ASD INTERNALAUDIT REPORT 2015-01 ProcurementCardPurchases AnchorageSchoolDistrict February25,20L5 MIJMCIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE InternalAudit Department 632W 6th Avenue,Suite600 P.O.Box 196650 Anchorage,Alaska995I 9-6650 INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT CLA,CFE,CGFM PeterRaiskums, Director (907)343-M38 Phone: Fax:(907)343-4370 E-Mail:raiskumspw M UNICIPALITYOF AruCHORAGE Internal AuditDepartment 632W. 6tnAve.,Suite600 Phone: 907-343-4438 Fax: 907-343-4370 MayorDan Sullivan Februarv 25.2015 AnchorageSchoolDistrict Superintendentand Membersof the School Board: I am pleasedto presentASD Internal Audit Report 2015-01,ProcurementCard Purchases, An'chorageSchoolDistrict for your review.A brief summaryof the reportis presentedbelow. We have completedan audit of the AnchorageSchool District's ProcurementCard Purchases.The objective of this audit was to determine whether cardholdersadheredto the Anchorage School District's policiesand proceduresregardingProcurementCard use.We also determinedwhether purchaseswere for official Anchorage School District business. This was our first audit of ProcurementCardpurchases.Our audit includeda review of purchasesmadefrom July l, 2013 to June30, 2014. The ProcurementCard programneedsimprovement.Our review of ProcurementCard transactions purchasesthat revealedinstancesof questionablepurchasesincludingsomeprohibitedpurchases, were not always approved, and purchasesmade with ProcurementCards that were not always allocated to the appropriate account code within three business days. We also found that documentationfor the purchaseswas not always maintained, users did not always record the descriptionof their purchasesand somedescriptionsdid not adequatelydescribethe itemspurchased. Further,proceduresdid not require detailedreceiptsfor ProcurementCard purchasesmade during official travel when per diem was paid anddid not includesupervisoryresponsibilitiesfor approvalof purchases.Finally, mandatoryProcurementCardtraining hadnot alwaysbeenprovidedto employees with ProcurementCards. Therewere ten findings in connectionwith this audit. Managementwas generallyresponsiveto the findingsand recommendations. i , ---) ^/-) / i l l L / ] \. _D/L /as{L__ CGFM C[A, CFE, PeterRaiskumS, Director,IntemalAudit E M u NICIPALITYOF AI,ICHORAG Internal AuditDepartment 632W. 6tnAve..Suite600 Phone: 907-343-4438 Fax: 907-343-4370 MayorDan Sullivan February 25,2015 ASD Internal Audit Report 2015-01 ProcurementCard Purchases AnchorageSchoolDistrict Introduction. The Finance Department (Finance), in collaboration with the Purchasing Department,implementedthe ProcurementCard (P-Card)program in August 2012 toprovide for the purchaseand payment of goods and services,while reducing the need for petty cash funds, employeereimbursements,low dollar purchaseorders,and vendor payments.The P-Cardprogram is administeredby the Controller, who is part of Finance.The Chief Academic Officer assistsin the P-Card administration by disseminating guidance to the schools. The P-Card Cardholder Procedures(P-Card Procedures)were implementedto provide guidelinesfor the appropriateuses of P-Cards.The AnchorageSchool District (District) usesU.S. Bank for its credit card services. wereprocessedfor Accordingto Finance,during the 2013-14schoolyearover 41,400transactions about$8.9 million. tn addition, there were over 660 active P-Cardsduring the sameschoolyear. Obiective and Scope.The objectiveof this audit was to determinewhethercardholdersadhered to the District's policies and proceduresregardingP-Card use. We also determinedwhether purchaseswere for official District business.This was our first audit of P-Card purchases.Our auditincludeda review of purchasesmadefrom July 1,2073 to June30,2014. The audit was conductedin accordancewith generally acceptedgovernment auditing standards, exceptfor the requirementof an externalquality control review, and accordingly,includedtestsof accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessaryin the circumstances.The audit was performed during the period of August through October 2014. The audit was requestedby the AnchorageSchoolDistrict Budget and Audit Committee. ASD IntemalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases AnchorageSchoolDistrict February 25,2015 Overall Evaluation. The P-Cardprogram needsimprovement.Our review of P-Cardtransactions revealedinstancesof questionablepurchasesincluding someprohibited purchases,purchasesthat were not alwaysapproved,and purchasesmadewith P-Cardsthat were not always allocatedto the appropriateaccount code within three businessdays. We also found that documentationfor the purchaseswas not always maintained, users did not always record the description of their purchasesand some descriptions did not adequately describe the items purchased.Further, proceduresdid not requiredetailedreceiptsfor P-Cardpurchasesmade during offrcial travel when per diem was paid and did not include supervisory responsibilitiesfor approval of purchases. Finally, mandatoryP-Cardtraining had not alwaysbeenprovided to employeeswith P-Cards. FINDINGS AI{D RECOMMENDATIONS l. OuestionablePurchases. Findine. Our review of P-Card transactionsrevealed instancesof questionable purchases. For example, schools purchased about $29,200 in food for staff meetings, staff training, staff breakfasts,staff lunches, staff appreciation, staff holiday celebrations,and beginning of school and year-endmeals for staff. In one case,a high school spent$2,500 for an "End of Year Faculty Lunch" using general funds. Ironically, when thesepurchaseswere made, some schoolsaskedparentsto help supply their classroomswith studentsnacks.The P-Card Proceduresstatethat purchasesmust be only for district businesspurposes,provide the district value and quality, and be necessary.In addition, the Budget PreparationManual statesthat, "Meals and food purchasesfor adults should be moderate and justified as to operationalneed." Other questionablepurchasesinclude about $3,200 for staff gifts which were funded by studentactivity funds. Thesestaff gifts included $120 for staff gift cards, $1,210 for staff shirts, and a $200 purchasefor a staff holiday party at the Beach Lake Lodge which was described as "Staff Holiday Site". In addition, we -2of12- ASD IntemalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict Februarv 25.2015 identified severalpurchasesmade from specialtystoressuch as Alaska Wild Berry Products,funded by grant funds, and Natural Pantry, funded by student activity funds. Items purchasedfrom these storescould have easily been purchasedfrom lessexpensivestores. b. Recommendation. The Controller and the Chief Academic Officer shouldremind all P-Card holders of the P-Card Proceduresand the Budget PreparationManual requirements.In addition, the Controller should establishadditional guidanceand progmm policy to define what may or may not be an appropriateexpenditureof public funds and studentactivity funds. Management Comments. The Controller stated, "Management agrees and states, 'All P-Card holders will be reminded of the P-Card Proceduresand the Budget Preparation Manual requirements. Additionally, the Finance Department will be reviewing and revising the current P-Card Proceduresand will clearly define what may or may not be an appropriate expenditure of public funds and student activity funds .' " The Chief Academic Officer agreedand stated," The Chief Academic Officer will meet with the controller to develop an overview of P-Card procedwes and purchase requirements. This will include examples of inappropriate P-Card purchases. The Chief Academic Officer will then work with the Executive Directors of Elementaryand SecondaryEducation to provide the overview to all principalsduring their divisionmeetingson March 31, April 1, and April2." d. Evaluation of Management Comments. Managementcommentswere responsive to the audit finding and recommendation. -3of12- ASD InternalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict 25,2015 February ) PurchasesNot Alwavs Documented. Findine. Documentation for P-Card purchaseswas not always maintained. We reviewed 255 P-Card purchasesand found 29 transactions,totaling $16,985,that were not supportedby adequatedocumentation.Purchaseswithout documentation included hotel deposits,teachingsupplies,and televisions,funded by studentand generalfunds, and in-flight entertainment,funded by glant funds. According to the P-Card Procedures, "The cardholder is responsible for maintaining adequate receipts for p-card purchases.The documentationretained should include sales receipts,packing lists (if applicable)and credit card transactionsreceipts." b. Recommendation. The Controller and the Chief Academic Officer shouldremind all P-Card holders to adhereto the P-Card Proceduresby maintaining adequate documentationfor P-Cardpurchases. c. Management Comments. The Controller stated, "Management concurred and states, 'All P-Card holders will be reminded to adhere to the P-Card Proceduresby maintaining adequatedocumentation for all P-Card purchases."' The Chief Academic Offrcer agreedand stated,"The Chief Academic Officer will meet with the controller to develop an overview of P-Card procedures, requirementsand the need to maintain adequatedocumentationof all purchases. This will include examplesof P-Card documentationconcernsfrom the past. The Chief Academic Officer will then work with the Executive Directors of Elementary and SecondaryEducation to provide the overview to all principals during their division meetingson March 31, April 1, and April2." d. Evaluation of Management Comments. Managementcommentswere responsive to the audit findinq and recommendation. -4of12- ASD InternalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict Februarv 25.2015 3. Prohibited Purchases. a. Findine. Our review of P-Card transactionsrevealedsome prohibited purchases. For example,prohibited purchasesincludednearly $4,200 in gift cards,equipment valued over $500, and rental agreementsfor facilities. According to the P-Card Procedures, prohibited purchases include rental payments, payments to independent contractors, payments for maintenance contracts, gift cards, and equipment $500 or greater (due to assettagging requirements).Public trust and public funds are at risk if prohibited purchasesare made. b. Recommendation. The Controller and the Chief Academic Officer shouldremind P-Card holders of prohibited purchases.Additionally, the Controller should continuesuspendingprivileges for P-Cardholderswho purchaseprohibited items. c. Management Comments. The Controller stated,"Management agrees and will continue current practices. P-Card holders will continue to be notified of all prohibited purchases by formal notice. Additionally, privileges may be suspendedfor P-Card holders who purchaseprohibited items." The Chief Academic Officer agreedand stated,"The Chief Academic Officer will meet with the controller to develop an overview of P-Card procedures, requirements and prohibited purchases.This will include examples of P-Card prohibited purchasesthat have occurredin the past. The Chief Academic Oflicer will then work with the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Educationto provide the overview to all principals during their division meetings on March 31, April l, and Apil2." d. Evaluation of Management Comments. Managementcommentswere responsive to the audit finding and recommendation. -5of12- ASD IntemalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict February 25,2015 4. Unapnroved Purchases. a. Findine. P-Card purchaseswere not always approved. Specifically, we found 2,436 transactionsthat were not approved.While someof thesewere recentP-Card purchases,many of them have been pending approval for many months and sometimesmore than a year. For example,in November 2013 a P-Card was used to purchasepizza.ln anothercase,in July 2013 a P-Card was usedto purchase firewood. At the time of our audit, thesepurchasesstill had not yet beenapproved. By not showing evidencethat the supervisorreviewed the purchases,there is a risk that unauthorizedpurchaseswill be madeand that overspendingwill occur. b. Recommendation. The Controller and the Chief Academic Officer should revise P-CardProceduresto requiresupervisorsto review and approveP-Cardpurchases. c. Management Comments. The Controller stated, 'oManagement agrees and states, 'The revision of the P-Card Procedureswill include a section regarding the requirement of Supervisor approvals of all P-Card purchases.'" The Chief Academic Officer agreedand stated,"The Chief Academic Officer will meet with the controller to consider changes to P-Card proceduresregarding supervisorapproval and the need to approveall purchasesthrough US Bank. The Chief Academic Officer will then work with the Executive Directors of Elementary and Secondary Education to provide any changes in approval proceduresto all principals during their division meetings on March 31, April l, andApril2." d. Evaluation of Management Comments. Managementcommentswere responsive to the audit findins and recommendation. -6of12- ASD IntemalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict Februarv 25.2015 t. PurchasesNot Alwavs Coded Within Three BusinessDavs. Findine. Purchases made with P-Cards were not always allocated to the appropriateaccount code within three businessdays. Our testing of 255 P-Card transactionsrevealedthat delaysin allocatingchargesrangedfrom 4 to 86 days.As noted in the P-Card Procedures,"Cardholders are required to allocate their transactionsto the appropriateaccount code within three businessdays of the transactiondate." The short time for allocating transactionskeeps the timeframe betweenpurchasespostedwith U.S. Bank againstthe District's financial systemto a minimum. This is intendedto keep the District's reporting activity as up to date as possible. b. Recommendation. The Controller should continue suspendingprivileges for PCard holders who do not allocatetheir transactionsto the appropriateaccountcode within three businessdavs. Management Comments. The Controller stated, "Management agrees and states, 'Management will continue to audit allocations on a monthly basis and will continue suspending privileges for P-Card holders who do not allocate their transactionsto the appropriateaccount code within three businessdays.' " d. Evaluation of Manaqement Comments. Managementcommentswere responsive to the audit finding and recommendation. 6. PurchaseDescrintionsNot Alwavs Entered. Findine. P-Card users did not always record descriptionsof their purchases.For example, our testing of 255 P-Card transactionsidentified 12 transactionswith - 7 o f 1 2- ASD InternalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict February25,2015 blankdescriptions. Fourof thesetransactions wereapprovedby the supervisor. PCardProcedures requiretheP-Carduserto entera brief descriptionof thepurchase to assistthe approverin theirreview. Additionalanalysisrevealed27 P-Cud transactions in IFAS with no descriptions. Moreover,whenwe revieweddatafrom the U.S. Bank websitewe found 440of 40,824transactions containedblankdescriptions. We askedFinancestaffwhy the U.S. Bank websitehadmoretransactions withoutdescriptions comparedto IFAS. Accordingto Financestaff,theytry to addmissingdescriptions for P-Cardusers. b. Recommendation. The Controllerandthe ChiefAcademicOfficershouldremind all P-Card cardholdersto adhereto the P-Card Proceduresrequiring a description ofthe purchase. Management Comments. The Controller stated, "Management agrees and states, 'Management will remind all P-Card holders to adhere to the P-Card Procedureswhich require a description of the purchase. Supervisors will also be reminded that descriptions should be checked during their approval process."' The Chief Academic Officer agreedand stated,"The Chief Academic Officer will meet with the controller to develop an overview of P-Card procedures and requirements,including the need to provide a description of all purchases.The Chief Academic Officer will then work with the Executive Directors of Elementary and SecondaryEducation to provide the overview to all principals during their division meetingson March 3 I, April 1, and April 2." d. Evaluation of Management Comments. Managementcommentswere responsive to the audit finding and recommendation. - 8 o f 1 2- ASD IntemalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict February 25,2015 1 PurchaseDescriptionsSometimesMisleadins. Findine. Some P-Card transaction descriptions did not appear to adequately describe the purchases. For example, a $630 purchase at the Snow Goose Restaurant,funded by generalfunds,was describedas "Staff SupportMid Winter." Also fi.rndedby generalfunds, a $1,575 puchase for two shedswas describedas "teacher supplies" and a $27.95 pruchasefor basketballsand 4-squareballs was described as "art supplies". Moreover, a $164 purchase made at the Simon & Seafort's restaurant was described as "Chinese Grant Supplies" and $309 of purchases at Little Caesars Pizza and Papa John's Pizza were described as "program supplies", which were funded by grant funds. Finally, other purchases were simply described as "Welcome Back Staff', "Welcome Back Meeting", "teaching supplies/activity",or "teachingsupplies/writeak".VendorsincludedFred Meyer, Carrs, Moose's Tooth, Peppercini'sDeli & Catering, and Golden Donuts. The P-Card Proceduresstate that the ". . . description should provide additional information to what alreadyappearson the transaction.The additionalinformation shouldprovide detailsto assistthe approverin their review." b. Recommendation. The Controller and the Chief Academic Officer shouldremind all P-Cardcardholdersto adequatelydescribetheir purchases. c. Manaqement Comments. The Controller stated, "Management agrees and states, 'Management will remind all P-Card holders to adhere to the P-Card Procedureswhich require that a description provides additional information to what already appearson the transaction. Supervisors will also be reminded that descriptions should be checked during their approval process.' " The Chief Academic Offrcer agreed and stated, "The Chief Academic Officer will meet with the controller to develop an overview of P-Card proceduresand requirements, including the need to provide accurate descriptions of all -9of12- ASD IntemalAudit Report2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict Februarv 25.2015 purchases.Examplesof misleadingpurchasedescriptionsfrom the pastwill be included. The Chief Academic Officer will then work with the Executive Directorsof Elementaryand SecondaryEducationto provide the overviewto all principalsduring their division meetingson March 31, April 1, and April 2;', d. wereresponsive Evaluationof ManagementComments.Management comments to theauditfindins andrecommendation. 8. ReceiptsNot Required for All Travel Purchases. Findine. Proceduresdo not require receipts for P-Card purchasesmade during travel activities when per diem allowancesare granted. As a result, the District cannot determineif unallowablepurchases,such as alcohol, were made during the cardholders'travel activities. b. Recommendation.The Controllershouldrequirereceiptsfor all P-Cardpurchases or consider discontinuing the use of P-Cardsfor items purchasedusing per diem allowances. c. Management Comments. The Controller stated,"Management agreespartially and wishes to continue using P-Cards for meals purchased using per diem allowances. Management will adopt the State of Alaska's AAM 60.220 Travel Expenses- RequiredReceiptsand Document (01-12): and requirereceiptsfor expensesexceeding$25.00. "Management will remind all employees traveling on behalf of the district of the need to adhere to the P-Card Procedures. Management will also revise travel policy and will include a P-Card section to further reiterate policy." -l0of12- ASD InternalAuditReport2015-01 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict February 25,2015 d. Evaluation of Management Comments. Managementcomments were partially responsiveto the audit finding and recommendation.Without receiptsthere is no assurancethat funds are not spentfor unauthorizedpurchasessuchas alcohol. 9. MandatorvTrainins Not Provided. Findine. Mandatory P-Card training has not been provided. Staff from the ProfessionalLearning Departmentstatedthat P-Card training occurredin August 2012, when the P-Card program began.Sincethat time, no other training has been provided. The P-CardProcedwesrequiremandatorytraining prior to receivinga PCard and every l8 months thereafter. b. Recommendation. The Controller should ensure that the mandatory training requiredby the P-CardProceduresis provided. c. Management Comments. The Controller stated,"Management agrees partially and states, 'The P-Card Procedures will be rewritten. The current mandatory training requirement at 18 months will be replaced with more concise directions for employees to undergo training at their discretion on an as needed basis using the ASD-Tube instructional videos. As the district has employees at 90+ locations this method will allow users to train in their own office locations at a time that works well with their schedule.Management feels that training every 18 months is no longer necessary as the majority of P-Card holders have been actively involved in the program since inception and are comfortable with the instructions that the training videos provide.' " d. Evaluation of Management Comments. Managementcommentswere generally responsiveto the audit finding and recommendation. -llof12- ASDInternal AuditReport201541 Procurement CardPurchases Anchorage SchoolDistrict February 25,2015 10. No DocumentedProceduresfor Apnrovinq Purchases. a. Findine P-CardProceduresdo not includesupervisoryresponsibilitiesregarding the approvalof P-Cardtransactions.For example,no proceduresexist specifring when P-Card tansactions should be approved and what to look for when approvingP-Cardtansactions.Someof the audit findings identifiedin this repo4 suchasallocatingchargesandprovidingtansactiondescriptions,couldhavebeen addressedby supervisorsif they had beentold what to look for in the P-Card Procedures. b. Recommendation. The Conholler should revise the P-Card Proceduresto establishthe appropriateprocessto approveP-Cardpurchases. c. Manaqement Comments. The Contoller state4 "Management agrees and states, 'The P-Card Procedure will be revised to include and establish an appropriateprocessand timeline for Supervisorapprovals.o'o d. Evaluation of ManasementComments.Managementcommentswereresponsive to theardit finding andrecommendation. Discussion\ilith ResponsibleOfiicials. The resultsof this audit werediscussedwith appropriate Distictofficials. Audit Staff: BrendaPefla,CFE -12of12-