (MH Edition) EN Apple, Gary 0.8 0.5 17659 EN Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery Adler, David A. 3.7 1.0 7605 EN Cam Jansen and the...Circus Clown Adler, David A. 3.9 1.0 7606 EN Cam Jansen and the...Dinosaur Bones Adler, David A. 3.8 1.0 46454 EN Cam Jansen...Birthday Mystery Adler, David A. 3.6 1.0 18707 EN Cam Jansen...Mystery of Flight 54 Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 18708 EN Cam Jansen...Mystery...Television Dog Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 14661 EN Cam Jansen...Mystery...U.F.O. Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 18709 EN Cam Jansen...Scary Snake Mystery Adler, David A. 3.5 1.0 17665 EN Cam Jansen...Stolen Corn Popper Adler, David A. 3.8 1.0 308 EN Cam Jansen...Stolen Diamonds Adler, David A. 3.2 1.0 6562 EN Camels (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 21800 EN Camille and the Sunflowers Anholt, Laurence 3.3 0.5 405 EN Camp Ghost-Away Delton, Judy 3.1 1.0 15830 EN Camp Murphy McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 3.6 4.0 5327 EN Camp-Out Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 17667 EN Camp Sink or Swim Davis, Gibbs 3.5 1.0 900238 Can Animals Talk? (MH Edition) EN Dubowski, Mark 2.9 0.5 7607 EN Conford, Ellen 3.1 1.0 Willems, Mo 0.6 0.5 Can Do, Jenny Archer 138380 Can I Play Too? EN 900063 Can Jodie Find It? (MH Edition) EN Conrad, Ana 1.7 0.5 900404 Can We Rescue the Reefs? (MH EN Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 4.1 0.5 115153 Can You Get an F in Lunch? EN Krulik, Nancy 4.0 3.0 18710 EN Can You Keep a Secret? Petersen, P.J. 2.9 2.0 7255 EN Can You Play? Ziefert, Harriet 0.5 0.5 20014 EN Canary Caper, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 132087 Candlelight for Rebecca EN Greene, Jacqueline Dembar 4.8 2.0 5211 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.5 1.0 119123 Candy Shop War, The EN Mull, Brandon 5.0 14.0 140165 Candymakers, The EN Mass, Wendy 5.0 15.0 7361 EN Cannonball Chris Marzollo, Jean 2.5 0.5 5461 EN Caps for Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr 3.1 0.5 102334 Capt. Hook: The Adventures of a EN Notorious Youth Hart, James V. 6.8 13.0 1106 EN Captain Cat Hoff, Syd 2.2 0.5 34555 EN Captain Contest, The Christopher, Matt 3.9 1.0 34624 EN Captain Underpants and the Attack of Pilkey, Dav the Talking Toilets 4.7 1.0 35816 EN Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 Pilkey, Dav 4.7 1.0 71681 EN Captain Underpants...Booger Boy, Part Pilkey, Dav 1...Nostril Nuggets 5.2 1.0 72761 EN Captain Underpants...Booger Boy, Part Pilkey, Dav 2...Robo-Boogers 4.9 1.0 Candy Corn Contest, The 108880 Captain Underpants and the EN Preposterous...Potty People 34629 EN Captain Underpants...Invasion...Cafeteria Ladies...Outer Space Pilkey, Dav 4.4 1.0 54477 EN Captain Underpants...Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman Pilkey, Dav 4.4 1.0 Kipling, Rudyard 8.0 9.0 733 EN Captains Courageous 30530 EN Captains Courageous (Great Illustrated Kipling/Vogel Classics) 5.3 3.0 15078 EN Captive! Paulsen, Gary 3.7 1.0 70101 EN Capture, The Lasky, Kathryn 4.8 7.0 10290 EN Car, The Paulsen, Gary 4.8 6.0 18711 EN Care and Feeding of Dragons, The Seabrooke, Brenda 4.0 3.0 900414 Carlos and the Skunk (MH Edition) EN Stevens, Jan Romero 4.8 0.5 900257 Carmen's E-Mail (MH Edition) EN Segovia, Alejandro 3.4 0.5 86191 EN Carnival at Candlelight Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 63667 EN Carnivorous Carnival, The Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 462 EN Carp in the Bathtub, The Cohen, Barbara 3.9 0.5 16 EN Carry on, Mr. Bowditch Latham, Jean 4.1 8.0 15106 EN Cartoonist, The Byars, Betsy 4.2 3.0 34924 EN Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster, Preller, James The 2.9 1.0 6997 EN Case of the Baker Street Irregular, The Newman, Robert 4.5 6.0 120220 Case of the Bizarre Bouquets: An EN Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 7.4 6.0 7661 EN Case of the Cat's Meow, The Bonsall, Crosby 2.3 0.5 10656 EN Case of the Double Bumblebee Sting, Erickson, John R. The 4.8 3.0 7308 EN Case of the Double Cross, The 2.6 0.5 Bonsall, Crosby 936 EN Case of the Dumb Bells, The Bonsall, Crosby 2.8 0.5 15818 EN Yep, Laurence 5.3 6.0 136711 Case of the Gypsy Good-bye: An EN Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 7.3 5.0 7705 EN Case of the Halloween Ghost, The Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 10509 EN Case of the Hungry Stranger, The Bonsall, Crosby 2.3 0.5 18759 EN Case of the Kidnapped Collie, The Erickson, John R. 4.4 3.0 110638 Case of the Left-Handed Lady: An EN Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 7.0 7.0 10657 EN Erickson, John R. 5.5 3.0 104964 Case of the Missing Marquess: An EN Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 6.6 6.0 900361 Case of the Missing Math Teacher EN (MH Edition), The Weyn, Suzanne 4.7 0.5 34926 EN Case of the Mummy Mystery, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 7708 EN Case of the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse, The Erickson, John R. 5.1 3.0 124698 Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan: An EN Enola Holmes Mystery, The Springer, Nancy 7.3 6.0 43144 EN Case of the Raging Rottweiler, The Erickson, John R. 4.3 3.0 43145 EN Case of the Saddle House Robbery, The Erickson, John R. 4.4 3.0 34922 EN Case of the Secret Valentine, The Preller, James 2.9 1.0 112094 Case of the Sneaky Snowman EN Keene, Carolyn 3.1 1.0 34923 EN Case of the Spooky Sleepover, The Preller, James 2.8 1.0 5908 EN Case of the Stolen Baseball Cards, The Preller, James 3.1 1.0 10915 EN Case of the Swirling Killer Tornado, The 4.6 3.0 Case of the Goblin Pearls, The Case of the Midnight Rustler, The Erickson, John R. 10658 EN Case of the Vampire Cat, The Erickson, John R. 5.0 3.0 20260 EN Case of the Vampire Vacuum Sweeper, The Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 71613 EN Case of Vampire Vivian, The Knudsen, Michelle 3.1 0.5 47662 EN Castaways of the Flying Dutchman Jacques, Brian 5.4 12.0 54095 EN Castle Nix, Garth 5.7 6.0 118251 Castle Corona, The EN Creech, Sharon 5.5 6.0 160 EN Castle in the Attic, The Winthrop, Elizabeth 4.9 6.0 1058 EN DiSalvo, DyAnne 3.0 0.5 916 EN Cat and dog Minarik, Else Holmelund 1.6 0.5 77123 EN Stilton, Geronimo 3.4 1.0 213 EN Cat Ate My Gymsuit, The Danziger, Paula 3.9 4.0 9013 EN Cat in the Hat Comes Back, The Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 6107 EN Cat in the Hat, The Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 11458 EN Cat Running Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.6 7.0 1119 EN Cat the Cat Who is That? Willems, Mo 0.7 0.5 17 EN Cat Who Went to Heaven, The Coatsworth, Elizabeth 5.9 2.0 7256 EN Catch Me, Catch Me! Awdry, Rev. W. 0.7 0.5 25209 EN Catcher's Mask, The Christopher, Matt 4.2 1.0 132824 Catching Fire EN Collins, Suzanne 5.3 16.0 900502 Catching Up with Lewis and Clark EN (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 5.0 0.5 141063 Cate of the Lost Colony EN Klein, Lisa 6.1 14.0 Castle on Viola Street (MH Edition), A Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House 8693 EN Catherine, Called Birdy Cushman, Karen 6.4 8.0 101887 Catherine: The Great Journey EN Gregory, Kristiana 6.1 5.0 463 EN Catnapping Caper, The Anderson, Mary 4.1 2.0 123747 Cats of the Clans EN Hunter, Erin 6.8 2.0 5212 EN Guin, Ursula K. Le 4.3 0.5 129437 Caught in the Web EN Krulik, Nancy 4.2 3.0 900056 Cave (MH Edition), The EN Andrews, Sol 1.0 0.5 117124 Cave of the Dark Wind: A Never Land Barry, Dave EN Book 4.4 3.0 900169 Caves at Lascaux (MH Edition), The EN Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane 2.9 0.5 108 EN Cay, The Taylor, Theodore 5.3 4.0 660 EN Celery Stalks at Midnight, The Howe, James 4.0 2.0 136794 Celestial Globe, The EN Rutkoski, Marie 4.5 11.0 18 EN Centerburg Tales McCloskey, Robert 6.0 5.0 7148 EN Centerfield Ballhawk Christopher, Matt 3.7 1.0 Catwings 125530 Chains EN Anderson, Laurie Halse 5.2 11.0 255 EN Chalk Box Kid, The Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.7 1.0 89060 EN Cowley, Joy 3.0 0.5 900294 Champions of the World (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors EN 2.1 0.5 900197 Change for the Quarter (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.5 0.5 10605 EN Changes Williams, Travis 4.5 1.0 7662 EN Changes for Addy Porter, Connie 4.1 1.0 6408 EN Changes for Felicity Tripp, Valerie 4.1 1.0 Chameleon Chameleon 20698 EN Changes for Josefina 118239 Changes for Julie EN Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 McDonald, Megan 4.6 2.0 62879 EN Changes for Kaya: A Story of Courage Shaw, Janet 5.3 2.0 5407 EN Changes for Kirsten Shaw, Janet 3.9 1.0 55813 EN Changes for Kit: A Winter Story Tripp, Valerie 5.0 1.0 5408 EN Changes for Molly Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 132088 Changes for Rebecca EN Greene, Jacqueline Dembar 4.9 2.0 5409 EN Tripp, Valerie 3.9 1.0 900549 Changing Face of Archaeology (MH EN Edition), The Lawrence, Chris 5.9 0.5 20 EN Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald 4.8 5.0 5063 EN Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Dahl, Roald 4.4 5.0 900112 Charlie Anderson (MH Edition) EN Abercrombie, Barbara 2.5 0.5 115222 Charlie Bone and the Beast EN Nimmo, Jenny 4.5 9.0 Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 10.0 88697 EN Changes for Samantha 107039 Charlie Bone and the Hidden King EN Nimmo, Jenny 4.6 10.0 78185 EN Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 10.0 136982 Charlie Bone and the Red Knight EN Nimmo, Jenny 5.1 11.0 126497 Charlie Bone and the Shadow EN Nimmo, Jenny 4.9 10.0 71302 EN Charlie Bone and the Time Twister Nimmo, Jenny 4.7 9.0 19 EN Charlotte's Web White, E.B. 4.4 5.0 Meadows, Daisy 5.0 1.0 Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy 127678 Charlotte the Sunflower Fairy EN 69074 EN Charm Bracelet, The Rodda, Emily 4.3 2.0 128375 Chasing Lincoln's Killer EN Swanson, James L. 7.5 6.0 137024 Chasing Orion EN Lasky, Kathryn 4.7 10.0 86639 EN Chasing the Falconers Korman, Gordon 4.9 4.0 78186 EN Chasing Vermeer Balliett, Blue 5.4 6.0 214 EN Cheaper by the Dozen Gilbreth, Ernestine/Frank 6.0 10.0 122219 Cheat Sheet EN Krulik, Nancy 4.4 3.0 25229 EN Cheat the Moon Hermes, Patricia 4.3 5.0 86804 EN Cheese-Colored Camper, A Stilton, Geronimo 3.1 1.0 6563 EN Cheetahs (Zoobooks) Wood/Jenson 5.4 0.5 941 EN Chester Hoff, Syd 1.9 0.5 11861 EN Lewis, Beverly 2.7 1.0 110400 Chickens to the Rescue EN Himmelman, John 1.7 0.5 102936 Chicks and Salsa EN Reynolds, Aaron 4.5 0.5 900135 Chief's Daughter and the Hunting Dog Wallace, Peter EN (MH Edition), The 2.8 0.5 358 EN Child of the Owl Yep, Laurence 5.5 10.0 900580 Child of the Owl (MH Edition) EN Yep, Laurence 4.4 0.5 139688 Children Make Terrible Pets EN Brown, Peter 1.8 0.5 5064 EN Children of Green Knowe, The Boston, Lucy M. 5.3 6.0 6660 EN Children of the Dust Bowl Stanley, Jerry 6.8 2.0 Billingsley, Franny 4.4 13.0 Chicken Pox Panic, The 142570 Chime EN 6564 EN Chimpanzees and Bonobos (Zoobooks) Elwood, Ann 5.1 0.5 56937 EN Chinese New Year Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 3.8 1.0 123690 Chipper's Crazy Carnival EN Rand, Johnathan 3.5 1.0 149855 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again EN Boyce, Frank Cottrell 4.5 6.0 115606 Chloe the Topaz Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 3.9 1.0 256 EN Chocolate Touch, The Catling, Patrick 4.7 2.0 28283 EN Ritter, John H. 4.2 5.0 257 EN Christina's Ghost Wright, Betty Ren 4.1 3.0 935 EN Christmas Carol, A Dickens, Charles 6.0 6.0 58025 EN Christmas in Camelot Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 11163 EN Christmas in the Big Woods Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3.8 0.5 133851 Christmas Magic, The EN Thompson, Lauren 3.6 0.5 43747 EN Christmas Rat, The Avi 3.7 3.0 39799 EN Christmas Stories Wilder/Henson 3.9 1.0 7608 EN Christmas Witch, The Kellogg, Steven 4.6 0.5 6109 EN Chrysanthemum Henkes, Kevin 3.3 0.5 110219 Cinderella Ballet Mystery, The EN Keene, Carolyn 3.9 1.0 51023 EN Cinderella Skeleton San Souci, Robert D. 5.2 0.5 36466 EN Cinderellis and the Glass Hill Levine, Gail Carson 4.3 2.0 52588 EN Circle of Fire Coleman, Evelyn 4.7 5.0 Boyd, Candy Dawson 4.0 3.0 Choosing Up Sides 309 EN Circle of Gold 77382 EN Circles in the Stream Roberts, Rachel 3.9 4.0 900586 Circuit (MH Edition), The EN Jiménez, Francisco 4.4 0.5 900212 City Green (MH Edition) EN DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne 3.5 0.5 900163 City Horse (MH Edition), A EN Cicero, Anna 3.3 0.5 900606 City in Space (MH Edition) EN Marquette, Win 7.2 0.5 69274 EN City of Ember, The DuPrau, Jeanne 5.0 9.0 6661 EN City of Gold and Lead, The Christopher, John 6.5 8.0 59046 EN City of the Rats Rodda, Emily 5.1 4.0 44894 EN Civil War on Sunday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.4 1.0 7309 EN Clara and the Bookwagon Levinson, Nancy Smiler 2.2 0.5 116563 Clarice Bean, Don't Look Now EN Child, Lauren 5.4 6.0 48762 EN Clarice Bean, Guess Who's Babysitting? Child, Lauren 3.6 0.5 87480 EN Clarice Bean Spells Trouble Child, Lauren 5.3 4.0 28878 EN Clarice Bean, That's Me Child, Lauren 3.2 0.5 900171 Class 2-Much Makes Money (MH EN Edition) Vegas, Nadia 2.9 0.5 310 EN Class Clown Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 2.0 406 EN Class President Hurwitz, Johanna 4.3 2.0 990 EN Class Trip Mercer, Mayer 1.9 0.5 900555 Class Trip (MH Edition) EN Dunn, Kira 6.2 0.5 6502 EN Claudia and Mean Janine Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 6507 EN Claudia and the New Girl Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 6508 EN Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 6509 EN Claudia and the Sad Good-bye Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 900506 Cleaning Up America's Air (MH EN Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 5.4 0.5 24565 EN Miller, Dorothy Reynolds 4.6 4.0 108873 Clementine EN Pennypacker, Sara 4.5 2.0 138134 Clementine, Friend of the Week EN Pennypacker, Sara 4.2 2.0 121948 Clementine's Letter EN Pennypacker, Sara 4.0 2.0 900570 Cleopatra's Lost Palace (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 4.5 0.5 32238 EN Gregory, Kristiana 6.2 6.0 900251 Clever Jackal (MH Edition), The EN Lasky, Christine 3.0 0.5 70290 EN Clever Lollipop King-Smith, Dick 4.9 2.0 1011 EN Click, Clack Moo, Cows that Type Cronin, Doreen 2.3 0.5 119053 Clifford Makes a Splash EN Lee, Quinlan B. 1.5 0.5 7257 EN Clifford's Christmas Bridwell, Norman 1.9 0.5 70785 EN Clifford's Class Trip Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 17516 EN Clifford's First Halloween Bridwell, Norman 1.9 0.5 10460 EN Clifford's Halloween Bridwell, Norman 1.8 0.5 9567 EN Clifford's Manners Bridwell, Norman 1.9 0.5 7258 EN Clifford's Puppy Days Bridwell, Norman 1.9 0.5 7259 EN Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 Clearing: A Mystery, The Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile 59502 EN Clifford's Valentines Bridwell, Norman 0.8 0.5 10512 EN Clifford the Firehouse Dog Bridwell, Norman 2.0 0.5 901 EN Clifford the Small Red Puppy Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 7609 EN Shannon, George 3.3 0.5 101476 Cloak for Swallow, A EN Faundez, Anne 2.7 0.5 18531 EN Pullman, Philip 5.7 2.0 140350 Clockwork Three, The EN Kirby, Matthew J. 4.5 15.0 142991 Cloudy with a Chance of Boys EN McDonald, Megan 3.2 4.0 900207 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs EN (MH Edition) Barrett, Judi 4.3 0.5 5602 EN Clue in the Crossword Cipher, The Keene, Carolyn 5.6 6.0 5603 EN Clue in the Crumbling Wall, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 5604 EN Clue in the Diary, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 5653 EN Clue in the Embers, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 5606 EN Clue in the Old Album, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 5609 EN Clue of the Broken Locket, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 5610 EN Clue of the Dancing Puppet, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 5611 EN Clue of the Leaning Chimney, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 5612 EN Clue of the Tapping Heels, The Keene, Carolyn 4.9 5.0 5614 EN Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes, The Keene, Carolyn 5.8 6.0 9547 EN Coach That Never Came, The Beatty, Patricia 4.6 6.0 Climbing Kansas Mountains Clockwork or All Wound Up 1098 EN Coal Badge Battle West, Tracey 2.3 0.5 42429 EN Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary of Anetka Kaminska, A Bartoletti, Susan Campbell 5.5 6.0 112567 Cobra King of Kathmandu, The EN Kerr, P.B. 5.8 14.0 51921 EN Stanley, George Edward 3.5 1.0 101282 Code Orange EN Cooney, Caroline B. 6.2 8.0 18712 EN Cody's Secret Admirer Duffey, Betsy 3.3 1.0 7665 EN Coffin on a Case Bunting, Eve 3.7 2.0 407 EN Cold and Hot Winter, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4.4 3.0 55318 EN Colin and the Curly Claw Fearnley, Jan 2.7 0.5 64329 EN Colly's Barn Morpurgo, Michael 3.8 0.5 26339 EN Color Clown Comes to Town, A Moncure, Jane Belk 1.7 0.5 49248 EN Color of His Own, A Lionni, Leo 2.3 0.5 2201 EN Colorful Kites Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.3 1.0 7310 EN Come Back, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 8408 EN Come Back, Salmon Cone, Molly 5.6 1.0 49776 EN Come What May Brooke, Lauren 4.5 5.0 11560 EN Comeback Challenge, The Christopher, Matt 5.1 4.0 25259 EN Comets, Meteors, and Asteroids Simon, Seymour 6.4 0.5 113367 Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars: EN Space Poems and Paintings Florian, Douglas 3.1 0.5 900334 Comic Relief (MH Edition) EN Gleason, Katherine 3.4 0.5 Cobweb Confession, The 43733 EN Coming Home Brooke, Lauren 4.3 4.0 108274 Coming of Dragons, The EN Lake, A.J. 5.6 9.0 108288 Coming of Hoole, The EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.2 6.0 19937 EN Commander Toad and the Intergalactic Yolen, Jane Spy 3.4 0.5 19939 EN Commander Toad and the Planet of the Grapes Yolen, Jane 3.8 0.5 28482 EN Commander Toad and the Voyage Home Yolen, Jane 3.6 0.5 900448 Communicating with the Deaf (MH EN Edition) Bosman, Oliver 5.9 0.5 311 EN Computer Nut, The Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 86349 EN Confessions of a Closet Catholic Littman, Sarah 5.5 7.0 527 EN Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A Twain, Mark 9.2 21.0 137746 Conspiracy of Kings, A EN Turner, Megan Whalen 6.6 13.0 1054 EN Cook-A-Doodle-Doo! Janet, Stevens. 2.3 0.5 5969 EN Cookcamp, The Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 101477 Cookie Crumbs EN Moses, Brian 3.8 0.5 1060 EN Hillert, Margaret 1.3 0.5 408 EN Cookies and Crutches Delton, Judy 3.0 1.0 48321 EN Cool as Ice Mantell, Paul 4.4 4.0 43554 EN Cool Crazy Crickets, The Elliott, David 2.6 0.5 74664 EN Cool Ghoul Mystery, The Levy, Elizabeth 3.4 1.0 131755 Cool Snowboarders EN Sandler, Michael 4.7 0.5 11459 EN Keene, Carolyn 5.2 6.0 Cookie House, The Copper Canyon Conspiracy 60645 EN Coraline Gaiman, Neil 5.1 5.0 5464 EN Corduroy Freeman, Don 3.5 0.5 Hennessy, B.G. 3.0 0.5 107686 Cornelia and the Audacious Escapades Blume, Lesley M.M. EN of the Somerset Sisters 5.5 9.0 63410 EN Martin, Ann M. 4.5 6.0 464 EN Cory Coleman, Grade 2 Brimner, Larry Dane 2.9 1.0 135015 Cosmic EN Boyce, Frank Cottrell 4.5 9.0 30531 EN Count of Monte Cristo (Great Illustrated Classics), The Dumas/Yamamoto 5.6 3.0 15804 EN Countdown Mikaelsen, Ben 4.6 8.0 7610 EN Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, The Heyward, Du Bose 4.5 0.5 906 EN Country Mouse and City Mouse McKissack, Patricia & Fredrick 1.9 0.5 122591 Couple of Boys Have the Best Week EN Ever, A Frazee, Marla 3.4 0.5 6355 EN Courage at Indian Deep Thomas, Jane Resh 5.6 4.0 21 EN Courage of Sarah Noble, The Dalgliesh, Alice 3.9 1.0 6662 EN Court of the Stone Children, The Cameron, Eleanor 6.1 8.0 6663 EN Cousins Hamilton, Virginia 3.7 4.0 6909 EN Coverup Bennett, Jay 2.8 3.0 900010 Cow That Went Oink (MH Edition), EN The Most, Bernard 2.0 0.5 1083 EN Cowboy and Octopus Smith, Jon Scieszka and 2.2 Lane 0.5 70877 EN Cowboy Boy Proimos, James 4.0 1.0 84512 EN Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa Silverman, Erica 2.3 0.5 109412 Corduroy Lost and Found EN Corner of the Universe, A 112901 Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: School Days Silverman, Erica EN 2.3 0.5 900136 Coyotes Rule! (MH Edition) EN Cardigan, H.H. 2.3 0.5 27540 EN Lewis, Beverly 2.7 1.0 215 EN Cracker Jackson Byars, Betsy 4.2 4.0 6664 EN Crane's Rebound Jackson, Alison 4.3 3.0 14993 EN Crash Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 4.0 11862 EN Crazy Christmas Angel Mystery, The Lewis, Beverly 3.1 1.0 132287 Crazy Day at the Critter Café, A EN Odanaka, Barbara 2.6 0.5 141774 Crazy Day with Cobras, A EN Osborne, Mary Pope 4.0 2.0 10270 EN Crazy Weekend Soto, Gary 4.6 4.0 20062 EN Creature of Black Water Lake, The Paulsen, Gary 4.0 1.0 900603 Creatures of the Deep (MH Edition) EN McCoy, David 6.4 0.5 55670 EN Creepy Computer Mystery, The Levy, Elizabeth 3.3 0.5 80287 EN Creepy Condors of California Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 900473 Creepy Shipwreck Stories (MH EN Edition) Spirn, Michele 5.6 0.5 27545 EN Creepy Sleep-Over, The Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 22 EN Cricket in Times Square, The Selden, George 4.9 4.0 108313 Crispin: At the Edge of the World EN Avi 4.8 7.0 58513 EN Avi 5.0 7.0 137465 Crispin: The End of Time EN Avi 4.8 7.0 101361 Criss Cross EN Perkins, Lynne Rae 5.5 7.0 Crabby Cat Caper, The Crispin: The Cross of Lead 133870 Crocodile Tears EN Horowitz, Anthony 5.4 14.0 116562 Crooked Kind of Perfect, A EN Urban, Linda 3.9 4.0 118772 Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy EN Carter, Ally 6.1 9.0 27690 EN Peacock, Louise 5.4 1.0 900515 Crossings (MH Edition) EN Miranda, Anne 5.3 0.5 133616 Crow Call EN Lowry, Lois 3.8 0.5 76666 EN Bredsdorff, Bodil 5.2 4.0 900364 Crown Jewels (MH Edition), The EN Fontes, Justine Korman 5.4 0.5 75826 EN Crushing on a Capulet: Romeo and Juliet Abbott, Tony 3.8 4.0 23848 EN Cry of the Cat Stine, R.L. 3.1 2.0 84012 EN Cryptid Hunters Smith, Roland 4.9 11.0 10281 EN Crystal Drop, The Hughes, Monica 4.3 7.0 63433 EN Crystal Mask Roberts, Katherine 5.4 12.0 112061 Cupid Chronicles, The EN Paratore, Coleen Murtagh 3.8 5.0 10659 EN Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 5509 EN Curious George Rey, H.A. 2.6 0.5 73007 EN Curious George and the Birthday Surprise Rey, Margret 2.5 0.5 36641 EN Curious George and the Dump Truck Rey, Margret 2.9 0.5 42146 EN Curious George and the Hot Air Balloon Rey, Margret 3.2 0.5 41853 EN Curious George and the Puppies Rey, Margret 3.0 0.5 Crossing the Delaware Crow-Girl: The Children of Crow Cove, The 41854 EN Curious George Feeds the Animals Rey, Margret 3.3 0.5 409 EN Curious George Flies a Kite Rey, Margret 2.7 0.5 7611 EN Curious George Gets a Medal Rey, H.A. 4.1 0.5 36642 EN Curious George Goes Camping Rey, Margret 2.9 0.5 27521 EN Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory Rey, Margret 3.5 0.5 1113 EN Curious George Goes to a Costume Party Rey, Margaret and H.A. 2.8 0.5 40190 EN Curious George Goes to a Movie Rey, Margret 3.4 0.5 52861 EN Curious George in the Big City Rey, Margret 2.6 0.5 41855 EN Curious George in the Snow Rey, Margret 3.0 0.5 27520 EN Curious George Makes Pancakes Rey, Margret 3.3 0.5 42148 EN Curious George's Dream Rey, Margret 2.5 0.5 67819 EN Curious George Takes a Train Rey, Margret 2.5 0.5 67820 EN Curious George Visits a Toy Store Rey, Margret 2.6 0.5 73008 EN Curious George Visits the Library Rey, Margret 2.9 0.5 109770 Curse of the Bane EN Delaney, Joseph 5.7 12.0 117266 Curse of the Campfire Weenies, and EN other Warped...Tales, The Lubar, David 3.8 5.0 77131 EN Stilton, Geronimo 3.7 1.0 139286 Curse of the Connecticut Coyotes EN Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 7709 EN Curse of the Incredible Priceless Corncob, The Erickson, John R. 4.9 3.0 20063 EN Curse of the Ruins Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 Curse of the Cheese Pyramid, The 138713 Curse of the Were-Wiener EN Vernon, Ursula 4.2 2.0 114759 Curtain Went up, My Pants Fell down, Winkler, Henry EN The 4.8 4.0 45702 EN Daja's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.7 8.0 14865 EN Dakota Spring Love, Dorothy Anne 3.6 2.0 900422 Dan's Time (MH Edition) EN Blackaby, Susan 4.5 0.5 11166 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3.7 0.5 900188 Dance the Flamenco (MH Edition) EN Epstein, Elaine 3.1 0.5 18713 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.4 1.0 900430 Dancers in the Spotlight (MH Edition) Dreyer, Ellen EN 4.7 0.5 1012 EN Wyeth, Sharon 2.1 0.5 101888 Dancing Through Fire EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.0 5.0 1067 EN Dandelions: Stars in the Grass Posada, Mia 2.6 0.5 14798 EN Danger at the Fair Kehret, Peg 4.7 5.0 11460 EN Danger Down Under Keene, Carolyn 5.3 7.0 20682 EN Danger in the Extreme Dixon, Franklin W. 4.6 4.0 15079 EN Danger on Midnight River Paulsen, Gary 3.7 1.0 78841 EN Danger! Wizard at Work McMullan, Kate 3.4 1.0 14298 EN Danger Zone Klass, David 5.2 9.0 75439 EN Dangerous Dolls of Delaware Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 78940 EN Dangerous Path, A Hunter, Erin 5.9 12.0 Dance at Grandpa's Dance with Rosie Dancing as a Team 11461 EN Dangerous Promise, A Nixon, Joan Lowery 6.0 7.0 23 EN Daniel Boone Daugherty, James 7.7 4.0 7362 EN Daniel's Duck Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.0 0.5 900595 Danielle's Black Belt (MH Edition) EN Hershkowitz, Debra P. 5.0 0.5 127679 Danielle the Daisy Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.9 1.0 134896 Danni the Drum Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.7 1.0 926 EN Danny and the Dinosaur Hoff, Syd 2.5 0.5 909 EN Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp Hoff, Syd 1.8 0.5 5007 EN Dahl, Roald 4.7 6.0 465 EN Daphne's Book Hahn, Mary Downing 4.2 6.0 18760 EN Vail, Rachel 4.2 3.0 121639 Dark Day in the Deep Sea EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 136997 Dark Fire EN d'Lacey, Chris 5.2 14.0 86676 EN Carman, Patrick 6.1 10.0 109 EN Dark Is Rising, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 13.0 136705 Dark Life EN Falls, Kat 4.8 9.0 119907 Dark River EN Hunter, Erin 4.3 10.0 10203 EN Dark Stairs, The Byars, Betsy 3.9 3.0 82929 EN Darkest Hour, The Hunter, Erin 6.3 12.0 Shusterman, Neal 5.4 11.0 145596 Darth Paper Strikes Back: An Origami Angleberger, Tom EN Yoda Book 4.6 3.0 130822 Dash EN 3.0 0.5 Danny, the Champion of the World Daring to Be Abigail Dark Hills Divide, The 113392 Darkness Creeping: Twenty Twisted EN Tales Mills, Elizabeth 133861 Daughters of the Sea: Hannah EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 8.0 7260 EN David and the Giant Little, Emily 1.5 0.5 36596 EN David Goes to School Shannon, David 0.9 0.5 994 EN David's New Friends - MH Edition Mora, Pat 1.9 0.5 103835 Dawn EN Hunter, Erin 5.1 11.0 6511 EN Dawn and the Impossible Three Martin, Ann M. 3.9 4.0 19362 EN Dawn and the Surfer Ghost Martin, Ann M. 4.7 4.0 6513 EN Dawn on the Coast Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 41445 EN Day I Was Rich, The Cosby, Bill 2.9 0.5 55281 EN Day It Rained Hearts, The Bond, Felicia 3.2 0.5 900445 Day My Grandpa Voted (MH Edition), Otfinoski, Steven EN The 4.7 0.5 359 EN Day No Pigs Would Die, A Peck, Robert Newton 4.4 4.0 89180 EN Day of the Bad Haircut, The Moore, Eva 1.9 0.5 18714 EN Day of the Blizzard Moskin, Marietta 4.0 1.0 20015 EN Day of the Dragon King Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 74145 EN Day of the Iguana Winkler, Henry 4.1 4.0 41882 EN Day the Dog Said, "Cock-a-DoodleDoo!", The McPhail, David 1.8 0.5 1105 EN Day the Sheep Showed Up, The McPhail, David 1.5 0.5 20064 EN Daydreamer, The McEwan, Ian 5.4 4.0 6061 EN Days with Frog and Toad Lobel, Arnold 2.5 0.5 70330 EN Dazzling Diggers Mitton, Tony 2.6 0.5 140003 Dead Beautiful EN Woon, Yvonne 5.1 16.0 15816 EN Dead Letter: A Herculeah Jones Mystery Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 11462 EN Dead on Arrival Keene, Carolyn 4.5 6.0 5751 EN Dead on Target Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 4.0 20016 EN Deadly Dungeon, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 20065 EN Deadly Stranger Kehret, Peg 4.8 5.0 44281 EN Deadly Waters Skurzynski/Ferguson 5.4 5.0 5917 EN Dealing with Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 5.5 8.0 32561 EN Dear Austin: Letters from the Underground Railroad Woodruff, Elvira 5.2 3.0 900181 Dear Diary (MH Edition) EN Epstein, Elaine 2.8 0.5 900432 Dear Diary (MH Edition) EN Hood, Susan 4.8 0.5 1008 EN Dear Juno - MH Edition Pak, Soyung 3.2 0.5 11463 EN Dear Levi: Letters from the Overland Trail Woodruff, Elvira 5.3 3.0 934 EN Dear Little Fish Dahan, Andre' 2.2 0.5 24 EN Cleary, Beverly 4.9 3.0 900496 Dear Mr. Henshaw (MH Edition) EN Cleary, Beverly 4.7 0.5 15817 EN Byars, Betsy 3.7 3.0 900062 Debbie's Good Night Pals (MH EN Edition) Argente, Jeanne 2.1 0.5 5065 EN December Rose, The Garfield, Leon 6.3 9.0 20066 EN Deceptions Weiss, Bobbi/David 6.6 4.0 6665 EN DeDe Takes Charge! Hurwitz, Johanna 4.3 3.0 Dear Mr. Henshaw Death's Door: A Herculeah Jones Mystery 9605 EN Deep Trouble Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 11167 EN Deer in the Wood, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3.2 0.5 10255 EN Deer Stand, The Monson, A.M. 3.8 5.0 9970 EN Defenders of the Universe Kelleher, D.V. 3.9 2.0 32492 EN Defenders, The McGovern, Ann 5.6 3.0 109374 Demons of the Ocean EN Somper, Justin 5.1 10.0 54957 EN LaHaye, Tim F. 5.9 14.0 107300 Detective Camp EN Roy, Ron 4.0 2.0 19917 EN Betancourt, Jeanne 3.4 1.0 120434 Detroit Pistons EN Frisch, Aaron 2.9 0.5 133604 Dewey: There's a Cat in the Library! EN Myron, Vicki 2.8 0.5 55319 EN Dexter's Journey D'Lacey, Chris 2.2 0.5 23305 EN Dial-a-Ghost Ibbotson, Eva 5.8 6.0 134091 Diamond EN Weyn, Suzanne 3.2 0.5 6310 EN Christopher, Matt 4.5 2.0 125598 Diamond of Darkhold, The EN DuPrau, Jeanne 5.2 10.0 88561 EN Codell, Esmé Raji 4.9 5.0 116574 Diary of a Fly EN Cronin, Doreen 3.2 0.5 101233 Diary of a Spider EN Cronin, Doreen 2.5 0.5 113950 Diary of a Wimpy Kid EN Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne Detective Pony Diamond Champs, The Diary of a Fairy Godmother 147741 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever EN Kinney, Jeff 5.8 3.0 133167 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days EN Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 119441 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Kinney, Jeff EN 5.2 3.0 127979 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Kinney, Jeff EN 5.4 3.0 140879 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly EN Truth Kinney, Jeff 5.5 3.0 72276 EN Cronin, Doreen 2.8 0.5 530 EN Diary of a Young Girl, The Frank, Anne 6.5 14.0 110 EN Dicey's Song Voigt, Cynthia 5.0 11.0 Caudill, Rebecca 3.9 2.0 900425 Diego's Sea Adventure (MH Edition) EN Spirn, Michelle 4.3 0.5 900054 Dig for Clams (MH Edition) EN Oliver, Paula 1.1 0.5 1048 EN Sayre, April Pulley 2.1 0.5 938 EN Digging-est Dog, The Perkins, Al 2.6 0.5 900497 Digging Up the Past (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 4.1 0.5 108252 Digory the Dragon Slayer EN McAllister, Angela 5.5 2.0 10247 EN Dinah in Love Mills, Claudia 4.9 5.0 35832 EN Dingoes at Dinnertime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.2 1.0 7261 EN Dinosaur Babies Penner, Lucille Recht 2.1 0.5 7365 EN Dinosaur Days Milton, Joyce 2.6 0.5 20690 EN Dinosaur Dinners Davis, Lee 2.4 0.5 7262 EN Dinosaur Garden Donnelly, Liza 0.7 0.5 312 EN Diary of a Worm Did You Carry the Flag Today, Charley? Dig, Wait, Listen - MH Edition 1117 EN Dinosaur Hunt Catrow, David 1.0 0.5 10660 EN Dinosaur Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 3.0 32371 EN Dinosaur That Followed Me Home, The Coville, Bruce 4.2 3.0 82319 EN Dinosaur Time Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 7263 EN Dinosaur Who Lived in My Backyard, Hennessy, B.G. The 2.7 0.5 57569 EN Dinosaurs: A Nonfiction Companion to Dinosaurs Before Dark Osborne, Will/Mary 5.0 1.0 6311 EN Dinosaurs Before Dark Osborne, Mary Pope 2.6 1.0 55728 EN Dinosaurs Destroy Detroit Rand, Johnathan 4.5 3.0 900274 Dinosaurs Lived Here (MH Edition) EN Putterman, Rona 3.8 0.5 6565 EN Dinosaurs (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.6 0.5 17768 EN Dipper of Copper Creek George, Jean C./John 6.2 7.0 216 EN Dirt Bike Racer Christopher, Matt 4.0 4.0 20069 EN Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 900379 Discovering the Secrets of Nature EN (MH Edition) Brightfield, Richard 5.9 0.5 26641 EN Discovery, The Applegate, K.A. 3.8 4.0 69278 EN Dive Book One: The Discovery Korman, Gordon 5.5 4.0 71239 EN Dive Book Three: The Danger Korman, Gordon 5.3 4.0 69834 EN Dive Book Two: The Deep Korman, Gordon 5.6 4.0 70139 EN Divide, The Kay, Elizabeth 5.3 11.0 Lambeth, Ellen 4.3 0.5 Disappearing Acts 900301 Do Animals Think? (MH Edition) EN 107553 Do Dolphins Really Smile? EN Driscoll, Laura 2.7 0.5 59497 EN Doctor Like Papa, A Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie 4.2 1.0 7711 EN Does Third Grade Last Forever? Schanback, Mindy 3.3 2.0 114233 Dog and Bear: Two Friends, Three EN Stories Seeger, Laura Vaccaro 1.3 0.5 32679 EN Dog Days Rodowsky, Colby 4.9 3.0 75506 EN Dog Days Lubar, David 3.8 1.0 13768 EN Dog Friday McKay, Hilary 5.0 5.0 1078 EN Dog Needs a Bone, A Wood, Audrey 1.7 0.5 101885 Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a EN Stray, A Martin, Ann M. 5.1 5.0 102989 Dog Sense EN Collard, Sneed B. 4.4 6.0 140247 Doggy Day Care EN Stern, AJ 4.6 2.0 116212 Dogku EN Clements, Andrew 1.1 0.5 18761 EN Sachar, Louis 3.8 5.0 145430 Dogs in the Dead of Night EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 360 EN Dogsong Paulsen, Gary 5.2 5.0 41789 EN Doll People, The Martin/Godwin 4.0 5.0 3996 EN Dollar for Penny, A Glass, Julie 1.4 0.5 258 EN Dollhouse Murders, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.3 5.0 61038 EN Clements, Andrew 2.2 0.5 950 EN Dolphin Morris, Robert A. 2.5 0.5 43781 EN Grover, Wayne 5.4 1.0 Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Dolores and the Big Fire Dolphin Adventure: A True Story 73009 EN Dolphins and Sharks...Companion to Dolphins at Daybreak Osborne/Boyce 5.1 1.0 17563 EN Dolphins at Daybreak Osborne, Mary Pope 3.1 1.0 900166 Dolphins (MH Edition) EN Adams, Barbara 3.9 0.5 900333 Dolphins (MH Edition) EN Hogan, Mary 4.5 0.5 6566 EN Brust, Beth Wagner 5.5 0.5 900286 Don't Believe It! (MH Edition) EN Dubowski, Mark 4.4 0.5 466 EN Don't Call Me Toad! Shura, Mary Francis 4.9 3.0 900127 Don't Float in Blue Jam (MH Edition) Feury, Dan EN 2.2 0.5 132213 Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover EN Carter, Ally 5.8 9.0 72788 EN Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Willems, Mo 0.9 0.5 972 EN Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! Willems, Mo 1.0 0.5 86170 EN Klein, Abby 3.2 1.0 900348 Don't Throw That Plastic Bottle Away Donev, Stef EN (MH Edition) 5.0 0.5 109621 Dooby Dooby Moo EN Cronin, Doreen 3.1 0.5 133621 Doom Machine, The EN Teague, Mark 4.5 13.0 20070 EN Doomsday Ship, The Whitman, John 4.6 4.0 25 EN Door in the Wall, The deAngeli, Marguerite 6.2 4.0 28791 EN Doorbell Rang, The Hutchins, Pat 1.9 0.5 900149 Dora and the Un-Club (MH Edition) EN Linde, Barbara 2.5 0.5 132957 Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-SoEN Fabulous Life Russell, Rachel Renée 5.4 5.0 1045 EN Walsh, Ellen Stoll 2.1 0.5 Dolphins & Porpoises (Zoobooks) Don't Sit on My Lunch! Dot and Jabber - MH Edition 11864 EN Double Dabble Surprise, The Lewis, Beverly 2.9 1.0 61267 EN Double Fudge Blume, Judy 3.6 5.0 7264 EN Double-Header Herman, Gail 1.5 0.5 900339 Doubles (MH Edition) EN Hollander, Cass 4.5 0.5 900070 Down by the Bay (MH Edition) EN Udave, Consuelo 2.9 0.5 80373 EN Nolan, Lucy 2.9 1.0 975 EN Down in the Woods Smee, Nicola 2.0 0.5 9016 EN Dr. Seuss's ABC Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 10689 EN Dracula Doesn't Drink Lemonade Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 78549 EN Dragon: Hound of Honor Edwards/Hamilton 5.8 5.0 88562 EN Dragon Keeper Wilkinson, Carole 5.4 12.0 73398 EN Dragon of Doom, The Coville, Bruce 3.3 1.0 44066 EN Dragon of Lonely Island, The Rupp, Rebecca 5.0 4.0 107297 Dragon of Never-Was, The EN Downer, Ann 6.4 11.0 113579 Dragon of the Red Dawn EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 900234 Dragon Parade (MH Edition) EN Pittaluga, Matthew 3.0 0.5 82162 EN Dragon Rider Funke, Cornelia 4.9 16.0 6666 EN Dragon's Boy, The Yolen, Jane 5.8 3.0 75911 EN Dragon's Breath Baker, E.D. 5.3 10.0 Steer, Dugald A. 5.6 7.0 Down Girl and Sit: Smarter than Squirrels 110905 Dragon's Eye: The Dragonology EN Chronicles, The 124146 Dragon's Lair, The EN Haydon, Elizabeth 5.4 12.0 6019 EN Dragon's Milk Fletcher, Susan 4.5 8.0 83013 EN Dragon's Nest Rodda, Emily 5.4 5.0 64330 EN Dragon Trouble Lively, Penelope 4.4 0.5 130875 Dragonbreath EN Vernon, Ursula 4.3 1.0 12769 EN Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 105750 Dragons Don't Throw Snowballs EN Dadey, Debbie 3.8 1.0 117940 Dragonsdale EN Drake, Salamanda 5.7 8.0 14879 EN Coville, Bruce 4.6 3.0 111 EN Dragonwings Yep, Laurence 5.3 10.0 907 EN Drat the Dragon McInnes, John 2.7 0.5 59047 EN Dread Mountain Rodda, Emily 5.1 4.0 71266 EN Dream Thief Abbott, Tony 3.8 2.0 900213 Dream Wolf (MH Edition) EN Goble, Paul 3.2 0.5 105197 Dreamhunter: Book One of the EN Dreamhunter Duet Knox, Elizabeth 5.9 16.0 106879 Dreams Come True EN Chapman, Linda 4.1 1.0 18762 EN Dreams in the Golden Country: The Diary of Zipporah Feldman... e Lasky, Kathryn 4.5 4.0 9513 EN Drift Mayne, William 5.2 7.0 259 EN Drinking Gourd, The Monjo, F.N. 3.0 0.5 42151 EN Drip, Drop Weeks, Sarah 1.3 0.5 1086 EN Duck at the Door Urbanovic, Jackie 2.0 0.5 Dragons Don't Cook Pizza Dragonslayers, The 77201 EN Duck for President Cronin, Doreen 3.9 0.5 1128 EN Duck! Rabbit! Rosenthal, Amy Krouse 1.4 0.5 1092 EN Duck Soup Urbanovic, Jackie 2.4 0.5 121871 Ducks Don't Wear Socks EN Nedwidek, John 1.7 0.5 6567 EN Wexo, John Bonnett 5.6 0.5 120416 Dulcie's Taste of Magic EN Herman, Gail 3.2 1.0 114484 Dusted and Busted! The Science of EN Fingerprinting Beres, D.B. 5.2 1.0 41389 EN "E" Is for Elisa Hurwitz, Johanna 4.0 1.0 85982 EN Each Little Bird That Sings Wiles, Deborah 4.5 6.0 78075 EN Eagle Strike Horowitz, Anthony 5.1 10.0 6568 EN Eagles (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 54162 EN Early Sunday Morning: The Pearl Harbor Diary of Amber Billows Denenberg, Barry 5.6 3.0 900374 EARS to the Rescue (MH Edition) EN Lakin, Patricia 4.7 0.5 80524 EN Nobleman, Marc Tyler 3.6 0.5 900401 Earth's First Creatures (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.9 0.5 51896 EN Earthquake in the Early Morning Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 18763 EN Earthquake: San Francisco, 1906 Duey/Bale 4.6 4.0 114637 Earthseed EN Sargent, Pamela 4.4 10.0 69968 EN Easter Cub, The Fontes, Justine Korman 2.7 0.5 75988 EN Easter Egg Disaster Ruelle, Karen Gray 2.6 0.5 Ducks, Geese & Swans (Zoobooks) Earth Day 1116 EN Easter Egg, The 77266 EN Eat My Dust! Henry Ford's First Race Kulling, Monica Brett, Jan 3.4 0.5 2.3 0.5 313 EN Eating Ice Cream with a Werewolf Green, Phyllis 3.4 2.0 9981 EN Choi, Sook Nyul 5.7 5.0 126399 Eclipse EN Hunter, Erin 4.3 10.0 26 EN Eddie and Gardenia Haywood, Carolyn 3.8 3.0 27 EN Eddie and the Fire Engine Haywood, Carolyn 4.2 3.0 28 EN Eddie's Green Thumb Haywood, Carolyn 3.7 3.0 82774 EN Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Madness Poe, Edgar Allan 8.8 2.0 5755 EN Edge of Destruction Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 4.0 51788 EN Edge on the Sword, The Tingle, Rebecca 6.6 11.0 13859 EN Eggs with Legs Delton, Judy 3.8 1.0 217 EN Egypt Game, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.4 7.0 6020 EN Marino, Jan 4.1 5.0 260 EN Einstein Anderson, Science Sleuth Simon, Seymour 4.4 2.0 89884 EN Eldest Paolini, Christopher 7.0 36.0 64748 EN Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine Gregory, Kristiana 5.7 5.0 900556 Eleanor Roosevelt (MH Edition) EN Neder, Bill E. 6.7 0.5 1074 EN Lewison, Wendy Cheyette 0.9 0.5 117768 Elephant Run EN Smith, Roland 5.0 10.0 24524 EN Cosson, M.J. 3.2 0.5 Sinetos, Lorraine 4.4 0.5 Echoes of the White Giraffe Eighty-Eight Steps to September Eleanor's Enormous Ears Elephant's Ancestors, The 900267 Elephant Story (MH Edition) EN 1115 EN Elephants Cannot Dance Willems, Mo 1.2 0.5 6569 EN Elephants (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.7 0.5 120111 Eleven EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.1 4.0 2194 EN Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.0 0.5 Eli: A Black Bear 117751 Elijah of Buxton EN Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.4 12.0 68060 EN Denenberg, Barry 7.4 3.0 Dover, Laurel 5.3 0.5 Elisabeth: The Princess Bride 900457 Elisabetta Sirani, Artist (MH Edition) EN 32239 EN Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Lasky, Kathryn Tudor 5.5 6.0 17769 EN Ella Enchanted Levine, Gail Carson 4.6 8.0 134897 Ellie the Guitar Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.5 1.0 129431 Elska EN Hapka, Catherine 4.4 1.0 143205 Emerald Atlas, The EN Stephens, John 4.9 15.0 53957 EN Baum, L. Frank 7.5 9.0 137894 Emily's Fortune EN Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.2 3.0 115607 Emily the Emerald Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.2 1.0 119118 Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Kessler, Liz EN Mist 4.3 6.0 107134 Emily Windsnap and the Monster from Kessler, Liz EN the Deep 3.7 6.0 136866 Emily Windsnap and the Siren's Secret Kessler, Liz EN 4.0 8.0 7265 EN Emma Kesselman, Wendy 2.9 0.5 43667 EN Emma's Magic Winter Little, Jean 2.5 0.5 Emerald City of Oz, The 72398 EN Emma's Strange Pet Little, Jean 2.0 0.5 141510 Emma the Easter Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 3.6 1.0 16711 EN Austen, Jane 9.3 30.0 129306 Emmaline and the Bunny EN Hannigan, Katherine 3.1 1.0 118263 Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking EN Rat Jonell, Lynne 4.7 9.0 143757 Emperor of Nihon-Ja, The EN Flanagan, John 6.2 19.0 136780 Emperor's Code, The EN Korman, Gordon 5.3 6.0 24939 EN Empty Envelope, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 10661 EN Ency. Brown...Dead Eagles Sobol, Donald J. 4.3 1.0 18716 EN Ency. Brown...Midnight Visitor Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 18715 EN Ency. Brown...Pablo's Nose Sobol, Donald J. 4.1 1.0 10664 EN Ency. Brown's Book of Strange but True Crimes Sobol, Donald/Rose 5.3 3.0 18717 EN Ency. Brown Saves the Day Sobol, Donald J. 3.9 1.0 10662 EN Ency. Brown...Secret Pitch Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 2.0 18718 EN Ency. Brown Sets the Pace Sobol, Donald J. 4.6 1.0 32015 EN Ency. Brown...Slippery Salamander Sobol, Donald J. 4.8 2.0 10663 EN Ency. Brown Takes the Case Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 14666 EN Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers Sobol, Donald J. 4.0 1.0 40626 EN Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Treasure Hunt Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 5415 EN Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective Sobol, Donald J. 4.1 1.0 Emma (Unabridged) 7716 EN Encyclopedia Brown Finds the Clues Sobol, Donald J. 4.3 2.0 7718 EN Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way Sobol, Donald J. 3.9 1.0 81646 EN End of the Beginning...Small Snail (and an Even Smaller Ant), The Avi 3.8 1.0 110253 End, The EN Snicket, Lemony 7.3 9.0 112103 End, The EN LaRochelle, David 3.5 0.5 6570 EN Endangered Animals (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.0 0.5 28441 EN Ender's Game Card, Orson Scott 5.5 16.0 32282 EN Ender's Shadow Card, Orson Scott 5.9 22.0 361 EN Endless Steppe, The Hautzig, Esther 6.3 10.0 52589 EN Enemy in the Fort Buckey, Sarah Masters 4.6 5.0 83805 EN Enna Burning Hale, Shannon 5.5 12.0 609 EN Enormous Egg, The Butterworth, Oliver 5.0 6.0 42576 EN Applegate, K.A. 4.5 4.0 143503 Entwined EN Dixon, Heather 5.0 14.0 74404 EN Paolini, Christopher 5.6 25.0 135070 Erak's Ransom EN Flanagan, John 6.1 17.0 41390 EN Ereth's Birthday Avi 4.7 5.0 46103 EN Ersatz Elevator, The Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 10268 EN Escape from Exile Levy, Robert 4.0 6.0 109061 Escape from the Carnivale: A Never EN Land Adventure Barry, Dave 5.0 3.0 5266 EN Serraillier, Ian 5.5 6.0 Enter the Enchanted Eragon Escape from Warsaw 18965 EN Escape, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 4.0 44286 EN Esperanza Rising Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.3 6.0 362 EN Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito, The Garrigue, Shelia 4.2 5.0 118057 Eulalia! EN Jacques, Brian 6.0 18.0 125558 Eve of the Emperor Penguin EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 63434 EN Everest Book One: The Contest Korman, Gordon 5.1 4.0 63435 EN Everest Book Three: The Summit Korman, Gordon 5.2 4.0 63436 EN Everest Book Two: The Climb Korman, Gordon 5.2 4.0 5066 EN Everlasting Hills, The Hunt, Irene 6.1 9.0 6264 EN Every Dog Has His Day Erickson, John R. 4.9 3.0 900141 Everybody's Happy (MH Edition) EN Cicero, Anna 2.7 0.5 900264 Everyone Always Complains About EN the Weather (MH Edition) Vega, Truman 3.6 0.5 133937 Everything for a Dog EN Martin, Ann M. 5.4 7.0 48071 EN Everything on a Waffle Horvath, Polly 5.8 5.0 18764 EN Evie Peach: St. Louis, 1857 Duey, Kathleen 4.8 4.0 84222 EN Evil Elves, The Coville, Bruce 3.8 1.0 130075 Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, The EN Kelly, Jacqueline 5.3 12.0 120567 Exile EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 900578 Exploring the Titanic (MH Edition) EN Ballard, Robert D. 5.9 0.5 131449 Exploring Titanic: An Isabel Soto EN History Adventure Biskup, Agnieszka 4.4 0.5 130571 Extra Credit EN Clements, Andrew 5.3 5.0 10665 EN Hanel, Wolfram 4.0 0.5 119699 Extras EN Westerfeld, Scott 5.1 12.0 87245 EN Dixon, Franklin W. 4.0 4.0 900434 Eye of the Hurricane (MH Edition), EN The Brightfield, Richard 4.7 0.5 24525 EN Eye on Ancient Egypt Owens, L.L. 3.2 0.5 25290 EN Eye on Crime Dixon, Franklin W. 4.9 4.0 134052 Eyeball Collector, The EN Higgins, F.E. 6.6 8.0 113529 Fablehaven EN Mull, Brandon 4.8 11.0 122328 Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow EN Plague Mull, Brandon 5.6 17.0 115046 Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star EN Mull, Brandon 5.0 15.0 130013 Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon EN Sanctuary Mull, Brandon 5.1 19.0 3.5 1.0 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 4.0 900170 Face of the West (MH Edition), The EN Aronson, Billy 2.9 0.5 137293 Fading Echoes EN Hunter, Erin 4.4 9.0 113396 Faerie Path, The EN Jones, Frewin 5.0 11.0 736 EN Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray 5.2 7.0 53562 EN Peck, Richard 4.7 4.0 Levine, Gail Carson 4.1 8.0 Extraordinary Adventures of an Ordinary Hat, The Extreme Danger 83159 EN Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo, A Stilton, Geronimo 9470 EN Face in the Bessledorf Funeral Parlor Fair Weather 109084 Fairest EN 141853 Fairies and the Quest for Never Land EN Levine, Gail Carson 4.0 5.0 100619 Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg EN Levine, Gail Carson 4.2 4.0 118697 Fairy Haven and the Quest for the EN Wand Levine, Gail Carson 3.9 4.0 41121 EN Fairy's Mistake, The Levine, Gail Carson 4.0 1.0 63668 EN Fairy's Return, The Levine, Gail Carson 3.8 1.0 130928 Faith, Hope, and Ivy June EN Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.8 9.0 25211 EN Falcon's Feathers, The Roy, Ron 3.3 1.0 13811 EN Falcons Nest on Skyscrapers Jenkins, Priscilla Belz 4.2 0.5 900036 Fall is Fun! (MH Edition) EN Archer, Ron 1.6 0.5 144483 Fall Mixed Up EN Raczka, Bob 1.6 0.5 54104 EN Fall, The Nix, Garth 5.9 6.0 11716 EN Fallen Angels Myers, Walter Dean 4.2 11.0 135335 Falling In EN Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.3 6.0 77113 EN False Notes Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 42584 EN Familiar, The Applegate, K.A. 4.0 3.0 900222 Family Game (MH Edition), The EN Vega, Truman 2.4 0.5 467 EN Family under the Bridge, The Carlson, Natalie 4.7 3.0 139507 Fancy EN Earhart, Kristin 3.2 0.5 103067 Fancy Nancy EN O'Connor, Jane 2.1 0.5 121234 Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris EN O'Connor, Jane 1.9 0.5 115026 Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy EN O'Connor, Jane 2.0 0.5 143327 Fancy Nancy: Aspiring Artist EN O'Connor, Jane 3.4 0.5 121148 Fancy Nancy at the Museum EN O'Connor, Jane 1.8 0.5 1093 EN O'Connor, Jane 2.1 0.5 130287 Fancy Nancy: Explorer Extraordinaire! O'Connor, Jane EN 3.1 0.5 138488 Fancy Nancy: Ooh La La! It's Beauty EN Day O'Connor, Jane 3.6 0.5 136741 Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire! EN O’Connor, Jane 3.1 0.5 123269 Fancy Nancy's Favorite Fancy Words: O'Connor, Jane EN From Accessories to Zany 3.2 0.5 126508 Fancy Nancy Sees Stars EN O'Connor, Jane 1.9 0.5 130288 Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Book EN Report O'Connor, Jane 2.1 0.5 Fantastic Flights: One Hundred Years O'Brien, Patrick of Flying on the Edge 6.0 1.0 74608 EN Fancy Nancy Bonjour Butterfly 102513 Fantastic Flying Bicycle, The EN Rand, Johnathan 3.4 1.0 1104 EN Fantastic Frogs! Robinson, Fay 2.1 0.5 5011 EN Fantastic Mr. Fox Dahl, Roald 4.1 1.0 17813 EN Far North Hobbs, Will 5.3 9.0 113193 Far-Out Science Projects About EN Earth's Sun and Moon Gardner, Robert 4.3 1.0 25230 EN Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 3.0 363 EN Farewell to Manzanar Houston, Jeanne 6.7 7.0 999 EN Farfallina & Marcel - MH Edition Keller, Holly 3.0 0.5 112 EN Farmer Boy Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.2 9.0 900137 Farmer Brown's Birthday Surprise EN (MH Edition) Julius, Jennifer 2.9 0.5 Faraway Summer 7311 EN Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.1 0.5 124236 Fawn and the Mysterious Trickster EN Driscoll, Laura 3.5 1.0 11464 EN Fear Place, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 5.0 75441 EN Feast of Fools Crowley, Bridget 4.9 8.0 6414 EN Felicity Learns a Lesson Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 34681 EN Felicity's New Sister Tripp, Valerie 4.4 0.5 6416 EN Felicity's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 4.5 1.0 6415 EN Felicity Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 4.5 1.0 127107 Felicity the Friday Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.3 1.0 2458 EN Buller, Jon 3.2 0.5 737 EN Fellowship of the Ring, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.1 29.0 139518 Fences Between Us: The Diary of EN Piper Davis, The Larson, Kirby 5.0 8.0 123708 Fencing for Fun! EN Slade, Suzanne 6.1 1.0 88937 EN Fern the Green Fairy Meadows, Daisy 3.6 1.0 900111 Fernando's Gift (MH Edition) EN Keister, Douglas 3.5 0.5 Wallace, Bill 4.4 4.0 136800 Fever Crumb EN Reeve, Philip 6.7 13.0 27539 EN Fiddlesticks Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 70127 EN Field Guide, The DiTerlizzi/Black 4.2 1.0 900610 Fight for Women's Suffrage (MH EN Edition), The Pernick, Alice 7.5 0.5 566 EN Fighting Ground, The Avi 4.2 4.0 261 EN Father Bear Comes Home Felix and the 400 Frogs Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge 5659 EN Figure in Hiding, A Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 8911 EN Figure in the Shadows, The Bellairs, John 4.8 5.0 136091 Finally EN Mass, Wendy 4.6 9.0 64331 EN Fine Feathered Friend Gavin, Jamila 4.7 1.0 53195 EN Fine, Fine School, A Creech, Sharon 3.3 0.5 6999 EN Fine White Dust, A Rylant, Cynthia 4.2 3.0 136092 Fiona the Flute Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.4 1.0 108474 Fira and the Full Moon EN Herman, Gail 3.3 1.0 70122 EN Fire and Ice Hunter, Erin 5.4 11.0 10259 EN Fire Bug Connection, The George, Jean Craighead 4.6 4.0 921 EN Fire Cat, The Averill, Esther 2.6 0.5 18765 EN Duey/Bale 5.0 4.0 100793 Fire Dogs EN Latham, Donna 4.6 0.5 122984 Fire Eternal, The EN d'Lacey, Chris 4.8 12.0 137747 Fire in the Sky EN Hunter, Erin 5.0 9.0 6667 EN Gee, Maurice 4.0 6.0 111259 Fire Star EN d'Lacey, Chris 4.8 12.0 148256 Fire, The EN Patterson, James 5.7 10.0 87157 EN D'Lacey, Chris 4.1 7.0 d'Lacey, Chris 4.9 15.0 Fire: Chicago, 1871 Fire-Raiser, The Fire Within, The 143878 Fire World EN 138248 Firehouse! EN Teague, Mark 1.5 0.5 118241 Firestar's Quest EN Hunter, Erin 5.5 19.0 20067 EN Firestorm DeWeese, Gene 5.8 5.0 23667 EN Firework-Maker's Daughter, The Pullman, Philip 5.3 2.0 105860 First Collier, The EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.5 6.0 1007 EN Danneberg, Julie 2.4 0.5 900338 First Emperor and the Great Wall (MH Vega, Truman EN Edition), The 4.5 0.5 900130 First Food: A South American Folktale Justin, Gale EN (MH Edition) 3.3 0.5 5012 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.8 4.0 102107 First Pajama Party: Slumberrific Six, EN The Epstein, Robin 3.6 1.0 7369 EN First Thanksgiving, The Hayward, Linda 2.9 0.5 5219 EN Fish Face Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.7 1.0 83275 EN Fishy Tales Lock, Deborah 1.4 0.5 13860 EN Fishy Wishes Delton, Judy 3.8 1.0 Raffi 1.8 0.5 First Day Jitters - MH Edition First Four Years, The 900004 Five Little Ducks (MH Edition) EN 113 EN Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Sidney, Margaret 7.9 13.0 7216 EN Five Silly Fishermen Edwards, Roberta 1.5 0.5 50150 EN Five Smooth Stones: Hope's Diary Gregory, Kristiana 4.4 2.0 2198 EN Flames of Freedom Owens, Thomas S. 3.2 1.0 13392 EN Flat Stanley Brown, Jeff 4.0 1.0 114 EN Fledgling, The Langton, Jane 5.0 6.0 900492 Flight of Kites (MH Edition), The EN Coleman, Evelyn 5.9 0.5 76338 EN Flight of the Genie Abbott, Tony 3.6 2.0 20071 EN Flight of the Hawk Paulsen, Gary 4.3 2.0 LaFevers, R.L. 4.2 3.0 900442 Flight of the Trumpeters (MH Edition) Norby, Lisa EN 5.3 0.5 900470 Flight Plan (MH Edition) EN Blackaby, Susan 5.7 0.5 146506 Flint Heart, The EN Paterson, John 6.4 5.0 10244 EN Flip-Flop Girl Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.0 53684 EN Flipped Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.8 8.0 108964 Floating Island, The EN Haydon, Elizabeth 5.7 15.0 18766 EN Flood: Mississippi, 1927 Duey/Bale 5.2 4.0 73501 EN Florida Fog Phantoms Rand, Johnathan 3.4 2.0 69075 EN Flower Fairies, The Rodda, Emily 4.2 2.0 62241 EN Fluffy Meets the Dinosaurs McMullan, Kate 2.7 0.5 64103 EN Fluffy's Spring Vacation McMullan, Kate 2.2 0.5 62247 EN Fluffy's Valentine's Day McMullan, Kate 2.2 0.5 101038 Flush EN Hiaasen, Carl 5.0 9.0 105950 Fly by Night EN Hardinge, Frances 7.1 19.0 135780 Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl! EN Arnold, Tedd 1.4 0.5 132418 Flight of the Phoenix EN 145162 Fly Guy vs. the Flyswatter! EN Arnold, Tedd 2.1 0.5 122340 Fly High, Fly Guy! EN Arnold, Tedd 1.4 0.5 113228 Flying Bed, The EN Willard, Nancy 5.0 1.0 32172 EN Wallace, Bill/Carol 3.5 2.0 107135 Flying High EN Chapman, Linda 4.0 1.0 105651 Flyte EN Sage, Angie 6.0 16.0 468 EN Fog Magic Sauer, Julia 6.1 4.0 55320 EN Donaldson, Julia 2.4 0.5 900611 Following the Buffalo (MH Edition) EN Rao, Jessica 6.7 0.5 9018 EN Foot Book, The Seuss, Dr. 0.6 0.5 63658 EN For Biddle's Sake Levine, Gail Carson 4.4 2.0 900325 For Jamal (MH Edition) EN deMauro, Lisa 4.1 0.5 110615 For the Love of Bowling EN Cruikshank, Don 4.9 0.5 940 EN Forest of Dreams Wells, Rosemary 2.1 0.5 73953 EN Forest of Secrets Hunter, Erin 5.8 11.0 59064 EN Forests of Silence, The Rodda, Emily 5.0 4.0 148120 Forgotten Warrior, The EN Hunter, Erin 5.2 11.0 900105 Fossils Tell of Long Ago (MH EN Edition) Aliki 3.6 0.5 20072 EN Costello, Emily 4.1 4.0 121302 Found EN Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.0 9.0 137821 Found EN Prineas, Sarah 4.9 7.0 Flying Flea, Callie, and Me, The Follow the Swallow Foul Play 9361 EN Four Good Friends Hillert, Margaret 0.7 0.5 77124 EN Four Mice Deep in the Jungle Stilton, Geronimo 3.1 1.0 7312 EN Four on the Shore Marshall, Edward 2.3 0.5 Hunter, Erin 5.4 11.0 314 EN Fourth Floor...Skyscraper Parade, The Adler, David A. 3.3 1.0 11465 EN Fourth Grade is a Jinx McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.4 4.0 6361 EN Fourth Grade Rats Spinelli, Jerry 2.6 2.0 900402 Fox and the Guinea Pig (MH Edition), Newman, Mary Ann EN The 4.1 0.5 900359 Fox Hunts at Fox Hills (MH Edition), Searl, Duncan EN The 4.9 0.5 9019 EN Fox in Socks Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 7313 EN Fox on the Job Marshall, James 2.0 0.5 218 EN Fox Steals Home, The Christopher, Matt 4.5 4.0 7266 EN Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night, The Spier, Peter 2.7 0.5 57602 EN Fragile Flag, The Langton, Jane 5.4 8.0 11171 EN Fraidy Cats Krensky, Stephen 2.0 0.5 138136 Framed EN Korman, Gordon 5.2 6.0 108316 Framed EN Boyce, Frank Cottrell 4.2 9.0 86243 EN Benton, Jim 4.5 1.0 111144 Fran with Four Brains, The EN Benton, Jim 4.9 1.0 125147 Frandidate, The EN Benton, Jim 5.3 1.0 10666 EN Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 134469 Fourth Apprentice, The EN Fran That Time Forgot, The Frankenstein Doesn't Plant Petunias 35401 EN Frankenstein Doesn't Slam Hockey Pucks Dadey/Jones 4.0 1.0 30533 EN Frankenstein (Great Illustrated Classics) Shelley/Vogel 6.1 3.0 Rex, Adam 4.0 0.5 130816 Frankie Pickle and the Closet of Doom Wight, Eric EN 3.5 1.0 900424 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (MH EN Edition) Clerk, Jessica 4.9 0.5 900287 Franklin in Paris (MH Edition) EN Hudson, Ellie Mae 5.0 0.5 140209 Frankly, Frannie EN Stern, AJ 4.5 2.0 103805 Frantastic Voyage EN Benton, Jim 4.8 1.0 5331 EN Freak the Mighty/The Mighty Philbrick, Rodman 5.5 5.0 5067 EN Freaky Friday Rodgers, Mary 4.4 4.0 130458 Freaky Monday EN Rodgers, Mary 4.7 5.0 262 EN Freckle Juice Blume, Judy 3.1 0.5 119502 Freckleface Strawberry EN Moore, Julianne 2.1 0.5 25228 EN Porter, Gene Stratton 6.3 13.0 931 EN Freckles & Willie Cuyler, Margery 2.0 0.5 102508 Freddie's Dog Walking Service EN Rand, Johnathan 3.1 1.0 7267 EN Freddie's Spaghetti Doyle, Charlotte 1.1 0.5 2392 EN Free to Learn Owens, Thomas S. 2.8 1.0 900179 Freedom Cat (MH Edition) EN Cardigan, H.H. 2.9 0.5 6668 EN Freedom Songs Moore, Yvette 4.6 6.0 34983 EN Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman Sterling, Dorothy 6.2 6.0 107241 Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich EN Freckles 32206 EN Frenchtown Summer Cormier, Robert 6.4 1.0 932 EN Frida's Office Day Lewis, Thomas P. 2.7 0.5 364 EN Friedrich Richter, Hans Peter 4.7 5.0 900018 Friend for Little Bear (MH Edition), A Horse, Harry EN 2.2 0.5 85402 EN Whelan, Gloria 3.6 0.5 900384 Friends at Sea (MH Edition) EN Burgan, Michael 5.9 0.5 315 EN Friendship, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.1 1.0 120175 Fright Before Christmas, The EN Howe, James 2.8 0.5 2114 EN Frightful's Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4.7 8.0 16637 EN Frindle Clements, Andrew 5.4 2.0 912 EN Frog and Toad All Year Lobel, Arnold 2.6 0.5 913 EN Frog and Toad are Friends Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 5467 EN Frog and Toad Together Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 78745 EN Frog in a Bog Himmelman, John 2.2 0.5 11865 EN Frog Power Lewis, Beverly 2.9 1.0 6065 EN Frog Prince Continued, The Scieszka, Jon 3.2 0.5 68474 EN Frog Princess, The Baker, E.D. 4.8 7.0 15805 EN Froggy Goes to School London, Jonathan 2.4 0.5 109808 Froggy Plays T-Ball EN London, Jonathan 2.1 0.5 19844 EN London, Jonathan 2.6 0.5 131573 Frogs and Toads All Sang, The EN Lobel, Arnold 3.0 0.5 900599 From Caves to Cavalry (MH Edition) EN Miranda, Anne 6.3 0.5 Friend on Freedom River Froggy's First Kiss 900426 From Dust to Hope (MH Edition) EN Donev, Mary Kaiser 4.6 0.5 900475 From Roman Roads to Railroad EN Tracks (MH Edition) Donev, Stef 6.3 0.5 Konigsburg, E.L. 4.7 5.0 147655 Frost Wolf EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.4 7.0 1044 EN Fruit is a suitcase for Seeds - MH Edition, A Richards, Jean 2.3 0.5 88919 EN Fugitive Factor, The Korman, Gordon 5.1 4.0 9363 EN Fun Days Hillert, Margaret 0.9 0.5 1003 EN Fun Kids' Band - MH Edition, The Miranda, Anne 0.9 0.5 900035 Fun Run (MH Edition) EN Patrick, Rachel 1.4 0.5 129865 Funny Farm EN Teague, Mark 1.5 0.5 1127 EN Funny Lunch Catrow, David 1.3 0.5 7724 EN Further Adventures of Hank the Cowdog Erickson, John R. 4.4 3.0 900021 Gab and Sam (MH Edition) EN Blackaby, Susan 0.5 0.5 133941 Gabriella the Snow Kingdom Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 219 EN Gaffer Samson's Luck Walsh, Jill Paton 4.7 4.0 108618 Galactic Crisis! EN Windham, Ryder 7.0 1.0 900460 Galapagos Islands (MH Edition), The EN Apple, Gary 5.5 0.5 900371 Galloping Gaucho (MH Edition) EN Donev, Mary Kaiser 4.4 0.5 113493 Game 1 EN Bildner, Phil 4.5 2.0 220 EN Gammage Cup, The Kendall, Carol 5.9 8.0 900557 Gandhi (MH Edition) EN Dobeck, Maryann 6.6 0.5 29 EN From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler 20681 EN Gaps in Stone Walls Neufeld, John 5.8 7.0 14668 EN Gargoyles Don't Drive School Buses Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 55730 EN Gargoyles of Gaylord Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 74986 EN Gatehouse Mystery, The Campbell, Julie 4.6 8.0 44063 EN Gathering Blue Lowry, Lois 5.0 7.0 221 EN Gathering of Days, A Blos, Joan W. 6.7 5.0 30 EN Mukerji, Dhan Gopal 6.5 6.0 135413 Gecko & Sticky: Sinister Substitute, EN The Van Draanen, Wendelin 5.4 4.0 10667 EN Genies Don't Ride Bicycles Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 5759 EN Genius Thieves, The Dixon, Franklin W. 4.7 5.0 222 EN Gentle Ben Morey, Walt 4.8 8.0 13753 EN Hahn, Mary Downing 5.5 7.0 900522 George Balanchine (MH Edition) EN Adams, Seth 5.8 0.5 15077 EN Lawlor, Laurie 4.4 5.0 130762 George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt EN Hawking, Lucy 6.1 8.0 10776 EN Dahl, Roald 4.0 2.0 Hawking, Lucy 5.6 8.0 900327 George Washington and the American Gold, Becky EN Revolution (MH Edition) 3.8 0.5 83262 EN George Washington and the General's Murphy, Frank Dog 2.5 0.5 75828 EN George Washington, Spymaster...Revolutionary War Allen, Thomas B. 7.9 4.0 Meadows, Daisy 5.0 1.0 Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon Gentleman Outlaw and Me, Eli: A Story of the Old West, The George on His Own George's Marvelous Medicine 120781 George's Secret Key to the Universe EN 122267 Georgia the Guinea Pig Fairy EN 7268 EN Geraldine's Blanket Keller, Holly 1.7 0.5 121761 Geronimo and the Gold Medal EN Mystery Stilton, Geronimo 5.1 1.0 127909 Geronimo's Valentine EN Stilton, Geronimo 3.8 1.0 123673 Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent EN Stilton, Geronimo 3.6 1.0 24907 EN Haskins, Jim 7.7 4.0 930 EN Get Well, Good Night Thomas, Shelby Moore 2.5 0.5 1089 EN Get Well, Pikachu West, Tracey 3.7 0.5 263 EN Getting Something on Maggie Marmelstein Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 4.2 2.0 53435 EN Ghost and Mrs. Hobbs, The DeFelice, Cynthia 4.9 5.0 11172 EN Ghost and Pete Dodds, Dayle Ann 1.8 0.5 6516 EN Ghost at Dawn's House, The Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 9606 EN Ghost Beach Stine, R.L. 3.4 3.0 20113 EN Ghost Canoe Hobbs, Will 5.9 8.0 18767 EN Ghost Cave Steiner, Barbara 4.3 6.0 89269 EN Ghost Children, The Bunting, Eve 3.9 5.0 44288 EN Ghost Horses Skurzynski/Ferguson 5.5 5.0 28295 EN Ghost in Room 11, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.0 2.0 9634 EN Ghost in the Mirror, The Bellairs, John 5.3 6.0 20073 EN Ghost in the Third Row, The Coville, Bruce 4.9 4.0 7314 EN Ghost Named Fred, A Benchley, Nathaniel 2.4 0.5 Get on Board: The Story of the Underground Railroad 32137 EN Ghost of Captain Briggs, The Labatt, Mary 3.2 2.0 10668 EN Ghost of Popcorn Hill, The Wright, Betty Ren 3.5 1.0 82273 EN Ghost of Sir Herbert Dungeonstone, The McMullan, Kate 3.4 1.0 900129 Ghost on the Train (MH Edition), The North, Emily EN 2.4 0.5 139440 Ghost Tale for Christmas Time, A EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.6 2.0 17566 EN Ghost Town at Sundown Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 32726 EN Ghost Town Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 32158 EN Ghost Trap: A Wild Willie Mystery Joosse, Barbara M. 3.2 1.0 942 EN Ghost with the Halloween Hiccups, The Mooser, Stephen 2.0 0.5 20074 EN Ghost Wore Gray, The Coville, Bruce 4.7 5.0 108875 Ghosthunters and the Incredibly EN Revolting Ghost Funke, Cornelia Caroline 4.4 2.0 10669 EN Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips Dadey/Jones 3.4 1.0 5068 EN Ghosts I Have Been Peck, Richard 5.7 9.0 82901 EN Ghosts of the Civil War Harness, Cheryl 4.9 1.0 87179 EN Ghouls Gone Wild Stine, R.L. 3.0 3.0 900190 Giant Foam Sea Creatures (MH EN Edition) Bains, Brad 3.7 0.5 104500 Giant Lizards EN Clarke, Ginjer L. 3.8 0.5 6571 EN Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 125592 Giant Problem, A EN DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.3 2.0 25056 EN Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.3 9.0 Giant Pandas (Zoobooks) Gib Rides Home 18450 EN Gift Horse Levin, Betty 4.7 5.0 141560 Gift, The EN Patterson, James 5.2 9.0 58465 EN Cronin, Doreen 2.3 0.5 100077 Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator EN Allison, Jennifer 6.5 10.0 116584 Gilda Joyce: The Ghost Sonata EN Allison, Jennifer 6.5 12.0 107136 Gilda Joyce: The Ladies of the Lake EN Allison, Jennifer 6.3 12.0 31 EN Ginger Pye Estes, Eleanor 6.0 9.0 9265 EN Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, The Dahl, Roald 4.7 1.0 113434 Giraffes EN Zumbusch, Amelie von 1.7 0.5 6572 EN Wexo, John Bonnett 5.0 0.5 223 EN Girl Called Al, A Greene, Constance C. 3.8 3.0 14669 EN Girl Named Helen Keller, A Lundell, Margo 2.5 0.5 20075 EN Girl Who Ate Chicken Feet, The Richardson, Sandy 5.3 6.0 32208 EN Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow: The Diary of Sarah Nita, The Turner, Ann 5.1 5.0 122797 Girl Who Could Fly, The EN Forester, Victoria 6.0 11.0 5069 EN Girl Who Owned a City, The Nelson, O.T. 4.7 7.0 18768 EN Girl with the Silver Eyes, The Roberts, Willo Davis 5.3 7.0 2199 EN Give Me Liberty Helmer, Diana Star 2.8 1.0 8568 EN Giver, The Lowry, Lois 5.7 7.0 5469 EN Giving Tree, The Silverstein, Shel 2.6 0.5 18719 EN Glass Slipper for Rosie, A Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.0 1.0 Giggle, Giggle, Quack Giraffes (Zoobooks) 116575 Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal: A EN Worldwide Cinderella Fleischman, Paul 4.4 0.5 53954 EN Baum, L. Frank 7.9 7.0 136285 Glitter Girls and the Great Fake Out EN Cabot, Meg 5.0 5.0 900539 Gloria (MH Edition) EN Rosen, Daniel 5.3 0.5 Glinda of Oz 77820 EN Glorious Appearing: The End of Days LaHaye, Tim F. 6.7 16.0 69245 EN Glory Lynn, Jodi 5.5 7.0 900398 Gluskabe and the Snow Bird (MH EN Edition) Bruchac, Joseph 3.7 0.5 923 EN Go Away Dog Nodset, Joan L. 1.8 0.5 45962 EN Eastman, P.D. 1.2 0.5 111307 God Gave Us Christmas EN Bergren, Lisa Tawn 2.7 0.5 53535 EN Bergren, Lisa Tawn 2.1 0.5 124078 God Made It for You! The Story of EN Creation Lehmann, Charles 3.0 0.5 45240 EN Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 900419 Going Back Home (MH Edition) EN Igus, Toyomi 5.2 0.5 900199 Going Batty for Bats (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.7 0.5 125559 Going, Going, Gone! with the Pain EN and the Great One Blume, Judy 3.0 1.0 20076 EN Going Solo Dahl, Roald 6.1 9.0 32163 EN Going through the Gate Anderson, Janet S. 4.6 4.0 127095 Going to the Firehouse EN Mayer, Mercer 1.1 0.5 11173 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3.7 0.5 Go, Dog. Go! God Gave Us You Goggles! Going to Town 41423 EN Going West Wilder/MacBride 3.6 0.5 170 EN Gold Cadillac, The Taylor, Mildred D. 4.1 1.0 900413 Gold Coin (MH Edition), The EN Ada, Alma Flor 3.9 0.5 15085 EN Golden Compass, The Pullman, Philip 7.1 19.0 6669 EN Golden Days, The Radley, Gail 4.4 4.0 116710 Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio, The Alexander, Lloyd EN 4.6 9.0 20316 EN Golden Goblet, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 6.3 11.0 9366 EN Golden Goose, The Hillert, Margaret 0.8 0.5 20077 EN Golden Key, The MacDonald, George 5.3 2.0 141271 Golden Retriever EN George, Charles 3.2 0.5 114312 Golden Tree, The EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.5 6.0 57720 EN Dealey, Erin 2.2 0.5 113660 Goldie the Sunshine Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.4 1.0 131084 Goldilicious EN Kann, Victoria 3.2 0.5 82165 EN Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 24.0 224 EN Gone-Away Lake Enright, Elizabeth 5.3 7.0 900360 Good Buddy (MH Edition) EN Burgan, Michael 4.8 0.5 78967 EN Good Dog! Balaban, Bob 5.2 3.0 52623 EN Good Dog, The Avi 3.7 5.0 1090 EN Good for Me and You Mayer, Mercer 2.5 0.5 Yee, Lisa 4.7 3.0 Goldie Locks Has Chicken Pox Golem's Eye, The 142939 Good Job, Kanani EN 900041 Good Life (MH Edition), The EN Williams, April 1.7 0.5 32 EN Seredy, Kate 4.4 5.0 115900 Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices EN from a Medieval Village Schlitz, Laura Amy 5.6 2.0 7269 EN Good Morning, Chick Ginsburg, Mirra 2.2 0.5 61516 EN Good Morning, Gorillas Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 922 EN Good Morning, Lady DeLage 1.9 0.5 7315 EN Kraus, Robert 2.7 0.5 131643 Good Night for Ghosts, A EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.6 2.0 39566 EN Good Night, Good Knight Thomas, Shelley Moore 2.1 0.5 25053 EN Good Wives Alcott, Louisa May 8.8 18.0 988 EN Goodnight, Little Critter Mayer, Mercer 1.4 0.5 87416 EN Gooney Bird and the Room Mother Lowry, Lois 3.8 2.0 65304 EN Gooney Bird Greene Lowry, Lois 3.9 2.0 1065 EN Goose on the Loose Rogers, Jacqueline 1.9 0.5 28321 EN Goose's Gold, The Roy, Ron 3.3 1.0 1031 EN Goose's Story (MH Edition) Best, Cari 2.7 0.5 15080 EN Gorgon Slayer, The Paulsen, Gary 4.3 1.0 6573 EN Gorillas (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.9 0.5 105737 Gossamer EN Lowry, Lois 4.4 4.0 40592 EN Gotta Go! Gotta Go! Swope, Sam 2.6 0.5 10253 EN Grab Hands and Run Temple, Frances 4.0 4.0 Good Master, The Good Morning, Miss Gator 89144 EN Grace's Twist Morgan, Melissa J. 4.3 5.0 42819 EN Graduation of Jake Moon, The Park, Barbara 4.5 4.0 900538 Graham Cracker Cookies (MH EN Edition) Miranda, Anne 5.9 0.5 1023 EN Gram and Me - MH Edition Cohen, Miriam 1.5 0.5 32732 EN Grand Slam (Scrappers) Hughes, Dean 4.3 3.0 103085 Grand Tournament, The EN Lipkowitz, Daniel 3.9 0.5 900211 Grandfather's Journey (MH Edition) EN Say, Allen 3.6 0.5 900499 Grandma Essie's Covered Wagon (MH Williams, David EN Edition) 4.4 0.5 6670 EN Grandpa Jake and the Grand Christmas Ames, Mildred 4.2 3.0 71135 EN Granny Torrelli Makes Soup Creech, Sharon 4.2 2.0 900315 Grass Sandals: The Travels of Basho EN (MH Edition) Spivak, Dawnine 4.4 0.5 7371 EN Lobel, Arnold 2.9 0.5 125535 Graveyard Book, The EN Gaiman, Neil 5.1 10.0 15095 EN Myers, Anna 4.3 4.0 128929 Great Bear Lake EN Hunter, Erin 5.2 11.0 469 EN Great Brain at the Academy, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.8 6.0 18720 EN Great Brain Does It Again, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.0 5.0 18721 EN Great Brain Reforms, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.1 6.0 115 EN Great Brain, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.2 7.0 9020 EN Great Day for Up! Seuss, Dr. 0.8 0.5 24526 EN Great Eagle and Small One Moisa, Ralph 2.6 0.5 Grasshopper on the Road Graveyard Girl 900485 Great Galveston Hurricane (MH EN Edition), The James, Laura 6.1 0.5 62760 EN Ibbotson, Eva 5.8 5.0 116 EN Great Gilly Hopkins, The Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.0 900382 Great Glass Town Confederacy (MH EN Edition), The Gleason, Katherine 5.8 0.5 264 EN Great Ideas of Lila Fenwick, The McMullan, Kate 4.8 4.0 102018 Great Lakes Ghost Ship EN Rand, Johnathan 4.1 3.0 6021 EN Fritz, Jean 7.7 6.0 900590 Great Migration (MH Edition), The EN Eisenstark, Reyna 6.9 0.5 900451 Great Model Train Robbery (MH EN Edition), The Donev, Stef 5.0 0.5 58784 EN Great Race, The McPhail, David 1.7 0.5 31190 EN Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West, The Gregory, Kristiana 5.7 5.0 14619 EN Great Snake Escape, The Coxe, Molly 2.3 0.5 900069 Great Snakes! (MH Edition) EN Robinson, Fay 1.3 0.5 27546 EN Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 900587 Great Wall? (MH Edition), A EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 5.2 0.5 24910 EN Greater Than Angels Matas, Carol 4.3 5.0 53502 EN Greedy Gremlin, The West, Tracey 2.6 1.0 13863 EN Greedy Groundhogs Delton, Judy 3.6 1.0 17316 EN Greedy Triangle, The Burns, Marilyn 3.9 0.5 900605 Greek Myths: Three Tales from Greek Benjamin, Cynthia EN Mythology (MH Edition) 6.1 0.5 470 EN Green Book, The 5.5 2.0 Great Ghost Rescue, The Great Little Madison, The Great TV Turn-Off, The Walsh, Jill Paton 64114 EN Green Dog, The Luke, Melinda 2.3 0.5 9021 EN Green Eggs and Ham Seuss, Dr 1.5 0.5 7612 EN Green Gourd, The Hunter, C.W. 3.2 0.5 27542 EN Green Gravy Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 102050 Green Toenails Gang, The EN Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.0 0.5 11466 EN Cooper, Susan 5.3 6.0 900090 Greg's Mask (MH Edition) EN McGovern, Ann 1.4 0.5 114627 Gregor and the Code of Claw EN Collins, Suzanne 5.0 12.0 88381 EN Collins, Suzanne 4.8 10.0 106347 Gregor and the Marks of Secret EN Collins, Suzanne 5.0 9.0 82278 EN Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane Collins, Suzanne 4.7 8.0 71754 EN Gregor the Overlander Collins, Suzanne 4.8 8.0 10670 EN Gremlins Don't Chew Bubble Gum Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 33 EN Grey King, The Cooper, Susan 6.2 9.0 71308 EN Griffin's Castle Nimmo, Jenny 4.7 6.0 81705 EN Grim Grotto, The Snicket, Lemony 6.5 8.0 18722 EN Grizzly Paulsen, Gary 4.4 1.0 7316 EN Grizzwold Hoff, Syd 2.0 0.5 225 EN Groundhog's Horse Rockwood, Joyce 4.3 3.0 114333 Gruesome Ghouls of Grand Rapids EN Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 7613 EN Delton, Judy 3.1 1.0 Greenwitch Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods Grumpy Pumpkins 11467 EN Guests Dorris, Michael 5.2 3.0 114485 Guilty by a Hair! Real-Life DNA EN Matches! Prokos, Anna 5.2 1.0 30534 EN Swift/Vogel 6.1 3.0 123730 Gully's Travels EN Seidler, Tor 5.6 4.0 954 EN Gumdrop and the Birthday Surprise Biro, Val 2.5 0.5 955 EN Gumdrop at the Zoo Biro, Val 2.5 0.5 957 EN Gumdrop Catches a Cold Biro, Val 2.5 0.5 956 EN Gumdrop Goes to School Biro, Val 2.5 0.5 953 EN Gumdrop Races a Train Biro, Val 2.5 0.5 19850 EN Gus and Grandpa and the Christmas Cookies Mills, Claudia 3.2 0.5 65205 EN Gus and Grandpa and the Halloween Costume Mills, Claudia 3.1 0.5 53488 EN Gus and Grandpa at Basketball Mills, Claudia 2.6 0.5 900467 H.G. Wells: Man of the Future (MH EN Edition) Korte, Steve 6.2 0.5 107850 Hail! Hail! Camp Dragononka! EN McMullan, Kate 3.4 3.0 78981 EN Half a Pig Ahlberg, Allan 4.5 0.5 2393 EN Half Free Helmer, Diana Star 2.7 1.0 471 EN Half Magic Eager, Edward 5.0 5.0 105928 Half-Moon Investigations EN Colfer, Eoin 4.2 9.0 365 EN Halfback Tough Dygard, Thomas J. 5.1 7.0 108882 Halloween Fraidy-Cat EN Klein, Abby 3.3 1.0 53503 EN West, Tracey 2.7 1.0 140347 Halt's Peril EN Flanagan, John 5.8 17.0 60541 EN Levine, Karen 5.0 2.0 Gulliver's Travels (Great Illustrated Classics) Halloween Goblin, The Hana's Suitcase 32705 EN Hannah's Helping Hands Leeuwen, Jean Van 3.9 2.0 28343 EN Hannah's Secret Keene, Carolyn 3.5 1.0 7674 EN Happy Birthday, Addy Porter, Connie 4.3 1.0 900589 Happy Birthday Around the World EN (MH Edition) Thomas, Anastasia T. 6.4 0.5 53066 EN Happy Birthday, Biscuit!/Biscuit's Birthday Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 1.2 0.5 44313 EN Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! Hoff, Syd 1.9 0.5 6422 EN Happy Birthday, Felicity! Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 20697 EN Happy Birthday, Josefina! Tripp, Valerie 4.3 1.0 5016 EN Happy Birthday, Kirsten! Shaw, Janet 4.0 1.0 52593 EN Happy Birthday, Kit! A Springtime Story Tripp, Valerie 4.7 1.0 7614 EN Happy Birthday Mole and Troll Johnston, Tony 2.3 0.5 5017 EN Happy Birthday, Molly! Tripp, Valerie 3.5 1.0 5018 EN Happy Birthday, Samantha! Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 7220 EN Happy Birthday, Thomas! Awdry, W. 1.1 0.5 115320 Happy Go Lucky EN Earhart, Kristin 3.9 1.0 81723 EN Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Herman 2.5 0.5 7615 EN Happy Hocky Family, The Smith, Lane 2.0 0.5 7270 EN Happy Mother's Day! Hautzig, Deborah 1.4 0.5 7317 EN Happy Mother's Day Kroll, Steven 2.7 0.5 McDonald, Megan 4.4 2.0 118243 Happy New Year, Julie EN 316 EN Happy Orpheline, The Carlson, Natalie Savage 4.8 2.0 115321 Happy's Big Plan EN Earhart, Kristin 3.7 1.0 18627 EN Happy Valentine's Day, Miss Hildy! Grambling, Lois G. 3.1 0.5 998 EN Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up - MH Edition, A Hewett, Joan 2.0 0.5 11415 EN Hard Drive to Short Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 30619 EN Hard Times on the Prairie Wilder/Peterson 3.7 1.0 900154 Hare and Tortoise (MH Edition) EN Berg, Wally 2.7 0.5 7318 EN Johnson, Crockett 3.0 0.5 949 EN Harold at the North Pole Johnson, Crockett 2.8 0.5 7319 EN Sonnenschein, Harriet 2.7 0.5 945 EN Harriet's Halloween Candy Carlson, Nancy 2.4 0.5 10671 EN King-Smith, Dick 4.1 2.0 123147 Harriet the Hamster Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.7 1.0 226 EN Harriet the Spy Fitzhugh, Louise 4.5 8.0 Petry, Ann 6.6 9.0 115195 Harry and the Dinosaurs Go to School Whybrow, Ian EN 2.6 0.5 900453 Harry Belafonte (MH Edition) EN Lakin, Patricia 5.7 0.5 7271 EN Harry Goes to Day Camp Ziefert, James 1.5 0.5 34984 EN Harry Houdini: Master of Magic Kraske, Robert 4.7 1.0 59510 EN Harry in Trouble Porte, Barbara Ann 2.7 0.5 32081 EN Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling, J.K. 6.7 14.0 366 EN Harold and the Purple Crayon Harold's Runaway Nose Harriet's Hare Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad 116230 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Rowling, J.K. EN 6.9 34.0 40670 EN Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Rowling, J.K. 6.8 32.0 89154 EN Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Rowling, J.K. 7.2 29.0 69785 EN Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Rowling, J.K. 7.2 44.0 32082 EN Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Rowling, J.K. 6.7 18.0 26759 EN Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Rowling, J.K. 5.5 12.0 17528 EN Harry the Dirty Dog Zion, Gene 3.1 0.5 23467 EN Harry the Poisonous Centipede Banks, Lynne Reid 3.7 2.0 900175 Harry the Troll...3 Billy Goats Gruff EN (MH Edition) Lechner, Judith 2.6 0.5 78873 EN Hat Full of Sky, A Pratchett, Terry 5.3 12.0 26639 EN Hat, The Brett, Jan 2.6 0.5 41393 EN Hat Trick Christopher, Matt 4.1 1.0 367 EN Hatchet Paulsen, Gary 5.7 7.0 70123 EN Hatching Magic Downer, Ann 7.2 9.0 88920 EN Hatchling, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.0 7.0 900318 Hatmaker's Sign: A Story by Benjamin Fleming, Candace EN Franklin (MH Edition), The 3.8 0.5 109096 Hattie Big Sky EN Larson, Kirby 4.4 10.0 5618 EN Haunted Bridge, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 74667 EN Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve Osborne, Mary Pope 3.6 1.0 5664 EN Haunted Fort, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 31059 EN Haunted Hotel, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 11468 EN Haunted House, The Yolen/Greenberg 3.8 1.0 9610 EN Haunted Mask, The Stine, R.L. 3.8 3.0 20078 EN Haunted Starship, The Ferguson, Brad/Kathi 4.8 4.0 123780 Haunting in New Hampshire EN Rand, Johnathan 3.9 3.0 9555 EN Haunting in Williamsburg, A Kassem, Lou 3.9 3.0 89265 EN Haunting of Alaizabel Cray, The Wooding, Chris 7.1 15.0 317 EN Haunting of Grade Three, The Maccarone, Grace 3.8 1.0 78960 EN Ibbotson, Eva 6.1 7.0 102506 Haunting We Will Go, A EN Rand, Johnathan 3.0 1.0 81577 EN Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 114486 Have You Seen This Face? The Work Denega, Danielle EN of Forensic Artists 5.3 1.0 900265 He Always Did His Best: Roberto EN Clemente (MH Edition) Barry, Lauren 4.3 0.5 54514 EN He's My Pony! Betancourt, Jeanne 3.3 1.0 1001 EN Head, Body, Legs: A story from Liberia - MH Edition Paye, Won-Ldy & Lippert, Margaret 2.3 0.5 117 EN Headless Cupid, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.3 8.0 32538 EN Heads, I Win Hermes, Patricia 3.7 4.0 11469 EN Heads or Tails: Stories from the Sixth Gantos, Jack Grade 4.6 6.0 20680 EN Healing of Texas Jake, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 3.0 110279 Heart of Fire EN Holmes, Victoria 5.6 12.0 13989 EN Barron, T.A. 5.4 8.0 Haunting of Granite Falls, The Have You Met My Ghoulfriend? Heartlight 129443 Heartsinger EN Stoffels, Karlijn 6.1 4.0 106285 Heat EN Lupica, Mike 5.3 9.0 105791 Heather the Violet Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 3.9 1.0 148420 Heaven, God's Promise for Me EN Lotz, Anne Graham 3.2 0.5 143468 Heaven Is for Real: A Little EN Boy's...Trip to Heaven and Back Burpo, Todd 6.3 6.0 148901 Heaven Is for Real for Kids EN Burpo, Colton 3.7 0.5 20079 EN Heaven to Betsy Lovelace, Maud Hart 5.8 10.0 11318 EN Height of Danger Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 136305 Heist Society EN Carter, Ally 5.5 9.0 18723 EN Hurwitz, Johanna 3.7 0.5 900472 Helen Keller (MH Edition) EN Clerk, Jessica 6.0 0.5 34986 EN Davidson, Margaret 4.3 4.0 900554 Helen of Troy (MH Edition) EN Bancroft, Amy 6.2 0.5 6518 EN Hello, Mallory Martin, Ann M. 3.7 3.0 5020 EN Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle MacDonald, Betty 5.2 4.0 265 EN Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs Gilson, Jamie 4.0 4.0 472 EN Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library Clifford, Eth 4.0 2.0 32157 EN Help! I'm Trapped in My Gym Teacher's Body Strasser, Todd 3.7 3.0 18724 EN Help! I'm Trapped in Santa's Body Strasser, Todd 3.4 3.0 85213 EN Help! Somebody Get Me Out of Fourth Grade! Winkler, Henry 4.6 4.0 Burgan, Michael 5.4 0.5 Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark Helen Keller's Teacher 900336 Helping Hands (MH Edition) EN 987 EN Helping Mom Mayer, Mercer 1.3 0.5 266 EN Henry and Beezus Cleary, Beverly 4.6 4.0 82322 EN Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas Rylant, Cynthia 2.9 0.5 68254 EN Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House Rylant, Cynthia 2.8 0.5 6070 EN Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Rylant, Cynthia 2.6 0.5 16390 EN Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin Rylant, Cynthia 2.1 0.5 77594 EN Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 6119 EN Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 13396 EN Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 17530 EN Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 32441 EN Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 19222 EN Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night Rylant, Cynthia 2.2 0.5 63722 EN Henry and Mudge and the Tall Treehouse Rylant, Cynthia 2.1 0.5 7320 EN Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 12752 EN Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days Rylant, Cynthia 2.8 0.5 900202 Henry and Mudge (MH Edition) EN Rylant, Cynthia 1.8 0.5 12753 EN Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 7572 EN Henry and Mudge: The First Book of Their Adventures Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 10522 EN Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 0.5 417 EN Henry and Ribsy Cleary, Beverly 4.6 3.0 418 EN Henry and the Clubhouse Cleary, Beverly 5.1 4.0 663 EN Henry and the Paper Route Cleary, Beverly 5.3 4.0 34 EN Henry Huggins Cleary, Beverly 4.7 3.0 35 EN Henry Reed, Inc. Robertson, Keith 5.5 8.0 36 EN Henry Reed's Baby-Sitting Service Robertson, Keith 5.1 6.0 473 EN Henry Reed's Think Tank Robertson, Keith 5.6 7.0 113369 Henry's Freedom Box EN Levine, Ellen 3.0 0.5 132157 Henry & the Crazed Chicken Pirates EN Crimi, Carolyn 3.4 0.5 318 EN Herbie Jones Kline, Suzy 3.5 2.0 32513 EN Kline, Suzy 3.4 2.0 Kline, Suzy 3.4 1.0 900380 Hercules and the Golden Apples (MH Rowland, Della EN Edition) 5.3 0.5 900530 Hercules (MH Edition) EN Silvers, Alice 5.9 0.5 32434 EN Here Comes Heavenly Strasser, Todd 4.3 4.0 474 EN Here Comes Zelda Claus...Holiday Disasters Hall, Lynn 4.6 3.0 55321 EN Here I Am! Said Smedley Puttock, Simon 3.0 0.5 124690 Here Lies Arthur EN Reeve, Philip 5.6 11.0 106411 Here Lies the Librarian EN Peck, Richard 5.1 4.0 1025 EN Soto, Gary 4.1 0.5 139482 Hero EN Lupica, Mike 4.6 8.0 227 EN Hero and the Crown, The McKinley, Robin 7.0 15.0 56434 EN Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge? Scieszka, Jon 3.9 1.0 9951 EN Hey You, Sister Rose Strauch, Eileen 4.7 5.0 31673 EN Hi, Cat! Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 Arnold, Tedd 1.5 0.5 Herbie Jones and Hamburger Head 319 EN Herbie Jones and the Class Gift Here's my dollar - MH Edition 101305 Hi, Fly Guy! EN 900 EN Hiccups for Elephant Preller, James 1.1 0.5 1103 EN Preller, James 1.1 0.5 142582 Hidden Gallery, The EN Wood, Maryrose 6.5 10.0 5620 EN Hidden Staircase, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 6.0 39829 EN Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet, The Abbott, Tony 2.9 1.0 28347 EN Hidden Treasures, The Keene, Carolyn 3.3 1.0 6671 EN Hideout, The Bunting, Eve 4.1 4.0 34683 EN High Hopes for Addy Porter, Connie 4.1 0.5 37 EN High King, The Alexander, Lloyd 6.1 11.0 102037 High Rhulain EN Jacques, Brian 5.5 15.0 77280 EN High Risk (Nancy Drew Girl Detective) Keene, Carolyn 4.5 4.0 68287 EN High Tide in Hawaii Osborne, Mary Pope 3.4 1.0 110101 Higher Power of Lucky, The EN Patron, Susan 5.9 5.0 6574 EN Brust, Beth Wagner 4.4 0.5 900150 Hiroko Makes the Team (MH Edition) Ray, Crennan EN 2.2 0.5 31543 EN Hiroshima Yep, Laurence 4.9 1.0 10036 EN Hiroshima Hersey, John 8.4 9.0 900520 History of Karate (MH Edition), The EN Neder, Bill E. 6.0 0.5 900583 History of Money (MH Edition), The EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.9 0.5 900545 History of Special Olympics (MH EN Edition), The McCoy, David 6.3 0.5 5223 EN Christopher, Matt 3.8 1.0 Hiccups for Elephant Hippos (Zoobooks) Hit-Away Kid, The 38 EN Hitty: Her First Hundred Years Field, Rachel 7.1 11.0 511 EN Hobbit, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.6 16.0 14470 EN Hobby Yolen, Jane 5.0 2.0 5368 EN Hockey Machine, The Christopher, Matt 4.8 3.0 44928 EN Hockey Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 3.0 14748 EN Hog-Eye Meddaugh, Susan 3.1 0.5 11814 EN Hold Your Horses! Meltzer, Milton 7.8 3.0 123148 Hold Your Horses! EN Earhart, Kristin 4.2 1.0 28081 EN Sachar, Louis 4.6 7.0 114469 Holly the Christmas Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.5 1.0 81578 EN Winkler, Henry 4.6 4.0 900466 Home Across the Ice (MH Edition) EN Norby, Lisa 5.5 0.5 1059 EN Churchman, Deborah 4.0 0.5 900344 Home on the Range (MH Edition) EN Cassidy, Janet 5.0 0.5 34830 EN Burleigh, Robert 2.0 0.5 900066 Home Sweet Anthill (MH Edition) EN Orr, Chloe 1.7 0.5 368 EN Homecoming Voigt, Cynthia 4.4 16.0 107308 Homefront EN Gwaltney, Doris 4.0 10.0 35670 EN Homeless Bird Whelan, Gloria 5.3 5.0 39 EN Homer Price McCloskey, Robert 6.6 4.0 118 EN Homesick, My Own Story Fritz, Jean 5.1 6.0 103771 Homework Machine, The EN Gutman, Dan 4.8 4.0 Holes Holy Enchilada! Home-Grown Butterflies (MH Edition) Home Run 26738 EN Honus and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 3.0 50084 EN Hoodwinked Howard, Arthur 2.9 0.5 34695 EN Hoofbeats of Danger Hughes, Holly 5.3 4.0 15081 EN Hook 'Em, Snotty! Paulsen, Gary 3.7 1.0 143695 Hooray for Amanda & Her Alligator! EN Willems, Mo 2.5 0.5 126340 Hooray for Fly Guy! EN Arnold, Tedd 1.6 0.5 5471 EN Hooray for the Golly Sisters! Byars, Betsy 2.4 0.5 61464 EN Hoot Hiaasen, Carl 5.2 9.0 9023 EN Hop on Pop Seuss, Dr. 1.5 0.5 55322 EN Horrible Haircut Ritchie, Alison 1.5 0.5 6270 EN Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 6271 EN Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 15298 EN Horrible Harry and the Dungeon Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 88159 EN Horrible Harry and The Goog Kline, Suzy 3.0 1.0 74425 EN Horrible Harry and the Holidaze Kline, Suzy 3.5 1.0 82270 EN Horrible Harry and the Locked Closet Kline, Suzy 3.4 1.0 69043 EN Horrible Harry and the Mud Gremlins Kline, Suzy 3.5 1.0 18725 EN Horrible Harry and the Purple People Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 44905 EN Horrible Harry at Halloween Kline, Suzy 3.2 1.0 Kline, Suzy 3.2 0.5 487 EN Horrible Harry in Room 2B 14948 EN Horror at Camp Jellyjam, The Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 612 EN Horse and His Boy, The Lewis, C.S. 5.8 8.0 903 EN Horse in Harry's Room, The Hoff, Syd 2.3 0.5 63660 EN Horse in the House Baglio, Ben M. 4.0 4.0 53273 EN Hostile Hospital, The Snicket, Lemony 6.9 6.0 87582 EN Hot Air: The Mostly True Story...First Priceman, Marjorie Hot-Air Balloon Ride 2.9 0.5 267 EN Hot and Cold Summer, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4.2 3.0 81399 EN Howe, James 2.5 0.5 117628 Hot Hand EN Lupica, Mike 5.0 4.0 135848 Hot Rod Hamster EN Lord, Cynthia 1.7 0.5 60565 EN Duncan, Lois 4.7 5.0 900271 Houdini: Master of Escape (MH EN Edition) Teitelbaum, Michael 3.9 0.5 114393 Houdini: The Handcuff King EN Lutes, Jason 4.2 1.0 25835 EN Hour of the Olympics Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 18769 EN House at Pooh Corner, The Milne, A.A. 4.8 4.0 34843 EN House Mouse, Senate Mouse Barnes, Peter W. 4.6 0.5 25051 EN House of Arden, The Nesbit, E. 5.8 11.0 140586 House of Dead Maids, The EN Dunkle, Clare B. 6.0 5.0 228 EN House of Dies Drear, The Hamilton, Virginia 4.8 9.0 40 EN deJong, Meindert 5.5 6.0 664 EN House on Hackman's Hill, The Nixon, Joan Lowery 4.6 4.0 5667 EN Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 Hot Fudge Hotel for Dogs House of the Sixty Fathers, The House on the Cliff, The 5070 EN House on the Hill, The Dunlop, Eileen 6.2 8.0 9882 EN House with a Clock in Its Walls, The Bellairs, John 5.0 6.0 5312 EN Houseboat Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.4 3.0 65168 EN How Angel Peterson Got His Name Paulsen, Gary 6.0 3.0 52864 EN How Big Were the Dinosaurs? Most, Bernard 4.1 0.5 900043 How Birds Fly (MH Edition) EN Jaspersen, Elsa 2.0 0.5 134048 How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? EN Yolen, Jane 2.3 0.5 900352 How Do They Do That? (MH Edition) Miranda, Anne EN 5.4 0.5 900178 How Frog Lost His Tail (MH Edition) Allen, Kris EN 2.3 0.5 71622 EN How I Became a Pirate Long, Melinda 3.1 0.5 32166 EN How I Survived Being a Girl Draanen, Wendelin Van 5.0 5.0 6022 EN How It Feels to Fight for Your Life Krementz, Jill 5.8 5.0 900131 How Kittens Grow (MH Edition) EN Wells, Larry 2.1 0.5 900037 How Many Cubs? (MH Edition) EN Jones, Penelope 1.5 0.5 2.1 0.5 26346 EN How Many Ways Can You Cut a Pie? Moncure, Jane Belk 900236 How the Narwhal Got Its Tusk (MH EN Edition) Segovia, Alejandro 3.4 0.5 115599 How to Be a Girly Girl in Just Ten EN Days Papademetriou, Lisa 4.1 4.0 88564 EN How to Be a Pirate Cowell, Cressida 6.5 5.0 14990 EN How to Be Cool in the Third Grade Duffey, Betsy 3.5 1.0 Cowell, Cressida 6.4 6.0 147773 How to Break a Dragon's Heart EN 113799 How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse EN Cowell, Cressida 6.8 5.0 58682 EN Nickerson, Sara 4.6 9.0 174 EN How to Eat Fried Worms Rockwell, Thomas 3.5 2.0 900235 How to Raise a Happy Tadpole (MH EN Edition) Goldstone, Bruce 2.9 0.5 138233 How to Ride a Dragon's Storm EN Cowell, Cressida 6.9 6.0 106247 How to Speak Dragonese EN Cowell, Cressida 6.5 5.0 115455 How to Steal a Dog EN O'Connor, Barbara 4.0 5.0 136661 How to Survive Middle School EN Gephart, Donna 3.9 6.0 900416 How to Think Like a Scientist (MH EN Edition) Kramer, Stephen P. 4.6 1.0 78100 EN How to Train Your Dragon Cowell, Cressida 6.6 5.0 19537 EN How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis & Clark Schanzer, Rosalyn 6.0 1.0 268 EN How Yossi Beat the Evil Urge Chaikin, Miriam 3.7 1.0 984 EN How You Grew - MH McGraw-Hill 1.5 0.5 64504 EN Howie Monroe and the Doghouse of Doom Howe, James 4.9 1.0 5021 EN Howliday Inn Howe, James 4.0 4.0 269 EN Hugh Pine VanDeWetering, Jan 4.8 2.0 113015 Hugo Pepper EN Stewart, Paul 6.9 5.0 900431 Human Writes! (MH Edition) EN Miranda, Anne 5.2 0.5 66628 EN Humbug Holiday: A Christmas Carol Abbott, Tony 3.9 4.0 6575 EN Hummingbirds (Zoobooks) Biel, Timothy Levi 4.9 0.5 30568 EN Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Hugo/Vogel 5.8 3.0 41 EN Hundred and One Dalmatians, The Smith, Dodie 5.4 7.0 How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found 42 EN Hundred Dresses, The Estes, Eleanor 5.4 1.0 320 EN Hundred Penny Box, The Mathis, Sharon Bell 3.9 1.0 123740 Hunger Games, The EN Collins, Suzanne 5.3 15.0 5668 EN Dixon, Franklin W. 6.3 6.0 104775 Hunting the Hunter EN Korman, Gordon 5.3 4.0 7731 EN Hurwitz, Johanna 5.1 3.0 108130 Hurricane Joe EN Dixon, Franklin W. 4.0 4.0 32938 EN Duey/Bale 5.6 4.0 900543 Hurricane Rescue! (MH Edition) EN Neder, Bill E. 6.4 0.5 900540 Hurricanes: Monsters in Motion (MH EN Edition) Francis, Stanley 6.2 0.5 43 EN Hurry Home, Candy deJong, Meindert 5.0 7.0 23665 EN I Am David Holm, Anne 5.6 8.0 1120 EN I Am Going! Willems, Mo 0.9 0.5 1080 EN I am Invited to a Party! Willems, Mo 1.2 0.5 9027 EN I Am Not Going to Get Up Today! Seuss, Dr. 2.1 0.5 81692 EN I Am the Turkey Spirn, Michele Sobel 2.0 0.5 32746 EN I, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 1124 EN I Broke My Trunk! Willems, Mo 1.4 0.5 34628 EN I Choose You! West, Tracey 3.3 1.0 102130 I, Coriander EN Gardner, Sally 5.5 10.0 106309 I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd EN Have to Kill You Carter, Ally 5.9 10.0 Hunting for Hidden Gold Hurray for Ali Baba Bernstein Hurricane: Open Seas, 1844 1132 EN I Didn't Do It MacLachlan, Patricia 1.7 0.5 74147 EN I Got a "D" in Salami Winkler, Henry 4.4 4.0 116754 I Heard a Rumor EN Krulik, Nancy 4.0 3.0 5271 EN I Heard the Owl Call My Name Craven, Margaret 6.0 6.0 44 EN I, Juan de Pareja Trevino, Elizabeth Borton de 6.5 7.0 7272 EN I Just Forgot Mayer, Mercer 2.0 0.5 77281 EN I Know Who Likes You Cooney, Doug 5.1 7.0 1130 EN I Like Bugs Brown, Margaret Wise 0.5 0.5 7273 EN I Like Ketchup Sandwiches Conway, Lisa 1.7 0.5 1072 EN I Like Myself! Wilhelm, Hans 1.2 0.5 900138 I Live at the Museum (MH Edition) EN Berg, Wally 2.4 0.5 475 EN I'll Meet You at the Cucumbers Moore, Lilian 3.5 1.0 1071 EN I Love Colors! Wilhelm, Hans 0.7 0.5 1107 EN I Love My New Toy! Willems, Mo 0.6 0.5 902 EN I Love You Because You're You Baker, Liza 2.3 0.5 109978 I'm Dirty! EN McMullan, Kate 1.4 0.5 321 EN I'm Going to Be Famous Birdseye, Tom 3.7 4.0 64295 EN I'm Gonna Like Me: Letting off a Little Self-Esteem Curtis, Jamie Lee 3.0 0.5 1075 EN I'm Not Scared! Wilhelm, Hans 1.0 0.5 77126 EN I'm Too Fond of My Fur! Stilton, Geronimo 3.5 1.0 1108 EN I See Santa Everywhere McCoy, Glenn 2.5 0.5 31598 EN I See, You Saw Karlin, Nurit 0.4 0.5 270 EN I Should Worry, I Should Care Chaikin, Miriam 3.7 3.0 133847 I Spy Fly Guy! EN Arnold, Tedd 1.5 0.5 17624 EN Hansen, Joyce 5.0 5.0 135781 I Thought We Were Friends! EN Krulik, Nancy 4.4 3.0 19901 EN Betancourt, Jeanne 4.2 2.0 128710 I Want To Be a Jedi EN Beecroft, Simon 5.1 0.5 32022 EN Coville, Bruce 4.7 4.0 900001 I Went Walking (MH Edition) EN Williams, Sue 0.7 0.5 7000 EN Newton, Suzanne 4.7 9.0 123748 I Will Surprise My Friend! EN Willems, Mo 0.8 0.5 112904 I Wish That I Had Duck Feet EN LeSieg, Theo. 2.2 0.5 49799 EN Ganeri, Anita 4.6 0.5 109802 Ice Dragon, The EN Martin, George R.R. 5.4 1.0 86446 EN Taylor, Theodore 5.7 5.0 421 EN Ice Magic Christopher, Matt 4.8 2.0 900600 Ice Man (MH Edition), The EN Porter, Kelly 6.4 0.5 5272 EN Roth, Arthur 6.4 8.0 115275 Icebound Land, The EN Flanagan, John 6.8 13.0 88382 EN Icefire d'Lacey, Chris 4.4 10.0 79913 EN Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun...Save the World Hannigan, Katherine 5.3 5.0 I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary of Patsy...Girl I Want a Pony I Was a Sixth Grade Alien I Will Call It Georgie's Blues I Wonder Why the Sea Is Salty Ice Drift Iceberg Hermit, The 900476 Idea That Makes Cents (MH Edition), deMauro, Lisa EN An 5.7 0.5 69209 EN If I Ran the Rain Forest Worth, Bonnie 3.3 0.5 9556 EN If It Hadn't Been for Yoon Jun Lee, Marie G. 5.2 5.0 126509 If You Give a Cat a Cupcake EN Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 147099 If You Give a Dog a Donut EN Numeroff, Laura 2.1 0.5 6072 EN If You Give a Moose a Muffin Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 9570 EN If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Numeroff, Laura 2.7 0.5 29210 EN If You Give a Pig a Pancake Numeroff, Laura 2.5 0.5 100773 If You Give a Pig a Party EN Numeroff, Laura 2.2 0.5 60905 EN If You Take a Mouse to School Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 42602 EN If You Take a Mouse to the Movies Numeroff, Laura 2.1 0.5 77013 EN Igraine the Brave Funke, Cornelia 5.6 7.0 42587 EN Illusion, The Applegate, K.A. 3.6 3.0 101479 Imaginary Creatures EN Faundez, Anne 3.2 0.5 900385 Imaginative Mathematician: Albert EN Einstein (MH Edition), The Weyn, Suzanne 5.6 0.5 25971 EN Immigrant Kids Freedman, Russell 6.9 1.0 60566 EN In a Blue Velvet Dress Sefton, Catherine 5.6 4.0 900304 In My Family/En Mi Familia (MH EN Edition) Garza, Carmen Lomas 4.0 0.5 10292 EN Rinaldi, Ann 4.4 10.0 Halls, Kelly Milner 7.2 2.0 In My Father's House 146868 In Search of Sasquatch EN 900032 In the Lake (MH Edition) EN Apple, Gary 1.2 0.5 10917 EN In the Land of the Big Red Apple MacBride, Roger Lea 5.2 8.0 18770 EN In the Language of Loons Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie 4.8 3.0 108287 In the Shadow of Goll EN Abbott, Tony 4.4 2.0 900349 In the Shadow of the Mountain (MH EN Edition) deMauro, Lisa 4.4 0.5 74859 EN In the Whale Greenburg, J.C. 3.7 1.0 229 EN In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Lord, Bette Bao 4.6 4.0 134211 In Too Deep EN Watson, Jude 4.0 6.0 134835 Incarceron EN Fisher, Catherine 4.6 14.0 119 EN Incident at Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan 7.2 9.0 322 EN Incognito Mosquito Makes History Hass, E.A. 5.2 2.0 230 EN Incredible Journey, The Burnford, Sheila 7.6 5.0 115614 India the Moonstone Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.1 1.0 10881 EN Lenski, Lois 5.4 10.0 231 EN Indian in the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.6 6.0 58061 EN Indigo Hoffman, Alice 5.8 2.0 40487 EN Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession, The LaHaye, Tim F. 5.4 13.0 147778 Inheritance EN Paolini, Christopher 7.5 49.0 125633 Inkdeath EN Funke, Cornelia 5.4 29.0 71683 EN Inkheart Funke, Cornelia 5.4 23.0 100861 Inkspell EN Funke, Cornelia 5.6 29.0 Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison 105792 Inky the Indigo Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 3.5 1.0 6576 EN Wexo, John Bonnett 4.9 0.5 Stein, David Ezra 2.2 0.5 77302 EN Interview with Harry the Tarantula, An Tyson, Leigh Ann 3.3 0.5 63661 EN Into the Blue Baglio, Ben M. 5.4 4.0 138971 Into the Gauntlet EN Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.6 9.0 11470 EN Coville, Bruce 6.0 5.0 116745 Into the Mist EN Carman, Patrick 5.8 10.0 127277 Into the Volcano EN Wood, Don 2.2 1.0 67278 EN Hunter, Erin 5.6 10.0 130793 Into the Woods EN Krulik, Nancy 4.4 4.0 16650 EN Applegate, K.A. 3.7 5.0 113692 Invention of Hugo Cabret: A Novel in Selznick, Brian EN Words and Pictures, The 5.1 4.0 18726 EN Invisible Day, The Jocelyn, Marthe 4.4 3.0 81997 EN Invisible Fran, The Benton, Jim 5.2 1.0 73502 EN Invisible Iguanas of Illinois Rand, Johnathan 3.7 3.0 5622 EN Invisible Intruder, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 31060 EN Invisible Island, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 476 EN Invisible Lissa Honeycutt, Natalie 4.4 5.0 30537 EN Wells/Vogel 5.5 3.0 Insects (Zoobooks) 138242 Interrupting Chicken EN Into the Land of the Unicorns Into the Wild Invasion, The Invisible Man (Great Illustrated Classics), The 14672 EN Invisible Stanley Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 130215 Iridessa, Lost at Sea EN Papademetriou, Lisa 3.4 1.0 114102 Iris, Messenger EN Deming, Sarah 4.9 7.0 5425 EN Irish Red Kjelgaard, Jim 5.8 7.0 73503 EN Iron Insects Invade Indiana Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 139747 Iron King, The EN Kagawa, Julie 5.3 15.0 77859 EN DiTerlizzi/Black 4.3 1.0 900574 Is This Ancient Bone the World's First Time-for-Kids-Editors EN Flute? (MH Edition) 5.3 0.5 41554 EN Isabel: Jewel of Castilla Meyer, Carolyn 6.6 5.0 18771 EN Isabella: A Wish for Miguel Newman, Shirlee P. 4.3 2.0 7321 EN Isabelle's New Friend deBrunhoff, Laurent 2.3 0.5 323 EN Isabelle Shows Her Stuff Greene, Constance C. 3.8 4.0 81654 EN Ish Reynolds, Peter H. 2.1 0.5 58026 EN Island Book One: Shipwreck Korman, Gordon 4.6 3.0 58027 EN Island Book Three: Escape Korman, Gordon 4.9 4.0 58028 EN Island Book Two: Survival Korman, Gordon 4.8 4.0 45 EN Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott 5.4 6.0 5071 EN Island on Bird Street, The Orlev, Uri 4.6 7.0 900415 Island Scrapbook (MH Edition), An EN Wright-Frierson, Virginia 4.9 0.5 900075 Island State (MH Edition), The EN Melville, Dorothy 2.1 0.5 133780 Islands of the Blessed, The EN Farmer, Nancy 5.4 17.0 Ironwood Tree, The 84314 EN Isle of the Dead Rodda, Emily 5.2 6.0 6222 EN It's a Dog's Life Erickson, John R. 4.8 3.0 126974 It's All Downhill From Here EN Krulik, Nancy 4.1 4.0 2122 EN It's All Greek to Me Scieszka, Jon 3.7 1.0 9375 EN It's Halloween, Dear Dragon Hillert, Margaret 0.8 0.5 83799 EN It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! Stilton, Geronimo 3.1 1.0 49411 EN It's Justin Time, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 2.8 0.5 46 EN It's Like This, Cat Neville, Emily Cheney 4.7 5.0 324 EN It's New! It's Improved! It's Terrible! Manes, Stephen 3.2 2.0 34557 EN It's No Joke! Keene, Carolyn 2.9 1.0 1073 EN It's not Easy Being Big! St. Pierre, Stephanie 1.1 0.5 900495 It's Our World Too! (MH Edition) EN Hoose, Phillip 4.7 0.5 62252 EN It's Too Windy! Wilhelm, Hans 0.5 0.5 39811 EN Itchy Situation Nodelman, Jeffrey 3.8 0.5 30566 EN Ivanhoe (Great Illustrated Classics) Scott/Vogel 5.9 3.0 105488 Ivy and Bean EN Barrows, Annie 3.2 1.0 129029 Ivy and Bean Bound to Be Bad EN Barrows, Annie 3.2 1.0 117709 Ivy and Bean Break the Fossil Record Barrows, Annie EN 3.1 1.0 134788 Ivy and Bean Doomed to Dance EN Barrows, Annie 3.6 1.0 122599 Ivy and Bean Take Care of the EN Babysitter Barrows, Annie 3.1 1.0 140845 Ivy and Bean What's the Big Idea? EN Barrows, Annie 3.9 1.0 110580 Ivy & Bean and the Ghost That Had to Barrows, Annie EN Go 3.6 1.0 900299 J.J.'s Big Day (MH Edition) EN 2.6 0.5 7.5 4.0 48140 EN Time-for-Kids-Editors J.R.R. Tolkien: The Man Who Created Coren, Michael The Lord of the Rings 478 EN J. T. Wagner, Jane 4.6 1.0 115225 Jack Plank Tells Tales EN Babbitt, Natalie 5.1 3.0 7616 EN Jack the Giant Chaser Compton, Kenn 4.1 0.5 40653 EN Jackie and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 900558 Jackie Robinson: From Dreamer to EN Hero (MH Edition) Cady, Max 6.4 0.5 45122 EN Dunn, Herb 5.2 3.0 Paterson, Katherine 5.7 8.0 Richler, Mordecai 5.2 2.0 900552 Jacques Cousteau: A Modern Hero EN (MH Edition) Grober, Keith 6.7 0.5 900366 Jaguar (MH Edition), The EN Epstein, Elaine 5.4 0.5 44930 EN Jaguar's Jewel, The Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 64749 EN Jahanara: Princess of Princesses Lasky, Kathryn 6.0 5.0 50946 EN Jake Drake, Bully Buster Clements, Andrew 3.5 1.0 60714 EN Jake Drake, Class Clown Clements, Andrew 3.4 1.0 51897 EN Jake Drake, Know-It-All Clements, Andrew 4.1 2.0 54845 EN Jake Drake, Teacher's Pet Clements, Andrew 4.3 2.0 900113 Jamaica Tag-Along (MH Edition) EN Havill, Juanita 2.4 0.5 232 EN James and the Giant Peach Dahl, Roald 4.8 4.0 Jackie Robinson: Young Sports Trailblazer 120 EN Jacob Have I Loved 271 EN Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang 24527 EN James Meets the Prairie Allen, Katy Z. 2.6 0.5 900324 Jamie, the Junkyard Artist (MH EN Edition) Donev, Stef 2.9 0.5 900122 Janie in Old California (MH Edition) EN Timin, Henry 2.4 0.5 41791 EN Clements, Andrew 5.4 4.0 233 EN Jar of Dreams, A Uchida, Yoshiko 5.0 4.0 900454 Jasmine and the Rainbow Vase (MH EN Edition) Dreyer, Ellen 5.2 0.5 900269 Jason and the Argonauts (MH Edition) Cardigan, H.H. EN 3.6 0.5 32529 EN Hobbs, Will 5.5 8.0 900002 Jasper's Beanstalk (MH Edition) EN Butterworth/Inkpen 1.7 0.5 900045 Jax and the Van (MH Edition) EN Shaffer, Jane 0.5 0.5 900541 Jazzman: Louis Armstrong (MH EN Edition) Charles, Stephen 5.9 0.5 272 EN Jelly Belly Smith, Robert Kimmel 4.1 4.0 104715 Jenna's Dilemma EN Morgan, Melissa J. 4.7 5.0 5940 EN Jennifer Murdley's Toad Coville, Bruce 4.6 4.0 5918 EN Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher Coville, Bruce 4.9 4.0 11471 EN Jericho Hickman, Janet 4.9 4.0 10263 EN Jericho's Journey Wisler, G. Clifton 4.9 4.0 24528 EN Jesse Owens Story, The Mezger, Gabi 2.6 0.5 6520 EN Jessi and the Superbrat Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 6521 EN Jessi Ramsey, Pet-Sitter Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 6523 EN Jessi's Secret Language Martin, Ann M. 4.3 4.0 Janitor's Boy, The Jason's Gold 103953 Jigsaw Pony EN Haas, Jessie 3.0 1.0 900266 Jill and the Corn Stalk (MH Edition) EN Mindnich, Jim 3.4 0.5 10208 EN Jim-Dandy Irwin, Hadley 5.3 5.0 54506 EN Jimmy Zangwow's Out-of-This-World DiTerlizzi, Tony Moon Pie Adventure 2.9 0.5 101197 Jinx on the Divide EN Kay, Elizabeth 5.4 12.0 14992 EN Jip: His Story Paterson, Katherine 5.3 7.0 64334 EN Jo-Jo the Melon Donkey Morpurgo, Michael 4.2 0.5 20203 EN Jo's Story Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.5 1.0 900452 Joanna the Magnificent (MH Edition) deMauro, Lisa EN 4.6 0.5 32583 EN Dunn, Herb 4.8 3.0 900039 Joe's Lost Home (MH Edition) EN Skimmer, Ted P. 2.0 0.5 45124 EN Joey Pigza Loses Control Gantos, Jack 4.9 7.0 29525 EN Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key Gantos, Jack 4.9 5.0 900268 John Adams and Thomas Jefferson: EN Two Friends (MH Edition) Celsi, Teresa Noel 4.8 0.5 105595 John F. Kennedy EN Jones, Veda Boyd 2.9 0.5 900531 John Glenn: Space Pioneer (MH EN Edition) Keremes, Constance Andrea 6.2 0.5 900411 John Henry (MH Edition) EN Lester, Julius 4.0 0.5 900132 John Muir: Making the Mountains EN Glad (MH Edition) Pollard, Lauren Ray 2.7 0.5 105277 John, Paul, George & Ben EN Smith, Lane 3.7 0.5 6073 EN Kellogg, Steven 4.4 0.5 Joe DiMaggio: Young Sports Hero Johnny Appleseed 900097 Johnny Appleseed (MH Edition) EN Osborne, Mary Pope 2.4 0.5 7322 EN Hurd, Edith 2.3 0.5 477 EN Johnny Long Legs Christopher, Matt 4.0 2.0 47 EN Johnny Tremain Forbes, Esther 5.9 13.0 46685 EN Jonah the Whale Shreve, Susan 4.7 3.0 26734 EN Jonathan Livingston Seagull Bach, Richard 5.6 1.0 1018 EN Jones Family Express - MH Edition, The Steptoe, Javaka 3.4 0.5 17625 EN Josefina Learns a Lesson Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 17626 EN Josefina's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 4.6 1.0 20696 EN Josefina Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 10527 EN Josefina Story Quilt, The Coerr, Eleanor 2.7 0.5 927 EN Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Taback, Simms 1.7 0.5 54846 EN Joshua's Song Harlow, Joan Hiatt 4.0 4.0 11472 EN Joshua T. Bates Takes Charge Shreve, Susan 4.1 2.0 5072 EN Josie Gambit, The Shura, Mary Francis 4.8 4.0 10228 EN Josie's Troubles Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 3.0 44831 EN Journal of Augustus Pelletier: The Lewis & Clark Expedition, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.6 5.0 32209 EN Journal of Ben Uchida, Citizen 13559: Denenberg, Barry Mirror Lake...Camp, The 5.2 4.0 50162 EN Journal of Biddy Owens: The Negro Leagues, The 5.2 4.0 58031 EN Journal of C. J. Jackson: A Dust Bowl Durbin, William Migrant, The 5.7 5.0 55208 EN Journal of Douglas Allen Deeds: The Donner Party Expedition, The 5.7 4.0 Johnny Lion's Book Myers, Walter Dean Philbrick, Rodman 27944 EN Journal of James Edmond Pease: A Civil War Union Soldier, The Murphy, Jim 5.7 6.0 42452 EN Journal of Jasper Jonathan Pierce: A Pilgrim Boy, The Rinaldi, Ann 4.9 5.0 52608 EN Journal of Jesse Smoke: A Cherokee Boy, The Bruchac, Joseph 6.2 6.0 31189 EN Journal of Joshua Loper: A Black Cowboy, The Myers, Walter Dean 5.0 4.0 59356 EN Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty: United States...Corps, The White, Ellen Emerson 5.9 7.0 34709 EN Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: A World War II Soldier, The Myers, Walter Dean 5.0 4.0 32210 EN Journal of Sean Sullivan: A Transcontinental Railroad Worker, The Durbin, William 5.9 5.0 27945 EN Journal of William Thomas Emerson: Denenberg, Barry A ...War Patriot, The 5.6 4.0 35833 EN Journal of Wong Ming-Chung: A Chinese Miner, The Yep, Laurence 4.8 6.0 6672 EN Journey MacLachlan, Patricia 3.8 2.0 900223 Journey Across the Desert (MH EN Edition) Teitelbaum, Michael 2.8 0.5 900370 Journey Against All Odds (MH EN Edition) Terrill, Beth 5.0 0.5 48 EN Journey from Peppermint Street deJong, Meindert 5.0 8.0 5073 EN Journey Home Uchida, Yoshiko 5.3 4.0 234 EN Journey Outside Steele, Mary 5.7 5.0 71435 EN Journey, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 7.0 44574 EN Journey, The Applegate, K.A. 3.5 3.0 101052 Journey Through Space EN Windham, Ryder 3.6 0.5 900221 Journey to America (MH Edition) EN Keyes, Madeleine 2.6 0.5 369 EN Journey to Jo'burg Naidoo, Beverley 4.6 2.0 30538 EN Verne/Schwach 5.1 3.0 Journey to the Center of the Earth (Great Illustrated Classic), A 17627 EN Journey to the New World: The Diary Lasky, Kathryn of Remember Patience..., A 6.0 4.0 39812 EN Journey to the Volcano Palace Abbott, Tony 3.1 1.0 325 EN Judge Benjamin: Superdog Gift McInerney, Judith 4.7 3.0 48375 EN McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 108424 Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 EN 1/2 Days McDonald, Megan 3.3 2.0 89010 EN Judy Moody Declares Independence McDonald, Megan 3.4 2.0 56498 EN Judy Moody Gets Famous! McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 138802 Judy Moody, Girl Detective EN McDonald, Megan 3.5 2.0 125144 Judy Moody Goes to College EN McDonald, Megan 3.7 1.0 80135 EN Judy Moody, M.D.: The Doctor Is In! McDonald, Megan 3.2 2.0 70047 EN Judy Moody Predicts the Future McDonald, Megan 3.1 1.0 62253 EN Judy Moody Saves the World McDonald, Megan 3.6 1.0 McDonald, Megan 3.4 1.0 131844 Judy Moody & Stink: The Mad, Mad, McDonald, Megan EN Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt 3.5 1.0 273 EN Julian's Glorious Summer Cameron, Ann 3.1 1.0 11720 EN George, Jean Craighead 5.0 6.0 118244 Julie and the Eagles EN McDonald, Megan 4.6 1.0 49 EN George, Jean Craighead 5.8 6.0 118246 Julie's Journey EN McDonald, Megan 4.5 2.0 118245 Julie Tells Her Story EN McDonald, Megan 4.5 2.0 15073 EN Kirwan, Anna 5.4 2.0 Judy Moody 119068 Judy Moody & Stink: The Holly EN Joliday Julie Julie of the Wolves Juliet: A Dream Takes Flight 73767 EN Juliet Dove, Queen of Love Coville, Bruce 5.0 7.0 18772 EN Juliet: Midsummer at Greenchapel Kirwan/Marshall 5.4 2.0 134597 Juliet the Valentine Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.4 2.0 7323 EN Julius Hoff, Syd 2.1 0.5 6614 EN Jump Ship to Freedom Collier, James/Christopher 5.3 7.0 1035 EN June Robot Cleans Up - MH Edition Anderson, Mary 1.9 0.5 6818 EN Jungle Pyramid, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.0 6.0 107304 Junie B., First Grader: Aloha-ha-ha! EN Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 57153 EN Junie B., First Grader (at last!) Park, Barbara 2.6 1.0 80959 EN Junie B., First Grader: Boo...and I Mean It! Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 61519 EN Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 68705 EN Junie B., First Grader: Cheater Pants Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 112907 Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny EN Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 73514 EN Junie B., First Grader: One-Man Band Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 80075 EN Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 64031 EN Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 100621 Junie B...Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! Park, Barbara EN (P.S. So Does May) 2.8 1.0 6323 EN Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 9266 EN Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 14676 EN Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 14677 EN Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 32900 EN Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 6324 EN Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 14678 EN Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 17570 EN Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 44907 EN Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 24936 EN Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 49412 EN Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 17571 EN Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 31061 EN Junie B. Jones Is Almost a Flower Girl Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 44908 EN Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 17572 EN Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 12775 EN Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 28323 EN Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy Park, Barbara 2.6 1.0 900310 Just a Dream (MH Edition) EN VanAllsburg, Chris 3.6 0.5 1096 EN Just a Dump Truck Mayer, Mercer 2.5 0.5 80076 EN Just a Little Homework Mayer, Gina/Mercer 2.3 0.5 7274 EN Just a Mess Mayer, Mercer 1.5 0.5 79680 EN Just a School Project Mayer, Mercer 2.9 0.5 Mayer, Mercer 2.6 0.5 104932 Just a Snowman EN 1095 EN Just a Tugboat Mayer, Mercer 2.5 0.5 1097 EN Just Big Enough Mayer, Mercer 2.9 0.5 75379 EN Just Call Me Joe Wishinsky, Frieda 4.2 2.0 10246 EN Just Call Me Stupid Birdseye, Tom 4.5 5.0 34884 EN Just Ella Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.5 6.0 7228 EN Just Going to the Dentist Mayer, Mercer 2.4 0.5 958 EN Just Grandma and Me Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 7275 EN Just Grandpa and Me Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 30692 EN Just Juice Hesse, Karen 3.8 3.0 87502 EN Just Keep Swimming Lagonegro, Melissa 0.8 0.5 84844 EN Just Like You Fearnley, Jan 3.0 0.5 7276 EN Just Me and My Dad Mayer, Mercer 1.4 0.5 7230 EN Just Me and My Little Brother Mayer, Mercer 2.5 0.5 40597 EN Just Me and My Mom Mayer, Mercer 2.2 0.5 7277 EN Just Me and My Puppy Mayer, Mercer 1.6 0.5 7278 EN Just My Friend and Me Mayer, Mercer 1.9 0.5 40598 EN Just Say Please Mayer, Gina 2.6 0.5 7279 EN Just Shopping with Mom Mayer, Mercer 1.7 0.5 177 EN Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World Walter, Mildred Pitts 3.9 3.0 900394 Justin and the Best Biscuits in the EN World (MH Edition) Walter, Mildred Pitts 3.6 0.5 235 EN Justin Morgan Had a Horse Henry, Marguerite 5.8 5.0 14821 EN Kai: A Mission for Her Village Thomas, Dawn C. 4.5 2.0 18773 EN Kai: The Lost Statue Welch, Leona Nicholas 4.5 2.0 52596 EN Kaiulani: The People's Princess White, Ellen Emerson 6.4 6.0 6577 EN Kangaroos (Zoobooks) Brust, Beth Wagner 5.3 0.5 135299 Karate Mouse, The EN Stilton, Geronimo 4.0 1.0 900165 Karen and the Red Shoes (MH EN Edition) Bloomfield, Samantha 2.4 0.5 107052 Karen's Black Cat EN Martin, Ann M. 3.2 1.0 1020 EN Kate's Game - MH Edition Bynum, Janie 1.2 0.5 50 EN Katie John Calhoun, Mary 4.2 4.0 123732 Katie Loves the Kittens EN Himmelman, John 2.2 0.5 101481 Katie's Mom Is a Mermaid EN Ray, Hannah 3.1 0.5 123892 Katie the Kitten Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.6 1.0 19575 EN Katy and the Big Snow Burton, Virginia Lee 2.9 0.5 62887 EN Kaya and Lone Dog: A Friendship Story Shaw, Janet 4.8 2.0 62889 EN Kaya's Escape! A Survival Story Shaw, Janet 4.7 2.0 62890 EN Kaya's Hero: A Story of Giving Shaw, Janet 4.9 2.0 62888 EN Kaya Shows the Way: A Sister Story Shaw, Janet 4.6 2.0 20080 EN Kazan: Father of Baree Curwood, James Oliver 6.5 11.0 112100 Keeker and the Sneaky Pony EN Higginson, Hadley 4.0 0.5 900372 Keep Your Junk Out of Our Ocean! EN (MH Edition) Donev, Stef 4.8 0.5 20081 EN Keeper of the Light Pfitsch, Patricia Curtis 4.6 6.0 11473 EN Keeping Secrets Nixon, Joan Lowery 5.0 6.0 129372 Keeping Secrets EN Martin, Ann M. 4.6 6.0 900423 Kelley in Charge (MH Edition) EN Cassidy, Janet 4.1 0.5 900030 Kent and Glen (MH Edition) EN Miranda, Anne 1.2 0.5 900282 Kente Tradition (MH Edition), The EN Pittaluga, Matthew 4.2 0.5 132098 Kentucky Komodo Dragons EN Rand, Johnathan 4.3 3.0 274 EN Kevin Corbett Eats Flies Hermes, Patricia 3.6 5.0 74289 EN Christopher/Peters 3.7 1.0 119700 Kickoff! EN Barber, Tiki 4.3 5.0 178 EN Kid in the Red Jacket, The Park, Barbara 3.9 3.0 1021 EN Kid's Can Help - MH Edition Novek, Minda 1.2 0.5 11423 EN Kid Who Only Hit Homers, The Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 18774 EN Kidnap Kids Strasser, Todd 3.6 4.0 106864 Kidnapped Book One: The Abduction Korman, Gordon EN 5.1 4.0 106865 Kidnapped Book Two: The Search EN Korman, Gordon 5.0 4.0 30539 EN Kidnapped (Great Illustrated Classics) Stevenson/Kestel 4.8 2.0 44931 EN Kidnapped King, The Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 24908 EN Kidnappers: A Mystery, The Roberts, Willo Davis 4.8 5.0 900125 Kids' Clubs That Helped the World EN (MH Edition) Vesely, Jennifer 3.1 0.5 900047 Kim is Sick (MH Edition) EN Thompson, Emily 0.8 0.5 Kick It! 128826 Kind of Friends We Used to Be, The EN Dowell, Frances O'Roark 5.8 6.0 84845 EN Kindergarten Rocks! Davis, Katie 2.6 0.5 30540 EN King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (Great...Classics) Pyle/Hanft 6.2 3.0 900340 King for a Day! (MH Edition) EN Fontes, Justine Korman 4.8 0.5 103361 King of Attolia, The EN Turner, Megan Whalen 5.7 14.0 51 EN Henry, Marguerite 5.4 5.0 900256 King's Oranges (MH Edition), The EN Brooks, Caitlin 3.7 0.5 148253 King's Ransom, A EN Watson, Jude 4.2 6.0 85642 EN Kelly, Jack 4.0 3.0 100601 Kingdom Keepers, The EN Pearson, Ridley 4.2 9.0 134600 Kingdom of Fantasy, The EN Stilton, Geronimo 3.9 3.0 137507 Kings of Clonmel, The EN Flanagan, John 6.1 16.0 2196 EN Kip: A Sea Otter Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.8 0.5 74071 EN Kira-Kira Kadohata, Cynthia 4.7 7.0 479 EN Kirsten Learns a Lesson Shaw, Janet 4.0 1.0 34684 EN Shaw, Janet 4.0 0.5 669 EN Kirsten's Surprise Shaw, Janet 3.9 1.0 5227 EN Kirsten Saves the Day Shaw, Janet 3.7 1.0 5520 EN Kiss for Little Bear, A Minarik, Else Holmelund 1.4 0.5 120513 Kiss Me, I'm Perfect! EN Munsch, Robert 2.6 0.5 37032 EN Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 King of the Wind King Solomon's Mines Kirsten on the Trail Kit Learns a Lesson 37033 EN Kit's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 4.4 2.0 52598 EN Kit Saves the Day: A Summer Story Tripp, Valerie 4.4 1.0 1042 EN Kite -MH Edition, The Lobel, Arnold 2.2 0.5 900065 Kite's Island Trip (MH Edition) EN Meadows, Lily 1.4 0.5 103086 Kitten Caper, The EN Keene, Carolyn 3.6 1.0 7280 EN Pfloog, Jan 2.6 0.5 968 EN Kittens for Keeps Olson, Mary K. 2.0 0.5 275 EN Kitty in the Middle Delton, Judy 4.6 3.0 900096 Knee-High Man (MH Edition), The EN Dreyer, Ellen 1.9 0.5 236 EN Kneeknock Rise Babbitt, Natalie 4.4 2.0 6327 EN Osborne, Mary Pope 2.9 1.0 900491 Knight's Journey (MH Edition), A EN Korte, Steve 6.1 0.5 20025 EN Knights Don't Teach Piano Dadey/Jones 3.9 1.0 65670 EN Knights of Silversnow, The Abbott, Tony 3.8 2.0 900513 Knitting Circle (MH Edition) EN North, Emily 4.9 0.5 20119 EN Knots in My Yo-Yo String: The Autobiography of a Kid Spinelli, Jerry 6.0 5.0 43692 EN Know-Nothings Talk Turkey, The Spirn, Michele Sobel 2.4 0.5 118677 Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of EN Mistaken Identity Willems, Mo 2.4 0.5 900303 Koala Catchers (MH Edition), The EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.4 0.5 6578 EN Wexo, John Bonnett 5.1 0.5 Hermes, Patricia 4.1 2.0 Kittens Are Like That Knight at Dawn, The Koalas (Zoobooks) 133684 Koda EN 2195 EN Kooski: A Gray Wolf Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.2 1.0 55732 EN Kreepy Klowns of Kalamazoo Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 6528 EN Kristy and the Snobs Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 6530 EN Kristy's Big Day Martin, Ann M. 4.0 4.0 6531 EN Kristy's Great Idea Martin, Ann M. 3.6 4.0 900459 Ladder of Truth (MH Edition), The EN Rowland, Della 6.3 0.5 122967 Lady Liberty: A Biography EN Rappaport, Doreen 4.8 0.5 53427 EN Yep, Laurence 5.3 8.0 900536 Lake Joy, at Last (MH Edition) EN Vegas, Nadia 5.7 0.5 59066 EN Rodda, Emily 5.4 4.0 900060 Land (MH Edition), The EN Pearl, Wendy 2.1 0.5 7617 EN Locker, Thomas 4.7 0.5 117964 Land of the Silver Apples, The EN Farmer, Nancy 5.0 17.0 31641 EN Clements, Andrew 6.0 4.0 135223 Lanie EN Kurtz, Jane 4.8 3.0 135224 Lanie's Real Adventures EN Kurtz, Jane 4.9 3.0 11474 EN Aldrich, Bess Streeter 6.4 14.0 109086 Larklight EN Reeve, Philip 7.0 13.0 142199 LaRue Across America: Postcards EN From the Vacation Teague, Mark 5.2 0.5 121611 LaRue For Mayor: Letters from the EN Campaign Trail Teague, Mark 5.1 0.5 Lady of Ch'iao Kuo: Warrior of the South Lake of Tears, The Land of Gray Wolf, The Landry News, The Lantern in Her Hand, A 121 EN Lassie Come-Home Knight, Eric 5.4 9.0 20678 EN Wells, Rosemary 4.8 1.0 619 EN Last Battle, The Lewis, C.S. 5.6 7.0 109784 Last Dragon, The EN De Mari, Silvana 6.5 14.0 75368 EN Last Fairy-Apple Tree, The Rodda, Emily 3.8 2.0 82274 EN Last Holiday Concert, The Clements, Andrew 5.4 4.0 30541 EN Last of the Mohicans, The Cooper/Warren 5.9 3.0 130543 Last Olympian, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.3 13.0 900486 Last Riddle (MH Edition), The EN Spirn, Michele 5.6 0.5 127459 Last Son of Krypton EN Dahl, Michael 3.6 1.0 900533 Last Summer at Camp Woodside (MH Lawrence, Chris EN Edition) 5.8 0.5 900566 Last Summer with Maizon (MH EN Edition) Woodson, Jacqueline 3.9 0.5 136094 Last Wilderness, The EN Hunter, Erin 5.3 9.0 14596 EN Yep, Laurence 4.0 3.0 900345 Laura and the Great Quake (MH EN Edition) Clerk, Jessica 4.4 0.5 121747 Lauren the Puppy Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.3 1.0 900518 Laurie in Charge (MH Edition) EN North, Emily 5.0 0.5 115808 Lawn Boy EN Paulsen, Gary 4.3 2.0 137661 Lawn Boy Returns EN Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 5754 EN Lazarus Plot, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 1131 EN Leaf Man Ehlert, Lois 2.3 0.5 Lassie Come-Home Later, Gator 900307 Leah's Pony (MH Edition) EN Friedrich, Elizabeth 3.5 0.5 900162 Learn About Your World (MH EN Edition) Nystrom, Lilian 4.0 0.5 900061 Lee in the Lake (MH Edition) EN Hobart, Chris 2.6 0.5 27656 EN Left Behind LaHaye, Tim F. 5.5 17.0 30337 EN Legend of Luke, The Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 15082 EN Legend of Red Horse Cavern, The Paulsen, Gary 3.5 1.0 30542 EN Legend of Sleepy Hollow...Rip Van Winkle (Great...Classics), The Irving/Kelly 4.8 3.0 87214 EN Legend of Spud Murphy, The Colfer, Eoin 3.8 1.0 276 EN Lemming Condition, The Arkin, Alan 4.3 1.0 117604 Lemonade Club, The EN Polacco, Patricia 3.9 0.5 900115 Lemonade for Sale (MH Edition) EN Murphy, Stuart J. 2.8 0.5 2.9 0.5 7618 EN Leo, Zack, and Emmie Together Again Ehrlich, Amy 102551 Leon and the Champion Chip EN Kurzweil, Allen 4.9 9.0 72873 EN Kurzweil, Allen 4.9 8.0 127687 Leonardo da Vinci: A...Companion to Osborne, Mary Pope EN Monday with a Mad Genius 4.9 1.0 54098 EN Fritz, Jean 4.6 0.5 135283 Leprechaun in Late Winter EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.6 2.0 43948 EN Leprechaun in the Basement, The Tucker, Kathy 3.5 0.5 10672 EN Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 73768 EN Leprechauns Don't Play Fetch Dadey, Debbie 3.7 1.0 Leon and the Spitting Image Leonardo's Horse 12789 EN Les Miserables (Unabridged) Hugo, Victor 9.8 105.0 900447 Lesson (MH Edition), The EN Cassidy, Janet 4.4 0.5 900093 Let's Camp Out (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 1.3 0.5 100579 Let's Get This Party Haunted! EN Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 900597 Let's Put on a Play! (MH Edition) EN Goldish, Meish 5.5 0.5 1118 EN Willems, Mo 0.7 0.5 125816 Let's Talk Riding EN Behrens, Janice 2.0 0.5 237 EN Let the Circle Be Unbroken Taylor, Mildred D. 5.7 15.0 900114 Letter to Amy (MH Edition), A EN Keats, Ezra Jack 2.4 0.5 30611 EN DeYoung, C. Coco 4.7 3.0 900143 Letters from a New Home (MH EN Edition) Castagliola, Anne M. 2.1 0.5 900514 Letters from Lila (MH Edition) EN Rao, Jessica 4.9 0.5 900465 Letters from the Brooklyn Bridge (MH Goldstone, Bruce EN Edition) 5.3 0.5 137110 Letters to God EN Doughtie, Patrick 2.7 0.5 7619 EN Yolen, Jane 4.4 0.5 132849 Leviathan EN Westerfeld, Scott 5.3 12.0 40564 EN Quiri, Patricia Ryon 5.0 0.5 900601 Lewis and Clark: Into the Wilderness EN (MH Edition) Rosen, Daniel 6.7 0.5 7620 EN Li'l Sis and Uncle Willie Everett, Gwen 4.2 0.5 18635 EN Librarian from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 3.2 0.5 Let's Say HI to Friends Who Fly! Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt, A Letting Swift River Go Lewis and Clark Expedition, The 115519 Librarian's Night Before Christmas EN Davis, David 4.7 0.5 24962 EN Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 4.0 115344 Library Mouse EN Kirk, Daniel 4.4 0.5 129024 Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale EN Kirk, Daniel 3.9 0.5 141647 Library Pages, The EN Morton, Carlene 3.2 0.5 126452 Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Windham, Ryder EN The 7.2 8.0 900503 Life in Flatland (MH Edition) EN 5.2 0.5 122006 Life of Me (Enter at Your Own Risk), Winkler, Henry EN The 4.9 5.0 900276 Life on the Great Barrier Reef (MH EN Edition) Brooks, Caitlin 3.2 0.5 122 EN Light in the Forest, The Richter, Conrad 5.5 5.0 32207 EN Hesse, Karen 5.3 4.0 900185 Light of One Candle (MH Edition), EN The Cardigan, H.H. 4.2 0.5 120514 Light of the World: Life of Jesus for EN Children, The Paterson, Katherine 4.5 0.5 20082 EN Light Princess, The MacDonald, George 6.3 3.0 78924 EN Lighthouse Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 3.7 1.0 89885 EN Lightning Thief, The Riordan, Rick 4.7 13.0 78522 EN Lights, Camera... Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 43738 EN Lights! Camera! Clues! Keene, Carolyn 2.8 1.0 326 EN Like Jake and Me Jukes, Mavis 2.9 0.5 141528 Like the Willow Tree: The Diary of EN Lydia Amelia Pierce Lowry, Lois 5.6 6.0 106026 Lilly's Big Day EN Henkes, Kevin 3.6 0.5 Library Card, The Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin, A Abbott, Edwin 14979 EN Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse Henkes, Kevin 3.1 0.5 17781 EN Lily's Crossing Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.6 5.0 105722 Lily's Pesky Plant EN Larsen, Kirsten 4.0 1.0 238 EN Lincoln: A Photobiography Freedman, Russell 7.7 5.0 127617 Lincoln Through the Lens: How EN Photograph...Extraordinary Life Sandler, Martin W. 8.4 3.0 107871 Lindsey EN Atkinson, Chryssa 4.6 3.0 25891 EN Line in the Sand: The Alamo Diary of Garland, Sherry Lucinda Lawrence, A 5.6 6.0 52 EN Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Lewis, C.S. 5.7 6.0 75913 EN Lionboy Corder, Zizou 5.7 12.0 82409 EN LionBoy: The Chase Corder, Zizou 5.4 11.0 7324 EN Lionel in the Fall Krensky, Stephen 2.2 0.5 18727 EN Lions at Lunchtime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 6579 EN Lions (Zoobooks) Elwood/Estrada 4.7 0.5 900252 Listen for the Rattle! (MH Edition) EN Piparo/Jensen 3.2 0.5 89524 EN Listening for Lions Whelan, Gloria 5.7 7.0 6279 EN Little Bear Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.4 0.5 1046 EN Little Bear Goes to the Moon - MH Edition Minarik, lse 2.2 0.5 7325 EN Little Bear's Friend Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.2 0.5 7326 EN Little Bear's Visit Minarik, Else Holmelund 2.3 0.5 925 EN Little Black, A Pony Farley, Walter 2.7 0.5 974 EN Little Black Goes to the Circus! Farley, Walter 2.0 0.5 86361 EN Little Camp of Horrors Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 6580 EN Little Cats (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.7 0.5 7327 EN Little Chief Hoff, Syd 2.1 0.5 25227 EN Little Clearing in the Woods Wilkes, Maria D. 5.3 8.0 40731 EN Little Critter Sleeps Over Mayer, Mercer 1.0 0.5 10916 EN Little Farm in the Ozarks MacBride, Roger Lea 4.5 7.0 24529 EN Little Fish Moisa, Ralph 2.6 0.5 2.8 0.5 120468 Little Hoot EN Rosenthal, Amy Krouse 1.8 0.5 58772 EN Little Horse Byars, Betsy 3.2 0.5 82336 EN Little Horse on His Own Byars, Betsy 2.9 0.5 41410 EN Little House Birthday, A Wilder/MacBride 3.6 0.5 18728 EN Little House in Brookfield Wilkes, Maria D. 5.4 7.0 179 EN Little House in the Big Woods Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 5.0 9595 EN Little House on Rocky Ridge MacBride, Roger Lea 4.2 8.0 53 EN Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls 4.9 8.0 85647 EN Little Mermaid & Other Stories, The Larkin, Rochelle 6.3 5.0 1101 EN Little Miss Spider Kirk, David 2.8 0.5 44041 EN Little Miss Spider at Sunny Patch School Kirk, David 3.1 0.5 129989 Little Oink EN Rosenthal, Amy Krouse 1.7 0.5 900220 Little Painter of Sabana Grande (MH EN Edition), The Markun, Patricia Maloney 0.5 900232 Little Fox & Big Coyote (MH Edition) Brooks, Caitlin EN 3.7 979 EN Little Pea Rosenthal, Amy Krouse 1.7 0.5 10673 EN Little Polar Bear and the Brave Little Hare deBeer, Hans 2.2 0.5 41411 EN Little Prairie House, A Wilder/MacBride 3.7 0.5 123 EN Little Prince, The deSaint-Exupery, Antoine 5.0 2.0 124 EN Little Princess, A Burnett, Frances 6.0 11.0 1037 EN McDermott, Gerald 2.0 0.5 116908 Little Rabbit's Christmas EN Horse, Harry 2.6 0.5 7281 EN Little Rabbit, The Dunn, Judy 3.7 0.5 1005 EN Little Red Hen - MH Edition, The Rothman, Cynthia 0.6 0.5 7328 EN Little Red Lighthouse...Bridge, The Swift, Hildegarde Hoyt 2.9 0.5 118090 Little Red Riding Hood EN Pinkney, Jerry 4.4 0.5 7329 EN Little Runner of the Longhouse Baker, Betty 2.7 0.5 30749 EN Little Ship Under Full Sail Panagopoulos, Janie Lynn 5.2 4.0 100784 Little Soul and the Earth, The EN Walsch, Neale Donald 3.6 0.5 39748 EN Walsch, Neale Donald 4.5 0.5 900347 Little Sure Shot (MH Edition) EN Donev, Mary Kaiser 4.2 0.5 18729 EN Little Town at the Crossroads Wilkes, Maria D. 5.3 8.0 18730 EN Little Town in the Ozarks MacBride, Roger Lea 5.3 9.0 327 EN Little Town on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.4 9.0 900042 Little Tree Grows Up (MH Edition) EN Levy, Julia 1.6 0.5 Alcott, Louisa May 7.9 33.0 513 EN Little Rabbit - MH Edition Little Soul and the Sun, The Little Women (Book I and II) (Unabridged) 66727 EN Little Women: Book One Alcott, Louisa May 7.4 15.0 30543 EN Little Women (Great Illustrated Classics) Alcott/Monfried 4.7 2.0 20028 EN Littles Give a Party, The Peterson, John 3.6 1.0 5231 EN Littles, The Peterson, John 3.3 1.0 20030 EN Littles to the Rescue, The Peterson, John 3.6 1.0 11475 EN Live from the Fifth Grade McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.0 3.0 Daynes, Katie 3.9 0.5 3.4 0.5 123350 Living in Space EN 128658 Living Sunlight: How Plants Bring the Bang, Molly EN Earth to Life 277 EN Lizard Music Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 4.9 5.0 11476 EN Llama in the Family, A Hurwitz, Johanna 4.6 3.0 73761 EN Loamhedge Jacques, Brian 5.3 19.0 5074 EN Locked in Time Duncan, Lois 6.5 10.0 6534 EN Logan Likes Mary Anne! Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 900208 Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story Young, Ed EN (MH Edition) 3.5 0.5 120571 London Eye Mystery, The EN Dowd, Siobhan 4.1 7.0 6023 EN Dereske, Jo 5.7 6.0 134782 Lone Wolf EN Lasky, Kathryn 6.2 7.0 34971 EN Long-Arm Quarterback Christopher, Matt 4.7 3.0 20083 EN Long Patrol, The Jacques, Brian 6.0 15.0 Hunter, Erin 5.3 11.0 Lone Sentinel 127440 Long Shadows EN 27940 EN Long Way from Chicago, A Peck, Richard 5.0 5.0 370 EN Long Winter, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 10.0 148132 Looking at Lincoln EN Kalman, Maira 3.3 0.5 16936 EN Looking for Juliette Lisle, Janet Taylor 4.2 3.0 43407 EN Lord Brocktree Jacques, Brian 5.5 16.0 10674 EN Loretta and the Little Fairy Scheidl, Gerda Marie 3.0 0.5 59382 EN Loser Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 5.0 6049 EN Losing Joe's Place Korman, Gordon 5.5 8.0 130488 Lost EN Prineas, Sarah 4.6 8.0 123158 Lost and Found EN Clements, Andrew 5.0 4.0 1070 EN Holub, Joan 1.2 0.5 900367 Lost and Found (MH Edition) EN Blackaby, Susan 4.4 0.5 900227 Lost at Sea (MH Edition) EN Dow, Dale 2.5 0.5 140427 Lost Hero, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.5 19.0 7740 EN Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 900306 Lost Lake (MH Edition), The EN Say, Allen 2.7 0.5 25942 EN Lost Locket, The Keene, Carolyn 2.9 1.0 9529 EN Lost on a Mountain in Maine Fendler, Donn 4.5 3.0 119696 Lost Queen, The EN Jones, Frewin 5.3 12.0 146986 Lost Stories, The EN Flanagan, John 6.0 18.0 Lost and Found in JumpStart Town Lost in the Dark Unchanted Forest 137616 Lost Tales of Ga'Hoole EN Huang, Kathryn 5.7 6.0 77127 EN Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye Stilton, Geronimo 3.7 1.0 17998 EN Lost Years of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. 5.1 12.0 371 EN Lottery Rose, The Hunt, Irene 5.6 7.0 126510 Louise, the Adventures of a Chicken EN DiCamillo, Kate 3.8 0.5 127681 Louise the Lily Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 47412 EN Wiles, Deborah 4.2 4.0 107470 Love, Ruby Valentine EN Friedman, Laurie B. 3.3 0.5 115987 Love, Stargirl EN Spinelli, Jerry 3.8 8.0 11477 EN Lucie Babbidge's House Cassedy, Sylvia 5.8 7.0 73555 EN Lucinda's Secret DiTerlizzi/Black 3.9 1.0 115629 Lucky EN Gerver, Jane E. 2.8 0.5 7282 EN Phillips, Joan 0.5 0.5 673 EN Lucky Dog Days Delton, Judy 2.9 1.0 44932 EN Lucky Lottery, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 55955 EN Lucky O'Leprechaun Dillon, Jana 3.3 0.5 900167 Lucky to Be Lost (MH Edition) EN Lauren, Kymberlee 2.5 0.5 82842 EN Lucy Rose, Here's the Thing About Me Kelly, Katy 5.1 4.0 25563 EN Lucy's Wish Nixon, Joan Lowery 3.8 2.0 120067 Lucy the Diamond Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.9 1.0 900103 Luka's Quilt (MH Edition) EN Guback, Georgia 2.6 0.5 Love, Ruby Lavender Lucky Bear 86381 EN Luke Goes to Bat Isadora, Rachel 2.5 0.5 328 EN Luke Was There Clymer, Eleanor 3.5 2.0 44207 EN O'Conner, Jane 2.9 0.5 131754 Lunch Lady and the League of EN Librarians Krosoczka, Jarrett J. 2.2 0.5 88626 EN Lunch Money Clements, Andrew 5.2 6.0 72265 EN Lunch Walks Among Us Benton, Jim 5.0 1.0 6024 EN Lyddie Paterson, Katherine 5.6 9.0 Hamilton, Virginia 4.4 10.0 109224 M Is for Masterpiece: An Art Alphabet Domeniconi, David EN 6.3 1.0 7621 EN M & M and The Bad News Babies Ross, Pat 2.7 0.5 7622 EN M & M and The Haunted House Game Ross, Pat 2.8 0.5 7623 EN M & M and The Santa Secrets Ross, Pat 3.5 0.5 57363 EN Mackinaw City Mummies Rand, Johnathan 4.0 2.0 115154 Madame President EN Krulik, Nancy 3.9 3.0 7283 EN Bemelmans, Ludwig 3.2 0.5 136268 Maestoso Petra EN Kendall, Jane 5.8 2.0 900490 Maggie Comes Home (MH Edition) EN Norby, Lisa 5.4 0.5 55324 EN Magic Lemonade Dunbar, Joyce 2.2 0.5 1069 EN Magic Matt and the Skunk in the Tub Maccarone, Grace 1.3 0.5 26349 EN Magic Moon Machine, The Moncure, Jane Belk 2.1 0.5 Hillert, Margaret 1.5 0.5 Lulu Goes to Witch School 125 EN M.C. Higgins, the Great Madeline's Christmas 929 EN Magic Nutcracker, The 480 EN Magic of the Glits, The Adler, C.S. 5.5 3.0 32199 EN Eager, Edward 4.7 5.0 101300 Magic School Bus Flies from the Nest, Cole, Joanna EN The 1.7 0.5 10880 EN 4.3 0.5 Magic or Not? Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane, Cole, Joanna The 105780 Magic School Bus Lost in the Snow, EN The Cole, Joanna 1.7 0.5 44208 EN Wyler/Ames 2.9 0.5 106886 Magic Spell, The EN Chapman, Linda 4.4 1.0 123126 Magic Thief, The EN Prineas, Sarah 4.5 9.0 24530 EN Higman, Anita 2.9 0.5 900247 Magical Illusions: Simple Tricks You Teitelbaum, Michael EN Can Do! (MH Edition) 3.2 0.5 114301 Magical Wading Pool, The EN Rand, Johnathan 3.7 1.0 133242 Magician's Elephant, The EN DiCamillo, Kate 5.0 4.0 622 EN Magician's Nephew, The Lewis, C.S. 5.4 6.0 7624 EN Goldin, Barbara Diamond 3.8 0.5 123315 Magician: The Secrets of the Immortal Scott, Michael EN Nicholas Flamel, The 6.1 17.0 55332 EN Magnificent Mummies, The Bradman, Tony 2.5 0.5 11478 EN Magnificent Mummy Maker, The Woodruff, Elvira 4.9 4.0 86518 EN Magyk Sage, Angie 6.0 18.0 27537 EN Mailbox Mania Lewis, Beverly 2.4 1.0 Bates, J.C. 4.1 0.5 5.3 0.5 Magic Secrets Magic Tricks and More Magician's Visit, The 900156 Make a Difference (MH Edition) EN 900444 Making Pipes is His Bag (MH Edition) Cassidy, Janet EN 79390 EN Making the Save Christopher, Matt 3.6 1.0 481 EN Making the Team Hughes, Dean 3.6 2.0 900317 Malachite Palace (MH Edition), The EN Ada, Alma Flor 4.6 0.5 482 EN Maldonado Miracle, The Taylor, Theodore 4.5 5.0 6535 EN Mallory and the Mystery Diary Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 6536 EN Mallory and the Trouble with Twins Martin, Ann M. 4.2 4.0 10266 EN Mama, I Want to Sing Higginson, Vy 5.7 6.0 83242 EN Mammals Walker, Sarah 5.8 1.0 104318 Mammoths on the Move EN Wheeler, Lisa 3.9 0.5 123262 Man for All Seasons: The Life of EN George Washington Carver, A Krensky, Stephen 5.4 0.5 9952 EN Man in the Ceiling, The Feiffer, Jules 5.3 4.0 48133 EN Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgiveness, A Pelzer, Dave 5.9 15.0 900262 Man Who Discovered Pluto (MH EN Edition), The Dubowski, Mark 4.2 0.5 10130 EN Man Who Was Poe, The Avi 4.2 6.0 52278 EN Manatee Winter Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner 3.8 0.5 900512 Mandela: From the Life of the South EN African Statesman (MH Edition) Cooper, Floyd 5.6 0.5 623 EN Mandy Edwards, Julie 4.8 7.0 5075 EN Spinelli, Jerry 4.7 5.0 900205 Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin EN (MH Edition), The Aliki 3.6 0.5 5483 EN Thurber, James 4.5 0.5 Giblin, James Cross 7.5 2.0 Maniac Magee Many Moons 118877 Many Rides of Paul Revere, The EN 32203 EN Many Troubles of Andy Russell, The Adler, David A. 3.7 3.0 900498 Marble Champ (MH Edition), The EN Soto, Gary 4.8 0.5 125580 March On! The Day My Brother EN Martin Changed the World Farris, Christine King 5.3 0.5 900480 Marco Polo's Excellent Adventure EN (MH Edition) Hood, Susan 5.8 0.5 7625 EN Marge's Diner Gibbons, Gail 3.5 0.5 54165 EN Maria's Story: 1773 Nixon, Joan Lowery 6.0 4.0 15074 EN Marie: An Invitation to Dance Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 4.0 1.0 40137 EN Marie Antoinette: Princess of Versailles Lasky, Kathryn 6.2 7.0 124230 Marie Curie: Scientist Who Made EN Glowing Discoveries Venezia, Mike 5.5 0.5 147370 Marie-Grace and the Orphans EN Buckey, Sarah Masters 4.9 2.0 18775 EN Marie: Summer in the Country Greene, Jacqueline D. 4.7 2.0 7168 EN Mariel of Redwall Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 5669 EN Mark on the Door, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.3 5.0 45068 EN Mark: The Beast Rules the World, The LaHaye, Tim F. 5.4 13.0 114857 Marley: A Dog Like No Other EN Grogan, John 4.9 6.0 132833 Marley Goes to School EN Grogan, John 2.7 0.5 28453 EN Jacques, Brian 5.7 17.0 900544 Martial Arts Sampler (MH Edition), A Michaels, Sasha EN 5.9 0.5 105490 Martial Law EN Dixon, Franklin W. 4.1 4.0 900343 Martin's Journey (MH Edition) EN Blackaby, Susan 4.2 0.5 Marlfox 10784 EN Martin the Warrior Jacques, Brian 24531 EN Marvelous Marbles Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.2 0.5 9035 EN Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! Seuss, Dr. 1.1 0.5 31069 EN Marvin Redpost: A Flying Birthday Cake? Sachar, Louis 3.2 1.0 9269 EN Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teacher's House Sachar, Louis 2.9 1.0 28330 EN Marvin Redpost: Class President Sachar, Louis 3.4 1.0 6331 EN Marvin Redpost: Kidnapped at Birth? Sachar, Louis 2.8 1.0 6332 EN Marvin Redpost: Why Pick on Me? Sachar, Louis 2.7 1.0 6539 EN Mary Anne and the Search for Tigger Martin, Ann M. 3.7 4.0 19355 EN Mary Anne and the Secret in the Attic Martin, Ann M. 4.4 4.0 6544 EN Mary Anne's Bad-Luck Mystery Martin, Ann M. 4.1 4.0 6542 EN Mary Anne Saves the Day Martin, Ann M. 3.7 4.0 54 EN Mary Poppins Travers, P.L. 6.1 6.0 58029 EN Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen Without Lasky, Kathryn a Country 6.0 6.0 5.5 14.0 900479 Marybelle's Message (MH Edition) EN Miranda, Anne 5.4 0.5 55 EN Paterson, Katherine 5.4 7.0 125321 Masterpiece EN Broach, Elise 4.8 8.0 112331 Masterpiece for Bess, A EN Bergen, Lara 3.9 1.0 140501 Matched EN Condie, Ally 4.8 13.0 56 EN Edmonds, Walter D. 5.1 1.0 Burgan, Michael 5.7 0.5 Master Puppeteer, The Matchlock Gun, The 900487 Math All Around You (MH Edition) EN 77411 EN Math Fables Tang, Greg 4.3 0.5 5429 EN Matilda Dahl, Roald 5.0 6.0 900594 Matilda O'Neill (MH Edition) EN Motil, Rebecca 6.3 0.5 900443 Matter of Time (MH Edition), A EN Korte, Steve 5.1 0.5 18731 EN Matthew and the Sea Singer Walsh, Jill Paton 5.0 0.5 6050 EN Mattimeo Jacques, Brian 5.2 18.0 900293 Max Malone (MH Edition) EN Herman, Charlotte 3.3 0.5 900079 Max, the Cat (MH Edition) EN Morris, Ann 0.5 0.5 30694 EN Philbrick, Rodman 5.0 5.0 142954 Maximum Ride: Angel EN Patterson, James 4.8 8.0 136424 Maximum Ride: Fang EN Patterson, James 4.6 8.0 129633 Maximum Ride: Max EN Patterson, James 5.2 8.0 115173 Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Patterson, James EN Other Extreme Sports 4.8 10.0 107068 Maximum Ride: School's Out--Forever Patterson, James EN 4.4 11.0 88565 EN Max the Mighty Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Patterson, James 4.6 11.0 121551 Maximum Ride: The Final Warning EN Patterson, James 5.0 7.0 72349 EN Maxx Comedy: The Funniest Kid in America Korman, Gordon 4.7 4.0 1076 EN May I Please Have a Cookie? Morris, Jennifer E. 1.3 0.5 900260 May's Whale (MH Edition) EN Edwards, Karen 3.2 0.5 110340 May the Best Engine Win! EN Stubbs, Tommy 3.1 0.5 900433 Maya's Mural (MH Edition) EN Gomez, Lucia 4.5 0.5 134898 Maya the Harp Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 55733 EN Mayhem on Mackinac Island Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 71689 EN Mayor of Central Park, The Avi 4.1 4.0 125985 Maze of Bones, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.3 7.0 59067 EN Maze of the Beast, The Rodda, Emily 5.0 4.0 11479 EN McMummy Byars, Betsy 4.2 4.0 900363 Me and Maya, the Super Brain (MH EN Edition) Black, Sheila 4.9 0.5 126177 Me and My Dad! EN Ritchie, Alison 2.2 0.5 372 EN Me, My Goat, and My Sister's Wedding Pevsner, Stella 3.7 6.0 7284 EN Me Too! Mayer, Mercer 1.5 0.5 71437 EN Meanest Doll in the World, The Martin/Godwin 4.6 5.0 119932 Medusa Jones EN Collins, Ross 4.4 2.0 145649 Medusa Plot, The EN Korman, Gordon 5.3 7.0 7682 EN Porter, Connie 4.0 1.0 900399 Meet an Underwater Explorer (MH EN Edition) Woelflein, Luise 4.3 0.5 7330 EN Meet Babar and His Family deBrunhoff, Laurent 2.8 0.5 1036 EN Meet Ben Franklin - MH Edition Philip, Draym 2.2 0.5 147372 Meet Cécile, an American Girl EN Patrick, Denise Lewis 4.6 2.0 6430 EN Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 Meet Addy Meet Felicity 17632 EN Meet Josefina Tripp, Valerie 4.1 2.0 118247 Meet Julie EN McDonald, Megan 4.5 2.0 62893 EN Shaw, Janet 4.2 1.0 425 EN Meet Kirsten Shaw, Janet 3.8 1.0 37031 EN Meet Kit Tripp, Valerie 4.5 2.0 7626 EN Meet M & M Ross, Pat 3.2 0.5 147373 Meet Marie-Grace, an American Girl EN Buckey, Sarah Masters 4.9 2.0 426 EN Meet Molly Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 132089 Meet Rebecca EN Greene, Jacqueline Dembar 4.5 2.0 995 EN Meet Rosina - MH Edition Ancona, George 2.6 0.5 427 EN Meet Samantha Adler, Susan S. 3.8 1.0 900523 Meet the Band (MH Edition) EN Montgomery, Erick 6.0 0.5 10675 EN Meet the Molesons Bos, Burny 2.4 0.5 1029 EN Meet the Super Croc Kids, Time For 3.1 0.5 20204 EN Meg's Story Pfeffer, Susan Beth 3.9 1.0 123069 Mega Trucks EN Murrell, Deborah 4.0 0.5 127108 Megan the Monday Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.2 1.0 32719 EN Schaeffer, Edith 5.2 2.0 900174 Mei Ping and the Silver Shoes (MH EN Edition) Wade, Margaret 3.7 0.5 129258 Melonhead EN Kelly, Katy 4.0 4.0 107765 Mercy Watson Fights Crime EN DiCamillo, Kate 2.6 0.5 Meet Kaya: An American Girl Mei Fuh: Memories from China 106376 Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride EN DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 115901 Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise EN DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 131446 Mercy Watson: Something Wonky EN This Way Comes DiCamillo, Kate 3.2 0.5 88160 EN Mercy Watson to the Rescue DiCamillo, Kate 2.7 0.5 16916 EN Merlin Yolen, Jane 4.9 2.0 12464 EN Merlin Effect, The Barron, T.A. 5.3 9.0 571 EN Mermaid Summer, The Hunter, Mollie 6.1 5.0 16910 EN Mermaids Don't Run Track Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 5526 EN Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 83801 EN Merry Christmas, Geronimo! Stilton, Geronimo 3.2 1.0 5623 EN Message in the Hollow Oak, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 6.0 77348 EN Messenger Lowry, Lois 4.9 5.0 900153 Messengers from the Sky (MH EN Edition) Karp, Albert 4.1 0.5 119767 Mia EN Yep, Laurence 5.4 4.0 1061 EN Ryan, Pam Munoz 2.8 0.5 900553 Michael DeBakey: King of Hearts EN (MH Edition) Pernick, Nancy 6.7 0.5 31525 EN Michael Jordan Lovitt, Chip 6.9 8.0 73511 EN Michigan Mega-Monsters, The Rand, Johnathan 3.8 3.0 11480 EN Mick Harte Was Here Park, Barbara 4.5 2.0 68470 EN Mickey & Me : A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 57 EN Middle Moffat, The Estes, Eleanor 4.6 6.0 Mice and Beans 5076 EN Middle School Blues Kassem, Lou 3.7 5.0 144983 Middle School: The Worst Years of EN My Life Patterson, James 4.5 4.0 87627 EN Midnight Hunter, Erin 6.0 12.0 68471 EN Midnight for Charlie Bone Nimmo, Jenny 4.8 10.0 483 EN Midnight Fox, The Byars, Betsy 4.9 4.0 55325 EN Midnight in Memphis Bradman, Tony 2.7 0.5 17578 EN Midnight on the Moon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.8 1.0 11553 EN Midwife's Apprentice, The Cushman, Karen 6.0 3.0 5484 EN Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Burton, Virginia Lee 4.4 0.5 5305 EN Mike's Mystery Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.0 2.0 900596 Mike Utley: Against All Odds (MH EN Edition) Deignan, Martina 6.8 0.5 71828 EN Milkweed Spinelli, Jerry 3.6 7.0 72355 EN Million Dollar Goal, The Gutman, Dan 4.8 4.0 57150 EN Million Dollar Kick, The Gutman, Dan 4.7 5.0 105954 Million Dollar Putt, The EN Gutman, Dan 3.8 4.0 26736 EN Million Dollar Shot, The Gutman, Dan 4.2 3.0 87183 EN Million Dollar Strike, The Gutman, Dan 4.5 4.0 133416 Million-Dollar Throw EN Lupica, Mike 5.4 8.0 80738 EN Boyce, Frank Cottrell 4.0 6.0 4.5 0.5 Millions 900428 Mills Green Team (MH Edition), The deMauro, Lisa EN 116910 Mind Your Manners, B.B. Wolf EN Sierra, Judy 2.8 0.5 20122 EN Mine Eyes Have Seen Rinaldi, Ann 4.1 10.0 11178 EN Ming Lo Moves the Mountain Lobel, Arnold 3.6 0.5 900526 Mining the Moon (MH Edition) EN Clark, Carolyn 5.3 0.5 73504 EN Minnesota Mall Mannequins Rand, Johnathan 4.3 4.0 59516 EN Minnie and Moo and the Potato from Planet X Cazet, Denys 2.3 0.5 76141 EN Minnie and Moo: The Attack of the Easter Bunnies Cazet, Denys 2.1 0.5 65207 EN Minnie and Moo: The Night Before Christmas Cazet, Denys 2.3 0.5 72213 EN Minnie and Moo: The Night of the Living Bed Cazet, Denys 2.2 0.5 65666 EN Minnie and Moo: Will You Be My Valentine? Cazet, Denys 2.5 0.5 52609 EN Minstrel's Melody, The Tate, Eleanora E. 5.1 5.0 11427 EN Miracle at the Plate Christopher, Matt 4.1 2.0 110893 Miracle on 49th Street EN Lupica, Mike 4.7 8.0 59 EN Sorensen, Virginia 4.9 7.0 102971 Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, DiCamillo, Kate EN The 4.4 2.0 32741 EN Mirror of Merlin, The Barron, T.A. 5.4 9.0 41284 EN Miserable Mill, The Snicket, Lemony 6.2 5.0 278 EN Mishmash Cone, Molly 4.2 2.0 79640 EN Gutman, Dan 4.3 1.0 126 EN Miss Hickory Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin 5.9 4.0 5234 EN Allard, Harry 0.5 Miracles on Maple Hill Miss Daisy Is Crazy! Miss Nelson Is Missing! 2.7 45876 EN Miss Spider's Tea Party Kirk, David 3.9 0.5 5671 EN Missing Chums, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 6673 EN Missing May Rylant, Cynthia 5.3 3.0 46482 EN Missing Mummy, The Roy, Ron 4.0 1.0 7381 EN Missing Tooth, The Cole, Joanna 1.9 0.5 900244 Missing Violin (MH Edition), The EN Goldhaber, Sue Lantz 3.3 0.5 5431 EN Taylor, Mildred D. 4.2 1.0 127246 Mississippi Megalodon EN Rand, Johnathan 4.5 3.0 60572 EN Mississippi River Blues: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Abbott, Tony 3.8 3.0 73505 EN Missouri Madhouse Rand, Johnathan 3.5 3.0 137846 Mistwood EN Cypess, Leah 5.4 10.0 60 EN Misty of Chincoteague Henry, Marguerite 5.3 4.0 7331 EN Mitchell Is Moving Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.8 0.5 134002 Mitten, The EN Aylesworth, Jim 2.9 0.5 279 EN Mitzi's Honeymoon with Nana Potts Williams, Barbara 4.0 3.0 13876 EN Moans and Groans and Dinosaur Bones Delton, Judy 4.2 2.0 30545 EN Moby Dick Melville/Bogart 5.3 2.0 373 EN Moccasin Trail McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 5.8 12.0 138972 Mockingjay EN Collins, Suzanne 5.3 15.0 61 EN Moffats, The Estes, Eleanor 5.2 6.0 45510 EN Mole and Shrew Are Two Koller, Jackie French 3.3 1.0 Mississippi Bridge 62256 EN Mole and Shrew Find a Clue Koller, Jackie French 3.3 1.0 46547 EN Mole and Shrew Have Jobs to Do Koller, Jackie French 3.5 1.0 7285 EN Molly Radlauer, Ruth Shaw 0.8 0.5 7286 EN Molly Goes Hiking Radlauer, Ruth Shaw 0.9 0.5 485 EN Molly Learns a Lesson Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 81644 EN Paulsen, Gary 5.8 3.0 101040 Molly Moon's Hypnotic Time Travel EN Adventure Byng, Georgia 5.2 12.0 69127 EN Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism Byng, Georgia 5.5 12.0 77847 EN Molly Moon Stops the World Byng, Georgia 5.3 11.0 675 EN Molly's Surprise Tripp, Valerie 3.6 1.0 5235 EN Molly Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 3.7 1.0 34680 EN Molly Takes Flight Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 123152 Molly the Goldfish Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.0 1.0 900403 Mom's Best Friend (MH Edition) EN Alexander, Sally Hobart 4.1 0.5 86064 EN Stilton, Geronimo 3.5 1.0 116912 Monday with a Mad Genius EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 62827 EN Money Trouble (Rookie Choices) Brimner, Larry Dane 1.7 0.5 5909 EN Monkey Island Fox, Paula 5.0 5.0 9613 EN Monster Blood Stine, R.L. 4.1 3.0 9614 EN Monster Blood II Stine, R.L. 3.6 3.0 9615 EN Monster Blood III Stine, R.L. 3.2 3.0 Molly McGinty Has a Really Good Day Mona Mousa Code, The 64340 EN Monster from Underground, The Cross, Gillian 3.9 0.5 5947 EN Monster's Ring, The Coville, Bruce 3.9 2.0 10676 EN Monsters Don't Scuba Dive Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 1053 EN Moon (MH Edition), The Simon, Seymour 4.0 0.5 140091 Moon over Manifest EN Vanderpool, Clare 5.3 12.0 111529 Moon Shadow EN Platt, Chris 5.6 7.0 10677 EN Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 374 EN Moonlight Man, The Fox, Paula 5.1 6.0 129309 Moonlight on the Magic Flute EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.7 2.0 100080 Moonrise EN Hunter, Erin 5.8 11.0 129861 Moonshot: The Flight of Apollo 11 EN Floca, Brian 4.8 0.5 5624 EN Moonstone Castle Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 15500 EN Moorchild, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 5.5 9.0 Fitzgerald, John D. 5.2 6.0 Moonlight Madness 375 EN More Adventures of the Great Brain 20084 EN More Adventures of the Plant That Ate McArthur, Nancy Dirty Socks 4.4 4.0 79347 EN More Perfect Than the Moon 2.8 1.0 18776 EN More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin 4.7 1.0 11179 EN More Spaghetti, I Say! Gelman, Rita Golden 1.2 0.5 900124 More the Merrier (MH Edition), The EN Trevaley, Sonya 2.2 0.5 6674 EN Dorris, Michael 4.9 2.0 Weingartner, Amy 4.4 0.5 Morning Girl 900365 Morningstar Sun (MH Edition), The EN MacLachlan, Patricia 7332 EN Morris Goes to School Wiseman, B. 2.0 0.5 973 EN Morris's Disappearing Bag Wells, Rosemary 2.4 0.5 65001 EN Wiseman, Bernard 1.6 0.5 101531 Mortimer's Christmas Manger EN Wilson, Karma 2.6 0.5 112347 Moses EN Hodges, Margaret 4.9 0.5 73945 EN Koralek, Jenny 4.2 0.5 900215 Moses Goes to a Concert (MH EN Edition) Millman, Isaac 3.4 0.5 109416 Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led EN Her People to Freedom Weatherford, Carole Boston 4.0 0.5 6688 EN Jacques, Brian 5.1 17.0 900388 Most Exceptional Guest (MH Edition), Fontes, Justine Korman EN A 5.6 0.5 105793 Mother Knows Best EN Willson, Sarah 3.8 1.0 15831 EN Mother Murphy McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.1 4.0 2394 EN Mother of Invention Owens, Thomas S. 2.9 1.0 118062 Mother Teresa: A Life of Kindness EN Weiss, Ellen 3.6 0.5 1028 EN Lyon, George 4.1 0.5 130960 Mount Rushmore Calamity, The EN Pennypacker, Sara 4.4 1.0 34970 EN Christopher, Matt 4.6 4.0 900500 Mountain of a Monument (MH EN Edition), A Time-for-Kids-Editors 4.2 0.5 133417 Mouse and Mole: Fine Feathered EN Friends Yee, Wong Herbert 2.6 0.5 182 EN Mouse and the Motorcycle, The Cleary, Beverly 5.1 3.0 17579 EN King-Smith, Dick 5.3 2.0 Morris the Moose Moses Basket, The Mossflower Mother To Tigers (MH Edition) Mountain Bike Mania Mouse Called Wolf, A 34840 EN Mouse of Amherst, The Spires, Elizabeth 5.3 1.0 7333 EN Mouse Soup Lobel, Arnold 2.4 0.5 7334 EN Mouse Tales Lobel, Arnold 3.0 0.5 32021 EN Movie Star Angel, The Weyn, Suzanne 4.3 4.0 121665 Moving Day EN Cabot, Meg 5.0 6.0 25889 EN Young, Ronder Thomas 3.1 7.0 900560 Moving Pictures (MH Edition) EN Eisenstark, Reyna 5.6 0.5 125619 Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love EN Writing Thank-You Notes Gifford, Peggy 5.3 2.0 9037 EN Seuss, Dr. 1.8 0.5 113662 Mr. Chewy's Big Adventure EN Rand, Johnathan 3.4 1.0 79641 EN Mr. Klutz Is Nuts! Gutman, Dan 4.4 1.0 58 EN Mr. Popper's Penguins Atwater, Richard/Florence 5.6 3.0 14428 EN Mr. Putter and Tabby Pick the Pears Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 993 EN Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea MH Edition Rylant, Cynthia 2.5 0.5 115860 Mr. Putter & Tabby See the Stars EN Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 32205 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Take the Train Rylant, Cynthia 3.0 0.5 78747 EN Mr. Putter & Tabby Write the Book Rylant, Cynthia 3.1 0.5 18777 EN Mr. Revere and I Lawson, Robert 7.5 5.0 11481 EN Mr. Tucket Paulsen, Gary 5.0 4.0 6132 EN Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree Barry, Robert 3.5 0.5 Moving Mama to Town Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? 7335 EN Mrs. Brice's Mice Hoff, Syd 2.3 0.5 Gutman, Dan 3.5 1.0 O'Brien, Robert C. 5.1 8.0 969 EN Mrs. Gaddy and the Ghost Gage, Wilson 2.3 0.5 34933 EN Dadey/Jones 4.1 2.0 102957 Mrs. Jeepers' Scariest Halloween Ever Dadey, Debbie EN 3.8 1.0 63 EN Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle MacDonald, Betty 5.2 3.0 34688 EN Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm MacDonald, Betty 4.9 4.0 36025 EN Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic MacDonald, Betty 5.5 5.0 83937 EN Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy! Gutman, Dan 3.9 1.0 74865 EN Mud Soup Head, Judith 2.2 0.5 27538 EN Mudhole Mystery, The Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 130156 Mudshark EN Paulsen, Gary 6.3 2.0 429 EN Muggie Maggie Cleary, Beverly 4.5 1.0 41947 EN Mummies, Bones, & Body Parts Wilcox, Charlotte 6.4 1.0 10644 EN Mummies in the Morning Osborne, Mary Pope 2.7 1.0 900575 Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure: (MH Perl, Lila EN Edition) 7.0 0.5 131871 Murder at Midnight EN Avi 4.3 5.0 376 EN Murder for Her Majesty, A Hilgartner, Beth 5.0 8.0 116376 Murder on the Set EN Keene, Carolyn 4.5 5.0 127463 Museum Monsters, The EN Dahl, Michael 3.7 1.0 101364 Mrs. Cooney Is Loony! EN 62 EN Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (The Secret of NIMH) Mrs. Jeepers in Outer Space 1049 EN Music of the Stone Age (MH Edition) Kids, Time for 2.9 0.5 106300 Mustang in the Mist EN Baglio, Ben M. 4.8 4.0 280 EN Mustard Graeber, Charlotte 3.1 1.0 118513 Mutant Mammoths of Montana EN Rand, Johnathan 4.5 4.0 900012 My Best Friend (MH Edition) EN Hutchins, Pat 2.0 0.5 16398 EN My Brother, Ant Byars, Betsy 1.7 0.5 64336 EN My Brother Bernadette Wilson, Jacqueline 3.5 0.5 40138 EN My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Diary Osborne, Mary Pope 4.3 2.0 127 EN My Brother Sam Is Dead Collier, James/Christopher 4.9 7.0 329 EN My Brother Stevie Clymer, Eleanor 4.1 3.0 46311 EN Byars/Duffey/Myers 4.1 1.0 108132 My Dog's a Scaredy-Cat: A Halloween Winkler, Henry EN Tail 4.6 4.0 900003 My Dog's the Best! (MH Edition) EN Calmenson, Stephanie 0.6 0.5 54170 EN Murphy, Jim 5.6 6.0 486 EN My Father's Dragon Gannett, Ruth Stiles 5.6 1.0 900024 My Fish (MH Edition) EN Farrell, Ben 0.4 0.5 900584 My Friend Flicka (MH Edition) EN O'Hara, Mary 5.0 1.0 1081 EN Willems, Mo 1.2 0.5 915 EN My Friend the Moon Dahan, Andre' 2.4 0.5 281 EN My Friend the Vampire Sommer-Bodenburg, Angela 4.2 4.0 9616 EN Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 My Dog, My Hero My Face to the Wind: The Diary of Sarah Jane Price...Teacher My Friend is Sad! My Hairiest Adventure 109343 My Haunted House EN Sage, Angie 5.0 2.0 31191 EN My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary Rinaldi, Ann of Nannie Little Rose 4.3 5.0 18778 EN My Life in Dog Years Paulsen, Gary 5.6 3.0 131200 My Life in Pink & Green EN Greenwald, Lisa 4.4 7.0 20085 EN My Lone Star Summer Love, D. Anne 4.0 4.0 28086 EN My Louisiana Sky Holt, Kimberly Willis 4.6 5.0 20086 EN My Mom Married the Principal Bechard, Margaret 3.2 4.0 9956 EN My Name Is Brain Brian Betancourt, Jeanne 4.3 4.0 5077 EN My Name Is Not Angelica O'Dell, Scott 4.8 4.0 900187 My Name is Nura (MH Edition) EN Castagliola, Anne M. 3.7 0.5 996 EN My Name is Yoon - MH Edition Recorvitz, Helen 2.3 0.5 124693 My One Hundred Adventures EN Horvath, Polly 5.0 8.0 900151 My Own Team: The Bill Reidy Story EN (MH Edition) Smith, Geof 2.6 0.5 48334 EN My Own Worst Enemy Sonenklar, Carol 4.6 5.0 75802 EN My Pony Jeffers, Susan 2.5 0.5 18732 EN My School Is Worse Than Yours Toles, Tom 3.9 1.0 102132 My Secret Life as a Ping-Pong Wizard Winkler, Henry EN 4.6 4.0 44821 EN My Secret War: The World War II Diary of Madeline Beck Osborne, Mary Pope 5.5 4.0 64 EN My Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead 5.2 6.0 900381 My Snorkel Adventure (MH Edition) EN Hogan, Mary 4.7 0.5 11482 EN Coville, Bruce 5.0 5.0 My Teacher Flunked the Planet 11483 EN My Teacher Fried My Brains Coville, Bruce 4.8 4.0 11484 EN My Teacher Glows in the Dark Coville, Bruce 4.9 4.0 1026 EN My Very Own Room - MH Edition Perez, Amada 3.8 0.5 122839 Mysterious Benedict Society and the EN Perilous Journey, The Stewart, Trenton Lee 6.1 19.0 133674 Mysterious Benedict Society and the EN Prisoner's Dilemma, The Stewart, Trenton Lee 6.3 15.0 113801 Mysterious Benedict Society, The EN Stewart, Trenton Lee 5.6 18.0 6821 EN Dixon, Franklin W. 4.8 5.0 135540 Mysterious Howling, The EN Wood, Maryrose 6.8 9.0 74989 EN Mysterious Visitor, The Campbell, Julie 5.0 7.0 5672 EN Mystery at Devil's Paw Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 5626 EN Mystery at Lilac Inn, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 6.0 20032 EN Mystery at Peacock Hall, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 9274 EN Mystery at Snowflake Inn, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 11428 EN Mystery at the Ballpark, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 17583 EN Mystery in the Cave Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 32729 EN Mystery in the Mall, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.8 2.0 18733 EN Mystery in the Old Attic, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 2.0 5316 EN Mystery in the Sand Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 3.0 9277 EN Mystery in the Snow, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 Aronson, Billy 2.6 0.5 Mysterious Caravan, The 900158 Mystery Mess (MH Edition), The EN 24532 EN Mystery of Apartment A-13, The Cosson, M.J. 2.6 0.5 24533 EN Mystery of Ben Franklin's Ghost, The Cosson, M.J. 2.8 0.5 11866 EN Mystery of Case D. Luc, The Lewis, Beverly 2.8 1.0 6778 EN Mystery of Crocodile Island Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 24535 EN Mystery of I Love Elvis, The Cosson, M.J. 2.7 0.5 24536 EN Mystery of Mr. Dodge, The Cosson, M.J. 2.6 0.5 5633 EN Mystery of the 99 Steps, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 5674 EN Mystery of the Aztec Warrior, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.8 6.0 24534 EN Mystery of the Big Paw Print, The Cosson, M.J. 2.7 0.5 5628 EN Mystery of the Brass-Bound Trunk Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 5675 EN Mystery of the Chinese Junk, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.7 6.0 8541 EN Mystery of the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.9 7.0 35820 EN Mystery of the Dark Tower Coleman, Evelyn 4.1 4.0 5629 EN Mystery of the Fire Dragon, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 6.0 6780 EN Mystery of the Glowing Eye Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 24538 EN Mystery of the Gross Gift, The Cosson, M.J. 2.6 0.5 5324 EN Mystery of the Hidden Painting, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.8 2.0 5630 EN Mystery of the Ivory Charm, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 116037 Mystery of the Jeweled Mask, The EN Aber, Linda 4.8 2.0 900607 Mystery of the Lost Satchel (MH EN Edition), The Hasam, Molly 5.8 0.5 900458 Mystery of the Mary Celeste (MH EN Edition), The Brightfield, Richard 5.2 0.5 9281 EN Mystery of the Missing Cat, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 14685 EN Mystery of the Missing Dog, The Levy, Elizabeth 3.0 0.5 24539 EN Mystery of the Missing Heart, The Cosson, M.J. 2.8 1.0 937 EN Mystery of the Missing Red Mitten, The Kellogg, Steven 1.8 0.5 32727 EN Mystery of the Pirate's Map, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 2.0 20087 EN Mystery of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The McArthur, Nancy 4.1 4.0 14845 EN Mystery of the Secret Message, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 5678 EN Mystery of the Spiral Bridge, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 9483 EN Mystery of the Stolen Blue Paint, The Kellogg, Steven 1.9 0.5 10678 EN Mystery of the Stolen Music, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 24537 EN Mystery of the Too Crisp Cash, The Cosson, M.J. 2.7 1.0 5679 EN Mystery of the Whale Tattoo Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 5.0 50155 EN Mystery on Skull Island Jones, Elizabeth McDavid 5.6 6.0 10679 EN Mystery on Stage, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 2.0 17584 EN Mystery on the Train, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 5304 EN Mystery Ranch Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 127705 Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed EN Willems, Mo 2.8 0.5 118321 Name of This Book Is Secret, The EN Bosch, Pseudonymous 5.6 9.0 20787 EN Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 Nancy Drew: Ghost Stories 5634 EN Nancy's Mysterious Letter Keene, Carolyn 4.9 5.0 26352 EN Nanny Goat's Boat Moncure, Jane Belk 2.1 0.5 104717 Natalie's Secret EN Morgan, Melissa J. 4.9 5.0 900525 Nate, Steffi, and the Great Pyramid EN (MH Edition) McCoy, David 5.1 0.5 330 EN Nate the Great Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.0 0.5 430 EN Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.7 0.5 5237 EN Nate the Great and the Missing Key Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 32169 EN Nate the Great and the Monster Mess Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 9286 EN Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.0 0.5 678 EN Nate the Great and the Musical Note Sharmat, Marjorie/Craig 2.9 0.5 9287 EN Nate the Great and the Stolen Base Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 7627 EN Nate the Great...Fishy Prize Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.1 0.5 13881 EN Nate the Great Goes down in the Dumps Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 7633 EN Nate the Great Goes Undercover Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.4 0.5 7628 EN Nate the Great...Halloween Hunt Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 7629 EN Nate the Great...Lost List Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 74866 EN Nate the Great on the Owl Express Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 7630 EN Nate the Great...Phony Clue Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.6 0.5 29407 EN Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.9 0.5 7631 EN Nate the Great...Snowy Trail Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.0 0.5 7634 EN Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.7 0.5 7632 EN Nate the Great...Sticky Case Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2.7 0.5 540 EN National Velvet Bagnold, Enid 5.5 11.0 82867 EN Rand, Johnathan 3.9 3.0 137662 Necromancer: The Secrets of the EN Immortal Nicholas Flamel, The Scott, Michael 5.6 13.0 116247 Needle and Thread EN Martin, Ann M. 4.9 6.0 139665 NERDS: M Is for Mama's Boy EN Buckley, Michael 5.3 7.0 134181 NERDS: National Espionage, Rescue, Buckley, Michael EN and Defense Society 5.3 9.0 145647 NERDS: The Cheerleaders of Doom EN Buckley, Michael 5.0 7.0 15578 EN Neverending Story, The Ende, Michael 5.9 18.0 18734 EN New Dawn on Rocky Ridge MacBride, Roger Lea 5.3 9.0 989 EN New Fire Truck, The Mayer, Mercer 1.5 0.5 900068 New Flag (MH Edition), A EN Harris, Robert 2.2 0.5 119768 New Girl, The EN Krulik, Nancy 4.3 3.0 126406 New Girl, The EN Cabot, Meg 5.2 6.0 133854 New Hope: The Life of Luke EN Skywalker, A Windham, Ryder 5.6 6.0 108713 New Moon EN Meyer, Stephenie 4.7 20.0 2395 EN New Mother, A Owens, Thomas S. 2.8 0.5 71830 EN New Pig in Town Wheeler, Lisa 1.8 0.5 900015 New Shoes for Silvia (MH Edition) EN Hurwitz, Johanna 2.8 0.5 900373 New Year in a New Life (MH EN Edition), A deMauro, Lisa 4.7 0.5 Nebraska Nightcrawlers 73506 EN New York Ninjas Rand, Johnathan 3.8 3.0 18735 EN Niagara Falls Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.9 2.0 70566 EN Niagara Falls, or Does It? Winkler, Henry 4.3 3.0 120566 Nic Bishop Frogs EN Bishop, Nic 4.8 0.5 140629 Nic Bishop Lizards EN Bishop, Nic 5.2 1.0 133666 Nic Bishop Marsupials EN Bishop, Nic 5.4 1.0 117710 Nic Bishop Spiders EN Bishop, Nic 4.8 0.5 29694 EN LaHaye, Tim F. 5.8 16.0 900040 Night and Day (MH Edition) EN Zane, Robyn Martell 2.0 0.5 900182 Night Animal, Day Animal (MH EN Edition) Lechner, Judith 3.2 0.5 900100 Night Animals (MH Edition), The EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 1.3 0.5 377 EN Night Cry Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 6.0 135339 Night Fairy, The EN Schlitz, Laura Amy 4.2 2.0 34692 EN Night Flyers, The Jones, Elizabeth McDavid 5.0 5.0 78556 EN Night I Flunked My Field Trip, The Winkler, Henry 4.2 4.0 9617 EN Night in Terror Tower, A Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 34625 EN Night in the Haunted Tower West, Tracey 2.9 1.0 900229 Night Jazz Came Alive (MH Edition), Morgan, Daphne EN The 2.8 0.5 900464 Night Journey (MH Edition) EN Weyn, Suzanne 5.3 0.5 9618 EN Stine, R.L. 3.7 3.0 Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist Night of the Living Dummy 14955 EN Night of the Living Dummy II Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 105864 Night of the New Magicians EN Osborne, Mary Pope 4.0 2.0 10680 EN Night of the Ninjas Osborne, Mary Pope 2.7 1.0 124895 Night of the Veggie Monster EN McClements, George 1.7 0.5 900064 Night Sounds (MH Edition) EN Oliver, Tracy 2.1 0.5 378 EN Night Swimmers, The Byars, Betsy 4.3 3.0 32511 EN Night the White Deer Died, The Paulsen, Gary 5.7 3.0 6675 EN Night the Whole Class Slept Over, The Pevsner, Stella 5.3 5.0 141174 Night Whispers EN Hunter, Erin 4.0 9.0 9993 EN Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 113324 Nightmare on the Titanic EN Caper, William 5.0 0.5 114461 Nightrise EN Horowitz, Anthony 4.7 15.0 18779 EN Morris, Judy K. 4.5 4.0 282 EN Nighty-Nightmare Howe, James 4.2 2.0 45793 EN Orr, Wendy 5.8 3.0 900118 Nine-in-One Grr! Grr! (MH Edition) EN Xiong, Blia 3.1 0.5 72217 EN King-Smith, Dick 4.9 1.0 900337 Nine Sense (MH Edition) EN Weyn, Suzanne 3.7 0.5 900326 Ninth Inning (MH Edition), The EN Lakin, Patricia 3.4 0.5 117965 Nixie's Song, The EN DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.2 2.0 77598 EN Manzano, Sonia 4.3 0.5 Nightjohn Nightwalkers Nim's Island Nine Lives of Aristotle, The No Dogs Allowed! 32447 EN No Fear (Scrappers) Hughes, Dean 4.3 3.0 11894 EN No Grown-Ups Allowed Lewis, Beverly 2.8 1.0 7287 EN No Mail for Mitchell Siracusa, Catherine 2.0 0.5 48259 EN No More Dead Dogs Korman, Gordon 4.5 5.0 142995 No Passengers Beyond This Point EN Choldenko, Gennifer 3.9 7.0 115396 No Talking EN Clements, Andrew 5.0 4.0 82280 EN No Time Like Show Time Hoeye, Michael 3.8 8.0 7288 EN Noah's Ark Hayward, Linda 1.6 0.5 6676 EN Nobodies & Somebodies Orgel, Doris 3.6 4.0 88658 EN Nobodies, The Bode, N.E. 4.4 7.0 900377 Nonsense, Mr. Lear! (MH Edition) EN Hood, Susan 5.5 0.5 239 EN Noonday Friends, The Stolz, Mary 4.8 6.0 7386 EN Norma Jean, Jumping Bean Cole, Joanna 2.2 0.5 78679 EN North Napoli, Donna Jo 4.0 9.0 112718 North Dakota Night Dragons EN Rand, Johnathan 4.5 4.0 36700 EN Nory Ryan's Song Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.3 5.0 9386 EN Not I, Not I Hillert, Margaret 0.7 0.5 32160 EN Not Just a Summer Crush Adler, C.S. 4.4 3.0 67496 EN Not Just a Witch Ibbotson, Eva 5.6 6.0 240 EN Not-Just-Anybody Family, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 28333 EN Keene, Carolyn 3.1 1.0 Not Nice on Ice 18736 EN Not-So-Perfect Rosie Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.5 1.0 131462 Notes from the Dog EN Paulsen, Gary 4.7 4.0 73837 EN Nothin' but Net Mantell, Paul 4.9 4.0 7014 EN Nothing but the Truth Avi 3.6 4.0 185 EN Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade DeClements, Barthe 3.7 4.0 35979 EN Paola, Tomie De 2.9 0.5 900128 Now You See It, Now You Don't (MH Smith, Geof EN Edition) 2.4 0.5 100020 Now You See Them, Now You Don't EN Korman, Gordon 4.9 4.0 120825 Nuclear Jellyfish of New Jersey EN Rand, Johnathan 4.5 3.0 379 EN Number the Stars Lowry, Lois 4.5 4.0 900568 Number the Stars (MH Edition) EN Lowry, Lois 4.2 1.0 1033 EN George, Jean 2.1 0.5 331 EN Nutty Can't Miss Hughes, Dean 4.7 4.0 283 EN Nutty for President Hughes, Dean 4.8 4.0 43740 EN McKissack, Patricia C. 5.6 3.0 109743 Oak Inside the Acorn, The EN Lucado, Max 3.3 0.5 1135 EN Ocean Life Guiberson, Brenda Z. 1.7 0.5 64990 EN Octave of Angels, The McAllister, Margaret 5.0 4.0 132851 Odd and the Frost Giants EN Gaiman, Neil 5.0 2.0 18737 EN Soto, Gary 4.4 3.0 Rathmann, Peggy 3.4 0.5 Now One Foot, Now the Other Nutik, the Wolf Pup (MH Edition) Nzingha: Warrior Queen of Matamba Off and Running 900106 Officer Buckle and Gloria (MH EN Edition) 1002 EN Officer Buckle and Gloria - MH Edition Rathmann, Peggy 3.4 0.5 133419 Oggie Cooder, Party Animal EN Weeks, Sarah 5.1 3.0 73507 EN Rand, Johnathan 3.9 3.0 332 EN Oh, Brother Wilson, Johnniece 3.9 4.0 31586 EN Oh, Cats! Buck, Nola 0.4 0.5 32539 EN Oh No, It's Robert Seuling, Barbara 3.8 2.0 65309 EN Oh Say Can You Say Di-no-saur? All Worth, Bonnie About Dinosaurs 3.0 0.5 86314 EN Oh the Pets You Can Get! All About Our Animal Friends Rabe, Tish 3.5 0.5 127751 Oklahoma Outbreak EN Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 126405 Old Bear EN Henkes, Kevin 2.1 0.5 917 EN Old Enough for Magic Pickett, Anola 2.0 0.5 24593 EN Old-Fashioned Girl, An Alcott, Louisa May 8.2 18.0 10681 EN Old Man and the Bear, The Hanel, Wolfram 4.0 0.5 5994 EN Old Man and the Sea, The Hemingway, Ernest 5.1 4.0 65 EN Old Mother West Wind Burgess, Thornton 5.2 3.0 82156 EN Old Willis Place: A Ghost Story, The Hahn, Mary Downing 4.2 7.0 6581 EN Old World Monkeys (Zoobooks) Elwood, Ann 5.4 0.5 66 EN Old Yeller Gipson, Fred 5.0 5.0 71432 EN Olive's Ocean Henkes, Kevin 4.7 4.0 7336 EN Oliver Hoff, Syd 2.1 0.5 51901 EN Oliver, Amanda, and Grandmother Pig Leeuwen, Jean Van 2.4 0.5 Ogres of Ohio 34556 EN Oliver and Amanda's Christmas Leeuwen, Jean Van 2.6 0.5 333 EN Oliver Dibbs and the Dinosaur Cause Steiner, Barbara 4.3 5.0 284 EN Oliver Dibbs to the Rescue! Steiner, Barbara 4.0 4.0 30547 EN Oliver Twist (Great Illustrated Classics) Dickens/Leighton 4.6 2.0 1041 EN Olivia Falconer, Ian 2.0 0.5 44266 EN Olivia Falconer, Ian 2.0 0.5 71137 EN Olivia...and the Missing Toy Falconer, Ian 2.0 0.5 106128 Olivia Forms a Band EN Falconer, Ian 2.4 0.5 140084 Olivia Goes to Venice EN Falconer, Ian 2.7 0.5 114748 Olivia Helps with Christmas EN Falconer, Ian 2.4 0.5 52402 EN Olivia Saves the Circus Falconer, Ian 1.9 0.5 11559 EN Olympic Dream Christopher, Matt 4.9 5.0 109979 On Christmas Eve EN Martin, Ann M. 4.7 3.0 128 EN On My Honor Bauer, Marion Dane 4.7 2.0 1006 EN Yee, Wong Herbert 1.2 0.5 900439 On the Ball (MH Edition) EN Burgan, Michael 4.5 0.5 67 EN On the Banks of Plum Creek Wilder, Laura Ingalls 4.6 8.0 40636 EN On the Banks of the Bayou MacBride, Roger Lea 5.4 6.0 900400 On the Bus with Joanna Cole (MH EN Edition) Cole, Joanna 5.1 0.5 35570 EN On the Course with...Tiger Woods Christopher, Matt 7.1 4.0 35575 EN On the Court with...Michael Jordan Christopher, Matt 6.6 4.0 On My Way to School - MH Edition 73838 EN On the Court with...Shaquille O'Neal 6.6 3.0 630 EN On the Far Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4.5 6.0 67172 EN On the Field with...Alex Rodriguez Stout, Glen 6.3 3.0 45691 EN On the Field with...Derek Jeter Christopher/Stout 6.8 4.0 900101 On the Go! (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.2 0.5 35574 EN On the Ice with...Wayne Gretzky Christopher, Matt 7.5 4.0 35569 EN On the Mound with...Greg Maddux Christopher, Matt 6.2 4.0 10918 EN On the Other Side of the Hill MacBride, Roger Lea 5.2 9.0 20088 EN On the Sidelines Costello, Emily 4.0 3.0 45344 EN On the Trail of Trouble Keene, Carolyn 4.7 5.0 114707 On the Wings of Heroes EN Peck, Richard 4.6 4.0 900435 On Track (MH Edition) EN Rowland, Della 4.6 0.5 18780 EN Once on This River Wyeth, Sharon Dennis 4.4 5.0 85752 EN Once Upon a Curse Baker, E.D. 5.6 9.0 62564 EN Once Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean 5.7 8.0 133258 Once Was Lost EN Zarr, Sara 4.7 9.0 241 EN One-Eyed Cat Fox, Paula 5.4 7.0 127226 One False Note EN Korman, Gordon 4.9 5.0 9042 EN Seuss, Dr. 1.7 0.5 Asch, Frank 0.7 0.5 One Hundredth Thing about Caroline, Lowry, Lois The 4.6 4.0 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish 900084 One Good Pup (MH Edition) EN 18781 EN Christopher/Stout 679 EN One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo, The Blume, Judy 2.5 0.5 124298 One Is a Feast for Mouse: A EN Thanksgiving Tale Cox, Judy 3.6 0.5 904 EN One Lonely Sea Horse Freymann, Saxton 1.8 0.5 24964 EN One More River Banks, Lynne Reid 5.0 9.0 85424 EN One Night in Doom House Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 1016 EN One Riddle, One Answer - MH Edition Thompson, Lauren 3.5 0.5 26353 EN One Tricky Monkey up on Top Moncure, Jane Belk 2.1 0.5 900592 One Year in the West (MH Edition) EN Smith, Geof 5.9 0.5 68 EN Krumgold, Joseph 4.5 8.0 Carter, Ally 5.0 8.0 900393 Open Wide, Don't Bite! (MH Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors EN 3.1 0.5 900569 Opera, Karate, and Bandits (MH EN Edition) Nhuong, Huynh Quang 5.5 0.5 34554 EN Christopher, Matt 3.8 1.0 Dixon, Franklin W. 3.7 4.0 900206 Opt: An Illusionary Tale (MH Edition) Baum, Arline/Joseph EN 2.6 0.5 62265 EN Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 101326 Orange You Glad It's Halloween, EN Amber Brown? Danziger, Paula 2.7 0.5 6582 EN Wexo, John Bonnett 5.8 0.5 380 EN Ordinary Jack Cresswell, Helen 5.6 8.0 5078 EN Kaye, M.M. 6.4 4.0 Rand, Johnathan 5.7 4.0 Onion John 138294 Only the Good Spy Young EN Operation Baby-Sitter 103129 Operation: Survival EN Orange Outlaw, The Orangutans (Zoobooks) Ordinary Princess, The 139865 Oregon Oceanauts EN 9518 EN Oregon Trail, The Fisher, Leonard Everett 7.2 1.0 5222 EN Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog, The Erickson, John R. 4.5 3.0 24984 EN Orphan of Ellis Island, The Woodruff, Elvira 4.9 5.0 20089 EN Orphan Runaways Gregory, Kristiana 5.5 4.0 7337 EN Oscar Otter Benchley, Nathaniel 2.6 0.5 6583 EN Ostriches, Emus, Rheas, Kiwis & Cassowaries (Zoobooks) Elwood, Ann 4.9 0.5 6025 EN Other Bells for Us to Ring Cormier, Robert 5.9 4.0 488 EN Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great Blume, Judy 3.5 4.0 6482 EN Cleary, Beverly 4.6 4.0 981 EN Our Best Days - MH McGraw-Hill 1.5 0.5 114353 Our Librarian Won't Tell Us EN Anything! Buzzeo, Toni 3.3 0.5 35294 EN Holm, Jennifer L. 4.8 7.0 900116 Our Soccer League (MH Edition) EN Solomon, Chuck 2.0 0.5 44826 EN Our Strange New Land: Elizabeth's Diary, Jamestown, Virginia,1609 Hermes, Patricia 3.2 2.0 5079 EN Out from This Place Hansen, Joyce 4.6 5.0 19540 EN Out of Darkness: The Story of Louis Braille Freedman, Russell 6.7 2.0 18782 EN Out of the Blue Ellis, Sarah 4.1 4.0 18783 EN Out of the Dust Hesse, Karen 5.3 3.0 14872 EN Out of the Storm Willis, Patricia 5.3 6.0 123123 Outcast EN Hunter, Erin 5.4 11.0 15097 EN Jacques, Brian 6.3 15.0 Otis Spofford Our Only May Amelia Outcast of Redwall 100602 Outcast, The EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 6.0 76086 EN Konigsburg, E.L. 5.5 9.0 147775 Outcasts, The EN Flanagan, John 5.5 16.0 631 EN Outlaw Red Kjelgaard, Jim 6.6 8.0 102918 Outside and Inside Mummies EN Markle, Sandra 7.3 1.0 381 EN Outsiders, The Hinton, S.E. 4.7 7.0 10175 EN Machotka, Hana 4.9 0.5 129 EN Over Sea, Under Stone Cooper, Susan 5.4 12.0 900576 Over the Top of the World (MH EN Edition) Steger/Bowermaster 5.5 0.5 7635 EN Owen Henkes, Kevin 2.4 0.5 32700 EN Owen Foote, Soccer Star Greene, Stephanie 3.1 1.0 900099 Owl and the Moon (MH Edition) EN Lobel, Arnold 2.2 0.5 911 EN Owl At Home Lobel, Arnold 2.7 0.5 5532 EN Owl Moon Yolen, Jane 3.2 0.5 6584 EN Owls (Zoobooks) Biel, Timothy Levi 4.9 0.5 11485 EN Ozzie on His Own Hurwitz, Johanna 4.4 3.0 9575 EN P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out Sadler, Marilyn 1.7 0.5 7338 EN P.J. the Spoiled Bunny Sadler, Marilyn 2.8 0.5 123094 P.S. I Really Like You EN Krulik, Nancy 4.2 3.0 20090 EN P.S. Longer Letter Later Danziger/Martin 4.5 5.0 334 EN Package for Miss Marshwater, A Donnelly, Elfie 3.4 1.0 116832 Paint the Wind EN Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5.3 6.0 Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place, The Outstanding Outsides 900573 Painters of the Caves (MH Edition) EN Lauber, Patricia 5.4 0.5 128103 Palace of Mirrors EN Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.4 10.0 62266 EN Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 900418 Paper Dragon (MH Edition), The EN Davol, Marguerite W. 4.8 0.5 2455 EN Sadler, Marilyn 2.6 0.5 138915 Paranormalcy EN White, Kiersten 4.1 10.0 7636 EN Ehrlich, Amy 3.3 0.5 382 EN Park's Quest Paterson, Katherine 4.2 5.0 6585 EN Parrots (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 4.7 0.5 21428 EN Parts Arnold, Tedd 2.8 0.5 18784 EN Parzival: The Quest of the Grail Knight Paterson, Katherine 6.0 3.0 14481 EN Passager Yolen, Jane 5.1 2.0 71116 EN Passport to Danger Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 5635 EN Password to Larkspur Lane Keene, Carolyn 4.8 5.0 900396 Pat Cummings: My Story (MH EN Edition) Cummings, Pat 4.3 0.5 105801 Patch EN Earhart, Kristin 2.6 0.5 900204 Patchwork Quilt (MH Edition), The EN Flournoy, Valerie 3.7 0.5 900463 Path of Math (MH Edition), The EN Burgan, Michael 6.7 0.5 900082 Path on the Map (MH Edition), The EN Marzollo, Jean 0.6 0.5 900076 Patrick Makes a Shot (MH Edition) EN Hogan, Samantha 2.1 0.5 Panda Puzzle, The Parakeet Girl, The Parents in the Pigpen, Pigs in the Tub 81193 EN Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland De Paola, Tomie 4.4 0.5 9519 EN Patty Reed's Doll Laurgaard, Rachel 5.7 4.0 900351 Paul Revere: Midnight Rider (MH EN Edition) Dreyer, Ellen 5.5 0.5 83417 EN Paul Revere's Ride Corey, Shana 3.1 0.5 77129 EN Paws Off, Cheddarface! Stilton, Geronimo 3.4 1.0 900450 Peace Corps (MH Edition), The EN Donev, Mary Kaiser 5.6 0.5 7637 EN Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 128116 Pearl and Wagner: One Funny Day EN McMullan, Kate 2.1 0.5 7119 EN Pearl, The Steinbeck, John 7.1 4.0 15829 EN Pearls of Lutra Jacques, Brian 6.1 18.0 900297 Pecos Bill: A Tall Tale (MH Edition) EN Medearis, Angela Shelf 3.2 0.5 10682 EN Peddler's Dream, A Shefelman, Janice Jordan 4.2 0.5 17587 EN Pedro's Journal Conrad, Pam 5.8 2.0 7638 EN Pee Wee Christmas, A Delton, Judy 3.1 1.0 7639 EN Pee Wee Jubilee, The Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 13882 EN Pee Wee Pool Party Delton, Judy 3.8 1.0 10683 EN Pee Wees on First Delton, Judy 3.5 1.0 55326 EN Peg Stewart, Maddie 2.8 0.5 141418 Pegasus EN McKinley, Robin 6.8 22.0 1034 EN Arnosky, Jim 1.4 0.5 Peanut-Butter Pilgrims Pelican Was Hungry - MH Edition 88005 EN Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Birdsall, Jeanne Sisters...Interesting Boy, The 4.7 8.0 121474 Penderwicks on Gardam Street, The EN Birdsall, Jeanne 5.3 10.0 1009 EN Penguin Chick - MH Edition Tatham, Betty 3.4 0.5 1100 EN Penguin's Big Hill Regan, Dana 2.0 0.5 126517 Penguins EN Pichon, Liz 2.1 0.5 Penguins and 125560 Antarctica...Companion..Eve of the EN Emperor Penguins Osborne, Mary Pope 4.6 1.0 6586 EN Wexo, John Bonnett 5.3 0.5 108684 Penny EN Gerver, Jane E. 2.6 0.5 108040 Penny from Heaven EN Holm, Jennifer L. 4.0 7.0 74550 EN Brennan-Nelson, Denise 4.5 0.5 123153 Penny the Pony Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.7 1.0 101791 Penultimate Peril, The EN Snicket, Lemony 7.4 7.0 80066 EN People of Sparks, The DuPrau, Jeanne 4.9 11.0 73213 EN Peppermints in the Parlor Wallace, Barbara Brooks 6.0 7.0 924 EN Percy the Parrot Yelled Quiet! Carley, Wayne 2.2 0.5 900537 Perfect Answer (MH Edition), The EN Livorse, Kay 5.0 0.5 1010 EN Palatini, Margie 2.2 0.5 900144 Perfect Pets (MH Edition) EN Domino, Rob 2.2 0.5 106187 Peril at King's Creek: A Felicity EN Mystery Jones, Elizabeth McDavid 6.1 4.0 2120 EN Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.3 1.0 Penguins (Zoobooks) Penny: The Forgotten Coin Perfect Pet - MH Edition, The Perry: A Pronghorn Antelope 900228 Perry Mantis, Private Eye (MH EN Edition) Segovia, Alejandro 2.7 0.5 136936 Persephone the Phony EN Holub, Joan 4.4 2.0 900074 Pet Day (MH Edition) EN Sarraute, Danielle 2.1 0.5 900033 Pet for Max (MH Edition), A EN Benjamin, Cynthia 1.0 0.5 18738 EN Pet Shop Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.6 2.0 29244 EN Pet Show! Keats, Ezra Jack 2.2 0.5 983 EN Pet Tricks - MH Reyes, Ed 1.0 0.5 900020 Pete's Chicken (MH Edition) EN Ziefert, Harriet 1.8 0.5 118702 Peter and the Secret of Rundoon EN Barry, Dave 5.6 14.0 107536 Peter and the Shadow Thieves EN Barry, Dave 5.3 16.0 83056 EN Barry/Pearson 5.2 13.0 900285 Peter and the Wolf (MH Edition) EN Prokofiev, Sergei 4.0 0.5 489 EN Peter and Veronica Sachs, Marilyn 4.6 5.0 110341 Peter Pan in Scarlet EN McCaughrean, Geraldine 5.9 9.0 16869 EN Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 900028 Pets (MH Edition) EN Clerk, Jessica 1.2 0.5 900291 Pets to the Rescue (MH Edition) EN Erickson, Christopher 4.7 0.5 10684 EN Phantom in the Mirror, The Erickson, John R. 5.1 3.0 5636 EN Phantom of Pine Hill, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 9620 EN Phantom of the Auditorium Stine, R.L. 3.4 3.0 83802 EN Phantom of the Subway, The Stilton, Geronimo 3.5 1.0 Peter and the Starcatchers Peter's Chair 900577 Phantom Tollbooth (MH Edition), The Juster, Norton EN 3.0 1.0 130 EN Phantom Tollbooth, The Juster, Norton 6.7 7.0 Greene, Bette 5.0 4.0 Kessler, Liz 3.8 7.0 140761 Philippa Fisher and the Fairy's Promise Kessler, Liz EN 4.0 7.0 125018 Philippa Fisher's Fairy Godsister EN Kessler, Liz 4.1 7.0 900217 Phoebe and the Spelling Bee (MH EN Edition) Saltzberg, Barney 3.1 0.5 900604 Photographer (MH Edition), The EN Stuart, Melissa 6.4 0.5 114723 Physik EN Sage, Angie 6.5 17.0 18785 EN Pick-Up Sticks Ellis, Sarah 4.4 4.0 1068 EN Picking Apples and Pumpkins Mills, Liz 2.1 0.5 27536 EN Pickle Pizza Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 76237 EN Picky Peggy Dussling, Jennifer 3.0 0.5 900006 Picnic Farm (MH Edition) EN Morton, Christine 1.6 0.5 7339 EN Picture for Harold's Room, A Johnson, Crockett 2.3 0.5 30569 EN Picture of Dorian Gray (Great Illustrated Classics), The Wilde/Siegel 4.8 3.0 17636 EN Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a Slave Girl, A McKissack, Patricia C. 4.6 5.0 900548 Picture This! (MH Edition) EN Martin, Mary 5.8 0.5 114837 Pictures from Our Vacation EN Perkins, Lynne Rae 3.5 0.5 61467 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.4 5.0 131 EN Philip Hall Likes Me. I Reckon Maybe. 134301 Philippa Fisher and the DreamEN Maker's Daughter Pictures of Hollis Woods 146961 Pie EN Weeks, Sarah 5.6 5.0 900023 Pig Digs! (MH Edition) EN Cohen, Della 0.4 0.5 976 EN Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!, The Willems, Mo 2.2 0.5 1111 EN Pigeon Wants a Puppy!, The Willems, Mo 1.2 0.5 9787 EN Piggy in the Puddle, The Pomerantz, Charlotte 2.7 0.5 35290 EN Piglet in a Playpen Baglio, Ben M. 4.1 4.0 780 EN Pigman, The Zindel, Paul 5.5 6.0 1122 EN Pigs Make Me Sneeze! Willems, Mo 1.1 0.5 9639 EN Pigs Might Fly King-Smith, Dick 6.0 4.0 11386 EN Pigsty Teague, Mark 2.8 0.5 9290 EN Piles of Pets Delton, Judy 3.5 1.0 11434 EN Pilgrim Village Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 2.0 100598 Pilgrims: A Nonfiction Companion to Osborne, Mary Pope EN Thanksgiving on Thursday 4.2 1.0 242 EN Pinballs, The Byars, Betsy 3.8 3.0 900328 Ping's Pictures (MH Edition) EN Miranda, Anne 3.9 0.5 8685 EN Polacco, Patricia 3.8 1.0 109419 Pinkalicious EN Kann, Victoria 2.7 0.5 17686 EN Pinky and Rex and the Bully Howe, James 3.2 0.5 17687 EN Pinky and Rex and the Double-Dad Weekend Howe, James 3.6 0.5 20036 EN Pinky and Rex and the School Play Howe, James 3.3 0.5 6696 EN Pinky and Rex and the Spelling Bee Howe, James 3.2 0.5 Pink and Say 25833 EN Pinocchio Collodi, Carlo 5.3 6.0 335 EN Pioneer Cat Hooks, William 3.3 1.0 17688 EN Pioneer Sisters Wilder/Peterson 3.4 1.0 1112 EN Pip Squeak Weeks, Sarah 1.6 0.5 127683 Pippa the Poppy Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.9 1.0 18739 EN Pippi Goes on Board Lindgren, Astrid 5.3 4.0 18740 EN Pippi in the South Seas Lindgren, Astrid 5.4 3.0 69 EN Pippi Longstocking Lindgren, Astrid 5.2 4.0 107557 Pirate Mom EN Underwood, Deborah 2.2 0.5 137477 Pirate's Quest: For His Family EN Heirloom Peg Leg, A Sams, Laura 3.9 0.5 2197 EN Owens, L.L. 2.6 1.0 103886 Pirates and Smugglers EN Butterfield, Moira 8.2 2.0 10685 EN Pirates Don't Wear Pink Sunglasses Dadey/Jones 3.9 1.0 9291 EN Pirates Past Noon Osborne, Mary Pope 2.8 1.0 82281 EN Piratica Lee, Tanith 5.0 12.0 89661 EN Pity Party: 8th Grade in the Life of Me, Cass, The Pollet, Alison 5.1 4.0 87859 EN Pizza Monster, The Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.2 0.5 7640 EN Pizza Pie Slugger, The Marzollo, Jean 3.3 1.0 900312 Place Called Freedom (MH Edition), EN A Sanders, Scott Russell 3.9 0.5 15820 EN Hamilton, Virginia 3.5 6.0 Hamilton, Virginia 5.1 7.0 Pirate Tale, A Plain City 132 EN Planet of Junior Brown, The 20091 EN Plant That Ate Dirty Socks Goes up in McArthur, Nancy Space, The 4.5 4.0 6087 EN Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 9531 EN Playing Beatie Bow Park, Ruth 5.8 9.0 900160 Playing Your Best (MH Edition) EN Adams, Barbara 3.2 0.5 18741 EN Pleasing the Ghost Creech, Sharon 3.0 2.0 5534 EN Pocket For Corduroy, A Freeman, Don 3.7 0.5 26355 EN Pocketful of Pets, A Moncure, Jane Belk 2.0 0.5 59168 EN Point Blank Horowitz, Anthony 4.8 8.0 74149 EN Poisonous Pythons Paralyze Pennsylvania Rand, Johnathan 3.6 2.0 1085 EN Polar Animals Cooper, Wade 1.7 0.5 18742 EN Polar Bears Past Bedtime Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 6587 EN Polar Bears (Zoobooks) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.1 0.5 84793 EN Police Cars Lindeen, Carol K. 2.1 0.5 55735 EN Poltergeists of Petoskey Rand, Johnathan 3.5 3.0 900250 Pompeii: A Doomed City (MH EN Edition) Putterman, Rona 3.2 0.5 980 EN Ponies Pollack, Pam 2.1 0.5 54518 EN Betancourt, Jeanne 3.4 1.0 900196 Pony Express (MH Edition), The EN Ryder, Dale 4.0 0.5 1066 EN Pony for a Princess, A Posner-Sanchez, Andrea 1.9 0.5 18743 EN Pony for Jeremiah, A Miller, Robert H. 1.0 Ponies from the Past 4.8 32409 EN Pony on the Porch Baglio, Ben M. 3.6 3.0 108133 Pony Problems EN Keene, Carolyn 3.9 2.0 19905 EN Betancourt, Jeanne 3.8 1.0 142217 Ponyella EN Numeroff, Laura 3.2 0.5 7641 EN Delton, Judy 2.8 1.0 900292 Pop Pop's First Fourth (MH Edition) EN Barry, Lauren 4.6 0.5 7289 EN Popcorn Asch, Frank 2.3 0.5 45226 EN Poppleton Has Fun Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 14795 EN Poppy Avi 4.5 4.0 100775 Poppy's Return EN Avi 4.1 5.0 134899 Poppy the Piano Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 10536 EN Harshman, Terry Webb 2.5 0.5 Freitas, Donna 6.2 10.0 900320 Postcards from Mari Vic (MH Edition) Cassidy, Janet EN 3.4 0.5 6026 EN Corcoran, Barbara 4.1 6.0 900273 Potlatch for Kwiskwis (MH Edition) EN Cardigan, H.H. 3.5 0.5 121541 Pout-Pout Fish, The EN Diesen, Deborah 3.0 0.5 102860 Powder Monkey EN Dowswell, Paul 6.3 10.0 70 EN Prairie School Lenski, Lois 4.0 7.0 46472 EN Prairie School Avi 3.1 0.5 Conrad, Pam 5.3 5.0 Pony to the Rescue Pooped Troop, The Porcupine's Pajama Party 126243 Possibilities of Sainthood, The EN Potato Kid, The 490 EN Prairie Songs 102103 Pranks a Lot: The Girls vs The Boys EN Epstein, Robin 3.7 1.0 11435 EN Christopher, Matt 4.3 4.0 102674 Pretties EN Westerfeld, Scott 5.7 13.0 714 EN Pride and Prejudice (Unabridged) Austen, Jane 12.0 27.0 114687 Prilla and the Butterfly Lie EN Richards, Kitty 4.0 1.0 30552 EN Prince and the Pauper (Great Illustrated Classics), The Twain/Bogart 5.0 3.0 13637 EN Prince and the Pauper, The Twain, Mark 9.6 14.0 54437 EN Prince and the Pauper (Unabridged), The Twain, Mark 9.5 13.0 634 EN Prince Caspian Lewis, C.S. 5.7 7.0 114969 Prince of Mist, The EN Ruiz Zafón, Carlos 6.5 7.0 7290 EN Ziefert, Harriet 1.5 0.5 104732 Princess Academy EN Hale, Shannon 6.0 10.0 119527 Princess Alice and the Glass Slipper EN French, Vivian 4.2 1.0 121692 Princess Ben EN Murdock, Catherine Gilbert 7.9 11.0 44873 EN Cabot, Meg 5.7 9.0 105909 Princess Ellie to the Rescue EN Kimpton, Diana 4.5 1.0 58064 EN Princess in Love Cabot, Meg 5.8 8.0 51782 EN Princess in the Spotlight Cabot, Meg 5.7 8.0 68066 EN Princess in Waiting Cabot, Meg 6.1 8.0 77563 EN Princess Lessons Cabot, Meg 6.8 2.0 14875 EN Princess Nevermore Regan, Dian Curtis 4.9 6.0 Pressure Play Prince's Tooth Is Loose, The Princess Diaries, The 87860 EN Princess of the Fillmore Street School, Sharmat, Marjorie The Weinman 3.2 0.5 28344 EN Princess on Parade Keene, Carolyn 3.2 1.0 114750 Princess Pigsty EN Funke, Cornelia 3.3 0.5 900107 Princess Pooh (MH Edition) EN Muldoon, Kathleen M. 3.4 0.5 83043 EN Princess Present, The Cabot, Meg 6.0 2.0 41277 EN Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep Levine, Gail Carson 4.1 2.0 41124 EN Princess Test Levine, Gail Carson 4.0 1.0 12755 EN Principal from the Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 2.4 0.5 1027 EN Printer - (MH Edition), The Uhlberg, Myron 3.8 0.5 900358 Printing Revolution (MH Edition), A EN Gleason, Katherine 5.3 0.5 129529 Problem with the Puddles, The EN Feiffer, Kate 4.4 4.0 73558 EN Project Princess Cabot, Meg 5.8 2.0 62838 EN Promise (Rookie Choices), The Brimner, Larry Dane 2.2 0.5 42590 EN Prophecy, The Applegate, K.A. 4.2 3.0 106652 Prophet of Yonwood, The EN DuPrau, Jeanne 4.9 9.0 104013 Ptolemy's Gate EN Stroud, Jonathan 5.7 20.0 104045 Public Enemies EN Korman, Gordon 5.2 4.0 8433 EN Puffins Are Back!, The Gibbons, Gail 4.6 0.5 55959 EN Pumpkin Eye Fleming, Denise 2.4 0.5 Titherington, Jeanne 2.4 0.5 952 EN Pumpkin Pumpkin 11486 EN Punch with Judy Avi 4.4 4.0 900049 Pup and the Cat (MH Edition), The EN King, Elizabeth 0.7 0.5 7291 EN Puppies Are Like That Pfloog, Jan 2.3 0.5 70296 EN Puppy Love Jones/Dadey 3.5 1.0 28335 EN Puppy Problem, The Keene, Carolyn 2.9 1.0 7340 EN Puppy Who Wanted a Boy, The Thayer, Jane 3.0 0.5 900300 Pure Power! (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.2 0.5 9388 EN Hillert, Margaret 0.8 0.5 121703 Purplicious EN Kann, Elizabeth 2.6 0.5 24862 EN Pursuing Amy Kaye, Marilyn 4.2 4.0 1051 EN Pushing Up the Sky (MH Edition) Bruchac, Joseph - MH 3.3 0.5 1088 EN Put Me in the Zoo Lopshire, Robert 1.4 0.5 900080 Quack (MH Edition) EN Barrett, Judi 0.7 0.5 900258 Quack, Quack! (MH Edition) EN Pittaluga, Matthew 2.9 0.5 14878 EN Quake! Cottonwood, Joe 4.0 4.0 36676 EN Queen of Attolia, The Turner, Megan Whalen 6.7 14.0 124642 Queen of Halloween EN Engelbreit, Mary 2.2 0.5 133 EN Queenie Peavy Burch, Robert 5.6 5.0 123127 Quest Begins, The EN Hunter, Erin 5.4 12.0 140206 Quest for Paradise: The Return to the EN Kingdom of Fantasy, The Stilton, Geronimo 4.0 3.0 Purple Pussycat, The 124181 Queste EN Sage, Angie 5.8 18.0 964 EN Quick Quackers Wiseman, Bernard 2.6 0.5 61526 EN Quicksand Question, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 71 EN Rabbit Hill Lawson, Robert 6.4 3.0 77277 EN Race Against Time (Nancy Drew Girl Keene, Carolyn Detective), A 4.9 4.0 85877 EN Race to Doobesh, The Abbott, Tony 4.1 2.0 928 EN Racing to the Finish Kelley, K.C. 1.8 0.5 683 EN Racso and the Rats of NIMH Conly, Jane Leslie 5.0 8.0 140348 Radiance EN Noël, Alyson 6.6 6.0 10258 EN Radical Red Duffy, James 4.5 5.0 41449 EN Raft, The LaMarche, Jim 4.1 0.5 900564 Rain, Rain Go Away (MH Edition) EN Asimov, Isaac 4.7 0.5 102026 Raising Dragons EN Davis, Bryan 5.4 16.0 900449 Raising the Wrecks (MH Edition) EN Spirn, Michele 5.8 0.5 900308 Rajah's Rice (MH Edition), The EN Barry, David 5.0 0.5 81927 EN Jacques, Brian 5.5 16.0 336 EN Ralph S. Mouse Cleary, Beverly 5.1 3.0 72 EN Cleary, Beverly 5.2 3.0 491 EN Ramona and Her Mother Cleary, Beverly 4.8 4.0 186 EN Ramona Forever Cleary, Beverly 4.8 4.0 134 EN Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Cleary, Beverly 5.6 3.0 32142 EN Cleary, Beverly 4.8 4.0 285 EN Ramona the Brave Cleary, Beverly 4.9 3.0 492 EN Ramona the Pest Cleary, Beverly 5.1 4.0 Rakkety Tam Ramona and Her Father Ramona's World 107451 Rani in the Mermaid Lagoon EN Papademetriou, Lisa 3.8 1.0 122757 Rapunzel's Revenge EN Hale, Shannon 3.2 1.0 73 EN Rascal North, Sterling 7.1 7.0 23390 EN Rats! Hutchins, Pat 4.6 1.0 10686 EN Rats on the Range Marshall, James 4.0 1.0 6677 EN Rats, Spiders and Love Pryor, Bonnie 4.1 3.0 6588 EN Rattlesnakes (Zoobooks) Brust/Dorn 5.2 0.5 7642 EN Raven McDermott, Gerald 2.5 0.5 128143 Ray & Me: A Baseball Card EN Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.2 4.0 101206 Reaching for the Moon EN Aldrin, Buzz 5.1 0.5 900152 Ready Set Go! (MH Edition) EN Feury, Dan 2.7 0.5 128713 Ready, Set, Podrace! EN Beecroft, Simon 2.5 0.5 11487 EN Kaye, Marilyn 4.0 4.0 286 EN Real Thief, The Steig, William 6.1 1.0 11488 EN Bechard, Margaret 3.3 4.0 132092 Rebecca and Ana EN Greene, Jacqueline Dembar 4.6 2.0 132093 Rebecca and the Movies EN Greene, Jacqueline Dembar 4.8 2.0 130607 Rebecca the Rock 'n' Roll Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.6 1.0 132094 Rebecca to the Rescue EN Greene, Jacqueline Dembar 4.8 2.0 139119 Reckless EN Funke, Cornelia 5.4 10.0 138381 Reckoning, The EN Armstrong, Kelley 4.0 11.0 Real Heroes Really No Big Deal 900255 Recording the Past (MH Edition) EN Burgan, Michael 3.0 0.5 13641 EN Red Badge of Courage (Bloomsbury), Crane, Stephen The 8.0 8.0 30554 EN Red Badge of Courage, The Crane/Vogel 5.4 3.0 900471 Red Book (MH Edition), The EN Cassidy, Janet 5.2 0.5 6375 EN Red Dog Wallace, Bill 4.4 5.0 5536 EN Red Fox and His Canoe Benchley, Nathaniel 2.2 0.5 122453 Red Necklace, The EN Gardner, Sally 5.8 14.0 77130 EN Red Pizzas for a Blue Count Stilton, Geronimo 3.6 1.0 5284 EN Red Pony, The Steinbeck, John 6.1 6.0 137173 Red Pyramid, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.5 18.0 74990 EN Red Trailer Mystery, The Campbell, Julie 5.6 8.0 7129 EN Redwall Jacques, Brian 5.6 16.0 53618 EN Redwall Winter's Tale, A Jacques, Brian 4.9 1.0 Grahame, Kenneth 6.5 1.0 900535 Reluctant Princess (MH Edition), The Motil, Rebecca EN 5.9 0.5 6678 EN 8.2 4.0 287 EN Reluctant Dragon (Unabridged), The Remarkable Voyages of Captain Cook, Blumberg, Rhoda The 493 EN Remember Me to Harold Square Danziger, Paula 4.3 4.0 288 EN Remembering Box, The Clifford, Eth 4.1 1.0 60666 EN Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon, The LaHaye, Tim F. 5.4 14.0 77860 EN Report Card, The Clements, Andrew 4.9 5.0 63439 EN Report to the Principal's Office Spinelli, Jerry 4.5 4.0 41286 EN Reptile Room, The Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 75126 EN Rescue, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 74 EN Rescuers, The Sharp, Margery 6.3 4.0 10687 EN Return of Rinaldo, the Sly Fox, The Scheffler, Ursel 3.4 0.5 18744 EN Return of the Great Brain, The Fitzgerald, John D. 5.5 6.0 11437 EN Return of the Home Run Kid Christopher, Matt 4.7 4.0 383 EN Return of the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 4.6 5.0 5286 EN Return of the King, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.2 22.0 20092 EN Return of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The McArthur, Nancy 4.2 4.0 900261 Return of the Wolf (MH Edition) EN Piparo/Jensen 4.7 0.5 384 EN Return to Bitter Creek Smith, Doris Buchanan 4.8 6.0 59059 EN Return to Del Rodda, Emily 4.9 4.0 25231 EN Return to Hawk's Hill Eckert, Allan W. 7.4 7.0 6484 EN Return to Howliday Inn Howe, James 5.8 3.0 14957 EN Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes Stine, R.L. 2.9 3.0 122194 Revenge of the Living Dummy EN Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.0 104967 Revenge of the Shadow King, The EN Benz, Derek 5.6 15.0 101692 Revenge of the Witch EN Delaney, Joseph 5.6 9.0 43682 EN Revolutionary War on Wednesday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.5 1.0 34685 EN Reward for Josefina, A Tripp, Valerie 4.2 1.0 6589 EN Rhinos (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 7745 EN Ribsy Cleary, Beverly 5.0 4.0 7689 EN Riches Hautzig, Esther 4.2 0.5 11489 EN Richest Kids in Town, The Kehret, Peg 4.1 2.0 59518 EN Ricky Ricotta's Giant (Mighty) Robot Pilkey, Dav 2.9 0.5 59519 EN Ricky Ricotta's Giant Robot vs...Mosquitoes from Mercury Pilkey, Dav 3.5 0.5 71506 EN Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs...Stupid Stinkbugs from Saturn Pilkey, Dav 4.1 0.5 900408 Riddle (MH Edition), The EN Vernon, Adele 4.8 0.5 52604 EN Riddle of the Prairie Bride Reiss, Kathryn 5.5 5.0 900438 Riddle of the Sphinx (MH Edition), EN The Spirn, Michele 4.8 0.5 1137 EN Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! Arnold, Tedd 1.9 0.5 71119 EN Riding Club Crime, The Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 900323 Riding Proud (MH Edition) EN Donev, Mary Kaiser 3.4 0.5 63666 EN Riding the Storm Baglio, Ben M. 5.3 4.0 14483 EN Rifle, The Paulsen, Gary 6.8 3.0 75 EN Rifles for Watie Keith, Harold 6.1 14.0 900176 Rin Tin Tin: Top Dog in the Movies EN (MH Edition) Smith, Geof 3.8 0.5 10688 EN Scheffler, Ursel 4.1 0.5 900145 Ring (MH Edition), The EN Anders, Paul 2.3 0.5 135 EN Ring of Endless Light, A L'Engle, Madeleine 5.2 11.0 141250 Ring of Solomon, The EN Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 16.0 900098 Ring! Ring! Ring! (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 1.5 0.5 Rinaldo, the Sly Fox 5638 EN Ringmaster's Secret, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 54488 EN Ringo Saves the Day! Clements, Andrew 1.9 0.5 17689 EN Rip-Roaring Russell Hurwitz, Johanna 3.8 1.0 900507 Rip Van Winkle (MH Edition) EN Thane, Adele 3.6 1.0 120997 Rise and Fall of Darth Vader, The EN Windham, Ryder 7.4 7.0 900489 Rise and Fall of Galloping Gertie (MH Goldstone, Bruce EN Edition), The 6.8 0.5 75834 EN Rising Storm Hunter, Erin 6.1 11.0 73789 EN River Between Us, The Peck, Richard 4.9 5.0 115640 River of Wind, The EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 111557 River Secrets EN Hale, Shannon 5.7 10.0 7023 EN Paulsen, Gary 5.5 4.0 243 EN Road from Home, The Kherdian, David 5.7 9.0 900559 Road to Independence (MH Edition), EN The Burgan, Michael 7.0 0.5 900168 Rob's First Pet Care Book (MH EN Edition) Domino, Rob 2.3 0.5 25057 EN Robber and Me, The Holub, Josef 4.7 7.0 83756 EN Robert and the Chocolate-Covered Worms Seuling, Barbara 4.1 1.0 Seuling, Barbara 3.4 1.0 5.4 4.0 River, The 106198 Robert and the Great Pepperoni EN (Scholastic) 16963 EN Roberto Clemente: Young Ball Player Dunham, Montrew 133849 Robot Zot! EN Scieszka, Jon 2.8 0.5 900233 Robots on the Loose! (MH Edition) EN Dooham, Nellie 2.6 0.5 15083 EN Rock Jockeys, The Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 89421 EN Rocky Road Dixon, Franklin W. 4.2 4.0 24947 EN Rocky Road to Revenge, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 4.0 84289 EN Rocky Road Trip Stamper, Judith Bauer 4.1 1.0 15084 EN Rodomonte's Revenge Paulsen, Gary 3.7 1.0 136 EN Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Taylor, Mildred D. 5.7 10.0 76 EN Roller Skates Sawyer, Ruth 6.3 8.0 32573 EN Roller Skates! Calmenson, Stephanie 2.5 0.5 494 EN Romeo and Juliet Together (and Alive) Avi at Last 5.4 3.0 900521 Ron's Story: Talking Baseball (MH EN Edition) Hershkowitz, Debra P. 5.6 0.5 18786 EN Lindgren, Astrid 5.6 7.0 106750 Room One: A Mystery or Two EN Clements, Andrew 5.1 4.0 102332 Room With a Zoo, A EN Feiffer, Jules 4.4 5.0 5080 EN Root Cellar, The Lunn, Janet 5.2 10.0 5081 EN Roots in the Outfield Zirpoli, Jane 3.7 4.0 900532 Rosa Parks (MH Edition) EN Goldish, Meish 6.2 0.5 900254 Rosa's New Home (MH Edition) EN delBosque, Soledad 3.7 0.5 28889 EN Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.3 1.0 121135 Roscoe and the Pony Parade EN Earhart, Kristin 4.0 1.0 19592 EN deGroat, Diane 3.4 0.5 Miranda, Anne 6.1 0.5 Ronia, The Robber's Daughter Roscoe: A North American Moose Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink 900455 Rosetta Stone (MH Edition), The EN 20038 EN Rosie's Big City Ballet Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.6 1.0 18745 EN Rosie's Nutcracker Dreams Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.2 1.0 7643 EN Rosy Noses, Freezing Toes Delton, Judy 3.5 1.0 900192 Roundup at Rio Ranch (MH Edition), Madearis, Angela Shelf EN The 3.0 0.5 54811 EN Rover Saves Christmas Doyle, Roddy 3.8 2.0 5082 EN Royal Pain, A Conford, Ellen 4.7 5.0 58208 EN Ruby Holler Creech, Sharon 4.3 6.0 77364 EN Ruby Lu, Brave and True Look, Lenore 4.1 2.0 106093 Ruby Lu, Empress of Everything EN Look, Lenore 3.8 2.0 18408 EN Ruby the Copycat Rathmann, Peggy 3.1 0.5 88939 EN Ruby the Red Fairy Meadows, Daisy 3.3 1.0 978 EN Rug Rayner, Mary 2.0 0.5 132516 Ruined EN Morris, Paula 6.0 12.0 89662 EN Flanagan, John 7.0 12.0 106154 Rules EN Lord, Cynthia 3.9 4.0 132690 Rumble Tum EN Peters, Stephanie True 2.6 0.5 900511 Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter (MH EN Edition) Stanley, Diane 4.3 0.5 25225 EN McKissack, Patricia C. 4.9 4.0 900322 Run Fast, Fly Far (MH Edition) EN Terrill, Beth 3.5 0.5 982 EN Run! Jump! Swim! - MH McGraw-Hill 1.5 0.5 137081 Runaway EN Cabot, Meg 5.0 10.0 Ruins of Gorlan, The Run Away Home 7292 EN Runaway Bunny, The Brown, Margaret Wise 2.7 0.5 126189 Runaway Dolls, The EN Martin, Ann M. 4.4 6.0 65673 EN Runaway Racehorse, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 5041 EN Runaway Ralph Cleary, Beverly 5.3 4.0 87247 EN Running on Fumes Dixon, Franklin W. 4.0 4.0 14531 EN Running out of Time Haddix, Margaret Peterson 4.8 7.0 6679 EN Running Scared Dygard, Thomas J. 6.3 5.0 64511 EN Running Scared Skurzynski/Ferguson 4.9 5.0 62567 EN Runt Bauer, Marion Dane 4.8 3.0 43124 EN Russell and Elisa Hurwitz, Johanna 4.2 2.0 43683 EN Russell Rides Again Hurwitz, Johanna 3.8 2.0 44921 EN Russell Sprouts Hurwitz, Johanna 4.2 1.0 900245 Ruthie Rides the Trolley (MH Edition) Keyes, Madeleine EN 3.0 0.5 337 EN S.O.R. Losers Avi 3.6 2.0 900561 S.O.R. Losers (MH Edition) EN Avi 3.0 0.5 32370 EN Coville, Bruce 3.9 1.0 138718 Sabotaged EN Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.0 11.0 17837 EN Sabriel Nix, Garth 7.3 9.0 5083 EN Sacred Moon Tree, The Shore, Laura Jan 5.7 11.0 Earhart, Kristin 3.7 1.0 Saber-Toothed Poodnoobie, The 116167 Saddle Up, Happy! EN 134900 Sadie the Saxophone Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.7 1.0 114502 Saffron the Yellow Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 3.4 1.0 24540 EN Sagebrush Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 3.0 1.0 56410 EN Sailing off to Sleep Ashman, Linda 1.6 0.5 10793 EN Salamandastron Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 118502 Salamander Spell, The EN Baker, E.D. 5.4 9.0 7644 EN Brown, M.K. 3.4 0.5 900272 Saltaire Voice (MH Edition), The EN Cardigan, H.H. 3.2 0.5 900022 Sam and Jack (MH Edition) EN Taylor, Donna 1.4 0.5 47824 EN Eastman, P.D. 1.7 0.5 900091 Sam's Song (MH Edition) EN Capucilli, Alysa Satin 1.4 0.5 54443 EN Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 495 EN Samantha Learns a Lesson Adler, Susan S. 4.3 1.0 687 EN Samantha's Surprise Schur, Maxine Rose 3.9 1.0 34682 EN Samantha's Winter Party Tripp, Valerie 4.2 0.5 5241 EN Samantha Saves the Day Tripp, Valerie 3.8 1.0 10539 EN Samantha the Snob Cristaldi, Kathryn 1.8 0.5 61474 EN Same Stuff as Stars, The Paterson, Katherine 4.3 8.0 68572 EN Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.3 9.0 44716 EN Sammy Keyes and the Curse of Moustache Mary Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.6 8.0 100599 Sammy Keyes and the Dead Giveaway Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.5 EN 9.0 Sally's Room Sam and the Firefly Sam Samurai 48079 EN Sammy Keyes and the Hollywood Mummy Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.9 9.0 28507 EN Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.6 6.0 83235 EN Sammy Keyes and the Psycho Kitty Queen Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.0 9.0 34513 EN Sammy Keyes and the Runaway Elf Van Draanen, Wendelin 4.4 7.0 61273 EN Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eyes Draanen, Wendelin Van 4.0 9.0 32155 EN Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy Draanen, Wendelin Van 5.2 8.0 28508 EN Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man Draanen, Wendelin Van 5.1 7.0 7341 EN Sammy the Seal Hoff, Syd 2.0 0.5 101301 Sand Castle Contest, The EN Munsch, Robert 2.7 0.5 1040 EN Sand Castle - MH Edition Yee, Brenda Shannon 2.1 0.5 45708 EN Sandry's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.5 9.0 63100 EN Sands of Time, The Hoeye, Michael 4.1 8.0 73317 EN Sandy's Rocket Banks, Steven 3.2 1.0 88639 EN Santa Claus: The World's Number One Frazee, Marla Toy Expert 2.7 0.5 32780 EN Santa Paws Edwards, Nicholas 4.3 5.0 59062 EN Santa Paws, Come Home Edwards, Nicholas 5.2 6.0 962 EN Santa's Short Suit Shrunk Buck, Nola 1.8 0.5 338 EN Santiago's Silver Mine Clymer, Eleanor 3.9 1.0 141389 Sapphique EN Fisher, Catherine 4.4 14.0 385 EN Sarah Bishop O'Dell, Scott 4.9 7.0 137 EN Sarah, Plain and Tall MacLachlan, Patricia 3.4 1.0 900391 Sarah, Plain and Tall (MH Edition) EN MacLachlan, Patricia 3.3 0.5 127109 Sarah the Sunday Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.6 1.0 25237 EN Paulsen, Gary 4.6 5.0 115315 Sassy Surprise, A EN Earhart, Kristin 3.6 1.0 103588 Satch & Me: A Baseball Card EN Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 35036 EN Satchel Paige Cline-Ransome, Lesa 5.2 0.5 77 EN Saucepan Journey Unnerstad, Edith 5.6 8.0 9964 EN Save Halloween! Tolan, Stephanie S. 4.9 5.0 900180 Save Our Park Trees (MH Edition) EN Adams, Barbara 3.0 0.5 900249 Save the Sea Turtles! (MH Edition) EN Dooham, Nellie 3.4 0.5 6027 EN Saving Damaris Leonard, Laura 5.0 6.0 17789 EN Saving Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.9 6.0 Sarny: A Life Remembered 900342 Saving the Black Rhino (MH Edition) Epstein, Elaine EN 4.4 0.5 900407 Saving the Everglades (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.5 0.5 1017 EN Kids, Time For 4.4 0.5 122451 Savvy EN Law, Ingrid 6.0 9.0 1087 EN Say Cheese! Child, Lauren 3.5 0.5 9623 EN Say Cheese and Die! Stine, R.L. 3.9 3.0 128378 Say Cheese--and Die Screaming! EN Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 579 EN Say Goodnight, Gracie Deaver, Julie Reece 3.8 6.0 9624 EN Stine, R.L. 3.5 3.0 Saving the Sand Dunes - MH Edition Scarecrow Walks at Midnight, The 101306 Scared Silly EN Howe, James 2.5 0.5 6680 EN Roberts, Willo Davis 5.0 7.0 139563 Scaredy-Cat, Splat! EN Scotton, Rob 3.0 0.5 6681 EN Scariest Night, The Wright, Betty Ren 4.4 5.0 5639 EN Scarlet Slipper Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 5.6 5.0 115618 Scarlett the Garnet Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.0 1.0 63506 EN Gibala-Broxholm, Scott 2.7 0.5 900281 Scary Night (MH Edition), The EN Mahoney, Josie O'Dell 4.9 0.5 18787 EN Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones Schwartz, Alvin 4.3 2.0 18788 EN Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Schwartz, Alvin 4.1 1.0 127433 Scat EN Hiaasen, Carl 5.5 12.0 17691 EN Wilder/Peterson 3.5 1.0 900572 School Play (MH Edition), The EN Soto, Gary 4.5 0.5 62830 EN School Rules (Rookie Choices) Brimner, Larry Dane 2.3 0.5 6289 EN School's Out Hurwitz, Johanna 4.1 2.0 69219 EN School Skeleton, The Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 50395 EN School Story, The Clements, Andrew 5.2 5.0 32202 EN School Trouble for Andy Russell Adler, David A. 3.7 2.0 116008 Schooled EN Korman, Gordon 4.9 6.0 9294 EN Levy, Elizabeth 2.9 0.5 Scared Stiff Scary Fright, Are You All Right? School Days Schoolyard Mystery, The 126938 Science Fair: A Story of Mystery...and Barry, Dave EN a Very Nervous Frog 5.5 12.0 73238 EN Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Strikeout Gelsey, James 3.5 1.0 86813 EN Scorpia Horowitz, Anthony 5.0 12.0 386 EN Scorpions Myers, Walter Dean 3.7 6.0 106679 Scream for Ice Cream EN Keene, Carolyn 3.4 2.0 15105 EN Screaming Eagles Kehret, Peg 4.7 3.0 7342 EN Scruffy Parish, Peggy 1.9 0.5 900316 Scruffy: A Wolf Finds His Place in the Brandenburg, Jim EN Pack (MH Edition) 4.8 0.5 139963 Scumble EN Law, Ingrid 5.6 10.0 900421 Sea Maidens of Japan (MH Edition), EN The Bell, Lili 4.2 0.5 105933 Sea of Monsters, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.6 9.0 900528 Sea of Treasures (MH Edition) EN Ramos, Marina 5.5 0.5 81202 EN Sea of Trolls, The Farmer, Nancy 4.7 16.0 6590 EN Sea Otters (Zoobooks) Brust, Beth Wagner 5.3 0.5 6627 EN Sea Star Orphan of Chincoteague Henry, Marguerite 4.8 4.0 6591 EN Seabirds (Zoobooks) Brust, Beth Wagner 5.3 0.5 900392 Seal Journey (MH Edition) EN Sobol, Richard/Jonah 5.2 0.5 6592 EN Seals, Sea Lions & Walruses (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.1 0.5 71272 EN Search for the Dragon Ship Abbott, Tony 3.8 2.0 Lipkowitz, Daniel 4.1 0.5 103082 Search for the King EN 139492 Search for WondLa, The EN DiTerlizzi, Tony 5.2 11.0 6991 EN Wrede, Patricia C. 5.3 9.0 132648 Season of Gifts, A EN Peck, Richard 4.6 5.0 100034 Season of the Sandstorms EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 2.0 17300 EN Second Bend in the River, The Rinaldi, Ann 3.7 7.0 39903 EN Second Cousins Hamilton, Virginia 3.2 5.0 54813 EN Second-Grade Friends Cohen, Miriam 3.4 1.0 24949 EN Second Mrs. Giaconda, The Konigsburg, E.L. 5.7 4.0 5681 EN Secret Agent on Flight 101, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 124110 Secret Book Club, The EN Martin, Ann M. 5.0 6.0 5084 EN Secret City, U.S.A. Holman, Felice 4.8 8.0 78 EN Secret Garden, The Burnett, Frances Hodgson 6.3 13.0 5640 EN Secret in the Old Attic, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 82423 EN Secret in the Spooky Woods, The Keene, Carolyn 3.5 1.0 339 EN Secret Life of Dilly McBean, The Haas, Dorothy 4.4 6.0 900243 Secret Lives of Cats and Dogs (MH EN Edition), The Dzefko, Jenna 3.3 0.5 21572 EN Secret of Platform 13, The Ibbotson, Eva 5.8 7.0 5642 EN Secret of Red Gate Farm, The Keene, Carolyn 5.7 5.0 5643 EN Secret of Shadow Ranch, The Keene, Carolyn 5.3 5.0 79 EN Secret of the Andes Clark, Ann Nolan 4.7 5.0 5684 EN Secret of the Caves, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 Searching for Dragons 6791 EN Secret of the Forgotten City, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 5044 EN Secret of the Indian, The Banks, Lynne Reid 5.2 5.0 74991 EN Secret of the Mansion, The Campbell, Julie 5.1 8.0 5645 EN Secret of the Old Clock, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 5686 EN Secret of the Old Mill, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.5 5.0 900246 Secret of the Super Sinker (MH EN Edition), The Piparo, Dan 3.0 0.5 132139 Secret of Zoom, The EN Jonell, Lynne 5.1 10.0 5688 EN Secret Panel, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 52625 EN Secret School, The Avi 4.1 3.0 30842 EN Secret Soldier, The Helmer, Diana Star 2.7 1.0 30651 EN Secret Soldier, The McGovern, Ann 4.1 1.0 900446 Secret to a Long and Happy Life (MH Blackaby, Susan EN Edition), The 5.1 0.5 41399 EN Christopher, Matt 4.1 1.0 147581 Secrets at Sea EN Peck, Richard 4.2 5.0 106188 Secrets in the Hills: A Josefina EN Mystery Ernst, Kathleen 4.8 4.0 34697 EN Secrets on 26th Street Jones, Elizabeth McDavid 5.4 5.0 14991 EN See You Around, Sam! Lowry, Lois 4.4 3.0 44955 EN See You Later, Gladiator Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 108643 Seed Is Sleepy, A EN Aston, Dianna Hutts 3.8 0.5 900139 Seeing Eye (MH Edition), The EN North, Emily 3.4 0.5 Secret Weapon 70129 EN Seeing Stone, The DiTerlizzi/Black 4.0 1.0 121299 Seer of Shadows, The EN Avi 5.2 6.0 15808 EN Sees Behind Trees Dorris, Michael 5.2 4.0 18746 EN Selby: The Secret Adventures of a Talking Dog Ball, Duncan 4.7 3.0 900177 Sending a Message with Dots and EN Dashes (MH Edition) North, Emily 3.8 0.5 131852 Sent EN Haddix, Margaret Peterson 5.0 9.0 125596 September Surprises EN Martin, Ann M. 5.0 5.0 900161 Sequoyah (MH Edition) EN Epstein, Elaine 3.3 0.5 130608 Serena the Salsa Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 71628 EN Serious Trouble Howard, Arthur 2.6 0.5 7592 EN Seven Blind Mice Young, Ed 1.9 0.5 32201 EN Seven-Day Magic Eager, Edward 5.0 5.0 289 EN Seven Kisses in a Row MacLachlan, Patricia 3.4 1.0 900013 Seven Sillies (MH Edition) EN Dunbar, Joyce 2.2 0.5 1024 EN Seven Spools of Thread - MH Edition Medearis, Angela Shelf 4.1 0.5 28460 EN Shade's Children Nix, Garth 6.4 11.0 6028 EN Shades of Gray Reeder, Carolyn 5.3 6.0 136808 Shadow EN Moss, Jenny 3.9 10.0 80 EN Shadow of a Bull Wojciechowska, Maia 5.2 5.0 25208 EN Shadow over Second Christopher, Matt 3.8 1.0 Ursu, Anne 5.1 12.0 105312 Shadow Thieves, The EN 140205 Shadow Wolf EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.8 8.0 82164 EN Rodda, Emily 4.7 6.0 290 EN Shadowmaker, The Hansen, Ron 5.1 1.0 50160 EN Shadows in the Glasshouse McDonald, Megan 5.3 4.0 9532 EN Shadows in the Water Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 7.0 71686 EN Shadows on the Sea Harlow, Joan Hiatt 4.2 5.0 81 EN Shadrach DeJong, Meindert 4.9 5.0 101237 Shakespeare's Secret EN Broach, Elise 4.0 6.0 546 EN Shane Schaefer, Jack 5.5 7.0 15075 EN Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 3.7 1.0 Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 Shadowgate Shannon: A Chinatown Adventure 130609 Shannon the Ocean Fairy EN 18789 EN Shannon: The Schoolmarm Mysteries Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 3.9 2.0 8584 EN Sharing Susan Bunting, Eve 3.7 3.0 110492 Shark Tooth Tale EN Klein, Abby 3.3 1.0 118128 Sharks EN Sexton, Colleen 2.2 0.5 1136 EN Creese, Sarah 2.2 0.5 900194 Sharks (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.6 0.5 6593 EN Sharks (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 81926 EN Shattering, The Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 5.0 105859 Sheep EN Hobbs, Valerie 4.0 4.0 900146 Sheep Station (MH Edition) EN Frederick, Shirley 2.6 0.5 Sharks 108205 Shelf Elf, The EN Hopkins, Jackie Mims 4.0 0.5 57143 EN Shetland in the Shed Baglio, Ben M. 3.8 3.0 59070 EN Shifting Sands, The Rodda, Emily 5.2 4.0 5440 EN Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.4 4.0 13758 EN Shiloh Season Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.8 5.0 143585 Shimmer EN Noël, Alyson 6.8 6.0 900083 Ships (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 0.6 0.5 5085 EN Shoebag James, Mary 4.7 4.0 57144 EN Shoeless Joe & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 4.3 4.0 340 EN Shoeshine Girl Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.7 1.0 991 EN Shoo, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd 1.7 0.5 55329 EN Shoot! Mayfield, Sue 2.1 0.5 11441 EN Shoot for the Hoop Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 100008 Shopping Expedition, The EN Ahlberg, Allan 1.3 0.5 900094 Shopping List (MH Edition), The EN Apple, Gary 2.0 0.5 5690 EN Shore Road Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.6 5.0 1050 EN Short Shadows, Long Shadows Kids, Tme for 1.3 0.5 5691 EN Short-Wave Mystery, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.2 5.0 1133 EN Should I Share My Ice Cream? Willems, Mo 0.9 0.5 900058 Show and Tell Rose (MH Edition) EN Lee, Josie 1.6 0.5 1064 EN Margulies, Teddy 1.9 0.5 show-and-tell surprise, The 148737 Showoff EN Korman, Gordon 5.1 6.0 900017 Shrinking Mouse (MH Edition) EN Hutchins, Pat 1.7 0.5 135897 Sick Day for Amos McGee, A EN Stead, Philip C. 3.0 0.5 291 EN Sidewalk Story Mathis, Sharon Bell 3.3 1.0 5243 EN Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 131926 Siege of Macindaw, The EN Flanagan, John 6.2 13.0 78969 EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.6 6.0 127110 Sienna the Saturday Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 114862 Sight, The EN Hunter, Erin 4.9 12.0 138 EN Sign of the Beaver, The Speare, Elizabeth George 4.9 5.0 143901 Sign of the Moon EN Hunter, Erin 5.2 11.0 67229 EN Lowry, Lois 5.1 6.0 900508 Silent Lobby (MH Edition), The EN Walter, Mildred Pitts 4.1 0.5 10251 EN Silent Storm, The Garland, Sherry 5.5 9.0 29401 EN Silly Tilly's Valentine Hoban, Lillian 2.5 0.5 639 EN Silver Chair, The Lewis, C.S. 5.7 8.0 6682 EN Silver on the Tree Cooper, Susan 6.0 14.0 1123 EN Silverlicious Kann, Victoria 2.6 0.5 Herman, Gail 3.3 1.0 900225 Simon Says, "Go for It!" (MH Edition) Piparo, Carrie Ann EN 2.4 0.5 244 EN Sing Down the Moon 4.9 4.0 Sideways Stories from Wayside School Siege, The Silent Boy, The 122274 Silvermist and the Ladybug Curse EN O'Dell, Scott 900510 Singing Man (MH Edition), The EN Medearis, Angela Shelf 4.2 0.5 49768 EN Single Shard, A Park, Linda Sue 6.6 6.0 5693 EN Sinister Signpost, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 55737 EN Sinister Spiders of Saginaw Rand, Johnathan 4.6 5.0 24564 EN Sir Galahad, Mr. Longfellow, and Me Horvath, Betty 5.0 4.0 36464 EN Sir Lancelot, Where are You? McMullan, K.H. 3.0 1.0 900346 Siren's Journey (MH Edition), A EN Terrill, Beth 4.3 0.5 116366 Siren Song, The EN Ursu, Anne 5.7 14.0 341 EN Sister Greenfield, Eloise 3.8 2.0 85878 EN Sister of the South, The Rodda, Emily 5.5 6.0 53483 EN Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The Brashares, Ann 4.5 9.0 905 EN Sisters McPhail, David 2.7 0.5 104622 Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale EN Detectives, The Buckley, Michael 5.2 9.0 135648 Sitting Duck EN Urbanovic, Jackie 1.8 0.5 900007 Sitting in My Box (MH Edition) EN Lillegard, Dee 0.8 0.5 245 EN Sixth Grade Can Really Kill You deClements, Barthe 4.3 4.0 5086 EN Sixth Grade Secrets Sachar, Louis 3.7 5.0 5385 EN Skateboard Tough Christopher, Matt 4.5 3.0 6010 EN Skeeter Smith, Kay 4.3 7.0 69602 EN Skeleton Key Horowitz, Anthony 4.9 10.0 52617 EN Skeleton Man Bruchac, Joseph 4.8 3.0 10690 EN Skeletons Don't Play Tubas Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 28292 EN Skellig Almond, David 3.5 4.0 28339 EN Ski Slope Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 3.4 1.0 342 EN Skinnybones Park, Barbara 4.1 3.0 145211 Skippyjon Jones: Class Action EN Schachner, Judy 4.0 0.5 110490 Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble EN Schachner, Judy 3.8 0.5 132804 Skippyjon Jones, Lost in Spice EN Schachner, Judy 3.5 0.5 18790 EN Skull Island Sims, Lesley 4.9 4.0 10691 EN Sky Babies Delton, Judy 3.4 1.0 32162 EN Sky Memories Brisson, Pat 4.5 1.0 6795 EN Sky Phantom, The Keene, Carolyn 5.2 5.0 106337 Sky the Blue Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 3.5 1.0 10209 EN Skylark MacLachlan, Patricia 3.2 1.0 10692 EN Slam Dunk Saturday Marzollo, Jean 3.2 1.0 82 EN Slave Dancer, The Fox, Paula 6.0 6.0 106680 Sleepover Sleuths EN Keene, Carolyn 3.1 1.0 72848 EN Slippery Slope, The Snicket, Lemony 7.1 9.0 25941 EN Slumber Party Secret, The Keene, Carolyn 2.9 1.0 88509 EN Sly Spy, The Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3.0 0.5 142400 Small Persons with Wings EN Booraem, Ellen 4.2 9.0 7343 EN Lobel, Arnold 2.3 0.5 Small Pig 102722 Small Steps EN Sachar, Louis 4.2 7.0 12099 EN Dodd, Lynley 2.9 0.5 137106 Smells Like Dog EN Selfors, Suzanne 4.3 10.0 143964 Smells Like Treasure EN Selfors, Suzanne 4.5 11.0 1022 EN Marcuse, Aida 1.4 0.5 130734 Smoke Mountain EN Hunter, Erin 4.8 9.0 83 EN Smoky, the Cow Horse James, Will 6.5 13.0 34691 EN Smuggler's Treasure, The Buckey, Sarah Masters 4.9 5.0 34885 EN Smugglers, The Lawrence, Iain 4.7 6.0 120294 Snakehead EN Horowitz, Anthony 5.4 14.0 900092 Snakes (MH Edition) EN Minters, Frances 1.7 0.5 6594 EN Snakes (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.7 0.5 49420 EN Snow McKié, Roy 1.6 0.5 72352 EN Snow: A Retelling of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Lynn, Tracy 5.9 8.0 9389 EN Snow Baby, The Hillert, Margaret 1.0 0.5 71758 EN Snow Goose, The Gallico, Paul 5.9 1.0 110173 Snow Is My Favorite and My Best EN Child, Lauren 2.4 0.5 7344 EN Snow Lion McPhail, David 2.7 0.5 85 EN Snow Treasure McSwigan, Marie 5.3 5.0 43687 EN Snow Valentines Ruelle, Karen Gray 2.3 0.5 85646 EN Snow White and Other Stories Larkin, Rochelle 6.1 4.0 Smallest Turtle, The "Smile, Mike!" - MH Edition 1094 EN Snowball Soup Mayer, Mercer 0.8 0.5 139 EN Snowbird, The Calvert, Patricia 5.2 7.0 36562 EN Snowboard Maverick Christopher, Matt 4.8 4.0 34974 EN Snowboard Showdown Christopher, Matt 4.2 3.0 1038 EN Snowflake Weyn, Suzanne 2.3 0.5 84224 EN Snowman Surprise, The Keene, Carolyn 3.6 1.0 141150 Snowmen All Year EN Buehner, Caralyn 2.6 0.5 14645 EN Snowshoe Thompson Levinson, Nancy Smiler 2.2 0.5 6092 EN Snowy Day, The Keats, Ezra Jack 2.5 0.5 78419 EN So B. It Weeks, Sarah 5.0 6.0 17641 EN So Far from Home: The Diary of Mary Denenberg, Barry Driscoll, an Irish Mill Girl 4.4 3.0 387 EN So Far from the Bamboo Grove Watkins, Yoko Kawashima 4.7 6.0 114629 So Totally Emily Ebers EN Yee, Lisa 3.9 9.0 986 EN Soccer - MH Lee, Patrick 1.5 0.5 64337 EN Hardcastle, Michael 3.9 1.0 190 EN Socks Cleary, Beverly 5.2 2.0 32159 EN Cornelissen, Cornelia 4.3 3.0 388 EN Solitary Blue, A Voigt, Cynthia 5.3 11.0 32369 EN Some of My Best Friends Are Monsters Coville, Bruce 4.8 3.0 7645 EN Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch Spinelli, Eileen 3.9 0.5 Clark, Carolyn 5.7 0.5 Soccer Star Soft Rain 900546 Somebody's Brother (MH Edition) EN 9535 EN Someday I'll Laugh about This Crew, Linda 4.1 5.0 115398 Someone Named Eva EN Wolf, Joan M. 5.1 7.0 21749 EN Something Fishy at Macdonald Hall Korman, Gordon 4.5 6.0 8587 EN Somewhere in the Darkness Myers, Walter Dean 4.4 6.0 146841 Son of Neptune, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.7 17.0 59355 EN Sondok: Princess of the Moon and Stars Holman, Sheri 6.6 5.0 5490 EN Song and Dance Man Ackerman, Karen 4.0 0.5 2203 EN Song of David Klier, Kimberly 3.4 0.5 32242 EN Song of the Wanderer Coville, Bruce 5.8 9.0 24938 EN Sonny's Secret Delton, Judy 3.5 1.0 5087 EN Sons from Afar Voigt, Cynthia 5.3 13.0 136566 Sophie the Awesome EN Bergen, Lara 3.1 2.0 119331 Sophie the Sapphire Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.1 1.0 120742 Sorcerer King, The EN Jones, Frewin 5.8 12.0 126579 Sorcerer of the North, The EN Flanagan, John 6.1 13.0 130456 Sorceress: The Secrets of the Immortal Scott, Michael EN Nicholas Flamel, The 6.1 18.0 27660 EN Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides LaHaye, Tim F. 5.2 15.0 84 EN Sounder Armstrong, William H. 5.3 3.0 292 EN Soup and Me Peck, Robert Newton 4.3 3.0 6683 EN Soup in Love Peck, Robert Newton 4.2 3.0 62193 EN Soup in the Saddle Peck, Robert Newton 4.0 2.0 343 EN Soup on Ice Peck, Robert Newton 4.7 3.0 496 EN Soup's Hoop Peck, Robert Newton 4.4 3.0 86304 EN South Carolina Sea Creatures Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 61525 EN Space: A Nonfiction Companion to Midnight on the Moon Osborne, Will 5.1 1.0 20045 EN Space Dog and Roy Standiford, Natalie 2.6 1.0 20046 EN Space Dog and the Pet Show Standiford, Natalie 2.9 1.0 11490 EN Space Station Seventh Grade Spinelli, Jerry 4.8 8.0 138143 Spaceheadz EN Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 18791 EN Wallace, Barbara Brooks 5.9 7.0 900148 Special Day for James (MH Edition), EN A Sims, Stephanie 3.0 0.5 900224 Special Delivery (MH Edition) EN Fisher, Dennis 2.5 0.5 106651 Specials EN Westerfeld, Scott 6.1 12.0 900483 Speckled Monster (MH Edition), The EN Rowland, Della 6.1 0.5 900588 Spell PRESSURE! (MH Edition) EN Nicholas, Melissa 6.3 0.5 137827 Spells EN Pike, Aprilynne 5.2 13.0 116363 Spells & Sleeping Bags EN Mlynowski, Sarah 3.5 9.0 59522 EN Spider-Man Saves the Day Figueroa, Acton 2.3 0.5 5648 EN Spider Sapphire Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 9342 EN Spiders and Webs Lunn, Carolyn 1.8 0.5 900295 Spiders at Work (MH Edition) EN Goldsmith, Diane-Hoyt 4.4 0.5 6595 EN Biel, Timothy Levi 5.2 0.5 Sparrows in the Scullery Spiders (Zoobooks) 24541 EN Spirit of the Wild West, The Owens, L.L. 2.5 1.0 142968 Spirits in the Stars EN Hunter, Erin 5.4 10.0 900086 Splash! (MH Edition) EN Clerk, Jessica 1.3 0.5 124182 Splat the Cat EN Scotton, Rob 1.9 0.5 41880 EN Splish, Splash! Weeks, Sarah 1.3 0.5 1030 EN Splish! Splash! Animal Baths ( MH Edition) Sayre, April 2.4 0.5 144437 Splish, Splash, Splat! EN Scotton, Rob 2.7 0.5 72913 EN SpongeBob Airpants: The Lost Episode Richards, Kitty 3.6 1.0 20093 EN Spore Whitman, John 4.7 4.0 900034 Spot's Trick (MH Edition) EN Nayer, Judy 1.3 0.5 25557 EN Hurwitz, Johanna 4.7 3.0 900390 Spring Break and Peaches (MH EN Edition) Epstein, Elaine 6.0 0.5 7646 EN Delton, Judy 2.8 1.0 900283 Spring Stream, Winter Pond (MH EN Edition) Goldstone, Bruce 3.9 0.5 53072 EN Sprite's Secret West, Tracey 2.5 1.0 87181 EN Spy X: Hide and Seek Lerangis, Peter 4.2 3.0 86695 EN Spy X: Proof Positive Lerangis, Peter 4.0 3.0 82284 EN Spy X: The Code Lerangis, Peter 3.9 3.0 87260 EN Spy X: Tunnel Vision Lerangis, Peter 3.9 3.0 32138 EN Spying on Dracula Labatt, Mary 3.1 2.0 Spring Break Spring Sprouts 14530 EN Spying on Miss Muller Bunting, Eve 4.4 6.0 128629 St. Patrick and the Three Brave Mice EN Stengel, Joyce A. 2.7 0.5 947 EN St. Patrick's Day Bredeson, Carmen 2.0 0.5 1114 EN St. Patrick's Day Rockwell, Anne 1.8 0.5 10491 EN St. Patrick's Day in the Morning Bunting, Eve 2.7 0.5 133668 Stage Fright EN Cabot, Meg 5.0 6.0 58030 EN Stage Fright on a Summer Night Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 20047 EN Stage Frightened Delton, Judy 4.0 1.0 900089 Stan's Stunt (MH Edition) EN Plourde, Lynn 1.7 0.5 10544 EN Kessler, Ethel/Leonard 2.3 0.5 119939 Stand Tall, Abe Lincoln EN St. George, Judith 4.1 1.0 25224 EN Standing in the Light: The Captive Diary of Catharine Carey... Osborne, Mary Pope 5.1 4.0 68258 EN Stanley, Flat Again! Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 36529 EN Star in the Storm Harlow, Joan Hiatt 4.4 4.0 80746 EN Star of Kazan, The Ibbotson, Eva 6.1 16.0 108623 Star Pilot EN Buller, Laura 5.9 0.5 125597 Stargazer EN Carman, Patrick 5.6 10.0 41562 EN Spinelli, Jerry 4.2 6.0 105802 Starlight EN Earhart, Kristin 2.5 0.5 106251 Starlight EN Hunter, Erin 5.9 12.0 Stan the Hot Dog Man Stargirl 112191 Starlight Surprise EN Chapman, Linda 4.0 2.0 18747 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 3.4 1.0 132955 Stars EN Than, Ker 5.4 0.5 84379 EN Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust Sayre, April Pulley 4.6 0.5 52610 EN Starving Time: Elizabeth's Diary, Book Two, The Hermes, Patricia 3.2 2.0 344 EN Stay Away from Simon! Carrick, Carol 3.8 1.0 143672 Staying Together EN Martin, Ann M. 5.0 6.0 11491 EN Steal Away Home Ruby, Lois 5.5 7.0 15807 EN Step by Wicked Step Fine, Anne 4.2 4.0 Donaldson, Julia 2.8 0.5 4.1 4.0 Starring Rosie 133850 Stick Man EN 5088 EN Sticks and Stones and Skeleton Bones Gilson, Jamie 121642 Stink and the Great Guinea Pig EN Express McDonald, Megan 3.7 1.0 107295 Stink and the Incredible SuperEN Galactic Jawbreaker McDonald, Megan 3.2 1.0 142985 Stink and the Ultimate ThumbEN Wrestling Smackdown McDonald, Megan 3.0 1.0 114236 Stink and the World's Worst SuperEN Stinky Sneakers McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 136567 Stink: Solar System Superhero EN McDonald, Megan 3.4 1.0 86218 EN Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid McDonald, Megan 3.0 1.0 27535 EN Stinky Sneakers Mystery, The Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 1047 EN Stirring Up Memories - MH Edition Ryan, Pam Munoz 3.7 0.5 32682 EN Stolen Train, The Ashley, Robert 5.3 5.0 Gardiner, John Reynolds 4.0 1.0 293 EN Stone Fox 1015 EN Stone Soup Muth, Jon J. 3.5 0.5 133670 Stonekeeper's Curse, The EN Kibuishi, Kazu 2.5 1.0 121996 Stonekeeper, The EN Kibuishi, Kazu 2.0 1.0 25052 EN Stonewalkers, The Alcock, Vivien 4.7 4.0 6012 EN Stonewords: A Ghost Story Conrad, Pam 4.7 4.0 900319 Stony Creek Bandit (MH Edition), The Blackaby, Susan EN 3.4 0.5 111741 Stoo Hample's Book of Bad Manners EN Hample, Stoo 3.7 0.5 89004 EN Keene, Carolyn 4.7 4.0 134356 Storm in the Barn, The EN Phelan, Matt 2.3 0.5 137598 Storm Warning EN Park, Linda Sue 4.6 6.0 50390 EN Stormbreaker Horowitz, Anthony 5.1 7.0 18893 EN Storms Simon, Seymour 5.7 0.5 9558 EN Stormsearch Westall, Robert 5.2 5.0 136236 Stormy EN Mills, Elizabeth 3.2 0.5 18792 EN Henry, Marguerite 4.7 6.0 900240 Stormy Weather (MH Edition) EN Smith, Dona 3.3 0.5 900121 Story Cloth (MH Edition), A EN Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane 2.3 0.5 900014 Story of a Blue Bird (MH Edition), EN The Bogacki, Tomek 2.3 0.5 71759 EN Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly, The Sepúlveda, Luis 5.5 3.0 61165 EN Story of Beethoven, The Ross, Stewart 4.8 1.0 Stop the Clock Stormy, Misty's Foal 900368 Story of Cesar Chavez (MH Edition), EN The Cassidy, Janet 5.0 0.5 61166 EN Story of Mozart, The Ross, Stewart 4.7 1.0 83100 EN Story of the Incredible Hulk, The Teitelbaum, Michael 7.1 1.0 139120 Storyteller EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.2 4.0 44830 EN Stowaway Hesse, Karen 6.1 11.0 31527 EN Stowaway: A Tale of California Pirates, The Gregory, Kristiana 5.4 3.0 102146 Stowaway Solution, The EN Korman, Gordon 5.3 4.0 11492 EN Stranded Mikaelsen, Ben 4.2 8.0 30555 EN Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Great...Classics), The Stevenson/Yamamoto 5.4 3.0 136271 Strange Case of Origami Yoda, The EN Angleberger, Tom 4.7 3.0 6796 EN Strange Message in the Parchment, The Keene, Carolyn 5.4 5.0 55739 EN Strange Spirits of St. Ignace Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 389 EN Stranger at Green Knowe, A Boston, L.M. 6.4 7.0 64338 EN Stranger from Somewhere In Time Chatterton, Martin/Ann 3.8 0.5 43624 EN Stranger in the Woods: A Photographic Fantasy Sams/Stoick 2.9 0.5 86 EN Strawberry Girl Lenski, Lois 4.8 6.0 390 EN Streams to the River, River to the Sea O'Dell, Scott 4.8 7.0 5442 EN Cleary, Beverly 4.8 3.0 140 EN String in the Harp, A Bond, Nancy 5.2 17.0 50951 EN Hill, Susan 2.1 0.5 194 EN Stuart Little White, E.B. 6.0 3.0 66572 EN Pennypacker, Sara 3.1 1.0 Strider Stuart Hides Out Stuart's Cape 7696 EN Sub, The Petersen, P.J. 3.0 1.0 17842 EN Subtle Knife, The Pullman, Philip 6.2 16.0 41441 EN Sugar Snow Wilder/MacBride 3.7 0.5 900321 Sukey Johnson Builds a House (MH EN Edition) Clerk, Jessica 3.1 0.5 113746 Summer Ball EN Lupica, Mike 5.3 10.0 136781 Summer Before, The EN Martin, Ann M. 4.7 7.0 900517 Summer Day (MH Edition), A EN Rogers, Charles 4.8 0.5 9990 EN Moulton, Deborah 4.6 4.0 391 EN Summer of My German Soldier Greene, Bette 5.2 9.0 49792 EN Bunting, Eve 3.8 4.0 392 EN Summer of the Monkeys Rawls, Wilson 4.8 13.0 76983 EN Summer of the Sea Serpent Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 1.0 87 EN Summer of the Swans, The Byars, Betsy 4.9 4.0 88010 EN Summer School! What Genius Thought That Up? Winkler, Henry 4.7 4.0 41443 EN Summertime in the Big Woods Wilder/MacBride 3.2 0.5 124170 Summoning, The EN Armstrong, Kelley 4.1 11.0 123353 Sun, Moon and Stars EN Turnbull, Stephanie 3.6 0.5 900219 Sun, the Wind and the Rain (MH EN Edition), The Peters, Lisa Westberg 3.6 0.5 345 EN Sunny-Side Up Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.3 1.0 89943 EN Meadows, Daisy 3.4 1.0 Hunter, Erin 5.2 11.0 Summer Girl Summer of Riley, The Sunny the Yellow Fairy 130962 Sunrise EN 112311 Sunset EN Hunter, Erin 5.5 11.0 14885 EN Sunset of the Sabertooth Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 44214 EN Super Cluck O'Connor, Jane 2.7 0.5 144671 Super Diaper Baby 2: The Invasion of Pilkey, Dav EN the Potty Snatchers 2.2 1.0 900389 Super-Dupers (MH Edition) EN Weingartner, Amy 5.9 1.0 970 EN Super Fly Guy Arnold, Tedd 1.5 0.5 102514 Super-Scary Night Thingy, The EN Rand, Johnathan 3.2 1.0 1032 EN Simon, Seymour 3.8 0.5 105889 Superdog EN Dale, Jenny 5.0 3.0 443 EN Superfudge Blume, Judy 3.4 4.0 78565 EN Colfer, Eoin 4.8 9.0 106330 Supertwins Meet the Bad Dogs from EN Space James, Brian 1.8 0.5 5302 EN Surprise Island Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.2 3.0 20094 EN Surprise Party Sachs, Marilyn 4.4 4.0 60652 EN Surviving the Applewhites Tolan, Stephanie S. 5.5 7.0 900383 Swamp Fox (MH Edition), The EN Duncan, Ross 6.2 0.5 18793 EN Swarm, The Whitman, John 5.0 3.0 9960 EN Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Hopkinson, Deborah 3.8 0.5 141 EN Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush Hamilton, Virginia 3.8 8.0 900478 Swift Girl (MH Edition) EN Dreyer, Ellen 5.2 0.5 900109 Swimmy (MH Edition) EN Lionni, Leo 2.9 0.5 Super Storms - MH Edition Supernaturalist, The 119940 Swindle EN Korman, Gordon 4.9 5.0 30556 EN Swiss Family Robinson, The Wyss/Warren 5.5 3.0 74294 EN Switch Play! Christopher/Peters 4.1 1.0 109346 Sword in the Grotto, The EN Sage, Angie 4.3 2.0 20230 EN White, T.H. 7.5 16.0 129581 Sword Thief, The EN Lerangis, Peter 4.4 4.0 900534 Symphony Weekend (MH Edition) EN Clark, Carolyn 6.6 0.5 900567 Ta-Na-E-Ka (MH Edition) EN Whitebird, Mary 4.3 0.5 73260 EN Tabby in the Tub Baglio, Ben M. 4.3 4.0 53575 EN Taggerung Jacques, Brian 5.2 19.0 78081 EN Tail of Emily Windsnap, The Kessler, Liz 3.8 6.0 914 EN Tails Are Not For Painting Wiseman, Bernard 2.0 0.5 7293 EN Ziefert, Harriet 0.7 0.5 135617 Take Two EN DeVillers, Julia 3.4 6.0 32136 EN Take Your Base (Scrappers) Hughes, Dean 4.5 3.0 70401 EN Tale of Despereaux, The DiCamillo, Kate 4.7 5.0 143919 Tale of Two Castles, A EN Levine, Gail Carson 4.3 9.0 30557 EN Tale of Two Cities (Great Illustrated Classics), A Dickens/Leighton 5.8 3.0 89012 EN Talent Show Scaredy-Pants Klein, Abby 3.3 1.0 Pennypacker, Sara 4.0 2.0 Sword in the Stone, The Take My Picture! 113967 Talented Clementine, The EN 137932 Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party EN Girl Russell, Rachel Renee 5.1 4.0 144765 Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star Russell, Rachel Renée EN 4.9 4.0 294 EN Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Blume, Judy 3.3 3.0 127341 Tales of Beedle the Bard, The EN Rowling, J.K. 8.3 2.0 19247 EN Leeuwen, Jean Van 2.3 0.5 107288 Tales of the Cryptids: Mysterious EN Creatures..May...May Not Exist Halls, Kelly Milner 8.0 3.0 5089 EN Talking Earth, The George, Jean Craighead 5.2 6.0 74702 EN Talking T. Rex, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 20139 EN Talking to Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. 4.6 10.0 21573 EN Tangerine Bloor, Edward 4.3 13.0 108270 Tangled Web, A EN Watson, Jude 5.0 4.0 114328 Tantalize EN Smith, Cynthia Leitich 4.9 7.0 65214 EN Clements, Andrew 2.0 0.5 127111 Tara the Tuesday Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.6 1.0 18794 EN Tarantula in My Purse and 172 Other Wild Pets, The George, Jean Craighead 5.4 3.0 18795 EN Tarantula Shoes Birdseye, Tom 4.3 4.0 27541 EN Tarantula Toes Lewis, Beverly 2.5 1.0 13790 EN Tarot Says Beware: A Herculeah Jones Byars, Betsy Mystery 3.9 3.0 18748 EN Tarzan of the Apes Burroughs/Woods 3.3 1.0 295 EN Taste of Blackberries, A Smith, Doris Buchanan 4.0 2.0 7647 EN Parish, Peggy 1.9 0.5 Tales of Oliver Pig Tara and Tiree, Fearless Friends Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia 83176 EN Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Peck, Richard Parts, The 4.7 6.0 346 EN Teacher's Pet Hurwitz, Johanna 4.7 3.0 20095 EN Hughes, Dean 4.0 5.0 900184 Teammates for Life (MH Edition) EN Bird, Sarah 3.9 0.5 900440 Teammates (MH Edition) EN Weyn, Suzanne 4.3 0.5 900309 Teammates (MH Edition) EN Golenbock, Peter 5.2 0.5 347 EN Teddy Bear's Scrapbook Howe, Deborah/James 4.1 1.0 80686 EN Cabot, Meg 5.2 9.0 900354 Teeny's Great Inventions (MH EN Edition) Gomez, Lucia 4.9 0.5 139068 Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf EN Sierra, Judy 2.9 0.5 84207 EN Stilton, Geronimo 3.5 1.0 147386 Ten Rules for Living with My Sister EN Martin, Ann M. 4.7 7.0 74870 EN Redmond, Shirley Raye 3.5 0.5 106296 Tenth City, The EN Carman, Patrick 5.5 7.0 900210 Terrible EEK (MH Edition), The EN Compton, Patricia 3.9 0.5 73508 EN Terrible Tractors of Texas Rand, Johnathan 3.8 3.0 18796 EN Terrible, Wonderful Tellin' at Hog Hammock, The Siegelson, Kim 5.1 2.0 119136 Terrifying Toys of Tennessee EN Rand, Johnathan 4.0 3.0 55741 EN Rand, Johnathan 3.7 3.0 918 EN Terry and the Caterpillars Selsam, Millicent E. 2.5 0.5 393 EN Tex Hinton, S.E. 4.7 7.0 Team Picture Teen Idol Temple of the Ruby of Fire, The Tentacles! Tales of the Giant Squid Terror Stalks Traverse City 72215 EN Thank You, Logan! Tripp, Valerie 3.0 0.5 64034 EN Thanksgiving on Thursday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 32433 EN That Furball Puppy and Me Wallace, Bill/Carol 3.4 2.0 7648 EN That Mushy Stuff Delton, Judy 3.2 1.0 348 EN Thatcher Payne-in-the-Neck Bates, Betty 4.6 3.0 129881 Thea Stilton and the Dragon's Code EN Stilton, Thea 4.4 2.0 127115 Thea the Thursday Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.8 1.0 900044 Their Names Will Live On (MH EN Edition) King, Carey 2.1 0.5 137599 Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer EN Grisham, John 5.2 8.0 144766 Theodore Boone: The Abduction EN Grisham, John 5.5 7.0 136601 Theodosia and the Eyes of Horus EN LaFevers, R.L. 5.3 12.0 113693 Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos EN La Fevers, R.L. 5.2 11.0 125976 Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris EN LaFevers, R.L. 5.1 12.0 1082 EN There is a Bird on Your Head! Willems, Mo 0.8 0.5 7345 EN There Is a Carrot in My Ear and Other Schwartz, Alvin Noodle Tales 2.5 0.5 5090 EN There's a Bat in Bunk Five Danziger, Paula 3.8 4.0 349 EN There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom Sachar, Louis 3.4 5.0 65316 EN There's a Map on My Lap! All About Maps Rabe, Tish 3.2 0.5 1000 EN There's Nothing Like Baseball - MH Edition Johnson, Angela 2.9 0.5 1077 EN There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Guy Arnold, Tedd 1.6 0.5 Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.6 10.0 497 EN These Happy Golden Years 900386 They Did It First! (MH Edition) EN Vega, Truman 5.9 0.5 63446 EN Funke, Cornelia 4.8 13.0 116024 Thief Queen's Daughter, The EN Haydon, Elizabeth 5.6 11.0 15792 EN Thief, The Turner, Megan Whalen 6.0 11.0 88 EN Thimble Summer Enright, Elizabeth 5.7 5.0 69262 EN Third Wish, The Rodda, Emily 3.8 2.0 11493 EN Thirteen Going on Seven Sachs, Marilyn 4.4 3.0 6798 EN Thirteenth Pearl, The Keene, Carolyn 5.5 5.0 136751 Thirteenth Princess, The EN Zahler, Diane 5.4 8.0 7294 EN Mayer, Mercer 1.3 0.5 900133 This Is Your Land (MH Edition) EN Lawrence, Anne 2.7 0.5 7295 EN Thomas and the School Trip Awdry, Rev. W. 1.1 0.5 69398 EN Thomas Edison Sullivan, George 5.4 2.0 88053 EN Thomas Goes Fishing Courtney, Richard 1.0 0.5 Piparo, Dan 3.7 0.5 900356 Three Animal Stories from India (MH Rowland, Della EN Edition) 4.4 0.5 7346 EN Three by the Sea Marshall, Edward 1.8 0.5 12453 EN Three Cheers for Tacky Lester, Helen 2.8 0.5 127438 Three Cups of Tea: Young Readers EN Edition Thompson, Sarah 6.1 7.0 102071 Three French Hens EN Palatini, Margie 3.0 0.5 Thief Lord, The This Is My Friend 900270 Thousand-Year-Old Game (MH EN Edition), The 9392 EN Three Goats, The Hillert, Margaret 0.6 0.5 102961 Three Good Deeds EN Vande Velde, Vivian 5.3 3.0 30558 EN Dumas/Vogel 5.1 2.0 117605 Three Snow Bears, The EN Brett, Jan 3.1 0.5 7347 EN Three up a Tree Marshall, James 2.1 0.5 68465 EN Thrill on the Hill Keene, Carolyn 2.8 1.0 87251 EN Thrill Ride Dixon, Franklin W. 4.1 4.0 Riordan, Rick 4.8 17.0 900427 Through a Mountain and Under a Sea Donev, Stef EN (MH Edition) 4.7 0.5 900524 Through Alexandra's Eyes (MH EN Edition) Rao, Jessica 5.3 0.5 7296 EN Through Moon and Stars and Night Skies Turner, Ann 2.1 0.5 24948 EN Throwing Shadows Konigsburg, E.L. 5.6 5.0 125149 Thump, Quack, Moo: A Whacky EN Adventure Cronin, Doreen 2.8 0.5 20068 EN Thunder Falls Ciencin, Scott 4.3 4.0 78526 EN Thunder from the Sea Harlow, Joan Hiatt 4.2 5.0 7881 EN Thunder Rolling in the Mountains O'Dell, Scott 4.6 4.0 20096 EN Thunder Valley Paulsen, Gary 3.8 1.0 127684 Tia the Tulip Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 5.0 1.0 115152 Tide of Terror EN Somper, Justin 5.2 14.0 1039 EN Hewett, Joan 1.8 0.5 Three Musketeers (Great Illustrated Classics), The 143960 Throne of Fire, The EN Tiger Cub Grows up - MH Edition 7297 EN Tiger Is a Scaredy Cat Phillips, Joan 0.9 0.5 45130 EN Tiger Rising, The DiCamillo, Kate 4.0 3.0 45935 EN Tiger Tales and Big Cat Stories Chancellor, Deborah 5.4 0.5 31073 EN Tigers at Twilight Osborne, Mary Pope 3.0 1.0 6596 EN Tigers (Zoobooks) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.1 0.5 498 EN Tight End Christopher, Matt 4.3 4.0 18379 EN Tigress Cowcher, Helen 3.1 0.5 7348 EN Tillie and Mert Luttrell, Ida 2.7 0.5 7298 EN Tim and Jim Take Off Ziefert, Harriet 1.6 0.5 20097 EN Time Benders Paulsen, Gary 3.9 1.0 10206 EN Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story Hahn, Mary Downing 4.5 6.0 58676 EN Time for Courage: The Suffragette Diary of Kathleen Bowen, A Lasky, Kathryn 5.9 6.0 30559 EN Time Machine, The Bogart, Shirley 5.4 3.0 132142 Time of the Witches EN Myers, Anna 4.7 9.0 54881 EN Time Stops for No Mouse Hoeye, Michael 5.0 8.0 19249 EN Time to Sleep Fleming, Denise 2.1 0.5 1126 EN Time to Sleep, SHEEP the SHEEP! Willems, Mo 0.9 0.5 121724 Timothy and the Strong Pajamas EN Schwarz, Viviane 2.7 0.5 9469 EN Taylor, Theodore 5.0 5.0 Smith, Geof 2.7 0.5 Timothy of the Cay 900172 Tina Finds a Way (MH Edition) EN 119334 Tink, North of Never Land EN Thorpe, Kiki 3.7 1.0 997 EN Tiny Seed - MH Edition, The Carle, Eric 2.6 0.5 118053 'Tis the Season EN Martin, Ann M. 5.4 6.0 114711 Titan's Curse, The EN Riordan, Rick 4.2 10.0 18797 EN Titanic: April 14, 1912 Duey/Bale 4.8 4.0 14854 EN Titanic Crossing Williams, Barbara 4.3 5.0 20683 EN Titanic Journey across the Sea, A Lawlor, Laurie 4.3 5.0 126782 Titanicat EN Crisp, Marty 4.3 0.5 20098 EN Tituba of Salem Village Petry, Ann 5.4 10.0 24542 EN To Be a Cowboy Taylor, Bonnie Highsmith 2.8 0.5 109868 To Be a King EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.3 6.0 720 EN To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper 5.6 15.0 900519 To the Rescue! (MH Edition) EN Neder, Bill E. 5.9 0.5 6.4 0.5 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 5.4 5.0 136284 Toads and Diamonds EN Tomlinson, Heather 5.8 12.0 960 EN Toasted Bagels Zarins, Joyce Audy 2.0 0.5 9953 EN Toby Scudder, Ultimate Warrior Gifaldi, David 4.3 6.0 1409 EN Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods That Make My Day Curtis, Jamie Lee 2.4 0.5 1079 EN Today I Will Fly! Willems, Mo 1.2 0.5 11396 EN Toll-Bridge Troll, The Wolff, Patricia Rae 2.7 0.5 900550 To the Top of the World (MH Edition) Dobeck, Maryann EN 9559 EN To Walk the Sky Path 89 EN Tom's Midnight Garden Pearce, Philippa 6.1 9.0 13648 EN Tom Sawyer Abroad Twain, Mark 6.7 5.0 900110 Tomás and the Library Lady (MH EN Edition) Mora, Pat 2.7 0.5 246 EN Tombs of Atuan, The LeGuin, Ursula K. 5.9 7.0 31065 EN Osborne, Mary Pope 3.1 1.0 900504 Tonweya and the Eagles (MH Edition) Robe, Rosebud Yellow EN 5.1 1.0 65691 EN Hawk, Tony 6.1 3.0 123743 Too Many Toys EN Shannon, David 3.0 0.5 66581 EN McNamara, Margaret 1.8 0.5 117757 Toot & Puddle: Let It Snow EN Hobbie, Holly 3.4 0.5 67076 EN Toot & Puddle: Top of the World Hobbie, Holly 2.2 0.5 10693 EN Tooter Pepperday Spinelli, Jerry 2.9 1.0 Colato Laínez, René 3.2 0.5 900405 Toothpaste Millionaire (MH Edition), Nanus, Susan EN The 3.3 1.0 114145 Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom EN Dress Ferraro, Tina 4.5 7.0 2396 EN Tops and Other Spinning Toys Stevens, Beth Dvergsten 3.2 0.5 14598 EN Tornado Byars, Betsy 3.2 1.0 900516 Tornado Alley (MH Edition) EN Burgan, Michael 5.4 0.5 900437 Tornado! (MH Edition) EN James, Laura 5.2 0.5 900494 Tornadoes (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 4.0 0.5 11449 EN Christopher, Matt 3.3 2.0 Tonight on the Titanic Tony Hawk: Professional Skateboarder Too Many Valentines 136397 Tooth Fairy Meets El Ratón Pérez, EN The Touchdown for Tommy 63892 EN Touching the Waves Baglio, Ben M. 5.1 4.0 693 EN Tough to Tackle Christopher, Matt 4.2 2.0 900436 Tourist Trap Island (MH Edition) EN Apple, Gary 4.8 0.5 5694 EN Dixon, Franklin W. 5.4 6.0 117615 Toy Boat EN de Sève, Randall 3.2 0.5 125006 Toy Dance Party EN Jenkins, Emily 3.9 3.0 30427 EN Francis, Dorothy 3.4 1.0 108832 Toys Go Out EN Jenkins, Emily 4.0 2.0 647 EN Tracker Paulsen, Gary 5.3 2.0 131453 Tracking Bigfoot: An Isabel Soto EN Investigation Collins, Terry 3.8 0.5 87483 EN Grey, Mini 3.6 0.5 101201 Trade Wind Danger EN Keene, Carolyn 4.9 4.0 5091 EN Trapped in Death Cave Wallace, Bill 4.2 5.0 20099 EN Trapped in Time Pedersen, Ted 5.1 3.0 60582 EN Trapped in Transylvania: Dracula Abbott, Tony 3.8 4.0 126713 Trash and Recycling EN Turnbull, Stephanie 4.5 0.5 13893 EN Trash Bash Delton, Judy 3.4 1.0 80501 EN Travel Team Lupica, Mike 5.4 11.0 944 EN Travels with Tess and Tim Gave, Marc 1.5 0.5 19889 EN Treasure Hunt, The Cosby, Bill 2.5 0.5 30560 EN Treasure Island (Great Illustrated Classics) Stevenson/Laiken 5.5 2.0 Tower Treasure, The Toy Deer of the Florida Keys Traction Man Is Here! 522 EN Treasure Island (Unabridged) Stevenson, Robert Louis 8.3 12.0 58920 EN Tree Castle Island George, Jean Craighead 4.0 7.0 27544 EN Tree House Trouble Lewis, Beverly 2.3 1.0 5092 EN Tree of Freedom Caudill, Rebecca 6.1 10.0 17439 EN Trees, Leaves, and Bark Burns, Diane L. 3.8 0.5 11494 EN Trespassers, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.5 7.0 900369 Trevor, Knight-in-Training (MH EN Edition) Clerk, Jessica 4.3 0.5 29693 EN LaHaye, Tim F. 5.3 16.0 145425 Trick or Treat, Marley! EN Grogan, John 2.6 0.5 13894 EN Tricks and Treats Delton, Judy 3.5 1.0 53724 EN Trip, The Keats, Ezra Jack 1.6 0.5 45717 EN Tris's Book Pierce, Tamora 5.5 9.0 900071 Trish Poodle's Bad Hair Day (MH EN Edition) Coleman, Jennifer 2.0 0.5 63024 EN Jacques, Brian 5.8 17.0 133578 Trixie the Halloween Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.4 1.0 36472 EN Trolls Don't Ride Roller Coasters Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 50166 EN Trouble at Fort La Pointe Ernst, Kathleen 4.9 5.0 24595 EN Trouble's Daughter: The Story of Susanna Hutchinson, Indian... Kirkpatrick, Katherine 4.8 8.0 105729 Trouble with Tink, The EN Thorpe, Kiki 4.3 2.0 145085 Troublemaker EN Clements, Andrew 4.7 3.0 Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind Triss 147379 Troubles for Cécile EN Patrick, Denise Lewis 4.5 2.0 5093 EN True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The Avi 5.3 8.0 16983 EN True North: A Novel of the Underground Railroad Lasky, Kathryn 5.2 7.0 9506 EN True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, The Scieszka, Jon 3.0 0.5 900477 True Talent (MH Edition) EN Lakin, Patricia 5.6 0.5 90 EN White, E.B. 4.9 6.0 142 EN Trumpeter of Krakow, The Kelly, Eric 7.1 10.0 11495 EN Truth about Sixth Grade, The McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy 4.3 5.0 6549 EN Truth About Stacey, The Martin, Ann M. 3.8 4.0 247 EN Tuck Everlasting Babbitt, Natalie 5.0 4.0 248 EN Tucker's Countryside Selden, George 4.9 5.0 32262 EN Tucket's Gold Paulsen, Gary 5.2 3.0 44730 EN Tucket's Home Paulsen, Gary 5.2 2.0 14146 EN Tucket's Ride Paulsen, Gary 4.8 3.0 900529 Tune for Lucy (MH Edition), A EN Ramos, Marina 5.2 0.5 900288 Tuning in to the Weather (MH EN Edition) Morgan, Daphne 4.8 0.5 104416 Turning, The EN Whelan, Gloria 5.8 6.0 137063 Turtle in Paradise EN Holm, Jennifer L. 3.7 4.0 948 EN Turtle Spring Hoban, Lillian 2.3 0.5 992 EN Turtles Huelin, Jodi 2.0 0.5 6597 EN Turtles (Zoobooks) Biel, Timothy Levi 5.4 0.5 15076 EN Tut, Tut Scieszka, Jon 4.2 2.0 91 EN Twenty-One Balloons, The Bois, William Péne du 6.8 6.0 Trumpet of the Swan, The 109322 Twilight EN Hunter, Erin 5.5 11.0 101659 Twilight EN Meyer, Stephenie 4.9 18.0 10262 EN Twin in the Tavern, The Wallace, Barbara Brooks 5.5 7.0 18798 EN Twins, the Pirates, and the Battle of New Orleans, The Robinet, Harriette Gillem 4.5 4.0 900397 Twisted Trails (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.6 0.5 47830 EN Twister on Tuesday Osborne, Mary Pope 3.2 1.0 900209 Two Bad Ants (MH Edition) EN VanAllsburg, Chris 4.7 0.5 83091 EN Nagel, Karen Berman 1.8 0.5 117634 Two-Minute Drill EN Lupica, Mike 5.1 4.0 47670 EN Levine, Gail Carson 4.5 8.0 900053 Two Tests (MH Edition) EN Gold, Becky 1.2 0.5 40644 EN Two-Thousand-Pound Goldfish, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 5295 EN Two Towers, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.3 23.0 296 EN Two under Par Henkes, Kevin 4.7 3.0 900387 Two Women Defying the Odds (MH EN Edition) Black, Shelia 6.4 0.5 10694 EN Kramer, S.A. 3.8 1.0 104169 U.S. Air Force Bombers EN Braulick, Carrie A. 3.1 0.5 104170 U.S. Air Force Fighters EN Braulick, Carrie A. 3.2 0.5 104171 U.S. Army Helicopters EN Braulick, Carrie A. 3.2 0.5 104172 U.S. Army Tanks EN Braulick, Carrie A. 3.2 0.5 Two Crazy Pigs Two Princesses of Bamarre, The Ty Cobb: Bad Boy of Baseball 104173 U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers EN Braulick, Carrie A. 3.3 0.5 104174 U.S. Navy Submarines EN Adamson, Thomas K. 3.3 0.5 86097 EN Uglies Westerfeld, Scott 5.2 13.0 1052 EN Ugly Vegetables (MH Edition), The Lin, Grace - MH 3.1 0.5 32681 EN Uncivil War, The Klass, Sheila Solomon 4.2 4.0 900462 Uncle Arthur's Challenge (MH EN Edition) Spirn, Michele 4.9 0.5 14927 EN Jennings, Paul 3.1 4.0 131454 Uncovering Mummies: An Isabel Soto Biskup, Agnieszka EN Archaeology Adventure 4.1 0.5 50167 EN Under Copp's Hill Ayres, Katherine 4.1 5.0 68620 EN Under the Stars Baglio, Ben M. 4.8 4.0 900157 Underground City (MH Edition), The EN Pollard, Lauren Ray 3.2 0.5 92 EN Fisher, Dorothy 5.9 8.0 143164 Unearthly EN Hand, Cynthia 4.2 14.0 132725 Unfinished Angel, The EN Creech, Sharon 4.4 3.0 78926 EN Unicorn, The Rodda, Emily 3.8 2.0 18749 EN Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh Rides Dadey/Jones 3.6 1.0 900441 Unusual Bridges (MH Edition) EN Goldstone, Bruce 5.5 0.5 77275 EN Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 249 EN Up a Road Slowly Hunt, Irene 6.6 8.0 43270 EN Carter, Alden R. 4.1 10.0 Lakin, Patricia 4.5 0.5 Uncovered! Weird, Weird Stories Understood Betsy Unwilling Umpire, The Up Country 900350 Uphill Downhill Race (MH Edition), EN The 394 EN Upon the Head of the Goat Siegal, Aranka 5.5 10.0 88683 EN Yee, Wong Herbert 3.0 0.5 143 EN Upstairs Room, The Reiss, Johanna 2.9 6.0 109050 Urchin and the Heartstone EN McAllister, M.I. 5.8 11.0 102205 Urchin of the Riding Stars EN McAllister, Margaret I. 5.4 10.0 900289 Using Science to Play Baseball (MH EN Edition) North, Emily 4.6 0.5 68989 EN Utterly Me, Clarice Bean Child, Lauren 5.5 3.0 20050 EN Vacation Under the Volcano Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 5246 EN Valentine Star, The Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.5 1.0 131183 Valentine Surprise EN Demas, Corinne 1.8 0.5 60017 EN Valley of Death Skurzynski/Ferguson 5.6 4.0 59071 EN Valley of the Lost, The Rodda, Emily 5.1 4.0 75655 EN Vampire Bunny, The Howe, James 2.6 0.5 137750 Vampire Rising EN Henderson, Jason 5.5 7.0 80082 EN Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 900046 Van and the Cab (MH Edition), The EN Cohen, Della 1.3 0.5 14851 EN Van Gogh Cafe, The Rylant, Cynthia 5.0 1.0 14443 EN Verdi Cannon, Janell 3.4 0.5 297 EN Veronica Ganz Sachs, Marilyn 4.9 4.0 32680 EN Rocklin, Joanne 3.3 2.0 McGhee, Alison 1.4 0.5 Upstairs Mouse, Downstairs Mole Vampire's Vacation, The Very Best Hanukkah Gift, The 109394 Very Brave Witch, A EN 900298 Very Cool Place to Visit (MH EN Edition), A Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.7 0.5 137345 Very Fairy Princess, The EN Andrews, Julie 3.7 0.5 115845 Very Hairy Bear EN Schertle, Alice 3.0 0.5 11496 EN Rendal, Justine 4.3 6.0 143674 Vespers Rising EN Riordan, Rick 5.0 8.0 900088 Vet (MH Edition), A EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 0.9 0.5 140780 Vicious Vacuums of Virginia EN Rand, Johnathan 5.0 3.0 54693 EN Kirwan, Anna 6.2 6.0 134902 Victoria the Violin Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 5.0 1.0 107239 Victory EN Cooper, Susan 5.9 8.0 105731 Vidia and the Fairy Crown EN Driscoll, Laura 4.4 2.0 15098 EN View from Saturday, The Konigsburg, E.L. 5.9 7.0 15828 EN View from the Cherry Tree, The Roberts, Willo Davis 5.2 7.0 59610 EN Viking It and Liking It Scieszka, Jon 3.9 1.0 24935 EN Viking Ships at Sunrise Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 900565 Viking Voyage (MH Edition), A EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 4.6 0.5 48687 EN Snicket, Lemony 6.7 7.0 900598 Violin Maker's Gift (MH Edition), A EN Chase, Elizabeth 6.3 0.5 135753 Viper's Nest, The EN Lerangis, Peter 4.1 6.0 141306 Virals EN Reichs, Kathy 3.5 11.0 Very Personal Computer, A Victoria: May Blossom of Britannia Vile Village, The 32905 EN Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 2.5 0.5 18750 EN Virtual Fred and the Big Dip Courtney, Vincent 3.3 1.0 79927 EN Virtual Vampires of Vermont Rand, Johnathan 4.2 3.0 900173 Visitors' Club (MH Edition), The EN Lechner, Judith 3.0 0.5 900563 Viva New Jersey (MH Edition) EN Gonzalez, Gloria 5.1 0.5 900140 Voice for Her People (MH Edition), A Foss, Flora EN 3.1 0.5 900183 Voice of the Sea (MH Edition), The EN Anders, Paul 2.4 0.5 34696 EN Ayres, Katherine 3.9 5.0 134289 Voices of Christmas EN Grimes, Nikki 4.3 0.5 47350 EN Simon, Seymour 5.1 0.5 900469 Vote for Me! (MH Edition) EN Otfinoski, Steven 5.7 0.5 900493 Voting in America (MH Edition) EN Otfinofski, Steve 6.7 0.5 900501 Voyage of the Dawn Treader (MH EN Edition), The Lewis, C.S. 5.0 0.5 649 EN Voyage of the "Dawn Treader", The Lewis, C.S. 5.9 9.0 5094 EN Voyage of the Frog, The Paulsen, Gary 6.0 5.0 25892 EN Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady White, Ellen Emerson 6.5 5.0 93 EN Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, The Lofting, Hugh 5.7 11.0 10695 EN Wacky Jacks Adler, David A. 4.3 1.0 939 EN Wacky Wednesday LeSieg, Theo. 1.3 0.5 596 EN Wait Till Helen Comes Hahn, Mary Downing 4.6 5.0 10696 EN McFarlane, Sheryl 4.7 0.5 Voices at Whisper Bend Volcanoes Waiting for the Whales 1099 EN Wake Me in Spring Preller, James 2.2 0.5 900602 Wakiash and the First Totem Pole EN (MH Edition) Motil, Rebecca 4.0 0.5 10299 EN Creech, Sharon 4.9 9.0 900330 Walking in Beauty (MH Edition) EN Kent, Susan 3.9 0.5 900123 Walking the Dogs (MH Edition) EN Vegas, Nadia 2.0 0.5 900008 Walking Through the Jungle (MH EN Edition) Harter, Debbie 1.5 0.5 24943 EN Walks Alone Burks, Brian 5.4 3.0 36678 EN Wanderer, The Creech, Sharon 5.2 6.0 61279 EN Wanigan: A Life on the River, The Whelan, Gloria 5.1 2.0 5095 EN Wanted...Mud Blossom Byars, Betsy 4.2 4.0 126403 War of the Ember, The EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.5 7.0 550 EN War of the Worlds, The Wells, H.G. 9.1 11.0 298 EN War with Grandpa, The Smith, Robert Kimmel 3.9 3.0 144032 Warlock, The EN Scott, Michael 5.7 13.0 103345 Washington's Crossing EN Fischer, David Hackett 9.4 26.0 106722 Washington Wax Museum EN Rand, Johnathan 4.1 3.0 7349 EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.4 0.5 144242 Watch Wolf EN Lasky, Kathryn 5.1 6.0 64485 EN Water Neye, Emily 1.2 0.5 25058 EN Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam Nhuong, Huynh Quang 6.4 3.0 68516 EN Water Gift and the Pig of the Pig, The Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 3.3 0.5 Walk Two Moons Watch Out, Ronald Morgan! 100805 Water Rescue Dogs EN Ruffin, Frances E. 4.2 0.5 395 EN Water Sky George, Jean Craighead 4.7 7.0 11552 EN Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963, The Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.0 8.0 59072 EN Way of the Apprentice, The 4.8 4.0 900547 Waylee and the Warrior (MH Edition) Levi, Tricia EN 5.7 0.5 11497 EN Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 5247 EN Wayside School Is Falling Down Sachar, Louis 3.4 4.0 129556 We Are Extremely Very Good EN Recyclers Child, Lauren 3.0 0.5 1121 EN We Are In a Book! Willems, Mo 1.0 0.5 58693 EN We Are Patriots: Hope's Revolutionary Gregory, Kristiana War Diary 4.4 2.0 2200 EN We're Behind You, George Washington Helmer, Diana Star 3.0 1.0 136415 We the Children EN Clements, Andrew 5.2 3.0 42595 EN Applegate, K.A. 4.0 3.0 123354 Weather EN Clarke, Catriona 4.0 0.5 900296 Web Wonders (MH Edition) EN Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.3 0.5 28336 EN Wedding Gift Goof, The Keene, Carolyn 2.9 1.0 85688 EN Wedding Planner's Daughter, The Paratore, Coleen Murtagh 4.9 5.0 900102 Wednesday Surprise (MH Edition), EN The Bunting, Eve 2.8 0.5 69798 EN Wee Free Men, The Pratchett, Terry 4.7 11.0 1102 EN Wee Little Woman, The Barton, Byron 3.0 0.5 Weakness, The Watson, Jude 63085 EN Week in the Woods, A Clements, Andrew 5.5 7.0 78776 EN Weeping Werewolf, The Coville, Bruce 3.9 1.0 70051 EN Weetamoo: Heart of the Pocassets Smith, Patricia Clark 5.8 5.0 65708 EN Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith, The Nobisso, Josephine 5.4 0.5 7748 EN Weird Wolf Cuyler, Margery 3.4 1.0 11498 EN Weirdos of the Universe Unite! Service, Pamela F. 5.7 6.0 6684 EN Welcome Home, Jellybean Shyer, Marlene 5.3 5.0 900193 Welcome to a New Museum (MH EN Edition) Time-for-Kids-Editors 2.6 0.5 114633 Welcome to Camden Falls EN Martin, Ann M. 5.2 6.0 900126 Well-Used Coat (MH Edition), The EN Szlachta, Eleanor 2.8 0.5 32200 EN Eager, Edward 5.0 7.0 123099 Well Witched EN Hardinge, Frances 6.2 13.0 43634 EN Wemberly Worried Henkes, Kevin 2.7 0.5 74677 EN Werewolf in a Winter Wonderland Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 10697 EN Werewolves Don't Go to Summer Camp Dadey/Jones 3.8 1.0 24585 EN West Along the Wagon Road Lawlor, Laurie 4.0 4.0 5096 EN West from Home Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.7 4.0 18799 EN West to a Land of Plenty: The Diary of Murphy, Jim Teresa Angelino Viscardi 5.2 6.0 Well-Wishers, The 144 EN Westing Game, The Raskin, Ellen 5.3 8.0 396 EN Westmark Alexander, Lloyd 5.3 6.0 50170 EN Hermes, Patricia 3.1 1.0 Westward to Home: Joshua's Diary 900284 Whale Rescue! (MH Edition) EN Edwards, Karen 4.6 0.5 59931 EN Simon, Seymour 5.5 0.5 900406 Whales (MH Edition) EN Simon, Seymour 5.5 0.5 6383 EN Whales: The Gentle Giants Milton, Joyce 2.8 0.5 6598 EN Whales (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.2 0.5 51936 EN What a Trip, Amber Brown Danziger, Paula 2.6 0.5 60583 EN What a Trip! Around the World in Eighty Days Abbott, Tony 4.2 4.0 50507 EN What Are Friends For? Grindley, Sally 2.5 0.5 900087 What Bug Is It? (MH Edition) EN Cummings, Pat 1.2 0.5 900055 What Can Meg Do? (MH Edition) EN Hood, Susan 0.8 0.5 6029 EN What Could Go Wrong? Roberts, Willo Davis 5.5 6.0 1019 EN What Do Illustrators Do? - MH Edition Christelow, Eileen 2.9 0.5 67747 EN What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? Jenkins, Steve 3.0 0.5 900081 What Does Pig Do? (MH Edition) EN Medearis, Angela Shelf 0.9 0.5 5698 EN What Happened at Midnight Dixon, Franklin W. 5.8 5.0 24543 EN What If You'd Been at Jamestown? Keller, Ellen 2.8 0.5 985 EN What Pets Need - MH McGraw-Hill 1.5 0.5 56707 EN Child, Lauren 3.8 0.5 128632 What Really Happened to EN Humpty...Hard-boiled Detective Ransom, Jeanie Franz 3.2 0.5 900120 What's Gotten Into You, Julio? (MH EN Edition) Domino, Rob 2.4 0.5 Whales What Planet Are You from Clarice Bean? 900073 What's in the Bag? (MH Edition) EN 2.0 0.5 900031 What's New at the Zoo? (MH Edition) Nayer, Judy EN 1.4 0.5 24544 EN What's New with Mr. Pizooti Kupetz, Barbara N. 2.6 0.5 5445 EN What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Fritz, Jean 5.5 1.0 299 EN What's the Matter with Herbie Jones? Kline, Suzy 3.3 2.0 32139 EN What's Up with the New Principal? Mara, Wil 4.9 5.0 1125 EN What's Your Sound HOUND the HOUND? Willems, Mo 1.2 0.5 121725 What to Do About Alice? EN Kerley, Barbara 5.2 0.5 50508 EN What Will I Do Without You? Grindley, Sally 2.3 0.5 94 EN Wheel on the School, The deJong, Meindert 4.7 10.0 64754 EN When Christmas Comes Again: The World War I Diary...Spencer Levine, Beth Seidel 5.8 5.0 Broach, Elise 2.5 0.5 117758 When Dinosaurs Came with EN Everything McGuinne, Pat 21305 EN When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Curtis, Jamie Lee Memoir of Her Youth 2.3 0.5 14852 EN When Pigs Fly Wood, June Rae 5.9 8.0 71832 EN When Pigs Fly Wheeler, Lisa 2.0 0.5 109869 When Santa Fell to Earth EN Funke, Cornelia 4.0 4.0 29508 EN When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really, Angry Bang, Molly 1.4 0.5 27928 EN When the Soldiers Were Gone Propp, Vera W. 3.5 2.0 17648 EN When Will This Cruel War Be Over? The Civil War Diary of... Denenberg, Barry 6.6 3.0 131144 When You Reach Me EN Stead, Rebecca 4.5 6.0 7649 EN Stock, Catherine 2.2 0.5 Where Are You Going, Manyoni? 45465 EN Where Do Balloons Go? An Uplifting Curtis, Jamie Lee Mystery 2.3 0.5 59358 EN Where Have All the Flowers Gone? Diary...McKenzie Flaherty White, Ellen Emerson 5.8 6.0 10698 EN Where's Molly? Waas, Uli 2.9 0.5 88156 EN Where's Nancy? Keene, Carolyn 5.6 5.0 900000 Where's the Cat? (MH Edition) EN Blackstone/Harter 0.7 0.5 145 EN Where the Lilies Bloom Cleaver, Vera/Bill 5.2 6.0 131480 Where the Mountain Meets the Moon EN Lin, Grace 5.5 7.0 95 EN Where the Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson 4.9 11.0 5499 EN Where the Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice 3.4 0.5 48260 EN Which Witch? Ibbotson, Eva 6.2 7.0 146 EN Whipping Boy, The Fleischman, Sid 3.9 2.0 5649 EN Whispering Statue, The Keene, Carolyn 5.1 5.0 1043 EN Whistle for Willie - MH Edition Keats, Ezra Jack 2.4 0.5 147 EN White Fang London, Jack 8.4 19.0 30565 EN White Fang London/Vogel 6.1 3.0 10260 EN White Lilacs Meyer, Carolyn 5.5 8.0 397 EN White Mountains, The Christopher, John 6.2 7.0 96 EN White Stag, The Seredy, Kate 6.6 2.0 83391 EN White Wolf, The Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 101956 Whittington EN Armstrong, Alan W. 4.9 5.0 7195 EN Who Comes with Cannons? Beatty, Patricia 4.8 5.0 13839 EN Who Eats What? Food Chains and Food Webs Lauber, Patricia 3.8 0.5 81587 EN Who Let the Ghosts Out? Stine, R.L. 3.1 3.0 101485 Who Likes Pancakes? EN Magee, Wes 2.8 0.5 7350 EN Who Put the Pepper in the Pot? Cole, Joanna 2.9 0.5 64341 EN Who's a Clever Girl? Impey, Rose 4.3 1.0 49428 EN Who's Afraid of the Dark? Bonsall, Crosby 1.1 0.5 900237 Who's Afraid of the Wolf? (MH EN Edition) Mills, Jefferson 2.8 0.5 126980 Who's Got Spirit? EN Krulik, Nancy 4.2 3.0 900119 Who's New in Our School? (MH EN Edition) Lawrence, Anne 1.9 0.5 9098 EN Gold, Porter 2.7 0.5 446 EN Who Stole the Wizard of Oz? Avi 3.6 2.0 900011 Who Took the Farmer's Hat? (MH EN Edition) Nodset, Joan L. 1.7 0.5 61151 EN Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros? Silverstein, Shel 2.8 0.5 7299 EN Who Wants an Old Teddy Bear? Hofmann, Ginnie 2.5 0.5 45264 EN Who Was Born This Special Day? Bunting, Eve 2.1 0.5 1013 EN Who Will Be My Friends? Hoff, Syd 1.4 0.5 7249 EN Who Will Be My Friends? Hoff, Syd 1.4 0.5 1004 EN Who Will Help - MH Edition Murakami, Mia 1.0 0.5 24545 EN Whooping Crane, The Graves, Bonnie 2.9 0.5 900005 Whose Footprints? (MH Edition) EN Yabuuchi, Masayuki 0.8 0.5 28340 EN Keene, Carolyn 3.1 1.0 Who's There? Whose Pet Is Best? 10699 EN Why Ducks Sleep on One Leg Garland, Sherry 4.1 0.5 900159 Why Lizard Stretches His Neck (MH EN Edition) Cassidy, Janet 3.1 0.5 5550 EN Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears: A West African Tale Aardema, Verna 4.0 0.5 2475 EN Why Not, Lafayette? Fritz, Jean 6.7 3.0 7650 EN Why the Sky Is Far Away Gerson, Mary-Joan 4.5 0.5 121000 Wicked Velociraptors of West EN Virginia Rand, Johnathan 4.3 3.0 80067 EN Wicked, Wicked Ladies in the Haunted House, The Chase, Mary 4.4 4.0 41287 EN Wide Window, The Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 900302 Wilbur's Boast (MH Edition) EN White, E.B. 3.7 0.5 5097 EN Wild Children, The Holman, Felice 5.3 6.0 84209 EN Wild Leaf Ride, The Stamper, Judith Bauer 2.1 0.5 900488 Wild Night (MH Edition) EN Weyn, Suzanne 5.7 0.5 134721 Wild Times at the Bed & Biscuit EN Carris, Joan 4.1 2.0 53511 EN Wild Whale Watch, The Moore, Eva 4.0 1.0 28476 EN Wild, Wild West Delton, Judy 3.8 2.0 6298 EN Wild, Wild Wolves Milton, Joyce 3.3 0.5 117047 Wilderness EN Doyle, Roddy 3.0 6.0 900335 Will Fox Ever Learn? (MH Edition) EN Chiang, Manny 3.3 0.5 900395 Will Her Native Language Disappear? Time-for-Kids-Editors EN (MH Edition) 4.2 0.5 54603 EN 2.5 0.5 Will You Forgive Me? Grindley, Sally 120768 Willa by Heart EN Paratore, Coleen Murtagh 4.2 5.0 32907 EN Bodett, Tom 5.7 7.0 121315 Willoughbys, The EN Lowry, Lois 5.2 4.0 142700 Willow and the Snow Day Dance EN Brennan-Nelson, Denise 4.2 0.5 100996 Willow Run EN Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.2 4.0 127118 Willow the Wednesday Fairy EN Meadows, Daisy 4.6 1.0 97 EN Meigs, Cornelia 6.8 5.0 910 EN Willy is My Brother Parish, Peggy 2.1 0.5 900412 Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma EN Rudolph... (MH Edition) Krull, Kathleen 5.1 0.5 136426 Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: How Greg EN Heffley Went Hollywood, The Kinney, Jeff 6.5 3.0 82908 EN Wargin, Kathy-jo 5.4 0.5 900609 Win-Win Situation (MH Edition), A EN Dobeck, Maryann 6.2 0.5 5098 EN Wind in the Door, A L'Engle, Madeleine 5.0 7.0 30563 EN Wind in the Willows (Great Illustrated Grahame/Vogel Classics), The 5.3 3.0 5099 EN Windcatcher Avi 4.0 3.0 20781 EN Windy City Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.3 2.0 300 EN Winged Colt of Casa Mia, The Byars, Betsy 4.6 4.0 8682 EN Christopher, Matt 4.3 2.0 130766 Wings EN Pike, Aprilynne 4.6 10.0 59933 EN Wingwalker Wells, Rosemary 4.3 1.0 81703 EN Winners Never Quit! Hamm, Mia 1.9 0.5 Williwaw! Willow Whistle, The Win One for the Gipper: America's Football Hero Wingman on Ice 148 EN Winnie-The-Pooh Milne, A.A. 4.6 3.0 101380 Winter at Valley Forge EN Doeden, Matt 3.7 0.5 11199 EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls 4.0 0.5 900226 Winter in the Arctic (MH Edition) EN Dow, Dale 2.7 0.5 17650 EN Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary..., The Gregory, Kristiana 5.5 4.0 82243 EN Winter of the Ice Wizard Osborne, Mary Pope 3.8 2.0 35814 EN Winter on the Farm Wilder/MacBride 3.9 0.5 398 EN Winter Room, The Paulsen, Gary 5.0 3.0 31568 EN Durbin, William 6.1 7.0 109870 Wintersmith EN Pratchett, Terry 4.8 13.0 73512 EN Rand, Johnathan 3.6 3.0 900420 Wise Old Woman (MH Edition), The EN Uchida, Yoshiko 4.9 0.5 499 EN Wish Giver, The Brittain, Bill 4.4 4.0 39907 EN Wish, The Levine, Gail Carson 3.5 5.0 98 EN Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Speare, Elizabeth George 5.7 9.0 500 EN Witch of Fourth Street, The Levoy, Myron 4.8 3.0 29408 EN Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches, The Low, Alice 2.7 0.5 9399 EN Witch Who Went for a Walk, The Hillert, Margaret 0.9 0.5 134887 Witch & Wizard EN Patterson, James 4.9 7.0 24944 EN Witchcraft of Salem Village, The Jackson, Shirley 7.9 4.0 10700 EN Witches Don't Do Backflips Dadey/Jones 3.7 1.0 Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5.7 6.0 Winter Days in the Big Woods Wintering Wisconsin Werewolves 149 EN Witches of Worm, The 6448 EN Witches, The Dahl, Roald 4.7 5.0 6850 EN Witchmaster's Key, The Dixon, Franklin W. 5.1 5.0 77287 EN Without a Trace (Nancy Drew Girl Detective) Keene, Carolyn 5.0 5.0 20100 EN Wizard in the Tree, The Alexander, Lloyd 5.4 5.0 5100 EN Wizard of Earthsea, A LeGuin, Ursula K. 6.7 9.0 900608 Wizard of Menlo Park (MH Edition), EN The Levi, Tricia 7.2 0.5 30562 EN Wizard of Oz (Great Illustrated Classics), The Baum/Laiken 5.1 2.0 525 EN Wizard of Oz/The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Unabridged), The Baum, L. Frank 7.0 7.0 59539 EN Wizards Don't Wear Graduation Gowns Dadey, Debbie 3.8 1.0 10243 EN Wolf at the Door Corcoran, Barbara 4.6 6.0 49386 EN Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales, A Datlow/Windling 5.4 6.0 84719 EN Wolf Man Stu Bites Back Martin, Paul 4.5 1.0 1014 EN Wolf, MH Edition Bloom, Becky 3.4 0.5 60404 EN Wolf Who Cried Boy, The Hartman, Bob 3.1 0.5 933 EN Wolfie Chenery, Janet 2.3 0.5 11499 EN North, Sterling 5.6 7.0 137472 Wolven EN Toft, Di 5.9 9.0 900341 Wolverine and White Elephants (MH EN Edition) Weingartner, Amy 4.1 0.5 99 EN Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The Aiken, Joan 6.5 7.0 6599 EN Wolves (Zoobooks) Wexo, John Bonnett 5.5 0.5 Dzefko, Jenna 3.1 0.5 Wolfling, The 900248 Wonder Ball (MH Edition), The EN 14699 EN Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings Guin, Ursula K. Le 3.7 1.0 146551 Wonderstruck EN Selznick, Brian 5.4 4.0 5307 EN Woodshed Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 4.3 5.0 48342 EN Word Eater, The Amato, Mary 4.5 4.0 399 EN Words by Heart Sebestyen, Ouida 4.6 6.0 900375 Work of Many Hands (MH Edition), EN The Gold, Becky 5.9 0.5 900591 Working with the Weather (MH EN Edition) Vincent, Francis 6.5 0.5 900155 World of Cats (MH Edition), The EN Wells, Larry 2.7 0.5 104496 World of Prayers, A EN Brooks, Jeremy 4.6 0.5 73324 EN Collins, Terry 3.5 1.0 104968 World's Oldest Living Dragon EN McMullan, Kate 3.7 2.0 900201 World's Plants Are in Danger (MH EN Edition), The Time-for-Kids-Editors 3.2 0.5 139659 World to Explore, A EN Kirk, Daniel 3.3 0.5 900242 Worlds Within Our World (MH EN Edition) Sintetos, Lorraine 3.1 0.5 7750 EN Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve, The Erickson, John R. 4.6 3.0 32198 EN Wrango Burks, Brian 5.2 4.0 9959 EN Wrapped in a Riddle Heisel, Sharon E. 5.0 5.0 81843 EN Wrath of Mulgarath, The DiTerlizzi/Black 4.4 2.0 900409 Wreck of the Zephyr (MH Edition), EN The VanAllsburg, Chris 3.7 0.5 20150 EN Lawrence, Iain 4.2 6.0 World's Greatest Valentine, The Wreckers, The 105862 Wright 3, The EN Balliett, Blue 5.7 7.0 32512 EN Sobol, Donald J. 4.5 3.0 900189 Wright Brothers Learn to Fly (MH EN Edition), The Julius, Jennifer 3.5 0.5 17800 EN Spinelli, Jerry 4.5 5.0 150 EN Wrinkle in Time, A L'Engle, Madeleine 4.7 7.0 350 EN Wrongway Applebaum Lewis, Marjorie 5.2 1.0 900376 Wynton Marsalis: Music Man (MH EN Edition) Miranda, Anne 5.3 0.5 133243 Wyrm King, The EN DiTerlizzi, Tony 4.4 3.0 66637 EN X Marks the Spot: Treasure Island Abbott, Tony 4.0 4.0 8550 EN Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear Namioka, Lensey 4.6 3.0 24546 EN Yankee Doodle and the Secret Society Bolin, J.J. 2.8 0.5 Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, The Wringer 900095 Yasmin's Ducks (MH Edition) EN Bottner, Barbara 2.0 0.5 44671 EN Peck, Richard 4.5 4.0 Christopher, Matt 4.0 2.0 24942 EN Year My Parents Ruined My Life, The Freeman, Martha 4.3 5.0 43754 EN Year of Miss Agnes, The Hill, Kirkpatrick 4.5 3.0 77133 EN Year of Secret Assignments, The Moriarty, Jaclyn 5.9 12.0 11500 EN Year the Wolves Came, The Rice, Bebe Faas 4.7 3.0 27927 EN Year with Butch and Spike, A Gauthier, Gail 4.7 7.0 400 EN Year without Michael, The Pfeffer, Susan Beth 4.3 7.0 900311 Yeh-Shen (MH Edition) EN Louie, Ai-Ling 5.1 0.5 Year Down Yonder, A 447 EN Year Mom Won the Pennant, The 5303 EN Yellow House Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.2 3.0 86483 EN Yellow Yacht, The Roy, Ron 3.9 1.0 900362 Yi Min and Kai Wai (MH Edition) EN Vega, Truman 5.4 0.5 14880 EN Danziger, Paula 3.5 1.0 900072 You Can't Judge a Book by Its Cover EN (MH Edition) Lau, Chuck 1.8 0.5 9630 EN Stine, R.L. 3.6 3.0 900016 You Can't Smell a Flower with Your EN Ear! (MH Edition) Cole, Joanna 2.9 0.5 67291 EN You Lucky Dog Christopher/Peters 3.8 1.0 7300 EN You're the Scaredy-Cat Mayer, Mercer 1.6 0.5 900019 Young Amelia Earhart: A Dream to EN Fly (MH Edition) Alcott, Sarah 2.7 0.5 141857 Young Fredle EN Voigt, Cynthia 5.1 8.0 100 EN Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze Lewis, Elizabeth 6.4 10.0 11750 EN Young Landlords, The Myers, Walter Dean 5.1 8.0 77134 EN Young Man and the Sea, The Philbrick, Rodman 4.5 5.0 29325 EN Young Pioneers Lane, Rose Wilder 4.9 4.0 9643 EN Your Mother Was a Neanderthal Scieszka, Jon 3.7 1.0 44224 EN Zack's Alligator Mozelle, Shirley 2.3 0.5 44225 EN Zack's Alligator Goes to School Mozelle, Shirley 2.3 0.5 6600 EN Zebras (Zoobooks) Wood, Linda C. 5.0 0.5 250 EN Zeely Hamilton, Virginia 4.6 4.0 118707 Zen and the Art of Faking It EN Sonnenblick, Jordan 5.2 7.0 You Can't Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Brown You Can't Scare Me 121168 Zen Ties EN Muth, Jon J. 2.7 0.5 86388 EN Wellington, Monica 2.7 0.5 900104 Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats (MH Earle, Anne EN Edition) 3.9 0.5 75450 EN Zippity Zinger, The Winkler, Henry 4.4 4.0 18800 EN Zoe Rising Conrad, Pam 4.8 3.0 87386 EN Zombie Zone, The Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 14700 EN Zombies Don't Play Soccer Dadey, Debbie 3.5 1.0 133351 Zoobreak EN Korman, Gordon 4.9 5.0 900331 Zoom Lens Mystery (MH Edition), EN The Brightfield, Richard 3.5 0.5 Zinnia's Flower Garden
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